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Ninety-eight, rated, players there, are only three, of them on FIFA. Ultimate Team, the, rarest, cards in all, of the lands we're, gonna try and get yesterday, along, sides getting, the votes first 195, you have got four seconds, to hit the like and subscribe button. Or you will get Queen Bessette on FIFA, and lose all your coins I don't wanna see that happens use hit the subscribe button right now, or, if you just want to help me here 800,000. Subscribers AP, subscribe, that does count it's a smash your subscribe button down below. Let's get myself some 98, rated players the road 10019. 5-foot draft, begins. Now we shall proceed with. The Fortuner, to formation. Let's, embark on this journey let's. Start the journey of Weaver good captain. Cristiano. Ronaldo, 93. Go, on then if you insist, next, to cristiano curve. We got a mobile, a or dive baller oh I'm. Gonna go dive follow it's safer, chemistry, than, agrerro, now, Cam's Fox who, are we looking at. 95. Neymar. Oh my. God, headliners. Neymar, we, would think that I've never, had that kind report you upgraded, one as well this is a fill p star if, we can get a good cam here. Silver. We. Need some big seems, like say Nestle's parties we, got the senate Eid now, other, sides, we, need an icon again, we, got the okay. This. Is pretty good this is pretty bangin better than what send abouts and then go for wing backs so convoy, what, this. Is going well we got three PI Michael moments now, other center back we, got both Steven your defenders. Oh boy. When does that happen, it is a no-brainer, obviously. We, have to go 99, Team, of the Year Van Dyke now that is, a strong, core to the team if we can leave a pic of a trend, or a Robertson. We. Would have been in business we have got a Robertson, but I can't be taking that one my, gold Rhodes at a final alba swap you two rounds, Trent, would make my day he's. Made my day 86. Won. All. The others still give me 90 rated, so, I'll coach I'll concealer it's the same chemistry any Premier, League keeper, will, put salandrich, M oh my, god jens lehmann he's. New to draw the, amount of drop i've done i've never, seen him before that, we're. Taking on that basis alone and it's already, at 192, over mars, surely. Be confirming, the team he's, an icon, 92. Rated, or. The only place we can fit him in his left. Back ah it's. A +3 improvement. So we shall do that but, it's. Now all online free now it's just that whole right side that needs upgrade in every, player who's not 90 rated it's an L and. None of these are 90 rated, ah. Thiago. Alcântara, none, of them are gonna be used anyway so I'm gonna have to go Manuel Neuer the reserves haven't been great I can't. Lie they've been horrible. Final. Reserve we, genuinely, need, a world beer here we need a superstar. Garrincha. We definitely. Got a world be a ninety five rated. Saved. Our reserves completely. All we, can blame left, back that, works for me it's, not that I've been rating but then again shortly, if I just, was there it might go up no. Our final. Two chances, to get a striker, to, replace, that die boiler, fingers. Crossed. We. Got a defender, can, I guess, we can play Valencia, or cuz we've got the icons, I'm taking. Them anyway cuz rating regardless, - free, oh, that's. No I wanted to see doesn't. Taking up read some ways some people around, doesn't get me more chem, this. Is genuinely, last. Chance to get a striker and we get Silver's, I. Literally. Couldn't, have come at a worse time. It's, drop tonight and - its back up somehow. We, need a lot but the thing is it's only that striker we need to improve and now we're just getting slots where it doesn't even matter. Come, on please. There, brainer, that helps, an incredible. Amount come. On gray team go back up it's. Not, come back up you serious.

With / k DB and even a dozen improved rating, and then, I guess if we put in say low back on that's, 100, cambot I want, the rain see I don't want the chemistry, being, gave the new cheaper, tongin it's. Gonna be a 1 9 - bass. Side up so well, how. Was that ended as a one line - unless. This is team of the Allison, it's, definitely, not. Thanks. For playing must have been the worst reserves, in FIFA. History, look, at that end scream. You. Know what, we will take a free five - I like, formations, of CDM so like guaranteed, icons, I would preferably, wanna, messieurs, captain, you, always, get messy as captain, in a free five - I just knew it's always, Leo Messi that's a good start 94 rate captain, now, right side oh right. Strike we got a 93, Dennis. Bergkamp, I like that, now, who is gonna be joining my strike force with. Bergkamp, we have got Cristiano. Ronaldo. Okay. This. Is looking good in that cams for come on an icon. Would, work perfectly. Venial, there. We go. We got the new icon - will kill me recently, and, it's a fever Ozma, team but of this the kind for rating venial, dydz our monster, drop okay, Steve eum's basically. Guaranteed, icons, here as I told you in Zanetti, who, will solidify. Messi's. Chemistry, other, side now I want, to be seen in go, low or another, icon, no. Icon, but we'll take your shapeshifters, Avenue East left mid only, good play of reddish that you can get Hagee or over Mars so, any of those would. Be great we got Martinelli. We're. Taking, I want to be seeing a team of the year in my defensive, line we've got 92, shapeshifters. Conte, dice, huge, can't, get a team in here one now but we, got a Campbell, this, defenses, are looking monstrous, it just needs the team of the year we go one Van, Dyke come, on 99 raise. It that's. What we mean is the boy virtual coming in clutch and saving the day is, already 90, degrees it and we're missing a keeper, any permanently, keeper in the world will get us 100 chemistry, ideally. An allison but. You. Know what all black takes it up to 9000. My. None, of them links are we go pop or black come on salvo. Race your girl ring chuck move you, know what my, thinking is if we go Garrincha, it's, only a plus-one are messy recipe. Go Baresi it's, a plus, two quantity of pus free on campbell but, will get us the chemistry, so, that is what we're gonna do oh it's. A plus free, fare or, comedy. Eight this reserves have been shambles. Illness. Which is good for rating come. On raising, or chemistry, Hagi. There we go that is a hundred chemistry, if I've ever seen, it this is a monster. Draft does, a lot continue, the. Ream ninety rated, that's. 100, chemistry if we need it but I need more name, on 93, we, need 90 rated or. David. Silva. It's. Gonna crumble now. Is gonna crumble, Marcelo, is nice. Is he, a hundred came anywhere he's not, it, just needs. To be a team at here now or an icon. Lorenzi. Final. Pick no. No. No no nah I refused, that is the biggest fool off in FIFA history, it, went from a 194. Okay. It someone line free I couldn't, deal with that if Laurie saves, the chemistry, and doesn't drop rating is a good day that is a solid run no free can't, even walk up what was missing I guess it is a better Messi a pair, of Ronaldo. Keepers. Not great considering, go for one known force one named fives, we, need the creme de la creme call me disheartened, about that though that is along, the right lines to. Get this one no four or one nine five four five one I haven't seen that formation today wiki, of a goal I wanna be seeing wingers in this one otherwise, Alhaji. Though, so I had in mind or messy, or hazards, but, they slow in the position, are go, over Mars his nationality, easier.

To Link up than the Hajis and now, we still got our camps and striker to, do some damage to the racing on the left side we, are looking at Oh. Ninety-four. Dan what, I mean good enough for me but, we got 95. Beanie over that, is incredible, with to pry Michael moments, can we continue, the streak is the question. One. Afetr des moines sr coax, and striker. You. Say, vo ninety for saving. The day when. I saw the first four Pixar for I strive, done but you say vo keeps, my dream alive I cave right meds what have you got in store for me or Jaden's, sancho, t media nominee, Varian we go sent a mid-next if uh we can actually get there navigating. This is so difficult, but, sentiment. Ninety-three, Jared's literally, he's celebrating, being in my job I'm celebrating, getting you my son, that's my four by Michael moments, gonna go from left to right so left, back it's. Not, great, it's, not the worse, though center back number, one we all go kill. Leaning. Next. To Chiellini, another. Italian, Oh Sergio. Ramos, but. Kind of getting too many leaks in here now we need to sort this out ASAP. Okay. I will. Go cover how any keeper. Who gets full chem will, put me on 100, chemistry, to, stay good and gives us 90 for making, it a one line one, we really, need to fix up the fence see Nadine's Joe Dan. Coming, out of nowhere, that caught, me off guard we can have in there plus one chemistry, that. Is so helpful and it puts me on a 92 this, is prime I call moments galore, let's continue, this, name. Are 93. He, actually, works, can, I put you left back then, let meant more, chemistry and more rating, somehow. Is Stoney on one mine too ah come. On, please, defenders. P'tee I know I can play my boy purty centre-back, 100. Chemistry, and while looking at one I'm free I'm not. 10 attacking, mid alright, mids Sen are attacking mid all right meds ah. No. Please. Stop. We've had three. Bad picks in a role they, can't do this to me it's instantly, down to. 192. Please. Na vi's it's a one line to now not. Come on not fall by picks in a role there's, nothing I can do there's, literally, nothing I can do here oh my. God yes there is Team. Of the Year DeYoung, keeping. My one-nine-five. Dream alive, I refuse. This. Can't, be a, 192. Look, how many primary components, we have. Come. On these team in here save me save me, Belarus. Saves, me come. On by, 1/9, whatever. Dream is alive I don't, even know what I'm going for it is rate it's a 192, there's. Nowhere to order this bench but, we, definitely need the, lid in the team 192. Dropped. Is so weird these days when. You get a good player you're insane but, you start there throwing up more bad players now what's that like six, PI Michael moments, to team of years only, giving us a 192. I, can't. Comprehend. This three five two that, works for me messieurs captain most likely, it's, always, messy in a free five - ok strike force on the, right side strike up we've, got all nine Ronaldo. That, is ginormous, their. Eggs collapse cover it himself. 97. Rated, that is what we need in our attack next, to our nine unloved, another and out Oh Cristiano.

Or Or. Dennis. Bergkamp. Ok, a. 97. And 93. And or just, a big ham would, be great, we'll go Odegard. Cam. You know me easy got high rated player and ei Donna dirty, and, now, a bad CDM, not like this please, save. Me oh. My god 97. In goal Oh can't a theme in the year they've, really, China nice us today, my second. 97. Rated player left, oven go low I want, to be seeing an icon here come, on. Martinelli. He. Gets a normal, link Rose Hudson, that do we get so strong link but, then again it both puts us on the same chem so that works for me Amy 98, defender, is a, w5. Defender, we go peek a safety. Button messy now on all chem an icon, fingers crossed, Sergio. Ramos there. We go he, raised it we're getting so, many high rated players I will, send them back. I'm gonna, go, but. Saman, and in gold what. We looking at none. Of link, not, even one, rating. Fantastic. Chemistry. On the ropes, completely. By, Hagi, 92, that. Does, nothing for my chem no. One we need a cam CDMS. And a keeper. We. Got a cam there, we go it's a one line too as well I didn't even notice, oh god. This draft is potential, I'm gonna go keep her now please, to, Stegen, or black, it's. The extra rating worth it to stay come and get the strong link to the PK where's, the black is me the extra rating oh you. Know me you, know me I can't versus taking the, non highest rated player come on CDM, centre-back, CDM, centre-back. You look. Argentinean. I guess he kind of works do, we get actually come off him +2 every. Little helps final, reserves were we looking at Oh, go. Harry came right. In I'm actually pretty chuffed with it's just the chemistry my bit scared about kind of good for my defensive, picks next we, need new, centre backs love. Ward's, strongest. To Angola were putting golem or chemistry, is, that my camp done know. What. I'm going to get strong link so does the poor and - not good enough final, chance at defenders. No. Not. Like this. We need to pick up chem elsewhere now. Neymar, 93. We just need to can come on but. All don't do this to me we've got two bits left to salvage something. One. My three two. One nine two. Got. A try anything to salvage camp gonna, go for the oldest, trick in the book, the old switcheroo knee, we're gonna swap every, single, player around hopefully. As. The chem can be salvaged. For, a human man plus. Sixteen. Chemistry. That job done, 192. Granted. We do need one came off the manager, one cam, said. Dan if only, he was in the draft he, would have gotten us an easy. On line three or four odd nine can. Take or black only, gives, us a 192. I, know. Why we're missing some draft luck is the badge, we need my boy ksi, on the badge to help me get some, insane players and the whole reason I'm making this video the foot I forgot the other day I got, one of those 98. Racing players. Force. My hand I, guess it's free five -. OH. Mikko are dan right, striker, come on icon. The. Best icon, in the game on nine, where, take him let me take this foot drop Serie C next, to online another.

Hurry, Ah. Martinez. We, take him gonna go CDM you know me it's a guaranteed, icon CBM every, time and, what did I say, 94. Zenit, Ian CDM, links. Up to everyone, in this formation we, can hybrid, it up no, stinker. We're. Going for the Premier, League one chavala. Send. A packet, we, really, need to think big here. Jimenez. Cuz there's a better for brand most of all the bad pigs, ah. Doesn't. Even matter we, genuinely, neither, team idiot or something from this final one Oh, Franco. Baresi night you for weekend. All the icons today that. Works. Let. Mids, who is that this is definitely an icon is 92. How, do you forget the Overmars we're, going ratings, okay, right mids pray, for the 91 Rodrigo, that's the only good player there is right mint how we got him anyone, in goal who pace in the bonus League or BBVA, guesses. Full game we got to stay good putting us a 100, chemistry, who serves I, mean it is good but when lacking, team of the years Gary can. Go strike it-it's not the best but it is an improvement on the Martinez. Sort, of around. Ham or eating meat some team of the years Oh. 91, Salah is most definitely good, for eating hadn't. Rain wash thing he picks today than usual we need a team in here to pop please. Oh Iago. But, then again we can just go for the highest-rated. Final. Reserve -. T-midi is messy under Brina, what, oh, my. God. Died, insanely. Lucky the, messy, you do see quite a bit but I've not seen that the pointer in months those 98, Rita cards are so, rare I don't want to take him alone on that basis, but, this shrub could be a 1 9 4 or, 1 9 5 so. We have to take the messy but, at least we sorted, winner okay team, of the year messy it is, we. Lose Kemper, him there but the racing has to go up it does, 93. Come, on this has got potential. Boys, we. Need the fenders. Campbell. Doesn't improve, the team not the best of like on centre backs but, it gets as a hundred chem and improves. The. Rating, needs, bigger like, a delete, of Van, Dyke has, to be mark Winne Yas ah we're. Going midfielders, now it needs to be I could young I don't, even know who he needs, aha Taniya, Lee it's, not high rate enough but we can put you there than Swapna, sedan another, case of just, what, could have been Missy. Online, sedan, and we're not even looking out one 9/4, what am I meant to do genuine. Silvers, icon, to. Pix remaining, Garnier. Put, me out my misery wait a sec Neymar okay. We're take our keeper then, ordered a bench if, we are Singh curated, here 20. Don't. Know us enough let, me order this bench quickly, which we go on, no, dingo up salar, for you, only. A 192, that, makes no. Sense to, me how that was a 1 9 2 sedan. R9, Messi. What did I need I even saw that wreck ADB never. See that KDB and got a one nine four foot dropped click here to, see her I genuinely, got, everyone, in the draft no spoilers, but I got a 99, rated, team of the year I got, the best prime icons, you can get you don't want to miss it it was merely, a 195. That one nine four was so good so click that.

2020-03-23 03:28

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