5 Ideas For Making Money From Home // Carrie Green

5 Ideas For Making Money From Home // Carrie Green

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Hello, hello it is Carrie here and I, hope that you are having a wonderful day, whatever you're doing in. These strange times with this pandemic going on we, are still in lockdown here in the UK so. Not. Much has changed in my life because I was used to working from home although, we did move into an office for a whole two weeks before, we all had to work from home again, not. Quite sure if that was the universe anemia same carry do not get office do not work for an office too late was a cry. But. Anyway with everything going on it gave me inspiration to, create, this for, you I wanted, to talk about how we, can all make money online now, there are two things for this one right. Now. People. Who have online businesses, are on. The. Whole doing. A lot better than. People with offline businesses that's not to say that online businesses, aren't impacted I definitely, have, heard people talking about having. Online businesses, where, they have really been impacted because of what they do so for example someone has an, online business in our membership that is to do with travel and she's really been impacted right now, because. Obviously people can't travel because the world is in lockdown. But, I. Really. Wanted to talk about. Ways. To make money online and, ideas, and also I, asked. Inside of our members club for, people to share how they make money online so. That it could maybe give you inspiration to, show you what's. Possible so whether you've started a business yet whether you've. Not started a business yet I just wanted to show you what's possible because, whether. You have started or you've not started hearing, these ideas and suggestions might spark an idea for another revenue stream or, might just spark an idea for a business, in itself and. I think it's always really fascinating. To hear how people are making money online and how people are making money doing what they love and, as you see this is such an important thing because forget. What's going on in the world right now you, know it, is so important, that we do spend our lives doing something, that we love work. Makes, up the. Majority of our day and if. We are not spending that time doing something we love that and what's the point in all that was honestly what I was asking myself back in 2011, when. I the previous three years feeling. Utterly frustrated. And really. Down because, I was doing something that I didn't enjoy I was running a business that, was mobile. Phone and locking not, exactly, the most inspiring thing in the world, and I just felt so utterly miserable and, I. Remember, getting to February 2011, and finally, having my day. Of as, Jim Rohn calls that day of disgust where I was just like what. The heck am i doing my life I cannot do this anymore I'm so disgusted by the fact that I spent the past three years feeling. Crap about everything, I I, can't keep doing this to myself it's time for me to step up and figure out how, I'm actually gonna live the life of my dreams because in that, time I'd watched from the sidelines, as other, people, were building. Businesses doing what they loved doing things they were passionate about doing things that lit them up and I was like I want that to be me so. I just really. All of a sudden in 2011. Decided, that that needed to be me it had to be me I have, got one life in which to make it as amazing. As I possibly can and I could, not wallow, in my. Confusion. And doubts and worries anymore. And so, in 2011 I gave myself permission to, follow. My dreams and reducing, as passionate about there's, a great. Video. Online where, Jim Carrey was giving a speech and he said he. Learned from his dad that you can fail at, what you don't want, to do in life so, you might as well take a chance on what you do love and I, just think that's so powerful, and. So, now. In the world we live in we all have the ability to tap into the power of the Internet to be able to build. Really successful, businesses, and for, me this is what I've been doing for the past means, in, 2005, a really. Long time. And I, have, come, to realize that there are so many opportunities for.

All Of us to make money doing what we love online and, so. I want, to talk to you about some of these ideas five, ways you can make money online there. Are obviously more, ways but I, really, share these five ways and. Maybe. It might spark something for you but here, we go the, first way you can make money online doing something that you possibly love this. Could work for is to, sell and create digital products, so, when I say digital products, I mean things like, you. Could sell digital, wall. Prints you could, for. Example like you, could create digital PDF. Workbooks. So Michelle. Who, I, work, with Michele bra we, worked together but she also has her own business called the secret society, and she. Started. Making this, thing that she called her ultimate life binder, where she put questions, inside this workbook to help people to you, know get organizing things through every area for their life with intention, and she. Ever think originally sold it for $21, I think it's now over 40, she, has last time I spoke to her on it she'd made like over, $80,000. Selling this digital printable, she, sold it on Etsy people, went to her Etsy store bought. This from her Etsy, then, sent it to them digitally, shouldn't even have to do anything and she's. Sold so many of them it continues to grow she. Messaged me this morning because we were talking about I wanted to interview her about something and. She told me about a different, digital product that she created so. Listen to this she said in mid-march, Amy and I collaborated on a product that we could sell to my community, a digital planet, em plate that people could just decorate, and sell and not, have to create from scratch we, priced at $50, and launched a Minimum Viable version. With the promise of adding more bells and whistles later after. Three emails to a list of 3800. People and Instagram. Posts on social to, our following of 2000, it made. $15,000. In revenue, we, also had a bump offer for $7 and that, has added an additional, thousand, dollars. $16,000. Right there in. Probably. Not much time at all from sending 3 emails and posts on social media, to an audience of 2,000 people with. A digital, product that was $50, so. My. Question to you is is there something digital you could create it, like could you would you be interested in creating. Workbooks. And printables like if you think about your, area of expertise, your talents, what you're good out the knowledge that you have that, perhaps, is so powerful, and impactful, for other people, is there, other things you could share with people in the 4 the digital product like a digital. Download a, PDF, a workbook. A guide. That. People might, be willing to pay for I bet there is I bet you've got something inside you that people would love to pay for if you created it other, digital products might include things like. Audio. Programs, or I've. Actually recently just created an audio program or. You. Could sell we. Also have them audio visualizations. So, if you like visualizations, if you like doing meditations, because you create some of those and sell them online I, like. I said I asked my members for, what, they do so, in terms of digital products. Ebru. Said and she has Planet and recipe of recipe, template, printables, on Etsy so, planner, and recipe, templates that's what she creates and she sells them on Etsy. Melanie. Said I sell, step-by-step. Painting, tutorials, online for, both kids and adults. Which. Is amazing, so. Oh. Alexandra. Wall I love this one I help, busy, professionals, launch their dream clothing, brands i sell, digital PDF, sewing, patterns, and printer, and printable fashion, file packs educating, people on everything from fashion designing through to pattern cutting in construction, so, they can download that ideal wardrobe, and make perfect. Fitting, that clothes I mean, that, is an incredible, idea that, she has brought to life in the form of the business and something that she's passionate about Stacey, says I'm a photographer okay so we see photographers, a service-based business in real life but she, said I'm very thankful that I created an online course I sell.

I Offer, a self-esteem, mindset. And photography, course, for entrepreneurs, so, she's taken her skill and knowledge of her. Business building, her business as a photographer, and she's, turned it into an online course which obviously at the moment is amazing. For her because she can continue to sell that where she, can't continue her photography, business right now with everything going on with this pandemic I know that right now at this particular moment I'm we are in a particular unique, situation. Which isn't, the, norm really obviously. Elizabeth. Said online course she has an online course for helping, women reach their best health. And, that's another thing my digital product you could create a digital course that is a digital product we. Have courses I have a course teaching people how, to create how to start and grow a successful, membership, site it's. A course we teach its, $197, well that's the discounted, price actually. $197. And I, have, video trainings. Where I created videos that, people can go through there's, a guide that people can go through and it shows you literally, how I've built my membership site and that, is something that we sell and that has generated, six over six figures from. A course, so. This. Is what is possible happen you could you create a course is there knowledge within you that, would enable you to create a course that, you could teach to, other people. You, could also unlike, this as well. Kristin. Says I have a wellness stock, photo membership, site so basically she's taken stock photos, of wellness. Of, anything to do with wellness and she's, got a membership site where she people, can access those wellness. Images, from her so, she's taken her skill as a photographer, and turned it into a digital, membership. Site. Emma. Said I have programs, and services to help people overcome insomnia. And sleep problems, so. Literally. Any topic, people. That people, out there are so interested. To learn and develop and evolve and I think, sometimes we overlook our, knowledge. And our own expertise, and we think all whoo well now you. Just assume that everyone knows what you know and that is simply not the case so. Yeah so loads, of different ideas for digital products, and there's, another one here Louise Cowley she has an online graphic, design platform by, users can create professional-looking, Designs, quickly, and easily it's, called design stir and. And. So. For example with Louise creasing she's created an online platform like, so, what she's created obviously has taken a lot, of thought. Time, production. To create that but, again she's taken, her passion, she, solved a problem because she obviously felt, like there wasn't a good enough platform, for, graphic. Design for, graphic design and so she's one created, one and that's. Amazing, so again especially, with what. With anything is as entrepreneurs we're looking at like how we can solve problems for people how we can be of service. Talking. About service, so, another, idea of obviously. Creating. And making money online doing what you love is creating, a service so. It. Could be as a graphic designer, just. Providing, your services, to other people you work from home still you work wherever you want in the world you, people. Find you online people find you the internet you do everything virtually, but, you provide, a graphic design service or a copywriting. Service or an SEO, service, so for example here in the in the members Club sorry. Said I am a specialist, anxiety, coach and psychotherapist, and I have a wonderful little online membership members. Club helping people transform their relationships, with anxiety. Marian. Said she's, a web designer and she provides SEO services. Search. Engine optimization, so again like taking, her area of expertise and selling, it online, give it programming say to people hey I can help you with this you can hire me. Carla. Said I'm a clinical, psychologist and parent-infant. Psychotherapist. I help mothers experiencing. Challenging, parenting, with, her well-being mental, health and maternal, confidence, as well as helping them follow up their child's development path and I, asked her do you do this all online if she said yes like.

Wow You do all of that online by, leveraging needs that you're connecting, with people probably. From all over the world or maybe, just in where in the countries in but supporting. Those people, a nice phenomenal. Kerry. Said I have an online membership for dance teachers, and kids activities, providers. Who want to learn how to grow their businesses, previously. Training, them to market themselves to, schools and nurseries but, now I'm training them to take their business online during this time so, she has an online business and she's pivoted. Slightly, in with. What's going on but she's been able to pivot and offer, stuff, and continue, to offer online, and keep her business going so. Maybe. That'll give some ideas for you know any pivot you might need to make dawn, said I offer celestial, guidance and healing sessions, there. Is no end to, the love the services, we can provide and. The opportunities, that we've got to share our. Our. Knowledge, our expertise, with other people but also to be able to come up with ideas like what Louise did with the graphic design car form and create a platform and to, be asked to leverage the power of the Internet to reach millions of people to provide a service. They've. Got Pinterest, strategists. People. Who. ELISA. I help people with healing. Emotional pain, mindset, and activating. Creativity, with, healing, coaching, through Zoom audio, shamanic. Healing such, sessions online courses, and student, group coaching so. So. Yeah so that leads me onto another, type of service. You can offer online you, could create a mastermind, or online, group, coaching programs, so. This. Is something that tends to be more, on the higher end in terms of pricing so you would typically, charge more for a mastermind, or a group coaching than you would say a course or a digital product but. It's where you can help people and work with people in a group so, a mastermind, might be anywhere from like oh five. To I've seen masterminds was like a hundred and fifty plus people in but, typically, it typically is usually, around ten to twenty people and it mastermind and you. Come together online. You. The, masterminds I've been in where we've come together online, through, the zoom calls and where. The person who's running the mastermind helps support you helps answer your questions, and. It's, really really powerful so. Then that, is another option, for a, type. Of business, you could run online and. Making, money doing something that you're passionate about doing something that you love other. Things you could become a coach so, for example again tapping, into your expertise, tapping, into your or. You know what. You are really good at how you can help people and coaching. People one-on-one so, we've got for. Example Jeannie she says I'm. A post divorce coach so. I mean, how many people need that and need what she's offering you, could become a coach or you could coach you could maybe add that on to what you're doing and help, serve people one on one you could have one, on one zoom calls with people that's. What I've done in the past whenever I work with a coach I still do work with coaches and I have zoom, calls with them while we for an hour about a specific topic a most, helpful, thing ever and I would happily continue. To pay money for those sessions, and. Then finally, the fifth idea. Is. Selling. Physical products, online so, you can leverage the power of the Internet to sell, physical products, and I, mean there's obviously no end to the different types of physical products that we can all create but. The Internet is such a powerful place for us to be able to actually reach millions, and millions of people and sell our physical product so in the, members club Madeline says I sell silk scarves are mine, I designed, the patterns myself I couldn't get a job after uni, and I printed textile, as a printed textile, designer so I decided to start my own business I'm now doing my dream job. So. You could sell health assembly she. Sells health and wellness products to grisha sells. Her own gourmet tea love, it Joanne. I sell my art and, project, with my art on them, eg accent. Cushions bags mugs on Etsy I'm also, in the process of launching thanks, to Carrie an online membership for creatives, called, the creative business collective which is amazing, but, again yeah you can sell your art online you can put your art on products, and then sell those products on places, like Etsy you, know X is a most, amazing, marketplace.

Georgina. Said I sell, personalized, gifts and keepsakes, Laura. Says, I run a subscription. Box for cats and book lovers I just love it I just love the things that people can do and how, people make money with, their ideas it's incredible. Melissa. Said I sell magnetic, lashes, and other cosmetics, online Brigitte. I create beautiful, limited-edition, kimono. Style tops from, pre-loved sarees, and donate 10% of profit to children's mental health charity. Place to be which is amazing, Tracy, sells handcrafted, jewelry, Sarah. Says I have an online shop selling, professional, eyelash products the salons around the UK we, also offer trainings, but as you can imagine we, have been hit hard however, I've. Been given permission to take our course online with a global accreditation, and they are selling like hotcakes so. Again an example of someone who has both you know online offline, type business but she's pivoted, to help do, more online so that she can keep thriving, throughout this. Incredibly. Strange time. So. So, yeah so I just want you to make this so you can see that, there. Are millions. Of people out there doing, so, many unique wonderful, amazing. Things and, just adding so much value to the world that people, are, impacted so positively, from and. We can all do this and I know for me back, in 2011, before I started, FAA I was, I was, hiding like I was, sat on the sidelines, watching other people live their dream life and built their dream businesses, feeling. Like to. Follow my passions, and for my dreams it felt silly, I felt like I wasn't good enough but. The truth is we are good enough and, now. A lot, of people as well a feeling like now isn't the right time to be starting new things and to be selling now is the right time we, all need these things and I think you. Know we also needed to do this and support the economy because we can and. So if, you, yeah whether or not you have an online business or not already, hopefully. This is just maybe sparked, inspiration. Maybe you've had ideas, simmering. Below the surface that you've just not done anything quit for ages and so now, you're just like okay I'm gonna do it I'm gonna get my ideas, out there but there, are so many wonderful, ways. That we can make money doing things, that we love and I feel like that is what life is about is it's trying to live our best lives and trying, to live every day doing things that were passionate, about and work.

Is Such a huge part of our lives and it should be something that we are passionate about and we, have the opportunity, to do it is it, gonna be easy and I'm walking the park probably, not but. You have all the help out that that you could ever need I mean you're already part of the female entrepreneur Association, and we've got tons of support for you but I. You. Can do this you, can create, so much success from. Your ideas, that are in your head from. Your passions, from the things that you love you. Just have to open yourself. Up and get really creative and truly. Believe that you can do it because if all these people and myself included can do it we, all can, so. Anyway, I just hope that this has inspired you, maybe you lit that fire back up and, I would, absolutely love to, hear from you as well so definitely leave me a comment and let me know what. You do so if you already making money online doing what you love leave a comment and let me know what it is that you do so that you can inspire everyone, else in, the comments so they can see what it is that you do. Also. This. Is kind, of related but I. Actually, made this last year but it's taken a little while to get it out there last, year I actually created an audio program called make money doing what you love because. It was like the number one thing I kept getting asked, about like well how do I actually make money doing something that I love so, I put an audio program together I also, put a workbook together and my guided visualization for, financial abundance and, I've, put it all together in this program, and we, are we have finally. Got a unteachable. Ready. To get out into the world and as, we are launching it I want to put it on for a really special price, so if you want to access the audio program, you can do so just $27. It. Was supposed to be a lot more than that but yeah. It's $27. So if you want to come up that then, go, access, it I'll leave the links and whatever you to find. It if you're listening to this on the podcast actually, go to female. Entrepreneur, Association, com forward, slash money. And. And. Yeah. That could be really helpful for you we. Also have our members club as well but I was reading these stories from so if you're not part of the members club but you want to be you want access to that more in-depth training on how to build a successful business it goes in-depth into like there's so many master classes and we do so me live, networking, virtual networking sessions, and got an incredible Facebook group we, currently are running an offer for 50% off your first month with code. Fa-50. So, I will leave the link to that too if you want to come and join us but. Whether you join us or not on any of these things I am here to support you at the whole of the team FBA are here to support you and I'll, keep making these videos and, we've, got masses, of videos on the website that you can access to get so much value from but. Just. Never, forget that this is your life and. You. Here to make it as amazing, as you possibly can I think that's the thing I remind myself of all the time like I want to live the best life ever and I. Don't want to let anything compromise, that, and yes. We don't get to control everything, that happens to us or the circumstances we face but, we do get to choose how we respond, and so, for me I constantly, look at how can I respond in a way that will, help me to thrive will, help me to get through this in the best possible way and I think when we have that attitude that, positive, attitude we. Can create so much more success and happiness and abundance in, our lives so. Anyway. I really hope you've enjoyed this I hope it's got some sparks. Going for you and. Definitely. Subscribe if you've not already so you don't miss next week's video and I will see you next week bye everyone.


2020-04-08 18:54

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