9 18 18 Business of Craft Beer Entrepreneurship

9 18 18 Business of Craft Beer Entrepreneurship

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Excellent. Excellent. So. Who's. This person that's here with you this is me right here so, this is sort of my professional. Jay. Markowitz, slide. My. Role. At VCU is the executive director of our entrepreneurship, programs for the School of Business I teach, entrepreneurship. As well. As run, some of our programs, around. Supporting, students, like internships and things like that I. Like. To start off with really what sort of my core belief is which is you're, not doing what you love what. Are you doing and so. Follow, your heart, only. You can decide, what your path is and nobody else can tell you what that looks like so I'm. Here to support you in that. So. My mission is to to. Support you in figuring. Out how to be a healthy, high performer. Follow. Your path and make, that a success for you and so I do, that in multiple, different ways I travel, to the Middle East and do workshops for. Entrepreneurship. Practitioners. I teach, entrepreneurship. To BCU students, that are very interested in it I create, content a lot, of what you're going to see today is kind, of homegrown stuff. That. I teach, to entrepreneurs, you, know in multiple, different continents, I'm really proud of that I. Think. My superhero, power and I would offer, for, you to ask yourself, the question what is your superhero. Power, mine, is sort. Of seeing the unseen framework, and then. Sharing that in a way that is. Useful for people so, what is that framework that we're, going to use in this instance, and answer, that question, and and and, provide, that and so that we could move forward on things and I've. Gotta had a very. Varied. Background, so. A mechanical, engineer from Penn State University I, did Navy nuclear power, as. An officer in the Navy drove, aircraft, carriers, I've. Got an MBA from the University of South Carolina. And. Then I'm imported, into Richmond by Capital One worked. There for 12 years and. That's. When I really. Figured, out that I, needed. To follow my own path and that's, really where I started blazing. My own path is when I left Capital, One and since. I've started a couple companies mostly. Consulting. I do. Leadership coaching, and development I also coach. Athletes, and consult in that area. As. Well, as. Doing. Entrepreneurship. Programs you know kind of around the world and stuff like that and then I found myself at VCU so, there I am, very. Happy with what I'm doing so, that's the. Hold. On. 2011.

Okay. You a fellow cap owner. Yeah. Yeah. And importing the Capital One and then yeah. Definitely. 1717. Downtown yeah yeah, yeah oh you guys should go visit that place. You. Can walk through and then. I. Think. It's free I don't. Know I just come. Back. Oh. Sign, up for the space I got you I got you I got you. I. Think. We already know each other but. I like you to know me so that's sort of my professional, background and, this, is really who I am I'm. A dad a husband. Loved to travel I'm. A triathlete. Completed. For Ironman, triathlons, and I qualified, for the World Championships, three or four years ago as well it's. Really just all part of my story and really. Why I'm here. So. That's, that's me that's the personal. Side of the house and I think you already know me so, why don't we start. Yeah. It was actually, I was, just there did an Alaskan cruise with my wife, my. Son Mick, and my daughter Alex, who is a, second. Year at, UVA. Sophomore. For those, of us didn't think. Of you you, know regular University stuff. Bottom. Left there that's me in the Middle East with, the, workshops. As I do so all. Right so. Let's. Frame today. Let's. Frame today and the, next three, or four slides are, gonna frame really. The, thinking behind what, we are going to study. Do, over. The next few hours and then. I encourage you to be curious. About, what, we're talking about, apply. It to whatever you're doing now because. It's relevant and apply. It to. The. Potential, desire to be an entrepreneur, maybe. You are one already maybe, you want to be one maybe you work in corporate America whatever. That looks like be curious about what we're going to talk, about and, apply it to whatever is true for you today because. Really what we're going to talk about is this concept of high performance. How, do you be a high performer, and, the. Reason this topic is so important is because I think entrepreneurship, demands, high, performance, you, are you, are going at it alone, nobody. Else is going to pick up your slack so. When. You're ready to do it it. Requires some, some, pretty good performance the great news is I'm, a hundred percent confident, in all of you that. You'll be successful no. Matter what you decide to do so it's not to create a bar that's scary, okay. First. Thing high. Performers. Develop, relevant. Applicable, mindsets. And. Really. What do we mean here so. Take. A look at this. We. Have a couple photos the. Photo on the left is. A. Puzzle. The, photo on the right is a bunch of stuff. The. VISAA have a puzzle over here and, a, bunch of over here, and. I ask you the question would. You rather come play with me with. The puzzle and let's put the puzzle together, would. You rather come play with me with, a bunch of stuff and let's, just whatever put. Stuff together. Think. About which, would, be your preference. Yes. So who would come here with the puzzle raise your hand who, would do the puzzle. Fantastic. Who would do this stuff. Stop. Stop, fantastic. I love, that I love that. So, let's think about this for a second, this. Is. Framing. Our mindset. So. Here's what we found out and here's what we know, we. Are really good, at solving. Problems like. Puzzles, because, that's how we're all trained, listen. I'm a mechanical, engineer, I did, Navy nuclear power I can, solve puzzles, like. The best of them there is a there's, a process, and the process looks, like this you. Go from the start to the end the, end is typically defined because. It's when, it's a puzzle it's a picture on the box there. Are steps, in between those, steps look like this I open the puzzle box I grab, all the pieces out I put all the flat pieces together because, those are the ones I'm gonna do first those are the edges and then, I put, all the puzzle pieces of similar colors kind of together. The. Puzzle is to find the. Problem is defined by somebody else somebody else put that puzzle together, took the picture cut it all up and said hey Jay you solve this and I'm, like fantastic, I got, this puzzle, as a problem, I'm gonna solve it myself and success. Is determined. Already. Determined. Either. I finish. And it. Looks like the, picture on the box or I don't, finish and, I. Know. We're. Really good at that in the, world we're, really good at that I bet you all of you are probably, really good at this problem-solving. Approach I. Bet. You are too. But. Maybe it's up for debate but. Here's, what we found out is that, our mindset. Of, approaching. Puzzles. Like that. Art. Doesn't necessarily, set us up for success in, an environment. That is, completely. Ambiguous. And. Uncertain. And. Volatile. And, changing. And that's, the environment we live in, so.

Those Of us who like to play with stuff. We. Call this more of a creative logic, approach it's very ambiguous so. Here's the key things about stuff, there's, no answer, when, you start playing with stuff, you. Have to define that yourself, you, go home and look at this pile of stuff and, I. Think. I'll make a truck. And. So then I you know try to start making a truck and I. Attempt. Something and I go that's, not very valuable, so. I provide myself feedback, and I. Determine, what's valuable I think that trucks not valuable so let me rip the truck apart and I'm gonna build us maybe. A little bridge out of this stuff and so I start putting that together or I'm gonna build a new, elbow. Joint. Support. System, so I start putting that together. The. Interesting distinction is, whew. One, it's. Internally. Initiated. Nobody. Says, to you go play with stuff here's the problem and solve it they. Just it's. Internally. Motivated you're, looking, at the. World and saying wow there's, a bunch of stuff here I need to figure out how, to add value to this stuff, too, you have, to decide what is valuable, really. Not a lot of people external. To you a telling, you like the picture on the box that what you've just created is valuable you have to kind of decide that. This was valuable or, not. The. Process, is iterative, it's not linear, so. You start. You. Do some stuff you. Stop and, are you eight, you. Do more stuff you stop and evaluate you. Do more stuff you stop and evaluate it's very much an iterative, process. This. Is how as, an, entrepreneur, you. Want to start thinking about approaching. Your. Venture. It's. A bunch of stuff you're. Gonna have to iterate it it's, going to be self-motivated, and, you. Are the one that's defining, what's valuable and what's the problem that you're solving nothing. Is externally, defined for you, so. The challenge, is then and, what, I'm not saying is that. Puzzle. Problem solving, approach isn't valuable because it absolutely is, valuable ask. Any engineer. We. Do know that creative, the creative logic approach is necessary. Specifically. In the world of entrepreneurship. So. Just think to yourself how. Can you. Create. A mindset where. You are, more about playing with stuff and. Just think about that we'll talk about this today the, topic of mindset.

Because. I love this quote. So. I. Think. Google knows what they're doing they're. Pretty successful. Organization. And. You. Know what we want people who like figuring out stuff what there's no obvious answer. It's. Not the picture on the puzzle box that we're looking for and. You, know think about that where you are in your workplace. Hey. If there's an it you know we want people to figure it out figure out how to sign, in on your time card for good stop, bugging me about it you. Figure it out exactly, that's, the point right. So. Think. About that so that's one that's mindset. All. Right this, makes total sense, high performers. Take. Action. Take. Action you. Would think that is. You. Would think that that makes total sense and everybody gets it. But. I don't think we always get it that's. The distance between here and my dreams is a. Series. Of accents that I need to take. The. World of entrepreneurship, is all about. Taking. Action, this. Is interesting because. I. Think. We spend a lot of time in the, question, what are things. Versus. How do I do things. So. In this classroom here, today I'm. Hoping to spend less on what things are and more, on how, do you do things. How. Do you, do things how do you move your, project, forward and, I. Think one of the struggles we see out there and, something I want you to really start thinking, about is. Nobody. Knows more than Google. If. You guys want to know what entrepreneurship, is google, it you'll. Get the definition I'm. Sure I can share with you of my definition, to start to initiate a project. That's. As good a definition as, any but. Google it if you want to know what courage is google, it it. Will tell you what courage, is the. World. Of entrepreneurship is how how. Do I do, X how. Do I do y. How do I do Z. How. Do I do these, things and that is the set of activities, so. We're gonna talk a little bit through the, set of activities today, on a couple things. To move us forward okay. And. Then, finally. This. May surprise you. This. Is something that's really interesting, really, interesting that's happening out there and. Something. For you to think about, healthy. High performers, leverage, their human story. Leverage. Their human story you may be asking yourself the question were like well. What. Is that all about well. There's a couple things to think about about this first off. Here's. One business. Case for, knowing. Your human story and applying your human store which. Is. Think. 50%, of current work activities, can be automated. By. Artificial, intelligence. Here's. Some examples, you. Can go into the grocery store by Amazon, and not interact, with a human being and get. Everything done, here's. A capital. You have a question what. Yep, those. Are accurate that's McKinsey, Global Institute. Yeah. So I I took, this from a study all, right. Capital. One. Yeah. I was. Talking with a colleague from Capital One about this artificial, intelligence I'm like hey you know I work a lot with VCU, students and I'm my, job is to set them up for success and. I'm really learning a lot about the powers ones human story and how. Artificial, intelligence, is really replacing, people. So. How do we leverage, this concept, of human story and says yeah this is crazy you, should hear what we're doing at Capital One he, goes you know this correspondence. We get from customers who, are upset or, they. Want they want to give us feedback or they have a question about their account it, either comes in on email, or a letter. Is written, he's. Like yeah well, a person. Used to take care of that now what we do is we take that email in that letter and we feed it into the artificial intelligence machine the. Machine it, detects. What the issue is. Accesses. Capital, One's policies. Determines. Which policy. Is appropriate, determines. The course of action. Writes. A, response. To. The customer, sends, it out the door I. Don't. Know what their review process is I am sure Capital, One puts in the appropriate, quality service, however. That's. The process yeah. So. Then. How are you gonna create value in this, emerging. World right. You. Know I thought about br-2, like, when, is when it's artificial intelligence, gonna start making brewing.

Putting, Together the beer recipes, and things like that you, know I I don't, know but yeah yes. System, actually we're brewing here some, sort of my, husband saw it at a Food. Show few years ago and yes tell, it what, to do it's, like okay you, want to make this beer X. Y & Z go as a thing BAM, beard, mm-hmm. So. It's a little. You. Know what I don't want to say it's concerning, it, is, just the way it is. It. Was definitely interesting. So. Here's. The emerging, if. You've. Done any research. Into. High-performing. Leaders or, high-performing. Organizations. There's. A lot around the. Power of human story. Just. Telling. Stories. Leaders. Often lead now with, a personal, story of who they are an. Experience. That they've had and. We're. Gonna learn a little bit of the distinctions, between storytelling. And human, story but. One thing you need to think about is how, are you gonna create value, in a world that is more and more and more being replaced and what's being replaced, is what's common, between all. Of us all. Of us could probably be, trained to read correspondence. At Capital One and respond, in a way that's something that could be common, between us but, what can't be replaced is, your. Uniqueness. What. Makes you different from, you, different. From me different. From you, different. From you and that's. What's. Valuable, in the marketplace is, your, uniqueness, so that's. Something we're going to want to talk about yes sir. Are, we going to be forced to you. Know like laws going to come out with you know bi gay you. Want people doing something but now. Yeah. I mean it's a great question I think that my, opinion, since. I don't what the future looks like my opinion, is that there. Won't necessarily, be. Legislation. Legislative. Programs. To tell you what you need to do instead. And, what's. Very encouraging. Is you, will have choice you. Will have choice to, employ. People if you choose or. To. Leverage technology if. You choose and your. Business might require different. Considerations. Around that if, you are a high volume low. Quality. Producer. I'm. Guessing. You're gonna want as much artificial, intelligence, as you possibly can get because it's cheap, if. You're a high quality, low, volume. Producer. I think. That might suggest having, more people associated, with the process. You. Know so it's really just gonna be up to you on how. You want to handle that, so. For. You to achieve healthy, high performance. It's. To. Study these three things really your. Human story, your. Mindset and your set of activities, and. Then. You know I encourage you to think about the role you're in today the. Role you're in today how. Do you know how does your human story set you up for success for, the role you're in. How. Does your mindset, either. Support. You or not and and you probably know the days when your mindsets not really supporting, you or when it is supporting, you and then. Really what is the action, that you're taking the the how to do, things act with, courage versus.

Defining. Things it's. The action, that matters so. What, questions you guys have on this this, sort of intro. You're. Ready to jump into the first section. Maybe. Learn a little bit see. How this applies to you. Yes. It is this er order process. It. Was. No. There, is no priority, here here's. The offer to you the, offer is to hold all of these as significant. And realize. That there, will be certain times when. Leveraging. Your human story will be more important, or, focusing. On what mindset, you have will, be the priority, or, sometimes. You just got to get some stuff done and, maybe human story and mindset are in. The background. That's, one option to think through the second, is if you're. The person that's really focused on mindset and set of activities for a long time well. Then the invitation, for you is to start, to think about your human story and how you can start leveraging that for your for, your advantage. So. We're going to start actually with the one, that is the, most interesting which is human story. So. I like to there's. Us how was that reminded. About the power of human story the other day and we're. Gonna start out why this is important, I. Was. At a pitch pitch, competition, not a pitch competition a light, house Labs is a local accelerator. Here in Richmond, and the accelerator, helps. Entrepreneurs who. Have already established their. Business, but. Our early stage. Puts. A lot of resources around them and helps, move them forward that's, what an accelerator, is and lighthouse, labs is the one we have in Richmond. Actually. One of the I think one of the top 25 in the United States fantastic. So. The. The. Pitch is going on and. When. You're in the audience and you're watching these companies pitch. You. Can absolutely tell. The energy, and the connection. And the. Excitement. And the confidence. That you. And everybody, else in the crowd get. When. A founder. Integrates. Their human story into. Their presentation. And, here's. One example. This. Guy I'm, going to tell you the product, he created, because that's actually at least interesting, the. Product he created, was, a wrist. Electronic. Device, for. Toddlers. Who. Are being. Potty-trained. The. Device. Biometrically. Detects when. The child is about to pee prior. To them peeing which, is the key. Sets. Off an alarm for the parent the. Parent comes. And gets the child says.

Hey You know it's time to go to the bathroom lets go potty Chu takes, them into the bathroom. Life is good this. Is fantastic, device, right. Versus. The. Alternatives, which is where the diapers or. When. They're sleeping at night the, alarm, that, goes off when it's already went like, that's too late okay. Sounds. Like a fantastic. Product. Has. A lot of support in the area, but. I'll tell you what really gives this product. A huge, amount of advocacy. People. Who want to help, funding. Rallying. Around the cause is, because. The founder, when, pitching the, product doesn't, start, with the product starts with the story which. Is. You. Know I grew up in a household, where my brother. Wet. The bed until he was 18 and. It. Caused the family a lot of stress and. My. My. Brother it, cause he, couldn't go to sleepovers. It. Was a real impact, to the quality of life of both my brother and my, family. And. He said it with like that conviction, and. You're like sitting you're like going oh my, god like seriously, and then he goes so. I've partnered. With you. Know chemists. And biomedical. People, in, order to solve this problem because, I don't want anybody else to go through this it is. A miserable lifestyle. That's. His human story, he. Didn't have to talk about his human story he didn't have to lead with it he. Didn't have to know what the concept of human story was but. The fact of the matter is it, gets your attention it, gets you engaged, you. Want to help it empowers. Other people, to go to feel. And see the problem, that's going on and what's. Most important, is I, guarantee. You when the going gets tough and, life. Is really really hard for this guy that's starting this business because it is hard he's. Gonna keep it going he'll figure out a way and that's. The confidence, that. Mentors. Advisors. And things like that will. Give this guy the. Confidence, that he's going to make it work because as he, grew up in a household, that. Suffered, from the problem that, he's trying to solve. Versus. Me I didn't, suffer from this problem so if I came to you and said hey I got this device I'm going gets tough I might hit an off-ramp. Because. I'm interested in something else but, this guy is totally bested. That's. The power of your human story. Sharing. Why your, human story is. Connected. To what. You are doing. Creates. Advocacy. Is an. Invitation, and it's. Your conviction, and people. Will see that. So. If, that's. The case. Then. Let's. Take a moment. Maybe. Like five. Minutes I want. You guys to start investigating, yourself. And. Really, answering. This question. What. Is it about my human story that. Gives me power what. Is it about my human story, that. Is my uniqueness and there's a little activity. That we can do so if you you, guys all have these journals. This. Is a storyboard. And. So. In preparation for today, I did my own it. Was quite fabulous I, haven't. Done one in a while so. You're. Gonna be invited to do a story board here and we'll spend, five minutes and then. We. Will spend a, little, bit debriefing, it on what you discovered, so a. Story. Board goes from left to right and it tells a story my. Story is in high school I absolutely, love, science, and I. Was a musician, it, was almost a dichotomy, I was. Good at math and physics, and. Loved. Playing, the drums and I was good at the drums and I and I hid a place, where I was going to go to college I was either gonna go on, a ROTC. Scholarship, and study engineering or, really. Piss my parents, off and go study music well you can probably guess what I did so, I took. The scholarship.

And And. Went there so love of science music. Things. Like that so then I did Navy nuclear power, driving. Ships, conducting. Drills that was a significant. Part of my life and I wrote that because it was very memorable to me at, that time in my life it was almost like conducting, when. Doing, drills in in nuclear, power your like conducting, a lot, of things going on then, I got an MBA and an, MBA plus mechanical, engineering equals a lot of money when you go work for financial, services company, so, I'm pursuing. The American dream guys really, come on MBA. Mechanical. Engineering I'm, gonna go work for Capital, One life's. Gonna be great. Except. I was completely stressed out and that's what that's that, frowny face is so. My next slide is boom, I resigned. At Capital, One I put in my two-week notice I, actually tried to. Get. Worked out of the job for three years couldn't figure out how to do it I finally, had to resign like, give me the package, lay. Me off I'm good, so. It. Never worked, and. That, that, was, probably, where. I really, started to realize what, I'd truly believe in life's too short, if. You're unhappy follow, your dreams, if you're not doing what you love what are you doing that's really really started, for me. So. I started, a company I also started, working out because, when you're stressed out you you need something to do I was working out really loving it and I was like I love this running stuff so I ended up running running running running ransom, marathons, ran the Boston Marathon and, then, became, a triathlete I'm like I love this too like. I love being in shape this is great I feel great. So. Then I took up leadership coaching, I, came to VCU I. Create. I'm. The architect for the Henry Ford entrepreneurship, Academy I come to you and all this awesome, really cool stuff I'm super excited and so. Then I look back, over. All of this and, I say you know there's, some themes here one. Of them is. This. Ability to know, how to perform even. If it's unhealthy, like. It you. Know when it's unhealthy I know how to perform I know how to suck it up and get it done but. I'd learned that I didn't want that it was. Not worth the sacrifice, it's, not worth the sacrifice, so that's really my human story and that's why, that's. Why I work, with people who want to be entrepreneurs because.

I Want to enable them to fault like follow, your dreams do what you yes. You can do whatever it is you want to do I will help you be a high performer, let's, get it done so. That's my uniqueness and. That's what I get from my storyboard so, I want you to take five minutes. To. Do. Your storyboard. It can start whenever you want to start it can, end whenever you want to end but, you want to focus on those, significant. Aspects. That. Have been part of your life, those. Key. Moments. I'm. Sure you have some, those. Kheema could be a childhood, moment. That. Shapes who we are, those. Key, moments and, do. A storyboard one two three four five four, five six, slides over. Time and, then. For each slide. Just. What was the impact to, you what. Did you learn, what. Did you learn what did you develop during, that slide. And. Let's. Just start there yeah. You. Do whatever you want if you. Want to go to high school yeah because that's a maybe, that's an important part of your life if it's not don't go back to high school. What. Questions you have about the activity. Yeah. Yes. Sir to the inside you can draw pictures which I did he could put a couple key words it's really just to remind you of that, experience. That you had or that particular. Time. Of your life that month or that year, and then. On the outside I just wrote some things I just. Wrote some things there's, no right or wrong this, is you investigating. You who, are you. You. Know. Anthony. You're good yes okay, let's. Take five minutes. You. You. Take. About 30 seconds to finish up your thinking, wherever you're at. What. Did you discover. So, what word would you use to describe that Kanta. What. Word would you describe, that story. Yes. Besides fellow. Challenge. It. It. Was a block rule. You. Know what comes to me it's the word resilient. So. I would write that down, I am. Resilient, what. Else did you guys discover. Experiences. In life that you speak of the trials and tribulations the, states.

That We learn from, introspective. Moments that are often, hard. To look back on you, know all those things or building, blocks to give you where I am and I'm just wearing day but the passions that are. My. My. Being oh yeah, nice. Yeah thanks, for that I. Was. Always happy, with what I was doing I. Was. Always happy and, I. Stepped out and started. Jobs. They didn't. Really eat me at all I wasn't happy with them but you know I got by it. Was comfortable, and I. Really. Slipped. And fell back, in entrepreneurship. And. The. Second, I walked back into the small business, realized. What I had been missing and, how much I enjoy taking, ownership when I was doing. Nice. Fantastic. Nice. You guys are all seriously, a lot of uniqueness in here Connor, man, we're. Able to make your way through this one. Yeah. Sure, anybody. Else would. You discover, about your story. Mmm. Sounds, like a lot of energy, behind. Behind. That right there actually. Very. Cool thanks for sharing that. Else. Good. Good good. Or. Anthony's like I'm good all. Right so. You're. Actually. Promising. The. Next. Slide I want to show you which I'm going to skip ahead one and I'll come back. So. Here's another reason why human story is important, to you and the reason. If. You're not already to, start paying attention to it start. Paying attention to your human story. Because. Here's your litmus test. It's this notion that. When. Your. Career. Your, life your, path is, aligned. With, your spirit. That's. Good for you and good for the world. When. It's not it's not. Good for you and it's, not good for the world so that's the notion well, then how do we know well. Now. That we're in this concept, of human story. Here's. How we know if our. Spirit, is aligned with. The. Path or our path is aligned with our spirit and now you're, gonna probably, be, like man this is miserable skip ahead so. Here's. Your clues when. You wake up in the morning are you. Discouraged. Or encouraged. Just. Take a second you don't have to answer these questions these are these are in your mind okay. When. You do simple tasks, are you, frustrated. Um and like I do that again or. Is, it satisfying. Yeah. Got that done I'm ready to move on what's next. When. You see opportunities, in front of you opportunities, of those things that we. Could capture or, jump. On you know do you go or you do you feel burdened oh man. I really don't want to have to do that, or.

Are You excited oh wow, that looks like a really great challenge I can't wait to get started on this. When. You're present with fear let's face it guys we are all present with fear when. You're a present, with fear. Do. You do. You respond, defeated. Or. Do, you respond courageous. Defeat. It is there's, no way I'm doing that, I'm. Not interested at all. Courageous. Is all, that looks hard I'm, willing, to give it a go. So. Out comes the results, that happen in your life. When. They happen. Is. That. Relief sure, thank, god that's over with. Wanna do it again but thank God it's over or is, it celebration. And joy man. I'm super proud, that. I brewed my first batch of beer. And. So. I would ask you to, just. Give. Your. Give. Yourself. Time. To think you know are you in friction or you in flow like where are you. Because, to your point which you just made is if. You're on the left I think the best you'll ever be is average, you. You won't be a help you definitely won't be a healthy high performer, I doubt you'll be a high performer. The. Best you'll be is average. So. If you don't want to be average it's. Really time to learn about your human story what. Gets you passionate. What are the strengths, that you bring to the table, what's the uniqueness, you have that nobody else has so, that you can translate, that your, spirit, and align. It with what. It is that you're doing and I hear you you say you're 30 I didn't. Know when I was 30 either so. I hear you this, takes, time and it's, a process it's, a, process. So. It's okay if you're on the left no. Big deal I would, not recommend you stay there I would. Recommend you take action, and this. Is the whole concept of, human story who, are you what. Are you doing why. Are you doing it if. You're not doing what you love what are you doing. What's. Your strengths, what's, your passions, what's your beliefs, what. Are your values. Are. They aligned. Do. You feel your spirit is aligned with what you're doing, because. When it is aligned on the right. Life. Is typically good you. Are typically. A high performer, probably. A healthy high performer, and there's a distinction you're, probably a healthy high performer, at that one. What. Questions you have on this particular concept. Or what thoughts you have. What's, my. Job is to spurn your curiosity. With. Thoughts do you have on this. I. Mean. Courage to do it but I'll be discouraged, if, I don't. Meet. I'm. Excited. Of the, burden, of opportunity. But. Y'all. Over the place in. Your OCD right. Early. Above going to water they had gone to their music club and. You. Know. There's. A clue right. You. Know one. Of the machines cut, myself, you. Know. I'm. Just curious, myself was like is it me you. Know. This is a spectrum and it's gonna move and change depending. On the day and the week and what, you're doing and so, often. The conversation in, my classroom, with students is around this notion of. Because. They're VCU, students, they're. Like I hate accounting. So. I'm all over the left side of accounting, but I'm at BCU as a student, so how am I supposed to, reconcile. That, and. So typically the conversation. Is, the. Following a. Because. Of my, human. Story the. Big frowny. Face when, I was I don't know 35 years old living. The American, dream if you. Continue, to invest. If. You continue, to invest, on the, left side with, the whole that next year it's gonna be better that, strategy, doesn't work, that. Strategy doesn't work so I've been there totally. Get it been there. So. Then you're, you want to say then well then there's a balance, between investing.

On The left side because. Come. On we. All do stuff that we're frustrated about and burdened, and and. You. Know discouraged. About that happens, so. The, question then is what. Is your bar, for. That balance. What. Is your bar for the balance are, you okay if, you. Wake up in the morning seven, days a week and three, of them you're discouraged, and four of them you're encouraged, is. That your bar is that okay if so, great. That's. Actually not my bar, I'd. Like to wake up six days encouraged. In one day discouraged, so that's my personal bar so. My personal bar might, suggest I'm, gonna take some action, if, cup. Three four days in a row I'm waking up and I'm like this is miserable and then this turns into a pattern over. A couple months three. Six months something's. Off I want. To adjust, that I'll do, some reflection, al journal, I'll, discover, what's going on which, one of my values isn't, being honored, or, which. Value is being violated or. What belief of mine am I not living do, you see the process guys you're. Not going to know at 30 years old. Necessarily. So. There's a process, for that and the process is investigating. Your human story. Learning. About it who, are you be unique and then. Align your spirit, with what you're doing. Healthy. High performance, all right this is a heavy topic so. Typically. Never. Fide you get this a large muscles, no I most. Important, things so. Typically. I show the TED video which. Drives at home why don't I show the first. Six. Minutes of this video well. Debrief the video and, then we'll take to break how's that sound. Good. So. It's not my words it'll be the words to simon Sinek if. You don't know who he is I recommend. You become a fan of this guy his. Thinking is absolutely, brilliant it's, really good stuff specifically, about Millennials. Stuff, like that, so. Let's. See here. For. The first speaker tonight simon. Simon Sinek in his, talk. Start, with why. There. We go. We. Assume even, we. Know why we do this Ted videos, we're not that good but. Then how do you explain when, things don't go as we, assumed or better, how. Do you explain, when. Others, are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions, for. Example why. Is Apple, so innovative year, after year after year after year they're, more innovative, than all their competition and, yet. They're just a computer company they're just like everyone else they, have the same access, to the same talents, the same agencies, the same consultants, the same media then. Why is it that they seem to have something. Different, why. Is it that Martin, Luther King led. The civil rights movement he. Wasn't the only man who suffered. In a pre-civil Rights, America and. He certainly wasn't the only great orator of the day why him and, why. Is it that. The Wright brothers were able to figure out control. Powered man flight when.

There Were certainly other teams who were better qualified better. Funded, and. They. Didn't achieve. Powered. Man flight the Wright brothers beat them to it there's. Something else at play here. About. Three. And a half years ago I made, a discovery and, this. Discovery profoundly, changed, my, view, on how, I thought the world worked and it even profoundly, changed the way in which I operated, it. As, it turns out there's. A pattern as it turns out all the great and inspiring. Leaders, and organizations, in the world whether it's Apple or Martin Luther King or the Wright brothers they will think act and communicate the. Exact, same way and it's. The complete opposite, to everyone, else all. I did, was codify, it and it's. Probably the world's, simplest. Idea, I call. It the Golden Circle. Why. How, what, this. Little idea explains. Why. Some organizations and, some leaders are, able to inspire where. Others aren't let me define the terms really quickly every. Single person every single organization, on the planet knows, what they do 100, percent some. Know, how they do it whether you call it your differentiating, value proposition. Or your proprietary process. Or your USP but. Very very few people or organizations, know. Why they do what they do and by, why I don't mean to make a profit that's. A result it's always a result by why I mean what's your purpose what's, your cause what's, your belief, why. Does your organization. Exist. Well. As a result the way we think the way we act the way we communicate is from the outside in it's obvious we go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing, but. The inspired, leaders, and the inspire or inspired, organizations. Regardless. Of their size regardless, of their industry all think. Act and communicate from. The inside out. Let. Me give you an example I use, Apple because they're easy to understand and everybody gets it if, Apple. Were like everyone else a, marketing. Message from them might sound like this, we. Make great computers. They're. Beautifully designed simple. To use and user friendly, want. To buy one. And. That's. How most of us communicate that's how most marketing is done that's how most sales done and that's how most of us communicate interpersonally, we, say what we do we say how we're different or how we better and we expect some sort of behavior, a purchase a vote something like that here is our new law firm we. Have the best lawyers with the biggest clients we have you know we always perform for our clients do business with us here's our new car it gets great gas mileage it, has you, know leather seats by, our car but, it's uninspiring, here's. How Apple actually communicates. Everything. We do we. Believe in, challenging the, status quo we, believe in, thinking. Differently. The. Way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed simple. To use and user friendly, we. Just happen to make great computers. Wanna buy one. Totally. Different right you ready to buy a computer from me all I did was reverse the order of the information people don't buy what you do people buy why you do it people don't buy what you do they buy why you do it this explains, why, every single person in this room is. Perfectly, comfortable buying a computer from Apple but. We're also perfectly, comfortable buying an mp3, player from Apple or a phone from Apple or a DVR, from Apple but, as I said before Apple's just a computer company there's, nothing that distinguishes them structurally, from any of their competitors their competitors are all equally. Qualified to, make all of these products in fact they tried a few, years ago gateway, came out with flat-screen TVs, they're. Eminently, qualified to make flat-screen tvs they've been making some flat-screen monitors for years. Nobody. Bought one, came. Out with mp3, players and PDAs and. They. Make great quality products and they can make perfectly well design products and nobody. Bought one in. Fact talking about it now we can't even imagine buying, an mp3 player from Dell why would you buy an mp3 player from a computer company but. We do it every day people. Don't buy what you do they buy why you do it the, goal is not to do business with anybody with everybody who needs what you have the. Goal is to do business with, people who believe what, you believe. Here's. The best part, none. Of what I'm telling you is my opinion it's. All grounded in the tenets of biology. Not psychology, biology. If. You look at a cross-section of the human brain looking from the top down what you see is the human brain is actually broken into three major components, that correlate, perfectly with, the golden circle our.

Newest Brain our Homo Sapien brain our, neocortex. Corresponds. With the what level the, neocortex, is responsible for all of our rational and analytical. Thought and language, the, middle. Two sections, make, up our limbic brains and our, limbic brains are responsible for all of our feelings like. Trust and loyalty. It's. Also responsible for all human behavior all, decision-making and. It has no, capacity for, language in, other. Words when, we communicate from, the outside in yes, people can understand, vast amounts of complicated, information like. Features and benefits and facts and figures, it just doesn't drive behavior, when. We communicate from the inside out we're talking directly, to the part of the brain that. Controls behavior and then we allow people to rationalize. It with the tangible things we say and do this, is where gut decisions, come from you. Know sometimes you can give somebody all the facts and you figures in these I know what, all the facts in detail say but it just doesn't feel right why, would we use that verb it doesn't feel right, because the part of the brain that controls decision-making doesn't. Control language and the best we can muster up is I don't know it just doesn't feel right or sometimes you say you're leading with your heart where you're leading with your soul while I hate to break it to you though zoned other, body parts controlling, your behavior it's all happening here in your limbic brain the, part of the brain that controls decision-making and. Not, language, but. If you don't know why you do what you do and people. Respond. To why you do what you do then how will anybody how. Will you ever get people to vote. For you or buy something from you or more importantly be, loyal and want. To be a part of what it is what you that you do again. The goal is not just as to sell people who need what you have the goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe the. Goal is not just to hire people who need, a job it's. To hire people who believe, what you believe I, always. Say that you know this if. You if you if you. Hire. People just because they can do a job they'll work for your money but if you hire people who believe what you believe they work for you with blood, and sweat and tears and no, air nowhere else is there a better example of this than with the Wright brothers I'm gonna pause that there guys don't, know. Highly. Encourage you to watch it at a later time but, what is the reason we just watched this video at least up till eight, minutes what's, the take away take, away your story the. Why is your story and again in Simon, Synnex words what, makes that important. Yeah. Why you personally. - why. You personally. Remember, the story about the guy that, his. Brother was. What the bed - he was 18. That's. Why he's doing it and, he's, and to, simon Sinek that's how he gets trust that's, how he builds, loyalty with, people around them because, it makes sense it makes sense, why. That, guy is solving, that problem. The. Main quote. That simon Sinek says over and over again people don't buy what you do they buy why you, do. It and if. You don't know why. You do, what you do how. Are you ever gonna expect, to. Get for, somebody else to know why you do what you do and be your, customer, and be loyal or, want, to work for you or be, your advocate, and support you so. To close the concept, of the human story. It's. Asking, yourself the question well why. Why. Do I want. To be a beer. Brewing, person, or why do I want to start. A company of. Taking. Pictures of of. Places. That there's. Our people anymore the zombies are gonna come jump on it alright so. What, questions you have on this and then we'll take a little break questions. Is. This settling. In. Settling. In the key points, the. Key points, is it settling, in what it is that. You. Are tasked to do. Yeah. You know what's kind of funny about the mission statement, is I. Probably. Couldn't, name a single. Mission statement. So. So that's what's funny about the mission statement in. Business. School we. Will teach the mission statement, that's more for an internal, alignment. Versus. An external communication. The external, communication. Might be your, like. Apple like hey we want to we want to challenge the status quo. Nike. What. Is Nikes newest one. With. The capper net commercials, you. Can be great. Stand. For what you believe, yeah. Look. Notice. They never talk about their product, in. The. New Nike commercials, this is exactly what Simon senex talking about they, don't even mention, shoes. Shirts. Swoosh. Hats, they. Don't talk about it at all. Yeah. What money they spend on that stuff and they're not even talking about their product guys.

They're. Just sharing their belief. Whichever. Was what was it again. Be. Grateful. Stand. For something so if you believe what they believe you're, gonna buy their product. Instead. Of adidas because. It's all the same you can buy Adidas shoes Nike shoes New Balance shoes whatever. Shoes you want converse. But. If you're like wow. I believe. That I'll. Buy that product, because. That's what I believe and I want to show the world it's that's what I believe, because I'm wearing Nike, heck. With everybody that doesn't want capper neck to be kneeling I think he should be kneeling like that's why I'm wearing Nike come on this is the how it all works so when you guys are entrepreneurs. How. Are you gonna create that message. You. Need to know why you're doing what you doing okay. And, so that's your job stop messing around and do some work. Investigate. And learn your present human story who are you really ask, yourself who are you what are your strengths, what's. Your conviction, what, do you believe why. You doing what you're doing and. Start. Communicating it, specifically. When you either put together your. Project. That you want to do or, maybe, you want to lead differently at work you. Know whatever that looks like start, talking about what. You believe who you are because. You'll be surprised what happens. Develop. And evolve your human story over time we didn't really talk about this topic but, guess what the. Human story you have today is different, than the human story in a year is different, than the one in a year after that I think. You realize that by doing the thing, we did. And then, I, thought, I'd throw in something funny by Yoda be, not in friction but be in flow. Yeah. Of course you oughta said that I said you're the Star Wars guy. Now. Yoda didn't say that but, it sounds like Yoda. You've. Not seen Star Wars. I've. Not, known that I've met somebody that's not seen Star Wars part. Of your story. All. Nine episodes, are overrated. All. Right 720 it's 726. What. Is good for you 10 15 minutes, well, what, are you feeling right now for a break. 10. Let's. Do 10 then so it's schools, 726, will will reconvene at 7:36. I. Go. Back and. Take a five-minute, nap and wake up encouraged, no I'm just kidding. Those, are some of the days where I just I try. To reflect on. Am. I making this up you know the fact that I'm discouraged, what's, misaligned right now or am i aligned you, know. The. Interesting concept, is my. Mmm. Not to some woowoo. But my reality is really what I make of it. You. Know and so. You know we talk I talk a lot about being in friction and blow and aligned and misaligned, some, of that is how you're interpreting it as well. And. If. I just find myself discouraged. For a while, I'll just really either, do. Some reflection, journaling. I'll talk to my wife. See, what she's noticing, you. Know just. Investigate. What. Do you do. Push. During works for a little bit it's. Not sustainable. Mm-hmm. It's. Unsustainable. You. Can make to about 35 how old are you you got, 12 years to push through it I recommend. You start early though. This. Is different for me I never. Facilitate. Seated, I. Always. Like to do it standing rocking, around. Think. I'll leave the mic here. I'll. Put you back on when I get back. My. Comeback. You're. Like the quiet student. Yeah. Like, I could tell you don't even have your stuff on top your desk it's like down here. Yeah. So what, is your story oh. Yeah. Nice. That's. The great thing about, our story. Is. Unwritten. Starting. In this moment right now. Right. Now forward. Right, now. Alright, so that last five seconds, that's written.

Can't. Do anything about that. So. Instead. Of worrying about how, you, can be from competition, I'm, thinking about how different can that be from myself and. Then the competition. Worried about me. He. Was more how. Can learn, if, I'm not doing well a little while my doing so. Why am i doing my, so. I'm worried about a deed isn't Reebok and all that I worry about it this is what I believe this, is why I'm doing and. People will just be drawn to that a lot, yeah. Especially. The people who believe what you believe it. Will all show up yeah. That's, the piece on Martin, Luther King that if. You watch the rest of that video you'll see. Have. You watched it. I. Am. -. Yeah. His, thing on the Millennials, is like dead-on with the, cell phone thing, have you seen that what's. That. Yeah. Yeah. How old are you. Young. Man. What. Are you doing what's your I, don't, know occupation. What do you what do you do your. Chemist. Where. Do you work. Yeah. Yeah. I got you kind. Of there. When. I was on board the USS Nimitz. My. Role, was Kim rad-con assistant. I was in charge of all that chemistry and Radiological, controls onboard the ship and so I managed. 26. Engineering. Laboratory, technicians, chemists. Basically. That's. All we had yeah cuz, well. It's. In support of the nuclear reactor there were probably. Other. Chemists. On board but whose. Own those were the only ones that were associated with what we were doing yeah, so it's good stuff. All. Right 15, seconds, I guess we'll. Get started in about 30 seconds probably as. You. Ease on in. Colorado. Springs. All. Right. So. Let's do this I might I like, to. Reconvene. If. You just take up thirty seconds, and reflect. On the last hour. 15. Minutes, what. Has been the mate the most. Important, takeaway for you personally. What. Is the most important thing you've learned or. The, most simple yeah yeah, for you personally. Take. Up like 30 seconds to think about that. Josh you ready in, your, words most important thing you learn. Thanks. For that. That's. You that makes you nice, thanks Josh, Anthony. Nice. We're gonna get to actions in a little bit too well we've already had some scott. Story. Product. Yeah. Thanks, appreciate that and Kara. Simon's, saying this goals not to sell what. You have to people who need it rather, to sell it. Really. Resonated, with me yeah in dire. Situations I've, been known to tell, a, customer that. If they don't understand, what we're doing maybe we're not for them yeah. Nice. Thanks. And. Then. Say. That again I. Like. That mr., resilient, all, right thanks for that Conor with one end. If, you can't find it keep looking. It's. Not necessarily, a problem to. Be solved, but definitely, something to be, pursued. All. Right so. Mindset. I. Don't. Know how many times I read articles, specifically. Ones written for athletes when. They talk about mindset. Typically. What, I read is something. Of the notion of hey, what, you need is to focus, or a. Strong. Athlete. Has. A mindset, of perseverance. And. As. An athlete I always, ask the question.

Okay. How do I create a mindset of perseverance, can you please just tell, me how to do that stop telling me I need to focus I get. It I need. To focus I need. To focus one on my bike I need to focus when I'm running I know, I don't want to get this track what like how do I do that how do I focus and, I've. Put a lot of thought into this conversation, about mindset. Because. I think people, struggle, with, how. To, create. Mindsets. That support, them. Versus. Just knowing oh yeah. You should probably have a positive, mindset that probably, will support you yeah well how do I do that you know when I'm miserable good, luck getting me to be positive okay so. What. We're gonna do and, I thought you know in the limited time we have by. The way this is my semester. Long course scrunched. Into three hours so, congratulations. Guys. In. The, limited time I thought to myself. If. I do anything, around mindset, I want them to know how, to develop, a mindset, and so. I picked one I'm. Gonna teach we're. Just gonna go over how. To. Develop, a particular, mindset today. And your. Takeaway, is going to be some practice. For, you in. Order. To develop, this, particular, mindset that, we're gonna look, at so I've I've picked one that I think is one of the most important, mindsets but, before. We do that, the. Question is what is a mindset, so, here's. The definition that, I like. Mindset. Is how I think about and frame things. Let's. Just keep it simple a mindset. Is how I think, about and frame. Things. That's. The definition, that I use. Other. Definitions. Are, my. Approach, and response, to experiences. My. Orientation. Things. Like that whatever, words resonate, with you I just. Want you to focus on really what mindset, means to you right now so that when we're in the conversation. It, makes sense to, me it's, how I think about in frame and frame, things, like. A puzzle or, like a bunch of stuff how, I think about and frame this, particular. Challenged, am i framing, it like a puzzle where. It has a beginning middle and end or am. I framing, this challenge, as stuff, where. I need to approach, it iteratively. Do. Something, see what happens do something again see what happens do. You see the distinction. Okay. So. Why is, mindset. Important, it's. Really straightforward. So. How I think about and frame things. Leads. To my conclusions. And decisions, and I. Act based, on my conclusions, and decisions. Therefore. The actions, I take are. Directly, related to my mindset, therefore. It sets the course. Your. Mindset sets, the course that's. How important, it is. So. If you have a mindset, of. Problem-solving. Puzzle, that sets, the course of the act of the decisions, and the conclusions, you're going to make in the actions you're gonna take if you. Have a particular, mindset of. Creative. Problem, creative. Ambiguity. Then. That's, gonna, set, the decisions, and conclusions, you make and the act you taking Nats that's the course. The. Reason this is so important, it might be profound for you is that. If the actions, you're taking aren't. Getting the results you want. Stop. Adjusting, the conclusions, you're making and go. Back to, huh. What's. My mindset. Coming. To different conclusions and, decisions, on the same mindset, typically, results, in actions, that give you the same result. You. Have to go back all the way to the beginning so, something. That healthy high performers, do is when. Shits, not working, they. Don't just create a list of more stuff to do they. Go back and say how, am I thinking, about in framing.

This. Particular. Challenge that I'm in. So. That I can see it differently. So. That I could actually come up with a new, set, of conclusions, that, lead to a completely, different set, of actions, that get the results I want okay. Okay. So. Let's. Learn one. All. Right and I called an investigators. Mindset. Look. We can't learn all the mindsets, that are important to entrepreneurs, today there's. Lots of them I'm sure you can probably think of a few that are important, I. Feel. One. Of the most important, mindsets, to. An. Entrepreneur, is a mindset, of investigation. Could. Also be called a mindset of awareness and. Let's. Talk about what. The mindset is what, it is and then. How to develop. Your. Competence. In. Having. A mindset of an investigator. Okay. Notice, the distinction that we're gonna get to I'm. Not just gonna tell you to have a mindset of an investigator, and we're gonna move on that's, not what we're gonna do so, here's. A framework NAC, our Nacer. As my, wife calls, it she uses this my wife isn't an. Executive, coach a leadership coach and. She uses this framework with her clients, as well and they've given. It the name Nasir. Let's. Start at the end. The. Results, ours four results. It. Makes total sense to us. That. The results, we. Get. Are. Based on the choices we make in life yeah. Sees. For choice the choices, you make in life lead. To. The results, you get. That. I think, we're all we're, all on board here this is really straightforward, here's. Where it gets a little bit interesting. You. Can only make choices. From. A place of, awareness. If. You're not aware. You. Can't choose. If. You're not aware you can't choose if, you're not aware of something you can't choose if you're not aware that today was class you couldn't choose to come. That's. Very simple therefore. The result you get is you're not here if. You're. Aware that, class is here today at six o'clock you can choose to come or not if you, choose to come, the. Result is you're here you may learn something engage, in a class or, if you choose not to come because you have another priority then, the result is you. Missed today whatever, what, you're handling something else right, so the choices we, make. Only. Come from a place of what. We are aware of. Well. Here's what's really interesting. We. Create awareness. Through. The practice. Of. Notice. Noticing. Is a competence. That. You perform, it is an action. Noticing. Is an action. What. You notice you. Are now aware of if. You're. Aware, you, have choices. You. Make choices, it ends in the results you want so. If you want to maximize. Your. Results. You. Want to, maximize. The. Options, you have the choices. That you can make, therefore. You have to increase, your awareness of, what's going on around you. Therefore. You. Want to develop. Your. Ability. To notice. In. Order for you to. Create. A mindset. Of, investigation. Or a mindset of awareness which, is what I call it some other times. Relies. On your, ability to notice. Notice. Is an action. That's. What's so beautiful about it. It. Is something you do noticing. Is something, you do. Which. Builds, this mindset. So. That's the case we're gonna take a second, a little bit more than a second, to. Evaluate. And learn, how. To notice. Because. When. You. Want. To write it down. When. You fail. To. Notice. You. Eliminate. Choice. And. Possibility. When. You fail, to notice something, you. Eliminate, choice and, possibility. So. Don't fail to notice it it's. The point. So. If that's the case, in. Healthy. High performers, have. Developed, a mindset, of investigation. Or a mindset, of awareness then, let's. Learn how, to do that, let's. Learn how to notice. So. Let's start with a conversation, about. What. Can. Be noticed, and, what. I want, you to do is to reflect, and think about. Your. Current, competence. At noticing, and when. We start to talk about the things and the domains, of noticing. Check. It off in your brain of. Should. I never notice. That or. Yeah. I think I noticed that a lot or I'm. Not really sure this might be an area of opportunity for me to, notice. More there, so. Let's. Take. A look let's let's. Just notice and this. Is simple right we're, just looking at three pictures. What. Are some things you notice, in these. Pictures oh. Okay. So you notice a theme where. You assume that you you came to a conclusion that there is that there's blue in all three so, you notice the color.

Hey. What else can you notice. This. Guy right here yeah. So you noticed. His facial. Expression. And. Intuitively. Came, to an emotion, so you noticed. His emotion. So. That's interesting guys how, often do you notice somebody's, emotion, is that really, on is. That on your competence. Are, you competent, that or, is that something, where if you fail, to notice it, you're. Gonna eliminate choice, and impossibility. And have suboptimal, results. So. That's a good that's a good example, do, you notice did you notice this guy's emotion, when you looked at it what else do you guys notice up here. Yeah. What do you notice about that point. Okay. So what's that mean. All. Right so you notice that the wheel is down all. Right so you might be able to come to a conclusion about that what, else do you notice. A. Lot, of power lines. Fantastic. So you're noticing the environment. All. Right, so. We can notice. That. Put it right here in the middle environment. We. Can notice people, and. We. Specifically, said their mood. What. Else can we notice what, I like what, other factors, are in there. No. Actually, they are yeah. They're. Very old. Yeah. That. Is Cuba. Yeah. Do you know what the plane is. It's. Air Force one how did you know. And. That, plane looks like it so. You. Took, history, you, took your history and you notice that airplane, and you were able to have. An awareness. Okay. That's interesting. And. The, seal is on the side it's very tiny if you can't see it so we, noticed the environment, we, noticed people these two people were standing down there that lady has her hand on her hips she. Looks like she's maybe if. I. Was to make the story. She's. Not being kind to that guy right there she's like what's that plane doing coming down here but that's totally made up, but. So she has her hands, on it so we can notice people, what they're doing what, their emotion, is. People. Watching, and. So people their. Mood their action. Environment. The. Weather. The. Geography. What's. Interesting about that top picture there. Okay. So. Okay. So tattoo. Or shave but we notice that is that, a guy or a lady. Yes. With, the hands. Okay. So we noticed that the guy has, maybe hair on his arms big hands so we we. Have an awareness that maybe that's a guy shaving. Or tattooing, we're not sure because we're seeing the pin. Well. What do you notice in our eyes. Okay, maybe concern, oh. Maybe. Resilience. Yeah. It is hard to read her isn't it, yeah. So, these are all the things that you could be noticing about her to like her. Gaze, her. Intensity, her. Mood. Etc. Etcetera etcetera so the environment, and people I put. This. This. Picture. Down here on the bottom left to give you more clues what else can you notice, in. The. Domain of noticing. Yes. Yourself. And, what, can you no

2018-12-20 19:32

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