Creative business goal setting | Positive planning with PTSD | Raw

 Creative business goal setting | Positive planning with PTSD | Raw

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[music] yesterday there was sun and there was rain beauty in the mountains and now there's something in the air and a sparkly shimmer on our skin restoring everything within [music ends] hello everybody and welcome back to my channel i'm Yanina Wall and i'm the lead designer and creator of my little business bluebell peak designs where i make pretty awesome animal wooden home decor and lots of designing and drawing is done on this channel so if that is something you are interested in watching and listening about then please like and subscribe i started today in a really really good mood and i dyed my hair because i'm just getting over christmas so i thought i'll dye my hair get rid of the roots um i'll get dressed nicely i'll even do my makeup and felt really good and ready to start the day i'm ready to film with you guys and do some goal setting ready for the new year it all kind of went to pot uh yeah it's really gone to pot so the time is now half three and i've just really been thrown off today it's something i'm going to discuss more in depth in the next video with you as i do some watercolor because when i'm creating things um and painting i'm more able to articulate how i'm feeling at the moment it's a particularly hard time with the lock dounds i mean throughout the world people are having lockdowns and you know here in the uk we're getting hit quite badly because we've got a high population density for our little island so it's been hard on everyone and i know that but i think i just got thrown into a spin because i have PTSD from a difficult birth with Maeve who is my youngest so i have two daughters so i've got one who's three and one who's nine months and the youngest uh we we had a hard time she was six weeks premature and some of you already know this uh and it was all an emergency c-section we didn't know if she'd make it out alive to be honest and she was taken away from me first day i had her to be taken to another hospital to use the specialist ventilator equipment which I'll discuss more about that later you can see that I'm getting upset and I'd rather discuss that you know not on camera um and I've just been informed that my counselling sessions that I've been having over the phone because they're not doing face-to-face counselling sessions have been cancelled because of the increased demand um so back in October when i was feeling really low i decided to do inktober and see if that will help and actually taking an hour or two out of my day to just sit down and do some art and it didn't have to be work up because obviously my job is to create and design things that sometimes there's that pressure on what I'm drawing it always has to be like related to making lamps and bars and things out of like this little guy here so I thought I'll do inktober and see how it makes me feel and i was really surprised that I didn't do it every day it was like every other day there was no pressure to do it it just really helped having those prompts i didn't have to come up with the idea of what to draw and just I'm just playing just playing with ideas and creating and just taking a bit of time just to stop for a minute and forcing myself to stop and evaluate and create without any strings attached was really helpful for me and my mental health and i think my my therapist could see the difference in in how i was chatting to her and how i was feeling and then obviously Christmas happened and and that was madness and simple that was madness Christmas was nuts um so i didn't have any time to think about how my brain is doing um unfortunately so if like alarms go off or someone touches me in the wrong place on my back i get sent into a bit of a spiral and a light and flight reflex is very strong when that happens unfortunately like nothing like that happened over the Christmas period there was one instance with my back but i managed to keep a lid on it but i think because i was so busy i didn't have time to think about it and now that it's all a bit less frenetic and a little bit less mad some of the feelings have come back I'm obviously not happy or feeling well with the news that my support system has been taken away from me so let's see what i can do about it so because inktober was such a success i thought i would give bullet journal journaling a go and i found some fantastic people um which is right um i found a really fantastic channel called the Unexpected Gypsy she is an artist as well by trade and i've just been loving watching it because journaling to help with her mental health as well and i liked that idea I've also seen other creators like Ellis Jade she's created a scrapbook to help with that side of things i don't know if I want to go that far but i thought i'll do the basic of trying to start bullet journaling again i did try about four years ago now let's say three years to do a bullet journal but my problem is so this is the journal i bought it's a beautiful book it's like a soft pleather type jobby and obviously the pages are all nice and inside and i did start it but my problem with it was is if i wasn't happy with a page i couldn't just take it out and not worry about it and the perfectionist in me doesn't like that and then the other side of it is that i wasn't 100 sure like how to do it and it's just something i could never like get into the habit of doing so i wanted to create a journal that is far more me and far happier so i the last 12 years i've been using this calendar diary from the calendar club this is the first year that i have been able to get this specific diary and i was really upset because I'm so in the habit of using this um obviously it's ring bound it's you know i just find it really easy to use and it's something that i have used since university and I'm in the habit of using it so being upset that i can find this i thought I'll be bullet journaling a go but i will make my own franken journal so this is my little franken journal i need to do a front cover for it but i think i'll paint one um and I'm basically taking the best bits from my old diary and popped it into this franken journal so that it is a mix of these two together so i'm going to mix in my diary and mix with my thing so that i can do the fun bit of making beautiful pictures and paintings of bullet journaling but it'd still be practical like my diary um and so in January I've like tried out different monthly spreads to see how i which ones i prefer and then I can replicate that across my journal for the ones i liked best the ones i've decided I like best are this one um because i got a little space here to add pictures and doodles into and um and then this one because again I've got the little space but the uh boxes are nice and short and dumpy so i can add bullet points in which for my very muddled brain bullet points and checklists are a must um so i like those two set up so I'm just replicating that in my diary and giving myself themes to go off because that was the thing with inktober because there was prompts which are basically themes and there wasn't as much pressure for for coming up with something brand new to make um so that's what I'm kind of replicating here on a weekly basis basically is um my theme is my prompt so like February I've got these I have this lovely gift wrapping paper I've got my little owls the meat and potatoes of this video is i wanted to do a 20 20 review okay let's try and turn my funk around let's do a 20 20 review woo hoo a rubbish here it's finally over I've got my tea it's a little bit cold but I'm a mum I'm used to that so let's see if I can turn this funk around I've got my franken journal open which is my mix between my bullet journal and my old planner that I have been using for the last 10 years dream big 2020 we can all laugh now so being a Patreon of Emily Harvey Art she put this on and i am using her goal setting uh print off as inspiration for this 2020 review I know it may seem a bit late for doing this like a lot of people do it at the end of the year and I've kind of left it till now I have decided that this 2020 review and goal setting for 2021 i am going to use the Latest Kate as my inspiration i've already set up this page um but if you don't know who the latest coat is I'll put links for her down below and she's fabulous I'll also put links for the unexpected gypsy as well because i love her YouTube channel I've been what i found it about two weeks ago and I've been watching it enraptured with this lady um she's about anyway so the Latest Kate i found her during uni when i was in another low point in my life um not PTSD but definitely depression um and her like little animals and creatures and inspirational quotes really got me through a lot of bad days so i found some to do with the year so for the 2020 review I put every time you thought life would defeat you you were wrong and and that is a very good apt quote for 2020 for me 2020 everyone will agree it has been really hard not the best not the best but I am here let's see if we can think of any good points of the year for me to celebrate so my greatest achievement of the year does not losing my [ __ ] count as one not losing my brain um no maybe not uh my greatest achievement of the year this is this is more to do with business this one so because i run a small business so it's like reflecting on what went well with my little business so my greatest achievement of the year with this business is that it didn't fold and not only that it grew it grew okay so my greatest achievement of the year is hitting over 600 followers on Instagram and making a successful website i know it's not all about numbers but i set a goal at the start of the year that i wanted to hit 300 followers on Instagram and when it got to November and I'd gotten over 600 i just couldn't believe it it it's such a shock to me that that happened because there's no way on this earth that i thought that would ever be the case um so i was really humbled by that and also my husband made my website for me but the fact is such a success that is a great achievement for the business I'm so happy that i have my husband to help me with these things a lesson I've learned this year is not to underestimate myself I maybe it's because of my mental state but i do put myself down a lot even though I'm always really proud of what i make i always doubt how well other people are going to love it and when you make products people's homes you know you want other people to like it you want people to love your pieces and bring them into your home i really doubt myself like is is this going to work you know are people going to want my mad designs where I've created an owl lamp hedgehog and this year has been a big prover that people have been loving what i design and make so that's been wonderful so I'm not I'm gonna stop doubting myself I'll still doubt myself I'll be honest with you but not to underestimate what I'm doing because clearly something is going right so something i didn't achieve but wanted to I'm just going to use my tombow pen this is my um Christmas present my husband said what do you want for Christmas and i said tombow pens and you can also build up the colour quite a bit with tombow pens so you can actually get some nice gradient and depth with just one colour rather than having to have lots of different colours so something i didn't achieve but wanted to i didn't stick with this i i didn't um i didn't stick with YouTube till the end of the year part of that was because i broke my previous phone got ran over and that's what I've been using for filming you're currently on my brand new phone which is a Christmas present to myself which is a Samsung a7 one I think to film my videos so something i didn't achieve but wanted to i didn't stick with YouTube till the end of the year i'm proud of myself for finding strength in difficult times and carrying on regardless and that might sound quite wishy-washy but if you have an inkling of what I've been going through and especially in the current climate where we are especially isolated i can't say i'm alone i have my husband i have my children but it is a very isolationary state of being that just the fact i've managed to to to pull myself through this difficult time i know there's still a bit of a hole there that needs digging over but I'm just so proud that i could carry on with this little business with my dream because this little business is my dream and carrying on with it despite all the difficulties going on in my brain right so there's my 2020 review I'm pretty happy with that despite the hard year I'm pretty happy with that and like my little cat says every time you thought life would defeat you you were wrong go for it and now we're gonna move on to 2021 so i've left this one uncoloured and a bit more blank so that i can colour it in with you and you've got a bit more um visual fun to watch whilst i'm chatting to you what did i do i did it pink purple and i think that blue was a bit too dark in this one so I'm gonna use this one which is a lighter one i think because this one's a greeny one isn't it yeah it's a greeny one so like i said these pens are really nice to layer there are a lot a lot of the people that do bullet journaling um and things and actually just just colouring in I guess tombow is a really good water-based marker to use because it is so blendable it doesn't bleed which is another big thing my husband's just got home from walking the dog woohoo hiya and I'm back my husband's just got home from walking the dog so I'm just using my tombows like i said put a bit of an ombre effect on these uh these numbers if you haven't guessed by my hair i quite enjoy a good ombre hello gradient yeah let me know down below how you felt about 2020 it's it's been an interesting year i would love to hear people who've actually had a nice time this year um but equally i would like to offer my support to anyone else who like me has been struggling with loss and things not going too bad so i can offer them support where I can I'm not a therapist obviously or anything but i think it's good to show people that that they're not alone and there was part of me thinking do i share you know what's happening with everyone and honestly i think it is better that i share with everyone what is happening than not because i don't want to give a false narrative about what's been happening so let's move on to setting some really nice goals 2021 let's just see what little creatures i've got i got a little squirrel get a little i got that little guy and i got a little bunny so if you're trying to read this on the screen i don't know if it is legible the coloring is awful on screen and i'm really sorry about that but basically it says progress is still progress no matter how small with every challenge you meet you gain experience every day you'll ever leveling up the little bunny says i don't know if i can succeed but i sure as hell i'm going to try and then this little i think it's like a verity type thing or maybe it's a squirrel i'm not 100 sure but it's darn cute it says it's okay to be a work in progress everyone is even if they pretend otherwise there are little quotes that i'm using for my 2020 board this time next year i want to be do you know what i'm going to do this thing slightly differently from the page before because i liked the colored border but i didn't like how i wrote that it just doesn't it doesn't look as nice to me if you hear shuffling in the background as well that's my husband agents we lose dreamy breezy we go the bigger scale the world inhales as we go i wouldn't want it any other way dreamy hello lovely beans this is editing yanny because the audio was rubbish on this part of the video so i've changed it round and i thought i'll chat to you afterwards i'm starting on the second goal which doesn't seem to make a lot of sense but i was desperately trying to think what to put for the first so i thought i'll leave it for a little bit the goal i'm filling out is in 2021 i want to try more online selling platforms like buxy and not on the high street the reason i'm thinking of doing this is because as a small business i think it's good to try and broaden your audience and then drive traffic to the website and that is my ultimate aim by going to these other um sellers so that more people can see my beautiful stuff and then hopefully go to my website and buy it directly through me at least i'd hope and then the first one which i am now going back to is this time next year i want to be able to do more stalls i'm really hoping that covered it's not going to be over but the threat of it will be minimized and i'll be able to go back to doing some more stalls because i really do love doing it and it's like setting up my own little shop and i miss doing that so i'm hoping this time next year pandemic will be slightly lessened that i'll be able to go back to that model in 2021 i'm going to learn how to screen print or turn my designs into pillows now i've had a good think about this i really i make a lot of interior design decor and i really want to start diversifying that and i love textiles so i think it'll be a really nice touch to add pillows to go with all my animals so have like a little foxy pillow and a little hair pillow and so on i think it'll be something really nice to add to the range maybe go down the embroidery route because i love embroidery and i think it's fancy so i'm going to put more time into painting with watercolor for more interesting paintings and just generally just trying to nicely create things that are not necessarily or i wouldn't say it's digital a lot of my stuff starts off by hand but i then have to put it on the computer and cat it all up so that it can go on to my laser cutter that i have so i think doing more painting watercolors will be really helpful for that i'm going to do less small stores so little stools as the website is doing so well at the moment the stalls i do are quite broad so i do a lot of like smaller craft markets they're just one day events they're about 20 pounds a table and they're great especially when you're getting started i've gone to a point where it's not helpful doing the small ones and takes too much time away so i'm going to phase them out and just do the big guys right so let's set some better goals some bullet points in fact for my productivity goals i want to first of all use this journal and second of all try and do two designs each season and then of those designs broaden that into lots of different products because once i've got the design down it's quite easy to form that into different products i didn't really keep on top of that last year which i think is understandable so it'll be nice this year to be able to have that and do it basically so now we're moving on to social media as you know i did quite well last year at him going well over my target so i've got a few things i want to do this year i want to film at least one video a week i'm starting late aren't i because this is the first video of the year it's the last weekend of the first month but that's fine it's fine got the rest a year to try and do it uh try tik tok i thought it'd be quite fun to do like speed runs of my laser cutter to music when i'm cutting out my fun little animals like my hairs and rabbits and foxes and i would love to hit 1 000 followers on instagram that means i have to post frequently as i'm not just giving an arbitrary number there are is steps i need to take to get that and i know that i need to post more frequently i'm doing okay on instagram so far this year so i'll just carry on doing what i'm doing and hopefully it will carry on growing and i can help more people be my friends my marketing goals for this year is to produce two more mini prints and try custom tissue paper now the mini prints they aren't actually for sale my mini prints are is me turning my designs into my business cards and the reason i want to do that is because it's like a fun little thing every time i send a parcel out to someone they don't know what mini print they're going to get so i'd like to produce two more of those because that went down really well last year and then the custom tissue paper just looks smart and cute in my packaging so in 2021 to develop my skills i need to carry on with the current design process that i have in place which is do my design and turn it into lots of different products straight away because if i don't do that those other products they won't happen because i become quite complacent so i'd like to carry on the design process that i started putting in place the end of last year uh it'll be nice to learn a little bit more about photography because it's one of those things you've gotta really have good product photography and i don't know enough about it i don't have a professional camera either i just use my mobile same as this video which isn't always the best quality so it would just be nice to learn a little bit more and work out the best ways of doing things really time to talk about numbers financials i would like to earn enough for two days of nursery for maeve by the end of the year at the moment my baby girls eldest goes in for three days a week because of the childcare offer and my youngest i put her in for a one day week but by the end of the year it'll be nice to be able to do two especially because christmas is going to be so busy i'd also like to be able to hire someone during the busy periods to help uh so it's building the company enough that that is a possibility because it's just too much to do on your own quite frankly i do have a lot of help from my mum it'll be nice to have my mum in fact that's what i've read in britain be able to hire my mum now the final one this is something that i i'm not very good at which is make sure i have at least one day where i don't touch work in fact let's make it two days when i have my girlies on monday and friday i just need to not touch work and just have fun being a mum and on the weekend spend time with my husband and enjoy being a family because it's quite hard you can get quite wrapped up in your small business and for me it becomes quite obsessive so it'll be nice to just put it down and not worry for a day or two in the week which i think is a fairly healthy goal so that's it that's all my goals but 2021 and you know what i'm so glad we're finally here and we can finally enjoy a new year even if we're stuck in lockdown and i'm gonna just end it here and say thank you for listening if you stay to the end and i'll see you in the next one where i'll be making things hopefully and doing a studio vlog bye easy easy

2021-02-07 02:30

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