نصائح متداول عالمي يحقق 2000 دولار يوميا في سوق الأسهم - Trader's Talk

نصائح متداول عالمي يحقق 2000 دولار يوميا في سوق الأسهم - Trader's Talk

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Duncan. Flourish a co2, to a patina la première chaîne enable, marianski, concern. Susheela. Protection. And, a Roman. Angelique. Kerber awkward, self. Flanimal. Americo, hoffmann-la. See, everyday. Room either many, interview, in a flash and he had convinced, remoter, Rama be septoria. Maximum. Possible, I know we share all here bruh dear who mana. Beloved. One in the concept of pso2 maleate, when and whom lama - suleka, so label it on a thoroughly me okay so and the tsunami. On a dog, a chicken catchers, would allow, it, sitting coconut, Willie will you. Indefinitely. And fall so much issue and a Bushido many interview, ahead live head and. Negative video, editing, had subtitles. Monkey question rules F leave, a good deal, what in the concept, of Lucifer comme, le dominant animal ship and Kieffer's. Key so or any and all settlers and Acuto and Makino, they indeed. Header Li ka-shing mat domain key leader who know the portion where you can be worshipped but Roger had, experienced, best, really, up to be lute, Indian and no compliment. Seen. An NGO Dada Dada, Malcolm, here and subscribe, a Russian Dino the, tubercular de carreras the spoonful uploader, Sheridan, Louisiana conservative, Nubian shocked Ileana like like like burn. A fuku cane wagon government and the nomicon some, rain which we would go to da da ba keep makoto-kun, cobalt, metal interview. Lagoona. Yes sure interviewed. Subtitles. On on a B&E debates béla kun hua tera fuckabish, active you Tarzan Bob Larabee, I really had to learn a. New set. Of novel don't forget, to keep it Attica. So. Hello, everyone and welcome to another episode in. Our traders. Thought today's guest, is one, of my, favorite, traders, in online and, in the world and it's mr., andreas. So mr. Endres is welcome. To, our podcast, here. That this podcast, is, especially. For, people in North, Africa and in, the Middle East so it will be sucked in, subtitles. In Arabic, so, welcome, to our podcast first, mr. Aziz thank. You very much relevant, me and hello everyone and, all of your audience so, that's great so mr. Aziz for, me guys I have, found mr. Aziz through, his spoke how today. I. Remember, in, 2017. And I was trading then, I I had. A good level. In trading, but after, I have read this book something. Have, changed. About my, style of trading because when. We wrote the. Previous. Trading, books, they. Are not structured. Enough. To, to give a good, educational. Experience. For our traders, around the world especially beginners. But, what, I found is, for. Your book you, have structured. Your book to talk about, every. Aspect about trading, the, psychology. The system, the strategies, and everything the beginner trader that that, that, can, me by the way you can find the link of mr.. Andrew aziz books, in the description, below, go, read, it read, it a second, time and take, some notes you, will find some huge information. By there, so. My. First. Question to you mr. Aziz, is can you give our audience a little bad, background, who is mr. andrew aziz and how mr.. Andrew, started, in the financial, market or in the day trading field, especially.

Yeah. For. Sure read up I you. Know I I. Grew up you, know in school as an engineer, so I went to school as, a chemical engineer, work in oil and gas and, then, later I went to graduate school worked. On clean tech and fuel, cells and batteries and, it started working for. A few. Silk'n ii but i got laid off, two years after I finished, my PhD at, in Canada and. That was the moment that I realized that okay I gotta, do something for my life because that moment when I got laid off it was really really, emotional. And I really didn't want this happen to me later in during. My life and I have mortgage, and I have kids and I have a big, family and it was really difficult for me so I decided to learn. Something. And do something for myself on this side but I'm having I'm finding another job and trading, was one of those things that you, know everyone was talking about in Canada and I was never. Had any experience with trading but I really wanted to give. It a try because it was very easy to sit at home and you know trade me the computer I started. Learning. Trading, from, books and online and Internet but the problem was you, know trading has been around for a while and most of the books you know that are available at resources they're, all you. Know kind of old you know they're in the last ten years or five years the. Trading has changed, you know the new technologies, new platform, new brokers, new Commission's, structure. So. There, was really a need for me to do a really good recession. The internet, and YouTube and online, to learn the new, trading. And in, the stock market, and. There wasn't really any, good resource, for me to to, find it so while I was you, know. Researching. And learning about trading, I also decided, to write a book on that after you, know after I learned, all the kids the tools and techniques about trading, I published, my book how to day trade for, a living in 2015, and it turned out to be a very successful book, because, I think really. Served the purpose for, for. People you know there was no guide, as you mentioned, that you know goes through A to Z and everything. From to taking from psychology, from the platform, from broker from strategy, I try, to cover everything, on that and then, yeah trading, really became a passion of me and I. Started trading while, I was having it you know a full-time, job in 95, job and until. Last year that I quit my job because. You, know in the time zone that I'm living, I know in the Vancouver the west coast of North America the market, opens, at 6:30. In the morning which. Is 9 in, the Eastern time when in the New York market opens at 9:30 so it was really good for me I could trade I woke, up you know 5:35, and then, I was trading I start trading at 6 o clock and then I was finishing by 7:30, 8 o clock in the morning and I was going to my job at 9 o clock so. It was really good and then a lot. Of traders who read my book you know reached out to me they were asking questions and. You know they wanted to be in touch, and then I decided to start a community now, that all of these traders are wanna work meet each other they were learn from each other and I started bamboo traders back in 2016. And now we are one of the you. Know big community. Of traders we were focusing on day trading stock markets it's, mostly US market because, we don't trade other markets. Like in Asia or Europe or, because, the US market, has the most volatility.

And, Um. You can actually make the, really decent money in the US stock market but. Ya know stuff I'm trading now full time with baby traders, you, know we have a lot of traders. That, are, trading, next. To me and we all learn from each other and it's a great community you. Also have a lot of meetups, all across the board you. Know mostly North, America, but we do have meetups in you. Know Middle, East in Europe I, was in India going, to Asia and, we, we see all the traders all across the world so, we should invite you here in ephra can't have some same meeting with traders in Africa. Morocco. Rather, yes yes. Yes. You are very welcome here and, a lot of traders who would like to see you there and why not in the future make a meet in here in Morocco, because Morocco is. Near Europe's, it's, around. 14, to 20, kilometer. Around, Europe, so it's closed, so we would like to have you there after that of course we will discuss that in, details, but I have I have a question, to you mr. mr., erm stress is is that, talking, about jobs eat you. Have just said that she have quit your job and, you. Had a PhD, if I'm if, I remember, really well we have a chemical, degree, a chemical, engineering, degree so. Here, you must know it is here in Morocco in F in North Africa or in the Middle East, we give a lot of importance, to, degrees so. Sacrifice. Sacrificing. Your job sacrificing. Your, degree, from the, chemical, engineering, to the financial, markets okay can, you tell us more. About this, switch, from, those, two universes. Yeah. So you, know I grew up in Middle East as well and my family, was just emphasizing. A lot on education, and you know you have to learn you, know go to school get a degree master's. PhD and. You. Know because Middle East wasn't you know food you know there's a lot of oil and gas and energy there there was a lot of good jobs there the. Reason for me that I switched from engineering, to trading was. As, I mentioned I got laid off why and that was a little bit escape for me that you, know I'm losing my job way, too early in my career after, all this PhD, it's tough but more than that I, really liked, the lifestyle, of a trader the, fact that you can trade from anywhere, in the world for a couple of hours a day you. Know I love. To go to the mountains, I love to travel you know I'm a very adventurous person and trading, was one of those jobs that you know it's, like a license.

To Print money anywhere, in the world that you want and you. Can really. Travel you just need an internet connection and, a computer to, be able to trade if you know how to trade and I, really, really wanted the lifestyle I really. Wanted. To have a free in you know free lifestyle. But. It doesn't have to be a full-time trader I mean a lot of people I mean I know a lot of my friends were engineers, doctors and, they, have their job and they enjoy their job you know that that's something that they really enjoy and passionate about their career but also they trade on the side and I think that's the perfect. For anyone who's interested you, know you shouldn't quit your job and. I start trading you know I think keep the job you know growing, your job, but. You know start trading on this side the slowly if the time allows you and then, you can have both of them some extra money from trading plus a career in engineering or, other field or, if you really really want it or if you're really good at trading and you don't want to be working. And you can quit and that's exactly what I did I have for years I was, trading I was, part of a bear with traders and I was also having a 95, job and I was enjoying it really well but you know now after a couple of years I you know really didn't want to eat 95. And I wanted to travel a little bit that's why I quit my job but I wasn't still enjoying, my 95 job. Okay. Okay because a lot of traders that that, are just starting out think that we, love trading, because we love money no. We, love trading, because it gives us more. Freedom to do a lot. Of things in the day it gives us that feeling, that we are free we are not in dad's corporate. Nine-to-five. Jobs, that some. Somebody, is is controlling. Our life we control, our destiny, so speaking about that a lot of traders came to me from time to time and tell me that they, want to start day trading they want to trade in the fine art market but they, don't find support, from, their friends, from their family, and. In. The other hand if they are finding, rejection. From there and telling them that the, financial, market that trading, is not sustainable. You will lose your money you. Will lose all your capital, and the and then you will search for another job so what do you think about that about those, young people that are motivated, to starting, the day trading field but are having. Those rejections, and those idea, that are making them away, from the day, trading field especially. You. Know in. Every, aspect of life there, are negative, people around you. They're always discouraging. You from taking, a new adventure taking. A new challenge, in life I was, like that as well when I started trading everyone, was laughing at me including my family. But. You know I was lucky to have that, he danced and I said you know what damn screw, that I'm gonna try even if I fail you know I failed with honor and at least I wonder. I don't, wonder my life about that you know I was reading a quote the, you, know real was a really really code that I shared it in my social media and was, one sentence, better, oops. Then, what if for the rest of your life you know it's better to try and say, oops it didn't work rather than just wonder your whole life that all what if I was trading what if I was doing that what if I was, doing that but. Overall trading. Is difficult, so people have a point if you if you want to start trading and people discourage, you you, should take them seriously, because it is difficult it is a job it is a career it is a business, a lot, of people who start trading and lose their money they. Don't take it. Seriously. As much as they are supposed to take it seriously I mean. They just open, an account and do some stuff they never really, learn what they're trying to do they, never get the right education or tools, you, know the poor platform, that they're really needed for trading and then, they wonder. Why they're losing their money and then they quit their you. Know trading. Career but, overall I, would say day traders, are entrepreneurs. You know like it's starting a new business there, is risk for that you know when you start a company no company, when you start a coffee shop and you start a restaurant you're. Not gonna need to make money there is a risk with that and that's a risk that the business people have to take if they, want to be successful, but. Our generation, has changed, you know we are Millennials, Generation, X Generation Y, we, don't take you, know the do-it-yourself. Concept, you know you, know we don't you. Know we watch, everything in YouTube we fix everything by ourselves we, you, know we. Are not really trusting other people to make decisions for us and that's a new generation of the people are coming and the, trading is a tool that you can, take control of your own finances, in the past I mean 50 years ago no one would trade, them there was no tool there was no interest people would give their money to the bankers and Wall Street people and they were you, know growing, that money five ten percent a year but, now people, don't want to trust bankers, people don't trust financial.

Advisors To make those decisions for them they want to be in control this, d-y. I DIY. They do it yourself concept, that this new generation is bringing they even invents, their own currency, I mean the cryptocurrency the, what happened you know in the last couple of years my game. We don't need banks, to, control our financials, or you. Know our currencies, you know the new generations, they design, the new you know currencies. The cryptocurrencies although, it's not really widespread yet, but it just shows that that, you know the board has changed the new generation, are taking, control of their own finances. Taking control of their own career, taking, control of their own life a step, by step yes. Yes, yes you're right, speaking, about decision. And having control. Does, mr. and Rosie's, first while, he, is starting, in the day trading field have, someone, who control. His direction, in the trading, field has a mentor. Who, guided him first. Yeah. So mentorship, is very very important I mean it goes into part of your education, that you, know first if you want to start trading try. To find a trader that you you like I mean it doesn't have to be me doesn't have to be anyone in, particular just going on, the internet and YouTube to, read some books do some research and see who. Do you like to be like that what kind of because we have a lot of three different trading styles, so, see which, trading. Style fits you you want a day trade like me or you want a swing trade it means that you have positions, for a longer period of time what do you want to trade cryptocurrency. Or do you want to trade you know for, excel in currency, markets or just see what kind of trading you like and then, find someone that you can actually learn from him or her every. Single day and you know in a regular basis, so, a lot of our traders you know we have a community, about a thousand, traders and I'm. One of them I mean we have a lot of experienced, traders that I myself look up to and I learn from them every single day like for example my, trading. Buddy Brian. He's a really, good trader and I learned from him every single day he's recently coming up with the good new strategies, based on the new market condition, and, I just learned from him so it's. A continuous. Education when, you enter into trading and this. Is just the reality of life you mean the past 50 years ago you get a degree you go to job and you do some with the rest of your life, but these days if you're a lawyer doctor. Engineer, whatever you have to constantly, in there as, a chemical engineering, every year there was a new software, there's a new method there you have to continuously. Keep learning, and this is not only for training for all careers. What. I would recommend is, when, you are doing is starting at your training. Try. To learn from someone, and try to really, be in touch with a group of traders that they really want to make you. Know trading better for everyone you, know we, always have this example. Of you, know like professional, athletes, if you, want to be a professional athlete like an Olympic, swimmer, you know you, can do it by yourself into, your back here you, know back here pool, but, do you have a better chance practicing. By yourself or you have a better chance in. A club. Or a group of SU professional, swimmers, that's, be the mentorship and a coach that they are really trying to help each other obviously you can do it by yourself but you have a better chance when, you're joining a group of swimmers, or professional, athletes yes, yes, you are right talking, about about, debt about mentorship.

For, Me I remember in. 2017. After I have. Wrote your book what, I have done is searching, you in Internet, and I, was I was a profitable, trader back in, 2017. But. I, I. Have the principal or the idea, is that. Never. Enough, there, is something, that I don't know that, can, make, me a better person, even by one percent, by two percent, so, what I have did what, what I have done is pulled my credit card and pay, a membership in, their, boat traders write, that and talk I remember, there was, four classes, for, classes in in. In your, program and I have learned yes, I have learned something there is something that I have knew that. I knew back then there, is something new that and, I'm doing that even, now even in 2019. And even after, that I'm still, learning, even. If I am profitable. Because learning, is that does not stop when you are profitable. Learning, does not stop, where when, you are consistent. Learning, never, stop even the, biggest, investors. In the world speaking, about Warren, Buffett speaking. About Paul Tudor Jones, speaking. About big traders and investors day. They, are all learning, in, a, daily basis, they are reading new, books they, are learning from each other every. Day so the, learning curve never. Ever, for, me never. Stopped so speaking, about learning. Especially. About the day trading why undresses. Have chosen, to. Trade. In the US stock market even, if you are located, in Canada in because, I know that there is I know some traders that are trading, the Kennedy, in stock more in the Canadian, stock markets but why, especially. The. US stock stock market and the US stock market yes, I have an opinion about the US stock, market and, why it's, better than the other markets, but I want to know you and, the audience want, to know your opinion, about the US stock market and, why, not futures, options forex. Yeah. So. The. Reason that I trade use market, is because, as a day, trader we, want to make money and the big moves during, the day so I, have to go up and go down so. We can actually make money from these big modes and the, United, States of America, is a very. Company. Driven, financial. Market, yes and it has a very big stock market, and this stock market, has a lot, of volatility. You know everything, every day there is a lot of things going up and going down and. Those. Volatility. Of up in going up and down he was a good, you. Know opportunity, for day traders it's also the liquidity, means that the amount of volume, that is being traded is so, I that, you can actually get in and out of the trade really fast in a matter of four seconds you, can trade other markets too like for example Canada, as a big market but it's not as volatile, as US and. It's not as liquid, you know sometimes you know you want to buy 2,000, shares there's, not a lot of buyers and sellers in the market to be able to trade them so, I chose you have trade US market um there are some advantages, as well in the US market is the technology is really good there's a lot of good brokers, there's a lot of good platforms, that you can you. Know choose, for that there's a lot of other, markets, all across the board but it's very difficult to get access to them like, if you want to trade in Shanghai, or if you're not training in China or, India it's, just difficult to open an account with them and then get the software. For shredding them you, know it's just all difficult and US market is also a very regulated market. So you know when I put, my money into the account of brokers, I have a trust in that that that money is safe is not gonna you, know you know you.

Know Disappear. Overnight, there's, a lot of markets that you can go but you don't know if you put your money there if the money is coming back or not so the regulation. And safety, and security of the stock market in the u.s. is also very important for me and I. Know people you know again I travel, a lot and I see people all across the world and you. Can trade US markets from almost anywhere in the world yes you, can just most of the brokers, open an account for you I mean if you're in Morocco, you. Know you, can still trade US market, we are treating, us beforehand, yeah you are ready I know yeah you are trading US market and that's the beauty of that. But. Why I'm trading just the stocks because I think it's easier I mean if, you can trade options, and futures, but. It's just I started. With trading stocks and it, was the simplest, form of trading, and it's going really well for me and I really don't need to you. Know change. What is working for me but it doesn't, necessarily mean that everyone has to trade stocks I mean you can trade learn how to trade futures or options or. You, know again currencies, or whatever you want but for me I started, with share care stocks and it's, just really working really well for me and, to. Be honest you know I'm not embarrassed, to say that I don't know how to trade other markets, just yeah, I never really focused, on that yes. Yes that's, clear because for. Me as a trader, is to, be a specialist. In a. Specific market you have to master a market you don't to be a trigger to beats to, be a consistent. Profitable. Trader you don't need to trade in the morning in the US stock market and, then move, to the Canadian, stock market as an example and after that move to the futures, you, need to be to, master, the movement, of one market. So speaking about the US stock market and, you. Have many have mentioned that you, love volatility. And you love, liquidity. In the in doll stocks here in the, US stock market but, I'm. A large, car and medium large cup trader and I'm. Sure that you are 90. To 95 percent er. You are also a large gap or a medium, kappa trader and and why. You are more, oriented, to this type. Of stocks and not. Trading. The penny loaf. Road stocks in general so, penny stocks, the stocks that are you know $1.

$2, $3. They, are really volatile they move hundred percent two hundred percent five hundred percent in a. Day but, they're really difficult to trade especially, they're really difficult to manage your risk like for example you, buy you. Know you know something your thousand share of a stock that one dollar and then it suddenly can drop you know ten cents and then, you you, can you know have a really big loss on that so, there's a lot of opportunity, trading them but at the same time it's really really, difficult to manage your risk and you know save, your money on them if the trade goes against the. Mid-foot stock or large flow stocks that walk you're trading like micron. Intel, Microsoft, Apple. Facebook they, are not really as moving, as much as those penny stocks that don't you don't see Facebook goes up 50 percent or hundred percent new in your day but. They're. Much much easier to trade and much. Much easier to manage your risk and it's very very important again you know that comes, into your mentality I rather, to have only you know 500 $1,000. A day, consistency. Rather, than just trading, these penny stocks that I one day I'm $5,000, up this, next day I'm $10,000. Down and then it's 6:30, I'm up $3,000. And the next day I'm down $2,000. So I'd rather have that a small consistent. Profit, every day rather. Than just go to these big swings, ups and downs yeah that's my style of trading I'm not saying that everyone should do that that's my style of trading and I'm really you know as an engineer, I really, want to you, know think very straight, and simple, and always. Have a very linear growth, rather than just going to yes. Yes I'm sharing the same point, of view but. Speaking, about losses mr., mr., Aziz I remember. Back then in I think, August. 2018. I was I was, on holidays, with, my family and, I, was, sitting in a coffee shop I was, drinking, my coffee then I have I heard. A notification, in. My phone I pulled my phone and they were shocked, it was a notification, from. Your, channel from a video that that you have uploaded and, I, remember. It was minus, seven. Thousand, eleven, three, $300, and it was I think your biggest losses. In in day trading so. Can can addresses, share more details about. This, loss what, is the cause of this loss and how, you have managed. This loss especially in the emotionally. And psychologically. Yeah. So that day I remember that trade was we were trading the stock called Yelp and, you. Know there is a rule in the stock market that when your stock, goes against, you you have to accept a small loss and come out and you, should not be, stubborn and just keep adding to your losing position, or don't accept and, I teach that I teach that every single day to traders, but, in that day specifically. I got. A little bit too arrogant I got, a little bit too confident, about my trading and I. Got a stock in a position that it was it goes against, me I was short and a stock was going up and I was just accepting. You know $500, $600. Lost, I just kept adding to my shirt and I got a bigger and bigger and bigger position, until I had to accept the loss otherwise, I was, going to blow up my account. So. It was really embarrassing, especially that, you know everyone, all of the traders in the chatroom and in the YouTube they saw that but. I, knew. That that. Big loss, was. Not because, of the market, was not because of the complication.

Of The market or my education, it was just because one single, mistake and the, reason that I could recover from that was because I know what. I did wrong and, the. Only thing that I could do is just not to make that mistake again. And. That's very important because sometimes you lose you don't know why you're constantly, losing you know it's just you, get chopped up down up and down you don't know where it's very where is your problem but in that a specific day I clearly. Knew what's my problem my problem was too much confidence not. Accepting, a small loss and the. Deadliest, deadliest. Seen and that a trader can do which is you, know adding to a losing position and, because I knew. I was the problem I tried to next. Day I try to trade much smaller size and try, to be more control, of my emotion, and more control, of my decision-making I like to quit slowly, you. Know coming out of that trouble. But if you're not an experienced, trader and you get a stuck in such a big, loss. Sometimes, yeah that's the end of your trading career you have to take some time off and go and recover and come back at trading so that's very important that not to break any of these important. Rules like, you, know, don't. Add to your losing a trade, because that's. One of the things that you may not be able to recover from, yes. Yes I'm, sharing, personally, with my traders, this this specific rule we call it averaging, up and averaging, down it's like we are buying, at a level of of, 10 and the, stock dropped to 9 and we are trying to buy the same, quantity, of shares at 9 to have an average of 9 50 and this. Stock keep dropping, and dropping and, dropping we call it averaging, up and averaging, down and for, us this is more, more, bad to do a more more. Really. A bad mistake to do rather than covering your trade and accept, the laws and speaking. About that for. For, me there is two reasons for that the first reason. Is overconfidence. Is, to, have a series, of winning, fatuity, to, win at ten, consecutive days, eleven, consecutive days, so you, are telling yourself. Under. Here of the market I know the market and I know the stock what is doing it's gonna pull back, so after, a huge winning series of of, in. The stock markets you're gonna get a huge, huge. Loss and the second reason for me is over, trading so. Over trading is what's. Make, really. Some bread be, colossal, red PNL, so speaking about about over trading this is why, we.

Like To trade no more than two hours a day and I think that it's the same case, for you sometimes, you finish, your day twenty, minutes thirty minutes and, you, are out of the market so can, we share with us the. The, addresses, routine, before, the opening of the market and after, you. Close, the day and close your computer and go and have, fun, yeah. So good. Points that you mentioned radar really good points about over, trading and not averaging, down or averaging God and, I do they explained is that you know averaging, you up and down in my book so if anyone, is not in familiar. With that you can just read that and I have my book or even in do a Google search there's. A lot of information, about. My week yeah. And the link here as you said it would be the description. My. Routine is you, know I wake up in the morning around 5:00 5:30 and, then. I come to my home. Office I, turn, on the computer login, into the chatroom and you. Know by the time that I'm coming into the chatroom the other traders are already looking at the Starks the carlos and norm are looking, at the pre-market and see what the stocks are you know actively, trading and getting up or down and there, might be a possibility for trade I, usually. You know start. My, you, know watchlist. In pre market analysis, at around in. The eastern time would be nine ten, fifteen in the morning 15. Minutes before the market open I look, at the daily chart I, find there you know levels, that you know if you want to go long or short you can find those you know levels as. A profit, target to stop us and then as soon as the market opens at 9:30 I wait. Usually, for one to two minutes just find the direction of the stocks and then that's the first trade that I'm usually takings in the opening, range break up or break down depending I there one-minute opening range break up or 5-minute, opening range break up or break down that's, usually my first trade and I try not to have more than two or three trades, a day sometimes.

I Over trade like today for example I over traded a little bit then I gave out some profit, back but, usually. What I like is I make my day with two or three trades, you. Know into three different stocks, and you know call it a day and I'm just doing a recap of my trade post my recap on YouTube my youtube channel and yeah. I'm just I just closed my platform, because I know if I stay there I keep, trading and trading but, that doesn't mean that when. You make a good trade and there is nothing else to trade I'm not saying that there is only one. Or two trade. That you can. Take no there's a lot of opportunities, in the market then I closed my platform there's a lot of things, going up and down you can trade them but, as a trader you don't have to be the every move you know that's the thing that I'm trying to say you, know there's a lot of restaurants out there but you don't want to go on eating all of them you. Know you just have to find one or two good trades for yourself and you trade that and you make your money and then you just walk away from the market it's, exactly like overeating. You don't want to overeat because there's a lot of good restaurants out there you, can come back tomorrow for another restaurant, come back another day for another good. Meal and yeah. That's my routine some traders trades all day you know some traders they have no problem, trading all for from 9:30. All the way to 4:00 p.m. but that's their style they. Trade a lot of share size they trade a lot of setups but my style, is I, trade, only four or five stocks, during the day I look at the four or five it stacks and I try to have, not more than two or three trades. A day again. It's my site there's there's so many correct day of his trading styles, it's just my way of doing yes. I'm finding, that very stressful. Cuz trading. All the day is, really. Really. Stressful because even. Trading one hour one, hour and, a half a day is for me is really stressful because I, like, I like the word or the term sniper, trading, where are snipers we, just we, are not momentum, traders like other other, losing. Traders for me that are jumping, just, in any, move in the market takes some, quick profits, with our snipers, we wait for our setups, to. Confirm. Our entry, and after, that to confirm, our exit. Point in in, in, green or in red so, speaking about those, setups, what is your. Best set of your favorite, setup in the market that's, your you like to have. Yeah. And going back to you the point that you just mentioned that you know it's very stressful it's also if, I wanted to sit behind the computer for, 10 hours I would be stay as an engineer, you. Know the reason that I'm trading is I want to trade only for one hour two hours and then just enjoy my day if, it's, beautiful, out there I want to go to the beach if it's snowing, I want to go is skiing I want to go climbing I want to go traveling, so I don't want to sit behind the computer for, 10 hours even, if there is a because, money is not everything it's, also the time I want to have the, time to enjoy my time in my life in my family, and with my friends but. In terms of setups, for, me opening, range break outs or, the. You know I take, them mostly. You know the opening range break outs. When. This stock is breaking. Out from an opening range either 1 minute 5 minutes, or 10 minutes that. Those are the most I think probably, 80% of my trades are opening range and, another. 10% is probably a be sleep pattern and wolf lag and, I'm trading to the upside and to the short side and a time. To time I'm taking reversals, as well but I'm not really a reversal, trade there so I would say most because I'm a momentum, trade there most of my trades are opening, ranges, yes. Very good I love open range braid outs I don't. Trade, that often, opening range breakouts, because I'm more a patient. Trader because if, you a good opening, range breakouts you must trade in the first five minutes in the market when the five minutes are done you, are you choose the decision, you want to take in the market of course base it in the patter and the base it on the setup but, I'm more waiting.

About 30. To, 45, minutes after seeing, a clear direction, in, the market India. If, the market is trending up or training, down I want to see some some, confirmation, that the buyers are taking the, hand and after that to take the second, land it's, the second, leg in in, the short side or the long side so this is my favorite, setup. In the market of course in 20 percentile trading of course the opening range break ups and the opening range break downs enough of course reverses, that but I'm not a big, fan of reverses. Because usually reverses. Are a counter, trend strategies, and counter, trip strength trend, strategies, are usually. More risky, dance going. With the trend strategy, so, my. Question, to you mr. Aziz, is, is. A big, question. Especially. To traders, here in North, Africa in, Morocco, especially, and in the Middle East is can. A, person. Like, me like you and like, everyone a physical, person. Trade, for living making, eleven, eleven, from, day trading. Can. Anyone become and have. A living from day trading. Yes. If you have enough capital if, you have enough money for trading you, know a lot of people are asking me that you. Know I have five hundred dollars, and I want to be a trader well, five hundred dollars is really not enough you know how much you wanna make I mean you have to pay commissions, you have to pay for the platform you. Know if you really want to make it living you have to have enough, money. To be able to take sizes. That have some meaningful profit, you, know I would never, recommend anyone, trade with the less than five thousand dollars because, again, they come you have to pay commissions, there is a broker fee there is a platform fee so it's like any other business you have to be able to you. Know cover the cost of your overhead. For. People, who want, to make consistent, money if they become Trey they're usually, one to two percent a day of your account. Is a very reasonable return that you can expect back, for example if you have $30,000. In your account, 300. To 600 dollars a day is a very reasonable return, that, you can have is, it enough for your living I mean it depends on your lifestyle, as well some people can live with $200. A day, some people need.

$5,000. A day it really depends on how. Much money you need but, what I recommend. Is, again. For people in Middle East is to, keep your job keep. Working. On your job, whatever you're doing a lawyer engineer doctor. Driver. Whatever you are just, keep your job because the market US market opens in their evening what time market opens is 5:00 6:00 in the afternoon. Yeah. But if, you're going to the Middle East I think it's probably a couple of hours because there are a couple of hours ahead of you. You. Can easily trade, you can have a job and then, you can come home and you know get some risk and you know it trades for one or two hours in that in the afternoon before going. To bed it. Is not easy but it's just if you really want trading especially practicing, at the beginning I think it's a good it's, a good practice to o'clock is a little bit difficult because yes, most of the people are still in the job or they have to commute, to really, it's difficult to o'clock but if it's four or five o'clock it's, really good flag for me if. I was living in New York I, wouldn't. Be a trader because, I have to be a job I have to be at work my work at 9:30 at 10 o clock but. Because I was living in Vancouver and that market opens so early, I just, needed to wake up a little bit early and I. Trading, and then going to my board. So if you can try to fit, trading, in your life in a way that you can trade part-time it's, it's, the best way of learning to trading I have a lot of people who quit their job and they, want to become a trader and that's, very. Challenging. Because when, you don't have any other income and you're just full time trading there's a lot of psychological pressure, on you, you know you want to make money you have you won over trade because you just don't have anything else to do and it's. It's a little bit challenging so I recommend, for people, in, Middle East that, they're you know having a benefit of different time zone to, keep their job do not quit your job yet after, couple of years when you're confident, and you build your skills, then you can if you want like me quit your job yes. Yeah, as you have said the benefit from day trading is you, can trade part-time you can make, a living and make, in. The first hand of course make an additional, income part-time. Trading only one, hour to two hours sometimes, we.

We Finish the day at 20, minutes trading, but, the, majority here, in in, North Africa and Middle East don't have this mindset. Or they. Don't have this belief that I can make an additional, income trade in one hour or two hours they, think that a trader, they have dish this this, traditional. Vision of a trader that is sitting 11. Hours, 12, hours a day in front of their. Computers, and they, are observing, multiple. Screens and multiple, markets, to make 11, and, they they, don't have this tension between a, retail, trader and, the trader, at the bank or a trader, at the hedge fund because we are doing a really different approach. Our port in the market in a different way. Than. A trader, that is that it that he is trading, the in, the bank for example or in a mutual, friend or a hedge, fund so what is your opinion about that. About. The difference between professional, traders and research, raiders no you, opinion, about this, belief, or of a. Trader to make lemon, from the market he needs it to sit in front of the of their computer, 12 hours a day and it's. Impossible. Of to have, 11, to have a living for, just, one hour or 13, minutes well. I'm the, proof of that you can actually make decent, money by, trading for two hours so I'm doing it every day right in front of people, in, our community but. It depends on your trading strategy, I mean I'm a momentum, trader, and I trade really fast and for, me it's possible but if someone is a really, not a momentum, trader you want to hold your positions, longer, then, yes you might need the hours of at during. The day o'clock so that you find your stocks that is moving into your direction but. If you're trading a style into the momentum, and you trade execution is really fast and you. Take a little bit of a bigger share size you, know like me you can you can trade only for half an hour to one hour I we have actually a lot of traders that trade only one hour less than one hour during, the day Brian, my friend is also like that that, they're, just trading usually, for the first hour, yes. Yes and we are making a living guys just, trading, one hour than two hours we are really making some, solid cash, mr.. Endres is is making, is have an average if I remember, of around. One thousand, two thousand dollars a day which is a huge, money here in north in North Africa but we are making eleven it's possible, but for, me it needs a lot of work a lot of dedication and. Working. Every day and study in the markets and spending, a lot of time especially while. Starting, this field you can just become a consistent. Profitable, trader in. The first one month or two months you need to study the market you, need, first to know what is the ideal. Market, for you the ideal type of stocks because, first. While starting, in the stock market I was trading law fraud stocks and I. Am, not the type of guy to to, to, trade those, momentum. 2000%, momentum, and have. Some huge wins no and. Kind of guys have, small, wings but consistent. Small wins in the long run and after, I can't, finish day rent but, usually. I'm finishing the wheat green and finish in the month curry but what I'm trading those, type of stocks, usually, you have big wins big loss big wins big, loss so for. Me the second step is to find what. Is the ready to, know what is your personality, in the market and what, what, is that the best type of strategies, and the best type of stocks, that, you can trade that is, the, good thing to trade for your personality, and after that study the market for me the study the market study, wood traders like mr., Endres is studying.

Good Trader study good books and apply, them first, in the simulator, this is for me the good approach, that, someone. Some beginner, that want to succeed in, the stock market but speaking about about, taking, some positions, for some, sometimes. One, minute and one minute and help and crows is an opening. Another, position, so do, you consider yourself, more, scalper. Than a day trade. Yep. I'm more, of a scalper, although the definition of his cab is not really clear, but I am a scalper, because, I'm, taking I'm. Capitalizing. And the big moves in a short period of time so some, people call them a scalpers. Because. You know when the stock is making a big move you just want to write them move right a little bit with that but. Yeah I would consider myself an a scalper, but. Again the really the definition of a scout really and you, know it's not clear. Yes. It's not really clear. Some. Traders consider, scalper, that are just, trading, the tape they, are not looking to the short and for. Me a scalp, we. Are day traders when, we look to the short and waiting, for Candlestick, confirmations. We are more day trader than scalpers, because you're the scalpers, that I know is, they are reading the tape trading, the level to trading small, three cents two cents once not. Once as 2003's, and smooth and closing, the position, so this is for me my definition, of scalper. For others they are, traders. That are trading, position. Less than one hour they are scalper, because, for them day trading or to, be a day trader is too hot, to hold that position at least one, hour a day I. Would. Consider myself an a scalper and you know there's a lot of other people who are trend trading so their positions, that takes four hours during, the day but, I am really fast quick seconds, two minutes, I rarely, stay, in a position for more than you, know 15, 20 minutes, okay. Okay that's very good so speaking. About that I would like to have your, opinion about, a, specific, thing so what I have started trading. I remember. Six years, ago or more around. That I found, some some, what, I call tech the, trading, the day trading gurus, they are promoting. Their, three, strategies, or four strategies that, will make you a millionaire, in the next three months and format, and I was, one of the. Guys out there to believe that that I can transform, a small account three figures account, to a six, figures account in a one-year and become and buy a Bentley and have and, have. Some. Apartment. Near, the beach and I have bought a fake, gurus program, that I don't need to tell his, name here, because, I don't, want other, traders, in our community, to see and look for his program and what. I found was really shocking, I didn't i. Didn't. Find really, something, that this magical, formula, that was, promoting. Wasn't, there so my, question, for you is do. You believe we. Retail. Traders can become, a millionaire. Milliner's. From. Day, trading. Possibly. Yes over, time and. Depends, again on what how. Much money, they have and, how. They are trading, possibly, yes they can but. Not. Everyone, I mean generally, day trading is not to, get rich become, millionaire, strategies. For me, King money every, day for, a living from the market so like $500. Thousand dollar a day you know just making. Money out of the market. You. Might get lucky and a few big moves and make really good money but. Generally, speaking no trade trading is not for, becoming. A millionaire like if you make $1000 a day and we, have 20 trading days in a month that's. $20,000. A month and in, a year would, be, $250,000. A year so, you know you're, over five years yes you might become a millionaire but definitely, it just takes time and patience, and practice so, I know, I totally. Understand, that there is a lot of false. Advertisement. About day trading and trading. In general, in the Internet's, that how you get rich quick or I have one strategy and, I have a students who are in there but you.

Know Always have a healthy, level of skepticism, about anyone. Who's promising you something. Unusual. Or you. Know no ordinary. Yes. Yes you are right and, in, my humble opinion I, think that, we. Are a day traders, okay, and trading. For me is the best job, to have in. The world because you can have make eleven trade in only one hour two hours a day and make, a soil, living. Maybe it's to time three time more time, more profitable, than, the. Normal. Day job in the world but in the end is a job, if we don't day trade we don't make money and for, me becoming. A millionaire it's more about building. A business. It's, more about building this asset, which make, you a passive, income that generates, in a. Few years some, passive, incomes, and multiple, six figures income. That's will make you a millionaire, or to, build something that is evil. Evaluation. In the time that, is surpassing, seven, figures and then. You can call yourself millionaire, but, making. Some even, some six figures a month from. A job it's. Not making you millionaire, that's making that is you are a high, pad employee. Okay, because there is some employees, out there that are making, six figures a month but. They are not millionaires, this. Is just my humble opinion if we don't trade we, are not, making money but it's the best job in the world and after that for me it's it's, very good to have some, extra money, don't spend all your money and in buying. Some something, that you don't need but to, invest, the, extra money, that we, are saving in more businesses, more investment. That can. Make you a millionaire in the in the long run yeah. I agree day, trading is definitely, not for getting millionaire, become a millionaire yes. So mr., Andrew do you have some some, other investments. Done rather. Than day trading and not. In the financial market no so I don't, trade. I don't, invest into this the stock market, in long term so, I just have the money that I have is just for day trading and. Yep. No nothing, in the financial, markets okay. But what, do you think about real estate yeah. I think real estate is good real estate is one of those. Markets. That you can always invest. In it and it's, not growing, as much as a stock market like 10% 20% a year but. It's it's, a it's something that you can always rely on that especially.

Residential. Properties, are good, but. It really depends. On the person and how much money you have and what's the taste that you have each area you're living I mean I'm living in Canada, so in Canada the real estate is good but if I was living in a different country or different area, that the real estate was not really that great so, I might not have to miss them but I do invest, in real estate so I do like real, estate because they're you, know people always need a place to live and it's. Something, that it's always has some benefit and the population, is always increasing. On the planet so I think it's that it's a very safe, and stable. Investment. So. Yes yes real estate is really good and and planning to invest, the extra. Money is in, some real estate here in Morocco, because you must know that investors. Out there, don't. Know that, Africa. I have a really, cheap real estate okay, you can you, can buy a house as cheap, as. $25,000. $30,000. . so, imagine. That this, we, this, this real, estate can, increase in time in five years and ten years and double, his, price this is a best investment. So, what I'm recommending to, you guys if you're watching that and have some extra, money, okay I'm speaking, about making. A lot of profit or you, are you, are willing to go. In the trading market and you want to put around. 200k. Or 300k. Don't put 200k, over 300, getting stock market you can start as low, as, $25,000. $30,000. And spend and make, some reasonable. Profit, from this and spend, the other money in real estate as an example. What. Do you think about that I, I. Can't, really comment. On the you know what, people should do they with their money and it really depends on their situation. So. Yeah. It's just I really can't, say anything but I myself am heavily. Invested, in real estate and I like that it's just the passion of me but, if real estate in those countries are cheap and if you have money you, can invest some, part of your money in real estate it's, always good to be diversify, it's always good to be in different markets. You know if you you know don't, put all of your eggs in one basket so, to say my, opinion was, because, they are thinking, in a linear way if you have for example, $13,000. If you, add a zero you you, will add a zero to, your profit and it's, it's not the right thing because okay, we are trading for example, a $13,000. Account we can buy for. Example mu. 2,000. Shares 3,000, zero mu but, we, can't buy, 13,000. Shares, of MU because I think the market is, liquid, enough to, have to buy those. Those. Those. Huge number of shares so day trading has a limit, of capital, we can't have two, million dollars or three million dollars capital and they trade in an opening range breakout now which we will still have, to make the same money as a 100k. Account, yeah. That's a good point I mean there, is a limit to day trading and I, always.

Mention That in the chat as well that if you have a you know if you have, a lot of money maybe part, of it you can day trade and other, parts can be another form, of investing, either you know stock market or, ETFs. Or exchanges. Or real estate or all other stuff but yeah as you mentioned the market liquidity is, limited, so you can buy two three thousand shares but you might not be able to buy twenty, thousand on 30,000, shares in one, single order so yeah there is a limit to day. Trading for sure yes. So with, that being said mr., Ozzy is here in Morocco, especially, in North, Africa people, don't, have that believe yet that day, trading is legit, and traders. Around the world are making, some money and truly, making a living from it so I would, like to hear your advice and. To, give them an advice to change their, mindset, about this field, I, think. You should try it at least in a simulator I mean, if you want to make sure that you're, good fit for trading, or not my. Advice to. You is you. Know after, listening to this and, after. Reading just. Go and trade with paper with, simulation. I mean don't put any real money there yet just, practice, a little bit with the simulation, you know what we call it paper trading and see. If you can actually make, any consistent, money on trading because, if you cannot make any money on a simulation. And, you definitely can't make money on on the, real real, accounts, you. Know what we say there's no guarantee, if you don't make any money if if, you, make money on the simulation, then, there is no guarantee you make money in real account but if you can't, even make money on a simulation, then there's really no point trading. Life but, I think you should be give it a try at least a small share size or just, with the simulation to see by yourself, but. Like, any other job day trading is not for everyone I mean not everyone can be a doctor not, everyone can be a lawyer not everyone can be an engineer I mean same as trading not everyone, really came here trading, I mean I have a lot of people they come and they trade their enemy then they say you know it's not just not for me yeah the money's goods possible. But I just don't enjoy it and that's fine I mean you, can go and find another carrier and other business, and other things for yourself and that's too fine you just have to give it a try and be. Reasonable about, it and your expectations, okay. Okay so for, you what separates, a, good trader a good, profitable, trader from a losing trade because, you know the statistic, does more than 90 percent of traders, are losing, money and that, is huge but, in the first site you see that it's it's only, the minority. Of traders, are making, money but actually. You. Make it's more bigger than make your vision more bigger you will find in any industry, you, are we are speaking about e-commerce, we, are speaking about web, website, design we are speaking about any. Industry, most, of the companies, are losing. Money and only, a small minority, for, all of it are making. Money so speaking. About that for you what make. A, trader. A good one a good profitable. One and what separates, it from a, losing trader I think. A good education, and good practice, makes a big difference there's, a lot of people who are losing the India trading but they don't have a proper education and. They. Don't have the good you, know, platform. Or a broker, or technology. For that so, I think it's very very important to have a proper education before. Trying it and yeah. The 90% of the people who fail but I think from that 90 percent probably. Most of them they didn't even have a really. Good education about, trading they probably didn't even read a book about, trading.

And And that's, why they're. They're, losing so I think proper, education, is very very important okay, okay. That's this was, really, some valuable. Information mr., Aziz so, the last thing is what. Is your best advice, to a young 15. Years 16, years old. Man. Or a kid, that is watching, us and want, to become a day trader and day trade for a living. And, my advice is you, know follow. Your dreams, you know sky's the limit. Don't. You. Know don't let people limit. You and your dreams, you. Know when I started trading everyone, was saying how it's impossible, it's a scam of all, of these stuff I heard all of those as well but I just did, it and I, really, wanted that and I worked, hard for that so yeah, keep dreaming and follow your dreams and be prepared. To you. Know sacrifice for for you know for, your dreams when I was learning the age rating and I was writing my books you, know all of my friends were partying, they were going out they were having fun and I had this fear. Of missing out and I was lost, a couple of friends because they just didn't. Want to hang out with needed, if I'm boring, or I'm just not coming out so. Yeah you have to sometimes pay the price for it but, you, know it's, always a good feeling to follow your dreams that's my advice to you at the end of this talk that, follow. Your dreams and, be. Prepared, to sacrifice for, your dreams and even, if you fail it's, very honorable, it's much much honorable. To try and fail rather. Than just not doing anything and you, were wondering, about your life I think it's very honorable, to try and fail, absolutely. Absolutely that, that was guys was a great, advice, he useful if you are watching us keep. Trying keep trying keep. Trying and, it's, never, enough even, if you have reach at a level you must always seek, another level and the, sky is limit as a mr. as you said so, with that being said thank, you thank. You very much mr. mr., Andrew Aziz for your precious time and those, information. That definitely, will benefit. A lot of traders in our community.

I Would, thank you because you are doing an amazing job serving. Traders, around the world so, so. Guys don't forget to subscribe to Andrews, YouTube, channel, beer, both traders you will find the link in description, below and, of, course watch, Andrews, breakup every, day he is. Publishing. His breakup his, recaps, every day and publishing, my recaps, every day but he is more consistent, than me that, so you could you would find the link in this description as, I have said and of course check, out his two books the first book that I I have already recommended in, the previous video you could find, it of course in the description, set in, the description, below so how, to trade, for eleven which is some a great, book, that I highly, recommend, to you guys and the second book dad's I think, that you, have published it in the, in, 2018. The advanced day, trading techniques, right mr. Aziz, yes, that's correct yeah and, if you have any question, feel free to email me my, email is Andrew, at bear bull traders dot-com and you can follow me on social media, I mean Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin. And. YouTube and. Yeah feel free to send me a message I personally. Check, all of my message and I'll get back to you every. One of you well thank you very much for, watching. And listening to this recap thanks Rita for great, questions, and great conversations. And I looking forward to trading with you in the chatroom yes, yes, yes of course mr. G so guys it's the end of our podcast, at trader. Stall I hope that you have liked in it so as, always like the video share it with your friend and leave as a good, comment, and of course visit mr., Endres bear bull traders, YouTube, channel that you will find in description, that so wit has been said mr. Aziz thank, you with, being. With us it's an honor for. The my community, and all the traders, here in Morocco, so thank you for accepting your, this special, invitation, and we, will look forward, to see you, and again and again.

2019-10-03 10:18

Show Video


13:00 i too get this kind of discourage from wife friends and so on i will keep it up ^^

8:27 we will be glad to have a direct conversation with MR AZIZ ^^

Merci mon frère pour l'interview

مفيش عربي كله فرنسي كده للأسف

الترجمة بالعربية متواجدة ، المرجو الضغط على زر الترجمة كما يو موضح في بداية الفيديو

بفففف الترجمة

هل هنالك مشكل بالترجمة ؟

You Great man

bro keep it up ...best channel of trading for real

Big up khoya Reda

thanks bro for the vd it was amazing

tooalpha doing big things big up

bdit trading f 2017 dkhalt b 400$ whiya li 3andi gha mchat liya 9labt 3la domain

فرجة ممتعة ( ترجمة 8 دقائق الأخيرة سوف تكون متاحة غدا ان شاء الله )

خويا رضا الترجمة ما كايناش ما فهمت والو من هادشي

الف شكر لك استاذ رضا شكرا على هذه المناضرة و اتمنى لك التوفيق هذه الفيديوا من افضل فيديوهاتك شكرا

شكرا لك جزيلا نصائح لا تقدر بثمن والله

Well I love to come to Socorro, organie a meetup and I will be there!

4 steps to win in this market, Strategie,decipline,patiance, kill ur emotion, had 4 ila khdamti 3lihom mzyen ratjub profit mzn flakher ch'har don't give up.

خويا شوف UMAR ASHRAF راه هذاك هو افضل واحد بالنسبة لي وممكن يتكلم عربي

Vidéo très intéressante! Merc Réda!

Thank you Mr. AZIZ ANDREW and mr. Reda also for this interview it was really beneficial for us .

You are very welcome

No comment bro ,so perfect and thanks a lot for the trader's talk

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