6 ICT Based Strategies, You'll Learn 1 Today...

6 ICT Based Strategies, You'll Learn 1 Today...

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all right folks here we are in trading up we've  got sg in the house he's about to walk you through   some of his take on the his ict training so he's  gone through the icy ict training if you don't   know who that is go and check it out on trading  that's michael hudderston inner circle trader and   he's going to basically show you his take on it  how he's come up with those sort of methodologies   and turn it into his own trading system so  welcome to the show sg hey man appreciate   it man thanks for having me well let's get your  screen shared and let's have a look at this stuff   let's go let's do it hey folks my sponsors city  traders imperium have just launched some amazing   changes to the funded trader program you gotta  check out you can now skip the whole evaluation   trade gold as well as forex plus they've increased  the drawdown you're allowed in both the evaluation   and when funded with c2a it's even faster and  easier to reach up to four million dollars   in funding with a 50 to 70 profit share click  the link in the description to find out what   else has changed me personally when it comes  to you know strategies like everybody knows   i learned from ict but even after even after  learning from ict i still blew up like maybe   12 13 accounts after i learned from him we talked  about that earlier um so yeah i had to just   go through and just the experience man like  you know the experience of getting in the   market and learning and sampling from ict and  then building my own system so i built my own   system based off of you know his his his analysis  his his uh his content man so yeah so i i got   six strategies that i use in the market and i'll  name them off but we'll go over one in particular   so let's see uh my my main this is the only six i  use period like like i said i built them just off   of my experiences in the market but uh one of them  is called my open and drive setup then i have a 10   30 one slash five minute chart setup this is just  names i came up with so nothing you know you're   not going to find it anywhere but anyway so the  third one is higher time frame inefficiency setup   then i have a swing trade setup then i have an  intraday swing trade setup and i have an equal   high slash slow setup so the first one i brought  up was open and drive i'm not going to go over   open and drive because that was a very very high  volatile chart and that only comes around a couple   times a season in other words quarter two and  quarter four that that set up is like booming   and that's amazing it's it's very aggressive it's  it's at the one-minute chart uh we use a lot of   pre-market data and that thing you know it's i'm  usually done in five six minutes trading with that   with that set up my uh my 10 30 chart that one's  a that one's really good because it's a it's also   can be used as counter trend trading so i don't  have to go with the higher time frame analysis   that one's called the 1031 slash five minute chart  setup but the one that i'm gonna go over today   that's my bread and butter that one is all year  round by the way the one i'm gonna go over right   now this guy's pretty much all year round is you  know everyone knows that really trades you know   whatever setup you're using you're not gonna more  than likely not gonna be able to do that same one   setup all year round because the market's always  moving and adapting adjusting you're gonna have   to come up with multiple setups in my opinion to  be able to day trade every you know every day or   you know when you need to so the one i'm gonna go  over right now it's called the higher time frame   setup that's my bread and butter that's my that's  because that one is you know it's pretty much for   me it's all year round and you know it tells it as  long as your chart you can read the chart and you   can have a as long as this criteria as long as the  chart fits the criteria you know what i'm saying   then you know i can i can i would uh i would  try to trade that chart you know if that makes   sense so i'm going to go over the higher time  frame inefficiency setup that's my favorite one   and basically it's like i said higher time frame  so i'm looking on the hour to four hour to 30   minutes normally somewhere in that time frame  that i'm looking for entries i'm looking for   inefficiencies um and also liquidity so in this  scenario here this is the nasdaq or the nas 100   whatever you want to call it uh matter of fact  let's go over to i'm gonna go to the daily chart   so on the daily chart this is what i got i got um  i love this shoulder right here this left shoulder   looks like a like an equal high or a swing high  here and then we have this this uh sell-off here   it's set off here to me looks like it you know  took out this liquidity here these wicks here   went down into this order block and then we had  the strong expansion or distribution whatever you   want to call it right this strong price delivery  going above this swing high this when this happens   it gives me a lot of uh information that you know  this could be a purge now this also could just   could have just went above this swing high and  it continued to go higher but once it went above   this previous swing high and then we sold off uh  through these lows this previous low here that   gave me an indication that we may be looking for  a bearish market later on again this is the daily   chart right so on the daily chart i'm looking  for inefficiencies that's what i'm looking for   and also not just any inefficiency i'm looking  for i want like i just explained i i want christ   to tell a story and so i just kind of told you  guys that i got this little shoulder over here and   then we had this aggressive move above it right  and then for a few days a few weeks actually it   stayed up here and then it started to work his way  down popped back up and then we shot down again   through this low here this previous  swing low which is very important to me   we go through this swing low and we left  this inefficiency right here let me take   some of this stuff off the chart so  you can see it a little bit better   i'll take these little yep those vertical lines  off if you look right in here on this daily chart   we have a wick here a wick head it's a beautiful  inefficiency we call it a fair value gap fmg uh   this community should know that that's a sweet  spot for me and it's on the daily chart what else   is important to me let's go down to the four hour  from here let's check out the four hour so the   four hour is still sewing a soft spot in there i  really like that um and again we took out that low   now when we took out this swing low over here  remember i just showed you guys on the daily chart   we took out this this previous swing  low and once we took it out price   came back and retested an order block and it shows  some strong expansion here so now if we go down   to the if we go down to the david or the one hour  chart as of right now it looks like to me monday's   obviously monday's the low of the week that's  what we got right now monday's the low of the week   right now and i'm trying to see if that's going to  hold up so we'll see going into the london session   tonight and then going into tomorrow we'll see  what happens i'm still i like the bullish scenario   um because they manipulate the price early in the  week here's monday's open right here's monday this   this little yellow line here that sunday's open  i don't need it there but i don't like it there   so i like to leave it there just to see which  way the market makers want to manipulate price   and as you can see sunday monday they aggressively  sold off into a previous swing low and took that   liquidity way over here all right guys you see  they took that low over there which is which   is what i wanted and then they left on a daily  chart they left this huge inefficiency but on   the one hour i still have another inefficiency in  there also so i really love my i really like this   setup so what i'm thinking what's what's going to  happen is since they sold off price earlier in the   week you know sunday and monday we're probably  going to pop up like they did here maybe come   back down somewhere in a soft spot in here in this  inefficiency area and then maybe continue higher   and close um the rest of the week go above the  opening sunday's open once we get up here i'm   looking for possible swing trades if price fits  my criteria if the chart fits that criteria   i'm only look i'm also looking for day trades to  the south side and i'm looking for swing trades   also so that's what i'm looking that's what i'm  waiting on so right now it's 4 30 in the afternoon   new york's new york time the market pretty much  is closed so the new york session basically   so i'm looking to see what's what we're gonna  do here tonight we got a huge area right here   this is where a lot of guys get confused at  a lot a lot of ict or smart money traders   they understand the concept but they get washed  around they don't know which order block to take   they don't know because a lot of they don't know  what fair value gap or breaker a lot of times it   has a lot to do with the scenario you just can't  trade in order to block a fair value got some   inefficiency you need to trade a scenario you need  to trade on the whole this whole system structure   0:08:53.360,1193:02:47.295 what not off into that higher available frame liquidity  they made a load of the week as of right now   we had to load the week we had an aggressive move  today i actually missed my entry and i didn't like   the lower time frame entry so i didn't take a  trade with it but my higher time frame announces   was so far was correct i expected them to retest  this order block here like like it did and then   we took off so that's good so my high time frame  analysis is correct but my lower time frame entry   was not right so i didn't take a trade like i  told you guys don't take a lot of trades i know   that hey folks just jumping in here now this show  is sponsored by madrix madrix offers you three   smart ways to make money from crypto the first is  coin sets baskets of coins you can invest in based   around themes and picked by experts the second  is algos choose from hundreds of robots they can   trade crypto for you on autopilot and the third is  to create your own outgos and tap into over 50 000   madrix investors click my special referral  link in the description below or the card above   and get 25 credit when you join madrix today  plus this week only if you invest in two coin   sets before the first november you'll go in  the draw to win one of three ethereum coins   current market price is almost 4 000 us dollars  per coin terms and conditions apply do you think   you'll take your trade uh trying to get to  that zone as well or or like another yeah   yeah so tomorrow like like i said i don't normally  trade london session i'm big on new york session   because i think that you know you can trade  london session but i like to get more price data   so when you got you know sydney and you got asia  you know london session all that price data tells   me what's going on from new york so i can kind of  zone in and and see what they're really trying to   do so i like to wait until new york session the  next day so because we have this soft spot here   see this is where guys get confused at  so let's talk about this for a second   we got these two little areas right  here really where price is inefficient   okay so price could come in here and take off  or it can come it can sell off through here and   come down here and take off what i do to help me  not be confused because for a long time y'all i   was confused as hell like i could read the  analysis the the ict the smart money style   but i just could not get my entries right for  me higher time frame is king we all know that   but lower time frame is i call it this queen  she turns the head she kind of gets him to   go where she wants to go so what i do to help  me out i time everything with time and price   i time it with time and price and i also time it  with i use the one minute chart because i feel   like every time frame has its own liquidity  and an efficiency every time frame has to   be respected and i think that's why a lot of guys  are not doing i go all the way down to one minute   i don't care what time frame i find to set up on  this setup right here is clearly on the on the one   hour chart but i'm going to zoom down once price  like right now literally the price is inside of   this favorite value got right now so what i would  do is zoom down to the one minute chart from here   once i go down to the one minute chart i want to  wait for my my liquidity model to be formed on the   one minute this is what i do on this with this  setup this is the high time frame inefficiency   setup right i told you guys i got like six setups  but this is the one this is my bread and butter   i love to use because it has reason why i  love this setup is because we have the higher   time frame directional bias or order flow in our  favor so that's why i like this setup because the   institution guys are back in this this delivery  this price delivered in this direction so i have a   low swing low right here so what i want to wait  for now is this even though i got a swing low   right here i personally personally me personally  i would like to see price come down here   go up re-testing in efficiency and then  take off excuse me on the one-minute chart   so this is what i look for on the one minute  and then what happens is we have an inefficiency   here and that's why we interact i don't enter  um purges i'm big on taking liquidity i'm big   on price taking liquidity i'm an external trader  but i don't take i don't take external interest   i don't take that entry right  in this box but i'm making gold   i don't take that entry right there because at  the end of the day we don't know how deep we don't   know how deep this is going to go so i wouldn't  want to just jump in right here and then it keeps   going down lower and lower now i get smoked so  me personally i want to see price prove it so   i like to let i want to let price prove that's  going to go lower and it's going to have a   reaction a strong price reaction out of there that  tells me that that's a draw on liquidity they're   drawing on this these guys that bought right  here earlier so once they once they prove it   i'm going to wait for them to retest it and  i'm going to time that with time and price   around the new york session time then i'm going to  look for an entry in here and then we're going to   take targets off for liquidity on the one-minute  chart and as price hits these one-minute chart   targets then i'll zoom out to the one hour where  i found this setup at and now hopefully i can hold   it as long as price doesn't you know hit my hit  those targets where i move my stopwalls to so   that's how i trade this this uh this setup  i really enjoy it and it's it's one of my   favorite setups because it protects me because  the higher time frame is in my favor so the   higher time frame inefficiency we're riding with  that analysis we're riding with that delivery but   you i think guys get smoked because they're not  going all the way down to the one minute waiting   on that that one-minute liquidity to be taken and  if it doesn't if it's not taken i don't take it   so let's say it goes down let's go back down to  the one-minute chart let's say price does not take   that extra on that little low right there let's  say it kind of just hovers right here and it takes   off a lot of guys will take that i don't again  i'm an external trader if it doesn't do what i   want to do i'm not taking the trade i want to see  price come below this low because that stresses me   out me as a trader if prices hovers right here and  it takes off i've seen in the past where it takes   off and it comes back down real quick takes that  previous low and then this new low it made and   then take off so me personally i only wait for  external retaken but i don't trade the purge i   want to wait until price proves that it's created  that low first and then it makes inefficiency   because when price moves aggressively it creates  an inefficiency when it creates that inefficiency   a lot of times it'll re-test it it'll take this  load it'll take that little swing high sometimes   not all the time but sometimes it'll it'll create  an inefficiency right here and it'll retest it and   then we'll make a trade what is that what does  an external trader mean i i have not heard that   external is uh outside of the range that it's  in so in other words external liquidity for me   is outside of this range so let's pretend hold on  let's go over here for one second so if we go over   here and you got a a low then you a high right or  a swing high right so now you got this low and you   got this previous high that's a range that's  and anything inside of this range is internal   so when we move outside of that range  now it's external it's outside the range   does that mean yeah yeah yeah yeah okay right so  you're going to take trades outside of the range   basically yeah i want to make sure i want to  make sure it goes outside of that range first   see my setups cause a lot of confusion my setups  cause a lot of confusion that's what i love i love   confusion because that leaves people off balance  just like being a boxer you know a lot of boxers   don't show their moves and head movement they  move their feet around they shift around a lot   they want to confuse their opponent if  you come straight at somebody i know   what you're going to do but if i confuse the  [ __ ] out of you and and you're off balance   i can take advantage of that so i like confusion  and that's my home so here's my journal i use   i use discord to journal and if you scroll over  here you can see there's no one in here but me   it just means just my all my notes all my  hard work i got all my strategies in here   look i even i got a thing that says you know  lost is what not to do with a clown face like   you know i'm really hard on myself i got my  numbers in here this breaks down my my margin   my free margin you know i think that these  guys you guys need to be doing this man like   you guys need to be journaling everything you do  um but anyways if you go down here to the bottom   you can see where it says my six strategies all  the way at the bottom bottom left it says open the   drive setup 10 30 one slash five minute chart  setup higher time frame inefficiency setup so   that's what we've been talking about so let's get  into that here's a chart that didn't work for me   all right so i painted a whole scenario like i  said the chart has to tell the whole that's to   paint an entire picture it just can't be you know  oh there's an order blocker there's a fair guy   but there's the equal law this has to be a whole  scenario for me to entertain it right so anyways   i have a this is uh this is pvp usd gu so  here's a purge down here we purge liquidity   and then we had a strong price reaction  afterwards when we had that strong price reaction   it left an inefficiency that this nice little  order brought down here and then once price   got down into it i wanted to i entertained an  entry down there so let's go see what happened   so that's the one hour chart right that's the  one-hour chart up there in the top left it says   one hour this is a one-hour higher timeframe setup  right excuse me so i zoom so now i'm zooming down   to one minute once price gets inside that one that  one hour inefficiency i want to see what it does   and in this case it may do equal lows but it did  not purge it so since it didn't purge i didn't   take it even if christ goes in my favor i'm not  gonna just jump in because i know what that's like   i know what that's i know that feeling and i've  jumped in trades before and then they zoom back   they zip back down to my entry and now i'm getting  taken out because my stop is too close or it's too   wide i'm taking too much position and trying  to jump in something it's just sloppy trading   it's unprofessional in my opinion so for  i know my demons i know my i know what i'm   good at what i'm bad at so i i play to those  strengths and weaknesses so in this scenario   it did not take that external liquidity on that  one-minute chart even though it still took off   now maybe you guys use fibs maybe you guys can use  something else to where it helps you i don't know   i don't use volume i don't use this i don't  use fibs i don't care about none of that other   stuff if the chart does not do what i wanted  to do i'm not taking trade i'm okay with that   so in this scenario it took off but i didn't i  didn't do what i wanted to do so i left it alone   we got we got another what's this this is eu on  the daily part so here's eu on the daily chart   we got these equal highs up here another little  swing high up here it took this external liquidity   made a purge and what's really interesting about  this setup we took that external liquidity and   then it took that swing high up here so i really  i'm really interested let me take a screenshot   so i'm really interested i love this right here  that swing high right there so you got this high   and you got this this low so price went up and  then it went lower than that than that previous   low and then we went higher than this previous  high that's a really strong indication that we're   going to go higher later on but it doesn't have  to i mean this thing could have come down here   and a little a little reaction in this fell  apart and that's okay i don't care if it does   that because i'm gonna tell you why in a second  so anyways price comes down into this inefficiency   down here and i want to look for an entry on the  one minute so now that's the one hour that's the   daily chart so let's go down to the one minute  it's on a one minute chart look what happened   we went down in there and we took that liquidity  and then look what it did it made a swing high   and it took out that swing high and now it's  coming back down to an inefficiency that i like so   now look what happened once it went down into that  inefficiency we took off again so that's where i   would interact hey guys everyone what broker  i use well i use these guys hanko trade look   it was a no-brainer for me because i was looking  for a broker with really good trading conditions   and one without any leverage restrictions look  also by joining hanko trade i was able to cut my   cost of trading significantly with this super low  commission of one dollar per 100k look if you want   to find out more check out hankotrade.com or there  is a link in the description cool yeah that makes   sense that makes sense that's awesome um now look  brilliant this is this is fantastic seeing this   stuff well look thank you very much for sharing  with us guys do remember we did do a podcast   which is epic you've got to go and check it out  i'll put a link underneath this video so go and   check that out but before you wrap up what's  the best way for the guys to get hold of you   i got a new podcast um it's out on it's out on  spotify uh it's called the it's called trader's   life you can check it out look it up i'm also on  youtube i'm going to start uploading my podcast   to youtube and that's just under  a stock guide and i'm also on uh   twitter also so stock guy with two ds stock  guide underscore uh god with two d's at the end   awesome cool any guys if you're thinking why  why are these screenshots a little bit weird   it's because uh sg is on his ipad today outside  enjoying the enjoying the summer or in the summer thank you for watching do remember if you're  looking to automate anything i have got my robot   builders club uh where i teach you how to semi  automate or fully automate trading strategies   so go and check that out links underneath the  video as well do remember hit subscribe hit   like and click on the notifications bell and  click all and we'll see you in the next video you

2021-10-29 13:25

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