2 Jenis Harga Untuk Analisa Teknikal || 2 Prices Typoes for Technical Analysis

2 Jenis Harga Untuk Analisa Teknikal || 2 Prices Typoes for Technical Analysis

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If we read the last candle's character, it indicates seller pressure It's a seller pressure. It went up, but it couldn't go higher Will it go down strong? Not yet First, there's no confirmation No sell supporter in this consolidation except if there's long red candle If there's long red candle, we focus on sell Good afternoon, sir Can you hear me loud and clear? I'll start this afternoon's lesson If there's difficulties, you may chat me so there's feedback If we only focus on lesson with no correction, it'd be hard We discussed about risk and money management, and technical This afternoon, we'll discuss about technical In technical, there's candle analysis and there's fundamental We'll see the news for fundamental The main thing is the technical, candlestick We learn much in candlestick because we use price action Price action an analysis that relies on the price movement We only rely on price movement where there's past price and present price We read the present and future price by reading the past price From these 2, we can find chances we find the probability of the direction Not the most valid, but highest probability The profit chance is higher than the risk First, we'll discuss about trend We use the nearest trend from the running Especially we do short-term trading, day trading We can't wait a transaction to stay for nights We usually clear it in a day Even before we rest and continue tomorrow we make sure that there's no transaction left How? We must be able to measure it If we rest at 12.00 a.m, we must be clear way before it Clear can be from manual cut loss or recovery If we did recovery and cleared it Surely we don't have burden when we rest How to read the trend? Let's go back to trend Or we can say it as candle structure The easiest way is to see by visual Second, we can draw a trendline We can see by visual to know the movement Visually, it's going up From red, then green and green again Then flat, then green again We can see that the trend is going up Second, we can use trendline. Draw from bottom to the top We draw where it touches lots of them We don't have to draw to the body edge. What matters is it represents More touches mean more representations Many touched bodies and tails Or we can slide it to here, it's fine It means the trend is going up See the trend and the opposing seller If the opposition is not much, we focus on buy It doesn't matter if it's in the morning or afternoon What matters is see the nearest trend from the running Second, after we see the direction Next is watch the psychology level or support and resistance Psychology level is when it's rejected at the edge The easy term is angle When it goes up, it's rejected down. So, it's the psychology level

How? It's pretty easy. Watch the left Let's see this one. The market is going up Let's say it's still formed to this green We don't know about the next candle When it goes down, then it's starting to go up When it goes down, we focus on the bottom psychology level where there's rejection There are many rejections here It's more valid if it touches the edge These 2 are touched. Then this is also touched These 2 are also touched This is the psychology level below. Many nearest support We can also read, the psychology level is starting to be reduced Watch the volume. The red is getting thinner

There's rejection above, which means buy rejection The volume is getting thinner. It means seller is getting weaker There's rejection above, then buyer is pushing It's at a psychology level. So, from those 3 reasons we can see that seller will end there and rejected by buyer Then, watch this green move Before it's up, it went down at first It means seller still has remaining power The volume is getting thinner, it means seller is getting weaker The tail tried to go down, but it couldn't When it goes up, it's starting to go strong At this thick one, we can say that buyer is pushing strongly After it's starting to go up, then the next psychology level see the above one and find the area that touched the most So, it becomes the nearest top psychology level It's starting to get strong If it's strong and breakout, it'll go up This green indicates strong buyer, but since it nears a psychology level we must wait for it to go down as strong as it can first Then, when it becomes a thick green, we can use it although it's not done yet If we use correction, we can order when it's thick green after it went down But, if we use psychology level and it breakouts then we order in the next candle We order in this candle Our reason is breakout It means we order in the next psychology level Why not here? It's too near It's around 170. 170 and it's at the edge, we can't do it We see the above one. We can also place it above here

Find the are that touched the most This is more appropriate, since they all are touched When it couldn't breakout, it'd go consolidation or even down When it's starting to be rejected It's starting to go up, so we focus on buy Our trigger is when it goes down, then a thick volume is formed Or we wait for the breakout. If it doesn't breakout, wait for it to go down because it's an up trend, even though there's doji above this indicates that it'll go down We must be really sharp. When it goes up to the psychology level There's a star, which could be a sign that it'll go down But, it doesn't mean that it'll go down long It means there's chance for us to order sell If we're used to move fast, we don't need to test it We can move fast here, order sell here because there's star and psychology level Surely we can't wait for it to go down long After we order, profit, close it, then done If it goes down again, then going up strong again, we can order again We order buy there This method must be tested in demo account first Why? Because there are some things that we can find there Then, we're safe even in trying it If we use real account by just thinking to sell after doji then we don't know where to exit it'll go up again after there's profit to take Learn to move, take decision, and do recovery quickly After a breakout, there's still potential to go up Up potential doesn't mean that it'll go up strong There's chance when we order Watch. When we order here

It breakouts, so we can order buy there If we enter quickly without waiting for a long time We can even get some from a small chance 170, even with spread, we get more than 100 We don't need to order and wait for the profit to be big If like that, it means we're rejecting fortune After the we close the profit, it goes down it's another matter, we don't care about it What matters is there's chance we use the chance, profit, done Then, read it again. If like this, will it go down? When it's starting to be red, observe it See if there's an impact at the left Let's use another color so we can see it clearer Turns out it's still far from the psychology level We must be careful if there's no psychology level Even though it changes to red, it's fine Wait for it. If it's red and there's red confirmation, order sell If red has no confirmation and eaten out again then it's done We think that it's done Why? Because the red is eaten by green So, we focus on buy again Focus on buy until there's clue of reversal How far? To the psychology level above This is psychology level Third is last formed candle character See the candle character before the running Let's read the today's market so we all can understand This is the last formed candle It means at the nearest psychology level here It tried to go up, but couldn't It's still in balance, consolidation phase So, we can't determine it for now If we read the last formed candle, it indicates seller pressure When it goes up, it couldn't go higher Will it go down? Not yet First, there's no confirmation, only small There's no stronger sell in this consolidation except if there's long red here If there's long red, we focus on sell since it breakouts Now, it's still in the range at 1753 Meanwhile, this is a pretty dangerous phase I don't recommend you to enter this condition Even though there's sell rejections, it's still sideways We still can't read further Next, the fourth Fourth is retracement It's the correction area Retracement is opposing the trend but it's still around 50% If we use fibonacci, it's around 61.8%

Buyer is dominating here. So, the 50% is here, the 61.8% is here So, if it moves like this there's potential that it'll go up. If it breakouts, it'll continue to go up If it goes up and doesn't reach here only here then down again, breakout here then it'll go down further So, we must know the correction area then the psychology level If the market moves up then down, see how far the down is Don't be confused then order sell If like this, it's locking When it goes up, buy, then down and lock it with sell Both would be losses We already gave the explanation of this In order to know the power, test it at the retracement first If it couldn't breach, it'll go up stronger Don't just cut loss or place stop loss Even the down power must be tested too There's 50% area and 61.8% area

Then, watch the low There's psychology level and low. If it goes down, watch the low There's a low here If the low is breached, then it'll go down longer If it bounces, then it may bounce again I'll show you how to read the movements To be continued....

2021-08-31 13:06

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