7 Organic Client Attraction Strategies for your Start up Business

7 Organic Client Attraction Strategies for your Start up Business

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hello hello everyone how's everyone doing um hope to uh to know that everyone's doing okay and we're ready uh in the middle of the week and i'm coming on to you live and today i thought of doing something different um in offering you a master class training on different strategies that you could use to actually grow your startup business i know there's tons of you mission driven entrepreneurs in the group that would probably benefit from this training so i'm going to start with sharing my screen with you so as i said i'm going to speak about seven ways to organically grow your startup business um who is this training for right so if you're an online service based entrepreneur that is starting your scaling your business within your first five years then this will be applicable for you if you're working uh from a corporate but you still you would like to start your own business and leave your nine to five and go in um full time then this training is for you i know there's a lot of you um in our mission-driven entrepreneurs at the life school facebook group that might be um in this category or if you are a creative looking to get help with the business side of your business i know there's a lot of people that might be um really talented at their craft but might lack maybe the business skills behind how to build and scale a business which is always nerve-wracking but obviously uh in order to share your gift for the world um it's necessary to learn the strategy um behind what is that step-by-step approach that you could take um so that you can um scale so what i will cover today is talk about some effective client attraction strategies with you all daily method of operation strategies a deep dive into the client attraction strategies which i'll be speaking to you about narrowing your niche an ideal customer avatar content marketing and copywriting tips and then i'm going to teach you some ways to maximize your profits so right now the problem you might be experiencing is frustration because you might not have enough clients or that you are training your time for money and as a result of getting burned out i've been here many many times so i know exactly the feeling um or you might finding yourself very lost in the tree in the sea i would say in the tree in the tree in the forest of the online world um and you might not be having the clarity that you want or the strategy the right strategy in place that you need to get to meet your income goals um or maybe you want to take that leap just like i did over four years ago now five years actually and leave your nine to five um or might have done so already and you are maybe not making enough income so that you can meet your and support yourself while your business is actually growing so if you find yourself in any of the three categories then um i think you will find this training very helpful um some of the things to expect after the training is that you will clearly understand what phase you are in business and how to move forward you clearly understand what is needed to attract the clients that you want to serve um you will then get empowered uh with the confidence that you might that you are heading in the right direction and a lot of times um that is a big big um issue for lots of entrepreneurs you'll be inspired take action if you've been plagued by procrastination and perfectionism which i know that um a lot of entrepreneurs have to overcome constantly actually not just once so um i know you guys know me here in the group but i will be a little um i'll give you a little brief introduction so my name is ilona lapari and i help entrepreneurs i'm all about limitless potential i think people have an enormous potential throughout my career i've worked with lots of people and human potential is one of those fields i'm very very interested in um not just realizing my own potential but also helping other people realize theirs um and by using their badassery uh to grow their business make tons of money and use that as a tool to live the lives they want and making it the impact they want and you guys know very often every time i come online on this group talk about uh the impact the contribution towards the mission and how that might be um the thing that is fulfilling your ultimate life purpose is i think we all have a purpose there's a reason why we came here um and i love the field of business and entrepreneurship because i think it's one of those uh ways that gives you freedom to explore but still build um something meaningful that gives back and contributes to society so how i do that is through my coaching company um and my life school global platform which is a community whose mission is to empower other entrepreneurs so they can realize their personal potential and also um support them through their business journeys uh some random cool facts a mom of two thirteen and ten boy and a girl i love to travel europe i'm initially albanian so i think as i'm also getting older been in the us for 25 years now as i'm getting older i am getting um more connected to my home country as i also have lots of i do lots of work with what i do in my own native community and i've shared that many times because it's just part of my life um so um is just something that i do and i love doing um results uh well i don't watch tv i forgot this fun fact because um i don't have binge control sometimes during the week um so i just don't i really try to avoid it um it just pulls me in and i know it's one of those things that um i um i'd rather i'd rather do something else than do that um some of the results i have my clients achieve is growing their business at least 20 percent in the first month of working together um very common result taking the leap from nine to five to full time in their business i have actually supported many many clients during this cover transition for sure that have either willingly voluntarily or involuntarily looking for something else that they want to do um because of the current situation that we had to go through um and then a lot of my clients receive the clarity towards what the ultimate mission is and that is one of my um always my my focus and my gift i would say because as i said i've been blessed with and i'll share a little bit of my story i've been blessed to work with people over my 13 13 years corporate career before i jumped from my nine to five to entrepreneurship over five years ago where i had different positions i worked for growing companies i was in the field the industry of retail industry which is actually an industry right now that is in the decline but i was very fortunate to work for the company that had many had a lot of growth and expansion um so i constantly moved up the corporate ladder in many different positions from training from management training to human resources um to um executive leadership my last position before i left was a really high corporate executive leadership position but my story was that the company actually changed directions and the culture changed so i no longer saw myself there my vision no longer really fit with what the company's vision was and i also have gru the company i work for besides the fact that i had this major personal development breakthrough that i needed to do something different and i was meant to change direction and do something else so that's where i started um really doing much uh i got it actually into the field of personal development um as a lot of people try to once once you're in that phase of ex transition and trying to figure out what your next move is it's a very confusing space that's why now that i've gone through it i love to have about other people through it because i know how lonely and frustrating it could be and um at times you just feel like you're alone and you just don't really um see the end the light at the end of the tunnel many times there's been many situations where i have re i've rethought my decision of leaving um safe corporate job for this entrepreneurship journey but um of course after some time i've never looked back i love what i do and i think as i mentioned the beginning of this training entrepreneurship is the best way to self develop explore and also build something meaningful that could really make a difference and contribute to other people so enough about me let's dive into the client uh some of the client uh effective strategies well effective client strategies that you might be most interested in right now so the six strategies that i want to share with you need to be um implementing in order of effectiveness and impact um these are strategies that i put together throughout my years of work and uh what i have seen from my client experience and of course personal experience of building my business um to over six figures within the next when the first two years um it's very important to access the one strategy that aligns with your business um because just like people businesses are not the same so that's why i am a strategist um because i i like to do things one step at a time and i think that's why i call business a journey that not every strategy that you learn should be applied right away or you can actually apply right away especially when you are a startup business your energy and resources are usually split um or not with a lot of abundance at the beginning because you are the only one so you have to be very strategic in the way that you use that um so one of the strategies is direct content follow-up relationship marketing has a lot of this going on and i think of it as sparked a lot of relationship marketing um and i am personally happy about that because throughout all my career i have really learned the value of networking um and how to connect and communicate with other people and how that will bring in clients and new opportunities for you on the next strategy is what i just said networking and for a building credibility outreach public speaking is the third strategy which for lots of you that might be offering services it's a really great way to build your visibility and credibility and even writing your own book that's always a great way to really niche down or position yourself with that expertise that you might have promotion writing and public publicity right media which helps with your visibility and credibility i always say if people don't know who you are and what you do then how are they supposed to find you promotional events participating in other events or other networks or communities or other influences is a really good strategy to grow faster and also give yourself more exposure um of course now we have the ads the facebook ads instagram google depending on your business um so these are the six and i want you to ask yourself which strategy actually aligns with your service or product um and which one of these might seem more um more of a strategy that you are either currently doing or that you like to explore further um i will actually open up my comments at this point just give me one minute if you have any comments so far um thank you elena hello thank you so much uh and then we have shipa if you have any comments so far for sure just leave them in the dropbox um okay so what is the daily method of operation um what i call the workplace strategy is pretty much breaking down your numbers um i'm another my approaches with business is very logical a lot of times um but of course i have grown the other side of creativity and also envisioning and the leadership that lots of you guys are commenting about which comes with putting all these pieces together because they all are important in moving forward and making the right progress that you're looking for so you want to consider how many sales appointments do you actually need weekly or monthly based on your sales goals um how many hours or days a week can you dedicate to your marketing i would say marketing and mindset or 80 of your business um because again you can be great at what you have or your product i know elena here has a product she has cosmetic products really beautiful products and i know that um nika and shiba i have actually services i'm just looking at the comments from the group um they have services so um definitely want to break that down you want to break down how many hours a week can you actually dedicate to your marketing because again unless people know about those products or services then you are not going to unfortunately serve others another reason why i love business is because i think business is serving we have something we're passionate about we want to share with other people and that's why i really resonate with mission driven entrepreneurship um choose two to three strategies uh from the ones i shared um on the other side and measure your results with any strategy you choose i personally say give it three months 90 days to try it um there's many people that jump from strategy strategy without giving um themselves enough time to actually um get momentum and make some mistakes because with anything you do you have to go through the process another one another one of my big topics is process because um i talk a lot lots about the mindset for success and and the habits more importantly rather than the mindset because it's all connected but it's all in the process all in the habits so you want to give yourself enough time to measure them be realistic to where you spend your time um i just had a conversation today about using your calendar and your agendas and managing your time effectively and really paying attention to where are you really focusing your time and what tasks are delegatable if you can giving them out to other people um you you definitely have to start weaning out and really getting even more clear i would say of course at the beginning you want to do everything yourself because i think there's a lot of power in you knowing uh the process again knowing the process before you delegate to other people because if you don't know it yourself it's going to be very hard first of all to know what person you need um and then also how to manage that person right so we go into leadership another one of my topics as you scale your business is leadership and how to get a team around you and how to effectively lead your team because in order for you to scale you cannot skill on your own you always need a team around you so i have some questions for you to reflect on if you're losing momentum ask yourself these questions i love questions because i'm also a big facilitator so i think questions really spark our creativity and also our problem solving so um where are you now where do you want to be and what feelings are you experiencing in the gap between where you are and where you want to be and what is the cost associated personally and also in your business for staying where you are um at this point in time um as human beings we have to we unfortunately get motivated more by pain than really um pleasure so knowing what it's causing you it's really a good motivator for you to understand what you need to do to um to close that gap um sit with it and pretty much accept that that is what it is and sit with the clarity and you'll know that that's actually where your gap is so that you can move forward um another one of my skills that i have developed is some spirituality because in order to be have to drive a vision mission driven business you have to be lots you have to be a lot of times in self-reflection so you can know what are your moves and what are the best steps for you to move forward so this could be a time where you do that all right as usual while i take a little sip of tea if you have any questions i'll just type them in the comments um so the next thing is deep dive into these client strategies so you want to assess how many clients you actually have now and how many you need right ways to connect with other people that offer complementary services a great way to scale collaborations finding influencers and have a community and they offer complementary services from what you have is a great way to access get access to their community as well make launching announcements right if you're launching a product or a service um or relaunching an offer then you want to make sure that you have a plan for that right there's a plan behind launching anything um sending non-promotional links to someone that you know is your ideal client to offer them value i believe in spiritual marketing is a it's like a term that i always talk about you want to offer value and serve um [Music] pretty much similar to what i'm doing now offer value and serve first before you actually offer your products or services get acquainted with referral partners always a great way to um to partner up with other people and then some questions a question actually to consider is where are you now where you want to be in your marketing strategy so after these new strategies you want to know do a little inventory about what you're already doing and uh what else could really spark your interest um in exploring and isis i i i can't speak anymore but as i said you're gonna give yourself at least 90 days to try any of these new strategies um narrowing down your niche an ideal customer avatar especially in the beginning is very important as you get more progress into your business you definitely want to start out with clarity about who you would want to serve um why narrow down your niche is important ways to niche down your business how to clarify your avatar customer avatar and contact conducting conducting conducting market research um so there is a customer journey to what people go through um so you want to build trust first then you can sell your product or service i would even say before right after before you sell you want to serve so trust serve then sell and then obviously whatever you have to offer has to solve their problem um a question that might be helpful is how are you building trust in order to sell and show that your product or service solves their problem right so even just giving in um and i'll talk a little bit about content um as a lot of you might have some questions around this and it's coming up content marketing and copywriting um as you know your business your brand and industry you definitely want to do your homework with um what the market looks like review the content that's already been published on your website social media sites and etc with your content marketing with social media you definitely want to um offer and and serve through these channels because you're doing two things um i always say you're doing first you're educating on your product or service then the second and most important thing is you're positioning yourself as the authority people and you're building trust obviously which is very important um if people don't know about you or how you can help then obviously it's going to be much harder for you to reach them and to actually have help them you want to check out your competitors content marketing um strategy you always want to see obviously what the market looks like um it's always very smart to observe um observational skills i think as an entrepreneur crucial to observe what's going on and what is being offered your content needs to have a theme topic and a solution to a problem right so um keeping it organized is important or you could try to do what i do at this point is kind of logically keep the rhythm of the conversation where you are offering value but you're also giving the your options of feeding content that your audience wants to hear about be relatable with your industry when you are writing um be relevant and have the latest information and then have knowledge and seo um this is more for if you're looking to write content on your social media if you if you haven't delegated that out to a social media manager or writing a blog or an article you want to be very aware of the keywords that your audience will resonate with and that personally has come organically through conversations and it always comes that way the more observant you are about the conversation language your customer uses the more information you have for all your content marketing and your copywriting um talk about some sales and social media strategies um so finding your ideal customer and building the community i say build a community is very important because your customers need to be nurtured so you need to find that you need to find a way to do that strategy is a plan to build trust by solving immediate problems for your community and making a plan to show up consistently consistency is key to build relationships and trust find other influencer communities that serve the ideal customer and show up serving there as well and it helps you build connections networking and gaining more exposure um exposure um builds your brand and then gives you sales and sales are a good thing because that's how you're going to grow your business um and then i'll talk a little bit about ways to maximize your profit so learning how to raise your rates effectively and convey your value to others is obviously the most important lesson you ever learn and this is always a growing this is always a lesson that keeps the needs to get learned every phase you are in your business um as you get more um valuable and as you get experience and you get um also a building of credibility and results you've created for your clients then obviously you are always going to need to understand how to craft better offers and offers that make sense for your business your vision and also that makes sense for your customer so um this is something that is ongoing it's not something you do once and you just forget about it charging your worth is a mindset game i think this is a big thing for a lot of people um as it's been personally for me and i try to constantly overcome even though i think as human beings we always undervalue what we have to offer so you definitely need someone that could really help you out sometimes with bringing out that gift out of you um and putting that into valuable offers that you might be able to offer your clients reassessing if you are charging based on your result is constant you want to always charge on value and results not on your process creating recurring income in your business very important in order to sustain your business and not have these up and downs and cash flow problems you always need to be looking at other ways i personally have many streams of income and i believe in a lot of streams of income because i never want to be tied down to anything i want to have choices um to serve the customers that i really enjoy serving um and also to have the business that makes me that serves me first before you can serve anyone else um creating recurring income i said that so then following up with your customers says follow there's gold and follow-up you constantly have to follow up your customers i think that's a big big big big one and then creating more products or services that are relevant to your audience for my leaning community i constantly am creating products or services that are just arising based on serving that community so i think really understanding who the people are that you're helping is going to give you the the creativity that you would need so then create products and services that are relevant to their needs and um maybe what they value at the moment in time um i'll share five steps of process improvement so either you are increasing your numbers of your customers or you're increasing the number of times they buy from you or you're increasing the average sales value or your margins and profits well that's the result of the three will help you increase the fourth and then you can also another way to increase increase your process improvement is to reduce your costs improve your profits um so those are five ways that if you just tweak and really focus on one of those you can really make a really good improvement on your current business okay and then i'll leave you with a quote which says when you stop growing your business stops growing with you i believe business is tightly related to your personal development and in this community i know that we talk lots about different topics of those and also in our life school community which we meet every friday we talk about lots of these different topics that stem through natural connection and conversations um that will definitely help you out with the business growth as as i said business is all about um it's a spiritual game and it's about the mindset first and um process progress um and also um being the marketing the spiritual marketing behind you know that you put behind it um i'm also linked in with the lonely party if anyone would love to connect and on instagram with the lona parry coaching life school if you would love to connect there as well so if you find found this training helpful i have a three month strategy program that i work with my clients whether you are at the start of phase or you are the growth phase of your business when you're looking to get more people on your team you're looking for new strategies to scale and also you're looking for the leadership skills that you would need to do that if you are in the startup phase then i walk you through the three-month strategy program step-by-step from beginning idea all the way to um all these different steps that you would need to how to get your business rolling and get those first couple of clients rolling uh so you can then you can build that momentum um so you can get the clarity and continue from there um so i would love to support any one of you just let me know through the comments under the training or you can always send me a private messenger uh here on facebook and on linkedin um under alona lapari um and i'll be more than happy to find out about where you are figure out that gap that i talked about about where you are and the way you like to be so then you know i could um support you through how to fill that gap and actually get the results that you're looking for all right so i'm going to stop sharing the screen if there are any questions i'm going to check out the group if there are any questions definitely feel free to ask and i'll be more than happy to answer them and if not we will definitely see each other on another um live here in the facebook group uh the mission german entrepreneurs um of the life school uh facebook group and um then we'll be connecting on linkedin as well take care everyone have a great rest of week

2021-06-13 07:51

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