Good. Morning good afternoon perhaps, I should even say. Whatever. Time it is wherever you are listening, to this right now thank, you so much for coming, to join me my name is Paul bars from Paul bars calm. Well. Here. We are January, it's, the new year happy, new year everyone I hope you've got some wonderful plans and some, good things ready. To happen I'm, gonna help with that as best as I can and in this month's, client, training, what we're gonna look at is your overall, strategy. Now. This video is gonna be a little bit longer than most there are seven, different steps, along the way each one which as we, go through them will probably be somewhere, around five, maybe, six seven minutes, but. That will give you a chance to not, just go through the video in one go should you choose but also to come, back and review, step by step by step, so. Let's have a quick look at what those different, steps will be number, one we're going to talk about your website and, what, critical, elements, must be in place to make everything, else, work. Then. Number two what, to test what, to track what to measure, so we can compare, our efforts, with, our results with our goals, number. Three we're going to look at effective, email, marketing, number, four your social. Media strategy, number, five your, search engine your SD, o strategy. Number. Six your content, strategy and then number seven Google. And Facebook, remarketing. So. You've got your pen paper handy, sitting back comfortable. Ready, to go this, is your marketing, strategy, for the, upcoming, year. Let's. Get started. Thing. We need to do is look at your website, most. Importantly, this is so important. Technically, and secure. And, fast. Now, have you hooked up with Google, search console, you can make sure that you're meeting the Google standard, on all of these things and when you do that be, sure to get. Yourself, set for, notifications. It's. Part two of this is mobile, responsive. Responsive. And mobile. Friendly, again, Google, search console, will give you these answers, it's a vital. Part of making. Sure that your site is technically. Ready for customers. I'd, also like you to make sure and do a review, of your content. I want, you to check are you providing just. Stylez. Information. Or are you providing, great. Content, pages that answer, questions, that fulfill, customer. Queries pages. And information. That is insightful. That is useful. These things are incredibly. Important. And then, finally, across the content, scheme, I want, you to ask yourself and look at your blogging, strategy, now, at minimum, we should be blogging once. A month that many of them twice, a month is better three if we can or, as, I like to say as often, as possible. Now you'll see as we go through this entire marketing. Strategy, that when, it comes to blogging and the, content, pages on your website they, fit in all. Over, the place these, are not just one-time. Things they serve not just one, purpose they serve many. Purposes, so. When it comes to your website yes, it's got to be fast it's got to be secure it's got to be mobile-friendly that's, the minimum. But. You've also got to be providing. Incredible. Content. Both. Through blogging and also. Authority. Information. Pages. Number. Two on our list is testing, tracking. And measuring, oh boy, this, is so important, this is one of the first things that you should be doing along with making sure you've got a good content. Strategy, before, you do, anything. At all anything, further any marketing, of any kind, on your website, you, need to determine. What. Your conversion points. Will, be I mean how are you gonna measure success, if, you've got an e-commerce site, well it's easy it's the sale it's the money in the bank but most, people don't run an online shop, they're looking for you, know an, inquiry, they're looking for a phone, call something like that you need to decide, what these will be and then set, up a way perhaps through Google Analytics to.
Test Track, and measure, those. Results, you. Also need to implement. Multiple, conversion. Points across. Your website you, know call-to-action, buttons contact. Us subscribe. And so on not just the form but. Look at it if there's. A good information page, and it states all the benefits, of your product or service and you then ask them a call to action ask them to contact you and they click that button that's, a mini conversion, then they go through to the contact, form if they submit, it that's the ultimate conversion. But what, if they click the button and don't. Submit the form you need to know these by testing. By tracking. Their action, throughout the site maybe, you need to have the form on the bottom of the page maybe. As well that can be a, comparative. Test, between, two, different pages, you. Should as I hinted beforehand. Set up your goals in Google Analytics and. When you set up your analytics, or when we do this of course for clients, that's. The very first thing we do we, set up the goals we, set up just those basics, of you know time on site, pageviews, to make sure people are actually looking at things along the way but, we also set, up the more advanced ones like I've just told you event, based goals, action. Based goals as I like to call them they took an axe, and it triggers, it as an event in your. Analytics. And then. Each month you sit down you have a look at the numbers and and you review, and you go well if we had you know 25, people look, at this page for, this product or service, we, had. 12. Of them click the contact, button but, only 2 actually contacted. Us or none, what. Does that tell you now. It tells you that, something. Isn't quite right what that would tell me first of all these let's put the contact page are the form sorry on the bottom a unique, form that, you can test track and measure and let me just say this folks when it comes to a lot of you using, WordPress based websites, your, contact, forms, yes. You can set them up as an event they click Submit but, it's much much easier if, you set up your goal as a sort. Of a landing, page goal they click Submit, they go through to a thank, you page I personally, like that as a consumer, better. I know my, form has been submitted and, on the Thank You page what, do I have there I have some options while. You're waiting for us to get back to you please check out our latest blog, post or, have, a look at this video or download this PDF fact, sheet whatever it might be they're, more opportunities. To be able to reach out to your customers and convert. Them but, it all begins with testing, with. Tracking, and being able to measure, your. Results. Here. We have number three on our list is email, marketing and your. Newsletter, now, if you're on my customer. List you've received, this as a client. Training, video and we do this for a lot of our clients if we're not yet doing it for you please give me a call we'll get, it into action make sure you're getting things out there but. There's. A lot of people out there saying hey email, it's, dead. Really. Is that. Why all the, big companies, still, use an email to get in touch and yes, I know the open rates aren't anywhere near as good as they are but, you need to understand this quickly about email if, your open. Rates and not. As good as they used to be you're going out you're getting a ten percent fifteen twenty percent open, rate of your email does that mean your email sucks, no.
It. Means your, subject. Line sucks. So. That's what you need to work on then, within the email the body of the email people. Need to take action, you need to, have. Some way that you can track those, actions, how, long they spend reading do, they click a button to read more on the website whatever it might be if, they're, not doing that then the body content of your email well, it, needs improvement, but. There are some basics, that you really should follow, along, the way the very first of these is to be able to segment your, customers so. Let's say we have a customer, list here, we go this is our customer list it's it's this big and we, send an email to all of our customers even though it's only relevant to some, of them know you. Need to look at your products, you. Need to look at your services. And you need to find some way to segment. That list so that, when. You send an update it only goes to those relevant. Customers. Does that make sense look. At how you can so. Segment. To include, both your customers, and maybe different, types of customers, but also maybe even different prospective. Customers, you can do the same thing as well and then. Look to build relationships. With them and that's the point of ongoing. Updated. Informative. Email, build. Relationships. With your prospective, customer. And. Continue. It then with, your customers. So, here we have at minimum. Two. Different lists. Prospects. These people are not yet customers, they've just come across you somewhere. You. Want them to subscribe to some thing, and, then. They will hopefully eventually become a customer, you move them from that list to this list, and some, systems will do that automatically, some not but, you move them from this list to that list so they get two different types of information. So. Here's the question how. Often should. We mail. To our customers. How often should we mail to prospects. I'm. Going to make this suggestion, for, the, typical small, business, these are not internet marketing, this is not I want to flog my stuff to you this is the typical, customer focused. Small, business, for. Prospective customers. At least once a month minimum. Once a month I like, to have a system, of follow-up, where let's say they download. Some kind of a free, report, and, I, follow up instantly, 24. Hours hey, did you get your download, link if not here it is no sales no nothing just in case, you missed the previous email. Then. Two days after that message I send. Them another one and then three days after that message. I send them another one and I'm, starting to give them hints and tips and ideas. If. They don't get it back in touch with in fall so a reasonable, period of time then, we move straight to, monthly. Until, they say go away. But. When they become customers. It really depends, on the cycle, the buying cycle of your. Product. Or service I mail. My customers. Once a month but at minimum it should be once every three, months at minimum, I. Give. Them hints I give. Them tips just like this you, can do the same. Let's, look now at section. For social. Media what are we face book Instagram. LinkedIn wherever. It is that your customers, are that's, the key to good, social media use now. You. Need to look at this in a strategic. Step-by-step. Process, because everybody's. Screaming about social, media at the moment and again this is something that we do for many of our customers the. Very first, thing you should do is what. Pimp, your profile, make it look good look, at each of the different platforms go, to the settings up of the profile, and make sure you've done absolutely, everything. And. That your graphics, and that, your images, and that your branding. Is consistent. From one place to the other which, should ideally be of course the same as your, website using your brand, colors. Once. You've done that I want, you to start posting if you're not yet, regularly. Use. Schedulers. To automate, some of this I like to sit down at the beginning of each month and I, do this, for myself my own website, I do this for a couple of clients as well and I. Will go through and, I schedule, an entire. Month, worth, of social.
Media Posts, now, these are the general, posts, they, are both my own content, and other, people's, content all my clients content. And other. People's, content as long as they're not local, competitors. Of course, I make. Sure that the content I post is informative. Is interesting. To their. Potential. Customers, and their actual customers, as well it has to serve the, needs of, both. But. I do this at the beginning of every month I go down the local coffee shop I sit down have a couple of coffee have some breakfast and I'll go through and just schedule, them all takes me I don't, know maybe about 19, minutes at. This point of time 90 minutes for two hours to do myself and a couple of customers as well the whole month, here's. A key I also schedule to the 10th of the. Following month in case I don't get straight to it when the new month comes in so. You need to do this your, content, and other. People's content now, what did we talk about up early we talked about. Beautiful. Content, blogging. Is a beautiful. Thing to be able to then share through. Social, media so. When you do your blog posts, on your website, make. Sure that you update your social meta, as well, so that a good image the correct, image and the, good heading and the good description, shows up when customers. Share it also as well, as yourself these. Things are important, and then. As you plan your strategy and I've got a whole, series. Of videos coming up this entire year on this kind of strategy look. For hashtags, look, for trends. Or the daily features, like you know hashtag, motivational. Monday. Hashtag. What's on Wednesday, things, like that that you can also use, and that's what takes a little bit more time a little bit more thought. But. You share. Content. For people to read, aside. From that make, sure make note of this don't, just share content. Don't, just share promotional. Share. A little bit of both and then, include a couple of furry cats in there as well some funny stuff I'd, say maybe, 10. 10, percent one out of every 10 maybe one out of every five max funny stuff you, know Friday, funnies, for example, and then. Include. Your own content, another, say at least half and, then, other people's content on top of that but look at polls look, at questions, look at engagement, how, can you engage, your. People. On social, media this is what you want. Engagement. So. That's section. 4 and this, will lead on also, to. Section 5. SEO. Now, SEO is incredibly, important, do, it right, you get the results you'll get the effort that the results, from the work that you've done, so, let's just have a quick look at a backtrack, what have we done so far well we're talking about good content, and blogging on your website which is great for sharing on social yes. What. About SEO why not set the whole thing up all in one go imagine. That you've got great. Content, pages and then, imagine just imagine if you're not doing this already, you've, also blogging, you know once twice maybe three times a month and as I said we do this for our clients if you don't have time and you're. Watching this right now you're not one of my clients please give me a call we can help you with this but. You've got great content you've got great blogging, they're linking together you have to make sure an absolute. Minimum that. You spend, the time to. Update your, meta. Tags on your homepage on, your, primary content, pages and then yes also, do that on page optimisation. For your blog posts, as well, as you post them if, you're doing the social meta, we, mentioned that last time then it should be the same thing at least, close. To it and this. Makes. A big difference to your SEO but, complete, your, on-page. SEO. Across. The board review, all of your content, look at your analytics and, go these, are the pages people, are looking. At these are the pages people are finding me on page. 2 of Google, page 3 of Google spend some time to. Update those, pages and make your meta title meta description, and other on-page, SEO. Attractive. Not, just to Google but to potential, customers, that's, key. And then. You begin to create, some, incredible. Internal. Links from, your blog posts, to your main pages I mean that's the point of blog posts not. Just to attract new traffic but once they get there once they read, it to click through to a product to, click through to a service, information page, to click through to an authority, page to learn more about what. You do to build, trust to, build can't. To, increase. Sales. So. You share, your blog post to social media they come through they click through and they convert, you. Write good blog posts, which others share which also come up in Google search which go out in your email. Newsletters. They, come they read they click through they. Convert, and at. The last part of SEO which is needs. To be an ongoing strategy.
Is External. Link building we've, talked about internal. Link building work they need to be building links externally. So. Go and set up I'll give you just this one idea Joe, and set up some joint venture, partnerships. With others, not. Just in your industry being related. Industries. Where. Your, type of customer, might also be, their. Type. Of customer, quick example, let's say I sell, business-to-business, web. Developments. Digital. Marketing, SEO, social, media ad, marketing. And so on, an. Accountant, an accountant. Is gonna have other business, customers, particularly, one who specializes. In you. Know small, to medium enterprises, thing they have ideal, customers, for me so. I've set up some joint. Venture, partnerships, with one. Or two accountants, not in competing, regions. But outside, of, each. Other and I, now also write for them and that. Builds a link back to me and I write for magazines and, they build links back to me and I create, content, that I actually have a team who go an outsource, so who out look, look out for that for me and bring, it in and, that. Creates links for me I go write content it gets published elsewhere it creates links, good, quality. High, quality. Links, to, relevant customers. That, also creates, a link back to me you can do that or, of course we can, do it for you and let, me just say this we. Do all of this for our customers, I mentioned that earlier but when, you think about it there's quite a bit to it this was just the SEO strategy, just the basics, of SEO. Let's. Move on. And so, moving on now number, six as we start to wrap things out I want. To talk about your content, strategy now, we've talked about Authority. Pages, we've, talked about our, blog, our content, pages we're talking about sharing, these out and getting others to publish content as well as ourselves going. To social, and to other websites we've done all of that but, it. Sounds like a lot of work not. Really not if you plan it so. I want you to start planning things at minimum. Three months ahead I, want, you to sit down I want, you to look at your primary. Products. And/or service, categories. The, theme, the underlying, topic, that, you know each of these fall, into and I. Want you to create a, monthly. Or maybe, a quarterly, theme. And then focus, on that. This. Month I'm focusing, on your. Overall strategy but, there are in this video seven, different parts yes well. I'll take the different sections of this video and they'll be released as videos on their own I'll.
Also Take that and get a transcript, and do something, with that also create the blog post send out the newsletter, I will create some graphics, around, this topic marketing. Planning your marketing, strategy, and I'll, share them to social and on my blog as well and through newsletters and so, on so. My theme for this, month is the marketing, strategy, for the new year, but. I'm gonna follow, that through next month with the content, strategy, for the, new year and, I'm going to follow that on with, how, to apply that content, to social, strategy, for the new year there's my three months planned, and. I sit down and I do this all on paper and, I just took it up on the board behind me in the office. When. I sit down at the beginning of the month and I schedule, my posts. Not just my blog post but also other cons on my, content I make them stick, to, the. Theme that I've chosen, so I'm gonna be looking for other content, this month to share on social about, planning, a year strategy because. That's the theme for this month, what. Could your theme be, what. Could you do in your business could you sit down and go well we. Sell this. And it's related to that, let's, talk about that and, plan. Our content, around. It and just. Remember, when you're doing that when you're creating your plan always. Factoring, holidays, always factor in special events look for opportunities. And dates and relevant. Hashtags that, you can use look, for trends, around, sort. Of content, themes that you can use to engage. People. With because. That's what's all about folks engagement. You can get the new customer, to, engage with you it's gonna make such a big difference so if, you haven't yet plan. Your content, or what. Sit, down with me give me a call and we'll plan it out together I know I can help you with this you just wait till next month's, video yeah all right, grab. Your pen paper if you haven't already taking. Notes let's. Finish this off with number, seven. Here. We go this is how we wrap, the whole thing up. Google. Ads Facebook, Ads. Remarketing. Retargeting. Whatever you want to call it it's, about getting back in touch with people who've, already looked. At you but just having quite, made. The great they haven't contacted you they haven't converted, they haven't something, so. What do we do well. Let's just quickly wrap, up what have we done so far we've got good content, pages that's the first review how fast, is technically so here our site, is technically, correct it's, fast it's loading, well on mobile it's easy to read we've got content, we've got blogging, we're sharing the social, media we've got a good strategy it's going out by email. But. Some people look at and still don't contact, us so what do we do, well. At minimum. At minimum. We run, Facebook. Remarketing and, retargeting through, both Facebook, and. Google. Ads we. Set it so that anyone who has looked at our site who's actually come from out there all these different places they, come in they come to our site but then they leave again, and, we. Hit them up with another ad we, ask them to come and look at a specific, page I think we should also you, know change our ads regularly. Monthly. So, that maybe your new blog, post becomes, your featured, ad for, the month well, maybe you're running some specials, and that's the feature for, the month but whatever it is wherever. They've, come from your show to your site from. You. Now retarget. Them with. An ad through Facebook, and through Google. Both. So. That they see you, so that, they get a chance to to, come, back, and, there. Are so many different, things that you can do this this is just the minimum, the absolute, minimum that you should do maybe, struggling give me a call we'll. Do this for you, but. I want you to look at this overall system let's just think about that for a moment good. Content. Blogging. Email. Social. Fast. Loading web site. And. Remarketing. And retargeting ads, to get people, back, making. Sure that. Across the board you. Are testing. You. Are tracking. You. Are measuring. So. You know what works so you know what doesn't and you can improve on it next month. Now. I know it sounds like a whole bunch of work and yes. It is it's about, 15. To 20 hours work a month it is 15. To 20 hours work a month, so if you've got stuff they can do it for you or. We, can help but. That's the plan that's the strategy, that's what I believe, you should be doing, in your business this. Coming. Year get, that set up spend, a month or three to get it set up and, then. It just runs like, clockwork. Let me just finish off with this what. Do we do once all of this system is set up what, do we do well once a month you, sit down and you create some new content, for, example I use this video but, you create content around whatever your topic is and then. You publish it. Around. That new content you're using your remarketing, to get people back because.
They See it maybe they haven't seen it so you ask them to come back and take a look and, that's. It that's, literally it you. Just create some content, and you send it out through social, through email, it gets picked up by search, and also retargeting. That's. It, and, as. Long as everything. Is in place oh boy. It's. Beautiful. It's, beautiful and, that's. What you need to set your sights on for, the coming year all, right my name is paul bars from paul bars calm sunshine coast bass lots, of clients around southeast, Queensland, thank, you so much for joining with me to watch this video I hope you got something from it hope he took some notes I'll. See you again next month for our upcoming video. Which will be on content, strategy, how to plan everything out have. A great day have a great week all the best for the new year and. I'll talk to you again soon bye bye. You.
2020-01-20 09:29