$BTC #Bitcoin Quick Market Update 1/11/22

$BTC #Bitcoin Quick Market Update 1/11/22

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hello hello hello it's a wonderful day hello all right buddy it's big chats big chats big chats  technical difficulties and all it's big chats   coming live to you coming live to you friends my  good friends thank you for taking some time out   of your day i'm coming live to you on a tuesday it  is the 11th day of january in the year 2022 i want   to say a deep heartfelt thank you uh for coming  it's a lot of fun i am big chad you can find me   in a bunch of places let's let me just get through  uh this basic spiel and we'll get to why you're   here you want to hear about bitcoin you want to  kind of uh see where we're at this is going to be   a very quick market update i really just wanted to  touch base with you folks of course you can find   me on twitter at big chads i do a lot of academic  observations about price uh trading psychology um   you know free stuff let's go right to uh let's  see if you go to the crypto banter youtube they   have a playlist called trading wisdom of 13 great  episodes uh please do check that out tons of free   alpha in that if you go to my youtube and by the  way please do consider hitting like and consider   hitting subscribe if you go to playlists i really  would recommend you start out with the tutorials   educational live streams if you're new to trading  you really really really need to start uh let's   get rid of that you really really need to start  out with the tutorials um they'll teach you moving   averages they'll teach you basic terminology  i do a lot of review in these i'm gonna   probably do another one in a couple weeks i'll  probably do like the whole 2021 year in review   but those will get you started um you got to  watch those and there's a lot of other great   stuff so check out my um check out my youtube  channel under trading wisdom 50 lessons i am   the author of the book trading wisdom 50 lessons  every trader should know i have a free version   i've got 10 of the 50 uh right now i'll eventually  get the whole book up on youtube for free if you   can't afford it if you can't you know for whatever  reason you can't buy it um i've got that version   for you the book is available of course uh it is  on amazon kindle paperback hardcover and audiobook   the audible has been out for a little while it's  doing really well so i appreciate that i want to   thank everybody for the support that's still doing  really well number one number one new release   in that category which is which is really awesome  um just as a reminder i am a founding analyst at   bitcoin live bitcoin live is the best in class  educational platform for crypto i do two long form   market updates every week doesn't matter what i'm  doing um i will not miss an update our members   have been doing well with the volatility i'm  really proud of that we have a wonderful team   you can see here just uh just an amazing group of  contributors you get access to everyone's content   so let's see what's up everybody big chad's here  with the family we've got 400 450 of you live here   so uh i appreciate everything you've done for us  i appreciate you folks you know when i got started   out um people helped me out and i remembered  that i'm trying to give that back i also enjoy   doing what i do so uh your wisdom is always  sound thank you khalid appreciate that   i'm just quickly scanning the chat room here  folks just to say hi to everybody um you know i   usually will go back and read the chat room after  the video but i'm going to miss your questions   i'm sure you have some wonderful questions uh in  the chat room i'm probably going to miss them so   if i you know if i miss your comment i'm  sorry but i want to say thank you i appreciate   the feedback i appreciate you of course coming  here so let's jump right in i have some thoughts   on what's going on with bitcoin and to kind of  lead into that i'm going to read from the book   we're going to go to chapter 3 lesson 3 page 13.  in many ways the difference between and by the way   let me know if you can hear me all right uh let's  see let me know if you folks can hear me okay   i assume you can just reading from the chat room  your book is great it's every mistake i made   listen i've made all these mistakes and  i keep making them and it's part of my   penance as part of my journey is to try to  help you not have to make all those mistakes so   that's a good segue lesson three stay calm under  pressure in many ways the difference between   success and failure comes down to staying calm  under pressure do not panic to be a profitable   trader you must stay cool under pressure so that  you can take advantage of bargain basement prices   when they come around now here's the key when  everyone else is panicking you are scaling into   your position because your low ball bid filled i'm  going to show you this in practice on the chart   with the comfort of this excellent entry you  are now watching the order flow to see if you   want to add more or wait for a bit and see how  it plays out it's nice to have options right   lesson three staying calm under pressure why  that's important why that is topical why that is   um potent right now is we have a potential spring  okay a spring is what is a spring i talked about   it again you got to go to the tutorials they  talk about springs throwbacks moving average   crosses a spring is basically where you have  a really well-defined level and what you do is   you temporarily violate that level then you come  back above it that essentially gives you a false   false break a false bear move and often times the  best entries come on a failed move in the other   direction 604 of you live great to have you here  so if we remember back if we go all in the way   back machine all the way back to uh last summer um  we had an 80-day rectangle with 80-day rectangle   after we dropped down we had our head and  shoulders top of the head and shoulders complex   uh with the wide left or multiple shoulders and  head and we did the measured move that broke   down that took us to about you know 35k and we  continued down to define you know this rectangle   with the upper boundary around 41k 42k and lower  boundary here you know right at about 30k so   you know 30k was the key level right 30k was there  was a big level it's a big psychological level   everybody can say oh we're above 30 i feel good  you know we're below 30 i feel bad you know you   know we're we're emotional creatures we like to  simplify things and this is incredibly critical so   right here and there was a lot of debate actually  in the community there's some videos going on   uh where i actually had a really good debate  with like uh with scott melker and burb around   this time they were more bullish than i was but i  was bearish because i kind of saw things going on   and we broke down right but then we you know we  quickly recovered it so you could say we were both   right uh they were right in the long term i was i  was right briefly right the point is we broke down   we lost 30k and we had a day below it i remember  we went down to 28.5 roughly 29.7 what is that   29.5 and then 29.2 i think on some other exchanges  we were as low as 28.5 the point is we very  

briefly violated that 30k area and then we came  back up above it right that was a failed bear   move all right making sure i checked the comments  everybody could see me good that was a failed bear   move we were unable to follow through on that  signal what happened afterwards right we had   the failed bear move and then all of a sudden you  know we had signs here two days in a row holding   that ema eight support i put out a tweet you know  i was a little late on the bottom i didn't really   start to mark the bottom until around 33k and then  really i think i confirmed it with my own analysis   around 3435k others were you know they were they  hit it sooner so kudos to them for that but what   we happened what we had was a false bear break we  temporarily lost 30k recaptured that that ignited   a move right ema eight you know and this is all  in the educational live stream lower high break   and then the big kahuna or the big deal was  with closing above the orange line the m850   because just as a reminder we remember the  first real um warning sign was april 19th   when we closed below the ma50 and the daily for  the first time so really that was that spring   that false bear break uh led to that bounce it  led to that bottoming so you know when you're in   this type of a situation of you know you know  this is all all review of course but the high   the low i'm gonna be a little sloppy here  i'm going quicker the high the lower high   uh the higher low the boom boom boom boom boom  right the breakout and we saw that and then we   you know really well covered in my comments other  people's comments were the rise into the etf   and then of course we had the double top with the  higher high called an up thrust so the up thrust   right it's the opposite of a spring right what  is a spring a spring is a false bear break well   an up thrust is a false bull break so we had the  you know there's the daily chart we had this we   had the up thrust and then we had the outside bar  on november 10th all those warning signs right and   then the double top and then of course at the 60k  you know um trough or the low the peak the trough   the peak the trough the breakdown you know the  measured move completed and then of course the uh   often uh talked about failed head and shoulders  that was violated or invalidated rather gave us   a big-time sell signal at 55.5 i live tweeted  it a lot of people did you really should have   exited all your longs there right 55.5 the people  who study classical charting they study technical   analysis they sold there they understood  that you know and then you know that was   in the context of the breakdown and and then all  we had these all these bounces to moving average   resistance really all the way down right bounces  to moving average resistance i put out a tweet   a week ago or whatever this date was end of  december i said curb your enthusiasm i am a fan of   kirby enthusiasm by the way but i said curb your  enthusiasm we haven't even closed above the ema 34   yellow line ema34 right and we continued down so  we're in this we have been in this mode where we   had a clear top and we've been having these mean  reversion bounces right these are these are relief   rallies and in order to change that momentum right  that now the analogy i made on a prior video was   that you know bulls need a turnover right bears  have the edge right bears have the edge bulls need   a turnover bulls are tired not bears bulls are  tired need a turnover you get that turnover you   get that momentum if you get a false break because  it's one of the most powerful signals in all   of technical analysis is where you have a false  break and a run so in my analysis in bitcoin live   other people have talked about this this isn't  like genius level analysis but i basically told   them hey if we dip below 40k and you know and  we don't pretty much immediately recover it   we're in major trouble but if we dip below 40k  and we get back above it you want to buy it so   right there 40k let's get a little bit lower  so what happened we had the spring right we   had the spring yesterday i've been taking some  time off i'm still going to be tweeting less   you know but i can do these videos i'm just  trying to cut my my cut tweets down from 300   a day to 50 a day so bear with me but we had  that false break right 744 of you live 755.  

great to see you folks thanks for uh showing up  and showing your support so we had that false   break we had that that spring below 40k and what  does that do that sets up a change in momentum   now we need follow-through right so that was when  i started the chap when i started this show out   and it talked about lesson three staying calm  under pressure like people who sold because it   broke below 40k other people bought there as soon  as it got back above it right that was a super key   pivot and it's a very easy trade pivot because  if you enter when the price gets back up above   40k you very easily defined your risk because you  said okay if we get below 40k it can cut the trade   so we have the spring right we had the spring  at 40k the same spring we had at 30k now the   30k spring bought us brought us to 67 to 69k you  know will the 40k spring you know uh get us right   back on track for the weekly ascending triangle  to 100k i don't know i really don't know but like   low time frame we're going to keep watching these  low time frame levels we need we need a throwback   um and we're sort of trying to do that now right  now right right now as we speak because you can   see a very well-defined level here where you  have the bottom of support that is broken   turns into let's do actually this way let's be  more precise you have the bottom the other support   that becomes broken now it gets turned into  resistance reaffirmed reaffirmed as resistance   all through here temporarily we kind of peek  peek our head above right it's in those um   those those war movies where you know those  uh you know war movies people are behind   a wall they stick their head up to shoot and  then some you know they get hit it's like you   stuck your head up boom head shot back below okay  still resistance and now we went back up above   again again and you know in the context of this  is coming now it's all about everything is context   everything is context this attempt now right  there is in the context of this spring it gives   us a better chance to hold here on the throwback  what are we four hours let's go like a one hour   so here's the one hour we still have this key  horizontal right and what we're attempting to   do and what we failed to do back here yesterday  the 11th two days ago we failed to essentially   turn it into a support boom like that and i put  out a tweet earlier today where i said you know   flip 425k into support well how do you do it you  know you don't just break it you haven't flipped   it you have to flip it by confirming it on a  retest that's what's called a throwback or a   bullish retest and that's kind of what we're doing  right here so bitcoin can hold serve if you can   maintain the ball if you can you know keep  getting first downs to use a football analogy   uh you know ideally right above here right around  42 3 42 4. if it can do that then we can push   higher right we had our first initial relief rally  target met ema8 we understand from using moving   averages and exponential moving averages ema right  more sensitive to price movement if any of this   is confusing you have to go to my tutorials i  explain everything tutorials watch them so it's   not unexpected to initially reject at ema8 look  at that ema 8 ema 8 ema 8. what happened down here   emi8 ema8 right all that those ema 8  rejections it's a powerful moving average   and often will flip into resistance we need  to turn it into support like we did back here   what is this like we did back in june july august  june really july rather where we had the spring   and then look at that ema 8 was flipped into  support if we start to do that we know we've got   something cooking here we know we've got something  going right 826 love to see you folks here thank   you so much so that's the context um you know we  still have to hold 40k you know we we just had a   spring here and we're back up above it if we get  back below 40k you know forget about it i think   i think that really will that will give bears so  much momentum we really don't want that i'm a bull   long-term you know people always accuse me of  being a bear but i just read the price action   like if it's bullish i'll tell you all right all  in here oh chad you're a bear i mean i'm just   telling you what you need to hear not what you  want to hear all right it's frustrating sometimes   and it was interesting i started to get really  tired it wasn't fun to make fun of bulls anymore   you know starting like last week i'm like this  isn't funny anymore i'm sick of being right   i'm sick of making fun of the diagonal  traders who are just sitting there trying   to bump and run down to zero right i'm  sick sick of these these people right   i want to go up so you know this is a level where  we can do it it's a super key level it's 40k   theoretically the ascending triangle is still  in play and we have the building blocks for a   bounce but but but but and but if we cannot flip  this horizontal back into support it's nothing's   gonna happen so we have we have some nice elements  here we have some nice elements we have the spring   we have this horizontal we're trying to throw back  i just explained that to you in a load time frame   now now we have some things to watch right  now we have an initial ema8 rejection   okay now you can go long if you break up above  that ema8 now if you're not in it you can go long   above 43k and use that as your pivot level right  every trade has to have a defined fail point this   would be another potential fail point you know  you could go above 43k if it goes long if it's   back below you could get out stuff like that so  those are kind of my thoughts hopefully that makes   sense if it doesn't make sense you got to watch  my tutorial on my tutorials all right i'm going   to quickly check in with the chat room see how  everybody is doing all right let's go uh let's see thank you i'm just a guy i'm having fun i happen  to take technical analysis seriously which means   read textbooks and you can do it too like it's not  that hard read textbooks put in time and practice   you will be fine trust me rely on yourself don't  rely on other people love your twitter thank you   greg i've been really too active i feel like and  i'm trying to scale back and have balance i've   been way too active i got really involved here too  emotionally for november and december because like   i saw the top coming i took a lot of heat and  i ended up like i was going on people's like   pages and commenting on their charts but what does  that do nobody likes that guy who comes in and   says you're wrong like i mean it doesn't matter  i had it right but that's not the point like   i'm gonna scale back i'm gonna do less is more  fewer tweets but better quality that's my goal   so just to keep that in mind um cmt is absolutely  worth studying i have to tell you i did see mt1   and that really helped me write the book i mean  that this book has all like the fundamentals of   cmt in terms of like basic classical charting  understanding momentum understanding trend   analysis really helped me write a book i could  be proud of and and know that it was in my   opinion professional quality analysis so cmt has  changed my game i would very much recommend it uh   awesome thanks acid monkey ivan yeah i'm gonna  do i'm gonna do a stream with um with my man   ivan on tech next week by the way i also  have a stream coming up with uh karoosh ak   you folks may have heard of him i'm  gonna do a a long form interview series   uh with so i'm gonna do one with him next week  or no actually i'm doing with him thursday with   kurosh so that's something you folks can look  forward to just checking in in the chat room uh   what descending triangle i don't know  what you're talking about i did mention an   ascending triangle and that's been very well  detailed both here watch my prior videos watch   the last emergency live stream um and then just  check my twitter out so all right all right all right listen i love you guys i love doing  this um thank you for taking time out of whatever   you're doing to stop in and listen to me rambling  i am on twitter i'm at big chad's academic   observations about price trading psychology uh you  can find the book it's on amazon it's been it's   been doing way better than i ever thought it would  do so you know heartfelt thank you for that by the   way i'm working on uh four new book projects the  one that i'm closest that i'm really working on is   a kind of a quotes book i'm taking the quotes from  this book and adding a lot of my new quotes since   then and other sayings and it's gonna be like a  one quote a day type thing that should come out   in the next six months and then i'm doing uh like  a trading journal type of book trading wisdom with   like a journal explaining you know what you need  to do to put into a journal and how to fill it out   and how to learn from it and then i'm planning  on doing a poker and trading crossover book   and then also kind of my big memorial  ambitious project kind of a life wisdom book   as well so that that should keep me busy for the  next uh five or six years if you go to the crypto   banter youtube i have a playlist trading wisdom  with 13 great episodes this is just unbelievable   free alpha the guests here are amazing don't  pass it up check that out please do consider   liking and subscribing my video subscribing to  my channel and at least watching the videos you   can decide later if you want to like them  or not you know i'll leave that up to you   start with the tutorials educational live streams  if you want the book just watch the free version   right trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader  should know all right i do that again so you've   got i've got 10 episodes up right now i'll  get eventually all 50 please check that out   if you are serious i mean you really want to learn  how to trade you have to join bitcoin live i've   been doing these for over three years you sign  up now you can watch hundreds of my videos um we   nailed it like i've been nailing it our team has  been nailing it our members are usually not caught   off guard because we are serious about what we do  and i'm incredibly proud to be a founding analyst   so check out bitcoin live that was a lot of fun i  love doing these videos that was my little quick   um quick market update so i'll tell you it's time  to party and i'll talk to you folks soon all right take care everybody

2022-01-14 14:34

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