5 Money-Burning Business Mistakes to Avoid! [Must-Watch for Small Businesses]

 5 Money-Burning  Business Mistakes to Avoid! [Must-Watch for Small Businesses]

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What's up, guys? We are live on Facebook today  on a beautiful Monday. So I got my friend here,   Tony Cruz. And for those of you who don't  know him, I'll introduce him in a second.   But today we're going to be  talking about the five biggest   money burning mistakes you're making in business.  That was a mouthful, but I completed it.   The five biggest money burning mistakes you're  making in business. And more importantly,   or I would say more specifically, sales. So we're  going to talk about five mistakes you guys are  

making in sales. I see it all the time. I see it  with all my clients. I see it with all the beauty   business owners I talked to. 95% of you are making  at least three of these mistakes, I would say.   Anyways, Tony is a master sales trainer.  He's trained hundreds of real estate agents.   He's helped his wife grow her permanent makeup  business. And they're actually starting up a new  

venture soon. But I won't  spoil that story for you.   If you want to go ahead and say something  to the audience real quick and introduce. So first and foremost, Jake, thank you so much  for having me. I now know what it means to have   cold air, being that I'm in Florida,  I'm literally inside wearing a jacket   because it's so cold outside. But as Jake said, my  name is Tony Cruz. I am a national sales trainer   for a large real estate firm here in central  Florida. But for me, coming on here with Jake,  

we've had a lot of commonalities in my business  and what I trained in coaching to your business,   Jake. And what I see in the beauty industry. And  there are a lot of people making mistakes in the   beauty industry when it comes to sales. And I  saw that in my wife's business. Jake, I know   I've thanked you so many times, but you literally  took my wife's business from zero clients. Like   freaking goose egg day that we opened  up to crushing our sales goals. I  

know it was at least over 2025 clients the  first month, and we just expanded from there.   And now jumping into a new venture that I've  been bouncing off, some ideas off your mind,   Jake, with this new beauty business adventure,  I'm Super excited to bring it to the masses in   this new business plan and strategy that  we're going into in this beauty industry. Let me tell you guys how good of a salesman  Tony is. He hired me. I helped him back in 2018.   And then we even met up in Orlando when  I came down there for Universal Studios   for our anniversary. But anyways, he's such  a good salesman that he stayed in contact   with me. We actually became friends. And then  last year in 2021, you guys probably saw that  

I bought some houses in Florida. I was actually  looking at beach houses in Panama City Beach.   And I called him and I was like, yeah, I had  some questions about real estate in Florida   and everything. He's like, well, why aren't you  buying in Orlando and almost $2 million later   in a good condition for you? We're going  to be getting more than you probably.

So first and foremost, on that note, at what  point, Jake, throughout all your transactions,   throughout our friendship, have I  ever sold you or tried to sell you? Yeah, I don't feel like you've really  ever tried to sell me. It's more just like   guiding me down the path and helping me out and  helping me accomplish what I want to accomplish. Yeah. And it's all about that. It's honestly,  I think the first mistake is the relationship   that people make and in our relationship  that we have, I've told you many times,   look, I don't care if you buy from me. I  don't care what you do. I just want to make  

sure you know all your options and know what I  bring to the table. And I think that's a huge   mistake that I saw and my wife is  probably going to choke me out.   But my wife would always try to go for the sale  versus the relationship. And 99.9% of people when   they're just starting their business, try to  go for the sale versus the relationship. Yeah. I see this all the time, especially with new  business owners who are hungry for clients   understandably they're ready to make money  and stuff, but then they treat people like   a transaction versus a relationship. And so  they'll get a lead or they'll get a message  

and then they'll just send them the price or  they'll be like, here's my booking link. Unless   the person is already ready to buy, which they  probably would have already bought if they were,   you've got to build that relationship  and you hit the nail around the head. And building that relationship is all about asking  the right questions. And I'm not going to go into   too much of what those right  questions are and things like that.  

But asking the right question  can really open up the doors   to that client, lowering their guard when it  comes to price and upping their interaction with   you to learn more about you because you're asking  them the right questions. One thing I will say is   use the word why. What brings you to my service?  What would that do to your life if you had my   service? Those kinds of why and what questions  really go a long way and they'll eventually, in my   opinion, tell you how to sell them. Now, there are  scripts that I have for this, but asking just that   little bit of information. Thank you so much for  contacting me. What brings you to my business? Not   obviously in that script. That's very elementary,  but that premise of what brings you in. Yeah. And I made this mistake and I still  do. Sometimes I'll catch myself because  

now that I've worked with thousands of people  and have probably over 1000 testimonials,   I want to just be like, yeah, I'm the  greatest in the world, blah, blah, blah.   But I'll lose a sell. I mean, sometimes I don't,  but I might lose a cell or have less of a chance   if I start acting like that. Instead, I've got  to ask the person, what can I do for you? Like,   what are you looking for? What are your  dreams and goals? And that way I can tailor   my different services or packages  towards them and their needs. I mean, right now it's kind of funny.  Right now I'm looking into life   insurance and things like that, and I'm dealing  with two separate individuals. One guy is purely  

just telling me the numbers and that's it,  and has never asked me what my goals are   and the other guy is asking me what my goals  are and tailoring packages to what my goals are.   Now the one guy who is tailoring  the packages to what my goals are   is higher in price. But guess what? I'm getting  what I need, not what they want to sell me. Exactly. So that's really huge. When you are selling is  to listen and to make sure you're giving them   exactly what they want. Because if you give them  exactly what they want, it's super easy to close.

Yeah. And without proper trading,  this is really hard, especially   for just like single service businesses.  Like, for example, a microblading artist.   They have one service microblading.  So of course they want to sell that.   But if you just jump straight to the cell,  not only you're doing the client a disservice,   but you might be doing it yourself a disservice.  Because if you give them something they don't   really need or want, that's how you get the  crazy clients or the unhappy clients or the   refunds or the chargebacks. So you have to  make sure it's a right fit for both of you. Something I heard someone say is the client is  always right. I agree with that. To an extent,  

you are there to service the client, but  you're also there to service your business.   And you're also in business to do services  to people you want to do service to.   Obviously, when you're starting out, you want  to get every person in the door. But once you  

get to that level playing field, you don't  want every customer that comes to the door,   but you want to make sure that every customer  you do obtain your building a relationship with   because that's going to give you  a long lasting referrals funnel. I usually find it's the opposite.  The client's always wrong. Yeah, to some extent especially I was the  one that did all the sales for my wife's   business. I was the one answering all the  questions. I will admit that I know more   about Ombre browse and microblading and  Micropigmentation that I want to admit to.   But having those services and you just got  to know who your exact audience is when   you're selling. You don't want to go after.  Like you said, the discount, the group on,   you know, that is not the customer  you want because they're looking   for a deal. And in the service, they're probably  thinking of ways, how can I get it even cheaper?

Well, now that you've mentioned it, that's  a good transition to point number two. So   the second biggest mistake you guys are making is  relying on discounts or pricing to entice people.   Let's say we've got Sally. She's a microblading  artist and she wants to get five bookings this   week. She gets some leads and then she's like,  hey, my price, I'll do a discount this week,  

$100 off. So instead of $400, it's going to be  $300. And then she gets no bookings. And she   wonders why. Well, one, she didn't tell the  benefits, the value, and there's a whole list   of things that she could have done better. But I'm  just trying to get you guys to realize you don't  

need to focus on always doing discounts and stuff.  I've got a lot of clients who don't do discounts. In my opinion. You don't need to focus on  the discount. You need to focus on the store   you're providing. Are you providing what they're  looking for? What's the word? Fort Jake? Are you   reaching out to the people you want to reach out  to with the message that you have as to why you're   the best? I can tell you right now, 90% of the PMU  artists, the beauty artists that I interact with,   it's all price, it's all price. And guess what?  The ones that are really succeeding are not   focusing on the price. They're focusing on the  story. They're providing the client. I can't tell   you, especially in my market, I am following at  least two dozen MICROBLADE PMU artists in my area   on my Instagram, and they never discuss price.  It's all about the story. A lot of artists in my  

area that I follow, the top artists, I should  say they focus on their story, their clients,   their clients excitement, their clients reaction  to seeing the browse. That's one thing I've really   always wondered, why is why are artists recording  the first initial reaction to their browse? Some do, but most don't. Yes. I don't see that in my market because  I'm only following people in my market. But   that's something that tell that  story and the sales will come.   You notice the top people don't talk  about price. They talk about service.

Yeah. Or the benefits and the  value that you're going to receive. The benefits and features. That's really my  thoughts on going into that segment and really   kind of catapulting into the sales  and the story and things like that.   I also look at a lot of artists, and I'm  going to say number three, Jake is not   knowing their numbers, and this is something  that is standard in every industry. I don't  

care what industry you're in. I would say most  newer business owners don't know their numbers.   And I think it would shock people if they actually  pulled how many clients they had last year,   how many clients they missed out on last year,  how many clients that they did not follow up with. Yes. We're not talking about revenue. We're  not talking about profit. We're talking about   potential clients, missed clients all kinds  what the potential revenue could have been.   And I'm guilty of this myself. I was talking  to Tony. It was like, Jake, what are you doing? Oh, man, I was drilling you, man. And I felt bad.  And I even apologize for drilling Jake on like,  

how many people have reached out to you, Jake?  And I don't mean to use it as an example, but   I'm going to use it as example. How many people  have reached out to you that you either didn't   follow up with or you never responded to?  And let's calculate that number into your   losses for the year, because that is a legitimate  loss for you. So that's something to really sit   back and really go through your messages and  see how many people you didn't follow up with. I think for me, it's like, I'll admit, I  think it's an ego thing. I think it's like,   well, I've helped all these people have all  these testimonials. I should be interviewing  

you of why you should work with me, not the  other way around. I think I said that right.   For me, it's kind of having to step down from  that and it's being like, okay, I got to treat   everybody is like an equal potential client. I  can't just expect people to sign up instantly   if they don't know anything about it.  Yes, people should do their own research,  

and I have lots of resources out there and stuff.  But you're right. I need to follow up better. Into your respect, Jake. Quite  honestly, you have ten X,   the amount of reviews and resources and  things like that of other microplaters.   Your sales funnels should be on autopilot. You  shouldn't have to do that much follow up. But  

at the end of the day, there is always going to  be that small amount of lost business if you're   not tracking your sales numbers. So if you're not  tracking, how many people are you messaging you   every week, how can you predict what your  sales are going to be that same time next   year? Wouldn't it be nice to have a predictable  business that's I think what everybody wants. I think the biggest sticks out to me  the most for permanent makeup artist is   they'll message me about marketing and I'll  talk to them and they'll ask me the pricing and   I'll give them my price. And even though mine  is lower than everybody else is right now,   I'm about to raise it. They'll say like, well,  I don't know if I can afford that right now. And  

I'll be like, well, it's only one or two clients  that you have to book to make that money back.   Plus, you're getting all the other  benefits. And they're like, oh, well,   I didn't think about that. And it's just  people don't really think about numbers.   And investing in return on investment very  often, especially new business owners.

I challenge that mindset to everybody watching is   I would love for someone to show me a bank or  financial vehicle where I could put $500 in   a month plus ad spend. I could put $1,000 in  a month and make 4000 $5,000 a month on that.   That's really the ROI just starting out month  one that you provided. So if you're telling me   that I can give you $500 and I'm going to make  three or $4,000, why are you seeing that as an   expense? That's an investment. So I think there's  a big mindset shift there too, with individuals in  

any industry that they need to look at the dollars  they're spending towards your services, Jake,   are investments. They're not costs. In the minute  you ask yourself, yeah, what bank could I go and   put $5,000 better yet. And I caution myself by  saying this, what cryptocurrency could I put $500   in and make it big the first month? There's  not many out there. But what I will say is   I look at every $500 bill that I give you as a  $4,000 return. That's the way I calculate that. Okay.

Yeah. I wouldn't even get into cryptocurrency.  I lost a lot of money last year. Yeah, we're not talking about that.  I lost a bunch of money too. But  

that's the way going into mindset. And I think that's the limiting beliefs about  basically what I wanted to say on this part is   I think a lot of people view sales or selling or  following up as like, oh, I'm bothering the person   or I'm being a nuisance or annoying them.  If you really think about like, okay,   I'm offering a valuable service, which that's what  business is. You're offering a product or service   in exchange for money or resources. And so if  you're providing value to someone, it's actually   unethical not to push your services if you truly  believe in it. Because if I see a kid about to   cross the street in front of a car and get hit by  a car, I'm going to either grab them and pull them   back or if they're already halfway across, push  them to the side to where they don't get hit.  

And that's how you should view sales. It's  like, hey, I need to save these people from   or help them with whatever they need. I don't  know, that might have been a bad analogy. Yes. No, you're always helping people. And that's  the thing is in sales. And I'll give this one   teaser away. Okay. My favorite script is what  brings you in today? Oh, I want microblading.  

Great. We definitely provide that service.  How is microblading going to benefit you?   I asked that a lot, and I know it's kind of like,  why would you ask that question? Why do you care?   But if you can relate back to their response later  on in the sales timeline, that's going to stick a   hook in them and they're going to see that you  care. You're asking, Why? Because you genuinely   care. People like to do business with people who  care, and that's really the biggest takeaway I  

hope people get from today is asking ask, Why are  you doing this? Why are you doing that? But going   into the limiting beliefs, I think that's a big  struggle for new PMU artists. I can't afford this.   You really can't afford not to, whether  it's doing other avenues of marketing,   which I don't see any other Avenue  Besides Jake in the PMU world. But for me,   you can't afford not to do something. You  can't afford not to invest in your business   because without investing in your business,  how are people going to know who you are? Yes, for me, one of my limiting beliefs was I'm  not a good public speaker. And I think a lot of   people have the same because I know that video is  important. That's why I'm doing video right now.  

And then I teach my clients that videos important.  But I found myself procrastinating and not doing   podcasts and not doing many YouTube  videos last year. And I kind of had to   come to Jesus moment the beginning of this year  just for not really New Year's resolutions, but   just kind of thinking, how can I improve my life,  my business and all that? And I was thinking like,   okay, what are some limiting beliefs I'm  having? One of them was like, I'm being   limited because I think I'm not a good public  speaker. Instead of if I get myself out there,   I might not be a Tony Robbins or I might not be  whoever is a great speaker, but I can provide   value. And so if I'm letting that belief hold  me back, I'm not providing the value that I can.

Yes. And really, it doesn't matter. I see a lot of  artists shy away from doing Instagram and all that   because maybe you're introverted, maybe you're  shy, but guess what? It doesn't matter what other   people think about you, because you could have  I'll never forget this and kind of relating into   real estate, but I had an agent, and a big part  of real estate is prospecting for new business   is cold. Calling is picking up the phone  and calling. She had horrible English and   she wanted to make it happen. She would make  900 calls a week to just get one person to  

talk to her. So you have to be consistent with you  whether you're doing a crappy job or a good job.   Just be consistent. And the activities  that you do will generally grow   and you'll get better and better and  better as you go on. So it doesn't matter   how good you are right now. It doesn't matter  if you have the best camera. It doesn't matter   if you have the iPhone twelve selfie mode and  portrait mode. It doesn't matter. Just start   somewhere and start doing it consistently. That's  all that matters. Because with that consistency,  

your audience is going to grow and people are  going to get to know you like you and trust you. And that's the biggest thing in sales is  people need to know, like and trust you. Yeah. And that's another limiting belief  since I'm not good, I shouldn't even do   it. But like you said, if you practice,  for example, basketball, I can practice   and I'm not going to be LeBron James ever,  just because my physical limitations. But  

I can go from being not good at all to  being pretty damn good just with practice.   And that's pretty much with anything with  MICROBLADE. Like I tell my clients all the time   you weren't good at microblading the first  time you ever did it. Probably you took some   practice in training and learning and that's  the same way with speaking or sales or anything.

Yes. And I mean, that was a huge limiting belief  for my wife was like in her business was the sales   side. And eventually towards the end, she was  doing really well with talking with clients,   doing up sales in service. That's another thing  that I don't think people do quite often is try  

to upsell something during the service and  it just takes practice. It takes practice,   practice, practice, and you will fail. There's  no way around it. You will fail at some point,   but it's how you come back from  that is what's going to define yes.

I was listening to some podcast the other day. I  forget who it was, but they said when you get to   the end of your life, hopefully pretty old and  you look back, would you rather say like, hey,   I tried this and I failed, but I learned from  it and probably succeed after that or I never   tried and I never really failed, but I never tried  and did anything in my life. I never accomplished   anything. Which one would you rather go? And  obviously you want to fail and learn and move on   and at least say that you try and at  least do your best. You don't want to go   look back and say like, well, I was scared, I was  procrastinating and I just never did anything.

And one thing, I'm an all in kind of guy, whether  you're in or you're out. And for me, I see a lot   of individuals try to tiptoe around the business,  do it here, do it there. In today's world,   we honestly have it too easy starting out. If  you have to do a second job, do that second job,   you don't feel like you don't have enough money  because money is out there. Okay. Whether it's   we started out with a very small loan from a  family member to do the business. I put Jake  

your services or put on a credit card for a  few months, but we saw a massive ten X return.   And I think that people really get turned off a  little bit by having how much money you have to   put out in the beginning, but it's huge returns.  And I have yet to see an artist who didn't try   fail. And when I say try, genuinely try, genuinely  give it their all. Okay. Not seen one fail. Yes. I was talking to someone today, and she  was like, I think she started her business a  

few months ago, and she was like, I'm just so  heartbroken because I'm not getting results and   I'm not booked up. I started my business at the  worst time ever with COVID and stuff. And I could   tell it was a limiting belief. And I was like, let  me look at your Facebook. And I looked I was like,   I saw some before and afters, but she had no  educational content, no videos. She wasn't  

doing any of the stuff I taught. I was like, hey.  And I respectfully said this. I was like, hey,   you don't have this stuff on your page. I know  this would really help. And she's like, yeah,   I'm just scared to do videos. And so, long story  short, we kind of figured out that it wasn't   about the time of the year that she started the  business. Those are all just excuses. And if she   really puts it in there and overcomes her fears,  and if she's courageous and does videos and does   all this stuff, she's going to get bookings.  She's just got to get out of that bubble.

And I really think going into that a little bit  of time blocking, too. Like, a lot of people say,   I don't have enough time. I got  my kids at home, I got this that   everything going on in their life. One  thing I will say is we all have the same   24 hours. It's all about how you allocate it.  Okay. So if you want to start adding video,  

Jake, how long does a video, like, one of those  videos you post, how long does that take you. Max of 30 minutes. I think we all have 30 minutes on our day that  we could just post one little video. It's about   being consistent. And we oftentimes make those  choices. Like, I need to post a video. I need to   do a social media post. I need to follow up with a  client. We think of those in our mind as a choice,   not as an obligation. Okay, you starting this  business. You need to look at it as an obligation,  

not a choice. Because if you look at  obligation, you're showing up for yourself. It's a really beautiful experience to watch  when it works because you see someone who forces   themselves to do something they didn't really want  to do, but then they kind of get they're like, oh,   this is actually not that bad. This is actually  fun. Like, I like the engagement on videos. I like   getting myself out there. I like the feeling I  get, and then they become addicted to it. And  

then you see them posted videos like twice  a day. I've seen that quite a few times. Yeah. Success is addicting, period. And for me  and several businesses and things like that,   I've always had those successful moments, and  those are always the happiest of my life. And  

success leaves clues also. And I'm a part of a lot  of PMU artist groups, but I don't see a lot of PMU   artists actually collaborating on a deeper level.  And I think that's something that here in 2022,   I hope to see that more because I think a lot of  us can learn from other successful artists and   how they built their business and how they grew  without having to really put out huge price Tags   for money just to get the content, but to learn  from each other. So that's my two cent on that.

Yeah. I think happiness comes from progress.  And, well, there's multiple factors, but for me,   it's progress and growth, even if  that video doesn't make me $20,000,   just the fact that I was able to be courageous,  overcome my limiting beliefs and do what I   know that I should do. It's just a great  feeling about that, doing what's right. So let me ask you this, Jake. What did  it feel like because I was a part of   that experience a little bit. What did it feel  like when you bought that million dollar home? I know the answer that you want, but I'm  going to give the truth. No, the truth is   the truth is I didn't really feel that much  because to me, it's about the process. And it's  

kind of like one of my idols is Nick Saving with  Alabama football. He's one of these Championships   and he'll win and he'll celebrate for a minute,  which we did celebrate. We had some $400   champagne, and it was a great feeling, but it's  okay. What's next or what can we do next? And I   really enjoyed the process. I enjoyed talking with  you on the phone a lot. I enjoyed negotiating.   I enjoyed doing all my research. And so to me,  the growth in the process was the great part.   But it's funny because I've hit a lot of  milestones that I didn't think I would hit by   age 30. But one of the best feelings ever was  actually when I was thinking I was 26 or so, 25,  

I started this little Shopify store. This was back  when Shopify was pretty new. And I went through   this course that taught you how to set up all the  products and stuff. And I started a jewelry store. This was before I was in permanent makeup.  This was like my first marketing attempts.   I started a jewelry store. And I remember  the first time I made like a $10 sell,   and there was probably only like $6 profit  on that. But I was so excited. I was like,  

wow, I can make money online. I popped up on my  phone, you were paid 1090, $9. And I was just   so excited. And that was honestly one of my most  exciting business moments. Even though it was $10,   it was just the fact that, hey, I did this, I  overcame it, and now I'm doing something new. So believe it or not, Jake, you  gave me the response I wanted   because sales is not about that quick  adrenaline rush of, oh, my God, I got it.   It's more so about the process and the  relationship you make throughout that sale.   And that gets addicting. It's super powerful when  you have ten or 20 individuals in your database  

that are your biggest cheerleaders  and you're no longer having to   focus on a lot of follow up, and you're just  having leads come in that know, like, and   trust you and your experience with that. I want to  thank you as well. I did get referrals from people   interested in doing real estate in central  Florida, but those referrals came in without   me having to sell them, if you will. They  already know, like, and trust me because I did   good work for you. So there's a built in trust  factor in enjoying the process along the way. Yeah. And I will say on a deeper level, just  so people don't get confused, this is not  

about manipulating people or creating  relationships for transactions. Honestly,   some of the other best moments I've had  in business where I attended or I spoke   at a conference a couple of years ago in Vegas,  and I actually got to meet a lot of my clients.   And so that was a beautiful moment because I  was able to say, okay, these are the people   I've seen online. I've been helping them, and  they shared their stories with me in person.   And just being able to build that relationship  on a deeper one, on one level is just awesome. Yeah. If you have to manipulate  somebody to like you,   I'm just going to go ahead and say, it may  not be popular that's sleazy car salesman.

And there is a lot of that in this  industry now, whether it's like, oh,   I'm a seven figure coach or, like, all these other  stuff, there's a lot of sleep in this industry. Yes. I don't think that's who you'd want to be,  because I like my business to operate 24 hours a   day, seven days a week, constant referrals coming  in, constant lead management on those referrals   coming in, constant follow up on the business  coming in and having to manipulate somebody to   gain a relationship. I couldn't go to sleep at  night. And I could say this going back into my   real estate business, I was making well into  the six figures when I was full time selling.   But all of my clients, I can call right now  and take them to lunch, take them to dinner.  

And we are all great friends. My  friends are my clients. I don't have   outside people. And that's what I really  hope people take away from tonight is   make your clients your friends, build  a relationship and enjoy the process.

Yeah. And I don't want to teach you  guys. I know I said we have five   mistakes and we've only gone over four.  I'm going to cover the last R1 quick.   And then I got an exciting surprise. So not  having a sales machine built out is huge.   And when I say sales machine, at least there's  a million different softwares and tools and just   automations and there's so many things you  can do to help yourself out. I'm not going  

to go into all of them because there's too much to  cover. But for example, save replies on Facebook   saves a ton of time. That way you're not  having to copy and paste out your notes   if you are even copying and paste. And I hope not  everyone. I know we're talking about customized  

replies and building relationships, but there are  certain things where people want info and there   are certain ways to automate that where you can  still build relationships of what you would say   without being up till 02:00 a.m. Messaging  leads every night. Do you agree with that, Tony? I do agree with that. And that goes back into the  save replies. I remember having those save replies   in my notes. I remember back when chatbots worked  to the extent before they had all those rules come   down. Another great thing to add to what you're  saying in automation is customer relationship   management systems a CRM. Do you have a database  where you store your clients information,   where you store maybe perhaps their birthday, the  day of their service? And do you have automated   systems that let's say they come in Monday  at two, but they need their touch up in six   weeks from now. Are they getting an automatic  email a week before that six week Mark reminding  

them of their touch up? And it's time to book  that oftentimes. To me, we made that mistake,   and I think that was a mistake I made in my wife's  businesses. I didn't have that set up right from   the get go because she was getting people in.  She was getting a deposit for the follow up. And   then the people just never came back for that  touch up. And it wasn't because the service,  

it was just because poor follow up on our part  and obviously the customer forgetting about it. So making sure that those automated follow  ups are there is crucial in this business. Yeah. So I hope you guys enjoyed this. We wanted  to come on and share this value with you. Now,   I don't like to be salesy or anything, but  we do have a mastermind coming up next week.   If you want to learn more from me and Tony, if  you want to learn how to build a cells machine   to get out of your limiting beliefs and  basically all these mistakes that we   talk about. If you want to know how to not  only reverse that but how to optimize it,   definitely check out our mastermind. If  you want info you can message me. I'm not  

going to hard pressure sell you. I'll send  you the info and we've got a little video   you can watch to kind of see what it's all  about. Do you have anything to add on that? No I'm Super excited this time next Monday  the mastermind would have started and I'm   Super excited to go over limiting beliefs how  to manage a business how to be a beauty business   not treating it like a job but your business  owner putting automation in your business   follow up a lot of script practicing and week  four is probably going to be my favorite week   where we discuss the business model me and my wife  are going to be running and how we're going to be   doing it without actually having to do much  of any of the work. So I'm Super excited for  

that new kind of business model roll out that I  think could be game changing for a lot of people. I know for a fact this is stuff  that a lot of it is stuff that   people have not taught in this  industry or even know about. So   I'm definitely excited for all the  weeks but especially week four. Yes, that's going to be a huge AHA oh my God.  Now I can potentially run my business without  

having to be there 24 hours a day, seven days  a week. It's constantly becoming a cash cow. Yeah, that's huge because building a  business is fun but being stuck in a business   that turns into a job is not something you want. Yeah, but awesome. Well, thank  you so much for having me, Jake. Yeah, thanks for joining and if you guys enjoyed   this please leave a comment below  or leave a review in the podcast   if you're listening and thanks again  for listening, I'll see you guys soon.

2022-01-23 10:48

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