(2020) Schedule Planning with Economics and Haas School of Business Advisers

(2020) Schedule Planning with Economics and Haas School of Business Advisers

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Good, afternoon this, is Marco that my college advisor in, the College of Letters and science and welcome. To this webinar about the Haas School of Business Administration and, the, economics, major. With. Me today is Judith Lopez, who is the, a major advisor from economics. And alessandra, faddish from, the hospital, business, I'll, be talking with you this afternoon. I'm. Just a brief. Next-next. Light for, the. Agenda. I'm, just going to give a brief introduction, to the College of Letters & Science because you're getting so much already in your golden bear advising, modules, I will. Here then about the economics, major followed. By the business, major and some. Important, declaration deadlines. And procedures, and then. Q&A, at the end you. Can feel free to chat. Questions, in the meantime in, the chat function and we, have advisors, who will be responding, to those questions. And, at, the end verbalizing. Commonly. Asked questions, to. Our presenters. So. What is LNS at Berkeley we, are around 23,000. Students. We're. The largest College, of the six undergraduate. Colleges, and schools on campus we have over 80 majors, offered, by 60 different departments, and as, you know from your application, and information were. In various disciplines of, arts and humanities biophysical. Sciences, math. Interdisciplinary. In social sciences. And. Our mission is to help you develop an, intellectual. Curiosity, to. Look at academic. And career exploration, and the value of the liberal liberal, arts education we. Hope you're not in the mindset of checking, boxes of requirements, rather learning, for the sake of learning this is the opportunity to be in college and look, at the thousands, of interesting, classes we have to offer maybe, change your intended major, you can change colleges. Such, as if you're going to haast and make, the most of your time at Berkeley a rich experience so, we hope we can help you, stir that Foster, your personal, development and success. To. Have a great, career at Berkeley, we, also want to help you to be on track for graduating. In four years or, whatever your timeline, your plan may be. There, are many of us that are about 900 various. Advisers on campus, in, different departments where. The college advisors, such. As myself, they're. Also the undergraduate, major advisers, that you're going to meet Judith and Alessandra, we, also have graduate mentors, who are grad students, at Berkeley who, operate, out of our College, advising. Office, and they'll, help you on various tasks. Such as time management study, skills mentoring. You toward grad school. Again. Helping you to make the most of your time we, also have a number of undergraduates who, are pure advisors to be able to answer quick questions, and you're, finding them probably currently, at our virtual, front desk so, they're a great resource to get a student perspective later. When you're declared a major you. May also have the faculty, advisor to help you with your major. Requirements. At. The C's research. And, career, path, so. We're all here to help you and now I'll turn it over to our two presenters. And. Have them introduce themselves. Hi. All welcome to Berkeley congratulations. On your admission. I'm. Judith, Lopez, I'm an undergraduate, advisor advisor, for the Department of Economics, and I hope to look forward to be working with you in that in the fall. And. Hi there everybody my name is Alessandra, fed-up I'm the assistant, director of admissions and outreach at, the hospital, business. Definitely. We, are always available to, offer advising. Hopefully. This webinar gives you a good foundation for. The. Requirements, for Haas but, additional. Advising, is available, as well and I look forward to working. Okay. Let's, get started with the economics, information. And the first thing that you're going to see on here is our main, economics. Berkeley website, that includes prospective. Student, admissions. Requirements. And this is really the website where you're going to be getting, the majority of your information and, the majority of your questions answered the, first piece of advice I'm going to offer is that you make.

Sure That you visit this website to start off with if you're interested, in economics, visit this website it's. Going to answer a lot of the common, questions we even have, an FAQ section. For. The most common questions that are asked from the perspective students to the economics, major you. Are always welcome, to contact us via email, our, email, is you grata econ, berkeley.edu. We. Have currently, two academic advisors. And, multiple. Peer advisers that are there to assist you at any time, we, do offer academic advising, appointments. These will start in the fall for, all incoming. First-year, students. Academic. Advising, appointments. Are available for scheduling, online, through Cal Central we. Also have drop-in, advising hours. And all. Of that information can also be found on our website at, econo, Park Lee edu. If you click on the advising, section, of econ, Berkeley, edu. You will be able to find our advising. Hours, for, appointments. You can go online through Cal Central but for drop-in hours you can find our schedule online on our website the. Next bit of information here. Is our, peer, advisor information. Our, peer advisors can be contacted online, through. Email and, for. The first semester. Ever. Our. Peer advisors will be offering appointments. By request so these, are students that are currently, economics. Majors, they're, extremely, familiar with the curriculum, with. The admissions, requirements, for the major and, very knowledgeable. On, the majority, of the, questions, that we, receive, or students, seeking to. Gain admission to the perspective I'm sorry, to the economics, major so, you are welcome to schedule appointments, with our peer advisors again. They're very knowledgeable, and then if for some reason, they can't answer some of your questions they. Will refer you to one of the academic advisors or. Give, you additional resources. You. Are you, are able to schedule an, appointment by, request, via, email, so go ahead and send an email to Pierce. Slash. Econ, at, Berkeley, edu. To, request an appointment. With a peer advisor. Next. Slide let's see and just. A quick overview of how to contact the hospital of business as, you can see we included our website here that has all of our information about, the major as well as, minimum. Eligibility, requirements. Etc right, now our office is closed as you know so the best way to contact us is through our email, ug. Info, at Hofstra, berkeley.edu, you. Can email that account those, emails will go directly to me and then, we can take steps if you would want to set up a phone appointment, and. We, can address. Your questions via email or, over the phone. So. Sample schedule as you're learning Ingle dan bare advising, and the modules, may. Be a reading and Composition course, a math. Course you're going to need either the 16 or the one series, 16, are easier three unit courses for intended social science majors. You're. Going to learn from econ or Haas they do not care if you take the harder course and maybe, suffer, a lower grade that's just your disadvantage, so. Take, whatever. Course. Sequence. Is appropriate. Then. You might be taking a breath requirement. Or maybe looking at another major and exploring, it and then, lastly a. 1 to 4 unit or one to three unit elective, is what we call it a detail. Course let me see what's going to be offered in the fall or Freshman Seminar or. Other similar. To. Take a lighter, load your first semester as you're acclimating. As you, might be learning remotely, at, Berkeley. So, it's going to be a different, kind of transition, in the fall semester so. Take it easy on yourself and you'll, learn about add and drop deadlines, you can always try, a harder, load and drop down until. The middle of the fourth week so, it's a very flexible thing, see, what's going to work for you especially. With the type of learning we'll have in the fall and to, adjust your schedule by the deadlines. Okay. So I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for, your interest in the econ major and the, any of the major advisors and the peer advisors, are looking forward to working with you as you pursue. The. Prerequisites. Or your admission, into the econ major if that's the route you choose to take one. Of the very common. Mistakes. That students, seeking, economics, make is assume that you're. Competing with other students, to get into the economics, major, economics. Is not a. An, impacted. Major it is a major that is in high demand and, it is admissions. Based what. This means is, that, the. Economics, department will. Admit. All students. That meet the requirements for. The, major. -. And, that. Is regardless, of the. Performance, of other students, so, we. Will be discussing all the requirements for you to gain admission into the major but, the first thing I want you to remember is that you're not competing with other students, to get into this major as long as you meet the requirements for, admission you, will be admitted. The.

Course Completion, which. We will discuss, in future I'm sorry in a, few, slides it. Is just taking. The courses that are required we, call, these the prerequisite. Courses for admission, for. The GPA you. Are required, to meet a 3.0, GPA, now this GPA, is not your cumulative GPA. So that means that we include. In in. The admissions, review we. Take a look at all of the prerequisite, courses that you've taken and. Do a calculation of, those grades earned and if, you meet the 3.0, GPA then you've met the admissions, GPA, requirement. For. Many of you you will be transferring, to Berkeley with AP. IB, a level. And even. Community college, or other university, credits that, transfer, work. Or, exam. Work will, not be factored, into the admissions GPA, for. Your admission review, into the economics, major. That. Will that and that, admissions, GPA will only include. The. Prerequisite. Courses take an app or, all. Courses. Take over prerequisites. For the, admissions, review, should. Be taken for a letter grade only. The. Next bit here is the. Semester, or unit, cap the, policy, or deadlines as to when you need to apply to the major is the fifth semester or by. The time you get to 80 units or lower so. Whichever. Of those comes second, is what would apply and. That means that if you, finish, your prerequisite. Courses by the fifth semester or earlier that's when you would apply you need to apply in the semester that you're finishing up your prerequisite, courses if for some reason, you miss that, semester. But. You're still. Below. 80 units you're still welcome to apply in that in the future semester, beyond the fifth semester as long as you are not exceeding, 80 units in. The next slide. You. Can, see the list of all of the prerequisite, courses that, are needed for admission. A lot, of you will come in with AP, or IB credit. That will meet the math series or the economics, courses we, do not accept AP or IB exam. Credit, to fulfill the statistics, requirement. And you. Will be required to take upper division coursework, so to begin with we do require a full, year of calculus and it, is your choice if you want to take the math 1a, and be series or the math, 16a. And 16v, series for. The most part the, difference there will. Be whether or not you're pursuing, graduate school in the future that. Is a very common question that we receive from students if you choose or. Want to begin, planning for graduate, school it is advised that you go in the math 1a 1b route, but. Either of these, will fulfill, the math calculus, requirement. The. Second, requirement. Being economics. The introduction. To economics. URL. You are able to take econ 1 or econ, 2 to fulfill this requirement, we. Commonly, get, the question about taking, a different economics. Course, please. Stay, focused, on taking econ one or Yukon two for this requirement and.

Again. A lot of you will have AP or IB credit, to meet the math or, introduction. To econ, prerequisite. The. Next requirement is statistics, we do, want you to have a background, in statistics, so, we give you a wide, variety. Of courses here, from, the Statistics, Department so. That you can choose from one. Of these options to fulfill this requirement again, we, do not accept, ap or IB exam. Scores, to fulfill the statistics, requirement. The. Final. Prerequisite. Is an one upper division course. An intermediate, economic, theory or econometrics. These. Are all. Ultimately. Courses. That will fulfill major. Requirements. I'm, speaking, specifically, here of this requirement with the upper division courses, for. Admission, purposes. You are only required to take one of these six, options. 100. A. 101. A 100. B 101. B ugba. 101, B, econ. 140, or econ, 141. We. Commonly, get the question of what is the difference between, the, 101, and the 141. Versus. The 100, and 140. For. Students, seeking the 101. Series. You will find that these courses are more quantitative. So if you are more, interested, in pursuing a course that's more quantitative, and he has additional, math components. Because. There are additional prerequisites. Of math courses involved. With taking this series and if, you are personal in graduate, school and would like additional preparation, for, that we recommend taking the 101 series. You. Would. Like to. I'm sorry the. The next bit of information here that we don't, want to miss is that you cannot, take, econ. 1 or econ 2 during the first semester Berkeley. The. Faculty, in the Economics Department have. Found that you are better off taking. That in. Beginning. In the second semester so. That you can get acquainted, with the courses, once. You start at Berkeley get your feet wet and hopefully. Finish off or, start taking the math calculus, series. In this. Slide you're going to see a sample economics, prerequisite, plan now this is kind of in line with the, sample. Plan that Mark showed you earlier. As. I mentioned, already we want you to get started with the math series.

When, You when you start at Berkeley and again a lot of you will already have AP, or IB credit. That may fulfill some or all of that math if. You have that, math already completed, feel free to just pursue, taking, breadth, courses or. Other major. Major. Prerequisite, courses for other me if you're, seeking a different major but. For the economics. Major we would like you to get started with that math so. You can go ahead and follow this sample, plan. The. Next bit here, is that, we. Do again, this is just a reminder we use the AP IB 8 level. Exam credit, towards, the admissions, requirements. But it does not count. It. Does not count in the admissions, GPA, when you apply for the major. The. Next, bit. Of information here. Oh I'm sorry can we go back to that slide thank. You the, next bit of information here. Is that we've included the link here to where you can find this sample. Prerequisite, plan if. You access, that sample prerequisite, plan and will also include, the. Exam. Chart, that. We use for. Determining. Which, score, in your AP, or IB exams. Would, give you credit, to fulfill certain prerequisites, so feel free to access that sample, prerequisite, plan so that it gives you more information about, your AP, IB. Exam, scores, and, the. Next bit that you would find in that link as well would be the sample program. Plan sample, program, plans are often, helpful because we receive questions from students about planning, for you for the future so, sometimes students will ask us for a four year plan and how. How. The students, should finish off their major requirements. As an econ major at. That link you'll find program. Plans that can help you begin to plan for, for, the future in the econ major and then the major requirements, list linked, listed, there is also going to provide you more information about which courses can be used to fulfill the major requirements. Okay. Next slide okay. So, this, is our slogan. And we. Would take this seriously again as I mentioned at the beginning you're. Not competing with other students, to get into this major we're not impacted, so, as long as you take the courses meet, the GPA, apply. On time then, you will get into the major, you. Want to make sure that, you are aware of what the deadlines are they, are the same every term so the. Application. For, the major B. Opens. Up at the beginning of each semester the. Det, there are a couple of deadlines, for, applying to the major the. End of week five is the early application. Deadline. And that means that, you. Have met, the prerequisite. Quirements for admission, in a previous, term but forgot to apply or miss the application, deadline and so, you're not currently. In, in, that term not currently, taking courses. To meet prerequisites, if you've. Met all those requirements and you're welcome to apply for Furley review and we will provide, you with a decision if.

You Are applying, for. The major in the semester, that, you're finishing, off your prerequisite. Courses meaning you have courses, in progress. You. Are applying for regular, review. And so, the deadline to apply for that is the end of the semester so the end of week 15, that's the general, application deadline. And I want to emphasize, that you want, to apply for admission in the semester, that. You are finishing, your prerequisites. That way you're not risking exceeding. The fifth semester deadline, or the ad unit deadline and. It. Is completely. Acceptable. To, have courses in progress during, the. Time that you apply so if you, want to apply at the beginning of the semester or at the end of the semester that's, fine, it doesn't, make a difference it's just giving you a very very long window, for you to be able to submit that application. Then. Then, another, very common question that we get is when will I here so, if you apply at the beginning of the semester and then you have to wait until the very end of the semester because we need your grades to post so. We generally will send out decisions, about admission, to the major two, to three weeks after your grades have posted fourth lactis, for, that specific, semester again. You must receive letter grades in all your prerequisite. Coursework no, pass or no pass options. Next. Slide please. Okay. That's it I'm handing it off to Haas. All. Right, there everybody, again my. Name is Alessandra. I am the assistant director of admissions, and outreach at, the hospital of business so, I will, be going over all of this information and kind of pointing out a couple, of things that may differ from economics. Requirements. One thing that I definitely want to encourage all of you if you are interested, in business please, go, ahead and email me, because. This is a lot of information so I understand, that it may be a lot to absorb and, fully process, so if you have follow-up questions please contact me are, great so in terms of Haas admissions, requirements. So there. Is some crossover, with, economics, requirements, so you can see here there are a couple of courses, here that you would be able to take for, both costs and economics. One, thing that is different is that we do require a ugba, 10a principles, of business course, we. Also have, a little bit less. Options for, statistics, courses so we don't have as many statistics, options, for you but there is some crossover for example stock 20 would be a prerequisite, for both Haas and economics. We. Also offer, what stocks a the. Ability to do a foundations, of data science course plus a connector course so that's an alternative. To taking. One of the stat courses that's listed there like stock 2000 W 21, we. Also require two semesters, of English reading and Composition. The. Next slide I'm going to go over kind of if you have AP or IB credit, that would fulfill some of these prerequisites, as well so. In addition to the prerequisites, that are listed here like, principles, of business calculus, economic. Statistics, English, reading composition, we, require that you have sixty semester, units by, the end of spring of, the, year of your anticipated, start so, these, prerequisites, add into.

The Full total, of sixty units so just, another thing to keep in mind for, UC Berkeley students, reaching, that sixty, units is very easy so it's not really something you have to be too concerned about. Just. Like in economics, you must receive a letter grade for prerequisite, coursework so no pass no, pass in these prerequisite. Courses. So. Like I mentioned this. Is just a sample, of the. Exam, credit that we would accept to fulfill, prerequisite. Courses there, is a full. Detailed. Breakdown, of AP. Ib, an. A-level, exam, credit that, we would fulfill, prerequisite. Courses keep, in mind though that you. Need to make sure and check because, depending, on the score that you receive that, will determine whether it fulfills the requirements so for example, for both math B C and a B we, do accept a 3 4 or 5 but, for English and economics, it's a 4 or 5 so keeping that in mind that you want to make sure in check, also. One thing in terms of AP we don't accept the AP statistics, requirement, you must take a statistics, course at UC Berkeley to fulfill, about prerequisite, so. On our website cost. Upper glue dot edu slash undergrad, you can see this full form of AP. Ib an, a-level exam, credit just to make sure that, it maybe you would have already fulfilled the prerequisite, before getting, to UC Berkeley. Alright. So we've seen this a couple of different times now with both LNS and economics, this is the hostage, in' of a, two-year. Sample. Schedule plan, this. Is also posted on our website another. Thing to consider too is that if you do make. An advising, appointment I'm sure with both either me or Judah we, can actually kind of walk you through this as well and. Make it a little bit more custom, you don't help you to customize them a little bit more but. Basically you, know you want to get started, working on these prerequisites. If you're interested, in applying to Haas in your, fall, of your freshman year that. Will give you enough time to space, out your prerequisites, so that to the point that you're not rushing to finish all of them right before you apply that can be very stressful it, can also make it so that you're you know not doing as well as you could in those prerequisite, courses, so. We do definitely, encourage, students to get started early this, plan as you can see does not include, the summer semester, but you are also able obviously, to take prerequisites, during the summer.

Um One. Thing to keep in mind is looking. At this plan you would be the traditional pathway, is to apply to us in the fall of your sophomore year so, you can see here that's. Sophomore. Fall on the bottom that's when you would actually be completing, your and submitting your application, to Haas you. Will as you, can see on this fan have courses, that are in progress while. You're completing that application, and submitting, it you'll also most likely have courses that are planned, for that next semester a sophomore, spring semester. So, it's. Totally. Fine if you have courses in progress and if you have courses planned for spring the, only rule is that you must complete all, these. Prerequisite. Courses by, the end of your sis you know spring, semester, of sophomore year we. Do allow students, to apply as juniors. As well so, in that case then, all of your prerequisite, courses would need to be complete, by the, spring, of your, junior year. So. Making. Sure that your prerequisites. And your sixty units of credit are done, by the end of spring of, the year that you're anticipating that. You would start at Haas so, in the case of sophomore, year you would, apply sophomore, fall you would complete all your prerequisites, by the end of sophomore spring and you would anticipate starting. At Haas the fall of your junior year again. This is a lot of information so, don't feel like you have to absorb all of it I'm, happy to talk this through with each of you if. You set up an advising appointment as, well. All. Right so the. Application, selection criteria, so one main, difference, between, in. Terms of you know the application and admissions, the difference between economics. And Haas, is that Haas and the business major is actually. An impacted, major so you are, applying. And, you. Are in a pool of students, where you're kind of you know you're all applying, and there's there's other students, applying vying, for a spot in the business major so, we do have selection, criteria, for, the major we only have a limited number of spots. So. We. Are looking at these three main areas the, largest, portion, of your. Evaluation. When, you've submitted your application, is grazing coursework we are really looking for students, that have shown. You. Know that. They are able to handle the rigor of the prerequisite, courses at UC Berkeley that. They've overall, had a really great academic, performance, since, entering. College, so. We, are looking for, specifically. Your performance, and the prerequisite, courses that we went over earlier you know that was intro, to business. Economic. Statistics, calculus, in English the. Next largest, part, of our evaluation is the essays, so, the. Grades and coursework are great it sets a foundation it, shows you know that you are competitive, it shows that you can, handle the rigor of Haas and the rigor of UC Berkeley the, essays are where we really get to know you and we can actually hear your voice we.

Can Understand. Kind of your rationale, for applying what. Your goals are what decisions. You've made that have kind of led you to applying. To UC Berkeley these are all things that you can kind of put into the essays one, of the most important, things is authenticity when, you're applying, and when you're filling out your essays we really want to know you, so, I would the best advice I can give you is stay away from cookie. Cutter responses, stay away from. Including. Responses, that you think the admissions committee wants, to hear we really want to hear you, we want to hear your voice. The, last part is your resume so, basically, your resume, I get, a lot of questions about this it's not a formal, resume, kind of that you would submit to a job application, basically. The resume is a form, on the application, where there's spaces for you to fill in your activities, so, any, resume. Items could. Include anything that you do outside the classroom, so that would be, employment. That, would be an internship, that would be military. Service, that, could be volunteer. Or faith organizations, so. Any anything, that you're doing outside the classroom, we, want to know about, what. We're looking for in terms of those activities, is your leadership, how. Have you been able to show leadership in these activities whether, that's in a volunteer organization, where not in a job whether or not even at home taking care of your siblings are taking care of your parents or you know kind of whatever, your, your, responsibilities. Are in the home we're, looking for your impact, as well so the impact that you've had on those particular organizations. How have you been able through. Your contributions to push an organization, forward in a positive direction. And. Then lastly we're looking for time commitment, and consistency so. That's kind of something, to keep in mind is the longer you're part of an, extracurricular, whether that's you know a. Club or organization the, longer, you have and the better ability you have to make an impact and to show your leadership so these three kind of all go together.

So, That's a breakdown, of what we're looking for in the application one. Thing to consider too is that we will also offer, more, webinars as the application, period gets closer so we'll, go into more detail about this as well. All. Right so the application, timeline so, like I mentioned two, slides ago usually. The traditional, pathway is for UC Berkeley students to be applying during the fall of your sophomore year so, the application, opens November, first you have until November 30th. To submit, your application, I would, advise submit. That application as soon as possible, because you, know there are hundreds of students, that are submitting. That just, the hour before. 4, p.m. on November 30th and it often clogs, the, system and may, make it so your application actually isn't submitted, so the earlier the better you, have that whole month November, 1st through the 30th to submit your application in mid-february. We, release our conditional, admission decisions. So, once. You actually apply, to the business major if you, are admitted it is a conditional. Admission what, that means is we, are saying you have been admitted. Dependent. On your. Spring grades coming, back and your ability to pass all of your prerequisite. Courses and fulfill, the, eligibility requirements. So, keeping, that in mind once. We actually get your spring grades back and we see that you fulfilled, all of your requirements, then our final admission decision, is. Released. So. Like I mentioned before it, is totally, fine to have course is in progress, during the fall of your sophomore year and planned. For, the spring, of. Your sophomore year. Also. One, thing to consider too is that we, do offer interviews. Not. Every, single applicant, is going to be invited, to complete a virtual, interview, this, past year for the first time ever we. Actually. Went. Ahead and, you. Know got rid of the interview, of the traditional, way where you're actually speaking to an alumni of a Haas school, business and they're asking you questions about yourself and we went for a video, interview style where, we provide you with questions and you actually record, your response, so, I, believe, that we're probably going to be doing that again this year but. Again. Not every single student is going to be invited, to complete. A video, essay or a video interview. But. If you are invited, to its take it as a great opportunity to just add more, information to, your application, file.

All. Right so I'm all done again please, let me know if you have any questions, at ug info at hasta berkeley.edu. Alright. So this is the opportunity for the advisors who have been responding, to your chats to ask our presenters. Some, common questions and, so, that you can all hear the answer. Mark. This is Amy a lot of questions on where can we find the recording, of this webinar later. So. This recording, which includes, the slides will, be first. Closed caption, and that, takes three or four days and then we have a YouTube, channel you can find through our website. Where. It'll be posted, then probably. By Friday up this week. You. I, just. I've been seeing this question. My name's Emilio when the L&S college advisors, and. Someone's, curious, I guess they enrolled in econ one over. The summer and they're just wondering. If they should be taking it at, that time given. You. Made it known that they should not be yes. So um. This. One's gonna be a little bit slightly confusing, right so yes I did mention that you shouldn't be taking econ one, or two in your first semester, because. Like I said the faculty, have determined, that it's best for you to prepare, by. Taking your math and starting getting, your feet wet with other courses first however. If you are already, enrolled in, that class for the summer because the, faculty member, allowed it then, that is okay you, can. Go ahead and remain enrolled and that course will continue to meet the prerequisite, for admission to the major I. Hope. That answers the question, and, we're assuming that econ, one is at Berkley and not elsewhere. Elsewhere. You might need two courses to. Eat monitor that's, right yes so if you are taking it at Berklee like I said if you, are already enrolled, you. Know the faculty, member has allowed it then go ahead and remain enrolled, but. If you are taking it off campus, then be mindful of what the, equivalency. Would be from another college to Berkeley, to make that econ one. And. Then since we are kind of just asking questions I'm just gonna maybe just read some off that. Way and so. One. En, is curious, about like certain. Cause peer X maybe, you can give some more information on some of the more difficult prerequisites. And, maybe strategies. And. Getting, into these courses. Okay. Yeah so, in terms of Hospital, requisites, um I'll answer the first part of your question which, which, hospital, requisites, are most. Difficult, is that the question or which which cross programs those are most able to enroll, in I think. It's like this difficult, like you know class wise it's, and then the other one would be the second, question you just asked, that like also, difficult to get to enroll, okay. So it really is dependent, on the student, so what. I would advise for any student, that's kind of a little. Bit stressed about these prerequisites, is to try and assess where. You've had difficulty, in the past so it definitely. You. Know everybody, has their strengths. You know the areas where you're stronger in the areas where you're a little bit weaker so for example, myself I'm not a great math student, but I am a strong English student so what I would do is I would make sure that in the semesters where I'm planning to take calculus courses, or statistics, courses I'm making, sure that my load is a little bit lighter during that semester so. That you're giving yourself the best chance and, the best ability, to do well in that course that you may have difficulty, with in. Terms of a general, sort of rule there's, not one particular course that's like I know across the board every student has a lot of difficulty, with so. One. Thing I would I would keep in mind is just assessing. For yourself what, where your areas of strength are we.

Often, Encourage, students, not to take, multiple. Quantitative. Prerequisite. Courses in the same semester so I would definitely stay, away from taking stats. Econ, and calculus. All in one semester you want to space it out just because in general those courses, do have a lot of work. So. Take. That as you will if you have more. Detailed questions I, can put my email in the chat for that in terms of enrolling. You. Know all. These courses are available for. Students, that are interested in, this major so. One, thing that I would definitely. Advise. Students, to do is to definitely phase, one the courses that they know they need to take like prerequisite, courses. But. Otherwise there. Are a lot of seats open for these prerequisite, courses because we know a lot of students want to take them. Hopefully. That answers the question. Perfect. Thank you. I. Would. Like to highlight a question, that was asked, a. Question about like the sample, schedule, for Haas. One. Student says that there's five courses, for freshman year spring listed, in the sample, schedule including. Ugba, ten and just. Kind. Of wondering is that going to be stressful, and, and how can you space out your prerequisite. Requirements. And do you have, maybe. A recommendation. Around. The, number of hospital. Is it's a student might do. Each. Semester. Yeah. That's a great question so the, sample schedule it's, in the title it's just a sample it's to give you a better sense of, kind, of the flow of how you could potentially schedule, all these prerequisites. One. Thing to consider there is I believe a, minimum, unit. Requirement for students which is 13 units, I believe. Don't mark correct me if I'm wrong. So in those 13 units I would say you know kind of go by the sample. Schedule that, both, L&S. Haas. And econ put together if those are the majors that you're you know you're interested in where you're taking a math course in English course kind of giving yourself what Mark said sometime. To get accustomed to, the UC Berkeley coursework I, would, not suggest he, getting you, know all of your prerequisites, like I said in the last question in one semester. So again. Assessing. Your, strengths. But, in also giving yourself a little bit of grace during, that first semester at Berkeley to really get accustom, to the. Level of, workload. That these courses are going to require, of you so, I believe, Mark had on the screen a sample schedule for Ellen tasks that was in English course you, know on math course a decal. Or elective. Course. And a breadth words so. Kind of starting off that way mark for you to feel free to. Then with, you. Had to give a balanced load not. Overdoing it on the technicals, as you said earlier and there's, no need to rush there's no need to overload, you have four semesters, to plan out these prerequisites, for either of these majors, having. Things in, progress that spring of your sophomore year that's expected, it's. Fine and, you'll. Just lighten your load and get a higher GPA, hopefully.

As A result, and. I had a question as, futile ask we could ask about what, happens if they have to defer their. Fall semester, because they can't get a visa or so on so, how, is that going to change the. Schedule for, the next three semesters, should they be starting, the spring they've, really going to have to overload or consider summer. That's. A good question, so this would be a freshman, student that's deferring. Admission. So. I believe, that that, might be a better question to answer to the, office of Undergraduate, Admissions I'm not quite sure how. Cost is going to be dealing with with students, that have to defer a semester. One. Thing to consider though is that it, is real people at Haas that are reviewing, applications so. If you have to defer, a semester. And it kind of really. Puts you off of your rhythm and makes it so that there's a little bit more confusion. Or you have to overload, on a semester I would suggest that you reach out to us and then we can kind of have a conversation about that specific, case with that student as, far as I know we don't have a policy in place yet, for, students that are deferring admission, I'm, sure if there were many students, that need to do that then what we would have, a direct policy, for that Judith you look like you're gonna say something good, I was, just going to so. Regarding the admission, for econ, we, start counting your five, into, your five, semesters. Beginning. In that first fall semester, and we also don't include withdrawn. Canceled, semesters, or summer semesters, so, the, first semester that you start at Berkeley in a fall or spring semester that's. When we start counting that five up, to that five semester, policy, or, the 80 units if you, need to use that ad unit policy instead, so, whenever you start that works for the admissions, requirements, for econ. This. Is Amy from LNS I noticed like a lot of students with concerns. Or, asking, strategies, again about like AP credit, and prerequisites. Do, you have could both of you just address some overarching, advice, for thinking like hey, I did, well on the AP, you. Know exam, but like how can I best be successful. At cow with a the, you. Know different. Choices, between, Hasani. Khan, so. For econ and. I'm sorry I mean Alessandra, if you want to go for a South okay great thank you so. For econ we, speak we constantly, speak with our peer advisors and with you know in my, experience. With other students, in the econ major already, you. Know there's two. Two. Thoughts, right so, students. Sometimes will come in with AP credit with therefore the let's say for example just their math completely, done and they. Just kind of take off and they never needed to go back to a math class that's, one student and then, we have other students, that need. A refresher and that's okay. Sometimes. It's been some time since, you've taken the math and if you do end up taking that refresher or doesn't count against, you for the econ admission, and we.

Will Still use that in the admissions calculation. And. We have, been having conversation with students that do take that refresher they found that it does help them in the, pursuit of the admissions made I'm sorry increase, you to the econ. Major because, it, it, gave them the familiarity, with Berkeley, courses, one right and. Two it kind of helped prepare, them for Berkeley courses, in econ because. The econ course has just kind of all flow, together right, so, if, you, choose not to take it because you feel really confident, in your skill level with math, great. That's perfectly, fine but it's also perfectly, fine if you leave that refresher in in the math or the econ, for. Econ it's not going to affect your rural, Pennell you in any way I. Would. Agree with everything that Judith, said it. Is I always advise students it's a personal decision so, if you feel like you need a refresher as Judith said then you can go ahead and do that in terms of cost admission, we, always consider the first attempt, so if you took an AP math. Exam, and you received a score for you know three four or five that leaves you out of that, prerequisite. We, would consider that your first attempt, at that course. So if you came back to UC Berkeley and retook that course and maybe you didn't get a great grade that's, okay. We would still consider the grade or I, guess we would consider that prerequisite. Fulfilled, from your AP credit. So. It is, a very personal decision whether, you feel like you want to retake a, math, course or not if you've already fulfilled it. I. Did. See some questions about the biology + business program, the. Haas Center graduate, program office doesn't advise for biology, + business but I believe, that some of our moderators, put the, link to that program in the chat they have their own advisor saram, a slob that would be happy to go over what. Needs to happen if, you're interested, in the biology +, business program I. Don't. Know if I was already addressed I apologize if I'm repeating something, that was already said in the chat. This. Is Heidi from LMS and, for. Both. Econ. And Haas would you mind, sharing, what. Our course. Combinations, that like may not be a good idea, among. The prerequisites. Any. Any that really stand out to you that would be really like not, a good idea so.

Again. It's it's very much up. To the. Student, and kind of what the student, feels they are strong in what. I usually, say, as a general rule is, not, to have a ton of quantitative. Courses all in one semester so, quantitative. Meaning them math or you know math heavy courses, so meaning. Maybe, in one semester do, not take statistics econ, in calculus all at one time. Sometimes. Students. Are put in a position where, they need to take more than one quantitative. Course in one semester in, order to be eligible to, apply and, to be eligible to start that program so. In that case you kind of you have to but. What, I would suggest is that you space, out some. Of the quantitative, heavy courses. Unless. You, yourself as the applicant, know you're strong, in quantitative. Areas. So if you're like I'm a really great math student, I love math then, you would, probably be fine taking, a calculus, and statistics course, in the same semester but. In general, not all of us are super strong in that area or at least I'm not so, I always say you know stay away from taking, those quantity, of heavy courses, at once. Yeah. And I. Absolutely agree, with, everything that was just said. You. Have well, at least four econ remember, that you have the five semesters to. Finish off those prerequisite. Courses so you do have the time to spread out those, prerequisite. Courses so, if you can give yourself that opportunity, to spread out the courses, so, that you can be more successful by focusing, more time to, you, know one quantitative, course at a time take. A take advantage of that opportunity, and. The, only other thing I would I would mention specific, to econ, is you. Know try not to rush yourself into, getting taking, multiple. Upper division courses, so. Remember. That one of the prerequisites, for admission. To the, econ major is that you take one of the upper division courses, listed, there, but, some. Students rush themselves, into taking more than one and. If, you don't need to do that don't. Don't do that give. Yourself an opportunity to ease your way into upper, division coursework, and. And, I think that that might help you be more successful. From. The chat people are there any other questions. That you're getting a lot of that you want to just be gone. If, a student, takes. A math 16a. In the first semester and then takes, math 1b in the second semester. Is, that okay within the, sequence for econ or AHS. For. Haas that's totally fine you can mix those sequences, so you, can take math one bead and then 16b, are sorry math 1a, and then 16 b or, 16. A and then 1b. That's, totally fine that's. The same for econ. I. See. The question can someone clarify, that. Oh it looks like it was already answered nevermind. Maybe. Question for you mark you. Know I'm seeing students asking, given. That it might be difficult to get all these requirements. Completed for Haws and. Maybe if they don't perform well for econ. What. Are some strategies. In, kind. Of managing, their, primary, major with. Maybe a backup major how would you go about maybe, doing. Something, like that. That. Directed, me sorry I lost, yeah contact, them for a while it's. Going, going your way mark how would someone have managed, you, know pursuing, their intended major but having a backup in mind at the same time okay a lot, of students you know they're going through Haws knowing, the acceptance, rates around 33%, so, they have economics, as an alternative. Major all, the prereqs are the same so, you're on track for that you. Can also consider, things, like environmental, economics. And policy through. The College of rouser. Natural. Resources, also. There's a political, economy, and global. Studies which, has very similar prerequisites. And it's, an interdisciplinary, major, that, like combined political. Science with economics. With history, sociology psychology. And, so on so. As you saw in our plans each, semester you're taking one or two prerequisites. For. Econ. Then. You have room to let me explore another major you, know say if you're looking at political science, it has two prerequisites. You take one in the fall one in the spring that's another alternative major. So. You can be tracking several different majors over your first two years and just see where then you end up that's free of your sophomore year. Thank. You okay. And. I see people are asking about phase one and two of the enrollment, so. Freshmen combined phase one and two on July, 16, and. Allow you to enroll in up to 17 and a half units, so, you don't have a Phase two you, do it all at once and then, they'll there will be the adjustment, period in August before classes begin, well you can't go up to twenty point five units, and then, you filter it out by, the middle, of the fourth.

Week Is the add/drop deadline, so. You might overload, try, bunch of classes, knowing you have seats in them and then you would let down to your 13, or 15 units. I. See. Two questions. Related. To Haas the first question is the ha slurps ayat says that students have to minimum, have to complete a minimum 30 upper division business, units and a minimum of 12 upper division non-business, units. What are those upper division non-business. Units so that can consist, of breath. Courses if you've already completed, breath, courses than any non, ugba. Course, that. Is listed a hundred, to 199. Would. Fulfill that requirement. Uh the, next question, is if, I have the option of taking r1 be at Berkeley or at a community college this summer would, it look better on my hop to take it at Berkeley. So. As an incoming freshman I'm, sure you already know this oh and, the person who is asking this question you, are able to take hospira. Quiz it's the summer before you start at UC Berkeley so, if you decide to do that that's totally fine I would just make sure to check, assist.org, to. Make sure that that course that are Wendy course actually fulfills the, Arwen B requirement, for us it's. Not going to make an impact. On your admission or look, you, know better or worse depending. On whether you take it before you start out, of Community College or UC, Berkeley. The next question looks like it's related. To AP, scores which, AP, calc a B score would be used to satisfy the calculus, prerequisite. Towards. The GPA requirement, I'm Amanda I'm not quite sure what. You mean by towards the GPA requirement. In, terms of AP, calc a B the. Score I believe, was a three four or five to. Satisfy, the first, semester, of the calculus requirement, you can double check the exam, credit chart that's on our website. The AP calc a be test score or the AP sub score. So. I believe, we're looking at the test score not the sub score. That's. The same for economics, we're looking at the test score. Regarding. Assist it, says if it fulfills r1b when I select Berkley would, it be the same Taha'a yes it's, campus-wide, and four, assists you have to change the year default to 2016-17.

To. Find the course, list of courses for reading composition. Or breadth requirements. It's, just the updated, system a year, ago and they didn't finish the process so. For Beth and essential, skills like reading a cop changed, the year to fall to 2016-17. Another, question related to taking courses at Community College, this summer if I take a prerequisite, at Community, College and don't perform well, do. I have to transfer it to Berkeley or can I take it again at Berkeley, um, good. Question, I would say hey uh technically. We, take your first attempt, but I believe, if you don't submit the transcript, then, you, know we're not gonna be able to see that grade so. Yeah. I think that's I don't know if anyone else has something to add on that. Um and, for admissions purposes, for the econ major just remember that we don't include. The grade, into. The calculation, for the GPA for admission, so if you've taken a prerequisite. Off campus, and it, fulfilling you passed the course and it fulfills the prerequisite. That, won't be included, in the calculation towards. You meeting that 3.0, GPA. I. See another question does, Haas admissions, look at AP scores as part of admission. We. Are looking at AP, scores that, would fulfill the prerequisites, otherwise, we're wrong not really looking at AP scores so if you took like an AP statistics, score that we don't accept, us fulfilling, a prerequisite we're not looking at it. Okay. In time check we just had three more minutes so. Many crucial questions, left. A, question, if I take a course that satisfies, our 1a at a community college this summer will it also count for entry level writing, since I won't be enrolled until fall 2020. I'm. Not sure okay, yeah. So that's a kind of a an, end-run or a loophole, that, yes if you need entry level writing and you do a reading, a comm course in the summer it is gonna cover both. Do. I have to take a calculus, class at Cal to apply to Haas if I've passed out of not 1a and would be I believe we addressed this Kathryn, uh so, if you've already fulfilled. That requirement you do not need to take again. A math class that UC Berkeley unless you would like a refresher. There's. Some, questions, as how's it look at activities, that were done during high school or. Are you looking for a fresh start in college or building. On things. From high school great. Question. So Haas admission, we are actually evaluating. The extracurriculars. From the point that you've started college, if, you did do you you know engage with an activity during high school that you continued. Into into college then we would definitely consider, that but, if you just have high school activities, that stayed in high school and you didn't continue them then we are not looking at your high school activities. We are only looking at from your start in, college. I. See a question for a business minor Eddie, we actually do not offer a business minor however, you are able to take business courses as a non major you would just need to waitlist for those courses. For. College and Letters and Sciences breadth requirements, will pass no pass be unacceptable. For house. Breath. Courses can be taken pass no pass. Right. St. RIT hundreds in science. Our. Math class is very calculus, intensive, yes. The the prerequisite, courses are calculus, classes so, yes. Regarding. The ha stop location is the essay prompt the same every year no it changes, so on November 1st you can log into the application and, take a look at the essay prompt. One. Thing to consider the essay prompt is usually loosely, based around the for defining leadership principles, those are posted on our website if you want to know more, it. Is 2:30, do. We want to wrap, it up. Yes. So thank you all for attending know. That in. Your d courses, and Golden Bear advising, you're gonna be able to ask your Illinois advisers follow-up. Questions, or things that maybe weren't answered today we're. Are generalists, who either know this information, or can get, it from econ and Haws and relay it back to you and again, make sure to look at the websites that were listed, earlier. Go. To houses, go to e Khan's website, get a lot of that information firsthand. There so. We thank you all for attending and. Hope. You enjoy your summer and good luck for the fall semester. Hi. Thank. You good luck. Bye. Everyone, take, care. Be. Well.

2020-06-23 17:40

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