3 Stock Trading Board Games

3 Stock Trading Board Games

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Oh. Hi. Ellie, here from the dark imp helping. Parents reclaim. Family, time by, playing board games together. So. Today we're going to look at three different games. That involve stocks, and shares, these. Economic, games. Require. Players, to work, out when they're going to buy and sell things so. They can capitalize, and do, best in the game okay. So, let's start with. 1920. Wall. Street. Not. A particularly, exciting box, not. A particularly, exciting. Title. But. Actually a really nice. Economic. Game that's in quite a small box it's the box is deceptive, because the game is quite thinking, so. In. 1920. Wall Street you, are this, company, creates lots of different games that are based around events. In the, 20th, century so of course this is about the kind of the collapse of Wall Street in 1920, so at. Some point there's going to be this bombing, of, Wall Street bombing and see what happens this to the stock exchange at that point this, is the build-up, to that moment, when the Wall Street bombing, happened. So, in this game we've got four different commodities. We've got corn, I think. That's cotton. Iron. Or, steel and oil, and, the. Prices, of these are tracked on this little board and so. They're going to rise and they're going to fall during the game this is the slightly less. Fluctuating. Side and this one is is, it just changes, how. Far down they go how far up they go and and, changes. The. Fluctuations. That might happen so. You're. Going to start, with. A card. Which. Gives you secretly, a certain, number well two shares, in one of these companies so I would, start if I had this with, two shares, in the corn, company. And. I would put this face down on the table and I'm, going to use this card because this is my capital, card it, starts, whatever, is pointing towards me that's how much capital I have so it starts with four, pointing. Towards me and one of the actions I can take during the game is to pay, two. Coins just to turn it round and gain, more capital, as I go through the game now the Capitals useful, because it's. Money that you always have so when you spend it you still have it and. You're going to have to spend money to acquire, new cards, new stocks and you can't do anything with that without having that kind of capital you. Also have a bit of cash and you. Can get more cash as you go through the game but when you spend that cash it's. Gone so, you're going to be able to spend money in combination. So you might have if you want to spend, eight and you're on six capital, you. Have six already and you need to spend two cash which you won't get back but you keep your six you don't drop, down. On. The. Table, there, is a sort of rondell of cards, so there's our circle, of cards, and each, player has, a little.

Stockbroker. Token. That they're going to move around the rondell, now, when it's your turn. You. Can choose, either. At the beginning or at the end of your turn if you want to to, change the direction that the players move, around that rondelle the. Rod rondell, is just a fancy. Word for a circle, that you move around and, take actions, on the different places that you land on. So. If. The cards up this way you're going to go clockwise and, when it's up this way you go anti-clockwise so you can that's an additional, action you can take to switch the order, so. The kinds of cards that are, going to be available to you are stuck, cards. Where. Are we that's. These. Ones, so. Some, of the stock cards, they just show. One. Corn for example this. One has one. Cotton. This. One has one steal. Some. Of them have two for. Example this one has. To oil, but. You'll notice at the top that it also, requires. The price of oil to drop when you take that card so if you take that card that's going to trigger another. Action, this is the same you, take to iron but the price steel the price of steel would drop. You. Can see at the top of these cards there's a cost for taking, them and the. Way that you calculate, the cost is is this much money, whatever cards you take where you land on so you're going to go around and these cards are in front of you and you. Can move as many spaces as you want but you pay one for, each space you move so. If I want to get this card and it's, next to me on the space next to me and we're going in the right direction, then. I pay one to, move on to the card one space, and then I pay another for so I'd end up paying five and remember, you can pay that five from your capital. And. Then I take the card I'd complete, the, the. Fluctuation. In the market, and I'd have two shares in this company if. I want to move further and take a card that's further away I have to pay for each step I take around the rondell so, you're going to acquire these shares. Another. Type, of card that, there is available, is this, sort of market fluctuation. Card cards, so this one you'll take it you'll, pay the cost, you'll pay to, get there and you'll pay the cost of the card you'll, complete the action, in this, case it's to the. Corn will raise two. Points, so the corn will go up on this board. Two. Places so that the value of corn is increasing, and then, you keep this card because it's going to give you victory points, at the end of the game. This. One is, similar. This. Is actually, you can raise the the price. Of any of, the four commodities, by. One that's, a bit more expensive. Sometimes. They're, they're decreases. And you might want to do that if you know that your one of your opponents, has got a lot of that thing you want to decrease the price of something someone else has got some. Of them allow you to increase more than once, some. Of them have other. Actions this one means that you're going to decrease. The price of the. Commodity. That is currently, the most valuable. This. One means, that everyone has to pay two coins, now, if at any stage you don't have enough money to pay and you have to pay for something then, you need to take out a loan. You. Can't pay these loans back they're, there for the end of it until, the end of the game you'll get. 5.55. Of these coins if you get a loan but. You're going to get minus eight points at the end of the game. So. You don't really want to have to take out loans if you can avoid it if you need a second loan you flip it over and you're going to get minus sixteen that's not great you, want to avoid low so you need some cash to pay for things. So. One of the things you can do is you can move around the board and take cards, something, else you can do is you can sell your stocks when. You sell your stocks you get whatever the price it is in cash, for. However many you're selling I think there might be a limit to what you can sell if. It's, free, so. You can sell up to three. Let's. Just check that quickly. Game. Set up moving, buy sell. Sell. A stock, must, be a different thing oh it's acquired that you can sell up to three we'll talk about that in a minute you can sell one stock you get the price for that stock you, take the cash and you can use that then, then instead of discarding that card, you put it on the rondelle with another card.

Cards. Are discarded, as you go through the game and they're discarded into three different piles, this. Is quite a nice mechanism you, choose where you discard them to and then at the end of the game the. Game ends when when. When, the pirate when this card is revealed the bombing, card is revealed, in the deck. Then. That, triggers the endgame and at that point. You're. Going to see what the. Wall. Street Crash condition. Is okay. And it'll. Be one of these three things which. I have a discard. Pile has, the most cards in will trigger that effect so there. Are some golden, shares, and, they. Can, be used for anything so if you've got a gold share it can use for any of the four commodities, this condition, would mean that they don't count for any of the four commodities, there just worth money so these three are all different they're going to trigger different effects. So, as you discard, cards during the game you're trying to think about what condition, you want or maybe you're trying to think about keeping them balanced so that nothing happens so. At. The end of the game you can't up how much. You. What, the value of your stock, says, you count up your cash and that's. That's, your points you discard, any deduct. Any loans and that's the end of the game the person with the most money or points, which is essentially the same thing they, win the game that. Is. 1920. Wall, Street. Right. Let's. Move these cards. Now. Another. Lovely. Stock's game. Is. Acquire. Quite. Quite an old game and actually this is a an, earlier, edition you can still get the game but you can but you get it in a newer edition. It's. It involves. Creating. Hotel. Chains. The. Board, doesn't look very exciting I, haven't, seen the board of the later Edition so I don't know if it looks more exciting, as you. Can see it's just got a lotta it's got a grid with lots of different codes, on it so, this, is column, 1 and all of these are going to be one and this is row F and all of these are going to be F and. This. Is where you're going to build your hotel. Chains, so. On. Your turn, what. Have we got, oopsy. These. Cards. These. Things here this. Right so. You. Have a certain number of. Tiles. At, the beginning of the game each tile, represents one, of the squares on the board so, this is 6a, and, I.

Can't Remember how many you start with this probably six or something in there hidden there on there on your, I. Think, it is six. That you have them on your little. Tray. So, that no one else can see them but that you can and. On. Your, turn you do a number of different, things the, first thing you do is you place a tile, from. Your, tray. Onto. The board. Now. The way that works is that you just if, this is six a it's gonna go on six, a on the board so, where. Is six a let's, move all this stuff that. Six a is all the way up here so this tile will cover six, a that's, the first action you can choose any of the six from your hand, from. Your from your tray to put onto the board, the. Next thing that will happen is, that, you can buy up, to three. Shares. In, a hotel, chain any, hotel, chain that is founded, at the beginning of the game there won't be any to buy because, none of the hotel chains are founded and then. You're going to pick up another tile now. One of the things that happens when you put a tile. On the board is it might be on its own like this and nothing will happen to it but. It might join, a tile that's, already, there now I probably, haven't managed to get a. Two. That are the same no that match, so, we'll just have to pretend, okay. Let's. Pretend that this says seven a instead, of seven C and, someone. Else puts, this down or on my turn I'm putting this. On. My, turn I'm putting, this one down on the, board next to this one now I've got two next to each other and that's what we want to try and start doing because when that happens you've, got the start of a hotel, chain, let's. Do it like this. Then. I can use half the board. Okay. So. We've got the start of a hotel chain and now you, can choose any, of the available. Hotel. Chains and that'll be over here. All. Of these cards, they represent, different hotel, chains there are seven and you're. Going to take one, of these tiles and, you're going to put it over the. Top the tiles on the board so, that you've got the beginning. Of a hotel, chain here. And in, this case this, would be the festival, hotel, chains that's green they've all got different names you've got, worldwide. Saxon, imperial, all, sorts of names, that hotel chains might have so, this is the festival chain, of hotels. Now. When you've done that you can immediately take, a stock. Of that company, so the, stock cards. Are. Very simple, they, just show the color so this is first this is a stock in festival, one of these, this. Is a stock in imperial they. Match the color of the hotel chain. And. And. That's what you'll do then you can buy now, a festival, is now available. To buy and you can buy stocks, in that company, when the hotel chain is founded, and you can in subsequent, turns as long as this hotel chain is on the board you can buy more stocks in it so you can buy up to three stocks on your turn and then, of course you'll pick up a tile, at the end of your turn now, a future, turns this hotel. Chain might grow, it. Might grow to as. Other, tiles. Of place it becomes a bigger hotel chain so, it could sprawl, across, the board with lots of tiles touching it if they're, touching diagonal, that doesn't count they're not part of the hotel chain and and.

Whenever, That, you, want to buy or sell a stock you. Have. To check the reference, chart and see, how much it's worth so, some, so, there's the budget hotel, chains there's, the mid-range, hotel, chains and then, continental. And Tower those. Are particularly, high-end. Exclusive hotel. Chains they're, going to cost you more for the stocks for the shares and they. Will give you more when you sell them so. The. Bigger the hotel chain the higher the value of stock so you look. And see which hotel chain you look and see how many tiles it, sprawls across and that's the price you. Can buy insanity, go through the game hotel. Chains will merge into each other the, greatest shareholder. In any, one particular chain. Will get a bonus when. Their hotel, chain is bought or overtaken. At the end, you'll also get a bonus if you have the most shares in, a company one, really good strategy, is to try and merge. Your. Smaller, hotel, chains with bigger ones and keep getting these big payoffs, being the primary shareholder. It's. Actually not that complicated. For. An, economic, game it's, it. Doesn't, play it doesn't take too long to play it's. A lot of fun I really recommend it, that's. Acquire. And. Finally. Racoon. Tycoon, it's, quite a new game this one and. It's. Much. More beautiful than the other two games we've been talking about but, it's still a very economic, game it's about a sort of beautiful. Community. Of animals. Raccoons. And. Dogs. And, cats and, bears. And, there. Are some beautiful there's, some beautiful artwork on the cards. This. Is the. But. Again is it's an economic, game it's a game about stocks, and chess so. This. Is the board in. This game we've got six different commodities. Wheat. Wood iron cold goods and luxuries. And that's represented, by a a wine. Bottle, these, are. Wheat. And wood they are the sort of the cheapest. Commodity. And then, these two in the middle they're a bit more expensive and these, the goods and the luxury they're the most expensive, of the, of. The commodities so. They. Are represented. By these nice wooden, tiles. Tiles. Components. Pieces. So. This. Is the wheat although. We call it the feet because it looks a bit like a foot and. This. Is the luxuries, to, give you an example. And. The. One, of these is. One of each of them is placed on the board to show you the. Price at any one time of. That commodity so, for example, this, wood. Might. Be placed here it will be placed here at the beginning of the game but it will increase as you go through the game and it will decrease as well so. Wherever. It is that's the current price. So. On your turn you've got a number of different possible. Things you can do you. Can play one. Of these production. Cards and you should have three at any one time you're going to have three in your hand if, you play a production, card the, price of these things at the top is going to raise so. On this card it says to coal and one good so the coal will go up too and the goods will go up one and. Then. You will receive a. Certain, number of. Of. Things at, the beginning of the game you're going to get three things you. Might be able to to, build, buildings, which allow you to take more but most of the time you're going to get three things each time you play one of these cards and you're going to produce you're, gonna get the. Things in the bottom half the card in this case, wheat. And wood, and coal, you will get so you raise the price of coal twice and goods and you're going to get the things on the bottom and, you're. Gonna get some. Of these and you're going to keep them, that's. One thing you can do so you only do one action on your turn, so. You can play a production, card or, you can sell, one, type of commodity, so you might build up a collection of coal let's, say I've got five, coal, and coal, is at a price of. Seven. Let's, say okay I'm gonna sell my five coal five, times seven that's, 35, I'm gonna sell my car I'm gonna get thirty, five dollars. And, I take that as paper money I take, that and then I reduce this, one. For each thing, everything I've sold so I've sold five so it goes down five spaces one two three four five so actually that would go right down to the bottom again but. If it was up here, and I sold, $10. Each and I had five to sell I get fifty, and it would go down five one two three four, five and now it's only worth $5, each, okay. So. That's the second thing you can do so you're going to get money at, the end of the game. Money. Doesn't actually cow, for anything but money will enable you, to do, what you need to do to win so, money is a very good thing though it doesn't give you anything right at the end of the game okay.

So It's very useful on the back of the rulebook it, reminds, you of the different actions you can take so. You can produce or, you can sell one type of commodity or you, can hold an auction now, I said money doesn't give you anything at the end of the game but, what it does allow, you to do is, to win ah, where. Are we here. To. Win some, railroad. Cards. This. Is all about creating. Sets. Of these cards, so there's different kinds of railroads on the board at, any one time there'll, be two. Railroads. Faced up so you might have slyfox, look it's really putting. You. Might have a Sly Fox Railroad. Oh and here's another slow Fox, there. Might be two sly foxes or there might be a fat cat. Or. There might be a big bear. And. These are the different kinds of railroads and. On. Your turn you can choose as one of your possible actions to hold an auction for one of these railroads, and. You can say I'm going to start the bidding at ten, as, long as you start the bidding that's, a price and more than it says on the card then it's fine start. The bidding at ten and. Then. Other. Players around the circle can choose to bid if they want to and it might go very high if lots of people have got money or you might get it for a song if you're lucky or. If you time your auctions. Well. And. At the end of the game these are worth victory points if you only have one in a set, this. One for example it, will only be worth two, points it, says at the bottom but if you have two sly foxes, in your set. Let's. Say I end the game with both of these then, I'm going to get five points, because I've got both, of them if. I get, managed to get four sly, foxes, I'm going to get 17. Points, so, this really, really you're. Rewarded. For collecting, the same kind of railroad, four, shares. In, the same kind of railroad and. That's. How you get points there's another way that you get points and that's probably the fourth action on the on the list which I've now can't find here we are you. Can oh that's actually the last one but. The other way you can get points is by purchasing. A town, cards. At, the beginning of the game these are quite cheap you, spend. Commodities. So instead of selling them you will exchange them for a town, card there'll only be one town, card face-up on the board at any time this, will give you two victory points at the end of the game so for example you need to steal to get this card that's, another action, you can take or, you could use for of any commodity if, you prefer. The. End of the game this will give you two, victory. Points but if you can match it with a railroad card, so for, each town cards you have if you also have a railroad, card any railroad card, then it will give you another two points your town card will so. At the end of the game you're going to score your points based, on what railroads, you have and what town cards you have the. Final, action. You can take on your turn is to buy, a building, so. At the bottom of the board. There. Are lots of different buildings there's, a stack of buildings, there's. All sorts of different things they all do different things. But. For example you. This, one you would pay six, to. Take the building you, need to have it in front of you and it gives you a permanent benefit for the rest of the game this, means that whenever. You produce whenever. You play one of these production, cards you get me things and you and you also get, a wine, bottle a luxury. This, great so it does it boosts. Your production, this. One allows you to produce five, things instead of three, each. Turn, this. One means that you can purchase two buildings on a turn instead of one some people like purchasing buildings that might be there, might be a good things and all the different it's a big stack of them all the different buildings, do different things which might give you benefits during the game the, end of the game you.

Need Points, not, money now. This game is great. Except. If. You. Are playing with people that are likely to get upset, because there is a bit of sniping. There's a bit of I'm, gonna sell my resources, at this moment because I can see that you're about to do that and I'm. Going, to choose to sell my three. Wine. Bottles, my three luxuries, now and it's going to reduce the price because, I know I can see you're going to sell five in a minute. There's. A little bit of tape. That. There's. Also some, tension around the railroads, people, will start auctions, at times when they know other people can't afford them quite rightly that's that's one way of winning but. It's not. That. It's there's. Potential. For arguments, with this game but, it's nice that the, artwork, is great I like, the way the economy works think, it's quite clever that's raccoons. Like you. You.

2020-02-13 06:02

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