"Another Hungry Mouth" -- A Creepypasta Read

Show Video

You. You. Constance. Would not tell anyone, who the father was not. When, her mother cried, nor, when her father yelled. Not. Even when her older sister, Emily, sat. On the bed and held her in her arms. Rocking. Her gently. Constance. Was four months pregnant when she told her family and. Was. Already beginning to show. Emily. Was furious, at herself for not picking up on the signs earlier. The. Backi closed Constance, was preferring, over her usual tailored. Book her. Out of control, appetite, her. Strange, secretiveness. It. All seems so obvious now. Still. How. Could anyone have been expected, to guess this. This. Was Constance, after all. Constants. The. Meekly obedient. Constance. The prim and proper. Constance. The chronically, shy. She. Was supposed to be the good daughter. And. Then. Of course. There. Was that other, thing. But. I thought you didn't even like boys. Emily. Breasts. Constance. Wrinkled her nose and distaste, I, don't. She. Replied empathetically. But. I wouldn't exactly call, him a boy, she. Added with a sly smile. Emily. Jerked away in shock. What. She. Cried. Constance. Lifted a hand up to her mouth to. Stifle a giggle. How. Old is this guy Emily. Asked, unable, to keep the stern edge out of her voice I. I. Don't, know, Constance. Confessed, and her. Smile suddenly fading, began. To ring her hands. Pretty. Old I think. You. Think. Constance. Shrugged. Connie. Who, no, Constance. Yelled so suddenly and so loud that Emily, gave a startled, jump. Constance. Reached out and clasped, Emily's hands tightly in her own. Emily. She, pleaded don't, ask me that please. I swore, I'd never tell. Emily. Snatched her hands away. She, could feel anger, rising, in our throats like vile. Connie, if you're protecting some creep. Constance. Laughed. Emily. Didn't see what was so funny. It's. Not like that she insisted, but her fit difficut goals subsided. It's. More like. She. Paused and stared off somewhere, into the middle distance over, Emily shoulder. That's. Like, have. You ever had a secret that you didn't want to tell anyone because. It. Would make it less. Special. Less. Yours. Emily. Nodded slowly although, she wasn't at all sure that she had. Wasn't. Part of the fun of having a secret and telling it to somebody. It's. Like that, Constance continued, this. Belongs to me and I don't want to share it with anybody. Not. Even me, Emily. Wheedled but, Constance, just continued to stare at nothing a small. Smile playing, at the corners of her mouth. The. Last few months leading up to Constance, his confinement or tense to. Say the least. Constance. His condition, could not be kept a secret for, long and, in the. Way of small towns. Once. One in person found out the. News spread like a virus. Persistent. And insidious. Rumors. Abounded, about the identity, of the father and it seemed that no mail with any link to Constance, was exempted from. Having gleefully, accusatory. Fingers, pointed, in his direction. Her. Schoolmates, her. Teachers, and even her doctor. One. Particularly. Malicious. Gossip, suggested. That the reason Constance, would not talk about the father was that it was her own father. When. Emily heard the rumor she tracked it back to its source a pimply. Little boy in year 8 and delivered. One devastating. Punch to his blemished features. Burning. Herself a week suspension, and the boy a bloodied nose and split lip. Things. Were even more strained, at home. Dinners. Had become a silent affair, with, neither of her parents so much as glancing, up from their plates to look at Constance. Emily. Had to grit her teeth and, rage that, the familial, bond that linked parents, and daughters could have proven to be so. Weak. What. Surprised, emily more than anything though was how unfazed, Constance. Seemed to be by all of this. Where. Every whispered, slur or raised eyebrow, caused Emily, to bristle, Constance. Breezed through her days with her head held high as though. Completely, oblivious to the shame that her family felt. That. People expected. Her to feel. Amidst. All the murk and mire and casual, cruelty Constance. Loved. Emily. Had never loved her sister more. When. The child arrived, and Emily was finally, allowed in to visit, she. Was dumbstruck. There. Was Constance, sweaty. And tired ID but beaming, and. In. Her arms, a tiny. Wrinkled. Form. Constance. As son. James. Constance. Informed, her without looking, at. The. Fact that her, little sister, her. Own Connie. Had. Created, this tiny person, as though from nothing, filled Emily, with a quiet. Aw. When. Constance, finally, tore her lovestruck, gaze from her new baby and looked at, Emily. Saw that her sister's eyes were filmed, with tears and she felt. A love rise in her own throat. The. Sisters eyes laughed and they, were both overcome, the joy so bright, and intense, that it seemed like it would last forever. It. Did not. Failure. To thrive was, the term the pediatrician. Used and, what. It amounted, to was that despite.

Apparently. Feeding, normally, James. Was not putting on any weight in. Fact. Over, the next 12, weeks James dropped down to almost 200, grams. Below, his birth weight. They. Ran all kinds of, tests. Emily, accompanied, her sister and nephew to what seemed like an endless cycle of doctors offices and waiting, rooms and consulting, suites were. Sympathetic, people, with stethoscopes, about their necks spoke in hushed tones of things like calorie. Retention, and metabolic, demand. All. Constants. Ever seemed, able to say in response was, Oh. As. Days. Passed, all, Emily could do was watch as her sister grew paler, and more, anxious as. James. Lost weight Constance. Too seemed to diminish. She. Became absent-minded. And fake forgetting. Tasks, part way through and often trailing, off mid-sentence. She. Drew in on herself until, she had little more substance than her own shadow. Emily. Wanted to help Constance, but it was like she could no longer reach, her. With. Everyday constant. Sank deeper, and deeper into some dark pit and. However. Hard she tried. Emily. Just. Couldn't. Follow her. All. The tests, came back negative, and with. Every result Emily, saw relief, fighting, with anxiety, in her sister's drawing face. So. James didn't, have cystic fibrosis or. Diabetes. Or hyperthyroidism. But. What was wrong with him. Emily. Was not sure, what had woken her up. She. Lay there for some time in the early morning chill, staring. Blankly at, the ceiling, lost sense of dread slowly, crept up on her starting. As a feeling of discomfort in her belly and culminating, as a dull thudding in her breast. It. Was then that she noticed the sickly yellow light seeping, in under her bedroom door. She. Rolled over to face the glow and noticed, as she did that her alarm clock displayed. 2:15. A.m.. To. Wait for her parents, and too early for Constance, shortly. Reluctantly. Emily, dragged her sleep heavy body out of bed and shuffled, toward her bedroom door. When. She opened it she saw that the source of the light was not one of the other bedrooms but rather. The. Kitchen across the hallway. Grumbling. To herself Emily made her shambling, progress, towards the kitchen where she found the fridge door wide open and, humming slightly. Still. Groggy she, vaguely noticed, that the fridges contents, were in a greater state of disarray than, usual, before. Closing the door and making her way back to her bedroom. Halfway. Down the hallway emily, halted, as she heard a noise coming, from Constans, room a, soft. Cessation. She. Recognized, her sisters voice but the pitch was too low for her to make out the words. Emily. Began to move again, but. Something in the tone of the voice emanating. From the darkness of consciousness, room stayed her a wee, dueling note edged with, a quiet urgency. And brought. Back that creeping, dread that first drugged her from her slumber. Connie. Emily. Asked, anxiously as, she opened the door. When. She heard no response just. A continuation of Constance, as hushed whispers. Emily. Flipped. On the, night. Constance. Was bent over James's, crib and it. Took several moments before she straightened, up and blinking. At the light turned, to face her, sister. Emily. Stifled. Her own cry of surprise when, she saw a constant, his face. The. Young girl's eyes were bloodshot from, lack of sleep and dark, rings hung below them. It. Was not this that took Emily aback however. But. The expression, in those strained eyes a. Startled. Trapped, look almost feral. And its intensity, flickered, across Constance's eyes rendering, the familiar, features aliens. Emily. It. Was Constance. Who broke the silence. He. Won't eat she. Said to Emily her tone desperate. I don't. Know what he eats. Emily's. Eyes darted, down and she saw that her sister was clutching something, tightly in her right hand a. Lumpy. Mass that dripped on the rug. So. Incongruous, was, the sight that Emily did not register what, it was a. Raw. Steak. Emily's. Stared and mute shocked while her mind reeled. What. Was Constance, doing with that meat. What. Was she thinking. Emily. Swallowed, a lump in her throat and, then began slowly. And with soothing noises to. Advance on Constance. Connie. She. Crooned gently, Shh. When. Emily reached her younger sister she took her hands, which. She saw then were trembling, violently in, her own. Surreptitiously. Removing, the slab of meat and placing, it on the changing table. She. Glanced down into the crib and noted that James seemed to be sleeping, soundly. Gently. She guided Constance, back to her bed and persuaded, her to lie down. Once. She was beneath the covers Constance, began to weep softly.

She. Choked out between, sobs. Emily's. Stayed seated on the edge of her sister's bed and. Stroked. Her long dark hair. Until. She fell asleep. The. Feeling of uneasiness stayed, with Emily all through, the next day. It. Was Saturday, and her friends wanted to go to the movies but she, blew them off. Her. Parents were both away for the weekend, and the idea of sitting there in the dark while Constance stayed home alone with James was. Intolerable. Emily. Instead. She. Spent the entire, day just hanging, around the house, unable. To commit herself to any activity for more than a few minutes. She. Found herself hovering, around Constance, and watching her critically. She. Couldn't seem to get out of her head that image, of Constance standing, over James's crib with the lights out. Clutching. A chunk of meat. For, her part Constance, behaved as if the previous night had not happened at all. She. Changed, James and bathed him. She. Gave him his formula, and even played with him on the lounge room floor, tickling. His feet and blowing raspberries, on his - flat dummy. She. Would lift him up in the air and kiss his middle almost as if, for. A moment at least, she. Did not notice the whirring, concave, of her son's belly. As. Emily. Watched Constance, however, she. Could not keep herself from thinking that her sister's smile looked strangely. Painted, on and that. There was something more than just fatigue behind, her red-rimmed, eyes. Emily. Slept fitfully. That night. Her. Sleep was disturbed, by strange nightmares, that although. She forgot, their content, almost immediately, after, she awoke. Left. Her feeling shaky and, disoriented. When. The sudden wail from James pierced, the night and, Willie immediately. Sat bolt upright then, propelled, herself out of bed almost before she had registered what the sound was. She. Had heard James's, cries often enough to be familiar with them. Could, even tune them out most nights but they were, different this time. These. Cries were much much. Louder, than normal but. Also strangely. Wet. It. Was as though the infant were choking on some sort of fluid. Emily, through the door to constancies, room open. Connie. What's wrong she gasped. Feeling, with each breath that she may choke on her own heart she, was, in such a rush she forgot to switch on the light as she charged through the door and towards her sister I heard. Oh came. Constance, as startled, cry as she dropped something to the floor a. Bloody. Kitchen knife. Emily. Whispered. She. Took a step toward, Constance, then. Turned and ran up for the career war James had suddenly stopped his piercing, wails. Emily. Shaking. Now stared, down, at her nephew. There. Was a red jagged. Line that ran along the child's belly, starting. At the base of his throat and running all the way down below his navel. -. Emily's horror the gash began, to gape exposing. A bloody red interior, out of which protruded, the shattered remnants of James's ribcage. Now. Just, jagged, fragments, of bone oh. My. God. Connie. What. Have you done. Emily. Braced herself against, the side of the crib as she fought off waves of nausea and disbelief. She. Felt her head to spin and her vision began to blur as a breath caught in her throat but. Still she could not tear her eyes away from her nephews twisted, form. After. What seemed an interminable amount, of time, Emily's, breath returned to her though it was shallow, and ragged, as. Her. Vision cleared and adjusted, to the faint light that filtered in through the open curtain she realized that she had made a mistake in. Her. Initial shock, Emily. Had thought the white shards and James's split torso, to be ribs. But. Now. She saw, that this was not the case at all. They, were teeth. Great. Jagged. Teeth set, in a crooked sideways. Mouth that ran most of the length of James's tiny body as. Emily. Watched that. Terrible, nether mouth began to gape again wider, this time and from out of it's impossible, depth snake to black slimy, tendril, that could. Only be a tongue. Letting. Out a strangled, cry Emily stumbled, backward, then, watched as the tongue rose up and out of the crib. Flailing. Back and forth as though tasting, the air.

The. Tongue reached all the way to the changing table in began to tap on its surface. Exploring. It. Was only then that Emily, saw the rat, a, fuzzy. Mound lying, on the changing table its head crudely, cut off as. Emily. Watched the. Tongue slowly, slid, towards the, inert rodent, and then, with horrible, deafness, wrapped around it and lifted it off of the table. Pulling. Its back towards the crib and the terrible waiting, ma. The. Tongue made a wet slurping, noise as it retreated back behind the, crooked fangs. From. Somewhere behind Emily, came a weak cry of. Emily. Had forgotten Constance, was even there. Emily. Turned and saw Constance, standing, there her. Hands clasped so tightly together that the knuckles were white. Her. Moist febrile, eyes, glittered. In the dim light. Emily. Saw that there, was no fear in those eyes. Only. Wonder, oh. Emily. Constant. Sighed again, then. Continued, rapturously. He. Looks just like, his father. You.

2019-03-01 13:16

Show Video


Woohoo good job again! Your voice really compliments the atmosphere and you're so good at conveying emotion through your speech. So cool. Keep it up Lucy :D

That was awesomely disgusting! Thank you. Nice twist

Been a while since last watched video. Listening in I find this entertaining. Nice job Keep doing your thing

The Night Companion Thank you so much for tuning in! I’m glad you enjoyed it! :D

yay! a new video :D

Hahaha! That checkmark tho!

Hey that's my line Mr I got a fancy ✔️

Yes yes yes! ^.^ I hope you enjoy it!!

Congratulations on 1000+ subscribers, pretty lady. Can't wait to see another '0' added to that figure this March.

Sudip Bose Pffft. Well, that’d certainly be ironic given the name, wouldn’t it?

+Spirit Voices dream of...Dark Somnium? ;)

Sudip Bose That’s so sweet, haha. Thank you! ^.^ A girl can dream!!

Another excellent upload! Would truly love to collaborate one day :)

Stranger Stories Thank you so much!! I’d love to! :D Definitely DM me on Twitter if you need me for any upcoming things!

Great story man, mind checking out my channel?

Lol, hope you mean the general ‘man’... ;) Hahah! But really, sure. Follow me on Twitter, there’s a whole community on there!

I don't know what to comment so here's a bunch of random emojis

Chandler Marion

As normal, perfection. My anxiety started to kick in while listing to that one lol.

William Phelps Haha! Well, I’m glad, then. Knowing myself the way I do, I’m still surprised I can be genuinely scary. XD

+Spirit Voices Eh PTSD brings it on a lot so I'm not bothered by it. Also I love when a story gets into my head which your great at doing.

Omg! O.O I would’ve screamed, too! While I don’t want you to be anxious, I’m glad the video had the intended effect. :) I had lots of fun distorting the music to make it so!

And then a light bulb blew out almost immediately after listing to this and I almost ran out of the room screaming haha.

Your charming voice really compliments the creepiness of the story. Very good for someone who first listens to creepypastas. That’s why my cousin too prefers your channel XD

Conjure Corpse Aw, Thank you so much! It warms my heart to know people share my videos with their families! :D I’m so happy you like my work!

Wonderful story and outstanding narration! Thank you so much

Aw, no, thank YOU! I’m so happy you enjoyed it! ^.^

Yay a new story

Steve Aww, yay! Thank you! ^.^

+Spirit Voices of course I did you're awesome.

Steve Yes!! :D I hope you liked it!

Beautiful voice well done story now I can't sleep god dang it!

WolflexZ Hahaha! Thank you so much, but Mama Spirit says Get some sleep! >:D

Wow! You really brought my story to life. Thank you so much for the superb video!

Constance seems like one of those kinda girls who would be very into K-Pop. You know the ones.

... You're right but you shouldn't say it

Pac-man was the father?

Lmfao! Significantly less scary, but perhaps.

You and dark somnium are great to listen to. I’m cutting grass and listening to your narrations and it’s really nice! Keep up the amazing work!!!

+Jt ThaYoungan Well, I appreciate that! :D I'm incredibly happy to be considered one. I'll continue trying my best!

Spirit Voices very good content creator. Not many of those around still if we are being honest.

Thank you so much! :D Any day that I can make tedious chores just that much more bearable is a successful day for me. XD

Your voice just fits these types of stories perfectly. Amazing work on the atmospherics again. (I want to say "as usual", because I have yet to listen to one of your stories that lacks in that department, BUT that sounds so generic, when it really isn't. Fitting ambiance and voice for the stories contents is rare and ups the quality so so much. So yeah. Thanks. I'm going to stop rambling now...) Story gud. Thnaks.

Caldaryn Hahaha! XD That’s going to be me constantly in any type of unedited setting, I assure you. Thank you so much, though! It’s so fun to find the right one every time!

Bloody Spaghetti Thank you!! ^.^ Doing the emotion is so fun... though, I have to hope nobody who overhears thinks something is seriously wrong with me. XD

r chris moreland Thank you! :D I read this story and I absolutely HAD to do it, it’s beautifully written!

Pernickety Pony Aww, of course! I’m so happy you enjoyed it! ^.^ I had a lot of fun with it!

Splendid video!

I really liked the story Pernickety Pony, especially the elements surrounding sisterhood, teenage pregnancy, and the toll an ill newborn takes. I thought these parts were honestly supberb. There are niggles, though. Firstly, the foreshadowing was way, way too heavy and robbed the ending of any impact. Judging by how well understood the technique is in the story, it feels like you just wanted to avoid the subversion because it likely meant letting the reader believe C was raped. Have C be roughed up a little and let her sister come to that conclusion for the reader. Let C's behaviour be the same and build the whispering claustrophobia of the township even higher. Victims that don't behave "properly" are vilified. Then leak out in tiny drops to C's sister, who's growing increasingly frustrated, that things aren't as they seem. That sisterly bond can be squeezed and knotted to increase tension as well; there's nothing more frustrating than trying to help someone that's oblivious to their own need. My other niggle, is this isn't a short story, there's too much in there, and too much unanswered to be in anyway satisfying. Potentially, this is Frankenstein, but with a loving parent. It could be a vehicle to explore how people are treating those that are different in today's world - how our first response is fear and violence. Will the innocent child grow to be a monster? Will he find acceptance? How far will C go to protect him? Will she lose her sister in the process? I want to find out. There's a novel in here and a very good one. The potential is enough that if you can't afford writing software like NewNovelist or Scrivener I'd get it for you. Horror has been needing a foot up its boring arse for a while now.

I really loved the narration and I've subscribed

Hello everyone!!! Mr. Haunted sent me here, and I've found this channel enthralling

Wow, thank you! I'm so glad to hear that! Mr. Haunted is a friend, so I'm grateful for the support! :D

Mr X. Dreams and Phantom of Darkness sent me here. Thank you.

No, thank YOU! :D Both are amazing narrators, and I'm so happy you came to check out my channel!

Hello there fellow new story teller I am shadow sent by Mr. Haunted

+Spirit Voices thx

+shadows channel Subbed to your channel as well!

+Spirit Voices any thing to help fellow entertainers

Hi, there! :D I love Mr. Haunted! Thank you for checking out my channel!

New sub

Fateh Khan Yayy!! Thank you! :)

Mr creepy pasta brought me here, i'm glad he did i'm always looking for good horror narrators.

Artak091 I’m so glad you came by! :D Thank you for giving my channel a chance!

Who else is here from Don’t Turn Around (DTA)?

DTA is amazing, haha! ^.^ Thank you for coming!

There's only one father I can think of and that's.................................................................................................................................................................................... The great Azathoth himself! Hallelujah! we will all be killed soon

Oh dear :o

Mr. X.Dreams sent me

An amazing narrator! Thank you so much for giving my channel a chance!

Hey! Just came over from MrCreepypasta and DarkOwlStories channels, well deserved shout out. Subbed.

Aww, thank you so much! Both amazingly talented narrators. :D I appreciate you commenting and giving my channel a chance!

Tbh I thought I clicked on a country song then set my phone down and I was so confused about the music that played for the intro

+Hunter Otto Haha! Not gonna lie, I can't help myself. XD I could be doing anything and I'll drop everything to read the comments. I just get so excited, it still shocks me every time!

Spirit Voices Definitely haha! Also I’m impressed, not many YouTube’s take time to like and comment in the comment section. I admire that!

Hahaha! I understand the confusion, "Gothic Horror" is definitely not country.

Love your narration style! Your videos are awesome! ^__^

Kaylena Orr they really are!!

Thank you so much! That means a lot coming from you, I love your content too! ❤

Thank you so much! :D

+THE PAGE BURNER 1979 Oh, yay! I try to vary my story length, I believe my longest approaches 50 minutes. I'd like to do some longer ones if I have the time one day, though! :)

I seen a ad for you channel I like everything but just for me they have to be close to an hour because your just starting to relax and get into it so I hope to see some longer stories because you got it

I really liked the story Pernickety Pony, especially the elements surrounding sisterhood, teenage pregnancy, and the toll an ill newborn takes. I thought these parts were honestly supberb. There are niggles, though. Firstly, the foreshadowing was way, way too heavy and robbed the ending of any impact. Judging by how well understood the technique is in the story, it feels like you just wanted to avoid the subversion because it likely meant letting the reader believe C was raped. Have C be roughed up a little and let her sister come to that conclusion for the reader. Let C's behaviour be the same and build the whispering claustrophobia of the township even higher. Victims that don't behave "properly" are vilified. Then leak out in tiny drops to C's sister, who's growing increasingly frustrated, that things aren't as they seem. That sisterly bond can be squeezed and knotted to increase tension as well; there's nothing more frustrating than trying to help someone that's oblivious to their own need. My other niggle is this isn't a short story, there's too much in there, and too much unanswered to be in anyway satisfying. Potentially, this is Frankenstein, but with a loving parent. It could be a vehicle to explore how people are treating those that are different in today's world - how our first response is fear and violence. Will the innocent child grow to be a monster? Will he find acceptance? How far will C go to protect him? Will she lose her sister in the process? I want to find out. There's a novel in here and a very good one. The potential is enough that if you can't afford writing software like NewNovelist or Scrivener I'd get it for you. Horror has been needing a foot up its boring arse for a while now.

A good listen I really liked it I just hear of your channel from BEB keep up the awesome work. I will be listening more while at work

Slumber Reads sent me and you have motivated me to subscribe. I'm QUITE impressed with your GIFT, your TALENT AND I'm REALLY looking forward to this relationship, as it were. Excellent narration and what a weird little story today! Thank you!

So glad I was told to come to this channel by skinned locust! I would love you to read one of my own stories! Xx

Another narrator to listen to so my old soul can relax THANK YOU

Threeper3 Shreve Haha, Of course!! I’m so glad I can help you relax! ^.^

Sent over by ur fellow creepypasta storytellers! Liked wat I heard, so u got yourself a new sub!! Keep up the great work!!!

Malice in Underland Ahh, yay!! Thank you so much! :D I appreciate you giving my channel a chance!

Great job! IM FROM DTA lol good yt channel!

Ahh, yes, I love DTA! :D Thank you very much!

Slumber reads sent me to you. I'm glad I followed his advice. I'm not usually a fan of female narrators but you have a lovely voice that's nice to listen to. Thank you.

Slumber is very talented! I'm so happy you like my voice, I try to be as serene as possible, haha. :D

The Dark Somnium sent me! Who/what was the father!?

Lol! Up to interpretation! ;) Thank you for watching!

Of all the things that could scare me, the fucking music box jingle is the worst......good video tho!

..so gross u almost lost me

Ba ba Haha, ahh, I understand! I didn’t write the story—PernicketyPony did—but I felt the same way when reading it. It wasn’t as much of a shock factor as I thought it was originally! Thank you so much for listening and taking the time to comment! ❤️

It's a compliment.. especially if u wrote the story. When you got to the part where it sounds like mom cut her baby I got a little mad, but what was actually going on was very imaginative and gross in a "better" way if u know what I mean. I loathe when horror writer's go for shock without substance. Very well done. Excellent narration ☺

Lol, I'm sorry! :) I wouldn't recommend the Detox Diary then, hahah. I hope you can find other stories of mine that work better for you though!

After the "Because You Are My Baby" story, you've got yourself a new subscriber. Love your work!

Aww, thank you! That collab was soooo fun.

Good story, has a touch of the Dunwich Horror about it

staley101 Ahh, yay!! Thank you! :D

+Spirit Voices well consider me subbed

Yes, the author is very talented-- I just HAD to read this one once I'd read it, lol!

Bad Vibes sent me here.

I totally agree! I had no idea how amazing it was until I joined it, lol! I can't express the amount of gratitude I have for everyone who's kind enough to support me ^.^ Still shocks me, and I think it always will!

Spirit Voices No Problem :D yeah he’s amazing and a cool guy, that’s why I love the horror community, because not only the narrators are talented they’re supportive as well, the same goes to their subscribers. :)

Ahh, yay! :D Thank you so much! I love Bad Vibes, lol. I hope you have a wonderful week as well, and I hope you're satisfied with my content in future nights! ^.^

Niceeeeeee video

Ahh, yay! Thank you so much! :D

+Colin MacRae Lol, consider me glad as well, hah! :)

+Spirit Voices, yvw

Thank you so much! :D I'm so glad you liked it!

Eloi Thank you so much!!

Malice in Underland Another great narrator! :)

Spirit Voices Your style is great and unique. Expect a like.

Not me, I'm here cause of Mr. Haunted.

+Arturo Cunanan Thank you so much!

Spirit Voices you are a cool YouTube channel I’ll sub to you!



This was a fantastic story. You are a very talented writer. I hope to hear more from you!

That story was silly. Especially the end. I like your narration.

Oh and being scared sent me

Tuck me in tonight will ya?

Great story, great narration. I love listening to these while I sleep and your voice is perfect! I subscribed immediately.

Mrcreepypasta brought me here and i'm really glad he did also love your voice

Kind of inconclusive....

Great video just subscribed!! Being Scared sent me!!

Skinned Locust sent me

Kanna chan here, I applaud you hooman! Another one with a golden voice

Love your voice you should work with Dr.Creepen your voice would be harmonic ecstasy ✨✨✨✨

KingCobra121 Lol! Thank you! Actually, I contacted him not long ago about a position he was looking for, so fingers crossed!

Being scared sent me here, I was not disappointed.

Chris Hansen I’m so glad! I love Being Scared! ❤️

Matt S She does! And I’m so glad! ^.^

Spirit Voices BEB really does have awesome content you are welcome anytime I look forward to your next upload

Matt S BEB is so cool!! ;D Thank you so much, I’m so glad you enjoyed them!

Rueben Vasquez Haha, Thank you so much!! :D I appreciate the kindness and you giving my channel a chance!

Karla Kadjakoro I love Locust!! :D And I’d love to look over your story as well! You can always email those to lucekayreads@gmail.com!

Malice in Underland Yes!! Dark Owl is wonderful ❤️ We’re a happy horror community, lol!

+Spirit Voices I almost forgot to give Dark Owl credit also, u guys really support one another an stick together to help each other out! That's great! I love that!!

Who? Korean girls?

Being scared brought me here, not disappointed! ❤️

Being Scared sent me here and I am impressed! Definitely subbing right now.

Ahh, yay!! Thank you for giving my channel a chance! :)

I've subscribed, love your beautiful clear voice and reading. Wonderful quality , with no awful loud background music. So refreshing and easy on the ear. Greetings & Thank you from the UK this early morning, .. its 4:10 am! yikes!

+Spirit Voices Thank you very much, I drifted off beautifully listening to you.

Wow! :o Haha, get some sleep! XD But thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear that it's easy on the ear, that's one of the main things that I've been trying to get right over the last few months--the balance between voice and music is so precarious, hah! I'm so glad you enjoy my work, and thank you so much for the lovely comment!!

Tricia Gadd Lol! Thank you so much! :)

Ded Beat 808 Love Being Scared! Thank you for coming!!

Ded Beat 808 Lol, can’t tell if you’re being metaphorical or literal

MsPotatoHead Aww, yay!! I’m so glad to hear that!

Daniel lara MCP is amazing

Kate Lamb Just a little. ^.^

Roni Jae Yess, Being Scared is amazing! Thank you so much!!

Cripple Crab 92 Whoo! Love Skinned Locust! As you can tell from the huge collab he just released

Haha, thank you! :D

Lol! Should I be taking that as a compliment?

This good yeet

Hahaha, thank you!

I'm so glad! I love Being Scared! :D Thank you for giving my channel a chance!

+Fiona Cahill That makes me so happy--I have insomnia, so helping anyone sleep is a happy thing. ;D

+Pernickety Pony, yvw ☺ I completely understand about having other commitments. As romantic as it sounds to drop everything and write the next "great [country of residence] novel", it's not a smart idea. The majority of published authors will earn less than 10k per book, and, unless you're writing romance, you're limited to 1 book per year per nom de plume. Sure, you can earn substantianlly more if you hit the bestseller lists, but the public are weird and fickle in their tastes. You could write the perfect novel only for the public to ignore it over Farty Fartykins Tales of Drying Paint

+MsPotatoHead Thank you! I'll definitely try writing more in the future

+Colin MacRae Thank you so much for your feedback and your words of encouragement. You've given me a lot to think about. I'm a little time-poor at the moment, so I don't think I'll be able to work on a novel anytime soon, but I certainly will give your idea of developping this further some serious consideration in future.

WTF is that ending ?? This is so creepy. cool story

Lol, ikr?? Thank you-- PernicketyPony did such a good job!

Being Scared sent me your direction. Glad he did. Smash like and subscribe to spirit voices/ being scared And pewdiepie!


Two of my favorite channel's being scared and Mr creepy pasta suggested your channel so I felt compelled to watch and I can say your good I might have to hit the subscribe button

+Spirit Voices aww your welcome sweetheart

+Spirit Voices Hell yea soo good! Will be looking forward to hearing more from you also :) Cheers!

DS I love your video up and coming YouTube sensations I really enjoyed the story about heaven my pastor told me I need to stop listen to this stuff but I'm more comfortable with this world and besides when people tell me not to something I normally I do keep it up

Absolutely love your story it had me on tenterhooks from start to finish and if you do write a book I'd definitely buy it, we need all the good horror writers we can get.

Beautifully narrated Spirit Voices a wonderful story and your reading really brought it to life, very enjoyable

Wonderful voice for narration Very nice job

Ahh, yay! Thank you so much!

Ahh, thank you! :) You're so sweet!

The Fu**!!!!!

@MsPotatoHead Thank you! I'll definitely try writing more in the future

@Colin MacRae Thank you so much for your feedback and your words of encouragement. You've given me a lot to think about. I'm a little time-poor at the moment, so I don't think I'll be able to work on a novel anytime soon, but I certainly will give your idea of developping this further some serious consideration in future.

@THE PAGE BURNER 1979 Oh, yay! I try to vary my story length, I believe my longest approaches 50 minutes. I'd like to do some longer ones if I have the time one day, though! :)

@Spirit Voices aww your welcome sweetheart

@Fiona Cahill That makes me so happy--I have insomnia, so helping anyone sleep is a happy thing. ;D

@Spirit Voices Thank you very much, I drifted off beautifully listening to you.

@Spirit Voices Hell yea soo good! Will be looking forward to hearing more from you also :) Cheers!

@Spirit Voices well consider me subbed

@Spirit Voices thx

@shadows channel Subbed to your channel as well!

@Spirit Voices any thing to help fellow entertainers

@Hunter Otto Haha! Not gonna lie, I can't help myself. XD I could be doing anything and I'll drop everything to read the comments. I just get so excited, it still shocks me every time!

@Jt ThaYoungan Well, I appreciate that! :D I'm incredibly happy to be considered one. I'll continue trying my best!

@Spirit Voices dream of...Dark Somnium? ;)

@Spirit Voices Eh PTSD brings it on a lot so I'm not bothered by it. Also I love when a story gets into my head which your great at doing.

@Spirit Voices of course I did you're awesome.

Amazing as always ! I’m so happy to seee your channel growing ! Honestly I’ve always had a secret ... I’ve kinda wanted to narrate creepy pastas you have brought that little “itch” back loll Hope all is well!

Same, I found this through creepsin, the audio effects and narration on these is top notch!

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