7 Lakhs ++ Live Trading Profits || BankNifty Options || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

7 Lakhs ++ Live Trading Profits || BankNifty Options || Anish Singh Thakur || Booming Bulls

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Hello everyone. My name is Anish Singh Thakur Welcome to this live trading video Here we have book Rs.7,00,000 using the same analysis That we have posted in the Sunday’s video So the point is you’re not even getting Rs 700 from the Rs 7 lakh It shouldn’t matter to you from My profit and my loss But if you are connected with this channel since the beginning or are a new subscriber Or came here for learning This is an amazing video In this video whatever happened on Friday, What happened in Friday night? What happened today in the morning How Stop-loss triggered us I didn’t even exit once Trailing stop loss Once we had 2 lakhs profit, then we had 7 lakhs profit How did I manage the emotions? How did I manage to stop loss hunting? How did Nifty on Monday Oh sorry on Friday made a fake bear move That was a bear trap How did we identify it that we don’t have to exit? Why do we need to hold the position? All of these have been explained in this video I’ll explain two important points in the end of the video But I want that this is a very nice video for you guys to learn Learn, what all to learn, Learning psychology, what should be the position sizing, how should be the attitude during the red candles time, when everything is okay how much happy should one be, How many dreams should one see about earning? When to exit You can see all of these in this video. So please take your time Pause it, like it But properly by using earphones, if possible watch it on big screens like TV And please let me know if you like it Anyway I’ll meet you after the video So let’s start the video Hello everyone Welcome to this live trade video Here obviously I have planned something And I will only trade what I plan Else we will not trade, okay? So I’ll show you now What exactly we are planning Primarily, if I show the daily timeframe of the Bank Nifty Then this is the biggest swing Which on 19th April How many months from today? Today’s first July How long ago a low was made From there, once support was taken around 21st June the support was taken, Again came back to the same position Today is the day when I will go for Option buying And, okay.

We have already seen a trend line support now I will show you If we see, I’ll take you to the 30-minute timeframe So that If you Let’s remove this If you see the structure The market has taken support Like bears were trying to push the market but bulls controlled it Again bears were trying to push the market but bulls controlled it Bears won the match But again the market rose upward This will look like an inverted ended shoulder Two shoulders towards the left and the right This is the market structure you need to understand. You will never get an inverted shoulder like this I mean very rarely you get This is not like theory Stock Market is not like physics, chemistry or math’s classes. So, it is the same structure The market will definitely go ahead and Touch which levels today I mean this is the minimum I believe 250 But I think market can approximately go to 300 But it is the simple price actions I haven’t used any indicator yet You can see there’s a strong support over here here or area confluences the horizontal support The horizontal demand zone The trend line In favor In the 30-minute timeframe we have talked about the indicators Tell me last time which indicator we talk about with you guys if you remember I have told you about the extremely extremely important indicator which comes very less in front of all of you Which Is this indicator you see, the 400 moving average Again you will see it is to taking support from 400 moving average What else? See Last time also we bought it here if you remember Today again we are planning the same Again we are planning the same So, the planning is simple If market How much time left right now? The time is, seven minutes left. Let’s open this thing Depends on what gap up does the market open. If the very big gap up opens in the market Then my strategy would be a little different But if the market opens a little upside, not that big or in the sideways kind of gap and And a little hint looks bullish to me In the starting five minutes becomes bullish Or becomes bullish after becoming bearish In the first five minutes I will enter the trade I will enter the bank nifty I have got one more swing trade But I will not talk about that Because I have made it for learning Why should I tell about the trades which I haven’t explained? About what I have taken and what I haven’t If I got profit or loss doesn’t matter I am explaining this trade in front of your today I am planning this and I will execute this This will help you to learn to grow So we have used this one indicator, moving average Okay? This is on a good support We have made it a very thick And anyway we don’t need it that way let’s delete it.

Why do we need it? I have shown you, okay? It is an important support Horizontal Confluence of three things Trend line horizontal level and moving average Okay? No I will take you back to the 15 minutes’ time frame. Let’s do some more analysis You know The market is bullish you know If I open stochastic, RSI Let’s open RSI It is the most simplest indicator So I will show you clearly That you Somebody asked me last time about divergence That we ignore wick while making divergence Yes, we ignore wick while making divergence So, you will have to ignore the wick. We’ll connect it from the body Basically you have to see it from a line chart If we see line chart it is made from a closing price You make it from a line chart or if you’re experienced simply connect it from the body Guys this is a rare phenomenon Not that rare but still rare Bearish divergence are a lot of time made and failed You all know that if it is made around 12 it fails a lot of times Bullish divergence is a rare phenomenon Specially in a bullish market Specially in a trend line There are four reasons to trade Otherwise I wouldn’t have trade Now there are 4 reasons to trade Bullish divergence set On 400 Moving average in a 30-minute timeframe Okay? In a trend line support In a Horizontal support If market market opens in a little gap up That means it is a very exciting place for all of us We can enter immediately There is no use of pull back You can directly enter In this trade of bank nifty Or a huge gap up opens Then we have to notice it for five minutes If it comes down, it’s a good sign If it goes up, it’s a little bit tough Like We should enter but exit a little fast We shouldn’t hold To buy and after pullback But if you get it sideways enter the trade and let the trade work For the target you make According to me Minimum target that I am going to draw As per the price First of all Let’s see the price action level As per the price action level See, can all of you see this? This is, let’s make it 250.

Basically here is your 200 So this is your target Now I don’t know how much gap up opens But whatever gap up opens There is a target of 370 points 300 points We can move ahead with a target of 300 points Target of 300 points, stop loss of 200 points We can make it kind of like this Stop loss is below this low Market gives a closing below this low Basically we are going to exit below 34,650 Close the day Still I will be put the video if this happens no problems Now, let’s move ahead. Coming to the 200 moving average If you will see 200 moving average comes nearby this You can see the first resistance This behaves a little resist So this in front of us is the first target Small target This is the first hurdle 34,950 and then more 250 points So, let’s see Market, how much time is it? Okay, two minutes left only, then the market will open I’ve explained you a very good analysis What are we going to do? Why are we going to do? I have told you everything Alright, so the market Its 9:07 The market is now pre-opened, It’s getting opened at 25 points sideways You see that Bank Nifty is little at an upward side The Bank Nifty is getting opened at exact sideways This is a very good news Why is this a very good news because as soon as it opens either it will fall It will rise after falling and I’ll buy Call of 35,000 Because right now it is out of the money but when I exit it will be in the money And, that’s it. I’ll tell you, I have to take the position Alright, guys I’ll tell you, I have to take the position I was busy in the charts managing all the things Couldn’t see Alright So, you know the reasons why have we taken the trade and what Gave market a fall, made a low, set the market Made a low We have taken the position It is showing a loss of around 1,70,000 We have bought a call of 35,000 OI data is completely increasing Open interest is increasing; new positions are being created This is a graph and our chart Of Option So it has made a low of 170, 80 We have put a stop loss on 178 There is a stop loss of 178 Basically the stop loss is on chart This is the stop loss basically This is our stop loss So we have to manage it on chart We will move it front and back And also Trail if I want Actually this has already made a low here 90, we can trade a stop loss and 89 if we want But that will be a foolish decision In the last live trading video, you have seen That it will be a hit if you do trail fast If you want you can keep it here, save some money but We are not doing it We are leaving it on 178 Alright? And if we go here we have already put a stop loss of 178 It is necessary to put a system stop loss Now we’ll see what happens They’ll tell you all the updates that happens Nifty is very weak Don’t know because of sectors, it is weak because of IT sector Because of FMCG Everything else like auto is weak, PSE is week, finances is weak This is the day ‘s low See The Bank Nifty retesting by breaking days’ high And Nifty is testing day’s low Both are important points you know This is not true that our trade has become a losing trade Our trade is still winning Very important Nifty can definitely take support from here Why? Because it is day’s low And obviously, it will test to breaking day’s High See how much things are working under synchronization Or but if nifty breaks day’s low Then our chances will be much of failure Then we will see The stop loss that we have put this side We will shift it somewhere around here Keep it will go if goes but I lost will reduce If we shift it here So will be saving around 180 to 90, Rs.12 into We, will be saving Rs 1 lakh Our work will be done by 3 lakhs 80 But let’s see 8 minutes are left I wanted to tell you Whenever One index comes in a crucial place The second index also comes in a crucial place Too much Things match too much See, it is testing day’s low This is very crucial If you have to get support will get it here only And this breaking day’s high, Testing it They will get both the supports together Both will have bullish momentum Definitely Bank Nifty will be ahead of nifty Because from now -.08 Bank Nifty is ahead from now only Let’s hope nifty takes support and our trade becomes a winning trade This is a very bad thing I mean what is bad? Whatever it is we have to accept Nifty has broken today’s low Nifty has broken the day ‘s low Five-minute time frame What time frame is operating Now we don’t have that much scope left Okay? Here is our Bank Nifty And here is our stop loss We are very near to our stop loss We will see whatever happens If stop loss hit, then it hits we cannot do anything We will take the stop loss It was good that we didn’t trail the stop loss there Because when the trade begins We shouldn’t trail the stop loss Wherever the systems stop loss has been put we will respect it If it hits let it hit This is a systematic trading You can later At this moment Nifty’s low broke after giving the situation Still you have to focus I mean Still you have to have faith in your strategy That, no I have done a very big analysis I will do it If anybody will make me exit that will be my system stop loss That too logical This is a logical stop loss Day’s low, this is day’s low It is below it That’s it What should I say? What situation are you seeing? Like after coming to 180 After Bank Nifty has come to day’s low It has stopped at 180 and I completely I have accepted that stop loss has hit So it doesn’t bother me I am like thinking like that And the most important thing Nifty has broken the day ‘s level No I will tell you If it takes support If it takes support after this breakout Then this move which is the downsides break out If this also comes up Then the market will be very much bullish This was a fake Move If this becomes a fake downside breakout We will be seeing a very big bullish move A very big target will be achieved Only and only if this is taking support Also it is coming back to the zone Which means it gives closing a little above 667 This video has a lot of learning now See, I have told you This takes support from here And Nifty after coming below this zone A lot of traders as shorted nifty here I know All those who are very scared right now That what is going to happen But I am telling you Listen very carefully Number one Priority should be given to the trend Which is Trend Which is definitely bullish Number two priority should be given to the market structure We have again seen the market structure Today in the starting of the video I have told you The market has again taken support from this place So first is trend the second is structure Third is the price action which should be seen here We should trade after seeing all of it Nifty has taken the support Our stop loss is again left Now our work is to defend the stop loss Until the price action on this chart doesn’t become weak The day’s low means that this doesn’t break Have to defend up If we have to move the stop loss to the front or the back We will do it Until the closing is below this, below this point below 667 Closing in a 15-minute timeframe we should not exit our trade Okay? I’ll tell you once again if something happens I’m going to tell you very important thing I will open a five-minute time frame All the traders must be thinking that right now See, here nifty has broken the low Right now everybody would be thinking that it is going to retest That nifty has broken this level and now it will go like this by retesting People doesn’t exit in this hope People are correct also If you just follow the price action this is correct You will follow this breakdown and retest But right now what I have told If you consider this, then you will never face a problem At first the trend, then market structure Nifty will break It is not a big thing See here the Bank Nifty is back to the situation This is the most important thing A lot of people will still be holding the Puts They would be sitting with a short call That it will fall after taking the retest But there are higher chances because trend and market structure both calls out for a bullish momentum Both Both of them are calling for a bullish momentum over here Bank nifty again took support Couldn’t even break the trend line Going back up again It is also trying to go and an upward direction In its own zone I’ll be very happy when it is breaking this And give closing above 670 Makes a situation like a morning star On an entire low condition Low in the structure, Low in intraday It will make a morning Star Now you think It is a low of structure, low of a day Can you see that it is going on an upward direction? If it makes a morning Star Bullish, today and even on Monday It’s going to get a bullish Alright guys So learning time I told you if this, if this comes up after going down Four minutes are still left It will be confirmed after 4 minutes That this is a bear trap Went short in the lower region It will hit the all stop loss Bank nifty goes in an upward direction by taking the retrace And it gives the closing in an upward direction Then this is a trade which we should hold till Monday also The market will go bullish on Monday also Usually this happens that PSU bank and private banks doesn’t move together forward If PSU bank moves forward the private bank is a little weak But as of now for the first time I am seeing that SBI is on the verge of breakout Our inverted head and shoulder is going to break today’s high and ICICI bank has started breaking the flag already The flag that is made after the pole has been started to break down HDFC is also showing some support If the day is bullish today Then it will be really much bullish And will try to capture maximum move But technically not from assumptions But will see technically It doesn’t happen then we cannot do anything but we have to accept it Now it’s time we should trade because the market is gone so much in an upward direction Now if a very big red candle is made Then the day is gone The market is not going bullish So how much should be Trail If you put it here at 206 No, no If it takes a pullback from 206 it will come So we shouldn’t trail that much but a little I kept a stop loss and 177 or 178 From 178 the most we can put is one 188 188 So that it can defend this low 188 means 188 means we are increasing it up to Rs.10

You are saving approximately Rs.1,88,000 So now we start trailing, okay? I hope you learning this Because right now we are out of the money This is so much volatile Why are we out of the money It’s Friday today Today is Friday, it would be a Tuesday Then I will definitely buy In The Money Like the last time Now we are trying to save our Rs 1 lakh But we are trying to keep our winner open Okay? Let’s see by doing it We have shifted to 188 now Alright? Now when we’ll see it We can see a bullish momentum in Nifty Nifty is going more bullish It is backed up by reliance It is going bullish because It is going bullish with reliance I have told you that From now, I’ve told you on the last Monday also On the day of market analysis Reliance for a swing trade And on Tuesday also have told you So if you have seen and maybe take in it then it’s a good thing But my habit is my mind works by taking a single position I cannot watch 2-3 charts at a same time I like studying one chart in a multiple time frame That’s why I am trading this position as of now Because I don’t want to do anything else right now We see a great movement in Bank Nifty And Nifty See guys This is, now you can see We have started being profitable Look at this momentum I told you If this move If this move of nifty is a fake move I told you this is going to blast today And did all this stop loss hunting If we had done stop loss fill, then we would have exited Now it’s breaking up And where the nifty is breaking and giving the day’s high Market If we want, we can hold the trade Now we can hold the trade till Monday We will see what to do Nifty Bank nifty has been broke with power This movie is brought to you by ICICI bank and SBI And I believe reliance as well That’s it If we see the positions right now, we have now become profitable Now we are profitable Per first target is going to get achieved But it shouldn’t matter to us now You forget about all this This loss, the second swing trade that is also gone Now we, now we can easily Trail Now we can trail See, this is called massive Massive move Like after coming a little in the money we can see how much profit is it giving We’ll have fun See this is called massive move Why did this massive move come? Because of trends power, the power of market structure, Intraday bear trap Including all of it, the day’s trap of Nifty We are going to have fun If you want, we can book the profit Booking a little profit and re-enter But we don’t have to do it because we are an Option buyer We don’t have to spoil our buying average Our buying average is very good Now where the Nifty has given a breakout or closed We can hold the trade till Monday The most difficult work Is to bear the pullback Which is going on right now Bearing the pullback is operating now Nifty has become strong Because the IT sector has recovered But the most difficult work is it should not go below this This is the last point for us It’s should blast now Upside else it’s gone case We are at loss that means on a break even today But hopefully If Nifty breaks the day’s high, will get a momentum Will let you know There is a quick update Like the last time I haven’t hit the stop loss For telling you, I manage the position first Then I, See I told you this is our level If the clothing is below this, then we should put a stop loss Then only a stop loss will be a hit This is a situation The stop loss was at 188 As soon as the candle was made I shifted turn the Rs.30 And I was ready If it would have given a closing below It had come only Couldn’t be closed. I would have exited by right clicking But right now I trade is working It’s like there is no total supermassive move There will be no sense to it We will close the day in red only Or maybe we will hold the trade till Monday Depend on what move comes right now What must come right now means If right now we are getting If there is a good movement towards an upward direction This candle represents bullishness It shows still the market is bullish If This gives a good break out Then we might hold it till Monday Or else we’ll see Look at this This is the power of genuine logical stop loss This was a low swing That below this If the closing was below this level, then we were proved wrong and we should have exited But until the closing is below it which was low We should not have quit the trade And we have to manage Option mine is very difficult Because We have to manage the stop loss Above all I have increased the target so much I trade like this only If i have to make the target high, then I will take big I will not quit I will not be like if it touches here then by getting scared double top will be made or triple top will be made It is better if we book profit I will not do it I won’t be doing this work I’ll be holding it until the target I am made of 35,000 Until my target 35,944 first or second 35,200 is achieved, I will not exit the trade With full momentum Nifty, has broken the recent high Okay? It has broken it If the Nifty breaks the day’s high, it is going to be a very good bullish trade for Monday Not just for a gap of opening If it’s a very big gap up, then will exit in the morning Otherwise will pursue this trade on Monday also for all-time highs, anyway this is Nifty The Bank Nifty is also going to break its day’s high On the basis of structure, we are going to hold this trade Swing trade is made until it is defending 400 moving average My view will be bullish And according to my trisection strategy according to that it is totally Totally it is a breakout a moment This is the way your market moves and if it is not moving, I am happy to take the loss I am very happy to take the loss But it should close below 400 moving average So, it’s a day end I will close the day now Hello everyone This is second July that is Friday night And US market is also nearly closed So let’s have a look What happened in the market? This is Singapore Nifty already up More than 74 points SNP, SPX like again all-time high Dow Jones is not all-time high but very near to all-time high We can see a very good movement here also So we have carried our position We have carried our position in bank Nifty Right? We have carried our position in bank Nifty We know in bank Nifty This is going to be our first target that we have made from today And, and if we still get scope, we can try 35 500 We can try 35,500 Yeah we can try 35 500 It’s a very good target of 700 points We will have fun attaining the target And what is this This is not even all-time In all time there is 37,000 Here is all-time high But obviously will try after a pullback Let’s see okay let’s go we had to buy this trade We have bought this trade Very good Hello everyone This is Monday 5th July Morning 9 AM in India like 7:30 here Let’s talk about the re-open market We are Rs.90 up and .57% up We have taken up banking stocks.

I can’t see big movement on them Sorry which I have given in market analysis This is going to give you a good result today It can give you a very good result And ICICI bank up, okay. HDFC Bank up Let's see Nifty is going to get opened up with a good gap up It is showing a gap of around Rs.92 And I don’t know what was going to come in bank nifty So let’s go decide plans first I’ll tell you exactly, what exactly I do Even if nifty opens on 15,800 That means here And for sure it is going to hit this in like next five minutes Next five minutes or 10 minutes First 15 minutes’ candle till the second 15 minutes candle It is hitting the target in the maximum half an hour After this went for trying this it will take a little pull back Because we are taking a big gap up Basically we are taking a big gap up So talking about bank nifty Here it is next time in bank nifty also if there is opening at 80 points so now it will open at 200 points approximately Around here it will open This will also test this level 15,000, 35,150 and then test 35,500 This is going to be our final target for the day And this is going to be our first target for the day Because gap up is opening And if the first candle directly hits the target I’ll book the Profit After booking the profit After that If the momentum lose Then after waiting we will the re-enter This is our plan Today we might not keep holding the stuff Today I, let’s see I might just hold it By looking at that India Rex value, Open interest data and many other things If all these things look bullish then I will not leave But if it doesn’t seem like that, I will book the profit And after booking the profit I will re-enter And I’ll show you where to re-enter And if we don’t have to do we will not do it I wish all of you have watched my market analysis video If you have watched that video, then market has given you guys an opportunity Market has given you an opportunity Market is going in an upward direction after a pull back Market is again shown a profit after the loss it has again shown a 2 lakhs profit Market has given an opportunity It is given to everyone This is a great situation A great situation right now It is started showing good profit And now I am telling you We are going to hit our target We are going to hit our target really soon And whosoever has watched market analysis video Must have bought by now I have told you as soon as the gap up opens, you have to buy And again it has started giving us some profits We don’t have to work for profits We should work on the charts Let’s see So, everything is going fine I have to show you how is market behaving I always talk about price action and everything Price action is performing very well There is a pressure on Bank Nifty But it’s okay it’s a normal thing Nifty doesn’t have pressure at this point We will see Nifty is five-minute timeframe Nifty doesn’t have that much pressure right now It has broken the day’s high as of now Bank Nifty is facing a minor rejection but not at all VIX INIDIAVIX Was also 4% but now at 2.3%

Okay? everything is good according to me And I would like to show you about this special indicator which you can use in good days I will show you this in the five-minute time frame See, its value increases with every candle Can you see? Its value increases with every candle and if I show you in 15-minute time frame In this also the value increased with every candle Whosoever wants to say anything can say, leading indicator, lagging indicator You can say it But even if it’s lagging and giving you confidence that there is a strength in trend Then definitely you can at least hold it till here Till the opening Right? You can do it So according to me you should give market some space to move It is important to give some space to the market That it moves properly Gives me confidence that it is going to be a super trending day That is why I am ready to risk I have put the stop loss I am ready to bear the loss I am ready to bear the loss of 3 to 4, lakhs I have done the stop loss placement But I am not leaving this trending day today This is a trending day Today if it goes to 5 lakhs, no problem These Rs 5 to 6 lakhs can be lost But according to the charts if I get the profit then I should take that profit This is what market has taught In these years Alright guys, Just something good to tell you It is of use that’s why telling you I have kept the stop loss at day’s low till now. Now I have picked it up and put it at a Trail The market has made two bottoms Okay? and when this is falling, no volume no volume is there What is Bank nifty doing? Bank Nifty is totally gone to consolidation zone Which is really good for us? Why is it good for us? If you are expecting a big momentum or a big target So it’s obvious that you’ll not think boom boom boom, it’ll be too much It has to do some consolidation Here is Nifty Nifty is strong as the auto sector and all are working really well. A lot of sectors are working really well. Even bank nifty is in the consolidation mode after taking the momentum from here to here.

And coming to this mode With rising ADX Yes Let me tell you the biggest thing That’s why I've started this recording again. A lot of people who have studied diversion They must have be short it till now by thinking that the momentum in the market is falling down let's short it. It's okay, there are bearish diversions but it may fail The priority of diversions are really low if you'll compare it with market structure Movement of the market Wave numbers 1, 2, 3, If you'll compare it with all these things, then the priority is very low But the main thing is market structure What is the overall direction of the market? We are going from the bottom to the top of the market. It’s very Much possible that diversions will fail And one special thing I'll tell you If diversion fails Market will go strong bullish, then let me tell you a very special thing Let's if that happens or not but Right now our situation is going well. We have put Stop Loss at 239 put Stop Loss at 239 means We have put it just below less than Rs 1 of 240 put Stop Loss at 239 that In case market faces more volatility, we'll not be at loss we are not going zero today, we definitely not going negative, but I don't mind that too I'm okay with small losses too I like breakeven a lot This is almost breakeven We might get our brokerage back if our Stop Loss get hit A very important update guys Just now I've to trail this from this to Rs 270 why Rs 270? Actually 260 270 because The reason is the situation is overstretchedright now actually let's make it Rs 2 less from 270.

It’s quite tight now Let make it 268 Make 268 why? because it the market falls now, or gets a correction this correction can be come little lower till day’s low we can enter again and let's assume this not a correction the trend changes rest of our money will be wasted so, the better option is to keep the profit Rs 2 or 3 lakhs safe. We are not losing the winning trade. It’s tight Let's reduce Rs 2 more From 270 let's make it 268. make it 268.

Just keep it on 269 Now if we have to break it out below there will be a really bad fall and then we'll at least earn some money we'll get a minimum of 3 lakhs And in case it will give big momentum upward, then we'll be safe And if it'll hits, we'll enter again no problem in order to enter again you need some mental stability It's almost 12 O'clock A big momentum was expected This is going to be a flag and pole kind of break out It here So position wise, we stick at our place. you shouldn't even care about that Let get on the page, so that we'll not see it again and again and now we just have to be in this chart trail is well managed below the range and when it will enter in a different territory and create a low after that we'll start trailing below it so this is how we are going to protect our money and I think this is going to be one of the one of the most bullish days It can be a really bullish day why? because of a lot of reasons because of a lot of reasons it's going to be bullish okay, so let's sit calmly and try to capture as maximum as possible I think 35 thousand 154 is available now in 15 to 20 minutes It will be fun when we'll get big targets 3500 trying to score more 350 points is a big thing actually it is big but we should target big we should target on bigger things in life just now stop loss triggered stop loss is hit don't worry in case we get a chance again, we'll enter again, and it will be more profitable this was necessary, a pullback is always there don't be sad stop loss triggered still we booked Rs 2.5 lakhs We have booked 243 and again I'm trying to look I'll tell you when I'll enter or re-enter in trade The very advanced phenomena that happened guys I would really love to explain you all this that exactly what happened This big down move which happened was a total stop loss hunting move If you see this, whenever there's a fall in the market like this India vix’s value should rise by 3 to 4 % but it's falling down. This is the fake down move And how I benefited from it All the other retailers Stop Loss must be by now They must disturb or anxious They must start to do short that this shouldn't happen.

See If i show you the order book where it's gone? Let me show you this order book We did the Stop Loss trigger and there's no problem, booked the profit. And we purchased it on the lower price than that can you guys see it? We get benefited before if we had profit of 2 lakhs and now it shows as 3 lakhs. The moment we entered at a better price again put it the stop loss placement that even if we are wrong still we'll have small loss or breakeven to exit if this stop loss hit But let’s see in the Bank Nifty here its near day’s low But it's too high in auction premium this indicates something this indicates bullishness but when it will boom or blast we will get benefited because we have again buy it at a better position But why did I do it? This was not a guess At the opening of the day the moment it touches exactly this position I bought it wonderful opportunity This is an opportunity If you 'll take it as an opportunity, then it's an opportunity for you and if you'll take it as a tension "Oh! god it happened" it's a tension for you.

But I took it as an opportunity I again bought it on a better price booked the profit And after buying it at better profit after buying it at better price after taking about better price leave it and that’s you shouldn’t care about P & L Think about the chart. When you see it on the chart that it's on the opening Take Stop Loss there's no problem just come out of it, to avoid the loss Now The safety is still required again the s Stop Loss has been placed at Rs 239 actually stop loss has been put on 239 no problem It about to be 12:30 o'clock in 2 minutes it will be 12:30 and the momentum is back in the market Let me show you at the 5 minutes’ time frame Again it starting going upward and now the way it will go up we'll be more profitable because we bought the premium at a better price. If this going to be a straight away this is total Stop Loss hunting They hit the Stop Loss intentionally we'll discuss it later Why and How it is possible? How can one do it? why do they do it? It's just that who have lot of money can do it. they do it, they know the market is bullish still This is how it works, you got it? It's not a bearish market Okay guys, I hope it is adding some value to your life these all are really tough things but let me tell you, it' not tough just use Stop Loss, that's it.

get out of the trade and if you want to get the trade again then so the analysis we were doing from so many days we are analyzing it since Friday Can a single Red candle fail my analysis in a day? Means, my complete analysis can get failed by a bearish Diversions and a Red candle then, it wasn’t a great analysis that's why don't go short stick to your analysis see one Stop Loss got hit if the other one got hit too, it was hit on profit it's not that it hit in loss it's in profit if the second one got hit, I'll stop trading! I'll be happy with Zero, no problem But, having this kind of attitude and practice in habit will make me more money in the future. Because market was before my arrival and it will be here even after my death It will be forever, I'm not in rush but you can make money a lots of money from Stock Market Okay, Come on, now again I'll inform you all when the stock hits the Stop Loss and breaks the high. okay I'm trailing the Stop Loss in in front of you from 240 to 253, I'm shifting it to 253 So, just like this slowly-slowly we'll keep managing the risk 253 Our job is to manage our risk and keep our upside potential open Let's make it 253 Because, it doesn't need to go down Now as per the up side territory, It should go up but if it comes down with a lot of power and hit our Stop loss then that is the end of the day.

Nifty Bank nifty created a new high It created a new one and keeps creating. Nifty will pull Bank Nifty We can see it here, position wise as well 304,307 we can create a new high The new high will be somewhere around 320. okay, then let's wait for it to get near 320 and let's see this it’s a long time so the market is trying again and again but cannot break this 305. 304 I put my Stop Loss directly here because look at here, we are at a really crucial stage here Nifty is at extreme crucial stage because Nifty is trying to break its day’s high if Nifty breaks its day high and after breaking it, if it touches the levels then, a big momentum can have been seen here too ok then but, there's no need to take risks Let's shift our Stop Loss here. and then we'll trail it This is the right time now, either take profit or the market may reverse, so So now 304 You can do your stop loss If you want to then do it Just let me see if NIFTY is breaking this Because if trail it little bit fast The it will hit and go After watching 1-2 candles then we will shift on it If this is holding this level Let’s see one more candle Don’t hurry to trail Otherwise trailing stop loss always hit Anyway we in the position where it’s not easy to break for the market We are at all-time highs situation Is it easy to break? It not like that It’s not easy That is why You should not hurry But we will soon shift it to Now we can shift it to 278 We can shift to 278 only Market has given the momentum Beautiful dude Did Nifty also gave? NIFTY has also given Did NIFTY broke its day’s high? If NIFTY breaks its days high, then Next is the resistance point for it It’s still very high 893 Let’s go, NIFTY has broken NIFTY has broken Bank NIFTY has also created new high So immediately we should do our stop loss to 278 Let’s make it 278 278 See The market What I am doing I am only managing the bottom risk There is no risk now bro its only profit obviously you also know Very good Very good Look at this candle Look at on our profits now We are again running on a single day After using approximately 20 Lakhs We have again reached to 850 Who cares about this Everyone cares about this Even I care about this But I mean not now I care about it when I want to book it This is not my money Right now it’s not my money Its unrealized profit Realized Profit is yours But Unrealized profit is not yours So we have done 278 I am trailing my stop loss now to 30 I am trailing my stop loss at 299 299 I am trailing it to 299 Our trailing stop loss is at right position It’s not bad What is it now that we have to spend 8 more minutes It’s about 8 minutes 8 minutes We have to manage the situation For 8 minutes if this will happen then it’s good Otherwise we will check next candle If it breaks this candle only then it’s good Let’s see Look at this guys We just have achieved our target number 35200 We have achieved And candle has not closed yet So I can book the profit if I want to Now we should more ahead with our trailing stop loss and next time 230 we have saved more 50000 and next time I will not trail I will directly book profit How much amount What did I do by doing this? Now I There is not risk left There are only rewards Very big reward or big reward? But still its big reward With 304 we will earn around Rs 4-5 lakhs 304 I did 304 Now quickly Let’s manage this one 304 Now it’s time to behave maturely And lock profits Now Now serious type Means now we have to do serious trailing Profit booking type That we don’t have to loss now Its I have done it to 312 Because This level has proved itself pretty well That here If its breaking here, then the market should fall down One more string I got I am going to book the profits Because I have It’s obvious that trailing meaning it’s that only You just give a chance to market I have given the chance to market Now If after this also market want to come down So they are preparing go down That is why I have put stop loss here Now one swing will up and we will book the profits Because we know that it has already taken pull back It should go up now We should make a new high If it doesn’t make new high, then? No problem We will take our Rs 6-7 lakh profit Whatever we can got We have already put stop loss Now let respect the stop loss No matter what happens we don’t have to touch it And if it goes up more, then we have to book a profit Now are trailing stop loss got hit Okay Our trailing stop loss got hit Just know it has hit Trailing stop loss has been hit at Rs 312 I don’t know How much money has been booked Okay 7 lakh rupees has been booked Now It’s good that our trailing stop loss got hit See the candle is big Red The big red candle okay Good bro Now it’s done 2 stop losses that too was profitable stop loss Has been hit Once at 2 lakhs and another at 7 lakh So now We should must leave the day Until and unless we are getting a very good opportunity Around this level If around this level, we get some opportunity But time has almost completed But still if one big fall has come and take a support here And go up But then according to me I am not doing this If I will do that I will tell you otherwise I will meet you in the outro video Alright Alright so you have watched the video You must have enjoyed after watching the video That bro WOW That how we handle our emotions and manage our technical analysis How am I an analyst? You can see my market analyst videos what kind of trader i am? You can see through my Live trading videos Now let’s talk about you That what 2 important points I will tell you First You have seen that our market close Means that after I had closed the trading Market hits another high Suddenly SBI had momentum Very big What a run SBI had in the last But some people I tell you Some people will relate with this A lot of people must have regretted that I wish I had earned more I have team mates, know people who traded in SBI And exited early My friend has taken 1 is to 2.8 Still he is sad That Oh, dude it increased by 1 is to 7 No This is the main problem i at 312 My stop loss hits on 312 And then again goes high around 345-340 By Bank NIFTY I could have earned more 1.5 or 2 Lakhs

Rs 1.5 to 2 lakh You have to leave on the table If you want to earn big money And want to hold winning trade You have to make sure that you leave some money on the table Only then you Otherwise you could have booked on 280 or 250 Why you reached to 312? Why didn’t able to book 340? So you always have to leave some money on the table If you want to You know Capture the big move People in that So This is the regret, That will bother you tomorrow morning That you will feel like that you should have earn more But you didn’t able to And for those who missed the opportunity It’s okay guys Stock market is here before you Before you born and after you will die Everyday Every week Once or twice a week It gives you this opportunity So please don’t feel bad If you didn’t able to do this trade To keep yourself clam is the most important point This was the first point Second point What is it guys I want to request from my communities of You Tubers That please we all are doing good job To literate the whole audience Educating them Let’s continue this Just like me Like I am putting Analysis videos, Option series is coming You will enjoy a lot the 3rd video on Option series I made it on very advance level You all wants to know this So my request is from fellow YouTubers That let’s make our work good Let’s educate our audience Let’s help re-traders As much analysis as possible let’s post it As much strategies as possible let’s post it Whatever might be useful let’s post it Okay And second thing I want to tell audiences That so many things are happening in YouTube here and there But I say Why not you and we keep doing good in our life’s Because for you, your family matters Your mom, dad, wife, kids matters to you Why don’t we create our learning and keep doing things for our self? So I want all of you to understand That trading is very psychological We have to make our psychology very strong Very positive Constructive Okay So these were the First I told you that never regret Second I told you, I am requesting that Let’s post good content And from you Please focus on content Keep doing good work and Study well That’s it Lastly I posted a story on Instagram That you want to see live trading video or Post market analysis Then everybody said Post market analysis I understand that you meant that tell us what will happen tomorrow? I tell you we again at the top of the market Again we are at up Definitely tomorrow markets’ gap up will be open Still I didn’t take BTST trade because Let me tell you why didn’t I took it So tomorrow market will open at top And possibilities are also there that it will consolidate So if you are Option Sellers If you know what is straddle and strangle You can do that use selling strategies But if you are an Option Buyer or Equity Buyer Or do futures long So do a little watching and trade According to me after 1or 2 days we will get a good opportunity May be one double top, Bearish divergent, But that you be created on the top of market structure Now try to understand May be I will not trade tomorrow If I don’t get the good opportunity I only trade When I got the opportunity Okay Okay Last let’s attach one learning point That why I will not trade? Why I don’t want to? Why didn’t I Do BTST? Even when I know that SBI’s gap up will be open Why didn’t I buy? Futures lot? I would have earned 5-7 lakhs immediately after market opens Because guys listen carefully Whenever you trade If its profit or loss Mental and emotional capital is low Trading capital increased, mental capital decreased Then you bought second trade If fail or pass leave it You passed, again mental and emotion capital got decreased It depletes My stop loss hits twice today you know You must have watched the video It depleted I may be not able to take good decision If by mistake tomorrow gap down would have opened American market is already stretched From last 7 days gap up is open If it has corrected, our market will also have So I don’t want to loss this profit That is why I give more preference to emotional and mental capital Then this financial capital If you will also understand this fact That all this is psychological Then It’s going to be great with you too Alright If you like this video So I want to see maximum like in this video And honest comments What do you think about this video? As soon as this video receive 10,000 likes Even without that also I will post the Options 3rd Video But I want to see 10,000 likes in this video As soon as possible If you like this, you will Like it And comment also And definitely you guys have already subscribed Please press the bell notification icon as well ok Thank you so much guys And lastly lastly That Booming Bulls foundation thing Thank you so much for the overwhelming response We have already received 5000 entries We got the volunteers We have closed the entries on the website for now We will open that again then I will tell you We are working for our members, associates, founding members We are working and we are soon We are going to contact you We will be providing you everything Planning and etc. Everything for execution we will provide you So wait for that And I will see you soon in the next video Thank you so much Bubye

2021-07-09 21:31

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