3 Ways to Create an Impact Driven Business

3 Ways to Create an Impact Driven Business

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hey there guys it's mia here i am so excited i am super excited to be here tonight i'm gonna teach very simply tonight three three ways to build an impact-driven business three ways that you can build an impact driven business on mia redrick business and life consult and i got started in my business 19 years ago i made a decision that i wanted to take my knowledge as a corporate trainer and figure out how i could package what i was doing into a business as a coach or a consultant i had no idea how to do this so i was reaching out for help went to a small business resource center in my town and i was told by the director of the small business resource center that my idea mom coaching okay made no sense hey linda good to see you and that i should go back to corporate america can you believe that so i went to a small business resource center to figure out how to start a business and i was told that what i wanted to do was not viable fast forward i kept looking for someone to help me i ended up hiring a coach i went to a live event it changed my life it was there that i saw for the very first time someone doing what i wanted to do i wanted to make it my own do it my own way but i had never ever met a coach or a consultant someone that was working from the comfort of their home or anywhere around the world in their work i had a lot of friends that were successful in business but they were trading time for dollars almost like they replaced their job to start a business that was a new job for them and i knew that what i really and truly desired maybe this is you was freedom i wanted to figure out how could i build a business so that i could show up for my kids i wanted to show up in school as much as i wanted to i wanted to have the flexibility and i also wanted to not be codependent on my husband's income right or my jobs income in order for me to be able to you know to to have options to have choices and maybe these are the things that you've thought about as well so today i'm going to talk about three ways to build an impact-driven business and i'm not going to keep you long at all but my only goal is to create a shift for you and as a result of you having that shift that you'll make a choice that will change your life that can change your life forever as a result of growing this business one of the highlights for me is that i could show up for my family um when doing a tough time for us when my husband developed kidney disease and went on dialysis and i don't know what you know about this okay so i know a lot of times when people talk about health issues with a partner um we often only talk about the partner i mean we only talk about your partner the person who has the health challenge but anyone that's ever been a caregiver knows knows okay that when your partner isn't well it impacts the family dynamics and one of the greatest things that i i've always just said so blessed that i built this business before i needed it because when i needed it it was there for me and it is the reason that i do what i do it's a reason that i'll never come on these lives and talk to you guys about i'll never insult your intelligence to talk to you about a purse a bag a jet or all of these things that really don't matter because what i learned firsthand was because i built my business the right way when i needed to show up for my husband i could i had the time and i had the income and i know that for you for the most part that you're just one idea or two ideas away from being able to take what you're doing and create financial stability for yourself because if you do it for yourself then your family benefits directly okay so as always before i get started with the lab today three ways to build an impact-driven business then i want to know if you're ready to hear this live today because you have to be ready to receive a powerful message and let's be clear this is a super powerful message it's short but it's very very powerful hey joanna i'm so glad you're here all right so if you're ready i want you to just simply write i'm ready and if you're watching the replay you know the drill right i'm ready that's your way of communicating with me and letting me know that what you see here resonates with you it speaks to you and you're ready to do the work right that's why i come live because if one person here's what i'm saying and you create a shift great and as a result of that you need further support with implementing more in your business you can always write in our inbox and we'll send you an application to see how we can help you hi judy so judy is ready and let's see vanessa uh vanessa is ready i love the spelling and judy is ready i see here judy is ready and linda is ready awesome is anyone else ready you do have to be ready to receive a powerful mess and i will tell you that's that's the truth okay all right so i'm gonna jump in and the reason i wanted to do this particular live today is because what people talk to me about all the time when they want to start a business is their purpose their purpose i um i just want to start a business and i feel like i have this purpose in my life and i just want to live up my purpose and i was like okay let me talk to you a little bit about that or sometimes what people will say to me is that mia i want to run this business and it's my passion like i just know i just feel so good about it my passion is what i love to do and i want to talk to you a little bit and just shift your mindset around this i'm very passionate about my garden okay very passionate however i could not build you my garden right like me physically because it's not what i know how to do but i am very passionate about my gardening and i think that a lot of times we've been told the wrong thing like maybe people have told you take your passion build a business around your passion but the truth of the matter is what people really want from you is your impact right they want the results that you know how to create and only you know how to create and that might not be connected to your passion hang in there hang in there i know i know i know but i want to talk about that because as you listen to these three simple points that i have here today i really want you to think differently about how to take what you're doing or what you want to do and you know and change your world change your life because of it so what people willing to invest in is something that solves a problem for them and if you think about your expertise your education your gifts your background your experience there's something that you know how to do and that you've currently been doing over and over again that people tell you all the time that you've changed my life or i did what you said and it worked that likely that could be the thing that you could package okay and so here's the first thing three ways to create an impact driven business number one the first thing is be the authority and not the majority okay i want you to be the authority and not the majority so what do i mean i mean what happens is when most people go into business or think about going into business they look at what everyone else is doing majority okay this is what the majority of coaches are doing this is what the majority of coaches are charging this is how the majority of coaches are marketing okay but what if i told you that that is the very thing that's confusing you making you insecure and that's the reason why your business isn't growing the way you would like i'm just gonna break this down what if instead you decided to run the business from a different lens and you looked at what is it that you actually know how to do exceptionally well that you are the authority expert on and that you led with your authority instead of doing what the majority is doing i can tell you for sure that the thing that makes you scarce is the thing that makes you valuable now if someone got a nugget from that or aha or takeaway i want you to write me okay super important because a lot of times the thing that keeps us from having an impact driven business is exactly that that we have not focused on what is it in my life and in my world based on my experience my background my gifts my talent that makes me the authority see when i got started robin in my business i started dating myself when i was six months pregnant and many of you guys know the story i've told it a million times and because i was pregnant and i joined a moms group six months pregnant i started creating these self-care systems for myself as a mom and so i entered motherhood with ironclad self-care systems for myself so i could coach myself around what to do and therefore i was the perfect example to coach other women on how to do it most women did not start motherhood building self-care systems in advance it was my authority okay and as a result of that i wrote best-selling books and i ended up doing corporate partnerships with fortune 100 and 500 brands and why do i tell you that i ended up you know coaching thousands of women literally all around the world on this subject matter why did i do it well i did it because i was the authority on this i had i had created this result for myself and the evidence was my life and women would ask me all the time can you show me how to date myself systematically yes i can right so i want you to first think about how you can be the authority and not the majority and when most people get started in business a lot of times coaches and consultants will tell you come up with an idea what's your passion build the whole course build the curriculum all start blogging podcasting all the things that people do um and you do it around the thing that makes you like everyone else and then you get completely confused because you're like but how do i stand out or what people say to me often is mia the marketplace is so crowded is there room for me to do what i'm doing yes if you're the authority if you focus on what you know how to do all right make sense all right number two number two only work with people who want the results you deliver now we're talking about three ways to build an impact driven business and what i recommend is only work with people who want the results that you can deliver what do you mean well what i realized is that if i want to build a business that creates impact right and that's what drives my business then i can only create impact if i'm creating results for others so that means that it informs every single thing that i'm doing in my business i'm not just coaching any single client i only want to work with women who want to take what their thoughts are their knowledge their expertise their background their gifts i figure out how to put it in a structure that's profitable that's time rich and they want to know step by step how do i build the brand of myself they don't know how to do it and maybe they've done it before but it's just not been profitable they want to know how to price to fully value what they're doing that tired of underselling what they're doing for under 2500 per client they want to understand how to work one-to-many they don't know how to do it and everything that they've learned podcast blog all this all of these complicated funnels is just overwhelming tech for them and they're like i don't want to do this right and so they come to me so i can support them or they want to understand how to take that background they have and position themselves in the marketplace so they become the obvious choice so what does that mean that means that you're known by your results you know you ever think about like a lot of times people say yes to work with people and they know that these people haven't created results they don't even inquire there's no proof or evidence that the person has created results in their history it doesn't mean that every person that i've worked with that i can say to you that you'll create exactly the same results my clients but what i can tell you and what i can show you is that we've got hundreds and hundreds of women who've given us amazing testimonials around what they were able to do applying my step-by-step system that's real okay and they can't all be lying okay so only work with people who want results from you and i only work with people who are ready they're ready to go they're green on go they're like i am ready to take my knowledge put it in the system package it i want to know how to sell what i have they want to know how to find buyers they want to know a systematic process how do i sell in a way that's authentic that's me it doesn't feel like i'm selling i just don't know how to do it maybe they worked in the medical profession forever and they didn't have a sales process they were never connected to sales right or or selling or closing or or even uh you know any kind of account receivables and so learning how to have a strategic sales conversation with someone who wants to work with you is very powerful only work with people who want the results that you deliver you get a better client you get people who are willing to um invest okay versus people who are like oh yeah i'm interested i'm kind of looking i know somebody out there saying that's me i look i have been doing this i've been selling i put up all my website i've built it i've got you know no hits no leads nobody's just bought my services i thought if i built it they would come and they haven't come why because you're focusing on the product you want to deliver versus really understanding that the reason i want to work with you is because of the results you can provide me the way that you can change my life does that make sense there's no one that decides to work with me because my course is six weeks or six months or one year no people decide to work with me because of the results that i create and when they see those results they're like i want something similar i'm willing to do the work is this making sense if this is making sense and on number two only work with people who want results i want you to write this is making sense because it's super important sometimes it's the differential that gets in the way i know you've already been told to you know listen when you're you're building your brand like start sell something low like an ebook a giveaway or 47 dollar thing 150 uh 250 you've done it you know a 470 like you you got these people going through some kind of value ladder and it hasn't worked and you were like i did everything they said to do and it didn't work okay and you're like what's wrong with me nothing maybe maybe just maybe you're working with the wrong demographic vanessa right maybe you should only be working with people who desire results to begin with okay we're talking about how three ways right to build an impact driven business three ways all right and number three okay number three all right oh this one is going to be a little hardcore so i hope you're ready shawna are you ready okay all right price out people who don't want to do the work yeah i said it okay yeah you got a price on people who don't want to do the work the truth of the matter is a lot of times when you're in business you spend a lot of time with people who are interested and they're curious until they have to make an investment in themselves and what i've learned over the years is that my clients will say yes relatively quickly within one to three days um that's the only window there is to work with me okay linda and the reason is because we price out people who don't want to do the work see when someone's making an investment and they want to create a result they're making an investment to learn how to do something and they know that you can support them in doing that something so when they're making that investment it is a partnership okay and they're saying hey i'm gonna do the work and you're gonna give me the step-by-step system on how to do it so price out people who aren't serious about or who don't invest in results i mean i only work with people who want results and i can tell you this i work with people who can't walk away because they've made an investment in themselves and that investment prevents them from walking away does that make sense see when people invest like 40 bucks and something or 90 bucks on something they can just walk away it doesn't matter if they do the course or not it doesn't now i'll give you a personal example i don't remember what i paid for these dvds back in dvd days but i bought the tabo set and i don't maybe you did too what the set put it in and on the shelf and i did open number one and number two dvd number one and number two okay and i would watch building blanks from my couch do all the kicking things right i think i might have tried like maybe for 20 minutes and i was like oh my gosh i gotta be in shape right to to do this i'm gonna have to i need to do something else just to be able to be able to do what billy's doing all right you know you're with me but i found this super entertaining so i would watch it like 20 minutes never got through more than set one and two i don't even know how many dvds there were but i never got it through with that i bought jillian michaels too i bought her series as well um i did i think i did watch that i think i watched shaun t's hip hop um you know dance he had a video the same thing these are all low investments i could walk away but the moment that i made an investment in a personal trainer and and i'm paying this person significantly for a set period of time three months at time oh guess who showed up at the gym guess who found a way to do those exercises me okay the same girl who watched billy blanks shaun t and jillian michaels amazing coaches by the way okay but see because i made an investment that didn't hold me accountable because i wasn't ready to do the work in that way i could walk away so you need to price people out who don't want to do the work simple as that you'll get a different client your business will be a lot more profitable you'll work with a lot less people my clients see it all the time it's true so those are the three ways to build an impact uh driven business and i wanted to leave with that because i know that you are here to change the world with what you know how to do but no one in the world is going to pay you just for your passion if it's not your expertise and you don't create results in a strategic way for someone to change their life with you know i'm not going to pay you for that because you're passionate but i will pay you for the problems that you solve in my life and so it's just a different question it's a different way to look at what you're doing pricing people out who don't want to do the work is the smartest thing ever because the reality is now you get to work with people who will do the work and now you get guess what evidence proof because when people do the work you get testimonials because they did the work imagine having a program or you know or i would use my book right my book is pretty amazing one of them one of the three time for mommy five essential strategies for mother's self-care really great book so you know thousands of copies but the reality is it's nothing like working with me personally okay so if someone buys the book i'm sure they'll have transformative moments things that they get that are ahas but working with me that doesn't compare the kind of results that i could create for someone working with them you know coaching them consulting with them is unmatched same is true for you is this was this good or was this good all right now it's your turn i always like to get your eye highs or your takeaways as a result of being here um any questions for me about this live or what was something that you got that i said that you're like this is good mia this is exactly what i needed to hear okay this is exactly what i needed to hear uh i see anita writes hey anita aha was priced amount right so the reality is that we have some people who are curious in our services and they're people who are really dedicated to create results in their life and they're willing to make an investment and they see you as the perfect example of the person that can help them solve their problem and the reason that your client is paying you has nothing to do with the price it has to do with the result that they desire and if you understand that right and you're only looking for clients who want a result you're in a completely different ball game okay awesome anita vanessa writes price them out okay yeah so that was your aha takeaway it's so important i don't think we talk about it enough because a lot of times people say lower your prices right but just to recap real quick the three ways to create an impact business number one was be the authority uh not the mon um be the authority not the majority right so we talked about thinking about what is it that you do exceptionally well and leading with that instead of looking at what everybody else is doing and being just like them all right you were put here to do something amazing and there's some things that you do that no one else can do like you what is that result number two only work with people who want the results that you deliver period okay they want to work with you because of what you do the kind of impact you could create for them okay those are your ideal clients number three price out people who don't want to do the work and it's it's it's going none this is the thing so many people don't want to do this because this is a checkup from the neck up okay vanessa this is a checker from neck up because you have to be able to establish your own value in order for you to stand in your value so the reason that people charge low fees is often because they wouldn't buy things from themselves you know they haven't established their own value internally sales is an inner game it's not an external game the price is the price if someone said mia i want to work with you but you know i want to work with this person over here and they are you know i don't know half of whatever you charge well i would say you should work with them if they do what i do for half off an amazing deal because i'm not selling anything based on a price people work with me because of the kind of results uh that i create okay um awesome all right then there is a facebook user here who writes tell me your name i don't see your name here hi original giant hey there daryl and i appreciate you um hi there darling i appreciate you okay um awesome and let's see and then we've got some other comments here from linda saying uh making sense and trishana and vanessa saying this is making sense also any other ahas or takeaways that we got here valerie was ready and judy was ready awesome i'm so excited that uh you're ready okay any other ahas or takeaways before i sign off but i hope that as a result of being here today has really supported you in in in changing how you're thinking right um yes thank you so um thank you for joining us uh evelysi why wallace from tennessee saying hello to you all hey there darling i'm so glad that you're here um are there any other ahas or takeaways okay yes mia it's patrice not sure why my name isn't showing up i'm getting value awesome i'm glad you are okay awesome so are there any other ahas or takeaways any other ahats or takeaways yes um you know this is food for thought like i just want you to think about what i've shared with you today and my only hope is that as a result of what you heard you'll show up powerfully okay you'll show up powerfully all right in your life in your world in your business and you'll create impact impact all right because people are looking for you to be you all right i love you have an amazing day and i'll talk to you soon bye oh let's see one other person i realized i couldn't miss what i never had priced them out chevelle that's that's a good one chevelle i love it right right like isn't it interesting when you don't know your value and then you come to know your value and the reality is then you get a completely different client the client performs completely differently all right and you get to grow a different kind of business right you get to really create an amazing impact the problem is that so many people are trying to impact the lives of others and they haven't changed their own lives because of their own profit models right the way that they're charging in their own business okay edie says yes it is yes it is awesome you guys i think there must be a delay because i see the comments they're coming in a little bit later i'm so excited any final ahas or takeaways um any other any final ahas or takeaways okay awesome just want to give it a minute i want to thank you for your time today i appreciate you have a great and amazing night bye

2021-09-24 04:58

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