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Many, people, have priorities, in some cases it's family, in some cases it's business, so Eve are you enjoying it really different than College. Railroad. Experience, I have, priorities if you love your family loving. If you love your business love, it but there is room, for other, things so you could have a great family and also do a great job at business try, getting them all in there why, are you doing great honey that's good you, better do good okay. Ideally, you want quick, decision-makers. However you, can't make it so quick that the decisions, going to be wrong I'd rather have, somebody take their time and come out with a right position but the, best combination. Is good decision-making, quickly. Every. Apartment is at least this, finished, or more the, building is in fantastic shape if. I see that there's a lack of organization it, drives me crazy because ultimately. Lack. Of organization, is lack of leadership and you cannot succeed with, a lack of leadership, we're substantially, under budget and we're ahead of schedule it's. Good. I. Focus. Very very, hard on budget when, people. Don't, adhere to a budget it's, only trouble, you're two million Oh 95. Can. You get it down to a million a. Million. A people. Go over budget they're in big trouble we, have okay. The. Word leadership is always, hard to define because you see so many different people that are so different and they're great leaders, for. Everybody, but, the quality, of a great leader that I've seen that's common, to all is respect, there's nothing, like real estate, it beats paper stock, certificates. And I think it's a great market people have to respect you or you cannot be a leader Heydar folks. You. Bill. We. Just bought the rest of the sun-times site so we own 100% of it now the, marketplace, is totally, brilliant if you price something, a little, bit high all of a sudden they, don't buy if you price it a little bit low the marketplace, just comes and eats it alive, you have to find the right price, and if you don't big trouble you better do a good job bill. And. Your ass is grass okay, good luck bye. When. I build a building or when I build a golf course or a club, or whatever I do you. Always have, to go after certain audience number. One paperback, is the. Art of the deal and the. Number one business, book, is, how to get rich you. Have to be able to pinpoint your, market and if you can't pinpoint the market you won't be successful, have, a good time everybody.

Okay. Look at the building look at the facade get it painted get it finished I want to get rid of those air conditioning, louvers, especially. The ones in the terracotta if you think an idea is really good, then, just, don't, stop, go after it keep, selling, it because some of the greatest ideas were. Ideas. That nobody wanted so, it's gonna be painted like the top just. I. Love it do it. You. To. Represent Donald. Trump in the Trump Organization, somebody. Has to be driven but, maybe more important, than anything they have to love if they don't love it they'll never ever be, successful. Once. They love it and once I can see they enjoy, what they're doing and they've got the talent to do it they, can't stop. You. Contractors. Are a whole separate, breed they, are tough they're, smart, they, didn't go to Harvard or Wharton mostly, but you know what they're just as smart as anybody that went there you, have to know how to deal with contractors. And you have to be tough because they will pick your pockets, and you won't even know what happened. Positive. Attitude is all about self-confidence and self confidence, is the whole ballgame I like, to name, Trump Tower Chicago like. Trump, national for the golf courses if you don't have a positive, attitude in business, or in life you'll, never ever be successful I, always sort of at Trump Tower Chicago, but. The building is going to be amazing. You. Random. House has really been amazing for Trump our last book how to get rich was. So successful, you. Should never lose your cool unless. It's, an act if, you're acting, that you're angry because. You want to scare your employees or you want to do something, to get them to work harder. You. I'm a leader, that listens. To my team and listens, intently but, in the end I form, my own opinion, which. I've worked out no no but, how can they tell us what height the height starts, off the ground so why do we have to take the ground down the leader that wants to be popular that wants to be loved that leader ultimately, is not gonna make it. When. I come into the office. You. One. O'clock on Friday. Why. Don't you confirm it what's his attitude. And. He knows I'm not doing it unless I get what I want, right, oftentimes. You'll see an opponent, and you'll say to yourself this is going to be easy that's the worst thing, you can do never. Underestimate. Your opponent assume, that your opponent, is the toughest, smartest person, in the world because, that can. Really lead to victory what did he tell you how did he talk to you. Okay. That, means he's gonna do it be a hard-ass, good okay. So long. There's. No better. Feeling than, being a winner New, York City. To. Be a winner you have to think like a winner you have to be positive and you can nuts. I've. Always felt location, is important, but the people behind the, deal are much more important than location, I'd much rather have, a really, smart talented guy, doing, a deal in a, not so good location, than. An idiot doing a deal in a great location because you'll make money every, time. Making. Deals can be tough I learned, at a young age that, you have to deal with the boss it's very, simple deal, with, the, boss wherever. Possible. You. Negotiation. Is a very very delicate part. Sometimes, you. Have to be tough sometimes, you have to be as sweet as pie you, never know it depends on who you're dealing with I've, always said that negotiation. Is not really. Learned it's almost innate, it's in the genes a, negotiator. Is born. Once. You make. A deal with someone it's really, important, to carry it through if you start developing the wrong reputation. It, makes it impossible to, make future, deals, once you shake hands that, should be it. You. You've. Always got to stand up to this you, just, have to fight for yourself because basically nobody, else is gonna fight for you. Negotiation. Is a very very delicate part, the big thing, in negotiation. Is to try and figure out your, opponent, otherwise, you're going to look like an idiot, and lose, big.

Never. Beg, when you're trying to sell something if, it doesn't work out take. Your lumps and relax, but, you'll never sell. Through. The begging graphs. You. You've. Got to believe in, what you sell if you don't believe it, if you don't really believe it yourself it'll. Never work it'll, never sell and you're going to be miserable. You. Do. You think we're going to have a very. Tangible portion, of this building lease before. We start construction, thinking. Outside of the box is, something. That is very much of a cliche but if you really, want to be successful that's, how you're gonna have to do people love the beauty of the billion they love the location of the boat and I think they liked wrong. You. Cannot, be, successful, without passion, if you don't love what you're doing if you don't have passion for it forget. It do. Something else you'll, be much more successful, and you'll lead a lot happier life. You. The, best people are the ones that don't stop, until, the sale is made can. You do this deal for two hundred and fifty thousand you're at three hundred and forty four thousand, right. What. Can you do it for they, never give up they have no quit. 265. Scott I'm going to give you the deal is that okay do, a great job Scott you have a lot of business coming up okay. Congratulations. If. You win people. Are going to respect, you. Nice. Shot Annika. Vince. Lombardi, was a little guy he used to smack around these, giant, football players and they'd, cried the reason, he got away with it is because he just won. Greatest. Golfer in the world. You. I've, rarely, seen a leader that's been able to lead by consensus. A leader, is somebody that oftentimes will go against, everybody, that's, what a leader is people, why, would you send this to the mayor. Why. Wouldn't you let him send it to you you know supposed to send him anything he's bidding on a job generally, speaking a leader, has to think independently I, think if it's better if you say you got a better price and cut, them down to fifteen five and then I'm gonna forget about what happened okay. You. You, got to knock this building, down fast right, fast. Okay, Oh quickly, how long February. Before so horsemen. People. Settle for mediocrity for, one reason they're, lazy I've seen, it so often people go into something they, don't want to go that extra step they, know it's not going to be great it might be good it might be okay it's not going to be great they, settle, for mediocrity they're, lazy. You. I've, always felt my best deals were made with my instinct, not anything else with, my instinct, well I think this will be one of the great buildings of Chicago, if not the best and what do you say to the skeptic, my skeptics, have always faded, away because I produced you meet Chicago very proud well, thank you. You. How, long would wire that holds up a big heavy scaffold, lasts from, a practical, standpoint on a big building could it last like 10 years or do you think not I'll always want to hear what people have to say it, doesn't, mean you have to do what they're saying but, always listen, if you do all the talking you're not going to learn a lot. That's. Very interesting all right you have a deal, congratulations. You. I always. Like to think big, there's, an expression go, big or go home, I like it a lot you, go for the fences, you go all the way or just you know what go home. You. In life. You can have a great idea but if you can't get those ideas across, it's never, ever going, to work, you can't miss in this location, you know I don't know many square feet do we need to see the space of really pretty big it's pretty good I'll tell you know we're gonna put a whole canopy over the top of space. It's gonna be beautiful I know so many people that have great ideas but, they can't sell the ideas guess what they're, not successful I want, to move in okay give me a proposal all right okay, when I say you fell busy, again I see. Oftentimes. You'll have an idea and you'll fall in love with it and then it turns out to be not such a good idea and you can't, get rid of it can you give us a good deal how about we make a deal now at on a gross basis, $20.

Okay. When, the idea turns out bad cut, it out of your mind get rid of it go on to the next thing and let it be better okay, if you can't make a deal finish it up with that be right. You. For, me failure. Is never an option look you guys didn't do a job and you weren't there and you know you weren't there and the deal would have never gotten done without the other guys if you have to go through the wall you go through it if you can't go through it you go under it around it over it there, is no such, thing as failure, you, know what then. Maybe you're not gonna get your fee because as far as I'm concerned you didn't do anything, this gear was mishandled, from day one okay. You. I've. Seen, people go 48, hours, and even more days, and days without any sleep in order to get a deal done sometimes. You have to do that you have to love, what. You do number, two you. Can never give up you can never quit, and if, you don't have the physical or mental stamina, to do it guess, what you better be doing something, else you can never ever, quit. You. How's. It looking up there good. Okay. Do a perfect, job perfect job. If a leader can't, control, his subordinates, he's not a leader, he's not a good businessman. He's, going to be a failure whether, it's a he or she it's going, to be bad I want you to check on it talk to George talk to everybody check on it I'm, not making a deal unless you approve. You. Never. Get sidetracked by, less important, tasks, always. Focus, on the goal. If. You do get sidetracked get, right back on the rails because ultimately. Side tracking kills you, now let's get that building down fast say. Hello to your boss. You. Getting. Along with people is very important. To success, so give me a proposal will study is my friend right if you're not gonna get along with people you, may be successful, but it's gonna be a lot harder right, that's what it's all about is that right. You. In, business, it's important, to adapt let's get to the price so you're at 344, can you do it for 250. And. You know we have a big building going up in Chicago, and if you don't adapt you're never gonna be good in business you're, never gonna be successful okay. 265. Scott I'm going to give you the deal you give me that. Okay. All right you have a deal I show. Flexibility. Be able to make a change. You. Leadership. Is very important, in business you have to inspire your staff you have to really make them respect you go ahead do it let's do come on you promised me you guaranteed, me victory, do. You guarantee me victory yeah you, never quit you know. You. A good. Leader has to be able to recognize, the strengths, and weaknesses, of employees, you really, have to watch, the, people that. You're doing business with because there have been some absolutely. Horrific, stories, the leader has to be able to see who, is really strong, where, and if, they don't do it it's not gonna work out very well for that leader or for that company so, get the best people and watch, them. Money. Is important for a lot of reasons it's a scorecard how well did I do how much did I make how much did the company make well, I'm glad you call. You. Can do a lot of things but in business it's, all about money, yeah a good deal I'd say it's like a great deal okay. You. A, successful. Team has, to challenge each other push your teammates, to be better performance. Just had a third one let. Me see it let me see yeah, why do you like this better, then. What yet let me just see what you have just, keep pushing, and pushing them you don't want to drive them over the edge but, push him as far as you can, see. When I come into the office. You. Recently. I had a man and he came in for his final interview but I in my mind he was hired so this guy started, telling me what a creep is bosses a disloyal, person, can totally, destroy a corporation. I didn't like that an employee was talking, badly about the boss and I decided not to hire him if you find a disloyal, person get rid of him or her immediately. They're no good they'll, never be good there's nothing, worse than disloyalty. You. It's. The great business person that can decide between, practicality. And creativity, of vodka category, that really isn't a traditional strategy, the imagery is predetermined with the Trump brand I like that that's, a very smart ad you.

Have To be able to strike a balance if you don't strike a balance it's not going to work, nice, presentation good, job. There, are times when the only choice, is confrontation. Do you understand, me I'm not gonna sue you if I have to do you understand, me. Think. Of yourself as a gladiator think, of yourself as somebody that goes into the ring yes. I hung up you didn't get disconnected I hung up, confrontation. Is never really popular, but you know what sometimes, it's needed do, it and do it with gusto let me tell you something I don't know what he bought I don't know what he did all I know is. You. Family. Is very important, in business over the years I've seen many very wealthy, people they're, successful. They've got a lot going they're not necessarily, happy, well order what do you want to know chicken, parmesan. Wood, meets us ok. Angel I'll take care of it the people that are the happiest, and the most content, are the ones with good family, ok, I'll get you some spaghetti ban us, are lucky to be married to make about heavy. You. People. That are successful always. Know when it's time to pull somebody to change the squad you don't want them to fail because probably it's your team that's going down with them so pull that person before they fail. You. Life. Is full of different people, sometimes. You'll see a person, they're dressed beautifully they look great they're sharp, they speak well everything's, perfect, but they're losers. Beautiful. Then. You'll see somebody that doesn't look as good they, don't have the right clothing they don't have the right face, they don't have anything right but, they turned out to be winners time shows, that they turned out to be worse how's he doing how's his answer good, he. Looks funny smart to me who. Never can judge a book by it's, cover. You. There's, many people they're, highly, inflexible, they have a straight, line but, a lot of times that line has to change and if you don't have a plan B it's. Just not going to work I really, think this is something you want to show yeah and this is Plan B we, might have a decision to make you need flexibility. Where you're never ever going, to be successful. In advertising. You want to keep your message to the point and simple, when. You make a to detail, to complex, it goes over the head of a large segment of the people you're really wanting to hear the message. You. A really. Great leader no matter how tough no, matter how smart will always have an ability to listen to smart people that work for them I love Kendra, as the research assistant, there, are so many great ideas that can come out of your subordinates, and if you're not this thing you're not going to get those ideas also I think we'd be good to aggressively, attack an international, market so hire smart people and, then, listen to it I think that'll work out great. You. If. A leader doesn't have the respect of his or her employees, it's over how's it coming all right are, they gonna take the broken one out or just have it so. That's a 25 year old piece of metal you need, the, respect, of your employees, isn't this a brand new escalator huh. I bought, a brand new escalator, fellas, I. Didn't. Buy one with old parts if you're not gonna leave and if you're not gonna have their respect, it's over, give it up go out and get a job. You. If, you're not decisive, the people that are supposed to be following me are gonna say he doesn't know how to leak I think, that was a good one right there at, the same time you, don't want to be so quick that you make a mistake I think these are nicer, so be decisive, but make sure you're, not making. A mistake. You. My. Father used to look at buildings, and talk, to people going into those buildings and then, he'd go and design a building so that we sort of met the needs of these people learn. Your customer, know your customer, it's a good road to success. You. I view, everybody, is wanting my job so everybody, is ultimately, competition. So when you go through periods, where people. Come at you, go. After them fight. Them hard and win. I wouldn't, say it's a great way to live a life but. You have the advantage of having the top spot, don't, let anybody take that top spot from stay. Focused. You. Many, people, that could talk a good game but they couldn't deliver they're losers if you don't deliver the goods the talking doesn't mean anything. And, you think there may be some sabotage, from within find, the people that are doing this to you and get rid of them ruthlessly, viciously.

I Don't care how you have to get rid of them but get rid of them fast. You. It's. Always great to have friendship, in business but, you can't let the friendships, hurt your goals you can't, let the friendships, hurt your business I own billions. And billions of dollars I had, so many friends that were so happy, well, happy my friends but they were happy it's, really, wonderful to have good friends in business but usually, it doesn't work out. You. Many, people, have priorities, in some cases it's family, in some cases it's business, so, Eve are you enjoying it be different than college right. Have. Priorities, if you love your family love it, if you love your business love, it but there is room, for other, things so you could have a great family and also do a great job at business try, getting, them all in there why, are you doing great honey, you. Better do it okay.

2019-07-12 16:38

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