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I got the rarest, glitch cards, in a. 195-foot. Trough challenge. I. Don't. Know how lucky I am to see these cards and you can be lucky too because a like and subscribe, us in the next 5 seconds and if you do that you'll get a month of good luck so don't miss out it definitely works. Oh the. Free 4 to 1 it has free chances, that Virgil, at centre-back genuinely. The, only, reason, I'm taking, it captain, oh I'll. Go for Gareth Bale now we can still get some good attackers, this is it 99. Messy, yeah oh my. God we, have, just called that that, is, incredible. That is, what, we need what, is one name 5 ba God's listening, they got my cool they're, listening, in they know I'd need that 99, messy that, is perfect. I'm gonna, go left forward now what. Have we got, we. Just went from Lea. No messy you to Cristiano. Ronaldo. Hold your horses, this is looking like greatness, this is what a one-line, 5 foot draft should, look like and, then I finishing. It off in attack. He. Grain doesn't, Inc up to bow for you know me we, need every, bit of racing, we can get come on left mid come. On left meds, oh we. Go for Diaby we're taking regardless, in the middle P, Anik the young Jarrod's. These. Are the bad picks coming out to play but off a does, link up to Messi both, had so many good picks our, Furman. P, anak or. Cruz I. Go. Cruz narrating sort. Them round defense, can. We get, Virgil. Van, Dyck I've never, had two 99s, in one draft before that, would be incredible, but. Gokula byfa racing, in, the middle please, an icon fingers, crossed. Oh we. Took YouTube ie but. I'm gonna go for Hummels, gets, one link to crews final. Defender, please Virgil. Who. Is it even have to be polenta. I guess, this. Is not looking good up in a messy in-goal. Layman. That's a bit better our first, icon, hopefully. The first of many we're, on a 190, at the moment this can be salvaged, we, can save this first. Reserves, all. Costs. That gets great chem we can put off only on the sides yeah. We're gonna do that so, longer do is I put you there chop, you two rounds there we go we're racking up the chem chemistry. I don't, feel scared about it's just the oval, rating, we, need to get it up second. Bad people, no reserves, we. Need Maurier, we need more Oh My, gods Watterson, our second, theme of the year oh my. I can't comprehend. Today, has, been a bad day for drafts, Oh, Robert. Sermon. That, is beautiful. Can't sneak him in but that's a good bench player our second. Team of the year and final. Reserves, Michael. Owen my, wishes have come true we got a bear strike our and our, chemists, sorted. What might one as well I'm liking, that we just need to fix that defense I'm gonna do that now keeper. We. Have got a 90. Rated to Stegen, send. Her back please. I fought. Every Virgil, I saw the little flicker to show me it was a team of the year we, got our further the, year by, Freud, B Virgil, that, would have been the happiest I would have ever been to 90. Nitrates it's that's a one though five that is one of the best benches, I've seen in FIFA history, Wow final, chance to fix, those center backs please, please.

Ramos. There, we go, he will link up to, the Bale get strong link all. Past four oh, I'm. Good wait if I do that and then I put kuna by in doesn't. Get me bouquet that. Is the biggest shock I've ever seen. At least get me a recent, increase no, okay, we, go next pick and, bap, a or. We can't sneak you in my friends we're go for Armani come. On I'm sensing. I don't, know why I feel, like we're gonna get 40 more years, Neymar. Oh no, if, I would have got Neymar, and then, in back pay I could have played them all oh no, I messed up no Neymar, please. Oh, -. Seven I guess, I can put Neymar, in for now and, then carpet Ronaldo in no. We leave it like that for now see, what we can sort in a minute Oh. Haji. 92 oh my, this has to be a one line - at least if, this is not one line - I'll be, backwards, we're. Taking McGinn I think, we can salvage this, if, we put you on and then. Put you on from again and then. Put renewed or back in if, the chem don't drop our keeper ah there's to me swap it round it's not good on a Serie, manager, will, give us a one-man one but how, we got three, team of the years and it's, only a one by one we got three icons as well my head genuinely. Hurts that doesn't make sense to me that. Does. That give us CEM that's only one, cam nuong, oh, my. God. It's a Sevilla manager, the bench my son I didn't, even see that such, an insane drop that confuses. Me how. That's the one I am one what, guys, recently, I started playing monster, legends and I'm absolutely, loving, it I encourage you to download the game the link will, be in the description. I know many of you have already, played the game but for the ones of you that haven't what, are you waiting for monster, legends is a free-to-play game available, on Android, and iOS, I, have collected these, different, monsters it's very simple, first I can breed two different species to create a new type of monster, there are different, wants of collections so I can try complete them all I'm still quite far away from collecting, everything, but I'm getting there once I have the new baby tiny, monster I can feed it then it grows it, game's battle abilities, and becomes, a absolute, beast, when my monsters. The proper size well-trained. And have, grown I can then take them into battles, and it is so much fun I fire them real time against, my friends and I love challenging, them just to prove that I am the absolute best I've used Facebook Connect so I can play on all my devices and, easily. Find my friends who do play monster legends then I can tease them and compare, my island and my collections, against the heads there are different, PvP, modes where I can take my strongest, monsters, and fighting, special dungeons, or in the adventure map I encourage you to download the game the link is in the description, there's a big community of players behind, it discover yourself how, amazing, the world of what's a legends actually, is are the, sacred, for. Schiphol to formation. No, time to waste, give it to me now, give me a messieurs capped oh my, god I've, never ever. Seen. Güerito as Captain, I was gonna ask for the messy which, we received thought we'd go for the 95. Oh that. Is big, I'm, gonna go see the m's first just, get the picks out the way we, conquer from a 95, to another night your 80 players the, chance of that is so unlikely now, he gets a neti ah come. On let's. Go we'll take my poison Nettie 94. We've, got two nitrated, icons, if we can just get Daniel, to a Broin sedan. In any of the cams we. Would have been in business we still, got one cam position left we. Will take a crisp Oh our second. Argentinian, in, the team we. Will take a 97. Reynaldo this, is the icon, show are you witnessing. This this. Is iconic, the Brazilian, beast, himself if we, can just pick up a cam now Daniel, sedan. We've. Got one aldini oh I can't.

Comprehend. This we, are sitting on a monster, drafts, my boy Dino coming, in to save the day. Look how many icons we've got we got five in seven, pics, and we've got a little Brazilian triangle. Right there we've reached, big heights but now I'm expecting, the, draft to go to the Ben I told, you Luke. Surety one he. Linked up to the Sancho, I didn't even recognize that now, right back 90, races. Okay, we're cashing on a Valencia. Other than, all the icons, is a really bad draft I know icons, to dominate, the draft we need some big, non. Icon, players, centre-back. I've, you insist. Okay fine, I'll take another icon. Number, six. Realistically, here. I want the de lip or, the band Ike any of those Dutchman, and we're, running to the bank we. Have got all my gods what, is with all these icons, the nave what's. Of war. Hearts. Crazy. Saving, the day we've. Got seven. Icons, oh right. Any, keeper, in the game will, press on a hundred chemistry and it. Doesn't matter we don't have to think about. Chemistry. Is just rating. And, easy, a Therese. We. Will take him that, gives us a 192. With, 100, chemistry, literally. Just, him in years that's, all we're missing and a 90 point base he comes out to play wait, this icon. This. Is the first drop and sat, down to record and. They just want a nice mean this sucking me into do more drugs okay, Leo that, shall improve my bench if I ever, want to see you on my free there. You go one no free oh boy, we have some bad pics in there as well, the left back and the 99. Virgil, oh no. No no no no no we've. Hit the jackpot there, this. Is gonna be it who, haven't, we got 99. Breezes. Bertil VanDyke on, the reserves I've, never, seen that before. Oh why. The 105, is there, fella taken, is that anywhere, we can sneak him in we'll take out a night one gamble, swap, those around we. Are looking out one line for only. Minus, one, that left back that, works for me it, Michael. 95, it hasn't. It just has to be Santo we get rid of Santo, I'm telling. You 195, territory, oh my. This. Is crazy. Next, we've got, 91. And bap a ah do. We wait for his Team of the Year one I. I've. Had so much where they can't keep giving out we have to take in boo pay so I know if that was a bad play or not we need a cam. Also. Law 91, team at a group stage cause. Of the fan Dyke and maybe we. Can pay him at cam I'm taking, him regardless, cause of racing oh is. It 95. It's. Not, what are we missing like, what, is stopping us being 95, Erikson, of Valverde. Erikson's. Our safe option, I know if I put in cam it improves, on Sancho, and it's definitely the same cam where's. Valverde. I'm not too sure if, he will get us full kem still I do. Need, the rating we have to take that risk, 98. Chem. Can. We get to come for a manager, I'm begging, you rating. Hajji, 92, guys, won't be needed we, are so close to another one my four please, hold on it before it is we've, got free mix remaining, but we've only got one high, rated player to, bolster up the bench it's dropped no. This, needs to be huge. But. Song and final. Pick we need Allison, o, silver. No I. Doubt, it's, going back up to 94, it's 92. Oh I. Can't comprehend. This this, is incredible, it's such a strong 93. It's. Not one to improve other than you it's not going 94, we. Were so close, that must have been such, a strong, one name free to hold with, a Sol Campbell CDM, and the Val Verde in there all the 4-2-3-1. I'm. Gonna take it but before I take it if I see one more comment about my, controller I'm gonna go mad I'm gonna put up on all of you I know it's, not great what would you want me to do a congrats I didn't get a new one captain. No do. We go over, Mars laughs back, Macie. Full. Bench oh I'm. Gonna go over Mars for that back now, striker. Please. An icon, fingers, crossed, come, on you say be old that's, my boy, 94, you saved you're in the cut that's, what we need to need our frontline. 94. Ated icon more, of that caliber of player please, one, Albini on 95. Here, we go we're in business that's, what I'm talking, about big. Players, only icons. Only that's how we do it we've had three icons and free picks can, we make it four, in four, picks oh yes, we can, 97. Sedan that is, the, best start I think I've ever had. My boy sees you coming, in to save the day we, need to get this one line five today and with, that as a front free we're. On the right track, okay there's no way we're, getting enough of ikon it's impossible. Silver's. You, know what we're, going for Barcelona. Legend, Ibrahim. A thelight but come, on got four icons we would do a bar pick the EDM, can. We get another icon, oh, damn. It Louise is 91, rated that's fine, you also strong links some. ID Niall I would love it if they, gave me one more icon, oh my, god oh my god, Patti was, more than love for me but, he just gave me big oz and Nettie how. Many articles we got five, five. Icons where, does that happen oh my, I'm. Excited. Now, right back, I can't. See that trend I'm gonna go.

Hopefully, I pronounced that right just, the team of the year please. The. Best one in the game van, Dijk this, dropped. Everything. I touch turns to gold or in my case everything. I touch turns into ninety rated icons, the stats on that van Dijk are incredible. But the only thing we care about is the, 99, rated. Imagine. Next to him another. Icon. You. Know it's me I would have put it past myself when it's me during drafts anything. Is, possible. I think, I'm gonna have to go out of house for eating a me keeper. In the game who. Is from the Premier League will, get us 100, chemistry, think, oh my god that's. Better than a Premier League keeper, another. Icon, I'm, lost for words, I am. Literally, lost, for words he's already won 9 3, 100. Chem and less 'silver in their six, icons Hannah Silva when, we get that icon now is one, line for first. Reserve. We. Go for you, ideally. It needs to be a CDM, center mid or cam to take, out that one ivory. Taking about now is in 94, I doubt. It okay, we need to improve that cam spot that's the only thing I've got my eyes set on then, we get 95. Messi, -. One came to put him in cam don't mind if I do one, nine fall do, I work for McDonald's, cuz bro I am loving, it is Eva a proper left back or a messy improvement. To get us full, cam Neymar. 93. For the bench the, team of the Year nominees very uncommon, in clutch, that. Has, been a successful reserves and luckily enough for us we, got one reserved left we, got a left back so if we need a hundred chemistry, we, can do that does it hold nightfall, it does. Even. With a stinker. We. Can get one line for that, is crazy, I've had so many bad pitch you know this. Has not gone well next. We've. Got an 88 but. We need, more we. Need that DeYoung you know that, team of the year young or, can't, a, or. Pareja, 89. That. Still holds my light you free somehow, next, to pray hole please. Donate. 96. Oh my, god we've got both team, of the Year centre-backs, I can't. Comprehend, this this is the one the lik reignites. Are draft that, is incredible. If I poem in it holds. The. Same chemistry, rating. Does, it go back up it has to it has to Oh. No. Please. Save. Me. 89. Kidding, me it's. Gonna be under one line free isn't it fees, rating. Oh no. We are it's. A one line free, how's. That a one line free we got to team in years about a messy, I know what it is the.

Whole Team is one line for one line five worthy but, it's, that must be 84. I can't have an even four in a one line board class that's why it's only 93, if I take Messi out for like per a hole and it, holds that, shows how strong of a one line free it was we, were so close to another one line four it, was the bench as well like kind, of a name for in stein 11 or on the bench. Yes. Another, one nine three another. One my free with both Team India center-backs Team, of the Year nominee, Messi said, Danny save yo how, can you name all those superstars and it's not enough a few days before this one line free I encountered. A glitch, drop you'll, see why I mean in a sec formation. I've. Gone full free now but go for free free draft on the Xbox today you're, not gonna comprehend, what you're about to see but go for little messy. 9480. Does captain Shriker. Please, um Bob a Oh Oh. Isaac. Oh. Healings. I didn't even notice how. We gone from the height of Lionel Messi all the way down to Isaac, our, we're. Go for Barnes, over neymar is only one rating difference, I'd be lying if I said that was the star I won into this glitch foot drops across the midfield I need to be seeing either a Frankie, D young Steven a year or Gerard said, the mid number one that, is not young but it is Modric to be fair next to him Theon. Oh. Steven. Gerrard, coming, out to play we're team of boy Stevie, G we, just need their, do young now please, ah, but. Go for cruise past, draft done isn't it what Co centre-back is done Oh brazii. Maybe, it's not done okay I'll stop skipping the pics now next, to Breezy if, it's not team idiot van Dijk oh it could I still. It I saw, the flicker, of or it could be how did I miss that, glitch, Alaba, not, found what, do you mean not found look what God is that even meant to be I was so focused on that team of the year to live I didn't, even notice we, have a glitched, David. Oliver just um some research I can confirm, that is a shapeshifters. David, Alaba apparently, they're just not working on Xbox today couldn't dog be are also decided, not to be found today as well team in here did it though keeps, our foot, drive dream alive that is one of the best defensive. Jaws I've seen, in a long while our footer, of dream is back, alive right. Back, we need Spanish, league we got that but are we gonna go fishery in now, we can't he linked up strongly, fingers crossed in left back we, can get the team of the year Robertson.

Please. It could be it's. The normal, one why. Did I have to get normal, wonder why I don't. Really have much choice here, has to be eighty nine row, to the final al bar he's, only on seven cam nothing. I can do Savage chem okay, keep our anyone. Gets, me full chemistry, so rating but, go to stay good successfully. Putting us on the one nine one our backup, keeper just, in case we get I cannot Blackwell Alice. Gallery. Okay results, I need to be seeing my second, team of the year what, do we need a striker, wing-backs. Okay, so any of those as a team, of the year will. Be the creme de la creme another glitch cardio, fix, your game reeseman. It's good it's far from great though, Oh Santi, Cazorla we. Needs a lot more we, need 90, rated, we, got a name of that, is helpful. -. 10 the, do that now for racing not thought worse - reserves but if I don't see a team of the year I'm also, completing. It Munna Bhai really. Doesn't matter final. Chance to get, a team with you King though guys being auto-completed, there is no way, it's. One line - but there's no way we're getting a one line free of that I can't scrap that at least we, got one of those bitch cards and a team of the year I got the rarest cards in FIFA. 20-foot, drops you don't want to miss it I got so lucky in the dress to get some higher ET drops like you've never seen and to get the rarest card in fever, 20 so don't miss out click here it's even better than this one.

2020-04-01 02:20

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