7 Lakhs ++ Live Trading Profits || BankNifty + Stocks || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

7 Lakhs ++ Live Trading Profits || BankNifty + Stocks || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

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Hello everyone, My name is Anish Singh Thakur I welcome you to a live trading video, Where 7.5 lakh rupees we have booked profits of BTS, And have also done intraday trading. Now very less such traders must be there, Who show their failures and there, means the lacking, which use to be there, That also put publicly, I am putting.

I am telling this video to you, till today, many videos must have seen, In this video, maximum you will get to learn something, Learnings are attached in it, because, Because what a trader does, like I traded in Escorts, That brother, price action is being made in this, bought it, But my trailing stop loss hit, but genuine stop loss did not hit, But trailing hit and after that market boom, upwards. In that situation only man starts getting angry, takes revenge, fights with market, Same situation occurred in SBI In SBI I exited because private banks were running in positive, And when private banks run, then PSU doesn’t run, we all know, So that’s why, and at last if you see then, SBI 5 per cent up, in 1-2 candle, in 3 candle, So in such a situation a person becomes mad, does revenge trading, does over trading How did I control myself? How did I take in normal way and what actions I took? I saved my capital, this was only the biggest thing, So many things will get to learn in this video, which you are going to see, Ultimate learning is attached, so let me give you one more work, I am doing a give away of 5000, to one winner, who will give good comment, No, I don’t want my praise, I want that you watch this video completely, And watching the whole video, what notes have been made, what learning has occurred, Means in lesser and lesser words, more and more, what did you understand, In Hindi or English, you will comment, And in whosoever’s comment, maximum likes will come, of public only and I will also like, definitely, whosoever’s maximum likes will come That person will win, amount is not big, 5000 is not any amount for you sir, For you people, but from this reason, you will take out one attached, what learning has occurred, And you are not to be selfish, you people yourselves are to read others' comments, Whosoever’s comment you will like, please give them one like, give comment also, good one. Now in this way, public will only decide public winner that who is winning.

Now from this what will happen? Engagement will increase, video will also go up, My benefit will also happen, plus you people also from video will try to extract maximum learning. Ok? So let’s not waste time, let’s start the video, let me meet at the end of the video. Come, let’s see where the market is opening, Market, 27 points, not much upwards, a bit upwards, 27 points upwards it’s happening, And we have taken a trade in SBI long, and, and bank Nifty long. Now we will see then this is the portfolio situation, it’s giving us a loss of 34000 rupees And now will come to know, good enough gap up opens, A big gap up will open, then we will get to know that how much we can earn, Like 0.5 per cent upwards, it’s opening above 2 rupees So not a big deal, so a bit, a small gap up benefit will get and Looking at the first 5 minutes' candle will get to know, is it breaking, First 5 minutes' candle will be made, after that 2 candles will sustain it, till then I'll hold it, and for one green, or two green candles, I will wait, But, I, early, as soon as possible to get out will prefer, Because market is already over stretched, The meaning of saying over stretched is that, The market has already stretched itself like this Where opening the gap up, it will take a consolidation or a pull back, Then again we will enter, ok. Already we one important resistance had broken.

Let’s see where it opens and where it goes. till then let me do one thing, till the market is opening, till then let me do some stock selection also That maybe, if want, then in some other stocks will have to do trading, Then which ones will be, let me work in that. Market has opened, we are to see SBI, have to see SBI, We have to see SBI, a bit red situation it’s showing, and Bank Nifty after being gap up now has been making red candle.

India VIX -2.55 percent, good enough Now, in situations of ours, in bank Nifty are enough positive And in bank Nifty, 35000, in I am going to book profit only, Because bank Nifty is going to reach a very important resistance, So I will be booking bank Nifty profits, 1200, limit order, put 1200, limit order, put it there, 1200, put there, 1200, limit order, put it, 1200, limit order, put it there And Exit, 450, so early morning, perfect, early morning we have just booked, 7.50 lakh rupees from bank Nifty, ok, See, now, we had a very good benefit of gap up, Now, have taken, there is no problem, now forget about bank Nifty, Now we have to totally focus on Nifty, SBI Now, today is SBI’s news ok In this we can get to see a very good movement, or else, If don’t get then also, brother see, managing stop loss level will have to go only, If talk about stop loss, then this has remained recent high of 443, below 3 rupees So in this level we are to manage, Let’s talk about Nifty, Nifty also all-time high in 233 means, 100 points Nifty has gone up, Now Nifty, Nifty has gone 100 points up, now, SBI is there only That we will surely manage, definitely will manage, SBI has made all time high, A bit profit booking will come surely, so we should not worry about this Now what should we do? Now we should check the sector list Let’s come to Nifty 50, see, let’s come to Nifty 50. where is Nifty 50, Nifty sectors, now Now let me show you people a thing, Here the strong sector is bank, ok, and is media, I, all, I either today I am making plan that after this SBI trade, Either I will make a strangle option selling strategy I will apply on bank Nifty, Nifty, ok, Option selling strategy, in SBI a good enough selling is coming, let’s see, There is no problem, let’s see how it reacts the first 15 minutes, there is not a big matter, It has to, a bit profit booking will come surely, SBI has taken support, from 443, ok, now this, now this first 15 minutes' candle, we will have to leave, If it’s giving loss also, then of how much it’s giving, Of 1 lakh it’s giving loss in calls, was heavy quantity, and this of 20000 it’s giving in this, no problem, 1.52 lakh for sure can see in this,

1:1 have also taken, in today, it’s a big thing. Now scanning the market, it is being understood that Nifty is totally bullish right now, Nifty is going at its all-time high trade, No one knows that how much up will it go, till where will it go, And now the scan which we have done, we have that scan only, We have scan this only, till now only this is known to us, after seeing this, That, there are two sectors that are weak, FMCG and PHARMA, but to short right now, as such there is no meaning, Because overall market is now strong, so now let’s stop, Now let’s see our trade, let’s manage of SBI, Because of fomo entry lean can happen with everyone, irrespective of how much experienced one is That no, no, no, so that is foolishness to enter because of fomo, There is no meaning to enter in fomo, Now first 15 minutes' candle has been closed, let us see, We will put stop losses, now after this candle, if towards down comes then, Will put system stop loss, and let’s see, Guys now, one only, on trade I have taken, ok, I have taken one trade, it’s a very simple trade, let me tell, Not shorting SUNPHARMA, or, PHARMA sector was weak, but it has now become strong, And it’s right, today, we should go with bullish momentum only, but nowhere Not on top, see, now here one pullback has come in ESCORTS and After seeing price action levels, will try, see, market one, this trend line has been broken, Plus, for ESCORTS a heavy resistance is in front, you will see, then Market close of this point, here has given closing once, ok, Below that, this, this area which is here, it’s a very crucial area for ESCORTS If ESCORTS breaks this, big target we can achieve, That’s why we in very big quantity have not bought, very less quantity, Look at this, only, like a for around, 1.52 lakh rupees in options and one from future lot, Only and only we have bought, and nothing else we have bought. Alright? So come first position have taken in ESCORTS ok, And, don’t want to manage more trade, so we will wait, And come, our SBI also of has come back, SBI is giving us back green momentum, In SBI also will book profit, not much, a bit enough profit will book, and Will try to manage ESCORTS, maybe will increase our positions quantity in ESCORTS. Once will close the SBI and once ESCORT gives confirmation that it will break this level, Of 1228, will wait 8, 6 rupees, either will increase quantity in this, And will book profits in SBI ok, this is the positions that you see in front of you, That’s it, Should not take much headache. And now time to have some patience, alright I will keep you posted, SBI of ours till now, has come to no profit no loss, So it’s a good thing, let’s see, I am feel like, It’s news day, anything may happen like yesterday, Like this in no profit no loss breaks even only get out, Because bank Nifty has also already made a very high top, Nifty is also at all-time high, at any time a selling pressure can come, And my, a bit loss can give me See, maybe it will go up but you do what you are comfortable with, Being a trader you don’t have to think, even doing live trading, I don’t care what you judge about me My job is to earn money, protect money, that’s it That’s, so I will see, I will wait for this candle to close, Strong candle if it would, then will see the next candle, But maybe I, a very big target I am not expecting in SBI, That was a thing of regret, this which is there it has been of 595, I sold it in 450.

If I in 595 would have hold it till now, the bank Nifty, Then till now 14, 15, 17, 18 lakhs rupees I would have earned. So now,, a lot of people will be feeling, oh no, a mistake has been made, missed it, Not has been missed, no regret has been felt, totally normal and good am feeling That I booked this much because this doesn’t come in my plan only, That means one, such market opens like this and keeps on going, I only bought for gap up and after this, whatever is there, not mine, Is the most important quality a trader has to accept. If now my mood has become bad and I am feeling regret, That this, I have always tried to buy this, or I'll chase bank Nifty, now either if there is opportunity or not, I chased, Then I will get loss. The most important thing is your mindset that you have to keep calm, And literally, I am not joking, I am not lying, that I am telling lie in front of video’s camera, I do not tell lie that brother, I am not feeling bad at all, because now so much, has become habit of seeing all these.

I would have felt bad then when I would have planned, my setup would have come, This is not my setup also, the setups of mine which would come, and in that if I would not be able to have traded, then have felt a little bad. So now, to leave by panicking and all, no brother, until when SBI doesn’t break this low, till then you, shouldn’t leave till then ok, closing it gives below this, or it breaks the low, then there will be no meaning, And in ESCORTS also will start showing loss, Because ESCORTS also a bit, one, pullback took, ok, So might be will work, but, know what came to my mind, In many people’s mind it comes that should I in this add a more quantity What happens with that, of 56 rupees have bought, in 53 should I buy more? So when it will be of 56, then more profit will be of mine, in 58 more, This is called doing average, which is the worst thing, The most poor quality it happens to be within a trade way when you average a losing trade by mistake Average the winning trade, but do not average the losing trade Because see, if, I accept, if I more in this, if I in this, put 2 lakhs more, And after that it will be 58, 60, then what will happen A big profit will happen, and assume that it doesn’t happen then? It didn’t ever reach 56, it became 50, a big loss will happen. So till when this trade, means, where should do addition? When one very strong you, get, that, one, one very strong you get a hint one very strong you get a hint That in market it has become a winning trade. It has not become a winning trade, This is not a losing trade, this is not a winning trade, This is just a trade this is a simple trade Now till when our low, and previous day’s the, the one support that we took, That are maintaining, 8 rupees in here, and upwards also we will try to take profit of 8-10 rupees, Of 10-15 rupees ok? So till then will manage, And in SBI also to leave with fear, means, out of my fear leaving happens to be a different thing.

Out of my fear, but technical, below this level gives one closing, ok, Or this, this wick it breaks, till then will have to leave, So that is how you manage the reds. You sit and you see what’s happening, You should not panic and should not greed that in this more money should we put or what, Or should we put more money in SBI Brother, SBI, assume, that like this fully a big red candle if makes, then, Then a big loss will happen, yes, profit is profit. But you have to, you don’t care about the profits too much, You know, you care about your losses too much. If you care about your losses, you will definitely be a good trader This green momentum has come, I stop loss, I could have made the day’s low also, But I am not making, day’s low stop loss I previous day’s one support which was there, 1210’s below 12, Below this, I am doing stop loss placement in system, ok, So this is going to be my stop loss and target, see, Let me decide now, tell, The, see, told you right that seeing the positions green, red seeing, should not panic And when proves wrong, then should be.

So, the, d, that’s why we are managing it. SBI is not at all showing strength, whereas bank Nifty is 423 points up, There are no hopes from SBI, SBI I am going to cut, as soon as possible. As I am getting a downside momentum, or an upside momentum, I don’t want to be stuck in this trade. The BTST which is, from top of that already yesterday such a big momentum has given, So I don’t trust this that very much for me it could do, if it doesn’t, then also no problem. In ESCORTS, have set a target, this stop loss, see, I do not do skimp, That will remain genuine, still the ratio, Risk/ Reward ratio 1:2, I will be trying for this. In this, first target our 1:1’s has been achieved, right, Now if want, then our stop loss this shifting here, this target also can book, So this is also 1:1.5, but no, I will definitely track this.

Seeing this, if 1 year older Anish would be, seeing the bank Nifty, I would have cried till now that brother, it has become 770, has become 780, Means I till now would have been in 25 lakhs' profit, so much profit, I nearly would have started crying. Literally, out of my experience, trading from so many days, have my, Emotions have controlled so much that not everything that is moving in the stock market is mine. what is mine? That I take, which entry I do, which exit I do Come on, In this our at least target is going to hit. So let’s allow it to move, never disturb your working trades This, I am very sad with, I will exit the trade, just, Let’s see when more candle, ESCORTS is going good, Let target in this hit quickly.

Finally, in SBI, a bit bullish momentum is got to be seen, A bit bullish momentum has come and I will start booking profit in this Means, I will start doing exit, on no profit no loss Because in this I have very heavy quantity Market already bank Nifty has gone so much up, so much high it has made of itself, That obviously it’s not easy that now it keeps on going only Bank Nifty is already 600 points up, Means if it goes, then I will be very happy that public earned, But I don’t believe that 600, 700, 800, points up it will keep on going. Now in SBI also, because profit booking is going to come So I will start booking my profits, you know 1 I will start booking my profits, on 21 rupees I will start, Ok, come, we have exited. From call we have been exited, Now, let’s exit from the future lot also, ok. Had to get rid of it, now has come in bank Nifty a good enough selling, And in ESCORTS pullback has come, no problem. Good, good, good thing it is for pullback to come in ESCORTS.

And futures also if we want we can exit, with red, green, there is not much meaning attached, But still what goes on seeing for 1 minute? Let’s see for 1 minute, in futures also Let’s put limit, limit order, 448’s buying is ours, of 448.5 let’s put and leave, If one bullish momentum comes then also will go See, SBI has become so bullish that see this, on this chart, In futures movement is not coming only because so heavy selling it’s, 69000, Till when this quantity doesn’t settle, our number will not come only. Right? So what is better is that 447.95, 447 447.95 putting we also

do our exit, on 447.85, go on 447.8 and let’s do 7 so that we… is selling on 4000 quantities. Left. How much? 1500 rupees loss we took, and from this 15, no profit no loss in SBI. Thank you, that brother, so big, if would have entered in a private bank, Then today how big would have earned, anyways it is. So ok. So BTST happened good with us,

And intraday in ESCORTS our trade is continuing, ok it’s doing nice, it is performing nice till now. Ok. So we should not do anything in this. And now, because in front of us, such a big momentum happened, You feel, I feel a little bit of, now, that a bit of regret is there, it’s like this, So that’s why, now time to take a break. Now time to take a break. Only ESCORT management, now, stop loss will put in front of you, 1214, stop loss, 1214, 1214 for any, basically, we can do trail also here.

Means, this let me put, and Now, this low which has been made, so definitely it should not break this low, If it is breaking this low, then not a good sign for us. So, we can definitely put change our stop loss, shift our stop loss to Below this point also we can keep, But I will not keep, I do not believe in skimpy of stop loss, So I will leave it like this, ok. Ok. Look at this, SBI has also given breakout, And the call of SBI which I sold in 21 rupees, see this, In 21 rupees I sold, now that has become of 22.85 rupees, Now 50000 rupees profit would have come to me.

See this, these are the real, these are the real life of a trader. When you will feel little frustrated, when you exit here and this happens, So what happens maximum people re-enter, That brother, now at least genuine break out has come, now can’t do. If you re-enter with your, this is a new trade, This will require a new stop loss, this will require a new target, But you will be like having same older expectations, That no man, I have been holding from such a long time, Now, here trouble starts, I know today I am not being able to earn a lot of money, But, I am teaching you a lot of emotional management, That this is happening, let it go. If it goes today, maybe we would have done profit, But out of 10 the 8 days, if you make a jump here, You will have a very big stop loss hit, then if you jump, stop loss will hit, Then you will do nothing, then it will go down or go up, So this is the truth guys, you have to understand this That this, we have to do those things that happens regularly. a sharp selling has come in this, and, our Till attention level has come, that, we can close of this, Below this gives closing, then, in system stop loss has been put only, here.

And when that stop loss will hit, then we will exit calls That’s a very simple. I have taken one entry more in BPCL, So why have taken, telling is the most important, So quickly let’s tell you, I take 2 trades at most at day. So this SBI and Bank Nifty were yesterday’s trade I exited those.

Now today I took Escort In which one of my Stop loss hit. I’ll get one more chance So already It means I can take 2 trade So BPCL is a great trade Which on short timeframe On short timeframe it took support on trend line now. Just now it took support on its trend line.

Now we’ll go to a little big timeframe Well I can show you this thing in shorter timeframe That can you see here this area of support? And here area of resistance. So again what does market do? Market tells us how to move Market moves this way and came to a good position And it was on good position in horizontal levels too. So again a good trade in BPCL.

Secondly, I’ll show you in daily timeframe So in daily time frame I Gave this to you for swing trade. This also worked. On Sunday, I gave it to you on double bottom On Monday this big green candle. Green candle So again today its red candle It’s like a consolidation and most probably I’ll pull this trade forward. If it starts performing today If it breaks today’s Day high Then might be there are chances I’ll take-keep this trade with me. I’ll show you people positions. Look at this 18000 calls on BPCL And future bought 3 lot only Just 3 lot Just 3 lot- And we only buy 2 lots of Futures Ok? So now BPCL and Escort 2 trades Stop loss in BPCL is very simple, very small of 459 But I researched and gave more time to this stock.

Because I’m not looking at this only I’m also watching Nifty along with it There is a pullback in it also. I’ll show you this Nifty Energy In Nifty Energy also look what kind of movement came in Nifty Energy A good pole flat in Nifty Energy So definitely we will get a momentum in swing trade Inside the BPCL And that’s why we took BPCL. Now we will hold today. You try your best But you accept when something is not happening good with you So look the time has come That all auto sector has gone down. Everything went down basically. Auto sector is down. Energy sector also double bottom- Energy sector made double bottom.

Nifty energy also made double bottom Our Stop loss is going to hit on this. In which? In Escorts And you have to accept it. And in BPCL also The swing levels that I made It’s going to test those levels. It is highly possible that our Stop loss will hit in this too That this swing trade of ours will fail Which I wanted to carry till tomorrow morning Till tomorrow morning.

But let’s see. Now there’s not many achievements in this with me But still I’ll be posting this video so that It will be of use for people Be of use for you people So that you get to learn. In this before it gets any more be that Where is Escorts? How to get it out 48.8 People wish to buy at 48.2

So I’ll take it at 48 Take it brother Finished. Okay. So 33000 loss happened it this Ok 33 and 7 40000 loss we’ve booked in Escorts Now close Escorts Close escorts This side So let’s come to BPCL I have zone in BPCL So till this Zone is safe Till then I’ll stick to this Once this zone is broken Closed We’ll close the day as well Now look A good thing is that all this is selling Now we don’t directly do selling continuously Now even if it has to go, Then it will come back here and then start falling So I’ll see when it comes back to this level If it happens like that Then I may not continue this But if it breakouts upward I will continue to manage this trade Ok? So I will hold it till tomorrow And because I see exactly That there is no volume whatsoever This is not a genuine sell-off I can tell you that Ok? I can tell you that by looking at volumes That is why I after exit that we 440- Both in the money call option And added ok Added more It’s on normal so that we can hold it till tomorrow So till the end of the day If I’m going to exit Then I’m telling you or I’m directly posting this video And if I’m exiting then only I’ll tell you Maybe if it breaches this level and give closing with good volume Then I’ll exit but this is total I don’t believe in this sell because there is no volume whatsoever you'll say. Today is just made to make me envy. Look Look at escorts. I exited it and now we are not at all entering it. Look

Brother we had to get out anyway if Stop loss hit So these are the points Anyone will want to Do i enter now brother? Now brother if you enter here, If brother you enter here, Then where will you place the Stop loss? here Then what will risk/reward? Your risk will become this much Around 1.2 % and make reward will be of Maximum this much If possible, enter by making a double top. So now these Today is a good day for learning purpose brother On what not to do.

I don't want to enter here. Don't take even one trade with bad risk/reward. Thinking that train will leave, people jump in front of train That brother I jumped on it And Do you know what maximum people do Take a loss of 40000 Jumped on this And consider it will come from above But just as made one red candle Our 40000 loss showed as 50000 Finished Exit fast. And then it will go up. So this is a story I hope you people understand this story Well the reason was not this I called to show you that Escort is making me jealous Reason was to look at the Energy sector Ok? Just like I told you double bottom is making morning star Look at the- look at BPCL as well So the plan we made in BPCL that it did not break its level till now And then we are having the bullish momentum I wished that brother at least let this work for me in BPCL It did this Look It did this I wished for it to break in 50 moving average.

It gave closing below 50 moving average Now this green candle gave closing above. Now without any worries I can achieve today's Day high Or I can hold this for tomorrow also Depending what kind of profit you are getting It’s very interesting Means even though you- You can’t analyze what happened in market from this This is also interesting Look LTP is still showing only 23 LTP is showing 23 But bid also people want to buy at 24.3 But sellers say they won’t sell They will sell only in 24.9

So the LTP is not changing No trading is happening Look trading isn't happening Means it’s not the best That is a best thing over here. Look until this fellow is ready to sell And he won’t ready to buy at high price Until then LTP won’t change So Whoever lose from both If the buyer is stubborn like “no gives it to me, market will run” Then it will be ready to give its price 24.85 So automatically its LTP 24.8 So it’ll increase by 2 rupees If 2 rupees’ increases, Then look at the profit here also A lot- it’ll strongly increase a lot Look our stock selection wasn’t wrong Escorts is going up But it’s alright Be happy in these situations brother That my analysis was right The rest we shouldn’t FOMO enter in the rest We shouldn’t freak out, Like this Look at this Such an important What a day man Such a learning day. See If today because we followed process Because of following which process? Of risk managing We kept our stop loss below this point somewhere here If we hadn’t done stop loss trail, Then we still would have been in this trade And the thing we took is for approximately 64 rupees now The thing we look The thing we sold for 48 rupees Now it became 63 50000 is our profit.

This 33700 loss We would have out in 50000 profit. If I- that is also important- What can I do now man? Managing risk is also important So because of following process A lot of times you have to face this regret. Now I feel like crying Means almost cry- I should just cry brother I should just cry Look at this Okay This is the life of a trader It happens.

Like this not once, but many times it happens Whenever it happens, mental stability worsens. Just control it Opportunities will come tomorrow, the day after tomorrow That’s it. That’s what I want to say This big green candle is there The thing we- Became 26 rupees The thing we sold for how much? Sold for 21 rupees 40000 quantity. So now in this 6 rupees more. I would get 2,40000 profit Just from this position. And from futures we get at least 50000 3 lakhs are left We could have earned 10-12 lakhs So look at this, today's day the market is taking us all round.

And accept it This story is very important that This big movement came in that the whole mood ruins. But what can we do now what can we do now? Can do anything. or can do that We can buy now Or short now. Don’t short, Don’t buy Just ignore Just accept this happened with you That's it. Let’s manage the trade we took- BPCL We won’t leave any efforts this brother In this no early entry, nothing Will watch the whole market till 3:30 AM What type of momentum its giving? And according to that will continue if we have to.

If I have to cut, then I will cut. No problem. I’ll restart fresh tomorrow Still I won’t go if it’s loss I should think about this and go. Will cry brother How much more will you make me cry SBI? Don’t make me cry man Many people couldn't buy at150 rupees They must be crying separately. And me differently That brother why cut here But I had a reason to cut What else could I do Leave it man. Ok. Come on okay Next time Next time After 3 months SBI is again coming to you Let’s meet at next quarterly results.

Quick update now I will give of mine, I am going to close, That right now the time is, right now the time is around, It has been 2:50. So I am closing the day guys, A small trade would take in Nifty, by seeing the bearish divergence, See this door, bearish divergence, means, if you see, enough, means momentum was lost when both of these came at the same level, So nearly, nearly momentum till much putting a small stop loss, This which is seen by you, on top of this point, of putting stop loss, taking 1:1.5 taking, I did exit. Now it’s a bullish day, I didn’t hold it much that it could give me a very big target, ok. So, this fall will come, profit booking will come, Had taken a small trade, 32000’s profit occurred in that, ok, Now as it is about this, what, of BPCL, So I am going to hold BPCL until that it is, of its own, is holding it’s important moving averages, I am seeing it’s swing trade, it’s result is going to come of yours, day after tomorrow, And if tomorrow, obviously it’s a thing that if are to move any stop, It will, it will be moving in the same manner that BPCL is moving like this.

So right now, if it is taking support, ok, and Obviously it’s a thing that it will not break the support now, Now it will take support. If it breaks, Before 3:30, I will do exit and tomorrow morning gap down will open then I will accept loss. If gap down opens then, but if tomorrow it taking care of these levels tries to go up Then I will to this most probably, tomorrow at day end, will sell, Or else day after tomorrow morning I will sell.

So ok, let’s now forget this, the trade of BPCL, So if we remove the trade of BPCL from our, of our today, So 51000’s loss and 16000 16000’s loss, 76, 67’s loss it is giving, And this is giving 3000’s profit from here. So 64000 if we remove from this, so we booked above 7.50 lakhs today. We booked 7.5 lakh Actually 685 6 actually So today we booked on 7.5 lakhs Okay We have booked 7.49 lakhs

But its showing this because of running position But we remove this, So other than that we have booked 7.5 today. Its showing 6.8 as in the- In the screen right now. Alright so done. I hope it was a very tough day for me When it was a good day for banking sector.

So we couldn’t say anything. So this is the This is the thing that you have to learn How to digest these days Come on I will talk to you in outro Thank you so much guys for watching such a long video. Alright so you people saw the video How did you feel when SBI ran high? How did you feel when Escorts went haywire But still man Do you know in that fear If the train leaves, when train leaves and in order to catch that, People get under it. And this happens always. This is why I didn't do it.

Look in Bank Nifty When Bank Nifty left What happens is that Is not a thing of sadness that I didn't earn in Bank Nifty Today I might have earned 25 lakhs But earned only 7.5 lakhs. You know why? Because it doesn't come in my setup. If it comes in my setup and then I wasn’t able to take it, Then it would be risk, then it wouldn't be a good thing.

But this- just like I tried to trade in Escorts BPCL is still going on will take support. Let’s see tomorrow what’ll happen the day after tomorrow. So the video you saw You saw that in spite of facing troubles In spite of facing frustrations In spite of quitting the trades very early, I didn't overtrade, I wasn't frustrated, I didn't make a big-loss.

I am very relaxed Very happy No problem. So because of this reason I can earn tomorrow On the day of expiry. With this reason I can earn on Friday, Earn on Monday Alright. So come on guys I’ll talk about 2 things for you. First is to like the video So that I will know that in this video, Where I’m showing my failures, How do you feel about that? So that I won’t judge in future Maybe face a loss, So if I have to fear how public would judge me. So I will share that too with you When all learning came The video wasn’t made to show off big amount or profit.

But if there are some talks, then I’ll surely share it. Second thing is Do comment After understanding well Don’t comment randomly. You have to comment good All learning Learned these all from this video as a trader.

What all qualities we should have Read other’s comments to Give them also appreciation and like Grow like a community Okay? Lastly everyone would want to ask what will happen During tomorrow’s expiry date. So look I’m saying clearly Wednesday our market gave breakout with power Today again gave a gap-up and breakout Definitely market as a normal Don't move like this. Now it will take a halt It will And especially tomorrow is expiry so There is a possibility that a big fall won’t take place, That it might go a little sideways. So I’ll tell you, If you are trading tomorrow Then do options trade next expiry. Such that if we have to hold tomorrow for Friday You can.

If you work on tomorrow’s expiry If you do short, buy put And consider it goes up from down Then there can be a problem. Anyways I won't be taking any bullish trade Even if it goes, I don't trust in this momentum I trust that a healthy market goes up when a pullback comes, or When consolidation happens. So I will I'm having a bearish point of view Not as of now from the beginning But after making a top Bearish point of view Maybe I will sell calls Otherwise if I buy put Then will do it on next expiry Or I will trade in Equity So this is just for expiry.

The rest you follow, you know what to do. Alright guys thank you so much And You must have subscribed already If you haven't then done subscribe Very new content is coming up Very interesting contents are coming up Along with that press the notification button too. Ok? Okay guys And its winner I will decide on Saturday During the time of market analysis video I’ll announce your winner on who won this thing After that I’ll contact you and give email and all How to contact you And I’ll pay you okay Ok, bye

2021-08-07 08:12

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