7 Business-Changing Lessons - Episode 202

7 Business-Changing Lessons - Episode 202

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Boom. What's going on what is Steve Larson welcome the sales phone of radium today I'm going to teach you guys some, of the top, lessons I've learned in the last three years. I've. Swept the last four years learning from the most brilliant, marketers, today and now, I've left my nine-to-five to, take the plunge and build my million-dollar business the. Real question is how will I do it without VC, funding or debt completely, from scratch this. Podcast, is here to give you the answer, join, me and follow along as I learn apply, and share marketing, strategies, to grow my online business using. Only today's, best internet sales funnels my, name is Steve Larson and welcome, to sales funnel radio. What's. Up guys hey I didn't know what else to call this episode. But. I saw I just really did my event off her mind and as, I started out I knew, that when I started the event just because I've been coaching a lot of people in this I knew that I needed to start. By. Walking, through some mentality. Things which is not something that I normally would do and, so what I decided to do was I decided to, sit back and and start, thinking through a lot of the lessons I've learned that I've actually made the big difference now I'm not talking, about marketing, lessons in this case a few, of them might be a little bit in that realm but a lot about what I've found is that if somebody doesn't have these things, inside. Of their, funnel or inside their own brain a lot of times their business doesn't do very well so I thought I'd walk through these are seven, of the most life-altering, lessons, I've learned like in the last three years especially, when it comes to being. Able to function as the entrepreneur inside, your business so it's cool I'm gonna walk on through each one of these real quick here and this, whole story with each one of them but. Anyway. I taught these two as, a few few, weeks ago I went and I and and Russell. Was doing this big push for. Was. It Cyber Monday and, Black Friday, and, I was listening I was watching the way that, a lot of people are reacting to the phone hacking live tickets being sold right now and was like dude let me come teach some, things to to these people to help him actually get two thousand dollars in a day and so, it.

Was Really cool guys I woke up the, next morning and, I saw on my phone an email. With, Russell's, name and my name on there and I gotta tell you it meant a lot to me because I've been pushing really hard in the game and to see that. Actually, really meant a lot. To. See that he had blasted out his whole list like that so what happened was I went and I and I went for three and a half hours, and I started by teaching, these. Seven lessons and as I taught the seven lessons is really funny what happened there was a group of people who. Really. Appreciated, I was going through it wasn't this is not necessarily, marketing, education, does he understand and I think that that through some people they thought I was gonna go into hoping to detail, with some, marketing education stuff there's, good people that was also very unhappy with the fact that I was not teaching some marketing education and it was pretty funny to see the very stark divide and, what. Do I understand is that I have coached thousands, of people in this game now literally, okay and a lot of them have, and a lot of I mean a lot of money like get the two comma Club and I want you to know that that, these are some patterns that I've noticed inside, of somebody's, brain do. What makes them successful okay. Especially. In the last like year I want to know that these are some of the biggest lessons I've distilled down if I can hand them off to somebody else not, stuff like hey this is the best way like, these. Aren't like flash-in-the-pan things, k these are things that have made really, the, difference for me in my life and my business as I've moved forward so I'm, gonna move forward I'm gonna go through seven things real fast I'm gonna teach you guys a few, these number, one okay very. First thing on the list is it's, all about following the framework, okay, I it, is like is this, very, common thread that I find when somebody is like hey I'm gonna go, I'm. Gonna go start building the funnel Steven what's. Like the the. They, always aspect what are the three things what I'd like what's the checklist, of things I can use to make sure that my funnel gets off the ground will and I understand, what they're asking but. The biggest thing I've noticed is that people will get distracted. On the. Creative. Piece of building.

Funnel, Or building a business or building a product okay, and that's like it's like it's. The exact opposite of what you need to actually focus on okay um. Understand. That like this, game when. I was in college guys a lot of times it was the thing I was taught was like make, something that's brand new something that's completely prolific, something that no one's ever seen before and stuff, that's that that's that, the markets never seen before I will tell you that a some risky, risky, crap, and I never would follow that advice ever. Instead. It's all about instead of following, the 80%. 80%. Of his falling, a framework okay. So. You're saying I'm telling you 80% of this entire game is you, just. Doing. The pattern, okay. It's the 20%, that you go and you add you little glaze on the top and what, I don't want people which stresses me out is when people sit back on and say hey you. Know what I'm gonna, go in guys Steven what's that little trick what's the little thing right here with it and they have no idea what their focus on the 20% not. The 80s it actually makes it work you, understand I'm saying you, can get an F in funnel building you can you can completely not be amazing at this game you can make design that's actually really crappy, and not designed right you could and and you can make a ton of money and a fantastic, lifestyle. Just by understanding the, 80% framework, okay, if you are not a creative individual, that's. Not a it's, not a handicap, your. Stam I'm saying step. Number one okay lesson, number one that I want you understand this it's, all about the framework that you follow that's. That's number one it's all about the framework it's all so so, here's. Here's my here's, my lesson to hear um if. You can't name, like if you cannot audibly teach. Somebody, or tell somebody else what framework, they're following that is the definition of feeling like your wheels are spinning so, some of you guys right now I know that you watch this and you listen to see like Steve and I feel like I've been knew this game for so long I've been trying tons of stuff and then I'll ask people like well what do you sell and they can say what they sell but they have no idea what models are following oh I'm, doing the info product model oh I'm doing the econ model I'm not talking my funnels I'm talking about business models, right, and if you can't actually say, this is the this is the 80%, framework, the 80% model, that I'm following guys. A lot of for years I mean that is what a lot of where this, spinning the wheels feeling, came from for me when I was like I feel like I would know what do I know what I do in that guy's business I know what I'll do in that guy's because I know how to do that well why am I making any money right and it's because I would try and go on the cusp in and out on these these little the fringes, and go, to these these places where I sorta learn the 20% and, that's. The 20% doesn't matter it's, so much better to learn that 80% framework.

That Causes, cash right you, guys saw the episode that I dropped out a little bit ago right it's I care I care all, about, only about the. Frameworks, that cause cash by a rule okay. And so I'm just telling you right here again it is all if you didn't hear that episode is really really powerful it's called cash causing, frameworks cash causing models and I. Mean. I don't want to have to learn the, exception. To the rule in order to make money right and I'm not throwing rocks at the financial, market but it's one of the reasons why I don't do, much. Stuff in like a stock market or stuff like that anymore is that I feel like I had to learn exceptions. To the rule in order to make money right, same. Thing with a lot of other things I was doing out there the thing I like about funnels, is that I can learn the 80%. Like just the rules and then just do them and, make money I don't, have to learn like these crazy flash-in-the-pan, strap. In order to make it work out so just one one thing real quick on this also okay right it's all about the framework that you follow what, I recommend you do is it lets say that you're gonna go in you're trying to be the best traffic driver, for, Instagram. Ads what, I need you to do this is this is how you start looking about the industry this is how you so I'm gonna teach you right here a shortcut, your, time to success this, is it right here who. Is yesteryears. Framework. Master, okay. Now, let, me walk through the real quick Ian who, if you sit down and actually write down a list of like. Who is, yesteryears. Framework, faint framework master for example, who, is the person right now in existence who understands, the most about sales funnels that. V russell brunson right, and why the. Reason why is because he, knows, yesteryears. Gurus, and he's, learned all, these gurus yes, right right the this is the the, the. Last generation, gurus, he knows them so well the, models, that they teach the, frameworks, that they teach right, right the patterns, that they tell you need to live by he, knows them so well and he, has followed them with such intensity. That he's, learned how to distill, down and find where the gaps are even in their frameworks, right, take, it into his own start living him and then create, his own framework. You. Understand what I'm telling you when, you can do this guys this is literally how I've short I know it's one of the major reasons why I am where I am right now is because I decided I would say like well I'm gonna be one I want Trump be one of the best funnel builders in the world am i I have no idea but the pursuit of that led. Me to follow Russell, Brunson because, he, is what I call I know it sounds cheesy but, it's what I call the framework master okay he is the master, of the frameworks. That cause success, in funnel building so, if you're gonna go and you're gonna be the best traffic driver for Instagram, who is yesteryears. Gurus, framework. Master right rip meaning meaning they followed like let's say like ten different gurus consumed. All their material, gone through and taken in all their stuff and then. Gone through and started, applying it saw, the gaps and then started producing their own frameworks, I know my, friends, that that is the reason off her, mind was such a big success I was teaching my own frameworks, hey, I've spent so much time in the offer creation, in the funnel building space I, know where the gaps are and what, is taught in different areas between, learning it and actually doing it okay it, only comes with thousands, and thousands, of students that I've brought through this a lot, of Matt time right so, anyways that's the first lesson there now I'm gonna go faster through the others but that's a big one I just want to explain it if you can identify inside, your market who the framework master is that's who I call it right this is like this is like the Jedi Master right this is this is the sensei master whoever, that is whoever that person is, who's, gone through have consumed all the Guru's write, all their frameworks, and then started getting so good at them that they started producing their own variations. That's. Huge right that, does not come you cannot fake that and. That's why I fall russell brunson so well on funnels. Right, then there are other people in my life that I follow when it just comes to straight sales or straight closing, or just, systems, right, and that's the same those are some of the same parameters, I look for when, I'm when I'm trying to get like, a coach right, is this, person, a framework master, of yesteryears, gurus.

Does. That make sense right. And the frameworks, that they were all teaching that's a big big huge lesson, it is literally how you take a decade, and learn it in a day right it's, by learning the framework, of that individual. All. Right that's lesson number one it's all about the framework did you fall lesson number two you must be peak focused, and not, path, focused, an individual. That is path focused, takes, a long time to start moving okay. I used to do a lot of backpacking and what was really frustrating, but it totally makes sense for this analogy is that you, would see right and you guys who were backpack before like I remember the Sun we were climbing up this mountain and and. We. Were on this three-week backpacking, trip and we were backing with climb incoming we just come out of this really cool valley and it was beautiful, it was amazing, it was an afternoon the, clouds have come in it was slightly drizzling, just a little bit but it's still amazing out there's a nice smell of rain right and as we start getting closer to the top, suddenly. We had bridge this we come to this Ridge we, actually, summit, this little small Ridge and then see that there was actually another summit. And then, we would do it again and then there's another summit, and then we do it again there's another summit, and it's, called a false summit and. That's. What I've noticed is that the end of the dual who's focused on the peak the. Path stops mattering so much right, if I'm gonna go and I'm gonna build a successful. Is this right. The people that I've noticed that don't do anything in this game ever or the people who sit back try to analyze, every single path want to start want to see from beginning to end before they get started and it's crap it doesn't happen that way okay, so you, got any peak focus, not path focused I'm not saying you shouldn't learn as much as you can ie path but. Guys everyone. Switches paths on the way up to the top everyone. Does right, oh man, I thought. I'm gonna go build this internet business and I'm gonna build an agency around SEO, and for, a while guys I studied SEO, I hate. SEO, okay. I never, I'm never gonna do that CEO kid and CEO drives me nuts I would rather hire people to do that for me like in all reality I hate it right but that doesn't keep me from building, a cool internet business on like right online and getting. The actual thing off the ground but. So many times people like whoa what, if I get going on this path and I don't like it like alright, then just switch paths, but you're still going to the same peak, okay. Then what I've noticed is that when I'm coaching people and their peak focused, and not path focused they're. A lot harder to stop okay. Meaning I it actually. Is harder when I see them starting to get like mud thrown in the face or there's stuff that they're starting to come again up against that they weren't expecting on it's harder for that individual to be stopped because they're not worried, if like something in their past suddenly, gets oh no, something unexpected, right, that happens to everybody and everything that you pursue ever right, that's it this is it that's a big big deal okay.

So Stop obsessing so, much over the path that, you're supposed to go down and just start, like, even if there was no path in existence, you at least know where the top of the mountain is right. It's right there just start, walking to it right. Just move I'm. Very very proud of my lady right now she's, going in and she's doing some cool seminars, and things like that and she's never done them before and and, without me telling. Her without me there's, been no incurred, the I'm not not like you got to do this thing it's just. Doing. It and I. Was like I want, you to know um in, fact I just told her this before I walked out of here I was like I want you to know I can get maybe get like five percent of the people I coach to do what you just did and she's like seriously I was like yeah. Like people just don't take action, for, freaking ever they. Sit, back and they're like. What's it gonna be like in session, two man. I don't know like I split and offer mine the week before it started, not, before I started selling tickets you, understand and some people look at that I'll be like Steve, and you guys are so risky, oh my gosh no we're not okay. We're letting the market guide, us I'm letting the market guide, me and that can only happen while I'm in motion, can't steer a parked car people move right you can you have got to be peak, focused, not, path, focus the path will change the peak doesn't though okay. Number, three okay so number one it's all about the framework you fall number T must be peak folks not path folks number three as it's all about leaning into your constraints, and you guys have heard me riff on this one before but guys, the constraints, that you have they're, not real constraints, and when you realize that every everything, that that is in your life that feels like is against you it's actually your superpower, it's. Amazing, how fast you can move in the game right. And there's so much less anxiety and, you, stop comparing, yourself to other people and you stop doing things like saying oh. Man. I'll take action once I'm in that kind of position oh man, I'll take action once I have that kind of a following well of course they, can do that because they have a huge email list right, you stop saying crap like that when, you realize that everything, you've been given is a tailored, you. Understand we're saying it is a tailored. Opposition. Just, for you right you, bad at speaking perfect. Right. Means that you're gonna learn it in a way that others that are natural at it are not gonna learn it right. You have no money awesome. Lean. Into that right you're now gonna have a story in the future where, you're gonna turn around say like yeah we had nothing and you'll be more believable than the person that started with a lot of resources, you understand what I'm saying like most you guys just aren't willing to live the hook right, you're not willing to live your own hook in front of your audience that's. A big deal and when you realize we talked, about that in an inner circle meeting a little bit ago and a lady list was talking about that I said you understand like if you, if you are not willing to do a camera what it was but like your.

Audience Is gonna call your bluff if you do not live. Your own hook that's, a big deal now. Up anyway number. Four please please, please for the love build. Your. Business that changes your world before you change the world okay. Easily. One of the it's, also one of the top thing a lot of this come for me to spend, in time with new people in the game okay. Stop. Trying to build a business that changes, the, world okay. Change your, world before you change the, world your honor say I'm telling you okay I want, you that's why I call myself the pack the capitalist, Pig guys guys, make, money right there's nothing wrong with going out and making money okay, make money make, money so, much so that you change your world because then you'll be in a position to change the, world how much power do you have when. You have not when, you go you're like living paycheck-to-paycheck you can really can't you're very limited in the options you can take okay. So. What am, okay. Check this out when I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna build something brand-new like we just barely launched something new about six weeks ago right and, we lost this thing we put it out there is really really awesome but the reason why I launched, into position it I wash it with a certain, way okay, number one I chose, the wealth industry, okay. I did that on purpose because people, expect to spend money in the wealth industry, it's. Not that they don't in relationships, right, it's not that they don't in health but. They particularly, expect. To spend money in the, wealth industry, so. It's an easier sell you. Feel me right now can you guys like if you're, driving right now I wreck I I. Recommend. To you to sit back after, a while go write this down afterwards, okay, this is a big deal when you think about it this way I'm gonna stack all the cars in my favor that I possibly can I'm going, to sell something in the wealth industry, I'm going, to sell something that naturally. Has a high ticket okay. Because, then I can go and I can sell something for two three four ten twenty five grand and it's. That that's a natural normal thing I don't have to turn up hey you want to spend 25 grand on this this free plus shipping book people like no I choose. Things that are, selling for high dollar I choose, an industry wealth, where, people expect to spend money I don't have to sell them on the fact that they need to spend money right, there there's an expectation for, it I also. Will go in and I will choose an industry this, is a key move right here okay I will choose an industry to sell into. That. Has been existing for a while that. Has gotten so, good, that. It continues, to create new customers, right. No I sell in the MLM space and that's the reason why right, MLM has been around for freaking ever and the, reason why I sell into it is because it's been around so long people. Are convinced, that it's good right. Meaning the, industry. Creates, the customers, I don't have to create a customer they, make the customer for me did you hear what I just said, okay. When, somebody, builds, a product, and they turn around and they say who, should I sell it to wrong. Order. Okay. Wrong. Order. The, first thing I do is I look for markets. Red red, bloody, red oceans, that, are that have been in existence for a while, that. Have been creating, customers, on its own right. The sales message is alluring, enough. That. It creates a customer, for, me and then. I just get good at figuring out what message, I can send into, that red ocean to, pull customers back out I didn't. Create the customer, I collected. The, customer, you understand, okay. As an ocean starts to expand, as a market, begins to grow and the idea behind it gets more and more valid, the market, will move from customer, collection, to, customer, creation. And when, I see a red ocean this might be getting too deep for the pot for this podcast here but I want, to know what I'm what I look for in these lessons Kay what, I'm looking for is I'm selling, into wealth not, health not relationships, when I'm trying to change my world and not the world okay, I'm selling, into wealth, I'm looking, for a market that has been expanding. Long enough that. Customers, and companies reinvest. The cash they made from that market back into the same market and I'm, looking, for ways to see, like oh my gosh look, this market, is so good, they're.

Not Just collecting, customers, from other markets now they. Actually are creating customers. There's a process, the sales message is alluring enough it's strong enough that it creates customers, then all I got to do is learn how to sell into. That market I'd, never have to worry about who, to sell to again I never have to worry about how to create a customer, I'm just collecting them it's, a lot easier that, makes sense very subtle small idea there I had it when I was actually, as preparing for offer mine I like oh crap that is why that works so well and it, works super. Super well so anyway. Look for several there's, a lot of things that I walked through with to see if it's like is that is that ocean ready to be picked right is it ready for me to sell on to is, this a good product to me for me to go into what, kind of sales message do I see that there's a divide, beginning, already inside. Of that ocean are there third tier influencers. Rising, inside of that writer there's a lot of things that I run into and I'll definitely go do it a full episode on this but I want you to understand like guys change your world the free trade change the world, yeah, it's. It's. Very hard, to pull margins, out and he changed the world business for quite some time and so, you end up losing, steam, guys. Go get money get, rich J and then turn around I'm all about making. A an absolutely sickening amount of cash and then doing, cool things in the world with it that help people okay that's kind of a thing that's why I'm doing I'm doing and I know that that's way, easier of a route then, starting a non-profit I'm just gonna say it okay that's starting a non-profit, well. We're going and changing doing your change the world business before you do the change your world business anyway. Number. One remember it's all about the framework you fall if you can't even name it that's why I feel like you're spinning your wheels you must be peak focus not path focused, that's another way to feel like you're spinning the wheels you're actually not attaining, anything leaning, to your constraints, they are your superpower, okay. That's, why it when someone's like I don't have enough time or money I'm like bull crap I don't believe you have zero sympathy for you change, your world to free change the world number five the market will always tell you what to do okay number five the market will always tell you what to do okay now whichever understand is that it's this game is about you learning how to be a good, detective rather. Than a creative, genius and so when you learn how to go into an ocean and see what's, actually going on inside of it inside of a red ocean and see and I pull things out and have them start to guide you in the creation of a blue ocean it, is way easier to, succeed in the game great. It's actually exactly the opposite of the things I was taught right, inside of college and in, the end lots of lots of the books that are out there today especially I'm product creation and stuff like that come, up with like a cool brand new idea it's like okay.

But, Like, people. Don't just spend money because they say they're going to like what are they actually spending. Money on not. Will they say they're, gonna spend money on what are they actually spending. Money on and it's, all about discovery. A blue, ocean with. A red. Ocean customer. And that's. Way easy to do that way I'm gonna keep going here guys. You have to understand too that cash is not king cash flows King I did let, me say cash is king. So our cash is not King, cash, flow is king okay. Too, many times I see somebody hit the 2 comma Club award and and, they'll do it in an area I mean they'll make a million, dollars through the funnel but. They. Themselves will get this big payout and then. It's not sustainable and then they die I'm. Not saying it's not worth it I'm saying it's, not security, all right I look, for I look for opportunities I look for right in every sigh have to value ladders right now that I'm building or two businesses, I think of businesses as value ladders with systems in it right, and there's two different value, ladders that I'm building right now and in both of them there, are there's acquisition. Processes. There's, there's, a there's, ascension. Processes, for the customer and then there's monetization, systems. For. The customer as well all right so I'm ascending, and monetizing and I'm and. I'm actually acquiring, customers inside. The value ladder however, it is incomplete. Without, the fourth one which. Is continuity, and, each one of the businesses that I build right, and it's not always super clear before I start, but I want you to know that I'm always looking, for a way to add a continuity, based thing into each thing that I build is there. A way for me to gain a monthly, consistent, check from my customers no matter how big no matter no matter how small. From. From my customers right, that continuity, is like what lets you build everything bring. It in this huge cash influx is cool but it's freaking scary, if it never comes again and so, I don't look for businesses, worth like boom tons of money all ones I'm not saying I don't do that what I'm saying it's not I don't I don't let my emotional, hair down and go like oh my gosh like I'm totally set now if that's, the case because that that's freaky, and so I look for ways to build my business and build my stuff so that I have cash flow and when, I have cash flow when things are actually getting off the door and getting rocking like it's. It's that's a huge deal you understand that, that's actually with less you build the business, right. Not, the funnel I'm saying the business the, businesses so it supports the funnel right a business is systems, right, because, of cash, clothes that we have I. Can. Go hire a team which, is exactly what I did right, I can take cash flows and I can go I can hire out different. Pieces of the funnel build or hire out different pieces of the content, machine right, we now have I, think. Ten, people. On the content team now between. The two shows that I've got ten okay, it's, not cheap okay the, reason I can do it is not because up cash I can do because a cash flow and, so I'm looking for businesses where I can get money coming in the, funnel breaks even on the customer coming in I can upsell, them and then somewhere in there is a continuity, based thing and when, I have that I have a business okay. Fourth. Thing or sorry uh I. Saw, the number four number seven okay final thing here is confidence. Equals competence, okay, if you do not feel competent in the funnel game if you do not feel confident, inside, of the. Funnel. Building world inside, of business or whatever you, got to learn more okay. But you have to do it in a way where, you're not like okay. I don't learn anything in SEO ever or social. Media posting, ever because. I don't want to learn it I don't want to know it it's not what I need in order to solve the next problem in front of me okay I'm, starting to tell I hope you understand this if you can't name the framework, that you're following if you, can't name the model you're building if you can't name the problem, that you're trying to solve okay. If you can't Nate that that problem you're gonna feel like you're spinning your wheels that's the best way for you to feel like, nothing's, happening in your life okay and so they're what, I'm saying is if you can't name the problem you're trying to solve you're, gonna learn in a very sporadic. Method, sure. To hear, that like.

If, You can't name a gap this is the problem I'm trying to solve on my whiteboard right here on the other side there. Is I. Have two questions I'm trying to answer right now that's. It that's. It I know that any other question, that pops up it's. Either something I need to solve on the way to, solving the big problem or it's not a real question okay. There's, two problems I'm trying to solve right now I can name them that's it I'm not gonna even on the podcast right here okay okay, but, they're written there on the board I know exactly, what, I'm trying to learn for, I don't. Just learn generally. I don't just learn for the of oh it's, good to just learn no, it's not guys that's the best way to make your brain feel clouded, and oh my gosh there's so much in there and it will literally clog your mental shelf space okay. Guys. These are like the seven, lessons I've noticed, and I've learned especially the last like there is especially the last year, okay, being out on my own as I've looked back on the things that have actually made the, big adjustments, in my life that's them okay, it's, all about the framework okay. And if you can't if you if you cannot name the framework you're following, the 80% proven. Will make money framework, you're, gonna feel. Like you're spinning your wheels right you're gonna fire off your next funnel and not know why okay. You. Have got to be peak focus not path focused, and, I fall I find the framework, and I understand that some things on the way to following, it I just. It's gonna be hard for me to name until I'm there I better not stress out about it let me just start moving let, me just do it right, lean. Into the constraints, anything that I feel whatever. Those specifically. This has to do with the the feelings and emotions of the individual, I'm not good enough I'm, not smart, enough there's, no way I can't, speak I can't talk I don't know how to write copy that, the, Wang Wang Wang okay, and every time I've noticed that that's usually because somebody's starting to believe their constraints, are actual, constraints, and they're not okay. There's superpowers, but, not until you flip the way you're seeing them and honestly you're willing to feel a little pain maybe a little pressure slight amount of discomfort in order, to push through okay.

Change. Your world to free change for the world that's a huge one. Guys. Changing. The world I want to change the world that's what I'm doing I'm doing I want to change the world I don't know exactly how but. Right now I'm changing my world and funny. Enough that changes a lot of other people's worlds as well okay, in, the. Pursuit of be changing, my world right it's been changing a lot of other worlds but it's also been giving me more in a position of power and increasing. My capacity. To change the world I know that those projects will come up soon in fact I kind of feel they will be but, right, now it. Doesn't matter alright internal changes my, world before the world, guys, the market wall is tell me what to do I totally agree with that totally believe that a lot of examples behind that this is not really a platform II to go through too much of that. Is not king cash, flow is king okay, big ol winds are awesome but please build something as sustainable. And. Then confidence, equals competence stop learning. Generally. And for the sake of it it is the best way to feel, like you're going nowhere okay anyway. Guys I just I super, appreciate you, I hope, you know that everyone, you guys are listening right now I do I'd like I love. You I want you to know that III, feel. Such a, gratitude. For what it is we all get to do we have the funnest game ever and we have the tools to play it when, we have the tool to play it well anyways, if you guys enjoyed this episode those, are the seven things that I've learned that have really turned the dial for me in the last especially year, and I, just want to show them off to you guys there so anyways hopefully has enjoyed it please rate and subscribe and, I love it see in the next episodes bye guys. Woo, hey, there's more marketing, resources, than there are scenes at the CMI right okay, maybe not but there's a lot how, do you know if you're paying for good ones, recently. I went to my business bank statement, and I counted 51, Internet tools and resources that I use to run my business every day and actually. Keep my team size small if, you want to see the list I actually filmed an individual, video teaching. You why I use, each tool in the strategy, behind it and then I drop the link straight to the source right below it if you, want to see the list and see what you can use yourself go. To best, marketing resources com, that's, best marketing, resources, com. You.

2018-12-22 21:53

Show Video


Hi Steve. I'm liking your content. It's providing value. You have me with my notebook out.

Awesome episode. We love you too!!!

Stephen - just a quick note to say that it's been quite a while that I actually wrote down notes during a YT video, but this one was a keeper, so I documented the seven lessons. After watching I feel partially comforted that I am on track, at least in some ways, but mostly I just feel uncomfortable because of the implications of the lessons and the challenge they so abruptly pose to my current thinking. THANKS SO MUCH for your giving, heart-felt video. /JR

Steve, great content I really liked the peak focused analogy. But my biggest take away was the Go Google Tshirt. Such fond memories of you yelling at us during the 30 Day Challenge. Thanks for great content this year.

I really enjoyed this episode, Steve - exactly the stuff I needed to hear right now! Thanks!

I didn't create the Customer . . . I collected the Customer. Steve you are killing it!

Steve you ROCK!!! Thank you for all you do

Steve, this episode is THE BEST EPISODE till now (for me), and not because the others are not good, but because you took all the #goldennuggets and #awesomesauce from this year and you distilled it into one episode. this is (again for me) like a blueprint to learning from you. you rock man!!!

Great Lessons! I thought everyone was really valuable. I especially like the Change YOUR World before you try to Change THE world. My ultimate goal is to change the world for others but I realized from the start that without financial success in my business, my hands were going to be pretty tied trying to change those other worlds. Thank you for sharing these!

awesome! thanks for the great content! always provide great inspiration and knowledge for me to use.

This was much needed! Thanks for everything you do!

Love the Christmas mood:) Fantastic lessons. I agree with #1. Be clear about your framework is a must.

Your Always The Best! Learn What I Need To From You And I Still Dont Understand Why I Can Only Seem To Learn It From You I Appreciate Everything!

Live your hook... BOOM!

Thank you for sharing. Grateful for your content.

1. Use frameworks (Perfect webinar, star story solution, hero’s journey) 2. Peak focused and not path focused 3. Lean into your constraints. Everything you’ve been given is a tailored opposition just for you 4. Change your world before you change the world. I didn’t create the customer, I collected the customer 5. The market will always tell you what to do. (Detective vs creative genius) 6. Cash is not King. CASHFLOW is King. (Continuity) 7. Confidence equals competence (Just in time learning) Thanks Bud! Merry Christmas!

Not willing to live your own hook ❤

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