$BTC Friday night hangout 4/29/22

$BTC Friday night hangout 4/29/22

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what's up what is up right now what is up worldwide  we are worldwide hanging out we're just having fun i know i'm having fun i'm  reaching out to you wherever you are in the world   i'm reaching out into your living room i'm on  your phone you're in your car you're at work   we're connecting i appreciate that it's fun doing  what i do i am big chad it's friday 4 29 2022 i am   just happy to be alive i'm proud to be here happy  to be here and uh happy besides to uh join the   party so enough of that mushy stuff folks i'm big  cheds i'm kind of a chart nerd i'm into crypto   i feel like i'm probably one of the best uh  trend analysts for bitcoin and i try to that's   what i try to do um and i enjoy connecting with  you and there's there's a great community out   there that's what this is this is you know youtube  community but pretty much people know me through   twitter and people through twitter i'm  on twitter at big chad's mostly academic   observations about price trading psychology  risk management i am of course the author of   trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader should  know uh that book has been quite well received   i'm honored by that um something i'm proud  of actually i have another book coming out in   three to six months trading quotes um but  this book trading wisdom you can get it for   free actually go to my people sometimes people  can't buy it uh because of country restrictions   stuff like that go to the playlist and i'm  gonna do the whole book for free eventually   this update will be filed under quick market  updates you're to want to check this out this   is kind of a growing list i don't really do  these that often i have to be in the right mood   um but what i definitely want to recommend is  bitcoin live i'm a founding analyst at bitcoin   live i do a twice a week full market update um you  know 365 you know 52 weeks a year i don't i don't   miss um and i've been doing that for almost four  years and we have a great team i mean this is this   is the best of the best analysis um and education  about crypto so something i'm really proud of   definitely want to encourage you to check  that out i did a stream two days ago   um and i did one of those where i kind of  explained all my tweets uh i do want to   think you know market moves explained so i'm  not like i don't really want to you know i'm   not going to do that tonight i'm just checking  with the chat room see how everybody's doing   um and just kind of see where it goes from there i  don't really have much i want to say um i kind of   feel like i've already kind of said it and we're  just really at this point just waiting for the   breakdown um so in the meantime why don't you just  give me uh give me a shout out let me know where   you are uh in the world i'm just gonna check  in on the chat room see how everybody's doing vermont all right where's that  cheddar cheese at in vermont   how are we doing over there let's see what's going  on what's poppin somebody says what's poppin sheds   all right listen we're all in this together  right we're um yeah we're all in like the   the same sand we're all in like the same  sandbox going to become a bitcoin live member   i i i'm so happy to hear that listen when you  sign up go watch my recent videos and like tell   me what you tell me what the time of day is all  right this is what i'm saying like check the math   go watch like the last six months of videos  and and let me know you know what you think   um but look i'm so glad to have you all here uh  let's see i appreciate your work i appreciate you   without you folks like what am i i'm just kind of  talking to myself so i appreciate that switzerland   good to see you there from earth  we're all just on the same planet   sharing resources hopefully we're playing uh  together nicely so look bitcoin i'll talk about   here's what we'll do i'll talk about bitcoin a  little bit and by the way thank you for letting   me indulge talking about my book tell my bitcoin  live all that stuff thank you let me indulge   um i think free alpha is really important and  i was thinking about this today i've been like   trying to and often i like think about a tweet  i want to tweet and it might take me like a week   a few days or a week to kind of like figure out  how i want how i want to say it but i've been like   trying to i've been wanting to say there's just  a lot of really good free alpha out there free   right and it gets better every year and it's  like it wasn't there a year ago or two years   or three years ago and just the markets matured  so like things are different but there's a lot   of really good free info out there um so i  would i'm trying to figure out kind of uh   how to anyway so that's the case you got just take  advantage of that be hungry uh take advantage of   the free alpha uh why do i have the four hour out  here i mean four hours decent if you're watching   you know it's not like it's not  too it doesn't move too quick like   quick like the one hour it's not as slow as the  daily it's decent for getting kind of the meat   of the move um you know like four hour up you know  bollinger band has a pretty good play in the four   hour that's why i like to watch it i'll do tweets  where i look for kind of like a one hour lower   to upper bollinger band move or look for like  that one hour pinch right that's how i kind of   um structure my coverage and it's based  on understanding what the daily chart is   doing we've been talking about that um you know  kind of everything is like post breakdown right   breakdown the failed breakout ma200 rejection  the idea of the ma200 uh rolling over and   then we've had kind of this recent signal on  the three-day chart which is really not good   um the idea that that you know the price  is now closing and losing this three-day   ma200 um that's the first time since 8k really  since back in march 20. that's it's a sign of   weakening trend right your your whole job is just  to study the trend you just think about the trend   you know you hold orient your analysis don't think  about like whether duquan's buying or whether like   michael saylor is doing this and that or whether  like some nft like just it's the trend the only   thing that really matters is the trend all those  other things those are little things that get   added into the mix that eventually shows up in the  price everything eventually shows up in the price   so in the end if you if you narrow your focus if  you if you concentrate your focus on the price   and the trend you won't be surprised when things  happen right you won't be surprised when the price   moves um you know we've got the warning signs here  so i tweeted everyone i tweeted it out i'm sure   many people tweeted it out i'm not the only person  who has a you know a charting account three-day   ma200 violation right here right a couple weeks  ago had some follow-through follow through on that   this candle is interesting this is candle is  interesting because um you know on the one hand   you think about uh you think about like the the  topic of like confirmation right and i get this   all the time actually in bitcoin live when people  ask me you know when you say like with this level   you know um confirming this level or breaking that  level what do you mean and like the whole topic of   confirmation right the whole topic confirmation  the trend is your friend absolutely it's like   confirmation depends on you and your in your style  like if you're if you're just you know someone   who's trading i mean that's what you're doing  you're watching all day and you can afford to   to narrow to that one hour or 15 minute  type of thing but if you're just like a   regular person who who doesn't just you  know give a real job you're not watching   you know bitcoin you're not watching  like these different pairs during the day   um you're operating more on like a candle close  basis one or two candle closed basis so like   that's confirmation so like what does that mean  so what am i trying to say here so for like more   more of a kind of conservative method in terms of  confirming that you've lost this level when you   get this what's called a high wave spinning top  april 25th here on the three day chart bitcoin   right that's a high wave spinning top or a  small real candle body long upper and lower   shadows and that's kind of evidence of volatility  that's evidence of indecision indecision means   indecision on the heels of or just  after the prior move which is really   a move down so it kind of shows some  stahls bare momentum on this candle   that's the candlestick theory but on the other  hand from classical charity and you've now got two   closes below the sma 200 right so you've got kind  of a more now an even more conservative method has   triggered which is now the second close because  that's that's another in classical charting that   would be like a higher tier of more of a cautious  or a conservative method of confirming a level uh   not just one close i want two closes right there's  your second close so you have to kind of look at   the candle bodies and the momentum um but the  price has a clear direction and you see that also   with the ema eight rejection you see that with  just it you know just everything after this this   failed breakout and i've been i've been very clear  in my my belief that people are under counting   the the importance of the failed breakout  they're under they're under including that   and they're underweighting it in their in their  analysis kind of across the board so this is a   three-day chart you can see it pretty clearly  here may 200 looks to be losing it daily chart   right daily chart you know ma200 rolling over not  good so you got to be ready you got to be ready um   any bottom any bottom will be marked by volatility  and volume you'll know it like when a bottom hits   you you usually know it you usually kind of know  it and you know the next day you definitely say   i should have noticed it i you know it's one of  those things it comes with volume and volatility   so slow bleed you'll just drift lower and and  uh that's kind of what we're doing right now   so let me check in with the chat room that was  kind of ominous but that's that's where we're   at right i mean it is what it is i'm not going to  tell you what you want to hear that's not who i   am all right uh let's see what do you think about  ape all right so like i i don't i don't really   know anything about it i guess i don't know  but like people who are solid people i follow   were like tweeting about it i actually put  out a tweet today you know on it my first one   um so that's like i'm not gonna tweet  something i don't know about but there   are people that follow that i that i that  understand they're also you know only   doing good solid stuff so i'm like okay it's  kind of safe for me to kind of look at it but   but there's not a lot of chart history i have it  on the uh i have it right here and like what am   i looking at here's a daily chart like there's no  real chart there's no real chart you barely have   you know you barely have a middle bollinger like  an ma20 so um this is this is like not about the   chart this is about uh momentum this is about  hype this is about like the energy behind the   project and more something like uh they called the  je ne sais quoi or i don't know there's something   about this but it's not about the chart right now  there's no history there's no trend right what   we do what i try to do is trend analysis so i'm  aware of the mojo quote unquote there's not much   ta to be had here um let's see avax let's  take a look at avax uh let's do it this way all right let's take a look at that one yeah this one's breaking down i mean it doesn't  look good i mean this is this is not good   i was actually looking at this early  is not good for avax this is not good   um i mean minimally it looks like you'll  probably test low 50s probably break it so   this is not i mean it looks like the uptrend  is rolling over i mean you've got kind of that   if you just you've got a break you've  got a break uh you have the down move   and you've got kind of a rising channel  and a break from the channel so it's like   simplify your thinking this is  what you've got you've got to move   you've got a consolidation and then potentially a  break and a continuation of that right it doesn't   look good does not look good um let's see nearest  and near is interesting let's take a look at near all right appreciate you folks by the way i want  you to know i appreciate you out there hey please   hit like please hit subscribe i guess that helps  me in some way but i appreciate that if you can um   yeah i mean look so near all right  i mean if i'm like a dumpster diver   like this would be one of the ones i would play  like this there's like a maybe five plays i would   things i would i would consider playing in  this environment this would be one of them   you know and the simple reason why is relative  strength it has it has held it has had   relative strength to market the price has  continued to trade above the ma200 um we're   revisiting the ma200 we're revisiting this kind of  this level that was that was resistance resistance   and likely flipped back into support so i  actually kind of like the setup here um you   know the but you have to unders the market overall  has a kind of a a big cloud over it right now so   you know you have to keep that in mind  but i honestly if i was looking for i was   this is something i would play if i wanted  to play in this environment this would be   this would be what i would play there are very  few few setups that look as good as this honestly   uh let's see what's going on here xtz i've  looked this one a while that'll be interesting you know i mean i just don't like it i don't like  it it's bearish i mean what are you gonna see i   mean you look at this it's bearish nobody you  don't need to you don't need to like study ta   to look at this and say it's bearish it's bearish  right ma200 rolled over lower highs kind of looks   like a descending triangle you don't want to be  in this what's the next one uh let's see glimmer   i've never heard of that one we'll do a couple  we'll do some random ones here and i apologize   if uh i don't have it maybe i can't cover it  depends i'll try i'll try to hear real quick   remember let's see usually keycoin  will have a little more history then   yeah there's nothing there i don't have  enough i don't have enough history in that one   uh xmr monero how about that one i need price  history all right ta is history it's historical   it's trend analysis and it's like it's taking  advantage of when the price makes a temporary   move against the trend you have to you have to  like you have to if you just believe ta doesn't   work you're probably not watching this channel  but people tell me all the time like oh it doesn't   matter it's good it's just going to follow the  stock market market it's just maybe but maybe   not it like the price will either hold support or  not the price either holds resistance or not right   it either maintains a high or low structure or not  like you just watch the chart follow the momentum   and and you apply your risk accordingly and that's  the only way to do it everything else is foolhardy   xmr you know hasn't really broken down yet it's  kind of just sideways i'm not super interested   in it it's definitely not something i'm looking  to trade um but it's not like it's not definitely   gonna it's not definitely bearish it's just a  kind of a sideways chart um let's see everybody   let's see what's going on pyr let's take a look at  that one i know there's some interest in that pyr i mean it's still kind of hanging in there it's  still it's still hanging in there it hasn't really   um it hasn't broken down but it hasn't shown  you know it hasn't really shown any strength   um you know this year hasn't shown any strength  since it topped off right at the end of last year   uh at this point so um what's it been  doing i mean it hasn't broken down but   there's not a lot of strength so what  do you do with something like that   it's kind of inconclusive kind  of a sideways trend at this point   um you know with any of these type of  plays you could play the range lows and you   say this level either holds or not i'll buy there  if it breaks i'll sell if you know if it doesn't i   have a decent risk reward so that's like one one  way to play it um but it's not that interesting   to me uh let's see polka dot haven't looked at  that one in a while take a look at polka dot all right let's take a look at polka dot all  right i mean it's it's not looking good it's just   continued to break down um and like i'd ask you if  you're in this like why it's one of those things   where like why right um it's just a it's a it's  a pretty tough looking trend you've got the price   you know you can just see the progression of the  breakdown the price accelerated came back failed   to hold failed to hold that level failed to hold  this level right um you know like like paused and   consolidated at the ma200 but it lost to 200 now  the 200 is rolling over okay and then you get this   structure uh where you form the low and it becomes  a clear resistance i mean if you don't sell here if you don't sell here you're just like lit  you're just not paying attention you're literally   not paying attention i mean it's such a clear  breakdown clear bearish retest at a reasonably   well established level um at this point the price  this is a pivot like you got to study these charts   and down trends can reverse right that um you  know this is a situation and bitcoin did this   where you have a red light turning orange  trying to turn green and this is your pivot   level to turn green uh much as bitcoin had the  ability to do that on the 46k recapture and the   ma200 underside retest uh circa 48k this is your  this is your chance you know you you kind of   start to flip this high and you go long you  come back below i mean that's it momentum   here is like mega down like this is this is  a really strong cell signal a short signal   you know you gotta remove yourself from why you  think you're in the trade somebody in the chat   somebody in the chat room said  this or you think it's the next   layer oneness or layer to that i don't even i  don't even know what any of that stuff means   and i don't need to like i'm just so pure trend  and it just helps i try to be really good at   this and like the other stuff you know that's  all debate show me in the price don't tell me   like you see it in the price you see the  momentum this this is like a nine out of   10 out of 10 sell or short signal on dot doesn't  look so good um maybe we'll do a few more here   just to kind of see i'll check in with  the chat room see how everyone's doing uh yeah i get we could take a look at this  one this one we'll take a look at ftm uh take a look at ftm phantom so ftm i mean it's breaking down you you're in a little  bit of trouble this one was really you know i've   been doing this for a while oh this is polka  dot let me get rid of that comment um ftm so i've been doing this for a while and  you can tell when something is so hyped up   um like there's like a like um like a hive  mind about it to where you there's this like   critical mass of people who believe that  something's gonna happen that it's like   when you there's moments in time that that where  like the charge clearly turning bearish but   you get into these kind of fights with the  maxis um you know the chart really started   to break down obviously in the loss of the  ma200 you see the underside retest here   um you see you know similar what bitcoin  did uh presume you know with the with a   double top here uh essentially um but it was  at a different time you know bitcoins was uh   uh may right may november here you kind of  have something similar um this thing i i   sense it on twitter i mean there was some real  enthusias enthusiasm about it and like for   whatever reason from my experience when i sense  that enthusiasm i just get bearish i just get   and you know maybe one of these days will  be unwarranted right maybe one of these days   it's the next microsoft or the next whatever  but like when i start to like like what i see   people talking and i'm like wow this person really  believes like this person really like there's a   there's this like um in in art in theater  they call it uh suspension of disbelief   right into their so there's a point where people  are that much into it and i'm like wow people are   getting that level up into whatever this is and i  immediately get bearish and i don't know whatever   it is so that's just kind of an aside that's  a little bit of a story that's what's going   on with fps ftm looks to go lower big kind of  break of these levels you wanted to see it hold   on that 130s level um all right we'll do that  i see you out there muhammad let's check it out see how i feel we'll go a little bit longer i  want to touch base everybody you know i love you   out there i hope you're doing well i know life  is hard um harder for some of us than others   but um i'll try to understand your  struggle and pre appreciate you um   i mean vet you know it's not great it's not  great i mean but it doesn't look as bad as   some of the stuff out there i'll give you that  but that's like when you're at that when you're   at that point of looking at like gradations of  bad you're looking at like the versions of like   you know it's like what's left over at the  rummage sale type of situation it's not   exciting you're not looking at this and thinking  wow you know i want to like deploy my capital   at this one um the ma200 has rolled over it's  going sideways it's not straight down you've got   some kind of evidence of support kind of in  this area so i mean that's some reason for not   completely panicking but i i don't like the chart  i just it's not interesting to me um let's see all right muhammad i already got  your brother i can't do ada and vet   um eth all right no problem  bright we'll check it out i mean this is it's just really  it's clear like when you look   at this it should be clear what  you're looking at all right um i mean i hope i hope but we all look at these  things differently it's it's like muscle memory   right you study charts you look at it over  and over again and i i'm telling you like like   textbooks help classical charting candlesticks  cmt helped me a lot i you look at this and you   just see i see two parts i see i see the move  up and this digestion right it's the move up   and kind of the trend break and the digestion you  see it and it's just you're at this point where   the trend is like threatening to roll over  it's threatening to roll over but it could also   continue right and you kind of you know here in  the past where it's gonna roll over you know we're   gonna roll over no we're gonna continue right so  it can do that it can totally do that um it's like   i've used this analogy before and more so recently  it's like the tennis ball right and where it's   like you throw up the tennis ball and it's right  there and yes it probably will come over but   and maybe that's a poor analogy because tennis  ball doesn't keep going um but it's at the peak   where you're starting to think you know you're  thinking okay this is the height of that move um   so it could possibly continue but really  you think it's probably not going to   because you're looking at weakening structure  it's weakening trend i mean it is what it is   right um you know you go back you see the up  thrust part of me let me do that you see the   up thrust you have to mark that i mean that's  pretty clear right so that that's a blow to   momentum like everything is momentum right  you got this big blow to blow the momentum   move down consolidation right from the move  down moving averages rolling over so what are we   looking at so the point i make is when you look  at this you could see it's a move a great move   that kind of got a little bit over its skis  and it's probably going to come back lower um   it's kind of what i've been saying so i mean  i'd be entrusted here for a trade but i'm much   more interested you know around there 1800s for a  trade 1800s 2k i think i think it's probably going   lower because i think bitcoin is going lower um  but if i didn't think if i didn't think bitcoin   was going lower i'd still look at this chart and  think this chart's going lower take a look at aav yeah i mean it's not a great looking chart  either i mean you've got the trend rolling over   you're kind of drifting lower um not something  you're really kind of looking to play um at   this point you've got a clear uh you know level  that you would want to see flipped for momentum   um to kind of to kind of get you kind of  back on track i'm going to wrap things up   i do want to say thank you i appreciate each  and every one of you for watching tonight and   spending a little bit of time here with  me um i enjoy i enjoy trading i enjoy   studying the charts um i got to tell  you like when i'm telling you like   i got wrecked really hard when i got started and  really over the years i made so many different   mistakes over and over again that kind of led  to what i do today right my book trading wisdom   all the youtube stuff um and a lot of it is  is just just stupid repeat mistakes so um   you know it's it's a long it's a long journey  don't get frustrated um and you know one thing   i would say is you know you get what you put in  so if you're if you're frustrated you know ask   yourself if you're actually working hard because  it's not easy you know don't expect it to be easy   you have to own up to like your own your own um  effort level right so that's really up to you   kind of what you do with this so you know  don't complain unless you've really put in   uh the effort and so that that's what i  would say hopefully that's not too harsh   i'm of course i'm on twitter at big chats um i'm  on twitter at big chats check me out on youtube   i've got a bunch of playlists that i hope are of  value to you uh this video will be under the quick   update quick market updates my book which is on  tr on amazon for different formats uh the free   version is on youtube i'm gonna do um episode 14  soon i've been putting it off i do apologize but i   will get it done um check out all the other great  all the all the other great stuff i have hopefully   you you do enjoy that if you're i will say if  you're going to start with any one video go to my   educational playlists uh tutorial educational  live streams and watch the most recent video   it will explain moving averages um you know my  methodology my style will kind of make everything   help everything make more sense and of course  i'm a founding analyst at bitcoin live for almost   four years a really you know very soon about four  yeah four years coming up um i've been you know   twice a week full market updates um i doesn't  matter where i am i'm on vacation i'm gonna   get an update to those members that those are  my people so i i would um definitely encourage   you to check that out we have a wonderful team  really great team um check that out otherwise   listen you know just hang in there um don't be too  aggressive especially in a market like this which   is which is a really really tough market right um  there's no you don't have to worry about missing   the bottom right oh what if i you know what if it  really goes to 100k look if we get back up above   you know 45 46k if we get back up above um kind  of the ma200 area you can go long comfortably so   you've got kind of a limited window that you'd  miss to the upside when you have a lot of   potential room to the downside i see scenarios  of 30k tested 30k break broken 20k tested tiny   20k broken i've talked about it those aren't  like guarantees or predictions but i can see that   you know but there's a lot between here and there  but bottom line is right now you've got more   uh room to the downside than the upside in the  sense that you'll know when you're wrong quickly   if you think it's going lower and and everything  points to that so why you know why fight it why   fight the trend just my thoughts um other than  that listen i appreciate i appreciate you folks   i hope you um i hope you're doing well  i wish you fortune i wish you love and   i wish you um happiness and we'll talk again  soon so let's get that dancing on all right you

2022-05-06 11:06

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