139. HondaJet - самый необычный бизнес джет (rus/eng sub)

139. HondaJet - самый необычный бизнес джет (rus/eng sub)

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Gray dull morning. 8 a.m. Greensboro, North Carolina. I am going to pick up Andrey and we are going to shoot a review of the best business jet What do you want to hear from me so early? The weather is bad. What are we going to do about it? Nothing Can't you twist some tuning to get normal weather? No I’m not god It's a pity Let's go Hello everyone and you are on the aviation channel and guess where we are today A lot of people ask in the comments to shoot something about a HondaJet Especially for you from Greensboro, from the headquarters of HondaJet, from the factory where these wonderful planes are produced, my team and I are filming a HondaJet review Your likes, comments and questions help us create new content.

Therefore, write, ask questions, leave comments, after viewing, share your opinion, did you like the plane or not Let's go This is a guest area where buyers meet with sales managers, where presentations are made for them, and the plant is shown. Here is Honda exhibited samples of the equipment they produce, including the fuselage of a real HondaJet. Do you love Honda? Here's a Honda, this is a Goldwing This is what a Honda looks like when viewed from the nose. A recognizable silhouette, no other aircraft has engines mounted on the wings on top By the way, this scheme has already been used before on an aircraft VFW 614 created in Germany back in the 70s This plane did not become popular, but it was not bad.

These are the elements of production. See, this is a wing with installed pylons It looks like the first samples. This is 2003. 2003! You can find out more information about the history of this aircraft on the channel SKYSHIPS. The link to this channel is in the description for this video. Karen is a great guy, he makes great detailed videos about the history of aircraft creation.

So if you want to know more details about HondaJet go and subscribe to Karen's channel Hello We are going to inspect the plane from the outside, to do a pre-flight inspection. Let's go! This is the HondaJet Elite, the recent model, launched last year. The first model was the HondaJet Legacy, it had less weight, slightly less than the Elite. And then they released an upgrade for her. There are now three versions: Legacy, Legacy with an upgrade and Elite. The Elite can carry up to 200 pounds more, and take off 100 pounds more. The Elite has a little more fuel, it has an additional fifth tank, and you can take passengers a little more in weight.

Therefore, it seems to me that the latest Elite configuration will be very popular The range of this aircraft is over 1400 nm The entire fuselage of this aircraft is carbon fiber. Only the wings are made of aluminum And the entire fuselage is made in two parts and glued, similar to how the Cirrus assembles its aircraft. Honda has its own engine, which they made in conjunction with General Electric, is called the HF120 Each engine delivers 2,000 pounds of thrust It's really small, but very powerful. This is a turbo fan engine, 25-30 cm in radius and at the same time creates such a thrust Cups, masks Here are all sorts of snacks. Typically, business jet passengers like to eat cheap snacks. I was always amazed at this, until I myself flew as a passenger on a business jet. The first thing I did was I also took a lot of snacks and began to eat them.

Moreover, we joke like pilots that passengers do not take expensive champagne, but they take snacks that cost $ 1 Well, in general, for passengers who want a little comfort for themselves, a coffee machine on board and something so fancy is a very cool thing. I would lengthen it by 5 cm so that the laptop would stand like this and maybe move a little bit, but overall this is a good thing. Now let's figure it out with the sound. We will be shown the Bon Jovi system, which has no speakers, the fuselage itself is a speaker. And this is very cool

It seems like nothing special, but you can connect your phone to the on-board computer and listen to your favorite music, as well as control various functions in the cabin You can change the light, adjust the sound and adjust the temperature. This is the coolest thing, because on the planes where I flew, there is always temperature control from the cockpit. And here the passenger selects the temperature from his phone. Only on condition that the engine is running can the heating be regulated.

But the air conditioner always works There are still a lot of such things, cool lights. All lights are controlled from a mobile phone. This fifth seat is equipped with seat belts, and if someone in your company is guilty, you can put him in the toilet and this is absolutely officially a passenger seat.

Suppose I am guilty today and I’m sitting here. Sitting hard, of course, is generally uncomfortable, but you can if the flight is up to 1 hour. These two windows give sunlight. That is, even if you close the doors, you are not worried about claustrophobia, because there is natural light. Plus there is a large lamp. And there is a mirror with water. All on sensors There's all sorts of amenities here You can hang your things here Nice Here is the HondaJet's cockpit. What can I say about the panels, about the layout of the whole cockpit. There are some interesting things here, which I have never seen on other planes before. First of all, it's a Garmin 3000, it's nothing new, you can't be surprised by it, it's on the different aircrafts, including the Vision Jet with Garmin 3.000.

But the Vision Jet has two screens, we have three screens here. b This is PFD for captain and PFD for co-pilot The airplane is certified to fly with one pilot, So you can choose if you want to fly with the co-pilot but you are certified to fly single pilot. The view is great to the left, generally super, the view is a little worse forward, but the way I sit now it's quite comfortable, I should not sit like this in real life, I should raise my seat, but I just won't do it yet, I will do it later on. My head should be somewhere over here. There's handles for that, and it's a good thing the handles are so sturdy. You can't break it, because on my Lear Jet I had straps, not handles, and they fell out every time.

It's very convenient to hold on to the handle, lift yourself up, get out. It's well done. I see that there are lights here, you can adjust the brightness, there is a sign with speeds, so you won't forget what our maximum speed is. As usual the visor, which runs on the slider. The good thing is that you can put it in such a slot and it won't hang around and fall on your head when you land the plane.

On the left side I have the oxygen mask, in case of depressurization I can with two fingers squeeze it by the red tips and in one motion pull it out and put it on myself. The steering column, I think it comes from the games, because there are a lot of buttons, unusually many, two more buttons on the back side, we will find out. First button here, this is a scroll, this is moving between items checklist, here's this wheel I move, and clicking on the wheel tells me that the item is done and here it is highlighted in green. I press again, the item is done. next trimmer, trimmer pretty standard, up, down, left, right, that is, it's Pitch & Roll. The red button turns off the autopilot, the button to the left under my index finger is a microphone. Here I have a button under my right index finger is identification, for the ATC to see me,

if he lost me, I press the button and a lights up on his screen. And there are three buttons, button 1 is autopilot disconnect acknowledge, if I turned off the autopilot, or autopilot disconnected itself for some reason, to make signal silent you must press a button. System Control gives me this little window, this is a quick access to all systems.

First of all, even though we have two batteries on board, the battery button is only one, it turns both batteries on. Then there's buttons to turn the generators on n off and the whole Honda philosophy is, that if it's white and says OK or Norm, then it's works. So if you want to turn one of the systems off, you press this button, it goes to a different state, for example if I turn the alternator off now it goes to the off state.

And I get a cas message, we put the generator back on, the cas message disappears. You can see from the cas message the current state, that we have the door open, we know it's open and we see it in the picture, the cabin Door Open, External Power is also open, because we have an external power source connected, very convenient everything. Next here is nose wheel steering off, why is it off, because we are not going to steer now. this is the nose wheel control, before taxing. The release and retraction lever of the landing gear. Then we go to the center console, on the left side is the speedbreakers control lever, they are on the tail, the flaps that open to the right and to the left and slow the airplane down. It seems to me that Honda has a very good solution because speedbreakers which are usually on the wings create problems on the wing.

They disrupt the wing, they reduce the wing aerodynamics and they add a lot of mechanics inside the wing. Tail speedbreakers do not interrupt flow and flow remains laminar I think this is interesting, but the main thing is that speedbreakers with this configuration have no speed limits. In any configuration, whether you use flaps or not, you can release the speedbreaker, it's cool. The right stick is the flaps Engines control. There is no autothrust, so you need to manually set the required engine parameters But here is another interesting thing, this is Control Speed Cruise Control, CSC, works about the same way as in the car, you are flying at an altitude, you set the engine mode, for example you need to keep the speed steady 340 or mach 0. 62, you press cruise control and the aircraft tries to hold that speed by varying the engine mode, but within certain limits since there is no autothrust here, and the levers stand still, plus or minus 5% is what the autopilot can add to the engine.

So the speed is held. if the aircraft is unable to hold the set speed because the engine settings are not as stated, here the CSC light blinks and mode is off and I see on the panel that I have this mode turned off. Here, below the engine control knob, we have the controls for additional systems, particularly ice protection. As we mentioned during the preflight inspection, all systems on this aircraft work automatically, so when the indicator is in normal mode, this means that the antiice system will turn on automatically.

What are these switches for, they are needed for the emergency modes. The de-icing is off now, but we can turn it on. Here we have fuel pump controls, here we have trimmer controls, Engine bleed, pneumatics AND window heating, that's all about the environment. Next comes the magic, we now go up here. Before we talk about the magic, it's starting the engines. That is, if I want to start the engine I press the left Start button, put the lever in idle mode and the engine starts.

This is the alternate landing gear release knob. If we ran out of hydraulic pressure, and the landing gears does not come out in its own natural way, then we can turn this handle, the locks will open and the gears will come out under its own weight. Well now magic, here we are in the aircraft control system. In this case "environment", I can show you how many different things you can do from this panel, in particular controlling the climate control. We have two zones on this plane the cockpit zone and the cabin zone. if the passengers don't want to control their own air, I can set a specific

temperature that the climate control will automatically hold. this has been on cars for a long time, but this is probably the first time I've seen it on an airplane. Next, Lights as we discussed with the pilot in the beginning, everything turns on automatically, but suddenly if I now want to check that the landing light works, I press the button "ON" light up Landing Lights, the default setting is normal, means it works automatically. Interior lights, I turn it all from the panel These are the four lights that you can turn on, for example, I want to turn on the inscription no smoking, it lights up No smoking sign there, fasten seatbelts and you can turn on the lights Everything is done through this thing. Everything I want to do with the aircraft systems is done here. For example, if I want to see the current status of my aircraft, the electrical system is normal, this is the status of my lights,

they are all off now, the hydraulic fluid is 90%. So you don't even have to go look with your own eyes, as it is on regular planes, how much you have left. Because the whole plane is covered with sensors that give you this information. Here we have the EOS, this is the Engine indication of the systems and an additional system So the pilot becomes an operator and before the flight you need to enter all this data into the computer Garmin, before you take off then the whole system knows what to do and basically you can, well almost semi-automatically execute all this, as soon as you take off press the button Autopilot, the profile which you have entered in Garmin will be performed the flight.

The top panel is very simple, Master Alert Caution, as usual, this is our attitude indicator, in case all panels are out, all screens are out I have a standby attitude indicator, which at least gives me speed, altitude and position relative to the horizon and my heading. There is no compass on this aircraft. This is the autopilot control panel, it's quite functional, there are modes I haven't seen before for example CSC mode, CPL mode, engine fire, fire control, Servo Power disables us servos, again in case something goes wrong, it's an emergency checklist, you need to execute it. Basically everything you need to know about the cockpit. I see that the cloud cover is up to 500 feet, if so, we're good to go. Here's the plane, if you have any questions about the design, about the details of this plane, write in the comments.

And now let's fly. Dear friends, we filmed a lot of material about the Honda Jet and I decided to release a separate detailed video about avionics, pre-flight planning and flying to the Honda Jet. The sub video will include everything not included in the main video. Therefore, watch this episode and do not miss the second bonus video release on the channel.

Thank you very much HondaJet Aircraft and to Kie Nagasawa and all the marketing team who helped me to make this project, because without their help this would not have been possible, so thank you again to Kie and the Honda factory for letting us shoot here, spend a lot of time with us But most importantly, they let us fly this plane with an instructor by ourselves. We're doing two flights today, and the first flight will be with me as a passenger. I will fly the plane, hold the controls, the instructor will supervise me, but we are not allowed to have passengers on board because I am not a certified pilot and the flight will be in training mode. I will sit in the back and check out the sound characteristics and vibrations of this aircraft as a passenger. Stay tuned. Well, now we are going to fly on the first flight.

In fact, today we are performing the role of test passengers, we have 6 people on board: 4 passengers, a pilot and a co-pilot. Now it will be very interesting. We shoot as passengers see the engine starting, taxiing, takeoff, landing, communication in the cabin. Let's go! I have never flown a business jet, especially a HondaJet. Is your dream coming true? Yes, someday I will buy such a plane. Engine start. Quite quiet. That is, we have already started the first engine.

We are now launching the second one. Honda says they have a quiet cabin, and it really is This is how 4 passengers, with music and jokes, taxied to the run for take-off There is no vibration in the plane. I cannot say yet about the noise, because we have not yet entered level flight. Later I can compare the noise with other jets. It does not seems pressurization work very smoothly to me. At first it was comfortable, but now it presses on the ears. Pressurization computer could work better. I would make the rate of climb for cabin a little less, but this is my personal preference.

In general, it's cool. We are four of us, no one bothers anyone. Very comfortable. I have cool titanium glasses especially for this video. I can show, I think this should be enough, you can even not tell anything else These glasses have a unique temple design. There is not a single screw here, nothing to fall out It was developed by my friend, his name is also Andrey, he lives in Miami I do not want to break them at all, but if you unbend them to such a position, then nothing will happen. You can step on them, twist them as you like and everything will be fine. This is a cool thing for people who lead an active lifestyle like me, when glasses fall every three days or I might step on them accidentally.

So glasses Gresso, I will leave a link where you can order them. I use it myself and recommend it to you Three dollars a nautical mile the cost of flying this plane One hour flight costs $1100 This cost includes maintenance costs, engine deductions, airframe, and fuel. That is, I bought a plane for $5.3 million and then fly for $1,100. Phone fits comfortably By the way, the table is very light, it really gets with one finger Much more comfortable for the rear passenger All light control can be done from the phone or from the computer Everything is very simple. Goes to a special address, and you get access to the settings

Left window blinds can be lowered On the left, the blinds went down, on the right, it remained as it was. You can turn on the lights and close the blinds completely Here is such a feature. And all this is controlled without a single touch of buttons. I think it's cool In fact, this is a set of features that are included in one package. Open all the blinds and turn off the lights And you can control audio, turn on your favorite music Released landing gears and became much noisier, but that's ok Compared to LearJet 60, it is much quieter. Сompared to Vision Jet, I would say approximately the same. But on Vision Jet I flew with noise canceling headphones

Therefore, for comparison, it is necessary to fly on a Vision Jet as a passenger too. But landing on a vision is softer because it has higher shock-absorbing struts. But it still depends on the skills of the pilot and other factors. We do not know what conditions, maybe the wind. Conditions are always different I am very pleased with the flight as a passenger. I don’t know how the others feel, but they seem to be delighted too. That is, if I were the owner of this plane, I would simply not get out of it. I would live in it and fly wherever I want without worrying about anything Price per hour $1100 is very little So a cool plane, just super for a passenger I like it more than any other planes I've flown. Vision Jet may argue, but it's just personal preference.

Hello Earth, hello Earthlings A lot of positive impressions, cool plane. On the second flight, the pressurization was the same, but I was totally fine. A very cool plane. I'll think about it, but the first impression is great! I controlled my hands on the descent and it is so stable that you can do nothing. It just flies by itself.

This is a real plane that flies by itself. The cockpit is very spacious, there is a lot of space above the head, very wide Don't bother each other with the co-pilot The cockpit is very quiet. You there passengers feel differently, but in the cockpit there is complete silence, no music is needed, you can enjoy the silence. These are first impressions, I just landed In the morning we filmed the plane around, then we waited for good weather. Now we have the sun. But because of this, I skipped the entire school day at Flight Safety. And now I have to take 8 hours private lessons next week. And it's all because of you to make a cool HondaJet vidto for you. So don't be stingy with likes, comments and share this video with your friends.

And subscribe to the channel. This is very important for the growth of our audience and allows us to create new cool interesting videos. Now about the bad. First, my camera turned off as usual in the middle of the flight. I don't know what to do with her But this is not the most important thing. These boxes on the sweep and landing leave. It's good that there are stoppers, otherwise they would hang out the whole flight. But it's not just HondaJets's problem. This happens on all aircraft with a galley. This door was opened after takeoff.

I do not want to blame Honda in any way, it just does not create a very good impression. This thing actually opened at landing. This is the only thing that I didn't like But in general it's cool. It is very easy to operate.

It seems to me that a graduate with an CPL can fly on it after five trainings, perhaps. I did everything myself, the co-pilot did not take control, I landed him very smooth He praised me. We joked that I passed the check-ride By the way, it is very comfortable to sit in the pilot's seat. There are many settings for the chair, you can adjust it for yourself, there is a lot of space above your head, you do not rest your head against the ceiling So a decent plane. The price is quite high, $ 5.3 million, but if people buy, then the price is fair.

We measured fuel consumption at FL 430 and it was exactly 600 lbs. We used about 90 gallons per hour, which is very little. Very economical aircraft Is this the best plane? In its class, probably yes We cannot compare it with the Gulf Stream or the like.

But I think he beats Citation. By the way, Citation invite me to visit. I will fly and can compare The work is done. We started at 8 am and now it is 4:23 pm. A full day of shooting, just like in filmmaking

2021-05-05 20:47

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