CURSO de TRADING desde Cero para PRINCIPIANTES - 2021

 CURSO de TRADING desde Cero para PRINCIPIANTES - 2021

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very good to all and welcome to a new video for the channel in this occasion I present a trading course totally free to start from zero for beginners because I know that some of you who are me following maybe you go a little lost you do not know is the most important of trading at the time of starting and I'm going to show you everything like this in this video to take notes and we start with this course let's go and well now yes that yes we are already with the trading course from scratch as you are seeing now same on screen and well I'll give enough stress enough importance to my instagram since many of you that you follow me on the channel because you already know that I answer all the doubts without any kind of problem sometimes it takes a bit more than usual since I have many messages but I solve almost all of them at today I have not left a message so if you have more doubts personal can answer you for install is a tool you used daily and also there you can gossip about my travels my experiences things trading and also my day to day and well then this course is also focused for those people who want to know if trading is for them or not or also for those people who have already started but they need to reinforce some concepts Well, this course is also for those people and then also the course is somehow focused on content that I would have liked find out when I started trading 34 years ago more or less and in this case because I have compiled all the essential information but I repeat is for beginners and I think it's a point of great game and if you want it share with your friends I The truth is that I am going to thank you very much so I also want to give a small input is worth a small information and many of you you will be seeing then on the screen obviously training the trading lab is the academy that has arisen because you you have asked me, I am a supporter of always offer content in youtube youtube youtube what's up what how do you see this all my content solved almost all the doubts that had it is because a point has reached that you want to go one step further go ahead and really dedicate ourselves to trading because you already start to pass me catches that with the content that have you seen on my channel it serves you to earn money but right now you want to be profitable you want to apply strategies that really work and have an accompaniment as a mentor really because it's what I've always stressed having a trustworthy person that is transparent and that it can help on this path and I believe really trading is going to be a unique experience will not be a academy as you have seen in all sides or really the people who be inside you will notice the difference if you have been to other places in training lab you are not going to march because I think we will really reflect such and as we are, you already know that I am a super transparent person and if I do This is because you have told me asked and I am a very demanding as much as the videos as the results like everything that encompasses me my day to day I wanted to offer something unique and custom and I think trading up what some of you possibly in the future or already you will be looking because it's the next step to understand trading and also you can see how it works then Let's go with it, explain it to me. I roll more but hey before I start what we have to take into account then we have a more advanced free course in the description if a course totally free if you go down here when finish this course because you will have a continuation that are already a little more advanced concepts ok but yes you apply all this plus the course you go quite prepared but here will be the grace not to access training lab now which really is like the following and last step to start being a trader really but before doing traders we make people we don't want you look at money money money because in the end we spend our lives chasing money but you have to enjoy the road and also be happy because we are people and about everything must start from humility and This is one of the values ​​that we we always want to transmit with our videos and also from trading So what else do we have? We have the link registration for more free courses at the description is a form that you will have down here and it is basically a google form where you arrange the name and also the email because there is from time to time then we send emails we send letters we send personalized videos on exclusive content that we upload on no other place and also because it is where we notify the new courses and important channel information academy et cetera et cetera then we also have the pdf of this course in the description you can download and here is quite useful because you can review it more than once without I have to be explaining it over and over again that the best there are people who they prefer directly to take notes from the pdf you can load it without no kind of problem is worth then course content index in this course we are going to touch on various aspects that I believe which are quite interesting especially who am i what is trading because They are also things that we have to take into account because trading can live from trading what markets exist forex characteristics what is the market that I mainly operate more major currency pairs that are the pips trading process to be you need to operate that is a broker what is technical analysis what is fundamental analysis what it is and what for The trading view is used to do to dedicate myself to it these are the questions that surely if you are from the pc or from the mobile you can access directly with the I will put it so that everything is more accessible and let's go with who I am Well, who am I? I'm a person of Barcelona I'm a boy from Barcelona like you who also interested him in some day of his life trading and he started browsing the internet they are with me people who cheated a shelf with pyramid scams I didn't get into scams but it is true that in the end part of everything that was smelled in the environment and finally after studying in academies in the UK and also Canada well today I am quite proud of my process as a trader and Well, I dedicate myself to this, I dedicate myself also to social networks to do content on youtube to collaborate with marks at the end I think more or less Well, it is a mix of everything learning during this time but backed from trading that is basically what I focus more on my day to day and also my goals is to reach more people share everything that I know because I think it is very valuable and I can change the lives of many people and I don't want to change the life of people only on a monetary level on a spiritual level that is to say that they are more happy that they can value their moment their experiences because in the end life we have to live if we have all cars all luxuries in the end we lose a little the essence of life and this is what I I want to avoid okay then what is the training punch trading is basically what you are going to see next prepared in a way and it is very easy to understand then trading equals buy sell stocks futures currencies cryptocurrencies you buy one thing and the you sell then this is where you win the earnings the benefits are worth then let's give an example because with the examples everything is understood a lot more because here we have the example you buy a share that is what it costs $ 700 on January 1 and about months and you sell it that action has passed worth 700 dollars the new money at $ 800 on July 1 then you what you've done is earn $ 100 from This difference would be the example of more or less what it would be to trade to explain it in a very very basic way These values ​​are fictitious. stand out and this would be one the brand of tes the car dam cars basically and it's pretty recognized later because trading because trading has many advantages the first does not require any career university you don't have to have studied economics and finance not a engineering can you do a painter can be a doctor you can start with trading no any kind of problem no you need previous experience no you need to know the markets currencies how to trade because in the end I'm making this video where you can learn easily and for free you can work wherever one of the great advantages I can trade for example when I have been traveling during my last months before pandemic could operate and did not have to be at home then the truth is that I can work anywhere and that's one great advantage then we can also start with an account with little money we do not need always there is the idea not of that to make the rich we need lots of money will obviously be easier but you can start with a thousand dollars thousand euros thousand euros can start with 100 even with 50 but obviously then to go up up it will take longer but you start you can start anyway yes you are very profitable then you can contact with companies you can contact by example with friends of yours who lend you money and what you do is move that money that capital to have more profit and not operate with a hundred euros but maybe with a thousand dollars here would the difference be ok you can also make a lot of money this it is a reality and it has to be understood trading is not a scam in the scams are for example people who they promise you many things and then they don't are they or they promise you fast money and then it is not but really trading yes that is a tool to win a lot of money and it is proven there many traders I know real real traders who do not expose your life or its results in social media and make a lot of money and they are happy and they help many foundations and this is something that few Sometimes we see and then you too growth can be exponential both economically as well as if there is a point in your life that yes complement trading with emotions and everything you really take care of maximum health because in the end you can be a human I've always said that they can come in be the best version of me Well in this case thanks to trading I I think my life has been affected by exponentially I do things and have habits in my life I would expect that make the meditation do much more sport eat super healthy have the super marked schedules rest the hours super good and in the end everything this has helped me today be where I am then you can also meet your goals in life sooner who wants to buy a house, can you buy a house wants to be your parents so they can retire before you can do who is for example help a foundation you can do it really whatever goal you have in your head is material or not material what you will be able to reach more quickly apparently and then there are also many more reasons that we will see throughout of the canal along the academy along long also of trading and everything you are going to see below then I would also like the comments would you put me why do you want trading my main goal when I started but when I started from the first time I found what it was trading was making money but then and my mission was to impact many other people is say how can I help other people than those people can help others too people because teaching everything I have learned and teaching everything he has learned means that they will be able to generate money to help families communities and peoples institutions ngos or whatever is really my goal is impact ok then in the end me you can see in the comments to see a little feedback to see what really people want to do can live from training a great question and that many of you will be thinking if you can I mean here you don't have to spend more time with constancy sacrifice dedication and be visionary about everything you will get it worth it you will get it but those habits are the most complicated when applying in life both in trading mode like out of the world of trading then please if you are going to start dedicating yourself to the world of trading what I said constancy effort dedication is the most important because with this you'll be good at trading you'll be good at the gym you will be good in your career university in your work in what you want ok what markets exist then obviously there are many markets we will play only the main ones and also obviously those that we We operate both myself and Alex, who is the boy you already know who he is we have seen in courses of my channel and also from the academy then that of forex is the currency pairs the euro the dollar the yen etc. etc

then we also have the bag of securities or can be American stocks Asian European can already be google can be amazon can be also microsoft we have many many many companies ok and then we also have crypto coins all because bitcoin can be king pelé cinema online with load not of the that you just saw then obviously bitcoin is the best known that also the channel stressed that we are going to play a lot the subject of I remove coins and also in trading lab and then we also have raw materials in raw materials no We complicate ourselves is what we extract the most or less of the earth in this case then gold or silver to oil corn and obviously there are many more markets but These are the ones that at least we we operate more and the best known and main ok let's continue with the forex characteristics the forex market is that of currencies and this market is the one that I usually operate more than anything for the following know here the advantages of Monday to Friday 24 hours a day and on weekends week well obviously has this is an advantage because during the week you can be very full operating 24 hours and then the weekend what you can do is prepare your list of follow-up that would be basically analyze the markets and see the opportunities that the Monday of the following week but on this case also the weekend you lets rest because if you don't you don't pay trading is a vice in the end because also that the market tells you hey you have to stop the truth is that it is quite well then there is also a lot liquidity there is a lot of volume of purchases and sales so the market is super liquid there are movements and this is what we are interested because if not the market will not you could almost operate ok in this case there are also many pairs to trade so there is greater number of opportunities in the market is less easy to handle thanks as We have commented to the great liquidity that has and also technical analysis is cleaner more than anything because I know respect more or what would be the candlestick patterns resistances support all this what is analysis technician is usually respect in other markets for example I describe coins because sometimes I don't know publish both technical analysis already which is more volatile, you see later there is figures that are not usually respected too much and well then we also have the most operated market because in this case as a result of all the points previous that I have told you and it is for so that I in this case is the market that most so but for all these advantages that you are seeing below and I will always recommend that if you are starting to operate before forex than the market for example of bags or the described coins or the raw materials or whatever and also in this case I want to make a explanation of what is forex because you are asking what forex means where do the words come from basically it is foreign exchange that means forex market here we have a little the meaning of forex and the abbreviation in English and what means in Spanish then too we have major currency pairs in forex we obviously have the 28 pairs more operated than the Europeans would be the jimmy page los outgames los from pace the sleepers the cupcakes and the of hf but in this case they are the ones we really operate more since are the ones with the most volume of operations and then we also have obviously exotic pairs are less operated so there is less volume in this case because there are many more pairs not everything not everything has to be that I am with for example that of singapore that of South Africa and Thailand the one from Mexico but that there are many more crosses but in this case because I have given an example because it was the one in google and it fit for the explanation ok then we have what are the pips then the pips in this case means the following a gdp with important is a measure of the movement smallest exchange rate in a pair currency in forex is worth you already know that for example if we join a pair with another for there is a difference then the minimum difference there may be movement between one pair and the other is what's on the screen where we are seeing the 5 is the minimum value that can be moved is say if for example we are going to lose whole example because if you are not going to understand in this case if it moves 0.5 pips is that the 5 has gone to 0 and then the 3 which is the color blue and the green color forgive later becomes a 4 then with this explanation we understand if for example has uploaded a total of 20 bits because in this in case we would know that it is the third figure starting from the right this already we will see as you go practicing because right now you can seem a bit confusing but neither give us more than to fix much on the pips since we only use it at specific times in the markets let's continue with the operation process how can we as people reach operate in the market because in this case we have the person who is a trader who you can send the orders thanks to a device either a computer a laptop a pc and that connects with the broker the broker normally it is a platform either a application or an online platform where the person then executes the orders that go directly into the market then the operation goes to market and when the market makes the move that you have to do later you can make decisions with the broker if you want to close it if you want to leave it a little more to get more benefits but be careful because you can lose them in this case executes it and closes it with the broker then this would be a bit well the first step the second not the third the fourth and fifth the trader sends the orders to the broker the broker executes and where it executes them in the market if you understand this you have already more or less understood what would be your function if you want to dedicate yourself to the trade ok then we have what it takes to operate because there are really three things and those three things the first would be and the capital you need fia you need money if not you have money you will not be able to operate like this It is true that if you want to operate then obviously you can operate with there are thousands of videos on the internet where you can learn I leave you for example up here a video on how to trade without having money in this case with and bull and also then obviously we will need a broker a broker is the middleman may be the bull may be interactive brokers could be cmc markets or it could be revolving or it could to be another that does not fit on the screen but there are thousands of brokers I always go to recommend it depends on the country depends of your need because there are better and worst brokers in this case I have used the first three spin used but to this day in which I'm more focused is interactive brokers and also tmc markets for some specific markets and finally analysis tool trading view please if you want to know how this tool works by full card here because Do you have a video or not are two videos of done but you can search the channel but they are explanatory on how the tool works because in the end you have to understand how this works tool to get our analysis and then run it inside a broker then we have to be a broker because the broker we are going to read this definition because it is very well done that is an institution in platform shape that allows organize transitions between a buyer and a seller in the end because the broker you will already know the platform where you you put the order you can put the stop loss the take profit you choose the market that you want to trade the value in this case we have repeated no because we have everything the ter active inheritance marquis and from here let's not continue with the technical analysis and technical analysis is basically that analysis that focuses on understanding the patterns indicators and candles then from what would be the price action we can take decisions taking for example conclusions that the price is going to rise or go down because we have seen that there is a indicator that tells us or is there a pattern that tells us or a formation it really tells us from we draw conclusions and execute market operations with chances of going to our please and then we also have the fundamental analysis which is basically what are you going to see next because you are thinking that it is the one that paints here again a photo of tesla because I'm going to give the following example ten years ago when almost no one paid attention to issues environmental an investment I know could have invested before arguing that the world was going to turn that direction electric cars since the current was unsustainable cars gasoline at that time because I was losing it a lot of money but over time it has multiplied the investment by a thousand here is a bit because the explanation is not understand a little beyond seeing candles to see resistance supports to see patterns because we look a bit at what the world encompasses and we take conclusions that in this case environmental would be one to have invested in tesla for a few years behind then we have what it is and what is the trading bio because trading view is basically a tool like we have commented that you have videos on the channel to understand it but that allows us do technical analysis analysis technician is one of the tools that people usually use more to get your conclusions when operating and trading and therefore it is a platform to like many more but this case for I am the best to do your analysis technicians in this case we have plans free payment plans payment plans but for professionals and also we have the mobile version available and top left we are seeing a bit the interface in this case would be my interface I have the pro plus version but I also recommend that you take a look because it's free and you can start to get acquainted without any type of problem and finally what to do to dedicate myself to it you just saw this course you have started taking notes you have liked you see that it really can be yours or that you can complement it with your job who a kind of problem then my sincere recommendation is to access training lab at least take a look at it wonder really why I don't have no problem answering our you doubt on instagram then tell me hey sea ​​look that I have begun to inform myself I've seen your free course I've seen videos I liked it it is worth trading the then we can talk without any problem but trading lab would be for finish off all the work you are doing because here you are going to put all the attention you are going to have people who really wants to learn like you all we are going to try to help each other and the best is that you are going to have our daily help 24 hours 7 days a week no as forex closing the ends of week and above is that you are going to learn from people who are really getting results that sometimes is something that is missed in this case trading lapse would be a good option but don't worry, you don't have to access trading lapse and you can't or don't want I also give you other options the course free more advanced in description as I had told you at the beginning of this course also the link of Register for more free courses at the description you cannot miss it you also have the pdf in this course at the description and finally yes Do you want to contact me on the networks social please do what I am insisting because I have no problem in helping you sometimes there is people who do not want to help the people who really want to ignore it What would the comments be? I don't have no problem at least until the day of today even though I have many and many comments dozens and dozens I solve all of them, I don't care because end I take the mobile send an audio and it can change a person's life but if you redirect your doubts a bit that that's why I'm here yes no no I would make videos I would not expose myself to the public because if not I have my life more or less directed is worth as well as family Well, we will leave the video here on course I hope you liked it I think that we have more or less covered all the information I wanted to cover in this course and see you soon for him channel and remember to activate the chime and be attentive to all the videos

2021-03-03 05:04

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