2020 Senior Send Off Virtual Celebration

2020 Senior Send Off Virtual Celebration

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When we're able to meet again in person at, that time will formally, honor your achievements, and celebrate IU's, Bicentennial. And the Kelley school's centennial, during. Tonight's senior send-off you'll hear messages from our Kelley family including, alumni faculty, and staff who, want you to know we're thinking of you or proud, of you and we celebrate, you we, also want, you to celebrate with us or, sharing, information below, the livestream, on how, to comment and share on social media be, sure to use the hashtag, Kelley grad on all, your social media posts so that Kelly's around the world can see your message, along. With our many graduates, and their loved ones we, also have some of our wonderful Kelley. Faculty, and staff watching, this evening faculty. And staff please check in add your comments, and help, show these graduates, your support, we, also want to recognize that we seldom, reach these successes, alone in addition. To your Kelley family, you've, likely been supported, along this journey by family, friends and mentors people. Have encouraged, you during these difficult times and celebrated, with you during your proudest, moments, take, a moment to recognize their support, if you're with them now tell. Them thank you if you're, a part take, a moment to write them email, them text, them or share, your gratitude, on social media don't, forget the hashtag as a member of the latest class to graduate from the Kelley School of Business you. Join a vast, alumni, network more, than 117, thousand, strong Kelley's, can be found working and living and making a difference in their communities, across the globe to, help celebrate some. Of our notable, Kelley alumni, took, a few moments to offer their thoughts and congratulations. Let's. Start with someone who should be familiar to you all you, spent countless hours in the building that bears his name. Greetings. From New York City. Congratulations. On graduating, from the best school. In America. Sorry. That I look worse than usual I'm, trimming. My own hair these days in. 1987. I thought. My, investment, company / mal was. Definitely, out of business, but. Somehow we kept it together mostly. Luck I think and 20. Years later we. Sold it to Lake Mason for a huge, price, maybe. 20, times that we can sell it for today. That's. Where the money to contribute to Hodge fall came from, so. Here's my message keep. Things in perspective be. Optimistic. It. Will get better there. Is good luck - see. You soon at a Kelly event thank, you. Thanks. Jim for offering perspective, and words of hope we're, so grateful for your example, of generosity, to the Kelly school here, are a few more messages, from our incredible, alums, hey. There I'm Martin McGuinness a 20-17 graph from the Kelley School of Business currently. Working at Google I want. To take a moment to say congratulations, on graduating, this, is such an important accomplishment and you should be very proud the. Kelly effect becomes obvious as soon as you enter the workforce. Presentations. That let you turn data into stories, team. Casework like AI Corps that immediately, empowers you in future group projects and most. Importantly, the fellow graduates, surrounding you your friends other, Hoosiers, that you've established lifetime, bonds with I was. Once told that whenever important, moments or decisions, happen in your life you, should think about your younger self and ask, this question, am. I making that kid proud, I'll. Tell you that you're definitely, making them very proud right now I wish. You luck in the coming years but. You won't need it you'll. Soon realize that as you actually work for us you've cultivated skills, these past four years that will stick with you forever so, you got this sending. You much love and encouragement during these times go, celebrate and definitely, tie yourself on the back, go, Hoosiers hello. Fellow Kelly graduates, I offer. My heartfelt congratulations to, each of you and to your loved ones and of, course professors, who supported you along the way, with. That in mind I wanted to offer each of you one piece of advice. The, events of the past two months have helped each of you learn to develop a skill that I think is essential to all leaders resiliency. My. Advice to you is to celebrate that resiliency, and foster, it in those around you. You're. Joining our community of Kelly alumni, who, know that collaboration, and teamwork are the bedrock, of the Kelly school these.

Values Have transcended, generations and. Now you have an undeniable. Ability, to add resiliency. As an irrefutable attribute. The. Author CS, Lewis said, hardships. Often prepare ordinary, people for extraordinary, destiny, I have, every, confidence that, you're heading into a future, that is truly extraordinary. Now. It's time to start to define that extraordinary, future, I've had you. Sincere. And heartfelt congratulations, to. The incredibly, resilient, Kelly, class of 2020. Welcome. To the alumni family and, when I say family I really do mean family, you. Are joining a network, of over a hundred and seventeen, thousand, living, business school alums and over. Seven hundred thousand Indian University alums that is, an unprecedent. Network and is arguably one of the biggest networks. And largest networks in the, world so. I would encourage you to take advantage of this network in these challenging, times and, reach out to your fellow alums for help or whatever you need I try. To think of one quote that really summarizes. Why, I would like for you all to take away your education. Is a dress rehearsal for, a, life that is yours to lead why. Is that quote important to me it's, important, to me because I really firmly believe that in these challenging, times well. We need more than ever strong, leadership and only with the new organizations, that you may join, or. With the organizations, that you're looking to join but with our community, within society. Within our government and also within our own alumni, base, leadership. Is really core you're, really having a strong on society, driving. This country, in this nation in this world to, better outcomes so, that we can all benefit, and take, all. Of us to the next level please. Reach out to your alums that have conversations. About leadership, we. Are welcome, to talk to you we look forward to having a dialogue with you around how we can help, congratulations. And I look forward to seeing the next generation of leaders coming out of this graduating class I can. Semiosphere I'm a partner, ey in Chicago, and a Kelly alum and like all of you I'm currently practicing, social, distancing. A phrase I had never even heard of until a few weeks ago and I'm kind of sorry that I did I wanted, to share a little bit of good news with you today though that, these current circumstances. Don't reflect the fact that you were all incredibly. Prepared to launch fantastic. Careers going forward I know, this because I know the Kelly school has a long history of producing top talent, and this year will be no exception. Hello. Kelly school seniors, we. Wish we could all come together and, celebrate your, amazing, college graduation. From the IU Kelly. School of Business these. Are such unusual, times, so. We can't be together but, we can still celebrate, you, you're. Wrapping up a degree from a top-tier. US, Business School that, cares deeply about, your success as.

An Alumni, of that school I can assure you you are joining a strong, I new family, that, will be with you and support you for, years to come so be well. Congratulations. Class of 2020, we. Love you. Thank. You to our wonderful alums, for their inspiring words, you, know Kelly's can be found working in many, different industries even, in the world of professional sports I know you've all been waiting to hear from this next guest he's, one of our most famous, Kelly alums. Hey. This is Cody Zeller former Indiana basketball player, and more importantly Kelly grad and, this, is a crazy time for all of us obviously trying to adjust to social distancing, and Quarantine and our, NBA season is postponed, or canceled obviously, its you're affecting, your graduation, and I just, wanted to be one of the first to congratulate you on graduation. And now. It's taking a lot of hard work to get to this point, and in. The short-term that seems like a big issue with the car virus, but in, the long-term you got to set yourself up for a long and successful happy, career and, not only with the skills you learned at Kelly but also the network of Kelly, grads is unbelievable. And that's. Something I always heard when I was in Bloomington, but I, didn't. Really I figured I'm gonna play in the NBA how much can Kelly, really help me in the NBA but about. A month later I was in a meeting with the Portland Trailblazers owner, Paul Allen founder of Microsoft and. We had about a 15 minute conversation about. Microsoft. Excel Microsoft Access, and all. The skills I learned in k201 x201. And, some, of my toughest class at IU but, I was living it for those skills and, since. That I've had so many cool connections, come through Kelly and you, guys are gonna find out the same thing let's you going to the workforce so, welcome. To the alumni network and, you. Know I would be the first of many. To give you this offer but if I can never do anything for you guys just let me know and congrats. Again, Wow. Thank You Cody I'm, always glad to hear that k201, comes in handy even, for NBA players meeting, with a founder of Microsoft thank. You to all of the Kelly alums who sent their what. I'm sorry, what oh we're. Getting another message. Okay, I'll be as adaptable, as any Kelly let's sneak in one more alumni message. What. Up you IU Kelly, sops, this is Mark Cuban, and I'm sitting in here in my kitchen cuz. What else am I gonna be doing other than sitting in my kitchen but. I know as, a recent, Kelly graduate, you've, got this all planned out, because you already know where, there is change there is opportunity, you, already know that you, get to use this time to work on that resume just to make it perfect, but, most important, you get to ponder, the ultimate question that. You are going to be asked in every interview. You will ever do from, now to. Eternity. What. Did you do during. The pandemic, of 2020. You. Got this IU grads, this is going to be easy because, the world's gonna change and you, guys are going to be ones to change it ask. Yourself, why. Not me why. Can't I be the one who changed the world because, I know it's. Going to be one of you that just makes it all different. Than all for the better, congratulations. Everybody, mark. Thank you for that colorful, surprise I agree. These graduates, truly, will, help change our world for the better and of, course thank, you to all of our alums who had offered support and inspiration. To our students, during this time in fact. We received several more alumni messages, for the class of 2020, too, many for us to show all of them tonight those. Videos will be featured on our senior send-off page following. This live stream I hope, you'll all take time to see what some of our most successful alumni. Had, to share with you now it's, my pleasure to, introduce the, chair of the undergraduate program, Josh, Perry professor. Perry is also the glob injured chair for undergraduate leadership, professor. Of business law and ethics and one, of your most loyal and, enthusiastic. Champions. Thank. You Dean Kesner graduating. Seniors tonight, I had planned to be on stage in assembly hall shaking. Your hands, as you were recognized as graduates, of the Kelley School of Business and I'm. Ready to circle, the date on my calendar, when, that will happen, indeed. We will have a traditional, ceremony because ceremonies. Are important. Tonight. Well. Tonight is different but, it is significant, and it provides us all with a moment, to, pause and to, reflect and. I know that, slowing down to pause and reflect is not, your default, position, I know you crave, experiences. If. You think back on the last four years you have had some incredible experiences. With. Friends, with faculty with staff during.

Athletic Events. And study abroad travel. And internships. Building. Houses with habitat, and, mentoring, with, girls Inc you've. Started your own companies, you've managed, your own portfolios. And you've. Begun to emerge, as, a business, professional. Each. Of you is still in just and talented, and so full of potential I have. No doubt that each of you will continue to drive forward and pursue amazing. Experiences. But. All this emphasis, on experiences. Can also mean that sometimes, we can forget. Forget. To look back to. Reflect to be grateful for all. We've had the privilege to experience, and. In the end this. Is just as, important. As, continuing, to drive forward because even as, experiences. End, what. We take from them what we, learn how, they shape us this. Is, what makes us who. We are. Which. Reminds me of a short story I wanted to share from. The Taoist poet qu, and su it's. Titled, the woodcarver. It, goes like this, King. The. Master, carver made, a bail stand a bail. Stand of precious, wood and when, it was finished all who, saw it were astounded. They, said this, must be the work of spirits. The. Prince said. To the master carver, what, is your secret. The. Carver replied I I, am. Only a workman, I have, no secret, there. Is only this, when. I began to think about the work you commanded, I guarded. My spirit, and, I did not expend, it on trifles, that were not to the point I, fasted. In, order to set my heart at rest and after three days of fasting I forgot me praise, or criticism. And. After seven, days I had. Forgotten my body with all its limbs and. By, this time all thought, of your highness and of the court had, all faded, away all that. Might distract, me from the work, it. All vanished, I was. Collected. In the, single, thought of, the. Bail stand and. Then. I went to the forest to see the trees in their, own natural state, and, when the right tree, appeared, before my eyes. The Bell stand also, appeared. In. It in the, tree clearly. Beyond, all doubt all I had. To do was. To put forth my hand and begin. If. I had not met this, particular. Tree there, would have been no Bell stand at all. So. What happened. My. Own collective. Thoughts. Encountered. The hidden potential. In the wood and. From this live. Encounter. Came. The work which. You ascribed. To the. Spirits. Over. The last few weeks of sheltering, at home perhaps you. Have had an opportunity to collect your thoughts to. Reflect on your experiences. At Kelly, and, if not I hope tonight, you will begin to reflect on the. Hidden, potential. That, lies within, you. And. All that's ahead of you as you move forward into. The next phase. Of your life. Please. Know that we, are rooting, for you, and by, we I mean all of us here at Kelly. And. Many many. Of your biggest fans wanted to share a few, of their own well, wishes. To. Class of 2020. This. Is. For you, all. Of us and Kelly advising. Congratulations. Seniors you're awesome if you, can get through this semester you can get through anything, best. Wishes, my. Advice for you is to stay connected to. Each other -, Kelly - IU and most. Importantly, my, advice to you is, to stay. Balanced. Hey. Kelly's Tatyana Cole over here thank, you for the four years that you have spent the positive, energy all the, hard work that you've put into your classes, your projects, maybe, I was, with you in your very first business presentation.

Of Class maybe, we went to Greece together if. I did not know you I want to wish you a wonderful, career. That, you're heading into the, positive. Take. Initiative, be a true, Kelly professional. And good, luck to you Colette's. Congratulations. Kelly graduating. Class of 2020. This. Is a tremendous. Time to celebrate the incredible things, that you all have done over your four years here and, to. Look, forward to what lies ahead but. Most importantly, I'm excited, to welcome you all back to Bloomington as soon as possible, as Kelly alumni, congratulations. Hi 2020, Kelly graduates, Tim Baldwin here chair of our department of, management and entrepreneurship. Like. You I'm sure I'm disappointed, that we don't have a ceremony this year but, we don't really need that to acknowledge the achievement, that you haven't graduated from, the Kelly school and, I think actually you got two choices this, year graduating. One, you could hunker down take. A victim, status and feel sorry for yourself or, two you, could show resilience, and say how do we make this the most positive and beneficial situation. As possible, and learn, something from it knowing, your recent Kelly grads I think I know what path you'll take. Congratulations. Go make us proud and, dare, to be great. Hello, everyone, I'm, Rebecca cook with undergraduate, career, services, and I wanted to wish you a heartfelt congratulations a. Miquellee, alum and I want to welcome you now to the wonderful. Alumni group that we have and hope that you are proud of Kelly going forward remember. You can always come back to us for lifetime, career services, so we hope to see you again sometime in the new future again. Congratulations. Kelly. Graduates, how awesome, are you. Congratulations. We, are I am, so proud of you take. A little bit of time every day over the next month or so to really, celebrate reflect. On and, be. Proud of what you've done I know. This wasn't the semester, you wanted to have I know this isn't how you wanted to leave Bloomington, but, you survived, we, said that nikkor we say it today you've. Got a t-shirt in your closet that proves it I'm wearing a t-shirt to prove it we, survived. Congratulations. Good luck to all of you hi, Kelly seniors, I have. To say that I am not surprised, at the level of grace, and resilience. That you've demonstrated these, past few months this. Is certainly not the end of the semester that we wanted for you but you have been a special class since day one and you are continuing, to demonstrate, that even now and while. We are going to miss you we. Remember that this isn't goodbye it's just, see you later, congratulations. Class of 2020, we are so proud, of you. Hey. Kelly's. Congratulations. On your graduation and.

Never. Forget, this. Kelly's. Are, always. Fighters. Hello. Seniors, my, name is mokuba, Rhys I am, super excited to celebrate you. Congratulations. To the class of 2020. From, the Kelley School of Business job. Well done. Let. Me reassure you you, are going to have wonderful, and exuberant, lives and careers, let. This time instill. In you an absolute. Commitment as you go forward, to. The things that matter most. Family. And friends your. Health, social. Connection, and, travel. Oh. Amazing. You're. Amazing congratulations. For, class of 2020. Go. While. We hunker down in our basement waiting, for coffee 19, to pass we've, tried to stay productive and, add value, that's alright Kelly's even, though the race went virtual you kept your eye on the finish line and you crossed it congratulations. Five-oh kitties. Thank. You all what a wonderful, tribute to our graduates, these. Are unusual times, and there, is and will be a lot of change but, change means opportunity. Change, means growth you've, acquired the skills that Kelly to be nimble in the face of change to. Recognize, opportunity. To create momentum whether. You're an entrepreneur, with a small business or you're starting your career at a global corporation or something, in between you'll. Be part of a shift in how business works I take, comfort in knowing that, one thing about the Kelly school will remain constant our students. Have the talent, to succeed, the, humility to grow and the tenacity to persevere, we. Want you to take that talent that humility, and that tenacity and make, the world a better place going, forward we. Have faith in you we, know you'll roll up your sleeves and do what needs to be done because. You're a Kelly together. We, are the Kelley, School of Business we. Leave you now with a special video send-off, to, remind you of this special place and the wonderful times you've had here until. The time we're able to celebrate our graduates, in person, we hope you remember, that you are forever, part of the family of the Kelley School of Business and Indiana, University and, you, can always come, back home. Congratulations. Class of 2020, you are, joining a distinguished, and exclusive, group one, with hundreds, of thousands of members across the globe and the, best part all of them, are rooting for you that's, right your circle of support has grown so, much bigger than just your friends and family and now includes people like Mark Cuban sage Steele and of course the members of Straight No Chaser, so, step bravely into this new world knowing. That we've all got your back and want nothing but the very best you go, i you and welcome to the club. As. A first year student I didn't, know many people who were going to be in the School of Business and, I, wanted to make sure that I knew some people in my classes before I started, camp. Kelly was the perfect opportunity to, meet, new people to. Learn what business, even meant and. To find mentors who were older than me who could help guide me through my first year at Kelly's. My. Experience, at Kelly was, anything, but traditional, over. The past four years my classroom, experiences. Were engaging and immersive, friends. Became like family and, Kelly, organizations. Became vehicles, for real change on campus. Not. Only did being part of the Kelly community, foster. Many of my greatest memories at IU but. It taught me to be persistent with. My professional, and personal goals and above. All else to be confident with who I am I. Could. Have never predicted how. Exciting. These last four years could. Have been and I. Owe it all to Kelly for, introducing, me to the people that have made my, experience here, so memorable, both friends, mentors. Alumni. Those. People will be with me forever. To, me being, a Cali means being, strong. Persevering. Being, determined, being, passionate, about what we do having. Integrity, helping. Each others lifting. Each other up connecting. With everyone I. Never. Thought that Kelly would have such an impact on me when I first started school here I never. Thought that I would make so many friends that, I would have so many opportunities I. Never. Thought that I would. Make an impact on Kelly, but. It turns out that I have. You. You.

2020-05-12 07:41

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