[ENGSUB] 少爷与我的罗曼史 第11集 | A Love So Romantic EP11(杨志雯、叶盛佳、虞书欣、赵天宇主演)

[ENGSUB] 少爷与我的罗曼史 第11集 | A Love So Romantic EP11(杨志雯、叶盛佳、虞书欣、赵天宇主演)

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♫ When I see your smile, I'll flush. ♫ ♫ When I hear your voice, I'll be infatuated. ♫ ♫ I like peeping at you. But you don't know it. ♫

♫ You sound noisy. My heartbeats echo yours. ♫ ♫ I can't help protecting you no matter how noisy you're. ♫ ♫ I like peeping at you. But you don't know it. ♫ ♫ Do you miss me or not? ♫ ♫ I just won't tell you. ♫ ♫ Do you love me or not? ♫ ♫ This is a secret. ♫

♫ If you play it cool again, I will be angry. ♫ ♫ I have to admit you're the only one I care about. ♫ ♫ You're my great miracle. ♫

♫ The dearest you in the world. ♫ ♫ You're my destined one. ♫ ♫ No one is prettier than you. ♫ ♫ Will you stay with me forever, dear? ♫ ♫ I want to say gently, I will. ♫ ♫ I want to say loudly, I love you. ♫

A Love So Romantic Episode 11 Cheng Qianyu visits Gu's Mansion for the first time. Su Xiaowan inevitably gets jealous. Yuan Shuang! Yuan Shuang! Yuan Shuang! What's wrong? Are you OK? Ah? Nothing serious. Just a cramp in the mouth. Mom, why are you here? Come here. Take a seat. You must be tired.

Have some tea. It's late at night. Where did you go? Oh.

Some faraway friends visited me today. We had dinner and chatted with each other. So we forgot the time. Did you have a good time? We didn't talk about other topics. Just about our conditions these years. So strange! We haven't seen each other for years.

But we could still talk a lot. But they didn't remind you that it was too late so you should go home. They don't deserve to be your close friends. Ziqian.

In my eyes, You are a clever, sensible and intelligent boy. Yes. Never do anything stupid. Don't let me down. Sounds reasonable.

Fine. One important thing. Tomorrow, Miss Cheng will visit Gu's Mansion.

You should treat her nicely. Understand? Miss Cheng belongs to my brother. None of my business. Why are you so stubborn? Catch this chance to treat her nicely. If you fall in love with each other, we can rely on Cheng's power. Mom.

You know me clearly. I don't like girls from rich families. They're boring and troublesome. Right? So what's your type? I'll bring her to see you. You've found one? Not yet. Brat! Come on.

It's late at night. Go to bed early. OK.

Let me see you off. No need. Yuan Shuang. OK. Madam, mind your step. Madam.

What? What did you see? Madam. You won't guess what I saw. Interesting.

(Wanzhao Loft) Miss. You're awake. Yes.

Qiu Xiang. Yes. Why do I have a headache? Miss, don't you remember that? You bumped your head against the door when you came back to your room last night. What? - Really? - Yes.

Why am I feeling cold? Maybe the windows are open wide. I'll close them soon. OK.

I feel like something unusual happened last night. What? I don't know. What incident? Waner.

Yes. I heard you caught a cold yesterday. I bring you some chrysanthemum tea. OK.

Thanks. Here you are. By the way, why didn't you join us yesterday? I didn't find you. So I went home directly. Oh.

I heard that Miss Cheng is coming. Mom asked me to have a look. Shall we go together? Miss Cheng? Which Miss Cheng? Just that one. The girl invited by Grandma.

I'm ill. I won't join you. Go there on your own. You... You're seriously ill. They'll hold a banquet to welcome her.

Shall I tell Grandma? I can help you decline it. Yes. Well... I'm seriously ill. I won't see you off. Leave on your own.

Bye. Miss. Your lie doesn't hold water.

He's not silly at all. I want to find a place to hide myself and escape reality. Although Miss Cheng and Young Master are childhood sweethearts, she hasn't build a love relationship with him.

What you did just raises the morale of the enemy but destroy our prestige. Hey. Do you know the complexity of the relationship in big families? It's your first time to meet her.

You can't lose without a fight. I... Fight against what? Don't you see that I'm ill? Miss! For the lifelong happiness of Young Master, you must face Miss Cheng bravely.

What are you doing? Qiu Xiang! Qiu Xiang! Qiu Xing, listen! I'll let the manager dock your salary! Raise the morale of the enemy but destroy our prestige? Ridiculous! Come on. Just have a look. I won't have any loss. Hey.

Ah. Doing what? Dr. Ru! I specially come here to see you. What? What's the effect of my Antialcoholic Elixir? Why do you know that I'm here? Hey.

Yanxi has told me your story. I have many advantages. The first one is a tight tongue. What's the effect of it? Tell me, be quick! It does have an unusual effect.

Really? Hey. How did you feel after taking it? I felt... She's coming! Brother Yanxi. Hey. Hey.

Do me a favor. What? Have you seen that girl? Try to take off her veil later. Then I'll tell you.

A piece of cake! I'll make it. Come on! Yanxi. Hey, it's a coincidence. Ru Ying. Why are you here? I'm going to the drugstore in the south of town. I just passed by.

So I greet you. Is there any drugstore? There's a new drugstore in the south of town. I have to go. OK. Bye.

Ouch. Ah. So pretty! Oh. Thanks. Thanks.

Thanks. You're welcome. You look familiar. Could you tell me your name? Qianyu.

He's my good friend, Ru Ying. Dr. Ru. Hi, Dr. Ru.

I'm Cheng Qianyu. Chang'e drinks jade-like sweet wine. Dancing in plumage like thousands of lotuses.

Qianyu. Qianyu. A good name. It's...

My "yu" means speaking. Speaking. Speaking. Beauties wear beautiful ornaments on their heads.

They walk past the crowd with laughter and fragrance. A good name. Really a good name! Brother Yanxi. Let's go in.

OK. Grandma must be anxious. Ru Ying. We have to go. OK.

A good name. Hi, Young Master. She's not only a girl from a rich family, but also very beautiful.

Hey! Why are you here? I came in secretly. To see you. See me? Yes. I forget to tell you the effect of the drug.

It's totally useless. You made a fool of me. Hey! Nothing serious. In the process of developing new drugs, failure is inevitable.

As an old saying goes, failure is the mother of success. And no one cares that you made mistakes. Right? You...

Shh... I come here to ask you for help. Yes. In your eyes, how is that girl? Very pretty.

Can I be her Mr. Right? You and her? Yes. Hey. Do you know who she is? Who? She's the childhood sweetheart of Gu Yanxi. Yanxi's childhood sweetheart? So he must be very familiar with her.

Hey. Please help me know what food and activities she likes, her preferences and which type of handsome man she likes most. Do you know? She's the daughter of a rich merchant in Yangzhou.

It's impossible that she comes out without any purpose. I know. I understand.

But destiny has bridged her and me. Right? Once luck visits you, you can't resist. If she and I develop a relationship, you will... I will? Dr. Ru. It's unsuitable.

Why unsuitable? Take action right now! Help me meet her to relieve my lovesickness. Lovesickness? Yes. No.

You just saw her in less than one hour. How are you lovesick? Now, every hour seems to be interminable to me. OK? I feel that a cat is scratching me! Just to meet her. I have ways.

Tell me. Now that I've tried your drug, how about my younger brother's apprenticeship? Just a piece of cake. It's on me. OK. Go back and wait for my news.

Thanks. Yanxi? Ru Ying? Yes. Have you been to the drugstore? Why are you here? You even don't tell me. I came to see... I have to leave if you have nothing to say. What did you talk about? Nothing.

Just a chat. So Ru Ying is not only a good doctor, but is also good at making friends. Just a few words make you so happy. Yes. You're right. Brother.

I was drunk last night. Has anything terrible happened? You forget that? I can't recall that. What did I do? You bad guy! You should forget such an important thing! I don't. It's fine. What? What's wrong? You vomited all over me, staining my clothes. Ah.

I... Forget it. The banquet will start soon.

Grandma asked me to inform you. Oh. Look at your dirty hands! I...

Go back and clean up. Don't let Qianyu wait for you. Qianyu. Qianyu.

You've mentioned her many times. So affectionate! You haven't got married. But you directly call her name. The young master of a rich family is really not reserved! Too hot! Young Master said you caught a cold last night. He asked me to prepare hot water for you to wash hands.

Let me get some cold water. He tries to buy me off with a little favor. Naive! Good. Grandma.

Grandma. Have a seat. I heard that Qianyu is endowed with both beauty and talent. You really deserves such fame.

Yes. I've witnessed her growth since she was little. Her look and talents are top notch. Yes. Grandma.

Madame. Don't laugh at my performance. Very good. I haven't heard you play for a long time. I miss it very much. Waner.

Come to see Miss Qianyu. Oh. Qianyu, nice to meet you. You're Waner? You're delicate and pretty! Thank you. I have worn this bracelet since I was a child.

It's my little gift. Hope you will like it. No, thanks.

I have one. Waner. Qianyu is not a stranger. Now that she gives it to you, just accept it. Okay? Okay.

Thank you, Qianyu. You're welcome. Good. Have a seat.

Thanks, Grandma. Thanks, Grandma. Kexin.

Look. Yanxi and Qianyu really are a perfect match. Yes, mom. Surprising. You've grown up and you aren't a little girl anymore.

I remember that when Qianyu was little, she always chased after Yanxi and argued that she would marry him. Grandma! It seems that we ignore Waner. Waner. Qianyu just played a tune.

You must be eager to show your talent. How about showing your talent in front of us? Madame. No need.

What's wrong? Why are you so modest? Too much modesty is hypocrisy. That's true, Waner. I also have never seen your talent. All of you here today are on our side.

Show your talent to us. Just for fun. Yes. Be quick. Mr. Dong, look!

♫ The birds in the tree are in pairs. ♫ ♫ Green water and mountains wear a smile. ♫ Well... What's wrong? Maybe she forgets the lyrics. Hey.

♫ I pick up a flower casually. ♫ ♫ Put it in your hair. ♫ ♫ You won't suffer from slavery. ♫ My wife... Then? ♫ You and I return home together. ♫

♫ You plough and I weave. ♫ ♫ I carry water, you water the garden. ♫ ♫ Although the cold kiln is broken, it can keep out the wind and rain. ♫

♫ Our love can beat bitterness and brings about sweetness. ♫ ♫ We are like a pair of mandarin ducks. ♫ ♫ We fly together in the world. ♫ Great! What did you sing? A mess! Madame, don't blame her. I taught her to write poems. But she never remembered the rhymes.

So I asked Ziqian to practice opera with her to build up her language sense. Yes. So I learned a bit. Although it is not the sound of nature, you sang lively and lovely. It fits your straightforward character. Waner.

Ziqian. Don't stand there. Back to your seat.

Have a seat. Ziqian. Come here and sit down. Hey. Sit down. How lovely you are! Are you happy? Yes.

Mom. I didn't plan to tell you that. But I think you should know. Tell me. I heard that last night Waner went out and got drunk. She didn't return until midnight.

Just now, she may not be fully awake. So she shook her hand and knocked the glass over. What? She's the daughter of Gu's Mansion. But she should get drunk outside. Ridiculous! Mom.

Calm down. Health matters. Mom. Think about it.

She left home at a young age. She has never learned any etiquette. Naturally, she can't be compared with daughters in rich families. It's reasonable that she makes mistakes occasionally. But now she's returned. I believe she'll be a fair lady by patient instruction.

Yes. She should be disciplined. Convey my words.

Let Waner copy Women's Commandments. She should know the principles that girls should obey. Yes. Mom.

(Gu's Mansion) Brother Yanxi. You got up so early. Noble Consort's birthday is coming. We must make the phoenix coronet as soon as possible. Oh. You must have worked day and night to make it.

Your body won't be able to stand. Could I take a stroll with you outside? There's much work to do today. If you want to take a walk, I'll ask Yuan He to arrange it. No, thanks. Just continue your work. Don't bother for me.

OK. Miss. He shouldn't treat you like that.

Calm down. Let's go to see Grandma. OK. Don't worry about Yanxi. I'll arrange it for you.

Your grandma and I are good friends. Before I got married, we were very intimate. I've seen you grow up since little. I like your look most. When you were little, I made a promise with your grandma that you would marry Yanxi when you grew up. I'm looking forward that you become our family member.

Grandma, thank you very much. Yes. OK. Waner.

Oh. Here you are. Thank you, Grandma. Don't blame me for my strictness. It's for your good.

Yes. Copy the book in your room. Don't go anywhere. Bring your mind back. Or I'll punish you.

Yes, grandma. Qianyu. You're so thin.

Eat more. Thanks, Grandma. Qianyu.

Yes. Take it easy. I'll make it. I'll arrange the wedding of you and Yanxi.

OK. Considering Brother's characteristics, it won't work if we force him. No problem. Yanxi is too young to know what love is. So I invited Qianyu to our mansion for a short stay so as to develop their relationship.

I'm experienced. When Yanxi comes here later, just watch aside. Thank you, Grandma. Yanxi. Grandma.

What's the matter? You've been working hard to make the phoenix-shaped hairpin. I asked the cooks to cook delicious food as your reward. I also asked two sisters to accompany you. Have a seat. OK. Here you are.

Eat more. Oh. Thanks, Grandma. Yanxi.

Are you tired because of making the hairpin? I'm fine. Thank you for caring about me. Our family's business is important.

So is your health. It's not good for you to stay in the workshop all the time. Take a walk outside.

Qianyu's new here. Take her together. OK? If she wants to go out, I'll ask someone to arrange it. Are you that busy? I dare not. That's right.

You should be a good host. This is the basic etiquette. In the eastern suburb stands Taohua Town.

It has beautiful scenery. It's a good place for an outing. Have fun with Qianyu tomorrow. OK. As you say. Grandma. I want to go with them.

You shall not. Copy the book in your room. Don't go anywhere. Thanks, Grandma. I'm full.

I'd like to go back for preparation. Be quick. OK. OK. Grandma. I'm also full.

I don't have to prepare anything. I want to have a rest. Why not eat more? I'm not recovered yet. I have no appetite. Okay. Have a rest then.

Grandma. This time, I serve as a host to take Qianyu to go out. Don't interfere my business anymore. Why are you so stupid? Qianyu is a nice girl.

She's pretty and gentle. She's attached to you. She came here from afar. But you're so indifferent to her.

Grandma. I only treat Qianyu as my younger sister. I have no other feelings on her. And I'm still young. Don't be so anxious. Hey.

You're not anxious, but I am. You almost drive me mad. No. Just do as I wish. Develop your relationship and get married as soon as possible.

You'd better have two kids in three years. Listen. I have come up with five names of my great-grandson.

Grandma. I think you're full. I won't disturb you. Have a rest. Grandma.

I have to go. Hey. Yanxi! He must be shy.

Just do as I wish. Develop your relationship and get married as soon as possible. You'd better have two kids in three years. Listen. I have come up with five names of my great-grandson. Darling! Darling! Darling! Darling! Darling! Darling! Hey! Be careful! The doctor says I'm pregnant with a son again.

What? It's the third son of Gu's family! Five. Five? Yes. The doctor says it's triplets this time. Triplets? Three? God blesses our family! I want to listen. If you like, I'll give birth to three more babies.

Three more? Yes. So we'll have... eight kids! Eight! Eight! No! I can't let them have a date and await my doom. Miss.

What's your doom? Nothing. Hey. Qiu Xiang. Come here. What? Oh.

Hey. Qiu Xiang. I have something important to do tomorrow. I have to go out. Could you copy the book for me tomorrow? Miss. No.

Lady Dowager has told us that without her permission, you're not allowed to go out of the room. If you're caught, she won't spare us. Hey.

Qiu Xiang, please help me. I do have something important to do tomorrow. Qiu Xiang. You're the kindest. I beg you. Do me a favor.

Well... OK. Young Master. Go to bed early. OK. She's not a maid.

She's a daughter in Gu's Mansion, Gu Waner. Yuan He. Yes? I need to go out tomorrow. Arrange more people to protect Su Xiaowan.

Don't let her run around alone. OK. OK.

Young Master. ♫ The wind blows through your hair. ♫ ♫ The moment you look back. ♫ ♫ The clouds and moonlight shine into my heart. ♫ ♫ My mind is frozen. ♫ ♫ Encountering you among the crowds. ♫

♫ I'm so happy. ♫ ♫ When I look into your eyes, I find shining stars. ♫ ♫ It's my sweetest dream. ♫ ♫ My mind is gradually covered with your face. ♫ ♫ I have nowhere to escape. ♫

♫ I'm unwilling to let you go. ♫ ♫ I cry out aloud in my heart. ♫ ♫ When I touch your fingers accidentally, I can feel your love. ♫

♫ My face is suddenly flushed. ♫ ♫ I'd rather give up my life for you. ♫ ♫ I want to stay with you for my whole life. ♫ ♫ The bitterness in the past has turned into sweetness. ♫ ♫ You are like peach blossoms and gentle breeze. ♫

♫ You've melted the ice in my heart. ♫ ♫ My mind is gradually covered with your face. ♫ ♫ I have nowhere to escape. ♫ ♫ I'm unwilling to let you go. ♫ ♫ I cry out aloud in my heart. ♫ ♫ When I touch your fingers accidentally, I can feel your love. ♫

♫ My face is suddenly flushed. ♫ ♫ I'd rather give up my life for you. ♫ ♫ I want to stay with you for my whole life. ♫

2021-01-05 19:54

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