40 Phút Tất Tần Tật Về Giao Dịch Forex Đa Khung Thời Gian

40 Phút Tất Tần Tật Về Giao Dịch Forex Đa Khung Thời Gian

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Hi guys, I'm Tientrong94 - co-founder of CHN Pro Trading community. Nice to see you again in today's video. In this video, I will talk about a topic that is Multi-Frame Trading Before going into this topic, I will emphasize a few things as follows First, this is a video about all-time multi-frame trading. time I will go from the basic, simplest elements to the advanced elements and I will go from the basic concepts if you already know you can skip, fast forward those parts but if if you don't know then you just have to watch this 1 video to know it all and be confident when trading with multiple timeframes Second it's a long video because I'm going to do it step by step so it will It's very long, you can click it and save it for later or save it in a playlist and watch it again if you don't have time to watch it all And after this video we will have a few other similar videos in-depth about 1 topics like this if you want to watch, then turned the bell Subscribe nhé notification channel, you will know and see right now, we're going to go into all that is trading today multiple timeframes c There are 3 points in today's video that I want to mention that is the concept of Multi-timeframe Trading How to use? Some examples I will give examples on the chart, on the computer so you can easily see, observe and apply 1. What is multi-timeframe trading? Multi is many, and the timeframe in Forex will have this notation M: Month (month) W: Week (Week) D: Daily (Day) H4, H1, H is the symbol for Hour (hour) M30, M15 30 minutes, 15 minutes, M minutes (minutes) this is the time frame that you can see when trading Forex this time frame represents the end of one period of time, then it will shut candles candles this is includes green candle and red candle green candle is up signifies price increase, red candle is vice versa Each time period it will close differently, that time period is this time frame Example we have a Month frame ie 1 month it gives a new candle, 1 month closes 1 month candle And week after 1 week you only have 1 week candle Day candle after 1 day That's why we see many different time frames Each 1 time frame it will have its own effect. In H4 4 hours out 1 candle and similarly the following hour candles also M30 30 minutes 1 candle And I recommend you to trade timeframes like these should only trade in the big frames, and the smaller frames, you are a newbie so you should not trade anything So multi-timeframe is trading in different time frames Then why do we need to trade at different time frames? Why not look at the M, W, ... frames and then trade it?

For example, you trade in a monthly frame, that is, 1 month will have 1 candle so that looking at the month frame, it will be very long. For example, looking at the smaller frame is the D frame, ie, there is only 1 candle in 1 day, after 1 day we will know how it formed? there are signs of what we know is in command or exit command or not That is why we decided to trade multiple timeframes to trade multiple timeframes we will rely on other factors you find good points, nice timeframes, nice setups and find entry points faster, find supports easier and see more general angles, you can look at this table it has many cells small square for example each box will represent each time frame But if you use multiple time frames you will see the overall picture including small details When looking down from the large frame you will see it there what and what to do is why we should trade multiple time frames So i have explained to you what multi time frames are, why to trade, and how to trade multiple time frames Weak The second factor is how we use it in this section you need to pay special attention that when we use it, many of you will get confused So I will explain it very slowly. so you can understand In this step, I will divide it into 3 parts. The first part is you have to identify the trend, key level and support and resistance I will explain them one by one. What is Trend? Trend is the trend that helps us determine which direction the price is going. The trend is uptrend, downtrend and sideways when the market is sideways, we will not trade here because when the trend is not identified, it is very difficult to grasp the path. price

so you only trade when the trend is up or down , the uptrend is called uptrend, the downtrend is called downtrend Let's focus and uptrend or downtrend So we only trade when we determine whether the market is up or down down What is uptrend, what is downtrend? Uptrend is an uptrend, the candlestick pattern will be like this going up and down, not a big win, the price will go like the picture I drew on this table, you will identify a trendline too the pattern. Uptrend like this in an uptrend pattern, the bottom is the bottom, the top is the top 2 bottoms and tops, you can see the bottom and top like on my screen the trendline is a straight line used to identify the trend and they We connect it together When drawing a trendline, it should go through 3 points, it will be more accurate, it will be a strong enough, strong enough trendline. As for the 2-point trendlines , it will be a bit weak, not strong enough for us to identify a trend.

And you can see on the screen that the bottom 2 is higher than the bottom 1, the top 2 is higher than the top 1, and the top 3 is high. more than peak 2. Here, to identify an uptrend , you can rely on the fact that the following bottom is higher than the previous one, as long as the latter is higher than the previous one, but also the latter is higher than the previous bottom, and the latter is higher The previous peak is still an uptrend. And the downtrend is the opposite, which means it will not be up, but down. You can see the illustration for the down trend on this table here we will see that the top 2 is lower. top 1, top 3 is lower than top 2, bottom 2 is lower than bottom 1, bottom 3 is lower than bottom 2. Then when down trend it will be the following top lower than the previous one, the latter lower than the previous bottom. As long as it remains like that

, it is still a down trend and you can also draw a trendline connecting these tops and bottoms together as long as it remains like that, it is still a down trend So what is the key level? ? Why should we care about it? You can understand it simply as follows: Key Level is a support and resistance area but in a big frame. Then I will talk about support and resistance first. About support, you simply understand that someone lifts your foot, they help you, you will be pushed up, call it Support, and when the price reaches that area it will go up but when you meet resistance it is a thing when you want to do something and someone resists you you will be pushed down then as you can see in the picture the price is going up then it meets resistance will go down in this zone You just remember that support is below, resistance is above Then support and resistance in the big frame Key Level is very important because when you determine the right key level it will be very effective For example price is in an uptrend but when it reaches the top, it goes down and in this area it's in the D1 frame. D1 frame means a new candle is released in 1 day and the time it takes for it to make the price go up to the top and then back to this zone this red Key Level it must be a very long and long time, you just imagine this is the time that you broke up with your ex and after a long time one day you meet them again, and you see they are very beautiful , your feeling is regretful and when you meet them like that, your emotions will surely fluctuate, the reaction will be the same here, when the price meets the Key Level it will react here and it will bounce back back So I just showed you how to determine the Key Level in the D1 frame of the Week frame, the Month frame is similar.

So we are done with the first element that you need to determine the trendline, key level and support the resistance in the time frame high that D1 first element 2 is you on smaller frame to identify the factors and find the point entry pretty you should frame H4, H1 and then find the location entry entry here is the entry point when you find a good entry point, the profit and loss ratio will be very good, you will get more profits, lower risk You can understand that about H4, H1 finding entry points it is very important Then in smaller frames, I recommend you to use H1 because in this frame you will find more elements to enter orders faster. So in this frame, what factors are there to help you enter the trade? facing us identify entry points, for example we will have the same basic model model 2 peaks and 2 troughs while the other models, I would have said video detail later. Next is the Doji candle and the 3-factor Engulfing candle that will help you how to choose a good entry point. The first is about the 2-peak pattern, it will follow the form as follows, the price will go up, go down, these 2 peaks will be nearly equal when trading according to the 2-peak pattern, we will have the type of crossing the neckline , we will start selling here but to find a nice enough entry point we will not enter at the bottom but need to enter at the top of this we will enter this zone when you enter this zone the price will go If you can add this paragraph instead of using the normal pattern, you will go below, go a long way. Doji candle, you can understand that the candle has a longer beard than the body. And the Engulfing candle will look like this after the candle is burning. If the Engulfing candle is larger than the previous 5 candles

, then suddenly a huge candle appears and there is a trick here. If the Engulfing candle is larger than the previous 5 candles, it will represent a strong, covering the Doji candle will represent a number of something like the following faction that is continuing in this area, the force is weak and in that area can turn to the opposite side Then those are 2 factors that we will need to use these 2 pattern elements After we We go through 2 steps, the first step is to determine the trend Key level and HTKC in the large frame D1 and above, then we will return to the smaller frame H4 or H1 to find the entry point, then I recommend you to find the entry point. in H1 because it's fast In this step to H4, H1 frame, we will have the following supporting factors: first a 2 top and 2 bottom pattern , followed by a Doji candle and then an Engulfing candle for us. We can combine this with the trendline + key level area so we know how to enter the trade. The last element is to set SL TP. These are two indispensable factors when you enter any order.

If you have a nice entry point but don't know SL, TP , how much money will fly. In fact, SL and TP play a very important role in trading. Trading with SL, TP is like you running on a road so the reason why many people die because they can't see the destination don't know when to go , your energy will weaken and die gradually TP will help us to know where we will take profit to cut that order, stop there. And SL will stop our pain at a certain level For example your account is 5000$ if you have TP, SL then when the order goes against you only lose 50$-100$ but if you don't place SL TP, your account will lose up to 2k, 3k, 5k is normal to redo from 1000 to 5000 it will be very laborious in addition to the psychological factor that weighs on you That's why your mind will tense up and want to take revenge on the market why is it me, why is that order you will focus on revenge on the market and try to borrow money, how to put it all into your account, hope to get you back the more you want to remove it, the more it flies away, the more you want to lose it, like throwing money out the window so that's why SL, TP are so important, please pay attention So I have given 2 main parts which are What is multi-timeframe trading and why should we trade multi-timeframes. Part 2 is how to use? Now we will come to part 3 as an example, I will give you the most detailed basic examples so that after watching this video you can apply it.

On my chart is the pair of EJs you observe in frame D see what trend it is here, you can see that its trend is an uptrend you can identify an uptrend by drawing a trendline like this with the following bottom higher than the previous bottom, the next top higher than the previous peak So we have identified this is an uptrend here and then zoom in, you can see that the price of D1 is in this area, look here, you will see a support resistance area Just that is that we have identified the trend. Now we are going to the H1 frame. Here you can see that the price just broke through this support and resistance area and then went down and we also consider it to be in this H1 zone. has it formed a double top, double bottom? Now we will see how the price behaves and you will see here that it is at this support and resistance area in the uptrend it is in. a passed then it retraced you can see that here it is forming a double bottom pattern plus this red Doji candle shows that the selling force here it has weakened and then it's gone going up and down again, forming a double bottom So, we will have a double bottom and an Engulfing candle here Overall we have all the conditions and we will enter a Buy order right after this candle At the end of the SL, it will be in this section. Where will you put the TP? This is the top, this is the bottom, then we will get a flipzone area you put TP here.

Looking further away, the second point to take profit is at the top of this top, which is the closest peak here, but let's keep it short. just to be safe first we will have 2 TP, 1 is here 2 is 1 up here Now we will see how the price goes This is TP 1, you choose which one you think is best Private in TP 1, we already have a TP ratio of 1: 1.5 then SL 26, TP 40, we will see how the price runs So the price has TP at point 1 And TP 2 is at the top , don't touch it just go up and down and through this area If TP is at point 1 then it's done, you feel secure then TP 2 then if you wait too long, you can move SL up to the level in this area After a while time from the time we entered the order , it will take 6 days to take profit at this TP 2 point So the first order of EJ, you have taken profit and understand how to determine the next trend is to identify the 2-top pattern, 2 bottoms, then at the support and resistance area, that pattern will form and then here there is a Doji candle and an Engulfing candle has a 2 bottom and support and resistance pattern it combines and determines the SL TP here Keep doing this and you will get a nice entry Now we will move on to the next order also of this EJ pair come back to the D frame of the EJ pair then we see the price going up and at this red candle it is going down a zone below we will draw a cross line at the top and bottom of the zone so here we will have the support resistance, the flipzone here and now we are going on H1 see prices go like the one we are waiting is that it has created a model 2 bottom not, candle engulfing or doji is not enough, then we will have enough factors to enter Buy, Sell here you can see it has formed a double bottom pattern at the support and resistance area and this is an uptrend and has 1 Engulfing candle here You can go to Buy right here, SL is placed just below this TP, then you set the ratio to 1:1 or you put this upper area from here, you can see that there is a flipzone in Here , we will set this range to have 2 such areas you can consider. Now we will see how the price goes, you should remember not to put the SL too close because it can lead to the case that the SL is not worth it so you should put it a little wider instead. close to optimizing ratio is

at least 1:1 ratio, but more is better here you can see that the price has formed a higher bottom than the previous low then a candlestick bounced up and The price has TP here So I guide you to enter 2 orders in this EJ pair, 1 order is in the previous zone, the 2nd order is in this zone, this zone doesn't have many advantages like the previous zone. we have a doji candle, engulfing is a double bottom pattern Here is a support and resistance pattern, a double bottom, engulfing candle and no doji candle Now I will move to the next zone Next example is a pair AUDCHF, this is the D frame of the AC pair you can draw an uptrend line here and you can easily see this is an uptrend line we will determine the support and resistance in this area here is 1 The uptrend in this area is n It goes down, then we see a bullish candle here and now we will return to H1 to see if there is any order setup Now we will see how the price goes and it has a pullback to form the pattern or not here, we have seen the Doji candle and also see the signal to Buy or Sell. At the support and resistance area, we will see the following points: it is the Doji candle The Doji candle here shows force. sell is getting weaker then on this right side we have another engulfing candle along with a double bottom pattern So here all the conditions have converged, we will enter a Buy order here SL going to the following, while City will be to 1: 1 with a ratio of 1: 1, we will see prices go how subsequent so here are the prices TP before closing was ordered to pair this AC and Now now we will see the price action in the next area and see if there are any more setups now, it hasn't formed anything too obvious and the price will go back down to this zone, I will mark it over and price again touch this area one more time and here it is Well the 2nd touch here, if you are careful you can wait for it to go down and form a double bottom or if you see this engulfing candle here you can get in right here there are many quite beautiful, like in the previous paragraph we can see the following signs. The first is that we see a lot of withdrawal candles, and this is a Doji candle, it shows that the Sell side has lost its strength and the Buy side is taking up a position in the candle behind this you can see the candle. engulfing here Immediately you can enter a Buy order here, SL is below this area and TP is like I said, you can set the ratio to 1:1 or you can set it accordingly.

or you can consider the nearby support and resistance zone as this upper zone or the nearest peak as here, we will have the following zones. This is the first area the support resistance is the 2nd and this is the 3rd zone this red line is the 3 areas where we can put TP there If you are new then you should choose the area with ratio 1:1 or the nearest support and resistance So TP has reached the nearest zone, then the flipzone, will it go up to the upper zone again or close to the top it will drop here then it will go 25 Pip if the ratio is 1:1 the 2nd zone is 41 Pip and the 2nd zone is 60 Pip Let's see what happens next we can figure out what to enter or not the price has reached the zone This means the price has touched down in this area, I will adjust it to then correct it. In this area it is not necessary that it is as small as this but it must be wide so I will pull down a bit to adjust for this area. suitable Here then these 2 areas we will consider as a bottom, this side considers a bottom we will have a double bottom pattern here and engulfing candle here So we can Buy in this zone SL below this is 20 Pip for round you can put 1:1, put it in the flipzone, the nearest support and resistance zone first, let's just leave it at the ratio 1:1 and then put TP in 2 areas, and we'll see how the price moves , at the same time it has touched 2 TPs and every area it eats here, TP 1:1 is 20 Pip, zone 2 is 35, 36 Pip So I guide you how to trade multiple time frame in just 1 video share you examples so you can easily visualize when trading multi time frame Hope that with the method in this video you can understand how to trade multi time frame? Use it to make profits for us, we hope the video is useful to you.

If you find it good and useful, please like and comment your opinion and share it with your friends so they also know how to trade multiple times. what is the timeframe See you in the next video. Hello friends

2021-06-07 05:56

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