*[봉발리.12] 밥먹다 뜬금오열/낮잠?타임/이모부봉지옥?폭로/봉화맛집소개

*[봉발리.12] 밥먹다 뜬금오열/낮잠?타임/이모부봉지옥?폭로/봉화맛집소개

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[HOLY] [This video was taken at Bong-hwa County, where the administrative order of isolation was not in effect] [You can choose the subtitles at the option] [???] Hello guys~ My name is Holy [Today's concept seems to be worldwide] Today I'm going to the my grandfather home [(♥)] Yeah~ You... [Only Koreans would get this English sentence] You want me Really? Right? Thank you [Basically, this is what you've been waiting for] This is what you wanted, right? Yes Thank you That's the feel [How long has it been since last Bong-Bali ~.~] [Make some noise~!!!!] I don't know how long it's been since last Bong-hwa [Holyland's heart towards Bong-Bali (Bong-Bali fans)] The video team prepared this much batteries for me They want Bong-hwa more than anyone else [Holy slept 3 hours on average for 4 weeks :(] [Yawn yawn] So what happened was [Reason for being lost today.mov] Yesterday I sold Holyday

[Get yourself together!] I gave my friends a vacation on Friday and on Monday as well [Holyday employees who worked hard received a vacation on Friday and Monday!!] And we've decided to meet again on Tuesday after four days of break So for me, [But Holy gets no break haha] from Friday, to Saturday, Sunday, and Monday... [In Nirvana haha] I'm going to Bong-Bali Ha Ha Ha [Dizzy] I want to get some sleep too [But instantly awakens at the thought of BOKSUN] But Ma'am NAM BOKSUN hurt her arm... left arm her biceps hurt so I need to pay a visit. Oh my Anyhow, we're going [Such a cute voice] I got it prepared [(So cute...)] Some green veggies [All Korean daughters' feelings] You said your arm hurt, why did you do that? [All Korean mothers' words] Just come Don't say anything [Sad] Ah... Granny~ Why~ JU YOUNG, are you coming? [JU YOUNG acting cute♥] I'll go eat the greens~ Okay~ okay All right. Come~

Okay~ You shouldn't talk like that when your mom says she prepared it you should at least say you'll eat it -Ah -What's done is done, nagging her afterwards [Wouldn't you do the same if it was your mother?] would only make her feel bad Don't do it like that Instead, [Knows old ladies well (?)] when you want to say something to grandma take her to the room and hold onto her wrist like this And say, your bicep muscles hurt that much, are you still going to work on the field and make food? You should do it like that. [She knows, but it still hurts] But she won't listen. Even though I tell her to stop doing it~ If someone told me to not do anything I'd gladly follow Do it like this. [Hahaha] Mom, you have too much free time~ Do something already. Maybe I should do a crab cuisine business Crab cuisine... Get crabs from somewhere, and find a place to have it prepared [Just thinking about it makes you dizzy...] and buy the bowls and containers,

That's scary No, no. I mean in small sizes [(a.k.a DUK SEON's mother)] Mom, how can you make it in small sizes! On reservations.

[Holyland has a day full of food as well] You say you'll feed three people and yet you buy and prepare crabs worth 130,000 Won Because we've got over 12 employees [Serious on food♥] Do you know how annoying it is to just have a taste of something Sparing on food is not nice [(After eating crabs, you could empty two bowls of rice with just the seasoning...)] UI YOUNG said it was the best out of all the crabs she ever ate She's from Suncheon And it's famous for crabs [(She even took it home...;;)] But out of all the cuisine she ate, she said yours was the best Its delicious, the seasoning Isn't she funny? She said she didn't have anything prepared Only the rice. Rice only. And then I ask, are we only going to eat rice? And She'll say eat it with the greens And I go, you said you only prepared rice And she's got greens prepared [Hahaha] A master preparer [But can you call someone guilty for preparing? Haha] Always have greens prepared Lettuce prepared, greens prepared Radish prepared~ [Same to you, mom...] This time don't do something like Kimchi, okay?

[It's hard on you as well...] Please stay put already... I'm going to go crazy because of my mom~ [In the same boat haha♥] And me too, I'm going to go crazy because of MY mom~ because she just won't listen Oh my My~ At least you live apart from grandma [Hahaha] I always stick with my mom, and we even sleep together What am I going to do? [Each talking about their own mom] What am I going to do? Oh my... -Seriously... -Seriously... When I was in elementary or middle school she used to make me rice cakes [A bad omen haha] Do you know what those are? Yeah? Are you... With flour [(Scary)] And you're going to make it? Chop all kinds of vegetables... [Just a learning experience] I just want to learn. The know-how

[Very well...] Uh... You steam it and dip it in the soybean sauce she made and it was amazing She's not like how she used to be anymore Both her health and taste So about the know-how I'll make it all by myself [Beautiful Auntie(JUNG HEE) joins in!] JUNG HEE is with us, everyone. Surprised? If someone vanishes from your bus at the rest area that's her [Peekaboo/♥] Ta da~ So as I said yesterday I called mom before going to bed and told her I'd like to introduce the soybean paste [Please... :(] as Bonghwa specialty and have everyone taste it

But it's somewhat difficult because that salty soybean paste is what she made Right [Irreplaceable] The air, the water, the bean, and her hands Then JU YOUNG It just can't be done Let's make soybean paste this year There? [Horrified] This year is soybean paste... [Mom I'm sorry] I think I said it wrong [Cancel please, cancel (hasty)] Nope, nope But you know... [Let's not do it, okay?] Nope [Once it's spilled it can't be put back] Nah, we can do it. I can No. No I'll ask her to buy some beans No Everyone let's make an oath Today we won't be mad [(Mad because she's worried...)] at Mrs. NAM BOKSUN and Mr. KWON HEONHOE [No fighting♥] Let's make an oath to keep them happy [No fighting♥] Let's make an oath to keep them happy I swear But can we? Amen! I can't No, seriously make an oath Please don't annoy them For the old people, it leaves scars I can.

It's all for us, making food and things like that But she's sick She's sick but making food for me and me eating happily, that's her happiness It's been 6 months for her granddaughter Right. Eating the food I made well is the happiness I know that as well Can you feel it? Smell of heat and humidity plus smell of grass and dirt plus the smell of cow dung [Say hello to the Holy family] Hello~ Granny, say hello. Since it's been a while -What? -Greetings~ it's been a long time [Saying hello to JU YOUNG haha] Long time no see, JU YOUNG~ Thanks for coming Oh my...

Wow~ [Welcome, pumpkin leaf] Look! [Now this is Bong-hwa!!] You've got this~ Granny, do you have soybean paste? Yes? Do you have fresh soybean paste? It's here Right here Oh my... auntie look at this, I can't go home today There's even butterbur My arms hurt Stay put Stay put, grandma. Sit already I'll distribute the rice [You said you prepared some greens...] Oh my god...

[Long time no see, grandpa~] Say hello Go ahead Hello~ Grandpa [We've awaited you for so long] Many people awaited you and grandma Why? [No words are needed] Because they missed you~ -I almost died -Oh wow [(Happy inside)] -What, did you see a ghost or something~ -I almost died~ He's copying me [Daddy's little daughter] [Breathe, JU YOUNG] [(Reverent)] Let's be serious Wow, look at the lettuce [Bigger reaction, so that grandma can see] [Eureka!] Is it good~? What? You said your arm hurt, how did you make all these I made them with my left hand. Left hand Mom... You're going to say, don't do anything I don't do anything. I can't with my arm like this

[I understand you!] This is like nothing Right? Grandma, this is~ Wow mom, this soybean paste... [Lost words] [BOK SUN's laughter] Try this. Isn't it tasty? [Grandma, you're the best...] Wow! Uh huh... Are you putting all the greens together? Try this. Isn't it delicious? Because it's thin [Why tears all of sudden :(] [???????] Why is she suddenly crying? Why~ [Why are you crying :(] What's the matter? Why do you cry~! What? Are you laughing? Laughing? Or crying? Why, why? What? What's the matter, JU YOUNG? Is it because it's too good? Because the food I made is too delicious? Nowadays I cry when someone cries. Please stop

Why. Is it because you're thinking of what I've done? [Holy pretending to cry because it's delicious...] It's so good What is? Dang good That good? Ough Don't use something like 'dang' I can't not use 'dang' There's no other word to use For me, NAM BOK SUN's food is the best out of all of Korea And I suddenly recalled the tough life... And you became emotional? Yes Yeah~ What is life Isn't this life, that's what I thought and suddenly [Embarrassed] Isn't it amazing? Crying while eating Lettuce is good too. They grew it themselves [And now to the listening test] Golle-Dac gave it to this and that house And the lady from that house gave one What's Golle-Dac? Is it a name? [Hahaha] Not French, is it? It's like a nickname Because they don't use pesticides Did you say Taco? Each person is called according to where they're from She's Young-Ju Dac, because she's from Young-Ju Is there a place called Golle? Is it in France? So I'd be Yang-Je Dac? [Even if you love Holyland so much, your house is at Yong-In!] You're Yong-In Dac! I got a bad comment recently Do you know what it said? Dear Holy's parents [(Checking grandma)] Does she get it? No She does. Her face says so

I'll talk later. Later I get it Holy's parents, and then? Holy's parents... [Hoping she'd hear only good news] you made Holy so pretty [Gamju after eating is a must] Gamju is a must Is it not? [Being soft inside, it's a family thing] Give it to me. I'll shake it Take it Stop She said stop Is it a welcome drink? Only a mouthful Not a bit of sugar in it Hm~ What did you put, then? What else do you put in? Some saccharin [I thought you dumped in a jar of honey...?] Just some can make it this sweet? Little is enough~ Try. You could decay your tooth with this sweetness

Time for a nap~ [(Not a BGM we put in, the TV sound is just right haha] Oh, our grandpa is old now... There's nowhere like home. [Boksunzi] Because my beautiful grandma is waiting for me. [Grandpa's sleeping so let's reduce the volume] [(♥)] [JU YOUNG loves grandpa so much] Grandpa's having some stomach problems.

Eat some more. Huh? Eat some more. Eat some more? My stomach will pop. I need to sleep. In REM sleep.

I got off work at 12 yesterday too. Huh? [Have a good nap] Phew... Wow... Dad, who's going to eat sweet potato.

Huh? Who's going to eat sweet potato! [Grandpa mad at grandma for moving around too much while she's unwell] Don't do that. Don't do that. - I told her not to do that. - Yes, grandpa. You've lived together for long enough. Last time Huh? [Teasing him] You said you've lived with her long enough [Sweet guy] That's nonsense.

Her arm hurts and all but she never stays still. She keeps going out to the vegetable garden [Grandpa upset that grandma's unwell] She can let the kids do it. Let's just put your heart at ease.

Let her be, don't stress. [The role's changed but it's deja vu, they think the same] If you tell her off for something she already did, it'll just upset her. Do it that way. She never listens, I always tell her to stop. Despite you saying that, mom will keep doing that.

Just leave her be. Let her do it. Yes. Her arm hurts. If she does that, then she yells for being that way.

[It's a repetition] I don't know. Okay~ So grandpa, should JU YOUNG marry or not? Marry. If there is someone. Find someone. [Pretending to have a boyfriend in front of grandpa] There is someone. Quickly.

She has someone. What? JU YOUNG has someone, auntie. [(Partners in crime)] Isn't he in the military? He hasn't been dispatched yet.

He did. That someone. You have someone? - There is - Yes [I won't stop you] Then you should marry. Don't you want to see him? [I can't go, bring him here] I can't go and see him if I wanted to.

Will you bring him here? Of course we'll bring him. No. [Now that he thinks about it, he doesn't like it either] Don't bring him to this countryside. We'll bring him to you, grandpa. Aren't you sad to see her marry? What? You should send one...

How old is JU YOUNG? 28. [Oh, then you should marry] Marry. You should go. Go where? [LOL] I can't let you go [Curious] What does your beau do? My beau? [(Too much lies)] What should I say...?

He can't be in a gang. [Surprised LOL] He should have a job, and he should be able to support himself, This is comedy. This restaurant has really good food [Murphy's law] Tada~ I'll be back next time.

Let me show you some Bong-hwa restaurants. Apparently, Yaksu is really good but it'll all taste the same [Meat is always right] Grilling meat is always nice. These are the side dishes. Like so. They give you this sauce. Doenjang sauce.

Try this. Eat it. Bon appetit~ Specialty of Bong-hwa. - Try it - Okay. It's chicken bulgogi guys. Grilled.

Wow! What, what, what. Is it spicy? So spicy. So Hanna..you know those wrapped corns? Yeah. I was like, that's chodang corn [Oh my god corn LOL] That's OMG corn.

It's GMO. [Got caught showing off] We laughed for 3 minutes. OMG? Like that.

So funny. So funny. So pretty [Look at the sky] Wow, wow, wow.

[(Going to my auntie's housE)] Let's sleep at Ohee's and back to grandma and grandpa's house. Don't know what we'll do. I didn't shoot mackerel grilling. I was sleeping. Aunt told me to bring the camera out to film it. I told her no and to clean up.

Clean up! You're eating it raw? Chodang corn. Try it. Just try it. Try it first. Eat it like this, horizontally. okay? Try it.

Just open it and bite into it [It's not an apple or a pear] You'll be surprised Wow... [Can't get over it once you try it] Amazing? Wow, wow. Try it. Try it quickly. Try it. Uncle, please.

Is it juicy? Eat it horizontally like that. Just keep going [(Holding it for 10 minutes)] It's so good. Try it, uncle [First time eating chodang corn, and so surprised] What is this? Why are you eating it raw? Try it, try it. [It's been 10 minutes, just try it] Give it a go. You have such prejudice over food.

I'm very picky. Try it, just give it a go~ It's okay, it's very refreshing. Bite it. [Playing hard with the corn LOL] Oh, my. x3 What?

[The viewers are frustrated LOL] Oh my gosh. x5 [(Talking a lot when he doesn't want to eat)] I told you there are a lot of things I can't eat. [1278783rd push and pull LOL] I'm going crazy. [(Phew)(It's really good)] I can't eat raw oysters. There's so much I can't eat. [(Finally)] It's good, right? x2 - Huh??? - It's good, right? [Looks happier after knowing it's good LOL] - It tastes like sweet potato. - It's good, right?

[Trust LEE JU YOUNG's taste] I told you~~ Oh, come on, it's good, isn't it? - It tastes like corn. - It's good, right? This is driving me crazy LOL - It tastes like sweet potato. - Bam~ Do you know Sunja's mom? Bam~! [(Bright)] No. - Sunja's mom is funny. - Yeah, she's funny, right?

This~! [(Cute LOL)] - You can't film this~! - Why not? [Already busted, uncle] I'll be known as a picky eater all over the country. It's true. Is this the one? [Wow] Look at the octopus, everyone.

[(I washed my hands)] The octopus is this big. [Mouth watering] My hands are full of this... Look at this. It's really big.

[Everyone in this family is cute] I guess they think I can't see them. [(Talking to the camera)] My grandfather likes this kind of flesh. Something like this. Something mushy. [Dead serious LOL] [Youngest aunt bragging about her pajamas] [I was listening to that conversation LOL] My mom can't pass underwear shops and bakeries. [(LEE JU YOUNG is a role play lover)] You ordered 15,000 won worth of octopus, right? - No, 20,000 won. - Did you?

- Give me 30,000 won worth of octopus with 20,000 won. - Oh, my god. I only have 15,000 won left. [(Roleplay overload)] Then give me 20,000 won worth of octopus with 15,000 won. Then come again next time. I'll give you 15,000 won worth of octopus~

The boss has gone to a meeting today. - You are a part-timer? - This is a secret. You're so good at this~ - I am. - You did a good job at cutting it. [(Fact can't be overlooked)] It's a bit thick, though. The big boss is good at cutting thin slices. Hi, welcome to Bong-hwa.

But after a few years, you'll want to get away. Now that I've lived for 10 years, I want to get out of Bong-hwa. [Everyone's fooled!] It's not Bong-Bali. It's Bong Swamp. - Are you okay? - It was Bong-Bali at first. But now it's a swamp. I'm afraid it's going to be Bong Hell. [Bong Bali Keling LOL] - You know that's my shawl, right? - Really? [Legend, parody of The Penthouse LOL] Yeah, I think so.

Acting with the nostrils LOL [I can only see the nostrils LOL] Stop moving them. I have to attend an award ceremony at the end of the year. It's not bad acting. It's nose acting.

- You know this is Lee Hye-min, right? - Oh, really? What are we going to do today? My grandfather and I are going somewhere for the first time in a while. My grandfather was planning to go there with someone else. He wanted to go there for months, but he couldn't. [(Oldest daughter)] He decided to go with his eldest daughter who has a car. He wants to go there so much [JU YOUNG will do everything for you] that he's about to cry, isn't he? I guess he wanted to eat it so bad.

He was about to cry yesterday. I woke up at 10 o'clock to go there today. I look pretty today, right? I should've brought the CRYSTAL FOR YOU lipstick.

My lips. Oh, my God... [(Arrived at the restaurant!)] Makchang sundae that grandpa wanted to eat~ [(Honey, try this)] How does it taste? [(No, honey, try this)] Is it delicious? [Oh, my god. Stop, grandpa!!(?)] Okay, okay~ - Is it good? - Yeah~~~ This is good. Eat a lot. Try the squid, grandpa. It's good, right? It tastes better this time. This place is really good.

I'm so sleepy. Now that I'm here, I can see the Hansarang Mountaineering Club in front of me. [(Back home)] [Cute LOL] [This scene is all I've got, but I couldn't help but add it] [Holy on Instagram Live] Say hello to Bong Bali. Hello, I'm on Instagram Live (not YouTube)~ Hi. I'm going to borrow 2 million won from my grandmother. Hey, VIXIA. Hi LOL

[True family] Now you know the name of my camera, huh? [(Sudden mission)] I'm going to borrow 2 million won from my grandmother because I'm going to get double eyelids. Will Holy be able to borrow two million won from her grandmother? Can I get a double eyelid surgery? [(Knows her mother well)] I vote that you can never borrow money from her. Is 2 million won enough? How much does a double eyelid surgery cost these days? 2 million won is enough, right? Hey, look at this. Double eyelid surgery costs 4 million won? [Then I give up] Then I won't do it. Grandma, you really have to lend me 2 million won~ I can't give it to you right now~ [You said you'd lend me money no matter what~] Do you have to go and get it from Saudi Arabia? - You have to get it from Saudi Arabia? - No~ I have to go to the cooperative.

- What? Where? - She needs to get it from the cooperative NongHyup Cooperative. [The granddaughter who loves teasing grandma the most] Just tell me the password. I'll go and get it. [Awkward laugh] [Joining in on teasing grandma] Yeah, then you can go and get it now, Mom. - Grandma, I already told my friends. On this camera. - Okay~~ - I bragged that you'd lend me 2 million won. - Oh my, are you filming now?

Mom, let's go and get it now. [Awkward laugh 2222] - Tell me the password. - I don't know if you can get it. Then tell me the password. [I don't know anything] I don't even know the password. Wow~~ You're mean, grandma~ JU YOUNG, just search grandma's bedroom. You can find 1 million won. You don't have to go to the bank.

- Auntie, let's search her room together. - The two of us. Let's do it today. Treasure hunt. It could be a treasure island. - Auntie, we have to search grandma's underwear. The one with zippers. - Right, she's wearing it right now.

Then my eyelids are in there today. In grandma's underwear. - My eyelids are inside grandma's underwear! - What are you saying~ - You're listening to everything. - Crazy b*tches. She called us crazy b*tches x2 She was listening to everything. [I have to eat bibimbap when I come to Bong-Bali] Mixing again? Mix as much as you want. Are you going to start your diet tomorrow and eat today as always? I have to be on a diet forever.

Mom's always on a diet. I don't know how many trucks of cucumbers I ate. I ate trucks of it, but I didn't lose weight. I also ate brown rice. Please introduce the namul (cooked vegetables). Dureup (fatsia shoots), green onions, cabbages and gaedureup (kalopanax sprouts). - These are dried radish greens. - Pumpkin leaves.

There are lots of thorns on gaedureup. What's up with the name gaedureup? Bye grandma~ [Grandma is tired because we've been saying goodbye for 30 minutes] Yeah~ Bye~ Bye bye~ Bye grandpa~ - Have a safe trip~ - Okay~ Bye JU YOUNG~ [We need to leave quickly, or we'll be here for 30 more minutes] Yeah, bye. Bye grandma~ - Bye. Come in the summer~ - Okay~ - Come in the summer~ - Yes~ [(It's actually summer now)] It's my first time not being able to focus on Bong-Bali [Holy just needed healing time with grandma and grandpa] because I'm really having a hard time. [I will come back with fun content next time] I didn't even want to eat in the yard. I just want to look at this scenery and lie down all day.

I should've taken a walk there by myself. What's the love story of youngest aunt and uncle? Don't ask me that. I don't even want to think about it.

[Just smiling] Who liked the other person first? Your uncle, of course~ [Just smiling!!] Uncle, why are you just staring out the window? He's being silent. What made you fall in love with her? Tell us! [I was very beautiful] My looks~ Oh-hee was really pretty. Really. - I used to be really nice and pretty... - She was really pretty back then~ Uncle isn't saying anything right now.

- You were skinny. - Right. I weighed 30kg less than now. [(I don't know anything~) / It's nice to get some fresh air~] - Bye, Yoseob. - Bye, JU YOUNG~ [(Tap)] Bye~ [See you again~ / Bye, HOL-fam~!!!]

2021-07-16 08:59

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