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The rarest, card in, FIFA, 20, foot troughs the 96. Rated, shapeshifters. Edition, of Leonor messy we're gonna need some luck to get that and some, luck to get the world's first 195. And if you hit the subscribe button and, the like button right. Now you'll, get a week of insane. Luck or click the subscribe button if you want to see your boy hit 800,000, subscribers we are getting so close every, sub does count so don't miss out click on that it helps me a lot but let's embark on that mission to, get the bravest card in FIFA, I'm. Hoping. They, got me the 195. Hours for the, 4 chable to what. They go in store for your boy Oh, a. Night, for Messi it's, good to get those 90 weighted players under, our belts, ok, strike force come. On, bless, me all, 9. Life the perfect, birthday present yay, thank, you not. Just online, barcamps. Good enough for me you saviour is incredible. But, we take it online if, you insists. Come on next, to online another. Icon, Oh. Wiggle. Reburied. 91. Shapeshifters. That's. Not bad come, on see am center, attacking mids I wanna, Papa oh. It's. Not great of, a see am we, needs an icon, it's. Not a great one wise, fooling. Ah. There. We go he's back, from, the grave, 97. In goal oh come, on this. Has got potential next two in goal oh just, an icon oh. We. Go Fernanda, you swap. Those round for more chemistry, I'm gonna, pray, EA, can bless me with one more team in a year. We. Got van Dijk come on let's, go, 99, Bandai and Ingo load content, previously, what, can I say that is incredible. To, team of the years and we have only just begun don't, think we pick up any more team years from the defense but. We got an icon, in Seoul, Campbell. This is shaping. Up nicely if, we can continue, that run now, be nice in the left back row. To the final, Alba that works for me swab you two rounds right, back, come, on come. On. Our. Goal Ricardo. Pereira, is already. 90 races and in gold Alison, fingers, crossed. Oh. He. Puts me on 93, rated, that, my friends, works, for me 193. And we've, had some stinky, pics as well easily, get to chemistry off the bench I'm gonna pick random, reserves I'm feeling, this, one yeah. Yeah don't, make me lost you oh my god 93. Name. Our team, Ilya nominees, coming. To save the day and save my draft, sadly. No, where we can sneak him in we need more of that caliber, of player. Benzema. I know that's great for chem so, I brought a kit that is definitely a hundred Hamlet 100, we. Can even swap those rounds, and then put Ribery other sides we, have options, but, we need rating. The reserves so, far have treated your boy John. Barnes, 91. Sadly. We don't have any winners but. There's not really anywhere we can sneak him in and, go if we won ah. That's. A shame come. On next reserved. Oh. We. Got one of those new team, of the week moments, cards Oh sod. Your money, 91. Oh do. I wait for his team of the year one that's.

Hot In my head I can't, I can't on. That border, as well we, have to take all the rating we can get final reserved please. Something. To show me ninety four aces I need. To, it's, still one line free if we, can get rid of Benzema. Or fernandinho. We. Can be in business, my final attacking, pick on my, bench grants. Us a 90 creaseman and we swap him further, Neymar oh wait I've messed this up completely so I've been for messy now it's, still while I'm free I just know I just know an icon. Or team of the year I'm, going business, KTB, oh no. No no no no this. Is not for Team of the Year oh no. Not. On the first job free team it is a 98. Kevin. De Bruyne uh coming out to play oh that. Is HUGE, we. Can put them in somewhere right 100. Chemistry, let, me take off Benzema, for Mornay. Oh it's. One nine for this, pick is a guaranteed. Midfielder. A good, midfielder. Oh. Michael. Royce can't. Get the two best team of years other than Messi, and if fall like that Arnold. Gets me more chemistry, but we don't need chem with, go familiar, towel this. Needs to be an Arnold, or a Robertson. And. We get Michele Bastos what come, on, save, me why is this, we. Get flipping, Jim. Woods, no. No. No no no no this at least. Has to be a one line three, it can't be Laura it's a one line free, Thank. You a 99. Van, Dyke Team of the Year another. Team in earring katy b, 9c. 8 races and our final seam of the air in go low and, they. Saw me a 1 no free we got online as well, Katy be van Dijk when. Do you see that. Caliber, of players. It, don't happen we. Were that close. Old, 4-2-3-1. Got. Me the one line fall can. It get me the one no.5, me, my de Monte a a winger, captain. 94. Messier, I'm getting, day job boo I always, get messy as captain, in the 4-2-3-1. Hmm. Strike. Are someone. In the nineties. Cristiano. Ronaldo. Coming out to play, 93. Come. On can, we continue this streak, of 90s, we cannot without all two rats there's. Not great border. 93. Million whilst goods come, on a big, icon. 97. Sedan, is a huge, icon. Some, say ginormous. Ok, ok we have an unorthodox dark. Central. Defensive, midfielder. We've got a too gnarly other. Site, I would like it in go low and my. Demands, have been met, Angola. Can, say my. Son 97. Rated, we've, got 297. Rated Frenchmen, in the team similar. In nationality, amazing, but definitely not, not, in stats left, back installed. For us we have Jordi Alba I would. Love one more team in a year from, this 911. We, will take a man of the match per ever I do, demand. A bit more though yay Oh, van. Dijk 92. I'm gonna, take it other center, back. We. Go Campbell, this. Kind. Of looking nice now keeper. Alison. Oh My. Gods are 597. Rated, and, my second, 97, right team of the year let's go this is looking, nice 93. Rated, 95. Can I love on Orthodox place you don't see every day but, it's working, when formula, tells me the reserves it's the way to go reserved, number, one at. Smoke gray in singing is an improvement on the starting eleven. Can we sort mounds, there, 100. Chemistry, let's, go this is unfolding. Nicely. Let. Me proceed with. Laymen 91, how many from in anywhere, I was praying like what you see me my work from him only lose one cam but I'm not taking a 93, out for a 91, climb our cameras jens lehmann will work a nicely, on my bench we've got another good pic I wasn't. That good Paul Pogba. Way. Take him, okay. I'm kind. Of demanding, more now he ate and silvers, really, doesn't help vinyl. Reserved please. Baresi. That. Could. Plant. Me on the one line for hmm. I'm thinking if, I, do that, and, swap you too it's on 94. If we can replace that right side cam we, will get a hundred chemistry, with, it sitting on a 90 for our second, reserved, final. Attacker on the reserves gives us go rin-chan 95. Or, 195. Dream is alive, I can't, sneak him in anywhere I'm afraid but further bench that, will do nicely. Will, it drop. Or will we go back to one no for hate. Stripes. That's so unlucky, we require, so, much all, of them ours is, such, a strong one line free if we're gonna pull one more team in the air I know, it'll. Be a one line for, tagliafico. Walk, whatever we, are two picks away. We. Can't get anymore too many years because we've already got a team of the a keeper. Oh no. It. Hasn't dropped from a 94 please. At, least go back up to 103, no. No. No this can't be serious it has to be one my free it, is granted. We do need for, camp in singie a doesn't. Drop that, is a clean. One. Line free EA blessed us we have six prime icon, moments. A nice little 4d hybrid, featuring the leaguer won the Serie the, Liga Santa, and there and the bak he's Premier League a little bit more to be required, but, the 43, one never, lets me down successfully.

Given Us a number one nine three we. Are hitting the Jos today, hopefully, we're gonna be hitting someone, 9 for soon, didn't. It couldn't. Continue drafts yesterday, cuz my ps4 controllers, broke can't. Go outside and get a new one course of you, know wat so we are stuck with this pad for you as my, ps4 controller. You're seeing this correctly you just think it's a slime you're, wrong it's a ps4. Controller and. Yes. That's how much on the road to our three five - it, kind, of goes against my no Vegas rules by, there left and right, meds, captain. Oh we. Both were left-wing hazards, meaning, are from three adjustable sedans, and buffets, dry, car. That's not great Lee's at least an online for that, nine. Oh My gods when does that happen. You often, online and, you shower see that Brazilian, Ronaldo, that's, what I like to see the ruin, out of just need a sedan now a sedan. Or one out in yo and we've won sir. Dan come, on let's. Go, 97. Worst second, 97. Greater, player, 97. Reason number 2 please, that, is incredible. I fought, the drafters rendered, finish when, we got that stinker Part C diems if we can pick up there's, an SEO petite you always get or an Ingo low we've, got the sir Nettie finally. This, draft is looking beautiful oh, my god, so, controller, thank you I'll go for 19 or 87, right. Meds it's, gonna be 91, Rodrigo. It always is can. We swap anything around for Morecambe, now. We leave it like that for now we literally, just, need. Team of the year's center. Back number one gives. Us a Sergio Ramos it's, not in the 90s, but these strong links, to my Eden Hazard which is okay Chiellini. Oh. We. Could go back for a time ago for racing and final. Defender, is there, a team of the year no. I should. Have gone for the Chiellini we, will take him though Ingo if we, can pick up a team of the year we could be in business is one. My one somehow, I don't know how we've got so, many bad picks but, keeper, if we, can get something here to, Stegen doesn't, get better, cam, handling. Cuts at any forcing. My hands it has to be to stay good and vast reserves, has, given us good ranger 95. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa whoa did not expect that Marie Costa, we already, have a cam we, complain CDM but the right winger in cha is a +5, in chemistry, oh boy. We're literally one, strike away from, a 1 9 3 Jared's. Moreno. I was, wanting a bit more there I can't, lie and I'm back I'm a Cristiano. But. We've got Pedro from Chelsea, no. Please. Sleep. Not Silver's, why. Why. They're, trying to bring me down they don't want to see me when it's, my final, reserves, those, are probably within the worst reserves in, FIFA. History, but. Then we get 91, Virgil we, need him too much where I have to take him, can't, get a 99, one now but, the chem we got from that and the, rating, it. Was necessary, we've only got to picture meaning to, get a striker, I'm not asking, for a lot yay in the 90s. 96. Shapeshifters. Messi I've never, seen, that car before oh, my. Ei, have saved, me that. Is incredible. I've never, seen that card ever it, has, to go 93, it has to please. I'm begging, I'm begging, you, we're, in business first time I've had that Messi, we, are literally. Oh my. God it's just a team of the year it's just a team of the year I. Go. For Gareth Bale is still. 93. Boys we're, just one team a year away wit. Eternally, he, can link up if, we put here the knee back in it. Gets me more hurry two players. Plus. Six, the Kemp I don't know if it's higher or not I'm not good at maths just, a delay any delay, does, it for us screen. Er that, gets, me the camera right right, 100. Chemistry, Oh. These team of year just one drink. Thank you is that 90 it's, not like three. That's. Still a team in a year the bench, hasn't.

Been Ordered yet I don't think. Another. One we. Will take and go long I think. We, can get this 293 back draft looks. Visually, better. Than my previous one line freeze and, here. We are looking, at the one line - ah that's. Still an insane end screen when, I saw sedan and Dawn, line in the same draft I'm like please one. My four one nine five territory, but I was wrong, who do I want to be taking the free part - again we were so close yet, so far I feel like it could be a good, formation, if we just get some team in years but, over Mars 92. Honestly. The best left meet input, off anyway, you're gonna go name Shriker, this time last, time I went right striker. I got. A crisp oldest I'm only in 92, for, our second, 92, rated pry michael moments, to the right of him it. Could be you're an aldol it. Is Ronaldo come on a 92. And 92, now a 93. At cam we, just need to sit down again genuine. Me make, or break this cam position it, could, be a. 94. Sedan, but. Dini o95. Shall. Do. CDM. On the, left is it another icon, it is, Jeanette. See they're, popping, out the icons, in this one should, either do some bad luck now this. CDM, can't. Be another icon, it. Wasn't, even though it was - right border for it I know they're, like we've given the kids too many icons, you can't have another one who are gonna go rating, cuz right meet you, get that Rodrigo, a lot the 91, we. Didn't, repair but, then again we've. Got Lucas. Or SAR Argos, are sought these around where, goods just one t-midi a defender, and I'm telling, you this is the one Center back on the right it could, be, its. $96, that, works, nicely playing. For my boys PA one toe calcio, the beauty, of the late 96. He was strong link to my Overmars, second. Center back what, have we got in store, Virgil. 90, rated. He. Links up to saw and Earl it and he's the highest, rated fair do. We wait for a better one. Is. Only two ratings difference, I'm not gonna lose sleep over two ratings so, I swapped those rounds, I imagine, it pays off and we get Virgil, 99, it. Didn't, but kuna by E he. Actually, ends up toodle it Andy. Links up to sauce so we can what. Gets the most cam would, it be you in the middle 91. Probably, the most cam we're gonna get any keeper. Who gets a strong link will, secure, us 100, chemistry, then, we don't have to worry about chem or. To stay tuned personal. The 192, all of them are just lacking, for chemistry, out here for, Edison gets okay cam why, need the rating it's a one line - I'm quite, off of that jens, lehmann, allison. Something. Like that, and we've got Allison oh my. This, free five dues given out today. 97. Rated the rating, doesn't drop the chemistry, increases, our second, team, of the year when, living in wonderland right now all do we make for the better and behave, was. Only one rating, and it's, a 93. Since. When, was it a one night free nexus. Of is, giving, us name. On 93. Ah, we, can't sneak him in we, can blame him sent her back to me fair the, face of good French player it's another good pitch oh my. Messy. Dick giving out on these reserves today we. Could be seeing a 1x4 here, surely no. Ice. Defense. We, need centre backs we, need, centre. Backs, Thiago. Silva he. Works right, Brazilian. Links up to Allison links, up to the casimiro, high races, -. Free plus, free there, we go it's. Not, going up it just won't go up another, good people, I'm, loving. The free five - today we're sort of successful if I do say so myself first, offensive, pick or. Ban is, no I needed, to see the second. One meaning. We can't improve that defense, that. Means somehow we've. Had four power picks and Road no no no no on, that's. Another bad, I've. Never seen anything like this have, you ever seen full power picks in a row like that now five, but. Okay hazards, not a bad peak at all don't. Give me I can't. Comprehend this pretty. Much other. Than luck it out of hazards that's, six bad picks in the role might as well salvage chemistry, SAR plus one is, my, whole defense off chem oh there's. No one I can see if like him easy improvement. A Serie manager, will, do please. Fingers, crossed, pass, nothing. 100. Chemistry. Allison. An Thiago. Silva game cam the one mine to some getting look. Better than my one line freeze but, it's just the little things like the bench where we're just getting, done, dirty click, this you do not want to miss out on this foot to our video I've got some of the highest rated drops and the highest rated players in foot, raft, such as a few 92, players such as the Pele the Imbaba you, don't want to miss it I'm especially, big 98k, DB so click, right here to see those drafts.

2020-03-26 07:32

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