"Forex Trading For Financial Freedom" Navin Prithyani | Trader Interview

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Welcome. Back everyone I'm signal, today with Nathan Fillion in heaven thank you for welcoming me in your home, Thank You Brooke I love it it's a beautiful place and we thought will you do a second, interview today we did if she wants before one. Last year I came to, your place again we talk about protection, I will link that below if you if you guys wanna check it out we did one after all so how to plan your success, which. Was really loved by people here in the channel and so, today I wanna talk about something that you are very good at which is how. To trade, to get more freedom I think that's the goal a lot people want to have so. For people not doing you I thought tell people who you are what you do and a bit about learning about yourself okay. Um well. You. Know obviously my name is Naveen pretty Ani I'm. A, senior trader at forex watchers calm, and a. Mentor. An educator, at urban Forex calm, and. CEO, of liked our Investments Limited in, Hong Kong so. So. You know that's my background and. Yeah. I think that question that you asked about freedom. To. Me. Maybe, that word is a little bit unique because a, lot. Of people get into this industry thinking, this is a way out but. To actually do this successfully you. Got to go all-in instead. Of a little. Bit in to look for a way out it's it's sort. Of like an oxymoron it, like it's controversial, like it doesn't work that way that's, my experience obviously, so. Yeah. I think, there's. A lot of hard work that needs to be put in. Because. You. Know you, know you can go to college you, can graduate, from high school you can get a job and make some money then. You can go, to a university, get a bachelor's degree you can make a little bit more money you can go get a masters make a little bit more money a PhD, a lot more money but, then in forex there's no such thing as if I learn a little bit more I'll make a little bit more money it's, either you make money or you, don't it's, basically, you go straight PhD, or you don't like you don't make any money at all so there there, is no if, I learn a little bit I'll make a little bit of money there's no such thing as that it's either you make it or you don't you know so I think. When. You look at it in that respect if there, is no I'm gonna have. Acid, now I'm sorry for using that word you can't have it you know yeah that's. A good point and I think it's, something like you mentioned the fact that you have to go all in so it's kind of a different shift in your lifestyle, to like you might be more free to, travel do whatever you want have some fun like, you've been traveling else recently which is pretty, cool so. Tempo about a little bit almost. Travels, and everything you do well. Traveling has been you know a passion of mine since I was child so, you know that that didn't, come from the work side of things but you. Know trading. In general, helped me to do that you. Know it's not it's not a bad thing I don't look at them as connected, but, at the same time it's you know I also feel blessed that because, I'm a trader I have the ability to travel, a little bit more easier, because I don't, need to sign a piece of paper saying, can I take a week off three, months from now you know like so I do, have that a, little bit of flexibility, there but. Yeah because. Trading, is more internet-based I'm very. Very. Conscious. About where I'm going based on time zone in terms of you. Know where are you gonna trade and it does a time zone line up with when you're awaken alive you know you. Don't want to do it in the middle of the night when you're really tired or exhausted so. I'm, very conscious of that yeah, and, one.

Thing That I think I've noticed for myself over time is that the more discipline, and effort you put in trading the, more freedom you can have so, it's like it's like the opposite like people expect, to gain freedom but they have. To put in more work to gain freedom like you mentioned earlier yeah, and and, you know as. If we're being honest here that's what how I got in thinking, this is my way out and then, it turned out to be quicksand, and it got dragged in more and more and more at the point where I'm like I was, working eight hours a day at my other job you, know I was working for a bank before and, now I'm doing close to 20 hours a day four hours of sleep and doing this over and, over I mean I don't trade like that anymore but I spent. So much time into, it that I, don't, think the. Average newcomer. Who comes to the industry realizes. That there. Is no mid grounds, you actually, have to, go. All in I don't. Know that word just keeps coming into my mind oh all you got to go all-in with all your might all your energy you. Got to use all your background, up when someone said you can't do this you've got to bring that energy in there as well you whatever, you have to do to get that fire going and saying, I'm gonna do this whether it takes one year ten years fifty years and. You come with that mindset of I got a push so. Yeah, and, there's no looking back yeah and I fully agree with that for sure because I haven't new you saying this is like a sacrifice, mode that you have to go through sometimes when. You start not, like forever but when you start right and that is a record for anyone so what was that face for you of like, trying, to make it work why, did you have to do exactly to make it work. Well. For the longest time it was the knowledge part right, you. Know my first, phase was I don't know what I'm doing as. Much as I'm doing it I don't know what I'm doing so it's like even if I'm sitting here 20 hours a day if, I'm, if I don't know what I'm supposed to do then, I'm just wasting. Time right. It's like going to the gym you practice the wrong way it's actually gonna be harmful than hurt and you know then beneficial but, so, I was putting, in a lot of hours my mental, capacity, thinking if I put in a lot of hours I'll get the benefit from it but, you can't do it if you're doing it the wrong way and. Obviously. There's not one, single right way there's multiple ways but I kept, putting in the hours doing, the research looking for techniques, and strategies, what works best and how basically. What can I do that will always make money and never lose so, that was my mental state, at that point when I started then, came to Phase two when I did have an idea of what I need to do then stage two was a psychological, barrier of can. You do this regularly. Can, you do this frequently can you do this bigger right. Because that's the next stage is like okay. You know if you understand, how the markets work then why are you trading, one mini lot. Step. Up your game show me so, that inner voice keeps, battling, you saying you know what's the point of trading, one meaning la tène come on like do your standard Lots and. Then that's the next psychological, barrier that you have to overcome that. Because. Up. Until certain point money has, a story, behind it right like you. Know if you say I made $500, today's to some people that's rent to some people that's shopping, money to some people it means nothing, but. It may has a meaning right, that that number has a meaning to many people so in the beginning you have to go, to the psychological, barrier to remove the meaning, from the number that, this is just a number it doesn't matter so. That, part was hard for me because as, an. In university, I had no not much money to myself and, every, penny counted, so every. Time I made a loss I actually felt it like God that that, meant, that that's my rent or that's my food, and you know so I really felt it so. That, psychological, barriers like the next phase that you have to overcome really. Curious here because that's something that I see a lot people have trouble with the money mindset if we couldn't call it hmm so how did you kind. Of shift that how do you learn. That money was something that you could like.

That, You wanted to attach to how. Did I supply, well. I I don't know how that shift happened but I do know that that was a big barrier in my life it. Was a huge huge factor in my life because you know you're bombarded with. You. Know especially in college right you're like if I graduate, I'm gonna get a job with. This much salary now. Whether someone says your salary is 30,000, 50,000, or 100,000. It's just a number but, what that means to you right like 30,000, means this, is my house this is my car this is my shopping fifty, means this is my house this is my car this is my shopping, so. When you when you think of it in that sense. That. Stuck, with me I would say for more, than five years where. Money, up, to twenty twenty-five thousand dollars had meaning. And. Breaking, that barrier I couldn't, break it so my, hack was I'll move to India because. $25,000. Goes a long ways in a place like India but. After. A while I start to realize you know that's that's not a way out that's just cheating, life basically like you, have to break the barrier of the, number means nothing, it's just a number, and. Then pushing, through that so, that that was a tough part for me I would say even tougher, than learning. What to do correctly. And. I think this is why some people say that what counts is not like the gold the result you get but the thing is you've built over time the thing like how you change with time we, need a few goals right, right so so you know and, I get that a lot too when when, students ask me that, okay Naveen what's the perfect strategy what do I need to do and then, I'm like you know what even if I gave you the exact, thing that I do I'm sure you can't do it yeah, you know and in the beginning they don't understand, what that means and that's normal and they're not supposed to understand what that means because they don't have any exposure to, there's. A different angle to it yeah so when you get strategy, that's supposed to be right you got to put in the time and hours, of, it's. Like an archer if he has to pull the arrow, back and shoot it I can, explain that to you just hold the archer like this pull the arrow back let go your goal is to hit the middle middle, dot that's the perfect strategy, but. Now can you do it that's, that, pulling, it back that feeling that stretching, of how much should I pull and all that stuff that's very difficult to master, and that takes some time to do. It over and over and over it so the strategy, is that's you need to do but. The experience, is now let's do it 500 times yeah. What, happens is people go, they look for the strategy they, take the strategy and when, it doesn't work the third time they quit hmm, that's, the part is the hardest one that I've seen time and time again that people need to persevere. This. Is not an industry where, you can call it quits change, your major and then good luck and you'll get a job somewhere else it's not like that you have to persevere so I. Was going to ask you like where are places, where people fall when they apply like so let's see you give them a strategy short where did they fall is it when like, being consistent, with it so doing it all the time or is it something else they, fall in the idea of understanding risk, see, so in the beginning and, this happens to me too so I know please. Put me in the same category of, enough that yeah in the, beginning the, mindset. Is only focused on opportunity, you're, only looking for work and I make money where can I make money instead of which is much, later as an experienced, trader your your objective, is where, can I not lose money see. This two difference, is one is trying to protect your money the other one's trying to say can I make money the where can i make money attitude, actually gets. You into every, trade good. Ones and bad ones, and the bad ones because, of psychology, in the beginning will overrule, the, the good ones so you're losing, trades will become bigger than your winning trades and that, cycle is very dangerous so. Getting, to that point where you need to realize you got to protect, your money instead of you. Know make the money, or. Looking for opportunities, time and time again that needs to be there needs to be shift in thinking yeah. So that's a major shift for most people like when they get this yeah they completely. Change right right, yeah awesome, you, are one of the I, would say one of the best people I know when, it comes to explaining protection. How strict are section I think just look for that stated, cheaper section online but they don't really don't or they don't know what to explain it how to do it her name, is Jessica sees of action which they can't really put down explained so.

I Kind of want to hear what is your training process exact what does it look like trading. Cross section for you, okay. Um well, I I do a lot of trend. Pull backs I need momentum, I need the markets to be in a flow I can't, trade dead markets, so, you won't see me trading you know between, the u.s. closed and asian open I don't do that so if I don't scalp, I'm not looking for can. I make a quick buck and then cross my fingers yeah so I'm not doing that I'm looking for more of a strategic. Planned. Execution. Where. I can sit back and say okay. I'm, in the trade I've done the best I could and now the markets, gonna tell me now, the markets are gonna tell me if I'm right and doing. It over the years it's sort of like you have this connection with the market and the market basically, guides you through them like it's, a little bit different today you ready and if, you're not focused enough you're gonna be like but, I'm just gonna do whatever I normally do and that can get you because, the market, slightly, tips and changes, on, a day to day basis, so you'll never get the same trade ever again so, when it tells you that little different story you need to be so aware and focused that well. I see, it's a little change am I, ready for that can, I do this and is. It gonna cost me money so. That's. That's, how I approach, price, action it's just being a little bit more focus it's, about understanding where, the market is when you start to trade and, kind of being like under saying what you do from there yeah so there is for, me there's levels, of trade. Right so there is the preparation, phase which is very, very important, you you can't. Skip. That if you, feel you're in a trade and you don't know what to do next, preparation, has failed you got to go back to that it's not how you do the trick it's preparation. It's failing there so you got to master the preparation, phase then. If you know what trades you have to take because you take the trade but then the trade runs away without you then it's the second phase which is you've got a you got to master your entries, how. Do you time it to, get it just right. Then. The next phase is once I master, the entries my. Profits, are still low but my losses are high but my entries are good then. You have to master trade management how do I learn, to stay in the trade and stay. With the trade as long as a trade allows me to stay in it with it rather than panicking, and saying but, this is where I should exit or this is my stop-loss I made enough money look at the dollar amount and close you know that. Part you have the control and then the fourth fourth, phase is obviously recapping. The whole thing and saying can I remember, this to do it all over again if I see it again so, these four phases are equally, important, and not one should be overlooked, yeah, and, that's a huge process is it probably that given years to master and be able to execute right yes. And. You, know you'll, actually up and you see a lot of students come to you and they'll go through these phases and a lot of them will tell you have a problem with the entering, part and then, they'll measure the entering part but, they'll still not be making money because they don't know what to do after they enter because once they enter the brain goes blank like you. Know what do I do now do, i do i where, do i exit and how, should i exit or is it just always 30, pips take profit or 40, pips take profit you. Know yeah so it can't be a fixed number and you need to let the market tell you how much you can write it mm-hmm so.

That's. That's that's the fun part I, think of. The journey and to learn all these little little steps to make sure you. Master each stage yeah, yeah and being able to adapt so I would love if you can because obviously we are in charge now but if you can show people. What that looked like on a chart actually, really helpful sure sure so if you want after, this interview I can. Show, you on my screen we can record it if you want. So guys we'll put the link below for that we'll, create a page special for an event can explain to you what, it's doing and how it looks at the market so we'll put that on the side but check out the link video that, should be the first thing to put that. Description, and stuff if you can wash it you, just have to go through that link and watch that after the interview if you want yeah. It's. It's gonna be more based on that human psychology part, that we discussed in our previous interview. So. Maybe this time I can show it to you on a chart and it might be a lot more it's. Easier to understand if it's visual right obviously so, yeah, yeah. Yeah we can definitely do that awesome no problem I remember, the first time we talked with we discussed a little bit of travel, like that you are traveling you had these routines that you were doing on a daily basis can I get back on track sure and trace and there was some days we didn't trade because we were travelling sometimes right I want, to hear from so for someone that wants, to do this like almost. Full time which, is like traveling and trading how. Should they organize themselves to be able to do it or any things that they kind of have to plan first or can. They just like leave in travel and then keep. Trading at the same time how. Do you see this actually, you bring up a very good point about that should they leave and travel I think that should never be done like they can't just just leave and go because especially if it's your if you're new to traveling, you're so excited about the travel that you can't focus on trading so you obviously want to do the travel, and trade part, once. You've travelled a bit already, without the pressure of trading, you got to travel a bit until it you become numb to it a little bit where it's like normal and. Then you can travel and trade because you need full focus and trading there is no half-assing. It right like you gotta be all-in you gotta be all-in so, you. Know what I'm about to say it might sound a little bit weird but I look, at it in two different ways and this is me this is you know personal to me I'm just gonna explain how I how, I look at it I, look, at trading, and who I am as two separate things okay. If I wake up in the morning and I don't feel 100% in, my a game or I feel tired or lethargic, after a meal or anything like that I can't, trade even, though I might you know in my mind I have the best strategy in the world I can't do it it won't work because, my. Physical, body is and. My mental state is not ready for it right, so. Getting into that mindset, of, you're, here, you're, gonna conquer, and you're gonna win, requires. Some energy in, the mornings, went before he said or before you sit down to trade you gotta get into battle mode basically right. So. Once. You get the mind ready then you are looking for now is there an opportunity that, has low risk available, for me you, need those two aspects, together so, when you're traveling and trading you, might get the opportunity, but you yourself might not be ready I don't know if that makes sense yeah for, me that makes sense a lot because there are days where like you don't want to trade bro you you feel like you're not in line. With what you should do right those days are tough so is. It a rule for yourself look like you don't trade those days or you find a way to get you get yourself back in the zone I try, to get myself back in the zone but it doesn't happen all the time yeah and those days I don't trade it's it's almost like you want everything, to line up in your brain right yeah your mind your trading and, your opportunity, everything needs to line up perfectly like okay now I can trade yeah so it's sort of like that but, if I don't have those things lined up there. Is. There's. A feeling of I'm gonna. Lose today because I can, feel I'm, not on my a game or, at least the first few trades are gonna be losses yeah so. And. This thing with there are this like this where I feel the same about sometimes. Turning but sometimes just business, and work and, I force myself to work sometimes but then I make mistakes right, in my trading I'm more like disappearing of like I don't trade oh I just like do something different but.

When. I work it I mean mistake with that so it's good I think a really good way to kind of stop and reflect back and just. Take a step back to maybe come back the next day better, yeah or form and, and I think that's very important, yeah you know whether you you you, know you think of this as a New Age mumbo jumbo, of, meditation. And all the stuff whatever it may be in the past they called it being in the flow today they call it meditation, you. Want to take it ancient times they say focus you, know whatever. Label. You give it throughout time it's just a matter of being there, for. Your charts right so, if. You can get. That to a point you know you're there. Then, then, trading will become a little bit more easier for you because you can notice the little subtle changes in the market that you need to adapt to hmm. So and, how would that look like for you what we do to get to that level you, mean like physically like if I'm doing some kind of like yoga. Just. Like I, I don't sighs III, do stretching, I don't do yoga I do, I do meditation, sometimes. Twice a day if need be, there. Is a little trick that I do if. I'm not in my a game and I, still trade, and then I lose and. Then I win and then I lose and I still feel not in my a game but, then I I use the power of you know sleep, come, back the next day and see if you're okay because, the sleep breaks the emotional, cycle when, you sleep in your wake up but if you sleep and you wake up and you're rican flicked it with the same emotions, from yesterday you're, in trouble you know there's something wrong in your life that you need to fix regardless, but if, you sleep and you wake up when you're like I feel good now emotions, are all gone, you know then. You can sit down to trade sometimes. Even that doesn't fix it for me so what I do is, then I start to wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning okay. I do that and I start my day at 3:00 the whole city is sleeping you obviously you know see the skyline here it's, like a billion people in front of my eyeballs here but I wake. Up when the whole city is sleeping, and I look at it like the world is now in my hands and I. Need, to really, do what I need to do everything's quiet there's no noise everyone's. Sleeping and. Then. I get back to my rhythm so I might wake up in the morning and still not feel it and I'll play video games three. O'clock in the more he'll play video games just, to relax or do something or I'll take a long, shower and, then, go hot hot shower cold shower hot shower culture just to like spark, the body wake up wake up you know like focus. And. Then, I get back into my a game so I'll do that for like a week I'll wake up at 3:00 go to bed at 7:00 wake up at 3:00 go to bed at 7:00 I'll. Do that until I get my rhythm or mojo, back if you want to call it and. That works for me that's my my, personal approach. To it yes, so so. Something people would track perhaps they. Can it was the final folks work what, for them absolutely, absolutely, everyone's unique you-you-you know I can't say this, works for me so here's a blueprint copy that's exactly it's gonna work for you maybe it won't you know so you. Can definitely try it and see if it's for you yeah something. Goes with adding strategies, and trading so I look people that we talked about before they want to copy what you do right I want to copy what I do sometimes right right and I forced them to kind of adapt, the strategies or decides they learn to them right right, have you seen new students kind of adapt what you teach them also to themselves, and how did they, do it exactly um I noticed most. Unfortunately. Most cannot, adapt, so. I actually make, my courses, in such a way where I forced them to adapt. You. Know sounds. You know communist, but. But. You. Know I I do it in a way where it's. Subconsciously. Happening, you know I love. Teaching as well so. It's, sort of a thing I incorporate. So it's not all about do you have the knowledge can you teach that knowledge to a point where how. Much time, how how quickly can you turn that student to be like got, it aha you know like that I just had my moment I understood what he's saying so. I take that upon as a challenge as well like how how, fast can I turn that aha, moment, so. Yeah. I I forced, them I forced them by delaying, the next course I first them by saying I, need, to see some examples I, force them in all different ways where.

Many. Times I'll teach backwards, well, I'll start with something complex, and I'll work my way backwards and then when they get the basics they're like oh it, all makes sense, now I can see why the advanced. Of you. Know how it all fits in like a Lego piece so. Yeah. If you you know so. That's, my approach to it yeah, and I think you would have a good a good, way to teach people going, to explain the concepts that people understand, pretty quickly from, what I've seen in the past I could be pull that folder. Your course that we shot to me they understood like a lot of it or everything pretty much I hope, so I, hope. So otherwise I'm. In trouble yeah, but. I, have, I would say I have the world's best students they're, the nicest people on the planet and they're very they're very intelligent and they grow fast and you. Know I couldn't be much prouder than you. Know being their mentor or you, know slowly also a colleague because their levels were getting really high very quick so. I'm happy, to be to know them at, a personal level as well so yeah, that's. Pretty awesome and usually earlier, today, that you were working. With Apps now with technology so I kind of want to know how these, days use, after, technologies. Together. Are there things that like you think anyone, would need to use sure. So you. Know everything. That I you, know create, is something I need personally, and, then we obviously release, it to the world if see, if they want to use it too and they can a. Lot. Of my days you. Know start with what, is the larger player doing I can't, trade, if I don't know what the big boys are doing right you want to call the big boys bank hedge funds whatever, the name you want to give it I want to know where the focus in the world is so. I use a specific currency, strength meter that which we've developed, we call it the FX meter it's on the iOS store, and. What. That does is I first had it built just for me I want to see at a single, glance of where's the money flowing and this, is not just an indicator, measuring this thing we use our in-house techniques, on how to measure this stuff so I have a, colleague, who wakes up every morning and he looks at every single chart 28 pairs any hand picks how, the markets, are reacting based on everything I've taught him and he, says okay today the focus is on US dollar okay. And then once we spot that then. It's like okay all energy. It's like a lion, sitting, behind the bushes just looking out and it's like you, can see a whole bunch of animals but, you want that gazelle, right.

Because You know that's the target today it's, the same thing I know I use that app as a, as I'm traveling I don't want to open up and look at everything one by one so we streamlined. It and I had my colleague do this for me and I'm like okay every, morning I look at the app it, tells me an idea of what my focus needs to be on and. That gives me a good 30 I would even say 40% edge, on the. Rest of the world because, I pick trades now that, have a very, very high chance of when. And very low chance of being, riskier, or spiky, trades so, those are the worst right you're in the right trade and it spikes you out and then it still goes and you're like what just happened. It's the, misunderstanding. Of where the flow of money is you, need to understand what the flow of money is then you can avoid spikes as well. So. That's kind of being able to use something even in your cell phone where you could do it anywhere you want and still. Get the data. Absolutely. It's pretty big right right. So I have it on my fingertips, and obviously, you know I don't need to do it myself every time if I have a colleague do it so it saves me a lot of time so I wake up in the morning I can trust it information because it comes from my, teachings, to, my colleagues so I'm like okay that data is, pure. Data that I can rely on it's not an indicator that's just following the market mm-hmm you know so I need, that do. You ever play stress on your cell phone oh it's always on other computer, I. Place. Trades on my cell phone all the time I exit, from my cell phone all the time but. But I, don't. Do, this. Please. Do not do this it, is something I, can, say I graduated, to but I do not recommend anyone do this you need to see the whole picture you got to be in front of your screen as appealing. As it looks to trade. On the go trade, on the fly trade from the airplane, it's. Fine it's great for social media but, it really is you. Want to make money sit, behind a computer nicely. Look at the charts get a full understanding without, any distractions. And then, saying okay now I know what to do I can. Do it on my cell phone as I'm going to 7-eleven. Or something I don't know but but you got to get the picture in your head first of what, wine what needs to be done and, that needs to be no distractions, so.

Those Times in the past I was extinct, trade or I think just my cell phone was like this and emotion like in the moment was so obviously, a move and it would run enter yeah and that's usually not the right trade you want to put in correct, absolutely. I agree with that 100% it's, all, those trades that I've done without knowing on my cell phone cuz it looks good I would. Say 9 out of 10 times I've lost 9, out of 10 times maybe, nine point nine out of ten those. Are horrible trade horrible, horrible but if you're organized you have your things you look for and everything there could be a good process to be able absolutely, absolutely then, your cellphone is your buddy yeah yeah then you want to you know it's good to keep track, it. Here's a little tip, I can share, with you guys I share it with my senior members um what, I actually do because, I do a lot with the flow of money and maybe, I can even share it with you guys when I show you on the screen what I do things so. What. What I do is sometimes, let's, say I'm you know the Tiger is focusing on US dollar today and if, I'm focusing on US dollar and I know the, entire US dollar group is moving in a certain way euro USD a certain way pound USD certain way USD and certain way you see Swiss franc certain way you, get the idea the whole US dollar is moving in a certain direction and, if, I say I'm gonna trade pound USD, what. I do for my exits, I set alerts throughout. The entire US dollar group the. Moment my cell phone starts vibrating the, alert start going off I'm like it's, time to exit because the entire group is reaching a level of support and resistance that. It's going to bounce so. I don't look for that just what what I see on pound USD, but, I look at the whole group as a collective, but I don't watch it to get psychologically, sucked in I put, alerts, on all of them and then I walk away and then I wait till my you know whether I'm watching TV or I'm talking or at handling business when. My phone starts buzzing one, buzz I don't. Care two, three buzzes simultaneously, side by side okay, exit exit markets, are getting active, everyone's gonna start jumping in now I will start exiting because I can sell to them I can. Start exiting so that is a very quick hack on learning, how to exit, without emotionally, getting involved mm-hmm, I can relate to these deaths like the park using notification, and alerts to your advantage what I've been using awesome the past year right, very useful so yeah totally agree with that it's, it's soft point it's awesome technology, doesn't, cripple us it can actually make you stronger and yeah you need to learn to embrace it, if, you. Know you, accept it you. Guys make sure you check this out below the link for the video will record about the charts and that's gonna be super useful, I'm sure, novena is always gonna give a lot of value a lot of tips that you didn't share before even so that's always awesome and, I, want ask Nevin is there anything we didn't talk about you like to mention anything, that you kind of maybe, in the past year or any, breakthroughs. You had this past year that you, want to share with people well. As far as breakthroughs, were concerned, I made it second time on your interview so that's obviously good right. Third time actually at third time so. That's obviously good that's a breakthrough for me and I love, being on your show it's. Great you're a great person to talk to and do an interview with so it's it's. Always fun and especially seeing you in person also flying into Bangkok and meeting, in person it's always great so it's great.

You, Know the. Only thing we've done I would say from our last interview we did a year ago with you. I told, now it's uh you, know we released a little bit more courses we did a money management course you know remember I discussed about how do you gotta get get rid of that psychological, barrier of what. Does money mean so. I've actually taught, money management, without numbers. You. Know that, as weird. As that sounds and you know yeah. People get shocked by money, management I'm not gonna do that that's like mathematical. Stuff you. Can actually hack it because you need to understand why so, I go deep into the why give you some techniques on how you should look at your charts in a certain way using, money management and, we. We hacked through the psychological, barriers, as well so it's money management mixed. Together with psychology, around money so. We released that recently, and, then obviously the FX meter app on the iOS store it's, also coming out on Android soon so. You, know these are the latest things we've done so far triple, changes yeah so how can you find you that using okay equity go chart after this interview they want to see what you're doing, so, urban. Forex calm would be the best place to to. Reach out to me if you want to email me its Naveen at urban Forex calm as, my email, address you can reach out to me we're. Doing, an event, in Thailand. In April, we rented, out a entire, resort, in Koh Samui so, we're having some students fly in there so. That's that's gonna be a great time to gather around. So. You know you're welcome to come with you or if you're in town, it'll. Be fun and. Yeah. These, are the best these, are the fastest way to reach me and urban, Forex calm as, the website but, if you want to get a hold of me personally then. Naveen at urban forex.com awesome. And you've been doing a lot of stuff I had Stewart reach out the past year from you I got, your courses once your training in the guts a lot of results so we're, happy about it yeah, that's awesome which is awesome we have it's probable that we teach, a good self and teach things that you can apply oh I've been doing an awesome job with that for sure oh thank you thank you thank you you mean the students, that the feedback you're getting yeah yeah okay the students yeah oh great I'm, glad, to hear my awesome. So thank you very much I appreciate thank, you I woke. Up soon we'll do search might.

2019-02-18 16:23

Show Video



Very useful video, thanks !!

Where can I get Navin’s fx strength meter? Nice vid btw

He is not selling a strategy or a miracles course to be a millionaire, he is teaching how to learn to read the market... but you need to do your part, if you are not able to crack the cookie... then go and do something else. This totally works for me and I highly recommend it.

+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE My best regards from The Philippines... SALUDOS!

Awesome to hear from you! Glad you liked the interview

Merci, très intéressant parcours et vraiment chic de nous le partager.

Content que ça t'ai plu!

Great podcast Etienne Crete. Navin is among the best of the best.

I agree!

Thanks E great Q&A Navin is very open and positive. He shares what he has learned through his experiences trading.

What's your biggest takeaway from this interview? Don't forget to unlock Navin's strategy video: http://bit.ly/2IbSjpY

What currency strength meter does he use ? I watched the free training on the website I couldn't seem to figure it out. Also this is great actual quality content well put together Thanks !

Ok thanks, I'll be waiting...+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE

Thanks!! Navin built his own app I think. I'll try to him get back to you

Fx is not for retail investors

i love that. To succeed greatly in forex, you have to go all. in. The way out, is in! Trading is my primary passion, not travel

Good for you :)

The time as you will wait 7 weeks as this course released every week 10 - 15 min short Videos So you will wait and wait till the end till u find the truth On courses I waste my time and my money for nothing. During course he will sell you another to master then another then another. He indirectly suggests this, then after 7 weeks he suggests you come and buy 4cb ( 6 months course ) over $900 to improve your trading !!!!!! A lot of USD I lost without anything No strategy no plan nothing, good videos will make you happy but never make you consistent trader

Before you allowed to join Forex Watchers you have to purchase first several courses from Navin. After you finished his MPA course he makes you to buy his 4CB than his MADR and finally his WTOTAY course. On the end you have spend $1,492 for all his courses. If you still have some specific question you don’t get an answer, instead he will ask you to join his ForexWatchers Elite Community or his 1on1 couching that would be again $1,495 - $5,495 for the elite community or/and $20,000 - $35,000 for his 1on1 couching He is teaching nothing new, everything what he shows you can find for free in the Net. He only gives everything a new fancy name and tries to let it look like he has developed something new or special. He gives also no specific strategy I saw at the member’s area people who asking for refund but everybody has been refused. So don’t think that he will refund you if you don’t like his course as he promises. If people leaving some bad comments at his FB or You Tube he will delete it. Trust only the reviews on ForexPeaceArmy or any other independence sites which he can not manipulate. So, in my opinion he is only a good salesman trying to sell as much as he can to finance his silly show-off Trips around the world, flying 1.class and hang up in 5 Star hotels just to show everything on You Tube or his FB sites. No serious mentor would do that. Now he is even announcing a new version of MPA V2 for 2018, does he really believe all his victims buying his BS again? I highly recommend stay away from Navins courses. Don’t waste your time and money. If you want to learn Price Action search here at FPA or any other forex sites to find a serious mentor who will teach you PA for free or at least for a fair price to become successful.

Hey Etienne,Wonderful Interview with a Wonderful person,PLEASE have an interview with Zed monoply too,He day trades stocks,And is quite profitable,Doesnt Wanna sell you courses,He makes alot from daytrading,Please if you can,Plan an interview with him,A Request :D Lots of love ffrom pakistan

Thank you for the comment! I'll do some research on him first.

Surely Navin is a great trader. I attended his recent webinar on S&R and it was just his usual best. Thanks for bringing him to the Podcast, Ettienne.

That's awesome Malik! Glad you got a lot of value out of the webinar!!

I always enjoy listening to Navin, he shares his experience, and you always end up learning something new every time.

Oh definitely! It has been the same for me

finally!!!! The trade examples don't work Ettienne

Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE perfect

Check the link in your email after you sign up!

Mindset and focus like any mastery take time and effort to achieve good results and outcome. He makes this most important point. The rest is risk management and technical competency at sizing plus the law of big numbers the closer your edge is to breakeven.

Great takeaways! Thanks for sharing!

Whose who says Navin makes any money or not. I am a member of forex watchers this guy makes handsome amount of money week after week, and he also shared live trades in the public webinars, check that webinars on urban forex facebook page.

Navin=Exodia! Etienne congratulations on what you managed to get out of The Mentor :D. I know Navin is so supportive, and in every video tries to give away some nugget, but still..Job well done! Thank you!

The man Navin Prithyani himself. Thankyou Navin for making me, No one in the world teach trading better than Navin. Gauging momemntum, V formation, test phases, landmines, Correlation. Everything is up to the point. Thanks Navin I am able to turned 6k into 100,000k in just a 4 months.

+Cyril P I took nearly 10,000 trades on simulator. I test different setups thousand times on simulator and in the live market when my setup is printed it is okay to go for big money. What the millionaire/billionaire do? They wait for the perfect opportunity in every business and they go really big. Like I risk 10 in one trade and made 20 percent, then 15 percent risk in next one and 30 percent return. It only took me 34 trades to make 100k. It's easy it's not difficult,but the priority is you must be master in your type of setups. No one in the world should better then you in your type of setups.

Did you not get taught about risk management? Nearly a 1600% return, you must be taking some insane risks...

Prove it. Verified results, let's see.

kudos to you Bro.....

What about his performance?? His profits? Does his way of trading work? Has he executed his strategy? Where is the verified track record?

i agree spamming 5-6 times wtf! Look on his facebook reviews. Social proof !!!! highest 5 star review rate in the industry probably. Use your brain instead on commenting 5-6 times on here dude ! Don't take my word for it go take a look! Let me tell you something he's the most down to earth and humble mentor in the industry. Back off MF. If you cant recognise realness when you see it you deserve to be scammed and fail! The level of disrespect man damn... is there any need

Have some respect and instead of spending your time with these bullshit comments , try to show some hardwork , maybe one day you can be also like him ;)

Why is he in Bangkok? If he has a Ltd Co in Hong kong? Who's running the business?

See my comment below. I have 2 year profitable track record on myfxbook and have 450 clients

Main question should be... who are you?

It is a personal choice , do we ask where do you live , why you live there? He is living in bangkok because he can live wherever he wants he earned it ... He can have a ltd in Hongkong because he can have ltd company wherever he wants..(Also it does not mean because he has ltd in hongkong he must live in hongkong.. but people like you will always stuck in those questions..

Why does he travel? With whose money? Because of his forex career? I don't believe this shit at all

By the by why r you here ??? with your shit comments ???....don't be judgmental.... Don't you know why many people love / live with FX ?? Freedom (travel a lot)....don't you know this small basic ?? If we are in FX / Trading world....should give respect to who is part of it (this is basic).....

"Why does he travel?" Did you really ask that question? What's wrong with you? So a counter question would be why wouldn't he travel? Just because you cant doesn't mean others shouldn't.

Outside the Box HK hater!

who cares about his title or his ltd company. What about his performance?? His profits? Does his way of trading work? This is a SCAM!! He ran away from Hong Kong because people we're pissed off at his scams

@outside the bokes Hk,Bro watch his recent webinar,He has shown live trades along with his entry and exit live with his profit statements,I am sure your queries will be answered there...

+Michal Nechme show them then

+Michal Nechme true man.

Haha mad unsuccessful kid, what's your deal? Have you ever tried his techniques? They do work as they are based on human psychology. He sometimes shows his live trades and results. He goes in depth and explains why things work the way the do

Great interview liked it :)

Can you tell me who is the best robot in the forex

this guy again?? I've seen him teach. Now where is his trading? his track record? do his strategies really work?

Just stumbled into your channel mate love the content! Big up

Hearing Navin saying the power of sleep would help in your trading ,that really hits home for me because I suffer from sleep apnea hypertension and insomnia which is so frustrating. which is holding me back from becoming successful , from what I've learnt in the mastering price action course

Awesomee Navinn

Thank you for bringing him man.. you r awesome too..

Glad you watched this, Henri!

i love these interviews, you are a good interviewer mate seriously !

Thank you very much :)

Jameson and Black Label on the side.

Haha just to give it a nice touch

Haha thank you!

Super glad you liked it!!

The app is called FX Meter and here is the link : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fx-meter/id1286671384

So true. I trade the futures market and what you said totally resonates with me.

+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE always both you and Navin are true to your word, and have lived what you are talking about.

Absolutely! Glad you watched this, Bruce!!

+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE I use android I think the Fx Meter app is only for Iphone Apple users . thanks you though

+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE Thanks will check it out

Awesome to hear from you, Malkeet!

My pleasure Simeon! Glad you watched this!!

+Malkeet Singh Can we talk on WhatsApp? I wanted some information. If you don't mind.

+XorcisM- yup

+Malkeet Singh Hey you trade from India?

Glad to hear that! Thank you :)

There's no best robot. You're better to use only the robot you fully understand or have created yourself.

question: if we all pull together, do you think we can stop Mr. "Eat, Sleep, Trade" Jason Bond to friggin ruin our youtube lifes???

After two years of trading I discovered that few people can do it

That's true... like in almost anything worth achieving in life!

gotta automate this guys strategy so he doesn't have to worry about big meals.

That's awesome to hear!!

Let's make this happen

+Grant Amsberry Ok thanks will try to keep my eye out for it because I know it will be a help to me

+Klarenxe Blood It is supposed to be out on android soon.

thats awesome man, risky but cool i like it. i was in forex watchers for a lil while myself, got all the courses. im curious would you be able to tell me how you set your charts up on trade interceptor? armand style? how long did it take to do 10k trades? i really think im gunna give this a go, my win rates bin hurtin latley. +Malkeet Singh

You have to go all in. It's not easy to be a laptop lifestyle trader.

Hey Etienne is this link really working?

The link should work :)

The interview is just spot on good job

+Klarenxe Blood It can help but, remember that it is just to help with confirmation. Navin has a video that shows you how he does correalation.

Malkeet Singh hmm what do you mean? Just reading the momentum and winging it?

+alex mcphie Hey Alex on interceptor I focused more on the story not rely on the V formation or test, It took me 4 months to master my skills on interceptor. I play 6 hours on a simulator every day.

As far as I know, the consciousness that I am witnessing of myself ius causing me tro ask: "What am I witnessing?"

There is alot of value to absorb from these videos. Keep up the good work! Since i am into writing, and the idea of starting a blog has been on my mind for a while, i was wondeirng if there is any possiblity of us doing bussiness togheter? If so, could you share with me your email so we could do further discussion about this

Glad you liked that interview :)

Wow... you know it’s crazy. Ever since I changed me routine 12 months ago I sleep 5-6 hours. The crazy thing is I don’t even need an alarm! Some days I want to sleep more but my body just won’t let me. I’m not sure if that’s a good or bad thing man.

You don’t even have to crack the cookie though that’s the thing. He has reversed engineered his brain. Used the basic simplest phrases so people can understand. He takes you step by step literally, explaining every single little detail basic to advanced in-depth!with support too...You just gotta stick to it apply it all, change and adapt.

Hey he is my mentor in Forex And Everytime I watch him It feels Aahaan Movements Every Time

Danny Crisp I can relate I’m falling asleep everyday at work it’s really not healthy

Danny Crisp I can relate I’m falling asleep everyday at work it’s really not healthy

+Quy Nguyen I feel so sorry actually I'm in the same of boat I am bit over weight but it's hard tying to loose it when U r so tired all the time it's being stuck between a rock and a hard place

Awesome interview so much nuggets in this video thanks!

That's awesome

He's just too good ☺

Agree with you

Navin is the greatest of all time. I'm fully behind him and have full conviction and yet all contempt for any who disagree.

link don't work

'The lion looks out and sees all the animals, but he wants the gazelle.' I've applied this to other areas of my life, but never to trading. What an aha moment!

Salaam (peace) Hi Etienne Crete. One of the most insightful, informative and natural interviews I have ever watched. In addition, the decor is exquisite! I will search for your other interviews with him after watching this one. In Sha Allah Merci!

Excellent! You'll love the other interviews!

Awesome to hear :)

Absolutely! Great to hear from you

Links should work... Or just email support@desiretotrade.com and we'll give you access.

Awesome content

seatch best ea there are 2 really good EA but be careful not to get your account spoofed

this is the most interactive trading tips video ever !!! i really got a lot of value from this video thanks a lot bro

My pleasure!! You'll be able to see more interviews here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwmpbNUnTt6gL4jdULaMVuMi24O8KPZqw

Excellent interview and very relatable! I trade Minis currently as it is more appropriate to my capital, then I plan to trade the bigger size lots with prop firm qualification program.

Awesome :)

HellO Nice to know that at least you are true........ not a fake. Do u believe there is auto EA to trade can make one profitable?

Thanks etienne and navin ji for wonderful entry and exit videos. Keep making this kind of videos. Love from india.

Yes but there's still work involved

He looks like that dude from sneaker complex

That's a way to do it... personally I prioritize sleep because I perform better this way.

You can't base your opinion of a trader on 1 prediction. The market is random and trading is only a numbers game...

I think you guys are not watching his strange forecasts at FXStreet in the last 3 weeks with GBPUSD? He was COMPLETELY WRONG. He is a good talker and has a good marketing for his products. But how good is he trading? From where do you know this? Did he ever answer you a question to a special market situation. Why is he just talking about his videos? I am sorry, but everyone in the world can do this! There are many guys on the market, who want only to sell their video courses and products. And believe me...I know his courses and I know from what I talk!

+Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE Where did I say, that I make my opinion only to 1 prediction? I wrote here, that I know the courses of NP and I asked you, if he ever has taught you something in a special market situation or if you only saw his videos with staged situations from the past. Because in his courses his co-workers are not allowed to teach people from current market situations. And you should not ignore this fact to make a complete picture of a trader and if a trader makes his money with trading or only with selling courses. I told you only my experience with his courses, nothing else! It's very easy for Navin Prithyani to analyze trading in the past and you should know this too, if you are a trader. And he is doing nothing else than this in his courses.

Real great interview with a great trader.

Absolutely agree

There's no doubt that price pattern repeat itself. But what ever testing method you use, the market does what it wants. The point is, the outcome of each trade remain unknown. What balance everything is how you manage your risk, so don't conclude a traders skill by just watching few of analysis that hit sl. ☺.

+Salisu Danbaba Backtesting is one of the most useless things what you can do as a trader. You should test your strategies in demos and forward testing, not in backtesting. No software can be so exact to consider every market condition, also spreads. There is no software which can do this for you.

+René N. Also when I said "any mentor", I mean those who actually teach what they trade, not those people flashing expensive stuff on YouTube telling you that you can make 100% return monthly.

+René N. if the past has nothing to do with the future, then in your opinion why do pro traders backtest ?

+Salisu Danbaba I took this course too and I disagree, that any mentor can teach you to trade. The past has nothing to do what will happen in the future, never forget this! And btw if a system did work some years ago, this does not mean, that it will work now and in the future! And videos do not substitute a practical and personal trading course with a mentor who is teaching you.. If you think, this is the best way to learn trading by watching videos, then I have to disappoint you.

+René N. if you can't analyze the past, you can't as well analyse the future. I took the MPA course and it's worth it. Any mentor can teach you, however been consistent is completely up to you. ✌

Yess E, another great interview, you really pick the right questions to the right people

Thank you Emile! I'm glad you liked this :)

Very good

Thank you :)

+René N. No lol. The course is "Mastering Price Action" not "Mastering Forex Market"

+Salisu Danbaba So you think, that Navin Prithyani showed you everything about Forex in his MPA course?

+René N.Yes, to understand forex better, you need to read further from other reputable traders. Mark Douglas, Al Brooks, Steve Nison etc......

+Salisu Danbaba Read further?

Of course you'll need to read further.

+Salisu Danbaba Exactly! So you will never master Forex Market with watching only these videos, as this guy is telling you. The problem is indeed, that he says in his videos "You will never need another course". This is a wrong promise in my opinion.

Great stuff about the physiology side of trading.

watching 6th time , addicted

That's amazing! Remember the key is in repetition!

Great stuff about the psychological side of trading.

Awesome, Nathan!! Glad you liked this video!

+Salisu Danbaba This is absolutely not true. Did you buy all his courses? You will pay over 1000 EUR for this, and you know, that Elite Community is not even included there.

+René N. Well, I can't change your opinion of him. But personally, I think he's good and his courses ain't expensive as you say ☺.

+Salisu Danbaba But please, don't call Prithyani a reputable trader, ok? He takes too much money from the people for less knowledge, which you can get everywhere in the internet. And his Elite Community is a big joke. This is why he charges people who are buying his courses extra when they want to be in the Elite Community. If he would like, that his students get better in Forex, he would never ask for extra money there. But his goal is simply to make money as much as possible.

Navin is the Best, Thanks for the video.

lol that's hilarious, it's so true.. it gets addicting and you do end up trading more hours than you used to work. But yea, that is just at the start, you learn as you go how to prepare properly so you can still manage your trades without the insane amounts of hours in-front of the screen.

That's a big lesson to learn, Kurtis! Good you liked this interview!

Didn't this guy play Ross Geller in the Indian version of FRIENDS

I'm glad you liked that interview!!

I don't think so :)

@29:34 I believe the strategy he is mentioning is called basket trading. I found that this method is very useful.

Seller A recommend Seller B then Seller B recommend Seller A. They each introduce the pool of customers from the other one. No one has actually skin in the game and they will never ever provide the evidence that they are largely above break even, which would obviously skyrocket their selling if it was the case, why not use the best tool for advertising? Always use common sense in life guys, do you think someone highly skilled like a profitable trader needs to sell T-shirt make ends meet? If you deactivate ad-block you will see the advertising. Even a con artist can interview genuine people like Jim Roger. Don't feed those parasites. Cheers.

That is not an argument, as he can't argue against the truth. Buy your T-shirt in Bangkok and sell them in G8 countries is what you decided to do in order to enhance your finances sound very far from the guy who is so skilled that he is able to share valuable knowledge in probably the most difficult way to make money that is trading. Other evidences are all inside the videos, keep common sense guys. Capitalism can work perfectly here, vote with your money, let him look himself in the mirror.

It's always easier to criticize than to accept. Thanks for the comment.

The mac daddy , where I started my trading and the man that got me to where I am today :) the man that started all of it for me , I was so fuqqqing lucky that I learnt the basic from him:) coool dude and a fuqqqing great teacher , great laugh and a great man to get fuqqqed up with :) loves a tipple

Navin taught me years ago probably 2012 of how to draw support and resistance the right way! This is the first time to see a picture of him!

The Gentleman and the Genious, Also he's humble

Awesome to hear

bro your channel is LIT!!

Thank you

Etienne Crete and Navin Prithyana, i really appreciate all the great information. Thanks guys

Dear naveen thanks for a great vedio! can you please make a vedio on forex trading for indian citizens, and how to trade in pairs like Euro/USD, USD/GBP etc.(legal issues, nationality issues, loopholes, brokerages)


Excellent !!!

Hello Navin! The most humorous mentor. You're the best! I will always remember this phrase "Aha moments" )) . You know what I'm talking about.

Glad you liked the interview

Glad you liked that video!

Damn this guys is a realist no fake shit no bullshit. Thank Navin God blessed keep it real all the time.

Preparation phase then entry phase and recapping phase... that is the key, its all about the process Thanks Mavin and for your effort Etienne

Glad you liked that interview!!

very good man i enjoyed learning from him in this little session its time to hit the markets


Awesome! Glad you liked that interview!!

no offence but you resemble a pig im sorry had to get it off my chest

love this trader... NAVIN is AWESOME ---especially love when Navin gets real and pours a wiskey during the teach session. THANKS NAVIN... Thanks ETIENNE

Glad you liked that interview. Thanks for the comment :)

@Salisu Danbaba This is absolutely not true. Did you buy all his courses? You will pay over 1000 EUR for this, and you know, that Elite Community is not even included there.

@René N. Well, I can't change your opinion of him. But personally, I think he's good and his courses ain't expensive as you say ☺.

@Salisu Danbaba But please, don't call Prithyani a reputable trader, ok? He takes too much money from the people for less knowledge, which you can get everywhere in the internet. And his Elite Community is a big joke. This is why he charges people who are buying his courses extra when they want to be in the Elite Community. If he would like, that his students get better in Forex, he would never ask for extra money there. But his goal is simply to make money as much as possible.

@René N.Yes, to understand forex better, you need to read further from other reputable traders. Mark Douglas, Al Brooks, Steve Nison etc......

@Salisu Danbaba Read further?

@Salisu Danbaba Exactly! So you will never master Forex Market with watching only these videos, as this guy is telling you. The problem is indeed, that he says in his videos "You will never need another course". This is a wrong promise in my opinion.

@René N. No lol. The course is "Mastering Price Action" not "Mastering Forex Market"

@Salisu Danbaba So you think, that Navin Prithyani showed you everything about Forex in his MPA course?

@Salisu Danbaba Backtesting is one of the most useless things what you can do as a trader. You should test your strategies in demos and forward testing, not in backtesting. No software can be so exact to consider every market condition, also spreads. There is no software which can do this for you.

@René N. Also when I said "any mentor", I mean those who actually teach what they trade, not those people flashing expensive stuff on YouTube telling you that you can make 100% return monthly.

@René N. if the past has nothing to do with the future, then in your opinion why do pro traders backtest ?

@Salisu Danbaba I took this course too and I disagree, that any mentor can teach you to trade. The past has nothing to do what will happen in the future, never forget this! And btw if a system did work some years ago, this does not mean, that it will work now and in the future! And videos do not substitute a practical and personal trading course with a mentor who is teaching you.. If you think, this is the best way to learn trading by watching videos, then I have to disappoint you.

@René N. if you can't analyze the past, you can't as well analyse the future. I took the MPA course and it's worth it. Any mentor can teach you, however been consistent is completely up to you. ✌

@Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE Where did I say, that I make my opinion only to 1 prediction? I wrote here, that I know the courses of NP and I asked you, if he ever has taught you something in a special market situation or if you only saw his videos with staged situations from the past. Because in his courses his co-workers are not allowed to teach people from current market situations. And you should not ignore this fact to make a complete picture of a trader and if a trader makes his money with trading or only with selling courses. I told you only my experience with his courses, nothing else! It's very easy for Navin Prithyani to analyze trading in the past and you should know this too, if you are a trader. And he is doing nothing else than this in his courses.

@Quy Nguyen I feel so sorry actually I'm in the same of boat I am bit over weight but it's hard tying to loose it when U r so tired all the time it's being stuck between a rock and a hard place

@Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE always both you and Navin are true to your word, and have lived what you are talking about.

@Klarenxe Blood It can help but, remember that it is just to help with confirmation. Navin has a video that shows you how he does correalation.

@Grant Amsberry Ok thanks will try to keep my eye out for it because I know it will be a help to me

@Klarenxe Blood It is supposed to be out on android soon.

@Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE I use android I think the Fx Meter app is only for Iphone Apple users . thanks you though

@Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE Thanks will check it out

Ok thanks, I'll be waiting...@Etienne Crete - Desire To TRADE

Thanks , Etienne! Good interview. I love this: every successful trader mention meditation, being calm and asertive, good sleep, etc!

I'm glad you liked the interview, Jeremi Kossak! Thanks for the comment!

@Dansa Inc. This is absolutely not true. Did you buy all his courses? You will pay over 1000 EUR for this, and you know, that Elite Community is not even included there.

@Dansa Inc. But please, don't call Prithyani a reputable trader, ok? He takes too much money from the people for less knowledge, which you can get everywhere in the internet. And his Elite Community is a big joke. This is why he charges people who are buying his courses extra when they want to be in the Elite Community. If he would like, that his students get better in Forex, he would never ask for extra money there. But his goal is simply to make money as much as possible.

@Dansa Inc. Read further?

@Dansa Inc. Exactly! So you will never master Forex Market with watching only these videos, as this guy is telling you. The problem is indeed, that he says in his videos "You will never need another course". This is a wrong promise in my opinion.

@Dansa Inc. So you think, that Navin Prithyani showed you everything about Forex in his MPA course?

@Dansa Inc. Backtesting is one of the most useless things what you can do as a trader. You should test your strategies in demos and forward testing, not in backtesting. No software can be so exact to consider every market condition, also spreads. There is no software which can do this for you.

@Dansa Inc. I took this course too and I disagree, that any mentor can teach you to trade. The past has nothing to do what will happen in the future, never forget this! And btw if a system did work some years ago, this does not mean, that it will work now and in the future! And videos do not substitute a practical and personal trading course with a mentor who is teaching you.. If you think, this is the best way to learn trading by watching videos, then I have to disappoint you.

very well thought out

He's just using key levels or zones on other USD pairs as a guide to exit on GBPUSD as they tend to all move together. Basket trading is something altogether different.

Really interesting interview, and great additional video by Navin

I'm glad you liked it, Jason!

Greed & fear overrides strategy and knowledge in the beginning.

Glad you liked the interview!

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