$BTC #Bitcoin Long Form Interview - Koroush AK

$BTC #Bitcoin Long Form Interview - Koroush AK

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good morning good morning folks thank you for  coming very heartfelt very heartfelt thank you   i appreciate each and every one of you for  coming here today today is january 13th 2022   if you could give me a little shout out here in  the chat room make sure you can hear me okay i   want to make sure everything is looking good good  morning everybody i'm just checking the chat room   appreciate the time my time and i appreciate you  folks you're busy you're taking some time out   there in the world whatever you're doing so thank  you for taking some time to come here and spend   some time with us we have a really great treat  today let's jump right into this we're doing um   this is part of the long form interview series i  have karoosh ak today he's a really uh a fountain   a fountain of wonderful information here's his  uh twitter page here's his youtube page he also   has a book he recently put out we're gonna kind  of go over that with the man himself uh you can   find me i am on twitter i'm at big chads i want to  remind you some free stuff if you go to my youtube   channel you know you're just getting started you  don't know you don't know what to make of all this   and um especially if you're new to trading go  to tutorials educational live streams check out   that playlist that will get you started  that will answer a lot of the questions   um that you have by the way what's the  song name the song name is church of   eight wheels so check out the tutorials i am of  course the author of trading wisdom 50 lessons   every trader should know i'm doing the  whole book for free check out the playlist   i've got 10 of the i've got 10 of the 50 uh 10  of the 50 so far so check that out and this is   part of the long form interview series i have two  so far one with uh with crypto bourbon with big   chonus and now with kurosh aka the man himself um  the book is on amazon kindle audio hardcover and   paperback and of course check out bitcoin live  where i'm a founding analyst the best in class   educational platform for crypto uh i'm gonna bring  on karush in about five minutes what i'm gonna do   real quick i'm gonna read to you from the book  give you about two three minutes of bitcoin and   we're gonna roll right into the interview uh let's  see i'm just checking the chat room everybody   seems like they're doing well great to see you  here i love dancing you know we like to express   ourselves dancing is fun lesson 25 fight the fomo  and this is something um we can kind of think   about right now with bitcoin right where it is so  it's easy to feel left out in this kind of climate   seeing everyone on twitter going nuts over plays  you are not in stay patient don't let yourself get   caught up in the emotion and stick to your plan  be patient be careful and choose your plays wisely   fomo stands for fear of missing out and it's  something that is difficult for even the most   veteran of traders to avoid so like what is that  why is that important so and we're talking about   bitcoin right now we're that's why we're here and  the really patient traders they bought there on   that sub 40k dip they bought when the price  recaptured 40k or maybe they bought on that   kind of um kind of confirmation when the price  was able to recapture those initial lows right   there the lows from january 7th or 8th or maybe  even the top of the channel here at 42.5 you   had a bunch of spot a bunch of opportunities to  get into bitcoin but like what do you do now if   you're here in the middle and you have fomo you  do nothing you wait for always wait for the next   proper setup if you can't get that that initial  entry where you can really clearly define your   risk because you're close to a key horizontal  level then wait you know fomo messes up your   entry point starting the trade out on the wrong  foot and often leading you to cut later for a loss   right so you want to think about uh you want to  think about your thinking will trading wisdom   be an apple i'm actually in the process of porting  it to apple ibooks so give that some time but yeah   so forward messes up your entry point  you want to always ask yourself like am i   fomoing in here or am i executing um a plan  am i executing something that i've i've   looked at ahead of time and has a good risk  reward you know ask yourself can i clearly   define my risk at this level will i know how  quickly will i know if my trade idea fails   because when you enter in the middle of the  channel when you're just following in it's   really hard to define your entry point and define  your exit point which is really the most important   so you know in that chapter i just talked about it  you're having a tough time trading you're losing a   lot of money and then all of a sudden you see  someone talk about a play and you just jump   into it without doing any research so fomo will uh  really get you started out in the wrong direction   let's just jump right in what do we got uh five  six minutes in let's bring in kurosh let's bring   in the man himself hello hello everyone i'd  love that dance man that was such a great intro   thank you man i gotta say that those are the  moves you taught me i've been watching your videos   i'm just trying to copy you brother i don't know  which videos you've been watching definitely not   the youtube ones but no yeah we'll have a  conversation about that after absolutely i   wanna i wanna thank you a heartfelt thank you for  coming today um you're very popular on twitter i   read the comments people love what you do you put  up really nice stuff so let's get this started um   people never heard people who've never heard of  you why don't you maybe briefly introduce yourself   and talk about a little bit of what you do um and  then if you don't mind later prepare to share your   screen so we can kind of look at that too when we  do some ta later yeah i got the bitcoin chart up   right there ready to share and talk about um thank  you for having me on uh nice to meet everyone   in the chat right now uh i will be reading the  comments and right now i can already see people   are familiar with the channel they know about kim  editor-in-chief of market meditations uh so uh who   am i what do i do i've been in the crypto space  about five years and uh i started off just sharing   trades because it's a lonely profession and it was  fun to share online i noticed at the end of 2017   most of the big popular accounts that i thought  were um oracles that knew everything going on in   the market just disappeared and uh i thought hey  my training's still going okay i'll share a little   bit and i just live grew an account from i think  it was 30k to 50k which is you know not not bad   for a two-month period and people liked it they  followed me and i've been going since about a year   ago i started taking everything hyper seriously  and got extremely involved into the space uh on   the building side working with lots of different  projects uh launching my newsletter and podcast   and uh right now my primary focus is going to be  the newsletter i really want to build something   that's going to be a gateway that can bring  thousands maybe someday millions of people into   the crypto space help educate them and uh navigate  through all the great and terrible things we have   why don't you tell us a little bit about that  newsletter what is it like what's the format of it   how can people get access to it oh thank you um  i'd love to so the newsletter is called market   meditations uh that's just market meditations  you can find it on twitter and uh substack how   it works is we release six free newsletters every  single week and uh what this is is it exists to   be your one-stop shop for all things crypto so uh  i used to just be a trader that means i'd step on   uh look at the charts and um use technical levels  to make trades this was very effective for a while   but i noticed myself reaching a cap and i know  there's plenty of people that don't but personally   i found that i couldn't get uh above a certain  level of proficiency and i've seen people around   me doing much better i spoke to a few people which  i advise everyone do never get arrogant in where   you are um i got a little arrogant because i was  from a mathematics background and i thought oh   there's too many data points nothing you can  use besides the technicals that'll really work   but a lot of the people that were doing really  well were following the news events following   what was going on in space and really keeping a  pulse for overall market sentiment and specific   news events and i i put together a research  team i'm like okay guys listen i'm gonna hire   you and your job is to keep me up to date on  absolutely everything going on in space because   i personally don't have time and they did and  it really skyrocketed my win rate i was doing   much better in the markets and i was finding new  opportunities that had absolutely nothing to do   with trading at a much faster level yield farming  nfts and all sorts of uh different projects and   narratives in the space and i thought hey i could  definitely turn this into a product i mean i'm   getting the information anyway why don't i just  turn it into a newsletter so i spoke and that   eventually became a newsletter and it's evolved a  lot since but six times a week for free you will   have access to everything going on in the markets  and i think you'll really help whether you're a   trader investor or just someone who wants to keep  up to date with this world changing technology   that sounds pretty amazing man um that type of  uh work ethic i feel i feel lazy listening to   you talking like that like six times a week wow uh  i better step up my game um and that sounds really   comprehensive as well and uh it's interesting  you cover all those things you know nfts defy and   stuff like that uh it's the kind of market where  you can choose your own adventure a little bit you   know it's a big big ecosystem and you can be  a ta guy you can be an fa guy you can do that   yield farming and the nfts um you know like  how do you decide you know how do you decide   what to do especially if you're new i mean do  you want to kind of explore that a little bit   yeah i'd love to great question really really  great first question um crypto space is one where   there's too much opportunity and it's rare i've  been in a few different sectors before coming to   crypto and uh having so much opportunity at your  disposal every single second uh makes it really   difficult to know what to do because uh you i mean  to take example back to when i was trading those   at one point where i uh developed a really strong  system uh that uh over a three month period had a   90 plus percent hit rate and this is amazing like  for any system i've had i knew this is a bit of   an isolated period i think i've got a really good  read on the trend and this system is just working   really well so i wasn't even sleeping you know  like i had alarms that would go off seven times a   night where i just get up go take that trade and  um it gave me insomnia for two years so it was   a terrible terrible decision but the point i'm  trying to make is just because the opportunity   exists doesn't mean you don't need to take a step  back and holistically analyze what taking that   opportunity is going to do for everything else you  have so to bring it to crypto say uh you're really   passionate about nfts and you think you're good  at uh reading hot trends what people are going to   be interested in what's going to be cool or not  um really good at assessing the strength of the   community then you might say oh this is an area i  could really specialize in it's similar to trading   limited edition clothes like yeezys and stuff  if you've got the skill set to detect those you   probably can do well in nfts and you start doing  really well you make a bit of money and then you   notice oh d5 that looks like fun guys making ten  thousand percent apy and then you dive into d5   but see that works initially especially when the  opportunity is new but if you look at a period   of time longer than one to two years what ends up  happening is because your attention is dispersed   you will eventually lose market share to someone  whose attention is hyper focused you're not going   to be able to compete with the person who's  all in on nfts and your margins are going to   decrease your edge is going to slowly disperse  so you really need to assess hey if i stop doing   nfts right now and i go to d5 am i really doing  everything i possibly can to benefit from this   opportunity right now and have i reached the  point of diminishing returns what's the point   of diminishing returns well that basically means  you've reached the point where you're putting so   much into this that every extra one unit of energy  you put in doesn't really give you that much more   results once you comfortably and honestly get to  that point that's the only time to start moving   to a new opportunity and one more point i'd add  separate tangent is when assessing an opportunity   you really need to look at both yourself and the  market so firstly how big is the market is it   trending and do i have uh is this an abundance  of opportunity so if i grab x market share   relative to x market share somewhere else is it  going to be big for example uh nfts right now   are a lot hotter than d5 though there's a bit more  market share to be captured over there less true   now but if we were to go back two months it would  be very very true so assess the size of the market   and then look at your personal skill set as well  and you can determine the probability of success   and the size of the success and then figure out  the say expected value of that opportunity from   that expected value being the probability of  success times the opportunity uh the size of the   opportunity i think it's a very interesting way  to look at it um it's also very analytical too i   mean is that is that like an instinctual approach  that almost sounds like a math formula that you're   laying out and a proof um you know like if you're  new you know where do you go where do you go to   start you know because like i've been in this in  this space for a while and i've never even messed   with nfts but if i wore i know that would take me  some time to even research the mechanics of it and   and all that stuff so you know like if you're  brand new we get a lot of people who are brand   new you know should they should they start trading  or maybe you think it's uh more value and um just   holding and yield farming and stuff like that  like what are your what are your thoughts on that   these questions are fantastic yeah uh so the best  place to start it can be overwhelming to see so   much and i i know i gave my analytical answer  but maybe it's difficult for someone to even   come close to assessing the size of the market or  the potential opportunity right i mean the best   place everyone should start is um i think before  trading d5 nfts or any of this you need to know   how to set up some sort of basic investment  portfolio uh and what does this mean this   means basically any income you make any money you  make you can funnel it into a machine that's going   to somewhat guarantee growth this means very  diversified reasonably low risk and without   any assumption of uh knowledge or skill over the  market because that's when people start so uh what   are examples of this a portfolio of say like  index stocks uh bitcoin maybe ethereum as well   and some other stuff depending on your personal  risk tolerance now i'm not going to give financial   advice here but if you want to learn more about  that there's a fantastic book i'd recommend it's   called a random walk down wall street really good  book it will teach you the basics of portfolio   management and that's a good starting point for  people so start there and then start diving into   anything that interests you like um sorry for  shelling the product but check out the market   meditations news that every day we share multiple  hot things happening in the space you don't need   to read every single one anything that catches  your interest dive into that rabbit hole down that   rabbit hole and let your curiosity run wild really  cultivate your curiosity because i mean if you're   not curious about it what ends up happening is you  need to expend a certain amount of willpower every   time you go then learn about something and if you  don't have any natural curiosity then the cost of   willpower is going to be absolutely huge that's  what makes people's lives miserable so you don't   you need to find the stuff which you're naturally  curious about dive down that rabbit hole and start   learning more and more about it um so i guess  that would be my advice er with regards to that   it's really interesting you know the the concept  of natural curiosity and i feel like a lot of   people in this space maybe don't have it they  want to know a lot of people are looking for   like a messiah you know like who can you know plan  b right someone who can predict months out like   people want to turn their brains off and just hit  a button they want to know like what the answer is   and so there's there's a clear delineation between  those folks who do have the natural curiosity   who do learn who kind of self-empower themselves  and then there's a whole group of folks who   just want to follow a call they just want to know  know what the answer is and um i think it's great   you're encouraging people to be naturally curious  um well i i apply this sorry for interrupting   i apply this strategy to social media in general  where like yeah we have to compete with people who   are trying to sell you that get rich quick scheme  that easy messiah answer of hey these x altcoins   are gonna go 1000 x this month so buy them so what  i try to do to counter that is i will use that   content for thumbnails for to get people to click  and then as soon as they come in yeah hey i know   you're here for 1 billion x altcoins but yeah i  don't think those exist and no one knows for sure   what i will do is share some strategies which  may help you spot them or learn more about them   so yeah i just thought it was a very interesting  point everyone wants that uh easy way that easy   answer um that one click fix no one wants to go  to the gym diet and work out they want that secret   new amazonian passion fruit that  makes them lose 10 pounds in one week   great point i think someone just asked the name  of your newsletter again market meditations   that's correct uh yes yes that is correct um yeah  we got to play the game you know you're right you   know we don't we have to play the game a little  bit to get people's attention and um you know i   i think that's okay it's the question of what we  do when we have their attention i think we have   to be good shepherds um you know so that so they  can kind of stick around and spread the word and   so i enjoy doing that and i gotta say so far i'm  really impressed with what i'm hearing from you   um you mentioned that book the walk down  was the random walk down wall street   yes a random walk down wall street so i mean  are you are you do a lot of you do a lot of   ta right classical charting stuff like that is  that your approach technical analysis are you   more yeah for four years almost entirely i did  only technical analysis and built my systems   automatically from that and then it's evolved  a lot over the past 1.5 years how did you start   with the ta were there any textbooks you  read was there any kind of influences do   you want to talk a little bit about your your  ta journey yeah well um it was actually just   scouring the internet and finding any p bits and  pieces of information i could how i generally   learn is uh i like to see the end result and then  dissect the end result and learn backwards from   that okay a lot of people learn very difficult  but different differently uh than i do they like   to start maybe from the beginning take some big  uh uh books like uh there's the great technical   analysis book but i but i think it's called by i  think john murphy uh that's a good starting point   for anyone who wants to start from the ground  up and i mean i've released one myself which   breaks down the techniques and strategies i've  used over the last five years recently you can   find that on my twitter page just pinned to the  top uh but yeah so how i learned is i actually   like to watch analysts online and then see what  stuff they do consistently and repeatedly and   when that consistently worked i would dissect it  and try turn assist turn that into a system so for   example if i find a social media account i would  follow them very very closely and i've noticed   the the repeat patterns between their successful  calls and then i'd break that apart and say oh   so this guy actually every time rsi goes above  x point and a resistance breaks i noticed he was   making the exact same call now he did a lot of  other stuff but it was that one repeated thing   i picked out and i'm like oh let me try use that  and see if it works and just doing that again   and again was uh the most successful thing for me  learning ta and then once i had a couple building   blocks it completely reversed it all went like  okay i don't need any more outside information   now i'm going to completely build from the  ground up using my statistical background so   i did statistics for four years at university and  bringing that to training allows me to to so my   system development process um people who follow  me on the channel know is so what i would do   is uh i would lock myself in a room for about four  weeks and about eight hours a day manually back   that back test non-stop a system on as many  different time frames and charts as i could   manually record every single result and uh see if  it would end up being a good system or something   i'm going to throw away and trash and oftentimes  new ideas would come through that process but   uh i would go through this once every four to  six months where either i had a great idea or   um some of my previous systems have stopped  working because that's another thing i've found   with trading is um market conditions change a lot  and specific markets have nuances to them and the   nuance is where you make a lot of the money and  you find your edges and uh any good trading system   needs to continually be adapted and evolved to an  ever-changing market that's a great point i think   we have to always adapt you know something's  working until it doesn't so i think you you   speak to several important things there you speak  to taking an idea testing it learning from it i   think that's really important and then not getting  married too much to an idea you know flexibility   is incredibly important you know um i think the  phrase is strong strong opinions weakly held   you know if you get more information you're  uh you're willing to change your opinion let's   talk a little bit about what's going on with  crypto right now i'd love for maybe to bring   up a chart i'd like you to maybe if you don't  mind generally describe um you know the last   couple months of price action and then maybe  talk about a philosophy or a general approach   um in terms of where we are right now with  what's going on let's get that set up folks   uh let's see i'm just checking the chat room  people are really happy everyone's really happy   that you're here uh let's see great questions  chad's great answers by kurosh let's see says that   this is awesome cruz great compliments so far  newsletter is market meditations while he gets   that ready uh that's the book he mentioned  a random walk down wall street the other one   was that ta book by john murphy i don't have the  name off the top of my head he also mentioned that   and great show here we go we're gonna add that  to the stream i see your screen brother perfect   okay so uh let me give my general bitcoin  update we'll start that always a good place   to start with the market now this is where my  analysis currently lies um so let's start with   like let me get sorry just sorting my screen out  one second no rush no rush we have all the time perfect okay so uh good great place to start  with the markets is always just taking a look   at i mean we're on the daily the trend and um  there's multiple ways to determine the trend   one of the easiest ways where you can instantly  visualize it is taking a look at moving averages   now we've got three here i'm pretty sure this  is the 100 the 30 day and we've got the seven   over here and uh you just look at these movement  averages and you get a clear idea of the trend   of the market obvious uptrend over here  i don't think you need moving averages   is that a simple seven or exponential uh that  is the simple seven over there um okay and yeah   so we're taking a look at these uh free moving  averages and it's going up coming down so this is   the uptrend over here here we see the inflection  point now alongside the uptrend you can also take   key structural levels so we have like a high there  low there high low and then it starts to lagging   a little bit so people will have to bear with  me i've got too much security software on this   so we hit a we hit a high over there and then uh  it breaks this first key level over here and then   it's really bad when it breaks this one over here  because you can see the market is no longer making   new highs and uh holding higher lows that's when  it switches now at this point we start entering   a short downtrend into a sideways trend over here  into hope of an uptrend and then back down which   makes this entire period more just like a weak  sideways trend with a short period of up and now a   short period of time so that kind of rounds up  the recent price action we haven't really been   in a strong uptrend since we broke this level  over here and strong is relative to say crypto   now what i'm looking at is how do we trade the  current conditions and where are we right now   i like to use bitcoin as a metric for the entire  market you can see i've marked out key levels   and zones over here okay you get rid of some  moving averages now we no longer need these   okay so what do each of these levels and  zones mean well we've got around the 50k level   uh a key resistance right now now this is an  important resistance because 50k psychologically   really important and we can see just structurally  this uh medium short term downtrend since november   uh we've got our recent lower high over here so  this lower high over here is also confluent so   really really important level over here if we  get above this we can start shifting a little   bit bullish again and we can make some bullish  arguments a little bit bullish or a lot bullish i   feel like that'd be pretty darn bullish if we were  to clear that you know so i'd love to say pretty   darn bullish but it also depends on time frame  like if we're looking at um short to medium term   time frame pretty darn bullish but uh if we're  looking at more of a macro level i mean we've gone   above it twice now we've gone above it twice and  i absolutely hate seeing this sort of move where   the price gets above comes back down goes above  again and we think it's going to go to valhalla   and then it absolutely crashes back down this just  looks like a potential final exit pump uh which is   not what i think it is but what i'm saying is  that's why this isn't my omega bullish level where   we start calling 100k again um then we've  got the neutral bullish stone just below this   neutral bullish is kind of like a high risk  area where you're like okay i feel bullish   because of non-technical reasons now on top of  the technical reasons i might go for a higher um   a strong risky play over here um and i'll explain  what each of these mean in a little more detail at   the end after going through them we've got the 40k  level over here psychologically really important   and a key structural level of this previous  medium-term uptrend we had from about july   to there and then the levels continue going down  afterwards um once we lose 40k if we lose 40k   i expect the next bounce to be 36k that's where i  expect like a great buy opportunity yeah so now uh   how can we tangibly use these bullish neutral  bullish neutral neutral neutral bearish and   bearish levels i think this is quite beneficial to  anyone who's trading so bullish means favor longs   over shorts neutral bullish means you can almost  favor longs over shorts the neutrals mean play   the ranges neutral bearish mean favor shorts  over longs and then bearish obviously means   really favor shorts overlapping so that's how i  like to use these areas they give a slight edge   and you can also use them for the macro market  as well so when bitcoin is in a neutral zone you   expect certain behaviors from altcoins now they  are decoupling quite a bit like it's nowhere near   and chad's you've been here longer than  i have it's nowhere near the market is   nowhere near as tight to bitcoin as it was  one two especially not three years ago um   but it still applies without a doubt bitcoin is  king so uh in the neutral zone you can expect   more isolated pumps in specific sectors of  alt points they tend not to all go up together   aggressively and all go down together aggressively  relative strength yes precisely um in the bearish   stone you can expect most altcoin pumps to  instantly retrace back down and just pretty   much be exit liquidity and in the bullish zone  we partying chad's everyone's their brother yeah so that would be my update hopefully  it's helpful to listeners so it's been a big move right a big 2021 a  lot of the gains in well it's 20 22 now but   you know those games came early in the year and  as you've kind of expressed really well here we   just been consolidating that big move really for  like the second two thirds of the of uh 2021.  

um you know give me your you know  i always like to say a true chart   i'm going to put you to the test here brother  a true chart technician can uh illustrate both   or can articulate both the bullish and the  bearish thesis so maybe why don't you give me   a bearish thesis on a higher time frame and then  a bullish thesis and a higher time frame as well   let's go uh so bullish feeds this right now  first thing we want to see is break of this   level but realistically let's go hardcore stronger  opinions 50k when i see 50k break here i suspect   we go up and potentially test wouldn't go to  60k but i'd say this level here come back down   and then continue up afterwards and then we've  got a couple levels of individual resistance   to get through after but i think once we get  above 50k we can pretty confidently say that   the most those levels are likely to break and  then that leads us to another strong uptrend but   what i've been doing recently is i wouldn't  look at it isolated in just the technicals   what i want to see is when we get above this 50k  level and start breaking levels one after another   is there a strong narrative to drive the market  and narratives is something i've been looking at a   lot recently because when there is a really strong  narrative everything seems to go well alongside   that and that's what a lot of my trading has been  focused on i favor charts just like we can use the   market structure bullish bullish but neutral to  help skew our bets for example we take more longs   over here we take more shorts over there i use  narratives in the news now to skew my bets as well   if i know the metaverse and play to earn gaming  is hyped as hell i'm going to favor longs on those   plays a lot during those periods so what i want to  look for when we get here is what is the narrative   that's going to drive this to the next level and  i'd like to see something as big and exciting as   d5 or nfts which really have been huge movements  or even um a new strong layer one narrative for   those who don't know what any of those are um feel  free to look up uh nfts i think most people know   d5 layer once a little more complicated basically  when d5 and nfts came out um the market had a huge   demand for d5 and nfts they were like i want to  use this now but ethereum's too darn expensive   it's like 500 a transaction and people can't  afford to pay that so the narrative was wait a   second people aren't going to wait for ethereum to  upgrade they're going to look for other solutions   now and that's why we went hard on solana i had a  really really strong solana thesis based on this   and we traded that aggressively favoring longs  over shorts and it did really well so what am   i going to look for in the bullish case over here  now the case no one wants to hear or the bare case   uh it really doesn't look good but my bad case is  below 36k i think if we drop below 36k that's the   final level i'm really looking at i see us coming  like it's crypto down to about 20k is possible uh   like once we lose this 36k level it's not even  a 50 drop to get to 20k and it's not unheard   of in crypto now we've had a lot of guests on  our podcast that share this alternate thesis   which is the um this time is different why is  this time different because crypto has more   real value whatever that means people are  actually using these protocols and systems   so judging on past data i think 20k is absolutely  possible in the bare case but uh going on what   a lot of experts are saying in the space  though they have their own reasons to not   promote bearish narratives is that because d5  and nfts have real world use cases people uh   crypto is too established right now to seize those  sorts of crazy drops let's just talk right a lot   i want to ask you a question though and a  technical question it seems to me you're   favoring that 36 k over 30 and i would i would  look at 36k as kind of a mid channel and the 80k   rectangle an 80 day rectangle i feel like there's  more data there's more um data points at 30k   right 30k is where we had the spring or the false  bear break so when you say like we break 30k we're   looking at 20. i'm wondering why you seem to be  favoring that 36k or that mid channel area more   than the bottom of the channel or 30k so the  reason i'm looking at the mid channel is uh   because if we break this area here i'm going to  be extremely cautious and already looking for   narratives so the way i'm trading right now is if  i see a strong narrative here versus if i see a   strong narrative here it's both looking pretty  terrible for the market so technicals alone i   would say at the 30k level that's what you need to  be looking for but if i'm in the neutral bearish   zone and i've got non-technical reasons skewing me  towards favoring a short right then that's why i'm   looking at that 36k level more because as soon as  that 36k level breaks i am switched on and waiting   for my trigger or my strong conviction to either  take a short or more likely just take risk off of   the market because generally i don't take that  many shorts these days anymore especially since   i've transitioned away from uh intraday trading  more towards positional swing trading so what   um and thanks for answering that uh i think you're  kind of speaking to momentum you there'd be some   some serious momentum if we drop you know drop  36k we'd be approaching 30k with bare momentum   um so i pretty much you know generally agree with  that i think that's a really measured way to look   at it um i'm curious your thoughts on the concept  of you know like the eth btc pair and the idea of   bitcoin tops in some ways can be um viewed ahead  of time by looking at the rest of the market like   ethereum started to run and then it was litecoin  really litecoin marked the top like november or   whatever 9th or 10th uh this cycle and i continue  to watch you know the eth btc pair so give us   because when the ethereum's outperforming bitcoin  you know bitcoins not going to be making new highs   so do you kind of have a similar approach where  you're kind of looking at ethereum as a strong   data point to give you a sense on bitcoin or is  that not factored into how you approach the market   uh so that's definitely factored and it's  okay i'm going to use some visual aids there   um so what i feel used to happen quite a bit is  we have uh btc at the top determining the market   and then i think most people at this point have  seen the money flow chart where it goes from btc   to ethereum to large caps mid caps small  caps but what's happened uh over time   is the markets matured and there are a lot more  categories now so sometimes btc goes to eth   and then afterwards it continues down to  other large caps and then it will go to medium caps and then it goes to full caps but  that used to be really simple you just look at   the market cap and that's what it is but these  days people have so many more options as to   where they can flood their money so uh medium caps  might not be all the medium caps it might just be   the medium caps that fit within the narrative  and story of layer ones or just d5 or just nfts   and then instead of flowing from large caps to  medium caps it goes from defy to just lending   protocols to really really um early stage lending  protocols or um what happened recently is the   market literally went from btc to eve to nfts to  play to earn gaming to really really new recent   play to earn gaming opportunities so it used to be  very very easy to predict but i feel as the market   matures you just need that extra you know we're  speaking about the nuance you need to understand   those like nuanced details to really navigate  it effectively um again if you aren't a pure   technical trader which really does have its place  but as you can see i i don't do pure technical   trading right as much anymore the technicals are  just a component a very very strong component that   i love of a wider system i i i'll be completely  honest with you um i'm impressed with your   knowledge of what's outside of the technicals i've  really just buried my nose so much in the book   and i often say everything outside the chart is  noise and if what you're telling me is important   you know i'll see it in the chart and there's a  little bit of me that really does want to learn   some of this stuff but like i literally don't  even know what a level one is or level two like   i i just like because i but i really want to be  good at what i do and that's what i try to do so   i enjoy these conversations and i enjoy the fact  that there are other excellent uh teachers and   communicators like yourself out there kind of  opening up the door for people to learn about   those things i think that's pretty awesome um i'm  going to quickly check a couple questions ahead   for you ahead of time see if there's anything  that i want to pop up so you know let's wrap up   soon but let's talk about a couple alts maybe  you mentioned seoul earlier you know what are   your thoughts maybe on the soul chart do you  want to kind of just give us that and see what   we've got there um i'm going to just quickly  stop sharing so i don't lag on this transition let's get this up are you a practitioner of brazilian jiu-jitsu  yes i am oh it's awesome very cool huge fan   recently started man recommend it to anyone  such a good physical and mental exercise   i started working out recently as well and it's  hard to have a healthy mind without a healthy body   and that's a whole nother hour podcast  right there oh brother i'm telling you   um is my screen shared right now yeah oh it's my  fault now we're ready now we're ready okay perfect   so we've got a couple levels marked out but  let's start with the fresh chart for this one   okay so what's happened with solana well we've  seen one of the craziest uptrends i've ever seen   um in december 2020 it went from 0.45 to a high of  260 where i started to get interested was around   this 10 level over here that's where we formed our  thesis that uh hey this actually looks pretty good   this might start going i think it was just above  the 10 level before this high break over here   around the april point and then we got very  very high conviction bets uh higher up as well   so uh why were we bullish on  solana i explained the narrative   behind it that layer ones were going to be strong  also coupled with a strong belief in the ftx team   as well uh i mean they've got so much capital  backing them that it's almost too big to fail   as long as the entire market doesn't fail as  well and now uh going into nexia we're at this   point where you can see bitcoins neutral that  means looking at the market we don't have that   high conviction everything's going to  succeed so even if we lose it's fine   um bet so right now we need to be a little bit  more careful and structurally and i'm sure chad   do you see this from a million miles away we're  at a pretty key level over here at around 130   and we really don't want to lose this uh  otherwise structurally it looks pretty terrible   because we formed this uh lower um higher low  over here and this was the last higher low of the   uptrend and just like bitcoin after that we had  one final wave up and then this is crashed down   uh in a pretty steady channel um yeah like this  is without a doubt a steady downtrend like there's   another way to look at it and uh this downtrend  has led right into this uh 130 level here   so what i really don't want to see here is up test  the resistance and then back down because that's   going to be pretty hideous and a probable break  so going into this year i don't think it's wise to   take personally just for me um people please just  use this as educational content i don't think   it's wise to take any sort of position uh until  we get at least above this 170 level over here   why this 170 level well i mean ideally we can even  get above 200 but that's quite far away if we were   to look at the previous things i had this would  be the neutral bearish stone sorry the neutral   bullish zone over here where it's higher risk and  you want to look for confluence outside of the   charts so this is where we've got neutral bullish  okay and then above this 200 level then i'm going   to be very confidently bullish again key  psychological level breaking and uh this   is where it's a bit different to bitcoin you'll  notice i had a bit of hesitation with bitcoin   when it came to that 50k level but the reason  i see solano a little bit differently is it's a   lower market cap coin at the point where this is  neutral bullish or bullish we're likely going to   see confluence with the rest of the market and as  a higher beta asset it's likely going to fly past   these previous resistances higher beta essentially  relative strength it's it's a higher performer   right and will thus continue to likely perform  better going forward precisely it's going to it's   going to be easier for solana to break through  multiple levels of resistance relative to bitcoin   uh so that's why i would have my bullish level for  solana above the 200 being both key psychological   level resistance and uh structural level is  here on this downtrend you can see that's the   top of the channel test over there which we want  to see break so that would be my play with solana   maybe take it a little easy over here um cry if it  goes below 130 and you've got your neutral bullish   and bullish levels why don't you pull up pull up  a 200 ma for me if you don't mind on this chart no no forgive the lag this is why no no we're  really happy to have you here it's uh   it's kind of you to spend your time so thank you perfect hit right there so yeah i'm watching  that too you know you've got that concept where   you have a strong trend that takes has that much  time in between ma200 you know touches and usually   you're going to get that first bounce off of it so  i'm i really agree with your analysis i also think   that ma200 that's a long thesis you know that that  entry there so and you can pretty easily define   your risk as well obviously if you you drop below  it you could get out um so i mean do you factor   do you do that type of uh moving average trading  as well are you really just looking at the zones   uh combined with kind of narratives as you put it  so i um have boiled it down to right now i use the   100 and the 30 primarily and i also like the seven  either moving average or sometimes exponential   average because um i actually use that as a tool  to get confirmation on level breaks uh the smaller   moving averages and then uh the 100 tends to  be enough for me to determine the strength of   trades for positional and swing trading and um i  haven't really done too much testing on the 200   because i haven't really needed to okay you've  been really generous with your time do you mind   maybe do one more alt and then we'll wrap it up  and uh yeah people really loving to hear your   approach i think it's refreshing to um hear the  kind of measured way you're looking at things   so um people ask for luna maybe do you want to do  luna does that or do you have one in mind and i   haven't been looking too much at luna but are we  good looking at fresh charts cool um let's go for which is a good luna chart  like binance luna's fine usd ust no maybe not that one that's funny there's  so many pairs and so many exchanges it's like   the space is so complicated  let's go for gemini okay   this one here okay looking at luna  are you trading luna yourself chads i   definitely do you know what i what i what i um  encourage people to do is pick really the five   six seven strongest charts and just play those  and luna has that relative strength so um you know   like when when bitcoin did the sub 40k dip and  recaptured it i immediately looked at the charts   of relative strength and i traded some of those  so luna's like in that group so definitely yes taking a quick look at you luna i  actually like what i'm seeing on the chart   so key levels i immediately want to highlight i'm  seeing we had a very strong uptrend first sign of   us going down over here and we've got this key  level around this 80 level which is breaking you   could take it down to 80. that feels wrong given  the data points of that structural level there   so i take it a bit higher sync it up with the 100  moving average and right about where we are now   key test so i see a potential breakout play right  over here um with your first resistance being a   little while away at 93 over there and if we draw  that what are we looking at about 10 percent so   we've got a potential 10 move over there looking  for the breakout play there and i i mentioned   earlier how i like to use my uh moving average for  confluence on uh confirmed breakouts of levels so   i guess i'll share that with your audience  as a nice way to do this final analysis so   take a look at this key level here notice guys  i i don't use too many tools i try to keep my   analysis really simple and logical uh what we  have here is a move up to this level and we   haven't seen any real retracement if you take the  fibonacci levels like this is a strong move why is   it a strong move because it hasn't once really  retraced past the 0.236 level the entire way up  

um except this one over here so this is a  really strong move into our key resistance   that's already a good sign the next thing i want  to see for confirmation is if we zoom in here   take a look at the moving average don't wait for  the chart to get above the moving average level   sorry don't wait for the candle to get  above this 82 level wait for the moving   average to get above it and that's where you  have confirmation we take a replay over here   stops you making premature moves in the market  uh let's take the 75 level here so uh i don't   think this is as good a black breakout play  as the one we currently have but uh instead of instead of waiting for that initial break you  can actually wait take your time be patient wait   for the price to come up above it and then if it  comes back down go for a re-test plate if you want   to play aggressively and you've got a lot of um  you've got a lot of space above the chart so here   i wouldn't go for that non-re-test breakout entry  why is that because well above here there's not   that much space so there's no clear invalidation  because besides this point here so we're looking   at a 50 50 trade so in this instance i would only  take a retest if it were to happen so that's an   example of the strategy and how you can use it  hopefully helpful helpful for people so here again   when you see the moving average come up great time  to either go for a re-test play or a breakout play   and that's what i'm looking at on luna and then  going very macro it's a powerful powerful uptrend   so if you get that psychological break above 100  that is your if you're a patient trader and you   don't want to start trading intraday or short term  swing trading you want to take a strong position   wait for the market to be strong and wait for that  breakout above 100 this is a very very powerful   chart for in that regard that's fantastic you  spoke to a lot of great strategies being patient   uh you know looking for confirmation and  then you know confirmation is different   for everybody but that's an excellent way to  do it with the moving average some people use   candle wick one closed two closes time interval  percentage move there's a million ways to do it   but hopefully the underpinning of all that  is a patient method i think so many of these   new traders they're failing because they're not  waiting for retests you know they're just seeing   green they're jumping into it and it saved me  a lot of money with my trades man i just wait i   i wait for that deep dip in the uptrend and  because i'm not a good trader so i need a good   entry you know i need a really good entry to help  me because because my habits are so bad you know   um wow this has just been unbelievable i had some  expectations i had high expectations because uh   gooner talks about you so so well but you've  completely exceeded uh the expectations i had so   i i definitely really appreciate that i'd love for  you to tell us again about how people can find out   about you and your newsletter and the stuff you  do um love to hear about that again chad's i i've   been on a lot of podcasts and um some good  some great i definitely putting you up there   was a great interview of really thoughtful great  questions great dancing um absolutely fantastic   episode i had a great time your audience is also  amazing thank you for the great comments guys   it's like it's really nice as i'm doing this and i  see you guys saying thank you or you enjoy certain   things awesome audience hey guys if i've provided  any value from you the most important thing i want   is not for you to follow me on any certain channel  or my newsletter it's to remember that the crypto   market has an abundance of opportunity right  now uh be patient if something sounds too good   to be true it probably is so take care when uh  with your money and uh if we're right if we're   right about our crypto thesis all you have to  do is be here for the next five to ten years   and not go to xero and you will succeed so take  your time we're all gonna make it oh i love it i   love it folks so i'm gonna i'm gonna wrap things  up i'll show your you know your uh twitter page   your youtube all that stuff but um i wanna wish  you many blessings i hope you have a fantastic   day and i really do appreciate you coming today  buddy thanks a lot it was a pleasure um chad's   have a great day audience thanks for having me  bye everyone okay wow wow that was pretty that   was pretty uh stupendous that was amazing that is  kurosh aka he's on twitter at karoosh uh i took   way too long to start following this guy i'm  definitely gonna have to check out his newsletter   looks like there's the link in his twitter page  market meditations uh he's got the a book he just   put out an ebook i mean this guy is just it just  seems like a fire hose a free alpha so you want   to check that out really great stuff his youtube  page of course kurush ak uh you definitely want to   check that out what a what an honor um so folks  i am on twitter i'm boring i'm on twitter i'm   at big chad's academic observations about price  trading psychology uh the book i've mentioned it   before i read from it briefly uh in the beginning  trading wisdom 50 lessons every trader should know   on amazon kindle audiobook hardcover and  paperback the free version is on youtube   please do consider hitting like to the videos  hit subscribe go to the the playlist trading   wisdom i'm doing all 50 i'm doing the whole  book for free uh you know a new a new one every   three or four weeks so if you're patient i'll  eventually have the whole book for you for free   if you're brand new to trading you don't really  know you know left from right up from down   moving averages indicators support and resistance  you need to watch the tutorials educational live   streams that will really help you get started and  of course i am a founding analyst at bitcoin live   i've been doing this for more than three years  twice a week long form full market updates i'm   incredibly proud uh to be a founding analyst and  to be part of that team it's just it's an all   literally an all-star team and somehow i'm part  of it so i'm really thankful for that so please   do consider checking that out you know bitcoin  we're above 44k 44k feels good we've done a lot of   analysis in this video i think um you know bulls  are due for a little bit of a relief rally here   but they've got some work to do to really turn  momentum around so if you're looking for more   analysis watch the videos i put out recently over  the last few weeks and hopefully that will help   you uh what an honor what a great time we had  today i want to say thank you for coming today   and hopefully you'll come for my next stream i'm  going to finish it up with a little bit of dancing   but until then i really hope you folks are doing  well i wish you well and we'll talk soon all right i love you guys stay safe peace out

2022-01-19 21:51

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