9 RULES that grew my online course from 0 to millions

9 RULES that grew my online course from 0 to millions

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Hello, and welcome back to my channel. And if  you're new here, welcome, so happy you're here. I   was reflecting recently and having a conversation  about my journey as an entrepreneur and it,   still to this day, blows my mind that my business  is what it is. I still very much so sometimes   feel like a total imposter, and I can't believe  that I've been able to grow my business to where   it is today and generate over eight figures in  revenue and impact people all over the world. And   it's just really hard to wrap my head around.  And I think that's not a bad thing. I think  

it's something that I hope I never lose  because it keeps me humble and hungry.   I thought it would be really helpful because  as I was reflecting on these things to share   with you some of the rules that I now live by,  that I never would've known in the early days,   and I didn't know in the early days. And it  led to a lot of wasted time, a lot of mistakes,   and there are very clearly nine rules that  have grown my online course business from zero,   struggling, solo-preneur, didn't know what  I was doing to now millions and millions in   revenue and clients all over the world. So if that's exciting to you,   it's exciting to me in my little nerd heart, give  this video a like, and be sure to subscribe for   new videos every week. And if you don't know,  this is actually what I do. So I help people who   have a skill set, expertise and help  them go from this invisible expert to   being able to scale and monetize using online  courses and YouTube. And if you want to learn more   about that, you can go to workwithsunny.com. Okay. So let's dig in to the nine rules,  

the dos and the do nots. This should save you  a lot of time, energy and money. So number one   is do not go wide. What do I mean by that? So in  the early stages of building my business, I really   thought the bigger audience you had, the more you  were able to monetize and grow a business. What   I actually learned is that the more focused and  intentional your audience is, the more impactful   it can be. Trying to reach the masses keeps  you at a very surface level business, whereas   focusing on depth and focusing on the right people  and reaching the right people, allows you to   really create very deep and meaningful, one,  relationships and long term relationships with   the people that you work with. I'm grateful and lucky that  

there are people who have been working with me for  years and I continue to work with them. And I'm   so happy that we have this commitment now, after  learning a lot, to legacy and everything that we   do. So I look at every client who potentially  is going to enroll in our program as a marriage   and I am married now so I know a little  thing about it. But I know that every client,   every team member, every lead who comes across our  radar, we are looking at these people in terms of   could we work with them for the rest of our lives?  And do we believe in what they're doing? And do we   believe in a long term relationship with them? And I'll talk more about that later. But so often   we're told to grow, grow, grow, grow, grow, and  there's such a focus on vanity metrics and there's   such a focus on getting more and more and more.  And I definitely made that mistake in the early  

days. And now my focus and my intention is really  on serving the right people. And that has, I know   this sounds strange, but going deeper and focusing  on depth versus width with my audience has 10 X'ed   my business and 10 X'ed the impact  that we've been able to create.   And part of that is focusing on what  I like to refer to as human marketing.   I'm not sure if you're familiar with Maslow's  Hierarchy of Needs, but we always work with   our clients on this and say if your business can  satisfy one of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, you   have a business that's built to last. And if you  look at any business in the world, it generally   satisfies at least one of those needs. Knowing that allows you to create marketing   and to reach people in a way that touches them on  a deeper level than just trying to learn a tactic   and touching them on a level where they  intrinsically and internally know that   you're the right person for them to work with  and to trust and to go on this journey with,   as opposed to sort of meeting you at the surface  and being like, eh, take it or leave it.  

So when you focus on legacy, long term thinking,  when you focus on depth and not width, and when   you focus on tried and true in your business and  bullet proof tactics and strategies as opposed to   the next shiny thing, and just trying to focus  on getting new people in the door at all times   and growing your audience at all times, it really  does change the game and makes your business   easier and more joyful and more peaceful and more  purposeful because you're not caught up in...   I find it to be a losing battle of just trying to  get more eyeballs on you. And you're more focused   on taking those eyeballs and turning them into  meaningful, long term relationships where you   can really serve at the highest level. Rule number two, do not assume everyone is   your ideal client. They just simply are not.  And the more you are aware of who exactly   your ideal client is and how we determine it,  I've talked about this a lot in recent videos,   is one ideal client, one specific place on their  journey, and one specific transformation. Those   three factors need to be detailed for us  and they are in our business so that we   know exactly who we should be working with and  want to work with and can best serve to create   the transformation they're seeking, as opposed  to trying to help everybody, which unfortunately   ultimately dilutes your impact. Because if you're  trying to help all these different people at  

all different places on their journey, you're  then scattered and diversifying your attention,   energy, and resources at a surface  level, as opposed to really being able to   hit the ground running as soon as somebody  starts engaging you in a client relationship,   and being able to really fast track and  accelerate the process for them to get the   results that they need and the transformation  and outcome that they are seeking.   So part of how we did this on a tactical level  is we implemented an application system so that   people need to apply in order to actually be  vetted by us to make sure that we are doing you   a service and you are doing us to service to make  sure that we're actually the right fit. And we do   say no more than we say yes or we say not yet, but  that doesn't mean you're not going to be a great   fit for us maybe at another date. We know it's  about trust. We know it's about timing. And so  

we put an application in place to make  that change years ago and it's been,   hands down, I think one of the best  things that ever done in my business.   And the other thing I will say too, is that  when you're not clear on who you want to serve,   you do end up accepting everyone. And when you do  that, you often will paint red flags white. And I   just think I've done this in dating, and it's  not helpful to anybody. So you want to be really   clear if there's a red flag that comes up for  you when you're speaking to somebody and you   think they could be a good fit for your program,  but there's just something in you that goes,   I don't know, listen to it, because you're  not everyone's cup of tea and your program is   not everybody's cup of tea and that's okay. It's  better to cut ties before they get in the program   before getting them in the program and going,  oh gosh, you're not my ideal client rule.  

Number three, don't rely on a warm audience. Woo.  Okay. So early on in my business, my audience blew   up a little bit by accident. Never intended to  have a brand, a YouTube channel, a business like I   do today. I've talked about this in many videos on  my channel, but it happens. And my growth happened   actually abnormally quickly in the early days  of my business. And I just assumed, okay, well,   these people are all asking me to create something  and so I'll create something. And so I created a  

program and sold it just to my warm audience. And  I was like, oh my gosh, that's amazing. People   bought, people bought in drove, that's unreal. And at that time, we didn't have an application   process and it was like anybody could buy, and I  learned a lot through that. And it was a really   good program, but a warm audience is like  a false positive because you get this false   sense of confidence that you could sell anything  to anybody, and everybody wants your stuff. No. A   warm audience wants your stuff because they know I  can trust you, and you've built that relationship,   but warm audiences can fizzle out. And it's why  a lot of launches can have this huge impact in   the beginning, but then the launches that you do  after for a product or a service fizzle and fade   because your warm audience does get burnt out.  And they're like, well, you've pitched me the same  

thing nine million times. I'm not interested. So the true test of a business is knowing how to   bring in new ideal clients on every single day.  And I talked about this in depth in last week's   video about YouTube and why YouTube is such a key  factor in my business and bringing in new leads   on autopilot and the right leads on autopilot. But  if I could go back and tell my younger self that,   major difference maker. And relying on a warm audience also sets  

you up for failure because you don't actually know  how to create consistency in what I've learned and   what I work with. My clients on is understanding  that there are really two modes to bringing in   leads. You either have on demand, which is an  immediate reaction. So it's things like emails,   it's things like direct conversations with  people. It's things like relationship building,   it's things like Instagram, it's things like  Facebook, it's things like LinkedIn. It's  

all these on demand platforms. Not all of  them, you don't have to do all of them. But   you need to have some sort of lever you can pull  that you immediately get a response from.   Whereas YouTube is more of this evergreen,  consistent, long game. And when you have   both of them working in tandem, it really is  this perfect alignment of being able to bring   in new people and also convert people into  being great clients for you, because you have   proven ways to do that consistently. And that's  really what business is. It's repeatable problems,   repeatable solutions. You shouldn't be  reinventing the wheel all the time.   Rule number four, repeat yourself, often. So  I have this huge insecurity and feeling like  

I was just being so annoying in the early  days of my business, but what I've learned,   and there's actually been studies done on this  that people need to hear your message at least   seven times, it's called the rule of seven,  before they actually make a buying decision.   I've learned this over and over and over again.  I've had people watch my master classes like   20 times, and every time they learn  something new and every time it's   as if it's a new training. And so I now  know that because there's so much out there  

and there's so much messaging coming at  people, it's okay to just hammer home,   who you are, what you do and you're messaging  regularly because people need to hear it often   in order for them to actually make a decision  and go, oh right. That's what you do. You're the   one I need to go to and work with on this. And truly, this is something I had to learn as   well, if people don't want to hear it, let them  go. You don't need people in your audience who   don't care about what you do at all. Why would  you want to keep people there who don't want   to be there? It's like having people in  your home who don't want to be there,   get out. It's okay. We don't need to be friends.  All good. I'm not for you. You're not for me.   I actively remove people who are followers or  email subscribers, etcetera, who are not engaged   because it does more harm than good. It doesn't  make sense to have people following you or in your  

realm that aren't engaged in your content because  it actually does a disservice to your marketing   and does a disservice to your metrics at the end  of the day. So knowing that it's okay to repeat   yourself and it's not annoying, and it's actually  really helpful for people is a complete shift that   made a massive difference in my business. Rule number five is do create consistency. And   this goes hand in hand with what  I mentioned earlier in terms of   there used to be a really big emphasis, and  there still is in some ways, on creating a   level of scarcity and urgency in marketing and in  growing a business. It can lead to not having any  

consistency month over month. And I have always  looked at a business as a vehicle to create   the life that you want to have and the impact  that you want to have, and in order to do that,   you can't constantly be stressed about where your  next client is coming from. And so I made it my   mission to make my business very consistent,  and to know my numbers say, no, I've harped   on this a lot, but knowing your numbers is what  leads to consistency so that you know how many   leads you need to have on a monthly basis, what  does your traffic mean to look like? How many   opt-ins do you need to have? What volume do  you need? What are your necessary numbers?   And I've created another video on this. So you  can check out the description and also up here,   but consistency creates a true business,  and it creates an opportunity for you as   the founder of the business, to elevate out  of doing everything and being a solo-preneur,   to being able to actually grow a team  and being able to pay a team consistently   and to move into a leadership position. So relying on the fundamentals and relying on my   numbers to create that consistency and not relying  on big pushes or surges at any time of the year   has allowed me to create this  business that feels very peaceful,   and that I've been able to build a really  solid team around without having to worry about   what's going to happen next month, or  what's going to happen next quarter. Because   I am able to project it with a very wild amount  of accuracy at this point with as much data as   we have. So trust that when you're growing  your business, paying attention to your data  

actually allows you to create projections  moving forward so that you know exactly   what you're going to do on a monthly yearly  basis. And you know how to grow on a monthly,   yearly basis as well because you know your  baseline of metrics that you have to work from.   Create consistency as much as you can. It gets  you off that hamster wheel of constantly trying   to find the next client or the treadmills, I like  to call it where you're just constantly sprinting,   which led me to burnout in a big way, ended up  in the hospital. I have a video on that too,   and that's why I was so adamant about it. And a  big part of that level of consistency is knowing   the activities in my business that generate leads  and not trying to do everything and not throwing   spaghetti at the wall, but actually having proof  and data to back up what works and what doesn't,   which has allowed me to only focus on very few  things in my business and very few platforms   to generate that consistency as opposed to trying  to do everything and spreading myself really   thin. And I did really tackle that in last  week's video, if you want to check it out.  

Do focus on social proof, do not focus  on vanity metrics. That's the next rule.   Again, fell into this trap in the beginning of the  business, thinking that the more followers I had,   the more significant I was and the more that  people would want to work with me. The reality   is that I've learned the more results you have,  the less selling you have to do. And the more   proof you have, the more people will want to  work with you. And it really doesn't matter   how many followers you have. And if people  are making a buying decision based on how many   followers you have, they're probably not the  people you want to work with anyways, because   that's a surface level qualifier and an external  qualifier, as opposed to that person going, oh,   this person can actually get me the results I  need. This business can get me the results I need.  

That's what I'm buying into. I'm not buying into  the brand or the person or the vanity metrics or   the influence, I'm buying into the results. The reality is the more trust   you have and the more authority that you build,  which doesn't mean an audience, it simply means   proving that you actually know what  you're talking about, what you do,   which you can do so easily using social media  platforms, the less you have to market and sell.   You just don't have to market so hard. And part  of my whole business model is how can I do the   absolute least while still making a really  big impact and a really consistent income?   And part of that has been knowing that it's not  about the numbers in terms of audience size,   it is about showing up for the  people who are our ideal people,   providing value, being generous, building  relationships, really listening and being super   intentional about everything that we do so that  we are bringing the right people into our realm,   who honestly, people are selfish, as we all are.  I get it. And people want to buy into knowing that   there's a benefit to them. So the more proof you  have, the more trust you build, the more authority  

you build, the more people are going to go, oh,  you can help me? Okay. I want to work with you.   Rule number seven, don't blame marketing. This  is often the first thing that people blame in   their business when things aren't working. And I,  again, went very deep on this recently in a video,  

which I will link below. Why this is so important  is because if you have a very clear idea of things   that lead up to marketing in a business, which as  a reminder, you have to know what you're selling,   so your offer. And then you need to know your  ideal client, who you're actually serving,   inside and out. And then your messaging becomes  really clear, which is essentially your marketing.   So it makes it very easy to convert people with  a lot less effort in trying to reach too many   people. From there, you know how to generate  leads, because your messaging actually works,   leads turn into sales, you know how to  convert them. And then from there, once   you have those five fundamental sorted, then you  can build out a team in ops, our operations.  

So marketing is generally not the problem.  Generally, the problem is your offer may   not be totally clear. And your ideal client most  likely is the real issue, and you don't actually   have the level of specificity of who you're  trying to reach to make your marketing land.   So whenever that comes up, that's the first thing  that you really want to look at and tackle is do   I really have that ideal client dialed in with  those three specific factors that I always talk   about? So one ideal client, one specific place on  their journey seeking one specific transformation.  

If those things aren't 1000% clear to you,  and generally they always come back to   your own story, so those three factors  generally a mirror for your own story,   it means that your messaging and marketing isn't  going to land. So that's the first place to go.   And prior to that is making sure is your offer  really clear? Are you able to easily articulate   what your offer does? And if you're not, how  is your messaging ever going to reach the right   people or land with the right people? So don't  blame marketing, look at the factors before that   to make your marketing work,  if that makes sense.   Rule number eight, do focus on relationships more  than you focus on revenue. And it is very easy.   I totally understand it when you are trying to  get your business off the ground to only focus on   the money, but if that is going to be  your main focus and you're innately   focused on that from the beginning, you're  setting yourself up for a lot of stress. I  

very naively, and this is almost embarrassing to  admit, when I started my business, I really didn't   think that much about the money. And I still  don't really think that much about the money.   I got into this for creating an impact and for  creating a life on my own terms. Those are my two   biggest factors. That I wanted to help people  and serve people. And I wanted to build a  

life the way that I wanted to build it. In doing that, it allowed me to really take   my time with making sure that I understood  the people that I wanted to help and how I   wanted to help them. And yes, there were many  bumps on the road and many mistakes made,   but what I've learned today is that our business  and something I'm really proud of in our business   is that we really do take the time to try to build  relationships with people. We are not trying to go  

one to one. It's like one conversation or one  email sent out and you got to buy right away.   That's not how it works. Like I said, we approach  everything with this long term mentality and this   legacy mentality. And so if I'm getting into a  marriage with you and I'm working with you as  

a client of mine, an ideal client of mine,  I want to be sure it's the right fit.   And so our business is set up to actually speak  to people and ensure that we are a good match.   And if we're not, that's okay. But I would  rather know that upfront before committing to,  

quote unquote, marriage. Because of that as well,  we follow up with people. If somebody isn't ready   to work with us, we don't just forget about  them. We follow up, we touch base. We nurture,   we continue to provide free value because just  because somebody isn't ready right now doesn't   mean that they're not going to be ready in the  future. And it doesn't mean we can't help them and   support them in being in a place where they are  ready, and helping them build out a game plan or   helping them if they have an unsupported partner  or spouse helping them tackle that as well.   So it goes far beyond just trying to create  a conversion. And it's really about creating   conversation and relationships to build a lot of  that trust. Because like I said, when people trust  

you become the one that they want to work with.  You're competing, not only for people's attention,   you're competing with everything they have  going on in their life, and you're competing   with other companies out there. That's just  the inevitability of being in a business.   The best way to compete, I don't really like  the word competition. I don't really seek   people's competition, but the best way  to compete is to out care and out value   everybody else. It's pretty simple. Takes  time, but that's also why you don't need   a huge audience. Imagine you have an audience of  millions of people that you're trying to convert,  

no way you can really go deep with those  people. So having an audience where   you are super targeted, super intentional,  you go really, really deep with people,   and it makes a massive difference to the  joy you can have in working with people   and working with the right people and changing  their lives, changing their businesses.   Rule number nine, and hands down the most  important rule, and the thing that I still am   very much so trying to work on, and it's more  of an emotional rule than it is a logistical   analytical rule like a lot of what I talked about  in this video and it's don't take it personally.  

And when I say it, I mean everything. Because when  you're doing any work that's important to you,   you care a lot, probably way more than people  think you do and things keep you up at night,   small comments keep you up at night, small  comments get to you. They can ruin your whole day.   And it is a total journey for me to  recognize and know that it has nothing   to do with me. It is always a projection of  whatever that individual is going through,   but it doesn't mean that it doesn't affect me.  So really knowing that nothing is personal,   it's business, but you're human still so honor  that and give yourself the grace to feel the   way you need to feel and then move on. And don't let other people who don't know you  

and their assumptions and their criticisms or  whatever it is affect the truth of who you are,   what you stand for and what you know  your intentions and your purpose are.   The more mature I've gotten and the older I've  gotten and the longer I've been in this game,   I've been an entrepreneur now for 14 years,  which is fricking insane. Makes me feel very old.   I started when I was 20 so do the math. But the  older I've gotten, the more that I recognize that  

the more I know who I am and the more confident  I am in myself, the more self-awareness I have,   which I do believe entrepreneurship is one of  the best practices in self-awareness because it   tells you a lot about who you are and what your  weaknesses and your strengths are, the more you   can handle and the more you can just be resilient  and let things sort of bounce off of you.   So other people's opinions really  have nothing to do with me.   And that is something that has become a  golden rule for me and for my business,   but I'd be lying if I said I was perfect  at It. But the book that I recommend,   if you need help with this is called The Four  Agreements. It's a book that I read all the time.   I've read it so many times over the years. And one  of the rules is don't take it personally. So that   would be the final rule that took my course from  zero to millions, because at the end of the day,   if I allowed my insecurity and myself doubt, and I  allowed other people's opinions and their thoughts   and the people who have never even done this  or built a business or built an online course,   get to me, I never would be where I am today. So I take everything with a grain of salt and I  

trust my own experience. I trust my own mistakes.  I trust my failures to learn from them. And it's   allowed me to fail forward and to embrace mistakes  and embrace failures to keep going. Whereas I   think for some people it can break you and it  can halt your entrepreneurial journey because   it's way safer to not do this. It's way safer  to just stay in your comfort zone and everything   about being an entrepreneur and everything about  building a business is wildly uncomfortable.  

So that's why this is a golden rule for me. I  need to know that I don't need to take things   personally, because if I did, I would hide in a  ball, in the fetal position and never do anything.   And we wouldn't be doing this right now. So that  would be sad. I know that was running the gamut of   all of my nine rules, but all of these really are  vitally important to how I've been able to take my   business and my online course from zero all the  way up to well past eight figures at this point,   which again is still hard for me to wrap my  head around. But I think it's also because   I treat each day like it's the beginning. And I  treat each day like I'm starting from zero because   that's what keeps me excited. And I will still forever be that 20 year old  

version of myself who is writing in my big black  binder of dreams and being like, I just want to   impact people. I want to teach people how to help  people. Didn't know how I was going to do it or   what I was going to do, and it's been quite the  journey to get here, but staying the course and   embracing the roller coaster has  allowed me to be here today.   So I hope that something from today's video  was helpful to you. And if you're trying   to figure out how do you actually take your  skills or what you're good at and how do you   make the impact that you want to make in the  world, like I said, go to workwithsunny.com.   All lowercase, type it into your browser.  There's a link in the description below,  

and I walk you through exactly how we're  able to support people in doing that. And   hopefully we can support you and actually  talk to you, have a real conversation.   So if you enjoyed this, give it a like, be sure  to subscribe for new videos every single week.  

And I've set up an entire playlist right here  all about online course creation, marketing,   selling, et cetera. So I hope you check it out  and I will see you in the next one. Bye.

2022-06-04 14:06

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