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Shape-shifter, cards, welcome. To FIFA Ultimate Team. 96. Center-forward, Messi, let's. Go 96. Cent afford Messi the four central Messi card of the, year I'm, gonna try my absolute. Hardest to. Obtain I really, want to get some of these shapeshifter, cards and you can too you know I can subscribe button the next four seconds, and I'll give one of you a free, shapeshifters. Card don't miss out subscribe good. Formation. For. Table to die, is incredible. The fortune will to possesses, two cams aka. Two golden, tickets, you can get team in here to point Deenie old Primerica moments said Dan Kaka. There's, so many bangers, and captain. I'm gonna go Hagee why, he, goes left back meaning, we, su are attacking, bangers to potentially, obtain come on cam number one please be. Good please, one. Out beanie oh let's, go. 95. As well that's, what I love to see to, buy Michael moments already. Can, we have our Birds you. Save yo of course, we can, that isn't, insane, star, the beauty, of you Saviour as well we, can play my cam if we don't get a good cam cause he's sent a forward I wish, my car come on someone in the 90s. Lemon. Douse key there, we go we, are clutching this now, cam I would love to finish it on like I said Donald. Oh My. Gods this, draft is huge. Hold, your horses, we're, gonna be breaking World Records Zissou, himself. We've, got no one not in the 90s yet which, is good but. Now we're gonna get some stinkers this isn't gonna be great I know it's not considering, we have so many good players then. We gotta - so how, would we got four. Prior Michael moments, and five, icons in general, okay, that's distinct, I was on about we're. Gonna start getting bad players now I can feel it right back, Oh a. Trend 86, I'm gonna hold out for his night for once so we will take him say load centre-back number one another. Icon, so. Campbell, oh my, god we've. Got so, many icons, now, a team of the year Oh. Ramos. See who's he callin hello. I'm gonna get a team in here keepo, he said okay, Sergio, Ramos doing a hotline bling any, keeper, will get a full chemistry, we, have got hand danovich, we're, gonna take him it's a 101, already. I do need a few improvements EDM. Goalkeeper. Right, back, keepers. Not, great, it, was still another one no one, please, see the M right back Leonor. Messi. Come, on surely. We can whack him in gold -, to, Ortega. - to time messing goal this is going insane we, need some tea meteors to pop though we, will take a NEMA for, rating, when, it got to 92, it has come, on oh I'm, feeling big players coming I'm feeling.

A Big draft - Stegen. That, is a lovely improvement, there and then kind of swag Messi, left. Back there we go still. One line - we just need to see the M now or we're right back seat, there's, our CDM, and go, look on say huge. For, me aid they're, giving out today if we're ever gonna at one no freeze one, line force it's gonna be today if we, put you there, and imposes, you other sides cuz, of the French link we get 93, rated 99. Cam we have, definitely, get one came off the manager please, big pics continue, who, the play is not bad for Venturi's him in general, that, was the successful, reserves. He ain't, begging. Keep. This lock up continue. The luck, Eriksson. Or Die Bala, Olga, Eriksson, come. On I need more I close the pot Tom. Barnes, that's good is it, one line free still it is, we. Need that to continue though we need icons, or theme of the years. Oh My gods no no no no no not, like this not like this, don't, finesse me yay please, we. Need something. To pop and it's going to the bins, it's. Going bins they've, really, don't want to see me get a one line two or one, man free come. On stop, with, the bad pink star and, that's how it's gonna end is it it's, a one by one unless somehow. By a miracle that makes, it go up it, has we. Just need one more chem just, kind of chick you don't go on line three okay. We need one chem there's Hagee left back hold it as a one line - he. Does, successful. First draft seven, icons, one, team of the year not, too bad if I do say so myself, I'm telling, you wing, honest formations, is a path, to the future one. Line freeze and one my boss. Shapeshifters. Come, my way, 4-2-3-1. You, know what I need, to be a better youtuber, the messies essential card meaning it makes sense to take it Marcelo. David Luiz all the best ones essential, so I'm gonna go for two three one captain. Cristiano. Ronaldo, oh wait. He stops me getting the Messi I'm glad to go down with silver boys so, we can attempt. To get this messy but, now we get all nine better. Than the Messi because he fits in the position and misses, only a 96, and he's. Betting Cristiano, Ronaldo, don't, real we're now though wash, stop, boys I'm really dark um. Let's bring this up baby, there, we go there, we go, that isn't incredible. Start if we can be Kaposi's ooh or one, albania, or debris now we, will be in business we've, got the run out in yong-soo, Brazilian, pry, Michael moments that is nuts, final. Cam come, on give, me the sedan Oh. Who. Do we go fairhair. Erikson, gets a link Mason. Mounts low-rated it has to be Ericsson got no choice that's, still an incredible, star now. I'm gonna go keep it and work our way up see. What defenders, me needs come. On oh my, god we got a bang, in Brazilian, we got three bangin Brazilians our line Theo and now team Ania Alison, that's, why I love to see but. This is a Brazilian draft, if I ever seen one ah come, on let's continue this luck, please oh. Man. None. Of them actually didn't, cover the Maguire but, I don't want an 86, Maguire, okay, right-center back an icon. Fingers crossed. This. Is so this is, humongous. But, I see 94. We got free, Primerica, moments one, team of the year but, I feel like we're, juice some more team of years sober wall. Marcello, Marcello. Does have a shape-shifts card so we're gonna go Alba right.

Back I'm feeling. A trap. No, I didn't say Trent ignore me I can line your time, is up see Liam number, one we've. Got Angola, and the new cabin Louise I was, nearly heartbroken. Like no don't, eat make me take a team of Ian nominee, Conte, when, there's a 97, team at year one David. Luiz 91. Rated we've, got Paul Brazilian. And he, does link up quite, well you, know common, other CDM, and go low. Alton. Arnie works great for rating, is already, a one-line - how, can we salvage this can boys. What. Do we need we need a bright back a best. EVM preferably, we, can get it and if we take out the Eriksen for an icon make Goods messy. I, don't. Want to take your boys I know you're probably like Alfie go for the one line freed the one known for got. A 95, messy but name was only two ratings lower and we can still risk it further, messy Hagee, and Macy's, come back I. Have. To take you I can't say no to messy that many times we, need to Michael a pop we, got Barnes, he doesn't work and, TC works you know he gets a strong link to Alba Oh. Viola. Doesn't do anything I'm, gonna play ass no not I'm going for you I just fought like the script I've taken a few races now I'm gonna go for him we need it right back center, back I don't care now I'm risking it there's, a right back but, I'm gonna go go - so we, can even get +6. There, we go full chemistry. This is the pond you know I just, needs there. We got 100, chem we just hate rating messy. - poor there, -. Free if I put the messy end does it go 93 it does way, I'm leaving, the messy there oh, this. Isn't good the, reserves have been successful. But, we needs more Hagee we. Will take it it's holding night free boys is holding. Silver's. That's probably gonna kill our dreams we're go for inter malama legends, hand, of NEMA. It's, still one my free I don't, even know, how boys come, on at least give me shape shifters if the rain is gonna drop there, we go, Lucas, Mora okay, I can't be stupid Bri, coaster will put me on full chem I do believe, all better cam. It. Burns me I want to take it but I can't be stupid here it holds the racing what. Can I do for more cam not much it's Eva a centre back which.

We Are gonna go for now van, Dijk please, pop, no. Final. Chance at a defender, please send, a back so. Campbell, there we go saves, our chem we, could get one line free here we, could legitimately get. A one line free here Man, of the Match Sarabia, we haven't even ordered our bench yet don't, be too bad, taking 8 you're free come, on Sonali, it doesn't take me up, bonds, our final. Chance to take me up please it's, a, one line - I such. A strong one line - as well Ericsson, gets, me one extra rating, I don't think that one rate it's the difference. Hagi, I can't. Sneak you in son I can't sneak huggy in any way that. H22, doesn't do anything we, will sell for one line - now, that draft, was. Crazy. Look at that a full, Brazilian n-screen, Ronaldo. Ronaldinho. Allyson. We got a messy so, many icons, how, am, I gonna talk about draft I don't know, Lea no messy, please. 96. Centre forward, 1 come. Out to play, I'm gonna, take the for trouble - it's my favorite, drop formation, two, strikers means, two shots at the messy and in two charts at good Prime Michael moment cans we. Call Baresi to start that is huge. I'm gonna go straight to strike are come. On please, we. Will take your Chris bowl it's, destiny, an Argentinian, striker too strongly to the Messi fingers. Cross you. Say, viola that, is a phenomenal. Start I comes, only in this drop Jesus. Christ. Surely, the Luck's not gonna take continue, no way said. Dan what's, happening, if I get like one out Dino now I'm, out I'm just out de. Bruyne. You know what I'm gonna go jibe Allah does, let me get more chem doing that and we can still get the scheme of the year ah. Team, India de poner then, we get a team idiot nominee Conte, not, good enough but go Sonali does, have seen into the dibala which isn't too bad either, CDM, and go Lowe had the 91, the, rating so good I'm gonna have to take it don't, get full chemistry because of that strong link to sedan, right, back we can have anyone in the game because of the icon links and. We've got these stinkers. What the hell left, back are, left back isn't good Eva Oh No. Kieran Gibbs is. Fallen, is fallen come. On team Yulia since back always. Happening, this isn't real oh my, god this is dying, horribly, what. The, how, does it died so fast we. Go or black please, I can't. Believe it this draft went from the best start I've ever had to, this new. Young at, least when he takes me to one line one but, who.

Am I doing with this oh, my. God drinks. I saw. Them messing up side that's good enough but trim works better face, in a position one. Nine one easy, as that, now what, can we do for more cam we, need a centre-back realistically. Or a left back we've. Got a centre, back it, doesn't really work, Martin's. Oh we're, going mertens, we need two offensive pics now that's what I'm looking for oh. It's. Not going well I'm, not gonna take that guy come. On centre back oh. No. No no this is looking done how. Has. It died like this how, we. Go sterling. Please. I'm begging, stop, when. How dull oh because. We've got you Saviour. Bang-bang-bang. This. Yes we can. That was, good thinking for myself Betsy. This drops nuts now this draft has exploded, wait, I'm putting you dare then, put Sonali here, and then take you out for Salah and it's, a 192 we're. In business baby more. Icons come on Hagi. There we go we. Can take him out we need to take. A plus-one. There and then we can put you on the bench only. One can needed from the manager we can do that easily for. A Rob final. Pick will. Take you it's, a one-man one surely not 192. If we, can get one, chem manager. To, not let me down please. French. There. We go 192. It went completely upper, to start then, died but, then came back out from the grave, yes, which. Formation. Catches, my eye once. Caught my eye the. Four five one attack Nick led the winger's you don't need them those cam spots are so precious and then. The best mode we get it's, a winger ah I can't believe it I look so stupid it's, not bad it goes right mids and we still have our two camps, to pull the demeo's advanced, e-media d-branes cam, number. One please. One. Audi neo, 95. Dice, huge, three coasters, well pry micro moments I'm sad, he's on the same borders Dini Oh meaning he probably, won't. Pop again but, we go Dino Dino, stats, in comparison, to Messi, he, annihilates. Him for everything other than defending, okay, I'm gonna, go strike an ex because I don't feel like my left cam would have been good we got Cristiano. Ronaldo. 94. Huge. Rico's, the would have given a full chem but hopefully, we'll get another icon. Other, cam, that's, what I like to see. Pun. Intended a 94. And 95 and a 94. You, don't see stars like this often now, can please, be good see, anything sedan die so, sick now we can play right now dog and he's got full cam not the picture of an outdoor I know listen. You know one and not even the best sedan I know listen 96, one in Drive and 97. But, it will do ok I'm gonna go left meet I don't feel like we're gonna get anyone. Goods here and, in flipping, over, Mars we've, got no one not in the 90s, yet this, is huge. Hopefully, love my luck is gonna continue, sentiment. We are durable player and it's live. In awful. Emmanuel, sin' okay left, back we, can have anyone, here with, what Albert, we've got spaghetti. Bolognese. Tellez yes, I know you're all gonna comment that the car looks like spaghetti bolognese, I get, it considering, we got so many icons, we can sneak human the safe option is Alba but we don't play it safe round here right, back, I don't, need trend, we just need chem now Thaler, and don't work I fought, go.

Daugherty, The draft is really, starting to crumble now center-backs. It's, really, fallen, you know what pertinent on the, various border to get an icon that is clutch, that was the Camelot, three icons already other site, come. On, oh, who. Do we go from here eminence, gets no, chemistry. Mark, Quinn yours my. Queen Yas would go for MC links up tenet Ella's then, can we stop anything around here from all. No, I guess we can get a plus-one in Goa, cause we got a Brazilian center back in an icon it's set up Allison, Team of the Year or, black, you know let's not bad it's, already a one line one, we just need nine cam we can easily, get, nine cam its to send them back or a cam, Oh cam, Oh My, Jesus, they're. Listening to me yeah. I listening on my course get out of here that saved. Me that is so clutch, 96. Chemistry. 92. Races. So, how can we, salvage, more, cam oh, wait. Can we just cause of the strong link we, can Godsey. No strings to my quickness we just need a new keeper now all right, back, let's get it now come on. Go. For it. Gets. Me a hundred chemical one it but I don't want it these clocks is crazy. Come, on can, the luck continue, 90. Riku quadrature or Overmars, mortage, isn't gonna get a look-in so, we're gonna go for Sol Campbell. We. Can blame right back I guess we're, do that's what the mounds is about, you free what, do we need, what. We've got six icons that, is stuff, of dreams you, might as well make it seven, they haven't luiz, suarez that's. Not bad, we can blame him right back busy I'm not III now, no. I know what it is is their lack of team of the years, yeh just make a team of the year pop Alba. That's. The same racing at left-back oh but. There's a better morning I'm gonna weigh out for the better money but, put you in there, wait we can do that and then put you in now everyone some good can come on the, t-midi. Is pop. We, got the forehead, Gervinho I don't want the Voyager pineal it's a one line too but we need a team idiot ooh hold it please, I'm begging, what. Is this what is this it's, dropped one by one I can't, believe it it's a one mine too, but it's such a weak one line two so, we got, some mere role, Tillman's. It's gonna be a one by one unless an icon or a team in the air pops which, it has let's. See there, we go we, can do send the back three effort and I can get out of here my son, we, got so many icons, let's keep it up come, on Team of the Year I'm begging. Fan. Bike I'm gonna take you I need the rating, can, we do that then, that I'm, just gonna pray now can, we please have, an icon or teamily Alice. Wow. Don't even know I'm asking for a flipping icon. Keeper they're not even in draft labrie. Gets, me better chemistry gets past free their final. Chance at Team of the Year Oh. Grinia. Is, a one line one, that's. A one line one no, way if we put you there, and mentally. Virgil. It's. Upsetting, how battle. 1-9 one that, blows my mind seven. Icons, that, is the best one. No one I've ever seen I've. Had one line shoes one look worse than that. Look. At that, face, huge. Thickness. Me, and Annie some Gib did so, many jobs trying, to break the foot robbed world record and you, won't believe how, lucky we. Got circling Liz right now you, will not regret it is an absolute. Banger.

2020-02-23 12:41

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