இந்த 3 Tips யாரை வேணும்னாலும் பெரிய BUSINESS MAN ஆக்கிரும் | Motivation | Praveen | Josh Talks Tamil

இந்த 3 Tips யாரை வேணும்னாலும் பெரிய BUSINESS MAN ஆக்கிரும் | Motivation | Praveen | Josh Talks Tamil

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Or you want to be a filmmaker. Um. Anthony, i'm 32, years old, i'm the founder, and owner of haunted multi cuisine restaurant. It's india's, first haunted house team restaurant. Chanel are quite popular. Celebrities. A chain of chinese, restaurants. Right now we are expanding to karnataka, also. And i'm also the founder and owner of children's. A legacy, brand from trichy. We are recreating. 1980s. In the food and the team, so i'm the founder and owner of all these three uh restaurant, chains, um. So in order. For the community. Uh you know background, patina. So. Entrepreneurs. So moon, story divided. First story would appear on the. How i got into food business. Uh second story or name on the dream big, uh third story or the name of the the journey never ends, okay, so how i got into food business. Before i got into this business. In 2013. I was recovering, from uh. Failure, from a small, e-commerce. Startup. Very very. The, in the business first already were failure, again you're going to choose a business. You should never give up you should fight till then. The. Business. Foreign. Foreign. Foreign. Foreign. Okay. Foreign. But. Foreign. Um. Foreign. So that was the biggest, breakthrough. I had after. One. That was a very big success, that is how i came into food business and, turned things around, so this is my first story. You know the second story, dream big, uh very interesting. Step in my life and either you know learnings. Uh, so. Okay so. So for uh one year i was continuously. Observing. The sales. Foreign. So it was a very. Uh. Very different concept. I don't think, not much places. On the concept. So. India we are the first haunted house team restaurant, so muruganian. Foreign. She also gave me that confidence, so finally one day we. Decided. Uh. The foreign was dependent, on, the chef only, but other than an area complains. Was poor so in the morning. So again we went back to the boardroom, and thought. And the ten thousand on the sales again. Again, we reached around eighty thousand to one lakh average, sales per day so weekends.

Like Two lakh sales. We, pulled it back. We became, quite famous, even bbc, tamil nadu. Coverage. So that's how, we tasted such a success, for the second time, uh so we they know the second story, so either what a. Foreign. So that is the learning of the, second. Story, so moving on to the third story. Uh. Uh the journey never ends so, either. The story. The in the stage. After you win also, you will face some difficulties, but uh successful, people know, how to handle those failures other than the differences so you know the third story or, in fact on those lines only. Uh so okay so now haunted is also a big success. So what next again, i think your wife, she was managing, haunted so well that, i was almost jobless. She was take because she did a very clean. Business, learn the staff management. Sales was good profit was high. Uh. Repayment. Again i was jobless, and, the next question was what next. I went. Quickly we found a place and started the second branch it was also quite successful, after about three months now but your difficult answer is. We made it uh successful, in the third month. Um. Immediately. All four of them signed and, in two months time we opened another four branches. So it was totally, six branches, of chinese. A beautiful. Uh. On branch so, superb. We arrived at 15, branches. Total 15 branches was there. Okay. Again the third setback. Setback came in my. Life. Um. Started closing, so, 15 branches were completed, then we downsized, some of the branches we had to shut down inland currency finally we again came down to six branches. So, again like starting from the beginning of the morning, but i was always stronger. Sit back and come any time and now i am seasoned, to handle those impacts. Again, now we have started expanding, successfully. In tamilnadu, also we are expanding, and in karnataka, also we are expanding, right now, so karnataka. Master franchises. So soon uh the branch attorneys is going to go nationally. So. This is about my third story and finally. Right now we have, uh. Brought a legacy brand from trichy children must have been so late 50 years. So that we are recreating. I want to take this trichy, brand globally, so that is the next big dream i have, uh in life so this is about uh, uh the three stories, of my life. Uh final audio missions. See life learning. Whatever, you want to achieve is already, there it's already there in the cosmos. So. It's only the journey, that makes you fit for that destination. And the journey. Is. You're making yourself deserving, you're making yourself stronger. So the journeys are important. So, i would encourage. Aspiring, entrepreneurs. To start your own business, and. To not give up at any point of time, and. Succeed in your life, all the. Best.

2020-08-01 09:01

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