$BTC Market moves explained - 8/4/22

$BTC Market moves explained - 8/4/22

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me what is up what's up what is up you know what  you're doing you're you're hanging out watching   a guy in an orange mask okay that's what's going  on all right i'm big chad i'm just having fun   i'm just having fun it's my honor it's my  privilege i love being able to click a couple   buttons on my computer uh i'm able to go live i'm  able to talk to you and like for whatever reason   there's value you enjoy it i know why  there's value i've put in a lot of time   in the game to get to this point i've  suffered greatly learned a few things   and i try to pass them on all that so anyway  thank you for showing up today is thursday august 4th 2012 uh 22 when's the last time we did  one of these folks we're on um real quick we're   on let's see we are on youtube chad's trading  last time we did this is a quick market update   this will go on the quick market update playlist  uh last one was seven five wow it's been almost   a full month since i've done one of these so i'm  on youtube at chad's trading you're watching this   please subscribe it'll help me out it's a re  this is a super grind right i'm at on on uh   twitter i'm at you know 277 you know almost  280k uh 280k youtube is really a super grind   the truth is i would be a lot more act active  but i'm a founding analyst at bitcoin live twice   a week i do a full market update i stop whatever  i'm doing in my life i'm on vacation i'm sick i'm   traveling i do an update midweek on wednesday end  of the week on sunday it helps me focus i look at   the chart i've got kind of a watch list i go over  i kind of grind it out take the requests and it's   important to me and that's what you need to do to  get better so as you know as an as an aside please   consider checking out bitcoin live it's a world  class world class team one i'm proud to be part of   you know be not you don't have to pay for stuff  get it for free go to my youtube chat straight   trading start with uh the tutorials playlist this  is going to get you started on support resistance   moving averages all that great stuff um and  then check out the long form interview series   i just did an interview with  peter brandt who's like a super   first of all i was like a great  guy but he's a legit pioneer   i had interviewed him and talked about his book  take a good look at that diary of a professional   commodities trader it's an excellent book really  enjoyed it made me kind of think about things   and i like that um so check that out i'll have  some more um interviewees in the months to come   you know you may know i am the author of  trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader   should know has been incredibly well received i  mean look at that these reviews are ridiculous   it's that's ridiculous i mean it's pretty good  you gotta admit it's at least pretty good so   um but it's just from the heart it's my mistakes  right it's my mistakes so it's like me talking to   myself don't do this again don't do that again and  anyway thank you so much you can get it on kindle   audiobook uh narrated by me look at  this let's see this is pretty cool   author chats naderator narrator chad  publisher chad's that's pretty cool   so i i've narrated it check that out  hardcover and paperback but listen   you want it for free go to my youtube check out  the playlist trading wisdom 50 lessons every   trader should know i'm doing one lesson at a time  for you for free i just did lesson 16 this week   check that out so i'm gonna check in with the  chat room we have my friend here from algeria uh   bitcoin live member in the house tony great  to have you yo chad's listen folks i want to   know where you are in the world um by the  way i did a spaces earlier earlier in the   day i talked to a lot of you that was great  i've recently uploaded that to my youtube   channel check out the twitter spaces playlist  i up uploaded one today looks like i didn't   properly catalog it so i will um have to do  that but it is my most recent update uh let's   see videos and boom two hours ago check that out  great conversation folks where are you in the   world we're all connecting here we're here to talk  about bitcoin i'm a chart guy i'm a newbie helper   um just someone who enjoys trading i think a  lot about technical analysis i think a lot about   how to communicate uh you know the experiences  of going being a trader how to teach it i think   a lot about all this it's important to me  so uh and you're important to me as well so   let's see here portugal great to see you nice  to see you as well from portugal puerto rico   uh tampa in the house that's great that is  great bitcoin live member since 2017 marco   that's awesome great to see you marco i have to  say i'm really proud of our team um it's great   i mean you know it's great it's been we've we've  been given we've been given the juice for a while   germany good to see you ohio o-h-i-o nice to see  you hitting up that bob evans restaurant chain out   there in ohio bitcoin live groupie uh sean from  australia another australian here another aussie   uh from melbourne atlanta puerto rico bronx  new york what's happening ireland listen i   love all of you i want you to know that we're just  people man massachusetts mass holes in the house   you know new zealand israel alabama look we're all  just people you know kind of happen to be enjoying   the same habit the same hobby at the same time  so um i think it's super cool that you're here   i'm here and i hope i can add some value so  here's what i've decided to do um you know if   i get a little time i'll take your questions  uh from the chat room india of course venice   love bitcoin live i love you detroit uh texas and  calgary that i love canada by the way so listen   um i've selected a few tweets uh let's see  live streaming on youtube here's what i wanna   do i wanna cut what i usually do and but i would  love to do youtube more often um but really it's   all about bitcoin live i kind of give that like  the best i've got and you can't like an artist   i love painting i love i love music i love  everything you can't like just create art you   can't just like it's hard to do that every day all  day so i i kind of saved myself for that but um   i want to give a little a little  bit of love here so that's what i do   i'm gonna i'm really gonna talk about some  tweets um some tweets since the last time   we have uh i've done this so let's see  so go check out here's me on july 20th   where we go what am i talking chad what oh you're  so cryptic chad what do you mean all right here   we go let's dig in folks students get ready  all right start paying attention right july   20th go check out february 6th to 10th on the  daily chart what does that mean what what would   that why would you say that well a couple clues  here we just started to close above the daily ema   34 the yellow line where the price had rejected  in june where the price had rejected end of may   where the price had rejected where the prices  rejected right we get that point so what happened   before that though if we're kind of going back  you know we're talking about our double top   up thrust outside bar you know yadda yadda i have  a million videos talking about the construction   of the top um but what's kind of most interesting  here we have that failed double bottom we see that   that failed you know that kind of cemented the  bottom of the range which then became resistance   but what's most important daily ema 34. look at  the price rejecting off that exponential moving   average ema 34 ema 34 ema34 if you review my  tweets other folks there's other folks too who are   a little bit more prudent who pointed out  hey tower top maybe forming candle weakness   uh relief rally and you know right here  people were talking about you know plan b   plan c you know playing you know 100 million  whatever people getting really excited but   it's just a relief rally bounce to the ema 34  bounce the ema 34 reject reject but then all of   a sudden here we go start closing above the daily  ema 34. so the concept i've discussed many times   there's stage analysis right that's another way  to look at it but you have a down a down trend   has to go sideways before it goes up the red light  turns yellow before it turns green and this type   of a phase of price action that we got all right  in february beginning of february through march   we got that kind of sideways uh where the price  started to you know recapture that moving average   that was a big deal kind of set up this price  range set up the breakout level which you broke   out of we eventually um you know and then rejected  the ma200 it turned into a deviation or false move   um then you had really kind of a nine out of  ten sell signal here on that day april 6th   um yada yada we've talked about all this  but what i say here let's go back to did i   move it there it is here we go go i said here  on the 20th go check out february 6th to 10th   uh appreciate the lesson vince i appreciate you  i'm just having fun i'm literally i'm just having   fun if i'm not having fun i wouldn't be here you  know so it's cool it's fun to be good at something   right it's fun to be good at something and you  get good at something with a lot of practice   and i know i can get so much  better i have so many weaknesses   anyway that's it for another time so i say here  go look at february 6th to 10th when what are   we doing here february 6th boom why did i  say that because it was immediately after   immediately after we started to close above the  ema 34. what did we do we kind of set the sideways   chop range what i'm saying here to you is set your  expectations uh look i'm just i've just survived   that's it you'll be if you survive you'll be wise  that's just to survive manage your risk you know   be prudent luck luck helps you know go check out  february 6th through 10th and i'm basically saying   you know expect some sideways here we're going to  probably chop here sideways because the downtrend   is turned sideways and so what did we do it's  very int it's somewhat similar so far where i said   check out february 10th through 6th where is that  exactly i'm going to do that let's add that back   and then february 6th through 10th  uh let's see ema 34 boom boom boom okay all right so like right here and so you  started to watch that i mean that's the beginning   of the sideways and what have we done i mean  it's not like exactly but it's somewhat similar   where you have the two peaks you have the initial  high you come back you base you set another high   right you set another high and you  come back so it's not that dissimilar   and the point you want to take away from this is  that we're in this is just a sideways chop range   that's not what i'm trying to do i  don't know what that is what is that   circle i've never done that before so you  have kind of a um you set that kind of chop   range here we're going sideways we're going to  establish some price structure in this case it   was the breakout level of 45. let me just give  me pardon me folks just bear with me today okay   it was that you know 45 46k breakout level  so you know it's reasonable to kind of stop   and think all right do you know are we going to  develop a breakout level here um possibly here   you know if we grind it up but we're we're more  open-minded in the daily time frame given um you   know that we started to close above the daily  ema 34. that was a big level um if you don't   know why just watch like any of my prior videos  uh especially watch the one a month ago that's   going to help you get caught up definitely uh so  let's see here so let's clean that up a little bit   clean that up right there let's get rid of that  all right what's next keep it simple horizontal   strap what am i doing here what am i trying to say  chad's what like what is the purpose of this this   is after a big move down right um this is after a  breakdown so let's just get context on when this   happened and we'll kind of step in and i'm just  this is to help you kind of interpret my tweets   so this is actually a little bit out of order  but i have another tweet that will address   kind of the candle construction here on these  load up lower to upper bollinger band moves   um but here you know the point here is that  a reversal is going to attempt you know often   attempt to do that kind of stair step right and  what does that mean that when you set a high and   you break it you want to see it respected kind of  on the way back you get the breakout you get the   throwback right the breakout the throwback the  breakout the throwba the throwback and then you   get these kind of you know consolidation phases  resetting the oscillators pretty basic stuff we   talked about it so you know cut thus far you know  at that point when i when i had put out this tweet   we were you know sort of attempting to do to do  that we have kind of the top of this range here   where a little bit of consolidation break  rejection break rejection break break through come   back bullish throwback and as the price um at this  this is just how i think i'm trying to explain to   you how i'm thinking and listen honestly i tweet  a lot sometimes i just wake up in the morning and   i see something i tweet it and people are like oh  how come you're not explaining everything you mean   i just i'm trying to i don't know whatever  just bear with me and this is to help you   understand all of it um in this position you're  you know after you've kind of rejected here at   the upper bollinger heading back towards a support  range right what just clean it up you're kind of   heading back towards a support range so you're  already dropping to lower time frames in this   candle and this candle you're thinking okay that  was the low you start to go long here maybe even   right you're thinking okay maybe like a bull flag  breaking out or something there's your throwback   you're looking at this high you're kind of looking  at that you're looking as a deviation below maybe   you're back up above and you're thinking i'm  already long and then whoosh you get that big drop   down you're dropping a lower time frame and what  you're trying to just do is is um identify logical   support levels levels that are that are well  defined that you can use to structure your risk   learn the ched's way learn your own  way i'm just giving you what i got   i'm giving you what i got hopefully it helps um  you want to you want to let that structure develop   and you're kind of trying to you know structure  your risk or your base your trades based on that   so um keep it simple horizontal strategy and this  is saying start paying attention look at this   we have we're kind of dropping into a support zone  here uh this is the daily chart so at this point   i mean i'm still kind of known to be a bear  you know no doubt at this point but you know   i'm showing you a chart where we've closed above  the daily ma50 you know five or six candles in   a row and we're doing a bullish throwback so  i'm presenting to you about this is a bullish   chart i'm presenting to you and that's why it's  important to i mean whatever you think is probably   going to happen or if inevitably most likely to  happen you still want to follow the price action   and let that be what guides your your strategy um  you know i talked about here i say on july 25th   it should bounce here if the bottom is in and  we are about to stair step what does that mean   so boom and it almost it was pretty close  and i'm basically saying if the bottom is in   then we shouldn't we shouldn't break back below  this level right you know that's what's incredibly   important so we're gonna go to a little bit of a  lower time frame and go a little bit lower time   frame there's your one hour i mean you know it's  not perfect all right but i'm basically saying   right about here if the bottom is in we should be  bouncing off of this support we should be bouncing   off of this support here right that's what i'm  saying uh once you recapture you flip resistance   right you should you should be able to turn it  into support and that's kind of the gist um of   what i'm trying to say here and it got went a  little bit lower but it found support here on   the four-hour ma200 bounced and then made another  high but it's interesting to note here on the four   hour at least while we're here you get that up  thrust right always pay attention to when you was   that's not what i'm trying to do again i feel like  there's someone else messing with my keyboard i   promise you it's not me um you know you establish  a high and then you then you stop then you break   that high and you come basically right back below  it you failed to hold it right you always want to   pay attention to that that's a big momentum  signal that was a pretty easy short signal   um and then you can see here the pullback or the  bearish retest here on the sp high wave spinning   top on this four hour time frame anyway that's  just kind of an aside these are all things i've   talked about in my master class webinars and  my prior market updates so what do we have next   that makes me actually makes a great point before  i move on i want to do a little bit of an overview   we've i've just so far i've been talking about um  who made that point i want to give you credit uh   where is it here we go patrick it's a great point  you know i really should address that i've been   talking about kind of daily chart construction i i  really want to iterate and this is something i've   been talking about in bitcoin live now for for  a while we need to think about the weekly ma200   the blue line and the ema 8 as as a resistance  um you know i talked about this on my on my uh   update about a week or whatever five days  ago whenever four or five whatever sunday was   that you know we're you could see people  taking this um candle close here above   the ma200 is like a buy signal but for me it  looked like a potential trap because it had yet   to flip the ema eight and ema eight is no joke  certainly historically and certainly recently   you know it's primary uptrend support and then it  becomes resistance um you know if you've studied   you know bitcoin in a weekly time frame you  should know what the ema 8 is doing it's important   when you have these moving averages coming  together they kind of converge and they create   a zone of resistance so i kind of posited  or or put forth um the idea that this candle   you know sets sets up on his fa on its face it's  a really nice bull trap you got the higher high   higher body uh close higher body wick but it's  below the eight it shows an initial rejection   at the eight on the candle closing basis um  and really kind of just based on my experience   i'd look at this and say okay you know when  you're this close you might as well as well   wait for it to kind of close above the eight  eight is really important um you know otherwise   you're possibly buying kind of towards the  top of the relief rally so that's the weekly   context that's really important right so that's  the weekly context um and then the daily context   they're a little bit different because the daily  the daily is going to give you a little bit more   flexibility because you can still support um a  bear thesis really all the way up to kind of 28k   and then maybe even you know daily ma200 should  that kind of um should it kind of converge   i mean you still have that much room in a bear  argument you can still um conceptualize all of   this uh you know the bullishness quote unquote the  bare channel the rising channel in a correction   as being just similar to here i mean boom you  bounce get a nice little rally ma200 rejection   right what if we do that what if we kind of break  out of a horizontal structure 27k reject again   ma200 i mean that would be like you're screwed  if you're along because that would be such   neat clean consolidation where it just set  up perfectly um to really trap you i went   long here i mean i i went i went long  uh back at the 45k break i tweeted out   that like that you like pretty much have to  go long here because it's a really well and   i was like it's like chad you're a bear i'm  like yeah but look boom i lost my bollinger   bands how did that happen that's interesting  let me just add those back uh pardon me folks   sorry about that favorites maybe bollinger  bands all right now i feel a little bit   more comfortable look i talked about you know  there's your support level the failed double   bottom resistance resistance resistance when you  have that well defined level you know we broke   out even i went long right they made a little  profit i slide my stop loss up rather early i   don't want to sit around i don't let a trade  own me i want to go to bed at least you know   stop loss and profit at you know minimally right  i'm sorry break even if not you know in profit   and then boom you know and then what is this what  is this little tweezer here get the tweezer top   you know i called that out on twitter i've talked  about it in prior streams so you know you get a   little bit more flexibility you've got a little  bit more room here on the daily chart you get   a couple level levels higher you higher you know  you can still support a bare thesis on the daily   chart a little bit more than you can on the weekly  charts i'm kind of looking at this a dual focus   so that's a great point thank you for bringing  that up so let's get through this i have a couple   more and two more tweets here we go someone  had mentioned divergence absolutely what are   we doing here what are we doing big chad's  tweet on uh july 19th big ched's tweet uh   on july 19th it says bic uh bitcoin and ethereum  bearish divergence so on this tweet uh let's see uh let's see bitcoin and we've got   rsi what happened here all right let's try to  refresh that sorry about that folks try that again that is weird all right trading view is  messing with me tonight but i can hang   i can totally hang let's do that let's drop it up  top so here's what we want to look at okay when   you have when you make a higher high you want to  see that confirmed by the on balance volume okay   so in this case we have the price and  you're calculating divergence based on   a candle body close so here we have the  higher high based on the candle body and we have the lower high based on  the oscillator in this case it's a   an index oscillator the on balance volume  is adding up uh the buy in the cell volume   right the binds the cell uh you know the  volume and the green and the red candles   and it's essentially not confirming that we have a  higher high so we have the the bearish divergence   leading us into the candlestick signals  the candlestick weakness this is my final   tweet that i want to focus on which i think is  kind of interesting which gives us um you know   something to talk about here let's pull  this tweet up here so we want to talk about   prior cluster candle weakness candle weakness you  know we're in a we're in a channel right we're in   a bear channel uh if you think about it is it a  bear flag is it not it's gone a little bit long   based on classical charting rules to be a bear  um flag really a bear flag should complete um   you know at about half 50 percent by about  50 percent of the distance of the flagpole   it's just a bare channel and you have this bare  channel mark with this progression of higher highs   and higher lows thus far right we've talked about  those 20.8 that are important all right um but  

you're seeing interesting japanese candlestick  signals japanese candlestick signals are great   short term signals they're they're especially if  you use them with bollinger bands look at this   nice progression of the green candles from the  lower the upper bollinger the long leg doji and   then another doji so you're already seeing candle  weakness right here telling you basically you know   if you're a ball you're thinking i should probably  move my stop loss up at this point and then boom   flush back to lower bollinger eventually make a  new high and then you get more candle weakness   get the spinning top you have another spinning top  or doji and at the time of this tweet uh july 22nd right boom july 22nd observing three  small bodies this is before the candle had   um basically seeing say showing that we're  seeing a little bit of weakness here we had   a pretty good flush from that level 22k all the  way back down to 20.5 so in terms of these kind   of smaller channel signals japanese candlestick  singles are really japanese candlesticks are just   incredibly valuable for showing you momentum  right the momentum is an expression the the   candle bodies are an expression of the momentum  a big green candle into also big but a smaller   candle than the prior candle boom spinning top  doji and then we have the exact same thing here exact same thing here boom big green  candle big as well but smaller green candle   right spinning top shooting star spinning top  shooting star and we've just been kind of drifting   down uh since that point kind of drifting down  towards um really the level that needs to hold but   i think we you know 21.7 would it surprise me to  see a bounce off of that level not really so i'm   kind of you know i'm not really going to close the  door in the bulls just yet because we are trading   above the 34. um you know february march did set  up a nice breakout signal even though it failed   um you know so i'm still you know if if if we're  gonna stair step that would be for me a logical   level kind of right around 21.7 k so that was  pretty fun let's see what's up with the um   pump likes for chats thank you so much 331  watching whatever 91 likes who cares i mean   if you like thank you i appreciate it definitely  please do but if you don't it's totally cool we're   all just hanging out i'm really just happy to be  here um of course i am on twitter at big chats   you can find my book on uh amazon chad's  trading i'm not [ __ ] straight trading   trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader should know  kindle audiobook hardcover and paperback thank   you so much for the feedback thank you so much uh  for all of your your words um i love your support   really appreciate that um if you don't want to  buy the book it's totally cool i have it for free   on my youtube chad's trading go to the playlist  trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader should know   i will eventually have the entire book for free  for you um i didn't mention this before but i've   uh before but i have other books uh in the works  tr um book three i don't have it with me but   i'm actually i was editing it tonight um book  three the quotes book should be out this year   i've sever several other book projects in the  works so uh keep an eye out for that um check   out all the great free stuff on youtube watch the  interviews watch the quick market updates and i'll   tell you if you're serious about learning how  to trade you definitely want to consider joining   bitcoin live i it's it's totally legit i've been  doing market updates there for four years i do a   twice a week full full market update i cover chart  requests answer all the questions and you know   when you sign up you get access to everything  not just my stuff it's a world-class team   absolute world-class team one that i'm really  honored to be part of so um you know thank you   for considering that and just thanks for watching  tonight thanks for hanging out here with me   it is august 4th 2022 and i just want to say thank  you thank you for being part of the team thank you   for um enjoying this space with me and um i wish  you well i wish you well i wish all of you well   thank you for joining me from all around the world  um it's it's wonderful i love that we can connect   uh from all around the world so thank you so much  for that all right let's get this party kicked off i

2022-08-09 11:39

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