10 Items I Got at Toys "R" Us Before They Went Out of Business

10 Items I Got at Toys

Show Video

What. Was under there though cookie. What's. Going on guys I am Matthias and, welcome. Because today. Is, quite, a special. Day as it is always. When, we make videos, on this channel this is Tanner here and Tanner went, to Toys R Us and why, is that strange other than the fact that he's a giant kid in Toys R Us well it's that Toys R Us is going out of business interesting. What do you mean interesting no I was just trying to play a play it up like wow you, how factor I'm the audience I was telling them that you were there nothing no you weren't there and someone else picked out these products man I am 22, years old I am NOT going to Toys R, Tanner. Went to Toys R Us and picked out ten, toys, that, you, got some major discounts, on because Toys R Us is going out of business, no one wants ties anymore, no that's not true everyone was just going on amazon.com good for you find, the savings I'm gonna let you know whether these are cash or trash. But, have a good or bad first item, whoa. Sharper image transforming, a remote-control, missile launcher car that's good that's just your Tesla yeah this is what my Tesla does. So. Here's, the thing you'd be playing with this car you've been driving it all around your parents have no idea you're playing with a weapon when I was a kid my parents didn't let me play with weapons so I had to fashion my own weapons, out of PVC pipes, and scurf oh are you doing, kids on the whole Oh fortunately. The other kid had a weapon to add departments hazard it's, not a Tesla but it's cool Wow look at that man that's not a joke man this is big is way bigger than I thought it was gonna be I'm kind of stoked you know but sharper image, you got a wonder always about sharper image why it's just like for the viewers not for me but for the viewer as well yeah yeah because you, never know if it's like trash, or if it's cat you. Know sometimes, they have really good ideas sometimes. They have just absolutely, garbage, ideas yeah sometimes you're like hey maybe we get a vibrating, for you yeah. Hey, maybe would you like it if this straw floated in midair and. Just try to suck it that way oh. Whoa. Whoa that's not hard yeah that was no yeah but how do you make it compress, itself. Okay. I just didn't like those sounds. Oh I, don't. Think the car did either. Try. Open again maybe it still drives yeah. Oh. What. The heck am I doing wrong, oh wait there's, literally a middle transformation, but Mat Zo is everywhere, like what is this guy's problem. To. Me look. At these other buttons and then these things they look so cheap in Austin you got this boss button, right here in the middle okay, let's try this again. Are. You really broke down yeah let's just pretend that goes up and there you go yeah see now it makes sense and then you I. Take. Everything I said back about Street instructions, kids. Turning. On this is so dumb what kind of car turns like that look. At the way it turns. Not. By dragging, its front tires yeah I still think that's a pile of guard green, gear Bad Dudes 6-inch, collectible, retro, arcade machine. I love bad dudes instead a real arcade game. Bad. Dudes vs. dragonninja looks like it so it's a real arcade game do you think that it's actually like on there it better be look at that price $29.99. If that's not a real working game I quit. Okay. Well save Tanner quits or not you have to be honest about it you have to quit ok Abby Curtis wait what is this karate, champ what this isn't bad dudes yeah dude I ran out of bad dude I'm. Trying. Let's see if it works hekia, did oh yeah it's working I kicked. The opposite way did he hit me no I'm still standing yeah it keeps resetting you does he keep it good why is he kicking only to the left not to point this room I was way, really see, that he's only kicking the left, oh wait. Use that, one might be kicked to the right it is what, the. Left one is kicked to the right, and the right ones kicked to the left ah I. Wonder why towards the rest is going out of business what's happening, this game stinks, we're the worst karate champ ever is he block yeah why does he have to start over every time he blocks why is this person so upset up there, wait. Wait oh, I. Think, that's it how big this thing is and stupid, game is like 10 kilobits and I could just fit in your phone but it's cool I'm, just gonna break this you're. Ready I, think they routed, the cables, wrong in this really, cool-looking though, so for style points all rated, caches.

For Actual, points all ready to trash it whoa. Is this like pinball but for hockey exactly. Okay, I, dig, it I feel like this would be Connors thing do we invite Connor for this to. You I mean he's a little competitive I'm, just asking if we already invited him no we did oh God, thank good yeah. Oh. What, dogs am, i right, I've already kind of assembled this thing for us ah all. Right so we got to pick our teams and all we do is wait wait what do you know what any of these teams are here you picked the LA Kings you picked these ones all right hey that's familiar I know you're in, LA kind of guy I, have a feeling the people that put this together once will, never put, it together with other people yeah gonna. Do it just keep ripping trying, to take one out am I really bad at this it's very possible that I am I'm gonna be the penguin since our old man because just broken out so this is the puck right here throw that in there, puck and then oh. Can. You play all, right oh, this is another goalie yeah I don't know who's my Argos. It's. Hard where all of the others say what, a betrayal this, explain why you, need to do the teams. So, I know who to beat you with. You. Could say it's too easy do, good. My goal is about to ruin you didn't I. Wish. Oh. My. God, okay we're scoring goals accidentally. The, point of the game is to have fun and, we're. Okay. Wait. Game. Is that fun we're having fun so I'll say cash but, I mean this whole thing is, absolute. Garbage. Look. Like if you cringe before we continue on to the next product I just wanted to give a shout out our subreddit or, strange. Products, I think is what it is I want to give it a shout out so that if you guys find, crazy, things and you want me to review them or make, fun of them I can't either. Or I don't know what I do really here but that's what I do go to that reddit follow it add a link and people, will see it and upload it to the top if it's great so please do. It if you want to be a part of this and I will click your subreddit, links next, item ooh. Air. Hogs, two in one drone power racers, muscle, car for driving and flying that's pretty cool but wait we're in the bottom of the tires oh something's. A foul can't, be a car, if it doesn't, have wheels I'm getting, so, what is it like a swamp mobile you know I mean the things in the swamps that like yeah reminds me of like that one old cartoon, where they used to go like running, around the swamp and it was like the one guy. Someone's, gonna know what I'm talking about. One. Guy wears this swamp it was that one guy Add, to Cart let's figure out what this thing is oh. Oh. I'm. Disappointed I, thought it, was a drone and a car but it's a drone on top of a car oh so it's just like using the car's body is like its body you know it's not really like. I'm. Saying using the car's body yeah it's, not you taking, advantage of it hey bro you Huracan said let's do this thing I'm a, little upset because look the drone separated, it they just slapped a drone onto a car it doesn't seem like what I thought I was fool what.

The Heck, okay, so really, all it is is a drone, I'm sure dude they totally, got me they're like check out this drone car it really all it is is a drone and a piece of put a piece of what, even is this this is like paper plate material yeah, there's. The car no it's just pretending, to be a card oh. I. See, it because, of how a drone, works you can't go backwards. It's, either forward, or that's it so what happens when you get stuck into a corner, oh then, you turn into flight mode which. Is this honestly. Shout-out to the transforming, car earlier because it did way better than this there. We go. That's. Actually way more fun in the car yeah way better oh. You're. Still looking for that Jonny. Quest all right. As. A drone. This. Thing stinks so bad 34, bucks though what do you expect this thing is the dumb thing alright just saw it as a drone don't click, bait people this. Like click bait in real life dude look, it's the awesome car oh whoops, no it's not it's an empty shell of lies for, that I'm gonna stuff to say I'm a Stan I'm gonna have to steak at a trash so since, the toilet or us is disappearing, yeah I found this one myself, boys are s even though I said earlier I didn't go, it. Starts with this, so. At first I bought this cuz eyeless is all I needed but I was wrong it also needs. This which is sold separately which is where all the funds up oh my. Gosh it, stopped, well wait what is even this it just it literally just slings of all my words it just came with a bunch of parts but you didn't realize that you needed the actual, product, yeah this is super expensive guess how much this cost 100 bucks 150. $150. Yeah I think this is like one of those toys that, is like learning you don't even like education, it's educational. Yeah oh my word it's so much bigger than I thought it did its enormous, it's got little wheels on the bottom of it and everything so this is one of those educational, things where you like build a bot and there's the bowls that it comes with and here's some other things I assume it needs a nap searching, for robots, here's the app search, again no robots found I think I need to turn it on or something I found it oh wow this robot is like not, a joke dude, this thing's like made made, well I'm sorry it's just like kind of just like creepy, looking BOTS why so bulbous you know oh you, got excited hey. Are. You ready to program Oh. Oh my. Word it moves so fast I'm starting to get the idea of this so every, facet, of this BA every little facet, of this bot can be programmed, to behave in a specific way, and this will teach kids, how to program. Songs the code that's what programming is it then than that I'm assuming you can like program, it to do certain things right so if I wanted to program to go over here and like smack that car and then come back I could this thing is pretty cool I'm not gonna lie it seems like it's made really really high-quality the app works really really well so if you got that kind of dough lying. Around and, you're thinking hey you know what programming, seems to be a pretty lucrative thing right now maybe I'll set my kid up for success. Check. This product out myth personal. Robot I feel like I've seen this before guys let me know down the comments below if I have tried this I've tried so many products, what kind of a weird problem is that to have I think I've used this before, said, no one ever excites me it's like a little personal.

Robot, By WowWee and, the cart comes. With a little app lets, us try zero BOTS. Wowee-wow. We, not, sure, dude not sure. What are you gonna name him let's. Name him Brobot what up bro bot robot. It's. Like a hoverboard, ooh. 360. Spin I see you yeah it's like me on a hoverboard he will not stop shaking though I know why is he shaking so much what can you do mitt you could dance play, your favorite song from iTunes or you could battle challenge, other nips, head-to-head. And see who, is last Daniel, so. How do I get it to control its arms I don't think you can unless you maybe you pick dance and he starts table look oh no these arms are just positioned, Oh. What. The heck it, doesn't work it falls down hits, anything he just whines so now I have attached a plate, to its front when start stacking some stuff on it I'll try it Wario's oh. I. Thought he was losing his bow to robot. We're gonna go straight to six even, balancing, six Oreos though honestly, it looks like he's gonna deliver it to it you want some Oreos tanner whoa. What'd. You do to the other robot. Car. No, no, car. Before. We get into the next product big shout out to the, deep blue mermaid, can't stop staring at the beard that's right thank you much appreciate, ya look, at Lori's beard oh we're talking about yours, if. You want your own shout out make sure you subscribe click, the bell icon and comment within the first 30 minutes be part of that notification squad but calm it something funny so I pick it you know the same. What. Was under there though. Coming. Up eventually Hexbug, v2, nano tower infinity. Loop, set, infinity. Loop what is the hex bug I don't understand it's like a little I think the little bug that vibrates, like crazy and then you just goes places I don't get it I guess. You got to see it to believe it let's click Add to Cart, Wow. Look, at that, it's. A nano bug so, you can build like a thousand, different combinations. But what's the point but what does this do oh it vibrates, but why they're gonna vibrate upwards. Sounds. Like when I go to sleep at night it's. Vibrating, up oh. Don't. Do a little buck don't, do it. And. It just keeps going so it's just like a little vibrating, motor that, vibrates. And Wiggles, its way around with these like spongy, little things and you can just loop and loop and loop and just have it just keep going and going and going it's not really infinite because you have a battery and that means it ends but still interesting, nonetheless you, know he still goes down super, slow, no. Way, why. Did he go to the second tube so perfectly, that's creepy though I've not realized that he's stuck because oh okay, now I get the appeal it's just interesting, honestly. Sounds like it's ripping one giant, fart the entire time I think that's pretty cool I would say this one's cashed my arcade, portable, video game Center with 220, games remember.

The Last one we got that was similar to this said, that looks like a Mario knockoff, like real bad can, you imagine, 222. Knockoffs, and even the titles are probably just total knockoff - it's just depressing, yeah you got a wonder you know. But. I mean if you're that into, Mario. You know you might like the knockoff because it's like different levels you know that's why people like Mario maker do you think it has crazy hit sisters yeah like Super Smash Bros. Exactly. A. Beat artists. Nailed. It do nailed it go gamer portables isn't quite what was pictured it's actually pretty different Wow look at all the games over here just knockoffs 220. Of them I'm super. Curious to see if this is this is just basically I can knock off like Gameboy I mean it's only 20, something dollars right, 24 dollars so that's got to say something, you know when you can't like afford, switch. Because it's like an arm and a leg to buy that you know you can respect something like this family sports. No, if I want to play a game called family, sports minigame, education. Okay these are all the mini fighter. You. Can guess who's me, oh okay, yeah how it's going I kicked her in the face point, five speed how do you even land a hit don't, you know it's not okay to hit women it's 2018, what a game expressing, it's like no dude you can't win. You. Will always lose when you hit a woman some good life advice though we. Don't hit women yeah a bunch of d-bags. Yes I'm demonstrating just, absolutely. Getting demolished by this woman man this, is going on forever reset, let's try a different game, Golf at. Least you get into the game quake yeah I know I can see how you this could be fun for people you know it's like a quick quick little thing for a kid oh my gosh alright it. Tired we're, just saying dude oh. You. Really did not hit that far I forgot, how far I had to hit it or the didn't. Land oh there it goes they're going exacting, some feet right there at least it's straight hit on the fairway I I. Got a fairway, shot great job Tyga, I give him that 3-wood, Tyga oh you, over. Hit that you think so for sure into a tree most likely, like the green oh wow. The, great oh my, gosh. Becoming. A dad has made you gay this game dude. Oh. You. Didn't play the green properly. Bogey. Bogey, and. A bogie Anozie. Else, a tasteful, for 24 bucks it, worked well it felt like playing with the wheat you know yeah it, wasn't bad Power Wheels boring, volt ride, on oh, my god, that thing looks that, cool old tricycle it's enormous, this looks like a toy for Luna. Do. Look at that thing bro these kids are sick look at that Oh, what. Are you joking me Raymond looks like Batman's, bike yeah, this. Is so cool dude Oh. Kids these days have it all this. Kids off-roading, you know honestly lifting, for their mansion. I. Look for two trash cans again all right I was lucky if I could get my trash can and that would roll down this tree, my. Dad pushed me and then he ran away. At. The car do let's go check this out. Another. Level, the whole thing tilts, you see that it tilts so you can drift and step look, at these this dashboard broke come around here and look at this dashboard oh it's, so real. Your Tesla dog and it honestly looks like it's not. That, like I can kind of fit in it no does it design for like maybe like five year olds to seven year olds man aah dog for that price it's gonna be designed for like 10 up I think I see an on but look at this we have a shifter, right here, I think, that's reverse and that's forward and then you, got a pedal right whoo there's some delay in that that's, frightening where's the brakes, it's called friction go for it all right take it for a spin whoa. What. Makes you think that the cracking of the wheel. Because. He was about a hundred pounds less maybe. Is it like out of juice yeah. Either that or a totally fried it I just want to demonstrate the drifting so I'll probably do it like this. So. It's not really drifting on its own not really. The. Drifting feature just locks one of the wheels so, it it catches the ground and it'll just it. Won't really drift you it'll just kind of spin you out maybe it's you're really lightweight but I could even get it to I couldn't get it to Wow I barely even moved I'm out of breath that's gotta work out more, you. Couldn't even get it to get to the speed that's high enough to where you could get that feature to work good the drifting thing just kind of broke it too and I had to unplug, the battery plug it back in mm-hmm a little janky but if you're you, know if you're the proper weight I'm sure you get it to work I say to a dress.

Yeah, Recoil. Multiplayer, starter, set all right so it's like a laser. Tag basically okay, yeah I depart checkout. Okay. He, relaxed relaxed, tanner oh yeah there you go that's, the box multiplayer. Starter set the only thing that, it doesn't come with foot required, friends. So. Many kids just like I'll click on. Let's. Check it out take a look inside my box what do you see I see desperation. So turn on your phone, opens a recoil, app press the power button press, next, pull the trigger to verify oh, that's. Cool. There. You go connect a weapon so I'm pretty sure you, have to you have to put this on yourself like this and that's the sensor if you shoot it so now I'm gonna click battle, it's Mathias and Michael you're you're Michael now yeah I changed my name it's great GPS, tracking disabled, GPS power-ups, disabled, respawn on a timer oh that's so cool so if you're playing outside it'll. Place power-ups, like around, your your map that's cool that's lip that's really cool but you can't do that inside because it needs GPS infinite. Reloads though wait. Wait wait wait since, we don't have a lot of space in here tanner you know. We're. Gonna have a duel okay all right but Michael is gonna say when to go he's not gonna count down he's just gonna say go go. Dude. This is so cool oh you, feel, it, like recoiling, do this just sit I. Have. To kill oh I, got you. All. Right I've been killed by my thighs just a normal day at the office all right you ready not now we're even ready let's try again. Oh. What. I need to reload I got you yeah I. Like this is awesome the weights shaking your hand isn't meat is so cool. Michael. I. Was. Like five seconds flush I'm gonna do it oh I win I win we both got first place we both did. You know. We both got two kills and died twice we're. Both winners, I. Don't want both winners this is really cool though I'm, gonna take this home and play with one of them this is pretty cool though I'm not gonna lie I thought like it wasn't that much setup but if these didn't work perfectly, like they just did it would have been way too much setup but it was plenty of setup, for like how well these things feel and work you know so definitely, cash in then here, is a throwback episode, two the last Toys R Us we ever filmed. Good. Times am i right no more Toys R Us episodes, right because they're going out of business and this one here guess what it's no Toys R Us video and it. Is a laser gun headset. All right you shoot with your head no joke alright, so click one of those and if. You're new here subscribe and, we'll see you next time high five. You.

2018-05-02 14:15

Show Video


RIP Toys "R" Us, you shall be missed! Click here to watch the first Toys "R" Us video I ever did! ➡ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE7Xse4TnCQ&index=9&list=PL15dtrx_ng4TF-9HclZZQMrNw1aNYMv9D

Matthias i sub

Matthias I love ur video s


Matthias #throwbak


Matthias hi

Matthias I

Matthias muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun don't do that boo

It's called bankruptcy

I think tanner meant swat kats by the swamp thing


Matthias can you give me the car pls I'm only 8

have tanner & brian

Matthias sorry its been 1p months not watching ur vedios

Matthias you should get more of those guns at the end and use them on battle universe

Bugoy Maxwell, it was a joke, read all of it

Xavier Tacos i dont know u so dont reply to my comment pls

Bugoy Maxwell, your stepping into some dark territory here. Let’s get this straight. First you will read my reply to Matthias. Then you will reply to me, and I’m talking about a paragraph reply not just a sentence, Okay. When that’s over I want u to reply to Matthias how he should shout out me. You got that. K bye

Matthias pls can i get a one shout out

I just want to say that I comment literally a minute after in the last video and put #notification squad. And Frankly I feel disappointed. I feel so disrespected and and now, I don’t know what to do

Im honestly so sick of u saying "dude" "bro" "like "puppy"

Hi Matthias and Tanner that's right I see you tantan.

Use the gun in the team edge

That Mip bot was on tv it has a commercial

Rocking the "lumberjack beard" matthias! xD

Matthias can’t stop looking at those fading away eyebrows

Matthias i us it at school

Can I touch your beard?

natalie ames p

Matthias o

I have one of those portable game pads XD

Matthias wait all of them are going out of business

You look sexy with that beard your has a nice bubble butt

Matthias are u guys the beard brothers

Matthias There is still toys R us here in our country lol

Matthias can u do another one word to make sentence each person says one word after another

Bruh I got the missile car it is good for hitting windows

Matthias my chest hair almost reaches my neck too.... Kidding, thats disgusting...

But wait... We still have a running toys r us here

Tanner I'm sorry but nobody will ever love your (fake) beard not even your imaginary wife.


Matthias your videos are amazing

Matthias I want you do review a MIPosaur

sub to me pls

Tanner about

Sorry tanner your beards not as cool as Matthiasias

Matthias your the best.

I was born in 1993 and still I know the cartoon that Tanner's talking about its Swamp Thing

Dear Matthias I was born in 1993 and still I know the cartoon that Tanner is thinking about the cartoon is Swamp Thing

Please showt out

There cost to much that why

Matthias hi love your videos

Rayyan Irfan you're the haters that we don't want to see

I love your ears Matthias. I have the same ears

Rayyan Irfan shut up

Matthias were you trying to go against Muslims

Please make a video for me tomorrow its my birthday I'm 12 Tomarow your my favorite person to watch and you make my day so much better when you make new videos thank God you make videos my name is braylen

Matthias you say “don’t hit women” when you should never hit anyone!!!

you should yes or it's a mess

Matthias you stole pewds beard

matt that game was terrible in the arkade to so its a good pourduc

I have a mip


Matthias u

Matthias k

It should have been Toys or Coys

Mip is Big Max from Big Hero 6!!!!!

Matthias Team Edge has a video with the recoil guns(The name of the video is Extreme Laser Tag Battle!!)

Team Edge has a video with the recoil guns(The name of the video is Extreme Laser Tag Battle!!)

Samauri Slay copy cat

Matthias your awesome I love your channel I watch get good gaming Rekt Team edge Basically everything your on your my role model

Matthias u r absolutely inspiring I love your channel you are my favorite YouTuber Tanner Is funny Luna Amanda and Matt are my dream fam.ps thanks for EVERTHING

Matt recoil has more stuff you should buy

Matthias hi!

Matthias yee should use the lazer guns in battle universe!!!!!!

Matthias t

@matthias , "picked up at toys´r´us" , then a few products later , "add to cart from dealxtreme/amazon" . *slow clap*

Matthias #stopconnorabuse

If you still had a working transforming car you should have transformed it shoot someone and change it back

Jonnie quest

Matthias is the Best

Matthias love from Nepal❤

Can you use the laser tag guns in battle universe. you could use it

Matthias we still have toy ‘’r’’ us in quebec in canada hahahaha

Matthiasrfddf t

I wish toy r us didn't close

Man, the drones can have reverse mode, but you need brushless motor and good esc for it

Well don't worry Tanner your beard looks good as well (maybe even better than Matthiase's beard)

It's like matthias is shopping for Luna here.

Great vid Matthias I have been watching your vids for 7 months!

Yeah I was right

Matthias , johnny quest?

The gun is a censor. the clip goes on your back so you can get shot from behind. plugging in earbuds also let's you hear shots fly by you

Matthias the go go go reaction for you was like someone kept on shooting

Tanners not going to take over the channel the beard is

Great day for toy Rus going business that very bad maybe I should help them I feel sad for them

Hello there

Not in Australia

at 16:05 i had one exactly like that but it was white and was in landscape mode XD same exact games and music though so fun Btw it was from germany the one we got

Is there a possibility that you can make a video of just battling each other in the warehouse with those recoil laser gun

#notification please reeeeee

I love your beard but pls me more nice to your henchman A.k.a brian

Tanner vs Matthias's beard....who will win #SHOUTOUT

Get a kid somewhere when you try those electric cars.

We use those robots in our school

At 9:52 we have that at our school one of them is called Chase

What is a “tezla”? It’s Tesla. The cringe is real

Better life advice, don't hit anyone

visuo drone

15:53 Just get like a 3ds or a 2ds those are like less than $150 nowadays.

Toys'R'Us is still around here in Australia :D

love the bered

Matt just saved toys R us with this video

Matt and tanner are abusing robots today

Tries to smash robot smashes cookie Tan-man : *TRIGGERED*

The personal robot is from the movie Wall-E

Jonny Quest


recoil is stupid i bought all the stuff then i had to return it all because the hub and the rifle didn't work

hay matt why don't you make video on drones that viewers suggest my suggestion is dhd d4 drone

You should try knock off prauducts!!!!!

I saw him playing with the Recoil in his Vlog!!! Haha

I would buy a LEGO Mindstorms instea of that educational Robot

I dont like ur beard


1:37 I thought it was going to be rideable!!!!

I love ur vids! don’t stop them


Isn t Tanner older then Matthias?

"Mini fighter" ??? that's a knockoff of little fighter!! hahahaha

matt you have already used recoil

How was Matt typing with his hands in the air????

Toys R Us went in dept

I think the swamp dood was shrek

My friend had the hockey thing, the guys just suck they never stay on.

MIP=Man In Pee

Why is tanner single

Beard is life

nice rubiks cube

Use recoil in battle universe

Tanner is clearly talking about Shrek...

Are you gay I know that you had a girlfriend before but it's no a problem we where just wondering

I use one of those dash robots at school


cut yo beard of

Is the shows theme to mention the fact that Matthias has a Tesla in every video now?

I have a robot called cue and I had a great time progeramed

Matthias toys R us actually bank rupt

10:30that robot thing looks like a Mudkip Pokemon

We have it at school

With your beard long you look like pewdiepie

Iook more at the beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you should do a *tried* (yes they did their job) or *failed* (failed)

12:26 Robot: What is my purpose? Tanner: You pass Oreos. Robot: Oh God. 12:52 R.I.P. MiP (Hey that rhymed)

It's not only about not hitting women guys, nobody hits no-one

Didn't they play with recoil already in bu, they even sponsored them maybe Matthias didn't play or he forgot

Can we get a outside battle universe with recoil guns instead of nerf

Those white teeth

Do a battle using the guns

You should give me the broken toy

Looks like you can be wolverine with dat beard

I'm 18 and I would so go to toys r us but ones I live near are already out of business


I didn't realize it but I have the same haircut as Mathias maybe I was secretly inspired by him lol but his hair looks way better than mine

i ave mip he is cool 12345678910

bruggg Read more

That is the beard of a god

d you have a beard in your chest

12:10 She got the way to move me Cherry!

12:13 is my favourite part I have a mip as well just search up pikachu 11 and it has the same picture as my one right now and you will see a video with mips

Matthias got the money

I wish gamestop gets out of business so i can get free things

was he talking about scooby doo or The Rescuers??

0 0 0 0 0 1

When people think Matt is Daddy but actually Tanner is ;)

What do you mean don't hit a woman? Don't hit anyone at all

I haven't been getting your videos in my sub box

WTH you have to use those things on a hard flat surface not a carpet Matt are you dumb

Well the car was fine for me I have it

7:17 johnny quest?

Not gonna lie, it's the chest hair and not the beard that has me mesmerized....

As I was watching an older vid of yours, I seen an ad for a toy that you may find interesting. It's called Flip Finz

Y his nose loos like mine

Poor miip just wanted to deliver some Oreos before being kicked to the shadow realm

Alike if you agree that Matthias would look like Joseph Seed with yellow sunglasses on

For toys like the bike, why not bring out Mariah? She's small and light, more realistic of a test? XD

I know wats he talking about cus I watched it

It's your beard

I am that is

Is tanner drunk or something????????

Matthias cut your beard you lookcool

Matthias I join

Matthias that robot was doing sex with car

OMG you should dye your beard

Matthias i love your beard

The recoil

I have one and it is really cool

Tanners cool no one ever says

Matthias you should do a BU vid with the recoil laser tag gun


Matthias man slurp i slurp need slurp toys slurp r slurp us slurp

poor toys r us

Matthias you should to lit or quit

Can you do a 10 strange dollar Store items with Markiplier?

Nice typing Matt

Matthias, love your videos but just an fyi dont know if your of the video editors realise but you have errors in the editing. If you look in the back ground by tanner when your flying the car drone you can see the programming bot but you had not reviewed it yet. This is not the first time its happened in your videos.

Matthias ii

hey matt the toys r us near me is still going strong also please check out the hand trux xl on amazon

Matthias I’ll miss toys r us because I get discounts for nerf guns example: Walmart $100 toys r us $80

ummm say that again?

weird? they still have them in Canada

I am mad at you Mathias I have a mip it’s really cool

Matthias your beard looks like the new style steve roger

Well its not gone in Sweden

Matthias there is still toys "R"Us in the philippines

I thought that wen tanner crinckled the bad soccer people cardboard thingy, that it was oddly satisfying

NO THE FIRST TOY WAS GOOD MAT!!!!!!!! WTH????!!!!!!!

Do the recoil challenge on team edge

You should get a cool fish tank for your office

In the proses of marking you and your beard look like cranous from god of war

6:49 though... XD

Was the show "The Wild Thornberries"??

You see it before

Bring Bryan back

You havent it was somthing else #tannersucks #12000$mattias

I have the game system

I actually got the go gamer portable as a 2nd birtday present my cost $15

I had captions on and everytime you said toys r us it said toilets on us

Choose infinity cube fidget pen chinese yo yo 3d pen

My IT teacher has the dash but more expensive!!

I think maybe Tanner is talking about Swamp Thing a TV show about a scientist that is turned in to a swamp creature, I love that show.

Get anki overdrive for the next video

We need more dollar store or walmart videos pleeeeeeease.

CAN I PLEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEse have a shout out PLZ (Loooooooooooöoooove u guys)

First comment


That's a quadcopter, NOT a "drone"

7:19 anyone know what cartoon Tanner's talking about?

Tanner was thinking about Scooby Doo!


We have dash at our school and it works really well

What row did you get the beard?

U looked better without a beard

Go go go go go!

I have the exact same game but instead in an arcade version which is the family sport one

Happy birthday to luna

"this is just paper plate material!" . . You mean paper? Lol

At 10:22 I died “HEYYY”

Have you ever watched Avengers Infinity war yet, it’s awesome

I work at toysrus :/ I’m really gonna miss it. It was my first real job.

Please get rid of the beard. Please. Like if you agree

I actually have a hovercraft version of the muscle car/drone

In the Philippines we have something called "Toy Kingdom" All hope is not lost Edit:The item in 16:45 rather just buy a Game Boy than this

It's a air boat

Man, who else need money for the new battle pass?

Tesla. Tessssssssssla. With an ssssssss, not a z, MAT

Lovin the beard

I dont living America but see why toys r us is going out of business btw love the beard

I want the drone car though please

my fiend was asking me why do you think Toys R Us is going out of business and i just send her a link to this video haha

Bro bot is from jimmy neutron

Tanner the 22 year old kid Awesome

R.I.P Toys R Us

Johnny Quest!

Love the beard Matthias

I never got how when tanner slams the box it hurts Matt’s ears

The show tan man was talking about is the old Scooby-Doo

OMG Tanner is so freaking cute!!! #Tannersquad

Did anyone else see the robot that Matthias unboxed later in the vid 8:52

I got the recoil thing for Easter and it worked great

Mathias your slogan could be The beard is here

Well I'm Canadian I still have toys r us...

We have that blue robot in my high school's library...

i got a sharper image robot claw and i turned it on and then it broke

Bring back the photoshop series so you can make your beard a bear face

11:10 it looks like the robot from wall-E

How dare you not know what a Hexbug is! I have 30........

#notification SQUAD!!!

tanner... Little Rescuers is the cartoon you are thinking of...

Yes you have used it before

Make luna into a toy and cash or trash her.

Bruh, when you said “sans” you sounded way to English. (I speak Canadien french btw)

6:18 ASMR with Tanner

the beard is so fabulous.

ami the only one who thinks he looks like a lumberjack wit dat beard?!?!?!?!

Don't hit women don't hit man

I can't believe he kicked the mip they are lit

Spell icup

rip cookie 20??-2018

Did anyone else read all that list of games

What! You don’t know what a hex bug is? They were my childhood

I have a mip and you didn't put his off-road tires on so he couldn't go over bumps and is really useful for carrying small objects

Keep the beard its cool #beardforever

Smash cookies

rip Toysrus

I have never been to toys r us

I love your vid

Rip toys r us ( like for respect)

Wait what?! Toys R Us is going out of business?!?!? WHAT?!

love beard

sad toys r us was child hood:(

If I could rate your beard dope or nope I'd rate it DOPE!!!


beard like it

you can still doo toysrus episodes you just gotta get someone in Canada to send you the stuff.

Love the beard soAWSOME

you used to look 25 now you look 50

i respect the beard

Omg the beard I didn’t see his vid and this is what I see and I love your vids

The dot is so fun I have it at my school

My future kids will never get to experience what I did

You were putting a lot of pressure on the car. The more pressure the more weight it feels. If you get an 80 pound kid it may drift more. The ad did have the kid drift perfectly. I don’t think that will happen. But it will probably drift more with a kid. (Also I’m only 12 so don’t get mad if the information is wrong)

Old boi

It was funny when mat said vibrates like crazy btw i cringed when i saw tanner stroking his beard

Matthias you know that Sharper Image is a catalog brand right?

Matthias do you live in florida

Matthias u and tanner r sooooo funny but tanner is trying to hard

Matthias Juan

Well hi mat nice beard hey could ya send me the shooting car i want to shoot my friends lol nah I dont need it

not in finland they didnt HA

when Matt said if you want your own shoutout I thought he was going to say if you want your own beard

welp you could come to Australia they still in business over here >.< i think a 7:10 he was talking about the old cartoon: Hey Arnold!

My baby brother has that missile launcher car.

I have mip

Stash it or smash it like if you agree


I Love your vids man!!

and your beard


Put a higher voltage battery in that drift vehicle

This is so disappointing that everyone is just ordering online. So many businesses are leaving and it makes me depressed going to the mall and all the shops are gone.

Mat the recoil thing would be good for a call of duty challenge like go to the park or something and bring 5 friends and play like a free for all

Dash has a miniature version named Dot.

The show Tanner was talking about, was it Scooby Doo?

Who thinks this is like shark tank

I have dash the robot at my school

Can you send me the driffting car

I think he should review Burger King foot lettuce like I u agree

Wow so many has cringed

I wanted the air hogs 2 in 1 for chistmas

7:09 I believe Tanner is talking about Jonny Quest (not the horrible cartoon of a boy with his smart scientist sisters that's Johnny Test) Like so Mathias and Tanner can see

I have the my arcade but mines side ways


23K people cringed, nice

That's a nice looking beard

I HAVE A MIP! I'm so weird xD


I have some of the wheel Bot at my school in Australia it is fun but you need a iPad

But the blue one

I've Always wanted to see how recoil works fr thank you you don't now how happy I got lol

Super Mario Sun Exposure

"Notification Squad" ... Aka no-life weirdos.

Dye your beard blue

Same can't stop looking at the bird

you don't look like a 12-year-old boy anymore ):

Rip Geoffrey

When I heard Toys R Us closed: CYA BUDDY! I’VE GOT TARGET!

I’m ten years old and I’m 5,2

“Was that a cookie?”

I don’t wanna grow up in a toys r us kid They have a million toys at toys r us that I can play with I don’t wanna grow up I’m a toys r us kid They have the best for so much less that will really flip your lid From bikes to trains to video game It’s the biggest toy store there is GEWIZZ I don’t wanna grow up cuz baby if I did I couldn’t be a toys r us kid More games for toys OH BOY I wanna be a toys r us kid R.i.p toys r us 1957 - 2018

I feel so bad for that poor mip, they don’t deserve it



I subscribe and liked this video.can I have that knock off phone thing

Yeah you already reviewed the mip


the nano bot is just a fancy brush bot lol, cut the head off a tooth brush super glue a vibrating motor like from a play station controller to it with a button cell battery and, a switch it you want to get really fancy. same thing

9:40 we have those at my school lol



How can u hate mip

I got the drone thing and it was broken and wouldn’t get an inch off the ground

I bought a DC motor from Amazon 13 dollar for the motor 50 dollar for the shipping

Good memories I'm going to miss Toys R Us

What is mil doing to the car XD #matthias

I love hexbugs I have about five bugs and like ten pads for them

Lose the beard

Mip went rip

Poor brobot what did it did it do to you

13:10  Matt : if you want your own— Me: beard Matt: shout out I thought you were telling people where they can get their own bead

Johnny quest is probably the show with the swap boat

I got that doe because I make da pizza

I also have hexbugs and there fun

I have a mip and its really fun

I have mip but it's black so stupid you need app

Toys R Us was my childhood My parents would never buy me any toys and I just looked at them

hah mario sun exposure

what does a painter do when he gets cold he puts on anther coat

the beard is amazing im jelly


Him crumbling those hockey people was not cringe it was asmr

I almost spit my milk at 12:47

my school uses the robots called dash n dot


(Finds a battle axe) *IM GONNA DO THIS WITH LUNA*

Nice bread

please do a BU episode with those guns

I heard Tanner fart when he poopcookie

I live in New Orleans so I knew what Tanner was talking about.


15:14 Props to the editor! I forget who it is but I think it's CJ, I know it's definetly not Patrick tho...

tanner loves his church shoes

I have Dash at my school to help us code

I know that toys r us is going out of business

Am I the only person who sees AMAZING potenital for Team Edge content with that Recoil laser tag stuff?

The beard look fab :)

You know team edge played with these

Is not you want is what you need

The mip went oof. Rip

Looks like James harden with the beard

I did to make weapons out of pvc but for the fun of it

Go to 3:15

my cousins got the same product on 15:00 i love it when something i know is on his videos

Tanners beard is so underrated, smh (SORRY IS I SPELT IT WRONG)

At my school I do dash

Hi Matt I love your vids

For the “car” drone it should be a... Crash (get it because trash + cash = crash and cars crash)

OMG! 15:11 and that whole part is so funny. Look at all the puns!!!

Oh yah pim the robot

I HAVE A HEX BUG its rlly old tho it was my brothers and it dosent really work lol

Matthias 7:09 does he mean camp lake bottem



Bring back Sam!

You should cut your beard

Instead of crashing the toys you better give them to poor kinds

You are a poor mans pewdiepie.

Good olddd MOBO hobo memes

15:12 How long did u take to write that !!??

You were dissed by isaac butterfeild

Air Hogs is running outta ideas LOL. Even though they made really good stuff in the past. PS: that LEGENDARY BEARD

You remind me of a lumberjack

I don’t like the beard

Guys I swear I just got free $2136_real money from this_amazing website>>>>pypmon.win/?V3o9v6 Try once.

9:56 that’s what she said

I want Brian back

Go to 2:07, 9:53, 10:26 and close your eyes

S high

With casmo

Damn U don’t look like u looked before

Do not hit women cause we will knock you down

Younger kids will never get to see what Toys R Us was like

Can't stop looking at tanners beard

Fun fact, Toys R Us isn't closing down in canada because they're actually doing REALLY well here so uh... Cross the border if you want to go to toys r us!

I swear i cannot stop starring at you beard bro #beard life !!!!!!

Please shout me out

plz bring back reading your comments

I have crippling depression because toys r us is leaving I’m crying

Yo tanner killed bro bot

I ❤️ your vids

17:50 luna then 17:51 dat face

7:07 you talking about jonny quest? edit 8:48 THERE YOU GO

Does tanner mean Scooby dooby

That beard is getting me to watch more of ur vids

Matthias's beard: cash or trash? - Trash!!! Like if you agree

R.I.P Toy "R" Us

Funny thing is Toys R us is still in business here in canada haha

My Libary has dash and dot u have to have cards so u can controls it

Knock knock Who's there My damn My damn who? My damn foot is stuck in the door

Whoever stole toys r us's money shame on you. toys r us is for kids to have awesome toys and now we can't watchu got against kids having fun? I'm a kid and I'm very sad about what happened

You have a beard

That was in the background

was that a cookie?




We all have proof that Matthias has recoil from his vlogs


Is it bad that I'm 15 and I knew that Tanner was talking about Johnny Quest

My school plays with the robot.

I went there in till I found out how much things costed there

I like your beard WAS THAT A COOKIE??

I miss Toys R Us already


#migetlumberjack make this a thing

I love you mattias your like a lumberjack and not a tiny one I saw that coment

I have the MiP and I rally liked it. The battle mode is fun.

omg thank you so much for the shoutout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your channel also sorry for the spam lmao cant stop screaming someone send help 0-0

I'm trigerred cuse  tanner tried to stomp on mip >:(

i think i know what tanner was talking that tv show is "Swamp People."

Your beard is so sad

Love the bired

he showed 23 different Mario games

I really don’t know what what I’m doing here but this is what I do

Was that a cookie?

That chest hair tho

You should update the images you use to accommodate for your DOPE beard!

#notifacation squad (late) WHERES BOBBY THE MACHINE

Goodbye Geoffrey

Tanner it s called Johnny quest

even if a women is gonna attack you first or you are gonna die from fist don't hit em no i think equal rights women hit ya K.O em

XD matthias went DIABLE JAMBLE and kicked the robot

I have the 1st item

Youtube is real life

Was it a cookie

You already used the recoil gun on team edge vs legendary shots

I have a MIP. You can control it with hand motions and it actually has many different behaviors and programed emotions.

You took away pewds beard MAT

Tanner's beard looks a lot better than matthias's

Dash,We have like 4 at my school and there creepy when reading in the library

Also you guys should use the laser guns on Battle universe

I really want the laser tag guns

Tezla? Tesla!

With the drone car you snap the drone onto the car and the air pushes it go to my channel to see how

Editor is a Nintendo fan


Get rid of the beard

That first car gun thing I got for Christmas and I personally find it awesome and it actually workd

Rip cooky

I absolutely LOST IT at the mip

You have seen it but not used the robot

its jonny quest bro

the intro gives away the fact that the MIP is a trash it.

Do one were you review living things like doges

I have the missle car

it's called a fan boat

Do you mean hemen

its a edumicational toy

Make more

Matthias 5.1mil

Matthias Please cut your beard it makes your head look too big and there’s not that much up there not trying to be rude so plZ!!!

Toys R Us went put of business because white people stopped having kids and the ones who still do, stopped shopping in public because it's too dangerous with all the diversity or "cultural enrichment" that's been forced onto us since the 1965 immigration act.


Matthias nuuuuuuuu

Matthias :


How much is that power Wheels car

When i was in kindergarten i bought my first game from toys r us with my own money i bought a small car and i’m 17 and i still have that car its pretty sad that they’re shutting down


The beard is almost as hairy as my......

The sound is out of sync

I wonder were did all the producs go on the first ever video till today?

Your face hair is called The John Wick

i lick your vides

I hate the beard

11:39 suicide

7:06 that's the face u make when u run out off cheesecake 1 like= 1 cheesecake

Thanks for the videos Don't hit woman!! ;3

At school we use that blue and orange bot

its a litl robot to play with


10:22 Lmfaoooooo



Come here boy tell me what it says

your barber sucks

it is okay to hit women sometimes. like when she trying to kill ya.

did anyone catch when tanner said"im a little hard"?

not you Tanner

I don't know about every toys r us in Vegas but at least one is not closing yet, supposedly a man wants to buy the store

You shoud do Fun or None

12:52 *PEASANT*

Use it for battle universe that will be a good vid

The there really going out of business is because the founder of toys r us recently past away, also known as a war hero who served during the world war era.

You looked like Jfred in the video

that is so sad


I has that nip robot


I have that robot

Matthias got that pewdiepie beard

Get off that beard

Still in Canada.

Your beard is awesome I wish to have a beard like that one day

The cartoon is called swamp thing! I loved it so much!!

I think that cartoon was jonny quest


i love how you both said you mash a cookie you guys are the best

remove your berd

havent laughed so hard ever "robot no bad robot" xD

Didn’t team edge use the recoil set in battle

All becuz of mistur yeff from amazon

I've never been to toys r us

ToysRus expectations : "HEY GUYS LETS SPEND $999.99 ON A TOY PLASTIC CAR! ToysRus Reality: "Hey guys instead of spending a 1,000 dollars on this plastic car lets go to Walmart and get the exact same thing for $245." Point is ToysRus expectations were to high that is why they went out of business. If they just lowered the prices to fight against super stores they might of stayed in business.

Matthias the Viking

You probably used the monkey

Rip childhood


He have changed so much!

You've used that on team Edge that Lazer tag thing


The extreme Lazer tag chanlang

That chest hair tho

Matthias I have a drone that can actaually drive and fly not like that cheap fake one

Y toys r us

You could of sold those toys for a lot of money


I have the MIP personal robot. It takes lots of work to actually make it function and to me it's not worth it.

i love your vids

great veds

geat veds

that one guy

Not many people cringed

that drone car sucked

Toys were us

Wonder coach continent boom around several result symptom advocate donor craft.

Cookie lives matter

I used that robot and another called dot in my gt math class and we loved using them

Matthias we have dash boys at out school. It is fun. Hope you see this. Love your vids

Your beard is thicc I like it


"What kind if car turns like that" cars you break and cars that are toys for kide

Those guns would be dope on battle universe

Hi goat

it would be scooby doo

he looks like steve rogers from infinity war! ha ha ha ha ha lol

where the memes at Hate the kiddos in the comment secrtion

I think he is talking about swamp people where they hunt alligators.


From walli lol

That bug Got me to miss one of My toe nails

Just realized daft punk is in the background

My teacher has the dash robot thing it so funny bc it makes weird noises

dat robot tho

How do u not know mip. It came out in 2015/14 and I love that robot. Yes I have one.

The robot at 10:00 we used in school to learn programming. In school we had 5 of them and like all accessories and stuff.

Can't stop staring at your nose

Hey man I was wondering where you got those helmets in the back I’ve always wanted a star lord one ever since I seen it come out

RIP toys are us

try dude prefect product

I have that dash robot thing at my school :)

Matthias your beard is very long

Matthias It didnt went out of business, the owner died,

Its not going out of business, its moving to a Canada only store

Matthias K


Matthias wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwewwwwwwwwwww

R.i.p. Toys "R" Us I actually used to go to there but now it it went bankrupt and closed

shaf your berd you look a lot beter without abeard


I am so sad

r.i.p toys r us :3

Do an only "Sharper Image" episode

Is it just me, that Matthias looked like a Danish Messi??

Go go go go go

Why did that person say the thing about your beard now I can’t stop looking at it

I can watch your videos for hoursssss This Chanel made me not board at my dads

I saw a street with your name exept not double T

10:20 heyyy

cringy soiboi

17:50 lol matthias

ppl in the comment section if u r a marvel fan u should know this......... would u rather be daredevil or be quicksilver??? plz answer

I would be quicksilver

It's what your mama said which was wrong

Not in Canada Land take the L

His name is mip

I have a sharper image 3d printer and it printed a car and all i had to do was add wires

it is so funny I almost fell off my bed

Lol toys r us is still in Australia


So that's why PewDiePie get rid of he's beard

It’s a empty shell of lies

So toy kingdom

You have used the recoil things on team edge or battle universe

u look better without beard

Can I have that rkadgamepleeeeeeeèeeeeesssssssssss

Matthias if I was you I will donate all of the toys in a charity or homeless children

I made weapons out of mechanical pencils in school

c'est la vie Toys R' Us! Whats next Chuck E Cheese? Who remembers Discovery Zone and KB Toys? :D

The Mip is dead inside bro

rip nerf gunz

tanner you deep that bread

I lways want a mip

I always want a wip

made for luna

Oreo more like. Floor-eo

A pvc pipe really!

I have that go gamer thing now its just in the basement chilling

Maaaaaat's a lumberjack and he's oooook.

i am so mad .


nice beard... lul

Matthias: Heeey Dash: Heeey Matthias:Triggered

Tanner does not have a beard☺☺

how much was that gun thing I want it!

Yo u should make a "dad" Video where u do a trendy or bendy(could become one) !!! Please!!! Like so Matt could see! Shout me out matt

At first when Mip groaned I thought somebody farted

no more bad dudes

I have recoil

I have the mop it is so fun

With the dash toy from Toys R Us we use those in computer class for coding

i like hexbugs

Oh hello beard I didn’t see you there

Omg. I’m eating Oreos right now.

We have dashes at our school there so annoying. the only good thing is you can program them.(and make fun of them.)

I believe in equality. If a woman attacks me, I'm punching her right in the face. If I held back, that would be sexist.

I have a version of that it’s a hovercraft.

"It's just like a little vibrating motors that vibrates"

My old school had dash

You used the wired sensor on the recoil guns wrong it goes on your back. There are sensors on the guns for your front and sides...

Bring in Connor or Sam :)

Good beard

i did not like your beard at first but now i'm starting to get used to it. good job with the beard dude

I laughed SO hard at the Mario podcast titles that the editor made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did it

i love these videos and think tanner is a great assistant on them but i dont think it would be the same without you matthias. i know we argued about bryan leaving and tanner has taken over from him so well but this channel is matthias.

I didn’t cringe but still liked.

matt your beard is amazin

matthias lookin like captain phillips

17:37 he said tasteful instead of cash

I have a gameboy

tanners beard is almost bigger than matthias's # Notification sqaud

Johnny quest

how close in can you get to your nose bro

17:51 shots fired

Matt haven't u used the recoil guns before

What about cozmo???

Toys "R" Us is only out of business in the US, its still open in Canada where i live.

I have that prtable mini game center still XD

Hi Mathias when I'm down like today or scared or mad I watch you and you cure me I Looooooooooooooooove your vids

Hey Matt, have you seriously never seen a hexbug?

Is that a cookie.

That one kid's robot bot was funny. "Hey!"

Didn't team edge use the Recoil stuff?

The drone is fun

Omg Matthias is finally turning into a man

Matt let me lick ur beard ins awesome

Check the video - could be good, Oh i recognise that dude, fucking stop suggesting this - can't stand him.

Only in certain countries as toys are us: out of business it is coming

Omg I almost died when he kicked mip

It starts with this eeeh


Plz send me that hockey game

your thoots is verry white

No offense but I don’t like your bierd

The show that tanner was talkibg about its johnny quest

Me to

Yo Why did you smash a cookie?


Matthias llyhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhh L.mhy jump h

Rip toys r us but where I live there still is toys r us!

Good luck if a toy breaks.

My scool has like 7 of those blue robots

R.I.P Tanner #TeamEdge

I thought the first toy was one of those cars that kids can drive

I havent been here for months and..... you look like man now Mathias!

Do a Matthias or tanner

"NO CAR No"*violently kicks robot

You are the best

no I don't

Hi give me a shout out my name is kaypen

Matts toy reviews!

Canada's toy r us is still up

Fan boat

We use the dash bot at school

"No! It's an empty shell of LIES!!" Literally my parents '*love*' for each other.... :*)


"Its so much bigger than I thought it would be " ..That's what she said Matt

No one likes tanners beard if u could call it that

It’s so sad I use to love going there RIP toys “R” Us

MIP IS MY BEST FRIEND WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

you shuold play sims 4 and react to it

No Cosmo

wait, so they are going out of business EVERYWHERE?!

That's what she said

Your beard is soooo thiccccccc

Never smash that cookie!

he kited high

Love that chest hair that pops out at ya like a random employee in Walmart

Hi Flashmonkey08

Why did you hurt the robot

Cant stop

I remember mip

I remember hex bug there

I'm unsubscribing because of ur beard

U look weird with a beard

Tanner meant scooby doo

I have the air hogs drone/car and it stopped working after 3 weeks

I like your beard. I look back to your old videos and i creng no afenc oh and i subed

You know how dash was after the drone, then why is dash just sitting right there on the carpet 8:54

Rip brobot

I now what TV show he is talking about

Hi.. I like cheese


Every time tanner says something, Matthias wished Bryan is back.

nO THE BEARD IS BACCCCCKKKKKKKKKK // Awh man, I can't believe one of my favorite stores has gone out of business! That's so saaaaaad :ccccc

Can I have it

Can I have it ?

You know what's trash your beard

to be fair I didn't think that was a button eather...

Cut the beard

I have the car shown for the first item

He looks like he would be bald but he's not

mine has not even put out closing signs

Love the beard man

Toys R Us never actually went out of business I went they a few days ago

only in murica tho

I knew what the one guy was talking about. The show is old , I'm talking older than 20 years maybe.

these vids are Soo funny

IS THAT A COOKIE?! 乁(ಥ ʖಥ)ㄏ

You are so funny.

Keemstar 2018 matthias

Is the beard as soft as it looks

You tried the monkey version

I have MiP he is cool


Robot and car sitting in a tree kissing kissing

Mip has more than one mode without the app if you spin the wheel.

15:57 lol top left corner

You're funnier before you had your beard

Legendary video mat ! Lyl #latenotification sqood

Hey guys, If you want to see some quality movies go check out BPS Productions. The crew is from Bulgaria and I promised to advertise their work. And what a better place than Matthias video.

I punch a woman if they punch me

Rip toys "R" US

was tanner talking about wild krats?

nnn...ice beard


Toys r us is over priced

How much for the guns at the end please

Matthias Logic: Cozmo is probably a piece of trash rolling on your desk Also Matthias: Wonder will teach kids to program. My logic: THEIR THE SAME

whaen u post it is night time 4 me and I have school so yeah...

rip toys are use

what is REKT doing on Matthias - 13:20

Well shouldn’t we say... Beard day!

Matthias now reminds me of Cartoonz

Do one with nothing but drones

Hair cut day???...

I have mip and he is great

did they officially go out of business yet the Toys R Us

Toys R us is not going out of business but they are restructuring and renovating itself to be better!!! All stores are open and websites too!! Just to clear all the debts of theirs and they have support from others

Bro I went to to toys r us out of business sale for a rubix cube , $13.99 with 10 percent off !!! Went to Walmart down the road same rubix cube 8.98 , no fucking wonder your going bye-bye

The little monkey you got before is the same brand as mip

*Good Video :D*

is alex ok tho?

i didnt nothis the beard :P

did you get that beard on Toys "R" us?


not the cookie!you monster!

Matthias the airhogs car drone is supposed to be like a hovercraft.

700th like

Matthias why the beard


can i have a shout out i subed

Matthias you don't have a Tesla

can u do a rubber phone

Matthias is the best YouTuber and he is funny

#lose the beard

that is so sad i loved that store

“Get away hippies” haha

Lol we still got toys r us SHAME

That bug be like: wigle wigle wigle

Air boat is what the vehicle

Man you are handsome

yeah insane beard

I had that first car it was awesome Mine was black tho

Yes drifting in a fwd thing PHYSICS

Why is rayan not in the background anymore

kinda bothers me how u guys destroy these expensive toys when they could be donated to kids who would really appreciate n love them :(((

12:11 im dead

I love the mity beard

Don’t hit anyone it won’t get you anymore in life not just a girl not just a boy don’t HIT ANYONE

Bey blades

Not mip bot I love mip bot

Can you mention me in videos I can not stop laughing when robot crashes and I subscribed to you

Beard is so haire

I'm 22 years old too. Lol.

Rip toy r us

Can you do a review on the “Bug-A-Salt” it’s a gun to kill flys...? I guess

Instead of breaking the toys donate them bud

MiP you got the mini version which does absolutely nothing. What you should try is Robosapien, also made by Wowee, but is considerably better. Also, Robosapien was the first ever toy robot and is still a high selling product. My brother got one as a present when we were little (I feel like he was 8 or 9, and he's now 20) and the thing still works. He's autistic and it was his favourite gift ever and he still occasionally pulls it out.

I sang at one of the solar bear games

you Really need toShave bruh

cool hi ok

“I don’t wanna grow up, Cause’ I’m a Toys-R-Us kid! Toys-R-Us has a million toys that I can play with!”

It looks like there is a booger in your mouth


8:54 to 9:57 WTF?

I have the go gamer portable... in black and the controls are different

I like your beerd

We Canadians still have Toys R Us ;)


A few days ago we were talking about Russians in my classroom then a kid said ur wife is Russian and something else after he said ur name half of the class yelled mathiass

Thanks tanner for picking the penguins aka my home team!

hey Matthias. My name is Spencer I have to Jojo's name Samantha and JoJo me and Nathan JoJo riding a hoverboard it was Samantha's and I all three of us got on it we are trying to make people laugh and you had to get off so I started crying but don't worry it's going to turn really really funny well JoJo said I could get on her back and pretend like I was riding a hoverboard and she said battery discharge and then guess what happened we fell over it was funny don't worry

hoooooaaaa heheheheheheheheheheh haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

ok the game system. just saw the picture, is that *CURLY MONKEY?!?!?*

R.I.P Toys R us

YO! that show, with the one guy, and the swamp, was my *CHILDHOOD!* jk never heard of it

Ho da ho da Toys R us is going out of business?!?!

I hate your beard

sanjy and greeg

Yes you did




Damnnit I’m always going to be a toys r us kid

This dude looks like he ran off the set of the Hobbit and forgot to remove his makeup

13:23 *RIP COOKIE*

the cartoon is wild kratz

In my area toys r us is still here and it still has lots of toys

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Tanner's beard looks like My dog hehe #notificationsquad.

Repentance GOD IS GOOD

7:13 pause the face when ur mum eats all ego waffles

My girlfriend has a mip

At 9:52 I have 29 of those a school as decoration we are not even allowed to use them but I go to a private school

22:49 Hey Matthias! Come to Canada if you wanna go to ToysRUs. No more dissing Canada anymore! Heh

At 1:15 why did it have to be people with hijab

Matthias now looks like Kratos from god of war (His beard anyway)

I watch all your videos on love your videos

im gonna comment something funny aww

Smyths Toys is taking over Toy's R Us in the UK

Didn’t you guys make a video on the recoil guns on battle universe

r.i.p mip

I know what show he’s talking about but I don’t remember the name

shrek :( ?

brake karte champs

Matt your awsome

I think you live in pinsacola

Yes you had mip before you called it pim

My whole life was hexbugs

Who is that guy on your logo?

My friend mip is brokon

First thing u hear “was that a cookie?”

Deos this app work for android?

My school use dash and dot robots

If a women hits me, i would hit her back.

Rip toys r us. I went there as a little kid and I can’t believe it’s actually going out of business. You will be missed

Tanner was so against going to Toys R Us cause he's 22 and I'm 21 and happily went. I bought a coloring book

I love how matt said this one is no Toy R us items but mine is Lol

when it zoomed in on his beard, i though it zoomed in on the chest hair...

Matt ur hairline tho

Toys r us were ridiculous expensive and that's why it's closing. They were never competitive, it's a miracle they lasted so long

Thats dash bot. We had to use it in our high school Information technology class

when your desk talks to u 10:16

10:21-10:24 I had to laugh at that :D

a rubber phone

I I Cant Stop Looking At The Beard DONT SHEAVE

hexbugs are really famous in the uk

Why did toys r us go

Sexy bread

9:13 Matthias I think that was supposed to be a drone which can also become a car

Mip that I had was trash it

Please do not abuse the toys. There are little children watching this channel too like my little 4 year old brother. I bought him a toy robot and he's just trying to kill all the mechanical toys I bought him... Don't teach kids to destroy their toys please.


Matthias d. D s. D s dd dd dsd e ds. Ds. D s de d d d s s dd sd d d d de d d d d dd d dd s=

Matthias Hiiiiiii

Matthias. I joined to.aka the notification squad

Matthias Q

Matthias has

Matthias you have a lot of face hair so cut your hair from your face

Matthias Hi

Matthiasoooikiikkikiiikiikiioolo9lolkkikkk mnhyjmm. 8. Mjjiiiiikkj. Kkiijhfeeedweegtgggf. B


Matthias I love you

I love you matt

I hate u

Use the last item in team edge

you know that humanity is going down the hill if this crappy video creator has 5M subscribers, for breaking stuff and kicking it around, instead play with it and do a giveaway on the end of the video or donate it to orphanage or some poor family.

i have that robot at school

Rib bro bote


ToysRus had not gon out of business in Norway

I also have a MIP its really fun

I went there with my dad as a kid. He used to get me little balsa wood gliders. RIP Toys'R'us

I think he is talking about the alligator catching show

Play RECOIL Outside!

16:55 knock off of hot shots golf on the psp oml

You and the Team crack Me up

you look stoped bat cool #jairus123

I’ve had hexbugs from 2009 I still have em

Mil is cool


Toys r us is still open in Australia near Sydney nsw

10:04 searching for robux

RIP Toys r us You served us well

9:06 u sounded so sad hahah

Got enough makeup on?

sorry Matthias

not to be mean but you don't look good with a beard

OMG did he just ask he what a nano bug is!?!! Who else had this in their childhood!?

Johnny quest???

You guys are completely out of your minds thinking there is a feature causing this thing to drift. It is called GRAVITY!!!


Is it me or does tanner sound like Brian

I REALLY want the recoil mutiplayer set. looks dope af. gonna have to save up for that. found it on amazon prime for $45.00

# bro bot # wasted

Toys R Us is still in Canada

What the heck is wrong with you guys stop destroying stuff that people would gladly buy!!!


"is that a cookie" Tanner- 2018

I am 18 and I still shop there until they close

Sim sim salabim

7:10 i think hes talking about jonny quest.


ever seen a xbox controller?

12:12 I'm dying dude

Toys r us you did nothing wrong and made every single smile and me too all children including me shall miss you...):

beard really


My school had like 20 of those robots

I guess a lot of people cringed

I actually bought the world's smallest fully functioning Pac-Man from Toys R Us

Yes that lushes beard

You havr

That chest hair though

Lmao, TRUS sells a POP station?! Awh, Ashens would be excited.

Rip all Robot

felt like playing with a wii hahaha



I know what Tanner was talking about

I got half of those toys

Got da mobo pro bro

you should see if you can buy more recoil guns and have team edge or battle universe use them, would be awesome

I have a go gamer portabte it is the exact one.


i use that at my school

Let’s go penguins let’s go let’s go tanner let’s go let’s go Matt let’s go love u guys

can i have dash

I can’t stop staring at the forehead

Eww that beard

I like evryones beard

pause exactly at 6:35 screen shot

i had a mip


Its ok to hit a women if she hits you 3 times

We have those robots at my school we use them for a learning club that the grade 4s or something do it (I’m not in the club that’s why I don’t know the age) the club is called coding club

You are wrong about the first idem

I don’t wanna grow up.........I’m a toys r us kid

Matt: What was under there doe Tanner: Was that a cookie

The car had M.O.A.B's

Someone should make a petition to save TOYS R US.....

They went out of business?

You look handsome but In a weird way your not hand some matthias

he now has the dadbeared

Buy them all!!

I am so sad about that robot..he get kick..and his leg just.........

Rip cookie

Toys r us isn't going out of business

Love your beard

5:21 I'm gonna be the Penguins since they won the gold meda... lol

you have a Tesla?!?!?!

17: 48 car...

dont hit women? i would take the hit for hit strat

I love your vid keep it up

what was brian doing in the back round

I miss that man he helped get risk popular as he did , I don't know what I do with out classic strategy games

In the last 7 years we let the techophiles choose to undermine the retail subcategory for their own overloaded greedy happiness why?

I had grove for them in December but I was afraid to type against techophiles

Sears is so smart I know eddy won't fall for ma and bezos

im going to miss toys R us

Matthias i

Will always be in our hearts..... RIP Toys R Us

you look like pewdiepie,i like it c - :

Matthias if it my birthday i was 100 dollrs on toy r us

Matt went into use vault boy why don’t you play fall out great game you should try it it’s very addicting you have been warned.

use the laser tag thing for teamedge

You are like a grandpa

I think the hexbug had too many burritos

I think Tanner was thinking of Jonny Quest. Didn't he ride in a hover boat through a swamp often? *Edit* He found it after I made this comment. I feel an odd sense of pride in that I knew what he was talking about.

"I broke it because I didn't read directions, so now it doesn't work. That means it's garbage." Classic Matthias logic. SNEAK!!!!!

omg his breard

Maybe u could do bad or mad(mad as in wow that’s mad) or bad or rad

Toys r us is still open in canada

Called an air boat

i will miss toys r us so much it it sad

Sorry though, if a woman hits me , don’t expect me to just let it happen without consequence.that goes for anyone actually.

I think matthias should lose his beard

it is called dash we have it at my school

My childhood is dead

You should put “was that a cookie” on a shirt


i remember always going to a pet store next to toys "R"us but never to toys "R"us.

toys r us got shut down in Canada because, well, to keep it short, normal stores price a doll: 10$, toys r us prices it 25$

The beard is real man

Wow!! This was on my birthday!!!

Swamp people

Beat that brobot

Nanobugs used to be my favorite toy ever

I love your beard love you

hi my name is David

it is

Is it closing in australia?

With I had a digging beard like your but I'm only 12 lol!!!! Nice growing :)

i liked and subscribe

Can we taco' about staring at your beard

I have that go game!!!!!!

ITS actually pretty fun.

Why do you destroy everything

Poor mip I hate you

Rip toys r us

The drone has vehicle identity disorder don't judge it.

@notification squad “is that a cookie”

I ready subscribe .Can you” let go” of robot. I just want you to not buy any robot item just “let go”. Grow your beard into lumberjack. Rip toy R us. Kids these days

Bro I know it was Jonny quest I remember watching it on boomerang

DEEZ nuts

btw the dont hit girls rule is only for adults

You look like bad beard

im have mip and the blue robot at school

The hockey one I was like come on pick predators

Matthiases Thick beard and large forehead=Oval shaped head

those robots have extreme PTSD

umm help my guinea pig is attacking the screene

I love matthias

Dude just get muscles and paint your self in white and red and you are Kratos from GoW 4 HOW DID I JUST NOTICE THAT?!

I didn’t no it was going out of business

When my mom and dad were divorced,my dad would take me there all the time

Dude you misunderstood you can hit women, as long as they did something wrong. We believe in equality now, and gender roles are things of the past.

If Tanner was a robot he would be Tanman2000

jive me a shout out please

Ewww groos beard

make a fun of the grossery gang get it now for a video now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now now

14:16 *i love how enthusiastic Tanner is about not letting the bug fall

its not funny to make fun out of toy r us going out of business, think about the thousands of people losing there jobs, Think before you speak next time.

You should get a blue mars for your next amazon vid

matthias has krato's beard

it is a school thing

Punch that beard xD xD xD xD

hi i'm 11 turning 12 tomorrow,i've known Toys "R" Us since i was born.And i'm upset there're going out of business.......... :(


My brother has that missile car

That beard is enormes

Im the only blue!!!.... THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!!!

I love your videos Matthias your da best #RipToysRus

No u hahahahahahahah lol lol vote me I'm so cool not gay

He is so funny I watch this after I have a bad bay he makes my day

onisterly hate the beard

Is this comment funny?

you are just stupid :)


Get yo azz shaved bway

that BEARD

Can't stop looking at eers and hair

Matthias got recked at 19:05

How mush does it cost.

i feel bad for the american children because in canada toy manufacturers are gonna buy the canadian branch

i want to play super smash relatives: Mosh pit


Never went into a toys R us.

Mat has more hair in his face than on his acctual head hahah


I know where there is a store in bissnise

I used to want to be the guys on the nerf sign I was so jealous I was a weird child

Whenever the robot sighed it was speaking robot for. “I’m dead inside”

If he dyed his hair white he would look identical to PewDiePie

R.I.P brobot 2018-2018

I like your videos but please cut your beard hahaha lol

i have a mip!

Matthias you cool

i have the portable 220 game thing its fun to play video games in the car even if they are 8 or 16 or 32 or 64 bit games

Matthias more eBay

The Three Broomjijminij ijnfucksticks hh

I've played with a mop before


Poor robot

Never us

Cant stop staring at the nose

my school has a dash bot

I love map

The Best Blue car on video in History Together All ways.

You guys should use some of this money to buy Tanner a second pair of pants because he wears those awful black ones in every video

3:33 pkvycijl

Why do you just call me do you Berg

Someone just farted

karate champ is a notoriously bad nintendo game from the 80's. its not wired wrong.

Like the guns my favorite

I love mips and mipasour but he anoyed me the other night it woke me up

Why am I watching grown man playing with robots?

What’s the deal with hippies?

Some company is gonna bring back toys r us

lol you are so cute

#nice hair

i use dash in school

I have both of them at school btw I'm talking about the robots!!!

I have one at my school

they went bankrupt but some of the stores are still going to be open

Is that screech from saved by the bell?

Anyone else notice that Matthias is taking hints from pewdiepie w the subreddits and the beard

R.I.P. Cookie.... Lived to see 12 seconds of robot humping car


23:08 XD

The cramp twins is the swamp thing

I’ll always be a toys r us kid

the beard is life

I now what you meen

The water boy

i heard bo bot or the robot fart when you kicked him with your leg

The dash thing is in my school it can dance dab change colour of eye it can sing it can talk scream you can make it go disco it’s awesome

at 16:55 its just a copy of wii

Sorry that I'm late to the party, but a funny thing is that in my locla mall a new Toys ''R'' us just opened, like the 9th og May or something. This is in Norway btw.

Good job blue robot thing

i have a mip to


I have a black mip. its okay. fun if I am bored. had it a few years

Matthias talking about the hex bug at 14:22 is me trying to reach the word count on my essays

I have an idea for a Yes and no thing. Lush or Nush

a have that robot tooo

mip is really popular and yes you have seen it before

I have it

R.I.P Cookies

Why do you look like the guy from lost

Your soo handsome

I cant stop koking on jor hed

I got the first one. lol

really look at the protable game console on the internet its horizontal but when they bought it it was vertical

The only change when I went to toys r us was when I got a box.

I love tanners beard

I subscribe to battle universe and team edge

Dude! I also made weapons when I was younger too! Still have a scythe I made it pvc and loads of foam and duct tape

Pewdiepies beard

Glorious beard

Johnny hunt

I have the mip to

#rip cookie

My fav part is the eyes, and beard.

I subsribed

Go to Brunei the Toys’R Us here is still not closed an it will never be

He's mad that he didn't people didn't like his beard and how to turn to him like a little kid to smash the cookie and the robot


his face


Nothing wrong with the way your playing the game Karate Champ just had terrible controls. Even on the NES game.

what your bridal off please

How long you going to grow your beard

Nice beard

13:45 oh Matthias u perv "vibrates like crazy and goes places"

I have the MII thing robot

This guy is so funny, specially with that tryna look like a model look.

You look like Kratos with that beard

#i,ll miss toys r,us

I have a mep and it is awesome I think you just don't know how to work it

Tanner sometimes reminds me of the vine where the guy smashes his phone then stomps on his skateboard and breaks it

9:44 also y toysrus is going out of business

this was a commercial

Get me a free toy or i will be a bit

4:05 was hilarious but I used to love going there for Legos and sometimes games

your beard is 10 times better then tanners

MiP's wine is annoying

Love yo beard

I think u guys should bring an actual child to test out those motorized weight limited toys... or not cuz matthias is really funny!

Awwwwwwwwwww said the robot

why am i haveing so mutch troble with a buble

triggered or shook?

The robot you looked at has a nother one it doesn’t move but still cool

play with the drone in battle universe. hit someone with it

haha lol

im not used to ur berd

do da monez gun

wy the

My portable cost 4.00

destroy all the trash ones on a vid

you comment ur own vids

You have got to keep that beard now. There's no going back, Matt.

Whats that coming over the hill , is it a hex bug , its a hex bug

The robot thing we use it at school and we move blocks and stuff with it

LOOK ITS CAPTAIN AMERICA! I’m sorry if you don’t like me

We have those blue bot thing at our shool

Karate Champ was known as a bad game


I wanna get the recoil

I have that mip except it is sitting in my basement out of batteries

Love your vids

I actually only clicked the video because I wanted to see Mathias in the very small car toy

poor mip ;(

You should unbox a weapons like bow and arrow, and knives.


Can’t stop staring at the chest hair sticking out ur shirt I’m think am I gunna be like him?



13:17 best moment

I laugh so hard until my hands became stiff

Luna look what i got. I got half a robot

I hate ur beard.

I'm just jealous.

Jarrod George well no one asked you

Im begging my mom for a tesla so im jealous that you have one xD

I actually have that hockey game! I think its really fun

Umm canada still has toys r us

Lol i love dash and dot we play with it at school


I have the mip

Idea stash or bash

My teacher has that robot toy

Oh I remember how much I used to love those. Now they're just sitting 'n doing nothing.... :/

I think he's talking about the swap peopl to I agery with you

yea I seen that move befor

Toys R Us is still in business in Australia.

Toys "were" us

I can't stop staring at your head cuz it's too big

6:18 ASMR

I like Tanner beard. Better than you

You have a big noise

Oml. The song during the laser gun fight is part of a piece of music I'm playing called Go West ouo

I used the robot in school that you reviewed

I knew mip from dashiexp

Mip: ohhh Tanner: was that a cookie Mat: you smashed a cookie

I am going to Canada because of toy r rus is shuting down

He looks so funny in 17:51 I laugh soooo hard

Haven't watch you in a while beard looks good

There's different apps for it like dash quest

It's used for coding I used it in school or 5th grade

That things called a boomerang but the life sized versions called the slingshot lol

My school has dash

I got the same game boy

I have that car/Kissel launcher

u know sadly it actually is disgusting because children only want Xbox and ipads instead of toys

HEREEE WEEEE GOooooo! 15:03

:'( I liked that Wow Wee (Mip) Robot

Was that a cookie? Omg yes!

What is put put



You need a mini Matthias to test things like that rideable bike.

10:20 when the robot says, “Heyyy!”

Hex bugs used to be so popular

I have mip and it's quite bad

Do so thing with Kano pls

My computer/programming teacher actually has that blue "Dash" robot. Matthias was right, it is educational.

Tanner should still be locked up in prison


Can someone tell me what happened to toy ”r” rus

Tanner: Hey, Luna! Look what I got you for your birthday that's coming up eventually! Tanner: * holds up toy he broke in half *

It’s called an airboat

That was so wrong “mo car no!”

Broke the transforming vehicle feeling triggered! Read the darn directions you fug Thug Brute!


Go to 2:07 9:53 10:26 and 14:24

Ma'am the Toys R Us here is going out of business

think about how much money you have lost

I don

What’s a game boy

The Mip sounds like Tanner

R.I.P hex bug I'm sorry for your suicidal robot bug but for him or to him there was no other option ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ) lol

bro you have fat face

help faties

I know where you live

Matthias I actually use the dash robot at school but my school we use the tickle app which you code the robot and make it do movements and we use the Xylo app for dash to make music

18:13 it like drift bike

Heck,I never went to a Toys "R" Us,and now all of them are closed down to Wal-Mart.

toys r us is going out of business because kids want iphones not toys


Dat chest hair dough

Mathias:That’s so much bigger than I expected that’s enormous Me in my head:that’s what she said

My to rip toys are us

rip toys R us


what the robot do to you

It's aginst the law to hit a girl but u can still kick them so hiya

Tanner is a murdurer

I got one of the drone-car things for Christmas, and in flight mode, it was surprisingly stable.

I am 11 and I am school president of codi g

It's annoying how tanner always agrees with matt

bad bankruptcy

It sucks because I have a toys r us card

May 1st was my birthday

The boomerang is based of a KTM Crossbow


1 like=1 more strand of his beard

15:13 I'm pretty sure Newer Super Mario bros isn't a knock-off but an actual game Edit: and also GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! GO!

you have a big five head

i think its better to give those things to kids or people who cant afford it instead of smashing them every episode . just saying.

we all morn the l oss :/ now kids have nothig to look forward to , only " online" shopping, and molls.. hhhh damn it! >: *

The hex bug is fun for a little but it gets old after a wile

I got a toys r us ad on this video

Matthias when ever I go to your old videos I can't get use to him without his beard

Matthias use of a good one

i hate you

Was that a cookie (: !


What your beard on you kind of look like Tony Stark except with more fluffy or facial hair okay

i had one of those hexbugs my classmates put that bug on groun and it was moving here and there ad came to teachers feet he was really shooked and jumped in fear haha

You look like God with that beard

Dude I grew up with hex bugs

RECOIL REVIEW IS FAKE he was in a BU or Team Edge battle which used recoil. Also the rifle is way better

you reviewed another mip bot that was smaller

U should do bb guns

Im pretty sure toys r us is only closing in America

Why does Matthias look like captain America from infinity wars


You put sans

hexbugs were my childhood

Instead of giving the toy gun to Luna you should use it in a challenge.

We have a bunch of those dashes at school

I never been to toysrus

**is a homestuck** **hears matthias say brobot** **die inside**

You mean Johnny quest?

oh my gaahhhhh my favorite hockey team is the LA KINGS!!!!!!!!!!!

Is he crazy he almost broke the floor

guy goes into a swamp ... water boy maybe?

When Tanner squished the hockey team it sounded so satisfying

I get what tanners talking about

He got a fake iPhone X

6:16 Did You Cringe? OR Did You Get Satisfied? I got satisfied. If you did too #savagesquad AND If you cringed #savagesssquad

you have reviewed mip before

At 11:08 I saw the mip picture and I basically freaked out because I have that exact thing

dash is for school for coding

Toys r us is still in canada, no one goes to it but its still here

#no more robot homicide

your beard is so nice and thick

tell that editor to f off with these edits


did you see his beard

Team edge should use the laser tag thing outside

With MIP the Oreos he delivered aren’t Oreos they are flooreos Ha Ha gotcha

Let's go STARS!!!

R.i.p cookies

you should do that jeep with head set

R.I.P car

The car thing Matthias drove in is for 5-10 year olds

What did the robot

My sister school has that

You can see the Dash robot at 8:54 before they even showcased it

In sarnia It’s not going out of business.

but you need two arms to play the switch

Rip oreo cookie

I know what you mean

Toys r us is fine in england atleast the one near me

Toys R Us is still in Canada...

I like your big ear's

That’s just rude to women.why should it be different.


Matthias R.I.P

Matthias oo

Hey you made a video on team edge about recoil

I have my own mip at home and when I was playing with it, it knocked my mums wine over and it poured onto my laptop and I threw it cause I was angry and it dosent work anymore

What if your only friend is your Xbox

and look likes he getting shot on power wheels

This might sound dumb but I didn't kno toys r us was going out of business everywhere I thought it only was in NY rip toys r us

you should give stuf away that you dont like to the first comment

I hate you mat that mip is way better if its on a bigger and flatter surface

You don't look good with the mustash

We use dash in technology class

I have a duck named Fred... I don’t have a duck

You have tried it

Rip mip

puts tanner in quotation marks

Can I have a Matthias shirt

Yes I use that dash toy in my school

That dash thing is at my school so it's a learning thingy

my school has a bunch of dashes

Rip toys r us,just cause people us amazon doesn’t mean they should go out of business

i have a mip my dog tryed to eat it...

I got a 9 foot Hdmi cable from Maplin before it went out of business.

Well, Karate Champ was in avgn, so of course its a Bad Game...

At school we play with Dash, Dot (Dash’s sidekick), Mip and spheros! The Mip’s are the best in my opinion

can you get 4k?

my school has one of those robot

Now all we saw was chest hair

Who likes hippies?

look at that face 17:50 hihi nice one shout out please

Can I touch ur beard?

I got an electric scooter from toysareus

Why he put Muslims by the car with the missle

I have a sharper image thunder tumbler, and it sucks, you should get one!

Personally I think it sucks

I'm 11 but I still watch you but you still lit

Matthias oosxo

Matthias s

why they have to shut down toys r us? Btw im a filipino so yeh dont judge me :D

you look like new kratos

that honestly looks like a vehicle for that fortnite skin at the start of the battle pass

Toys WERE Us

Did u die UR beard?

You look like messi

I am seeing your video for the first time


Today and a couple days ago a boy hit my girlfriend and I got really mad

beard also suck.

Hex bugs = clit vibes for children

shut up robo like the beard

call it Alfred

you tried the robot

Was that a cookie? What!!

We use dash is school all the time

we use the robot for coding club at my school

expose look behind tanners head 12:53 he has the last toy



May 1st is a special day indeed It was my birthday

I live in UK and all the uk toys r uses have shut down :(

Im sorry but i dont really like your beard

where i live the toy rus is still in buissnes

The first product I had and got stuck when I turn on

Oh just see you know you know how many kids in the world would love one alloys maps and your friend going crashes it you are so thick do you dumbo

You disgust me are you destroy things like that do you are the worst person in the world nobody likes you

i like the beard too

Yes maybe it would work if you weren't heavy a dumbbell

A stupid little baby just jk I love you would you Mary me jk hahaaha

Noooooooooo not Toys R Us

Matthais I loved

Totaly called jonny quest with his explanation

Matthias can you shartout me pleaze

Matthias why do you cuss in your channle but not in team edge

where did ur beard come from ive only been gone 1 month

So cool

You look like pewdiepie

I just got a Little something before they went out of business .when I was 6 I got a lot of Lagos to play with and I was lonely

I Got A Mason Ramsey Ad Lol

I've never been to Toys R Us...

That beeeeered is dope bro

matthias is pewdiepie in disguise


I have a ton of hex bugs, I love them

Ask the internet

I know why toys r us is going out of business it is because they do not have enough money to pay for something .... nevermind

Car trash it drone cash it

Next toy review. Delicious or disgracious

The beard is ugly

17:48 you'll definitely laugh

It's swomp monsters

maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaariiiiiiiiiiiiiiioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice beard by the way


you are awsome

Pewdiepie called. He wants his beard back.

Poor Canner!

I hate this channel. Why districts the MIP thing it’s just unnecessary.

Lol is he talking about shrek

Is it from me or Matthias looks like the guy from God of war

Big nice Beard

Your beard looks mystical!


Matthias iii

Why is it still here in the Philippines

I dont like you beard to be honest

Tanner was OBVIOUSLY talking about SHREK

+i have a MIP on one of my shelves

Beard makes you look like you have a Horbath chin. LOL

The missile launching car looks pretty boss. It probably didn't help that you broke it right out of the box.

Eww to shitty hockey team's bruins all the way

Dat beard doe

Tan-Man: "Was that a cookie?"

"Toys "R" Us" Now am really dead inside!


Tanner's weird looks like a girl

cut your beard

it mip {meep}

the recoil guns were in a team edge

this made me cringe so hard that I could not stop laughing

All i got from toys r us were two pop figures




tanner i like your beard too

She's going to love the new broken present

Can I have a shout out

I eat MIP wow donuts

Your beard is beast

The beard makes you handsome

The beard is the only thing I see

01:20 That explains a heck of a lot.

Johnny Quest


Lol I have the recoil set


Toys are us aren't shutting down there hanging there stores

I dont go to toys R us that much.but i go to toy kingdom more.they are my childhood.

I love hex bugs because inside is complex

Your beard is gross

React to Uganda nuclkes

I want the car please

I like your beard

I'm in 5th grade and my teacher bought us that robot called dash for science class and stem activities

Why did you do the blue ball program bot and put it after the drone 'car'? Was it just because you figured they'd work better edited that way? Not too sure why it needed to be switched up.

I saw that

hes talking about the thing were hes like eat me ik you want to

#noticafacation squad bro bot says bob

Empty shell of.....LIES?!


You guys should use those guns for another fortnite video maybe

We have dash at my school

My name is tanner and my bros name is connor

I remember you with out a beard #cringe.

I mean in my opinion if a woman were to walk up to a guy for no reason and start pummeling him to a pulp he has a right to fight back and defend himself lol

oh thats where my cookie went

Attack of the drones 4

Been sub for 6 years

MIP is great. I have a black one.

I have that exact shirt

I have that game thing to

When you hit the robort at 12:52 min you are looking like toy story 1 villian boy

Sup nice beard

There still opened

i looked at my toys r us and they arent closing...

we have the dash robot in our school

Matthias RIP RIP RIP

Nothing is actually discounted there right now. What they did was that they raised the prices dramatically and then discounted them to their original price to make you think you got a deal but you really didn't.

9:52 That's what she said.

i have one to

I am part of the notification squad

I have that portable game system and it isn't a mario system and it works great but it is a different model

Have of this stuf did not work for me

I think we use the dash bot in meada

like your chest hair

I play hockey and I just made it to the JR HURRICANES



I don't get the beard thing lately. People used to desire to look clean and smooth, as well as young. Now it's hip to look scruffy and older, lol.

I've never went to toys r us before rippppppppp

I subscribed #notification squad

I have a mip I love it

1 like to stop Robot Abuse

It's because of carpet for that robot

They are dumb enough to support abortion. It was literally killing their future customers.

Nice hair I subscribed and like

Fancy beard

I'll take that boomerang thing if you don't want it, I think it would work for me cause I'm short lolol


He doesn’t know how to use half of these products


let's go plases

Another creator, Company Man has an informative explanation on Toys R Us and their troubles, it's sales weren't really down That much but due to the company by-out, expansions, etc. which put it in so much debt that any decrease in it's sales what so-ever was damning. Too much debt all due relatively together made it un-attenuable.

Yay did the BUG DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthias I vlove ur videos..youve always made me laugh no mater what and I thank you for that btw, I have a crush on tanner. lol.

Battle universe the recoil things

Here's a joke Read more

This and any other thing related to toys r us will be history and shall be missed. Rest In Peace toys r us. Everything must stop at some point... sadly... like the Matthias channel.

Wait, was Tanner talking about Johnny Bravo?

Your beard looks like Zeus had a baby with Jesus’s beard

I love the Wonder Robots, they’re really amazing. There’s a lot of attachments you can buy like the launcher, and you can also get different apps. (There’s a specific one for the launcher)

the first item I have at my house and im sad that toys r us closed cuz it was my nerf central

Poop you


is it just me or does he like john wick from fortnite?

Why y'all say this was your childhood? I went there maybe 8 times and 5 of those I just looked around. Everything was too expensive.

I have mip

I lost my pants

I never realized your head is shaped like a lego brick when you turn to the side

I had a robot from mip but it was very big and a proper robot but one day the controller stoped working its eyes went red and it started chasing me and said kill kill I was 8 and scared for life

I've seen mip at my scholl

You have a Tesla

Take it or break it



Lol I got the Recoil laser tag set for Christmas, I enjoyed it, glad to see that you enjoyed it too Mathias

Matthias propably single-handedly ended Toys R Us with this series

Matt dash is a learning robot. We used dot and dash in bot day our class taught the rest of the school about bots. There are many accessories and apps. My favorite one is the xylophone and the app because you can play and make any music you want. My friend played/made twinkle twinkle little star and dash played it. I think that is a great toy for Luna.

Not rip they have stores In AUS

My little cousins would love that Drifter car

I’ve never been to toysrus

Newer mario bros is real

u copied kratos from the new god of war with that beard

I subbed and turned notifications on

Your my fav yt

Your da best Matthias :3

Cool lol

Swap people

R.I.P cookie 2018 blah blah

I love that beard

instead of ca$h or tra$h u could do great or bait ?

I don't like ur beard

all you are doing is wasting your life!

I used to have one of those mip robots and I called it robro.

Respect the beard

I begged my dad for a mip and it was super boring I was Tired of it after five seconds

Wasn’t he on fbe?

at 1:23 look down at the word he ment good.

17:51 I’m dying from laughter and cringe.

is that just me ho read the hole mario cknok off list

Toys r us is like club penguin bcuz when it goes down it destroys child hood

More like toys were us ... haãåāàáâäæ

Do you play gta5 cause I play

Love your dirty beard because you make some much videos you only have time to wash it

No my cookie, I want it now I’m sad

Matthias hi

Oh Billy

evantubehd tried recoil and it looked very cool

I can see the number plates on the cars be carful

hex nug is popular

evan has the airhogs i tried it its fun but i think its cash

Tanner “jumps” Is that a cookie

Ok i got it know...... how funny is it that an American compony go out of buisness in amerkia but keeps on in the rest of the world. Acctually they just open 2 more stores in and near my city this month. Maye some soon day its not rip toysRus but rip america.

????????? Toys "R" us is not out of buisness....... not in germany. actually thy are open more and more stores.

Wh3n Life Gives Lemons

Good morning sweetheart I how is the is doing going well thanks and hope you are doing well in

35000 people cringed

The rc CAR with a small Gun looks like a nissan gtr

major sales it was 5% off

johnny quest is what tanner is talking about i think

Has anyone told you you look like fix it Felix with a shaved face?

Im am 8 year old who is 5’3 and I don’t think I’ll fit in the car

I have a mip it’s black and it’s super dope tbh

It is good he just did not use it right

7:12 of course I got a boat ad right then

6:16 Satisfying crack

Love hair

Thats not true the owner of toys r us died rip had good child hood memory in toys r us

Your baerd is big like a gaint

My dog swallowed a hex bug when I was seven. Well I guess she didn’t actually swallow it because she threw up and the hex bug was still moving after being regurgitated...

It's called toysrbust toysrbust toysrbust

Dosent care about the Bot just the Cookie lel

I pee

There is a Nother one his name is dot

Xxxxxxzsxeftbukolokhbgcszqaqaqaqswsededrgo, mnbbbvčxzzzaaq%%%%%zzzxsxedcbyhujo,P.O.,lull.o.lp.o,okilikumygcrcdxwwqqq wxecedecrcr good morning is the day I cannot is the way you were all a little too crazy and you didn’t do anything I just wanted to tell you’re happy you had to be there you could do it I would do everything I azsxecrgynimi

i remember when airehogs made air powered cars and planes. I had so much fun playing with the cars.

I had the Myacrade thing. Less games than advertised.

I love you

What was under their underwear

I mean mip

I have a mi0

Matthias i love you're video's i hope you would never stop making fun and btw I always lough sorry for my bad spelling

That dash robot is at my school

10 toys that Luna picked out

hi matthas

Hey matthias you Can make the Mystery box video

All i look at is the beard for some reason, that is all i look at and when i see it on the screan i just look at it... :/

idk whyyyyyy

You guys are so funny

Q Ff

I have that game

12:09 poor *but funny* mip

At 12:12 the blue robot I see you there

I WANT THAT CAR AT THE START it looks cool I say it's a cash

anyone else notice he give any items the bad choice if he cant use it or breaks it...its not the product..its you!

Mathias your beard reminds me of cratos

I'm new to this channel love the beard and the haircut compared to 2015 video and this one I love better with the beard

A lot of robot abuse in this one...

The mip looked like a drunk robot

its probably bad because you FUCKING BROKE IT IMMEDIATELY

I want a mip

Ive had a whole hexbug track when i was 11 and i fucking loved it


Hexbugs are actually really fun, I used to have like 20 and a bunch of the white pieces and Tracy and stuff, I played with them a lot

Cinderella and the seven dwarfs movie is great

I subscribed

If there's a eyes there's a mouths

The beard is majestic

Roses are red violets are blue the thing your here to see is at 17:42


The toxic avenger

Toysrus was one of my favorite toy stores


the car slides

Swamp boys

Wow that beard I hate it Ps sorry Matt

You’re to big for It, It’s for ages 10 or under.

Sorry, but I don’t like the beard

i have the first toy

Cool car

Fear the Beard


The knock-off Gameboy has the exact same sound effects as Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour.

id like you to make fun of fortnight hate that game XD

Toys r us are still ok and rich in norway tho

do an episode on the recoil everyone plays

Most adults are cheap

12:11 so funny

You have used it before

Try robo tracks.


The going out of buisness is only in the US as here in canada we still have them.

Matthias you have already tried the hex bug

Matthias I used that robot at school

12:48 I thought this was kid friendly but when I see this then uhhh

Bad bird so agli

I got a dream game box it super fun

Noooo Matthias that robot was just trying to deliver you oreos you just had to kick it

Why do you have such a little kid name

I'll miss u Toys R Us R.I.P

No joke I have the Hex bug infinity loop thing Mathias reviewed

I have a mipasore


Anybody watching this in 2018?

its still around lol

What's up

15:16 SUPER MARIO RELATIVES had me laughing

No joke he dead serious looks like Lionel Messi

I think Tanner may be talking about Disneys "Tail spin" but Idk.

Saw someone that bought a 1*2 meter star wars speeder at Toys r us

That one guy maybe Johnny quest?

i have that at my school it is cool and there are speros

your beard

did anyone say anything about the editor insulting the wii at 17:39?

I have a mip and it cost like £100 new. How could you break it

O got the dash for Christmas

Rip cookie 2018-2018 we will miss you why u stubborn ROBOT

Dude u do sick vids

G I joe

is no one gonna comment on the fact he said tezla instead of tesla

Dank or stank

12:47 I'm dying lol

shav your berd

Mip looks like the thing from wally

And awwwwwweedeesssssoooommmmeeeee


I was watching the nano bugs and then a spider crawled right next to me

Why don't you use these laser tag guns in battleuniverse

In the beginning of the video, you literally stepped on a MIP robot


Intro song?

He looks better without the beard


Kilabutts lol

iv never been there

...i want to get pinned...

It's E from WALL-E! @ 11:10

Nice beard= nice guy. You are awesome Mathias

Who loves Mathias leave a like if you do


I swear tanner is talking about scooby doo


its a polaris slingshot clone

i like turtels

I have this in my school

Matthias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7ramCFoWeo

ToyRUs Is still alive in South Africa

Stupid young kids always online da heck THAT WAS A CHILDHOOD DREAM I STILL GO THERE I'M 12

hello are you stoned

I used to be obsessed with hexbugs

Toys r us is not going outta business

12:13 My life right now

I saw the MIP at a Pawn shop

Dude your beard is lit

I bet he won’t pin me

Don’t they already have the recoil

We have the robot at are scloo

The beard looks freaky like a lady with hairy armpits.

do a video on your self



Your hair looks good

Your. apple wach. scorn. is blow

He said tastefull instead of cash

Toys RIP us

Fun fact HEXBUG is british And im a brit


The dash thing is educational because we have it at our school for kids that have special needs and it improves there education skills by a lot.

I want a cookie nevermind the robot drop them

4:13 the karate guys does shoot, shoot,shoot.

I won't a mip

Is it just me or he looks like messi

You broke the car!!!!

We play with Dash at school there is 2 apps one just lets you free drive and one requires you to program and complete missions... One of the Dash’s that the teacher bought was programmed wrong I guess, and it went psycho. Luckily you didn’t get a psycho dash!

Matthias keep the beard!! Looks soooo nice!!

must stop stairing at the beard

I have that

Got mine from toys r us

I love recoil

It's 2018. If you don't hit women you're sexist.

I remember when I was about 3 I used to love to go there with my dad and brother,my best memory was when my brother got a Luigi plush,and I got a ambulance toy car

I love u

That’s my channel

Wyatt and Isabel

love you

Make a video of weapons

LOL was that a cookie?

I mean flip finz

Can you buy a flip find

You can't actually drift in the power wheels

Yea how bout you

Both beards are cool

The beard looks like a small rodent crawled up onto your face and died!

You look dumb without the beard but if you got the beard you look so cool and not so plain

i love youer bread

20:30 I want that

How much money does he have?

Too bad you won’t see this stuff soon

I think that everything you don't like give it away to us your subs

I tapped like not because I cringed but because I liked the video

Make a team edge video with the recoil guns

My school has dash and it is really fun to play with

how dare you insult the wii, it's got some great games, like mario universe the squeakuel, monkey king nation returneth, and fable of zeggda:dusk queen. (The wii is a good console in my opinion)

17:35 thumbnail

You have elf ears

I literally only went once

You look like a donkey with the beard

Maybe you guys should donate the toys to some childrens charities rather than break them....

should do things that smach.. then you could smach tanner.lol

I love hex bugs

Bro that beard is the coolest beard I've seen in mylife

I have a black MIP robot it's pretty cool and are school has that dash robot

How dare tanner smash that cookie

So much dandruff on that T-Shirt.



PS I'll never get a shout out since my internet is dependent upon my neighbors being home and not really using it themselves. Le sigh.

Geez, I feel so old now! When I was a kid, I had a pedal powered car that the body was metal. Admittedly, it was probably antique when I had it though. I have no memory where it came from, but I'm thinking it was stolen. It was super heavy, as I recall, and the body style was of a much older car than those of my seventies childhood.

I CRINBEND i i just give up on typing ahhhhhhhh

I. Love. The. Berd

What dowing

#toys are us

i have the portable game thing


i have dash at my school

Mine works better = mip

I'm using my mom's tablet and my name is Connor

nice bear

I like Cozumo more

Noooo!!! Rip toys r us

Can’t stop looking at #nobeardtanner

My teacher bot for dash and dots


I Like Your Beard

1:09 I actually have that

i subscribed

I still see toy r us in the mall

Mip is awesome

You got it from Amazon, and btw all Toys R Us products can be bought on Amazon.

You should modify that bat bike and put a 1000 watt motor in, it will be sick

#NotificationSquad Everytime i know that Tanner is here i know its gonna be a good day

Toys R us...did it really have to go out of buisness :c ive never even been there and im 8 R.I.P Toys R us

I have the missile car and. Yeah no dogs near it

I can’t believe he’s never seen a Hex-Bug before

I have the mip and it’s actually really fun in imo :/

the krate champ controls suck

I have a thing like this a tow and one drone and drifter

My toys are us is going out do live near me. ( this is actually true)

Hi i have a channel

Aw yeah, he picked the Penguins!

He was talking about a hoverboat and adam sandlers waterboy


I love your beard it make you look like a MAN!!!

Awesome beard

Pls make a Pokemon video #notificationsquad

I just found you out and your awesome

You are awesome matthais


Why do you rage smash your items

Tanner is daddy

Its a hover car

Cut your beard

Big fan can i get a shout out pls you are the best !!!!

we still have toys "R" us in norway

I can't resist looking at the beard bro

The dash and dot programming toy,my school has this program.

No Matt not rip toys r us, rip mip.

As they zoomed into the beard,I thought he was about to say"if you want your own beard..." But I was a little disappointed when he said something else

This is an Empty shell of Lies!!!!!! -Matthais


I subscribed and punched the bell in the face

When he kick the robot I barfed

Omg you are so mean to that robot it was funny to see the a robot with no wing's or legs fly XD

Oreo abusing

Toys were us Not toys R us Toys R us is dead

Why you kick mip you don't know how to use it

Was that a COOKIE :O

Hey god bless you

That robot is called dot and dash

The my arcade portable it is actually good if you get used to it

The first item that you got is the one I got for my birthday

We used Dash in school♥️♥️

# satisfying get this trending

12:14 what happend matthias did you loose a cookie???

The cartoon is called wild crats

I think the cartoon is swamp thing

With the hip you can go to settings and choose cans such as fart suave and party

“ what was under there though?” Tanner: “was that a COOKIE?”

its a airboat

Like your video's

I loved toys r us it's my life

"Did u see how much air he got?!"

I can’t stop looking at the shelf with that cool stuff

The go go go thing sounded like gunshots lol



mat get a sphero

tanner does asmr

His beard tho


I have the game boy

Matthias you should do a video on team edge using the laazer guns

I have subscribe

I love u!!!!!!U are very funny

In the Phillipines there is still like 7 stores of toys r us in here

Sorry if had bad grammar

mip is amazing

nice my name is Michael

A lot of toys are disappointments... They make them look like they are better than they are. teaching us early to curb our enthusiasm and expectations i guess. : / That's why i always took my toys apart. To figure out why they sucked so bad... LoL Just buy a Nintendo that's all the kids going to want to do anyways. Physical toys are kinda lame nowadays in my opinion despite the tech involved...

Never ever ever, read the directions. it ruins all the fun.

i also notice your head

Don’t press read more I told you not to Now ur really suffering Hehehe Mwah ha ha Finally the end)

Mostafa Dawud duck

Try to review a stretch Armstrong toy and a vac man toy

U look different with the beard

your on team edge

Quote mtthias"it moves so fast" that's what she said

"Me at my house":IS SOMEONE OPENING A BAG OF CHIPS!! 6:16

Toys R us more like toys R dead

He got shot by the go go go go

Wild kratts

nooooooooooo toys r us

My school has like 20 of the robots

Rip Cookie


You guys should do a battle universe episode with the laser tag guns

#love Mattt

my friend has mip

It was funny at 12:10

That is the best beard

i feel ya tanner on the air hogs thing

Wild kratts???

i love tanner

I have the the robot it's called dash and I really like it and I would cash too it the blue one btw

U should do yah or nah

Suck bug

+91 81304 67606

TIN TIN with Beard.... :D

why do they say TEZLA instead of TESLA 18:42

Is amazon really to blame? Its a 3rd party distributer.....

the car that bought can you give me

Dead pool Fan same

From 17:50 - 18:00 That made my day!

I think mip is dead as I can see


The Mip reminds me of butter bot from Rick and Morty lol

A VIBRATTING little TOY. ''Thats me at night.'' rip tannor 2018

Saw the knock off game thing at the Doller stor


i remember those nano bugs when i was a kid my buddy dropped one down the drain of the sink and it just vibrated continuous in the drain till the battery died

R.I.P toys R us you will be missed

"Oh guys look its a car. Wait no its an empty shell of lies." que the ali-a intro XD 9:01

Great beard man! You should be a hockey player on that game but don't tear yourself in half - lol. I bet everyone dreaded you opening your Christmas toys when you were a kid - grin.

His forehead looks like it has makeup on it

How long do you have to wait too get each produce

my beard strives to be like yours

You guys should do a video for battle universe with those guns

i have an actual drone car

I just wanna say because of your beard you look like the famous fútball/soccer player named Messi It’s really cool

I now the show

i got dropmix for $40 and electroc razors for $180.

i have a mip

Toy r us didn’t go out of business

Kids these days with their shitty iPads

all hale the BERD

I love that robot! Litteraly. Its too cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :\

Yay dash and dot we have 70 of them at the lower school for science and programming

I love your vids I subscribed and hit the notification Bell

I subscribed and dropped a like and hit the notification Bell

It's 3:54

Not in Canada :)

I mean not going out of business

Im lit bout that car dou

Bro Johnny quest is the best show ever

i have a mip plus he trips on the carpet

I have that MiP and I got it before it was out

dont worry, i understand dumbass

wacky races and they are called fan boats

7:20 I am the somebody

Why dose it look like the bat Mobile

I can still get these at toys r us ;)

Are you talking about turtle man

If you couldn't drive this call me.

I'm just going to leave it out there teen men should buy this a couple of sets and then they should do like battles like perhaps Matt and Brian or like Matt and j-fred you should totally do that

You have chest hair

i cant stop looking at that face

I have that infinity loops set and I use hex bugs from 2009 with lol

I’m going to stop watching you’re videos ‘cause I love how you express yourself..

See ya later I’m going to toys r us to get the discounts


Okay okay okay


lmao tanner watchu meaann?!? Im 22 and I love going to toys r us

The white robot looks like that robot from wall e

Matthias's beard reminds me of Keemstar.

We use dash at our school and the ball lanchers there so fun!!

And I have a mip

I'm pretty sure in my beliefs toys-r-us ran out of business because kids are now going into electronic s like phones, game consoles, laptops, etc

jonny quest? that was my guess what tanner was talking about lol and later he said jonny quest lol i was right

So that laser pistol thing is 100% a ripoff of the mass effect pistol, right?

Was that a cookie

RIP toy r us

Why do you not get a fake buy a fake beard and wear it on your face the whole round of open these toys yet



All i know is You spent A LOT of money on these things just for us well i think

I always wanted a mip ☹


I had dash in 5th grade technology class

Great idea for a video.... R.I.P. ToysRus. Was born in 95 so I was an early 2000's kid. (Not gonna pretend I'm a 90's kid) The amount of time I've spent inside my local ToysRus.... I'll never forget.

Duuuuuuude love the beard!


He was talking about shriek

Kicks the robot then gets mad when someone else destroys it “what the heck dude I was gonna give that to Luna”

Dude, how much was the last item?

they have the gameboy thing at walgreens now

Stupid faggot

How are idiots like this relevant. Oh wait there not

Battle universe or team edge should do a video with the recoil guns (video idea)

I didn't know that vibrating motors vibrate!

Anyone else wonder where he puts all this stuff

Can u send me the kit I need so I can play with my recoil

I don't think I want to trade an arm and a leg for a fake game boy system. That exchange doesn't seem very equivalent...


Stop mip abuse

We still have toys r us in Canada

The arms are for the disc the MIP should come with, position the arms upward and slide the disc into place until it clicks into place. He can now carry things

I have a mip. But apparently he’s more expensive because you can program mine? I love him

You have a beard now?


My technology teacher had dash the robot and we actually used the launcher! it was so cool! I also had a hexbug before #notificationsquad

Your beard is nice and full☺

You murderer how dare you kill that poor, innocent mip

that face tho 6:45

You have the same color eyes as me

Leche Ma da fa que luto da vron

my name is tanner

Matt we do stem in school since technically engineering and maths and u can get different ones

We's talking about water boy

The show tanner is talking about is wild katz

There's still a Toys R Us in my area.

I am SOOO sad Toy R Us was my fav place in US

i like the beard! oh, you thought your beard? no no no! i meant tanner's beard! just kidding ! i like both of your beards

I have this for stem class

I am in the UK

It's 2018 u can hit women ifyou want equal rights equal treatment

Make ur beard white

I used to have the airplane but it was nerf?? it was a car with wings and it Flys look it up please

“2.5 speed” no .25 speed tanner .25 speed

Rip cookie

There’s still toys r us in my town

You look lit

Try the BB-8 sphero

Dat nip sounds like you're mom!!!!!!

did you mean shrek?

you looked like pewdiepie when you were putting it closer

When the robot was whining it sounded like a fart

I saw the recoil gun in Walmart too. . .

How did you fit in that Powerwheels? Are you a Smurf?

Cool robot toys


you monster!

My friend has that laser tag gun.

a cookie


Dash: *something* heyyy. Matthias: Oh. it got excited. *copying Dash* Heyyy. Dash: Heyyy. *Matthias just stares at it like only he does, while tanner laughs a little in the background*

do more enjoy or destroy

Did anybody notice when Matthias said tasteful instead of cash at 17:34

I have a tip instead of destroying toys or good stuff you should donate it to those in need

hannah barbera racing the game would be awesome like mario kart but better characters

i invert my y axis

Yup. Tanner lost his virginity to an oreo

Shame on you there are needy children in the world who would love to have something like that.

tanner is bad at gta 5


Hexbugs used to be cool, I’m not sure if they are anymore...

I have dash in my classroom

I have the educational robot in class lol

The "drone car" is kinda like the "drift car" I bought at toys r us yet it didn't have any spinning wheels on the car it just had a tiny turntable with wheels and made it look like it drifted but it didn't so I destroyed it

I got an electric skateboard at toys r us half off. The original price was $180, I got it for $90

We had a dash and dot gor third grade and that was 300 dollord for it all plus the launcher and the car for it

Yes you have

Use beard wax ...

Shots fired

is it hamelton island

Me and my guinea pig love your vids ❤️


Pore cookie

I do not like the beard i liked it before you had one

that beard.......... 13:08 beeeaaard

18:16 hhahahahahha

I have the missile launcher car

Pore robot

Remove the beard

With that Karate game to kick forward you push the joystick the opposite way. that's the way the large version of the video game works as well. This game came out almost 30 years ago ( or more I believe) It was VERY popular.

jumps* Tanner- WAS THAT A COOKIE??????

Wildcrats is what it is!!!

R.I.P robot

You look like santa

7:12 Tanner are you talking about Johnny Quest?? (I'm a huge cartoon buff) (I later found out he said it LMAO)

"Swamp rider" don't you mean an air boat? In Florida there everywhere

nice beard

I have a mip dont break it

Why the long face Matthias?? xD

Your vids the best

You should get some of those lazer guns for battle universe

Can i have the game portable


Staying alive in Canada!

I remember why I stopped watching this Channel, because he destroys these toys that any kid would love to have... you know how many foster kids are out there that would love to have that little robot that was carelessly punted across the room? Hundreds of thousands. I guess their thought process is "oh well it's just a tax write-off and if it's not something that I want to keep then I will destroy it"... Matthias is the type that will burn his clothes that don't fit instead of donating them to people that need them

Brobot was doing his best, okay?!

Mip toys suck , for one year ago my mip broke for no reason how stupit

My brother has that first item

Aha! I live in Canada!

we used Dash in our computer science class

I'm from Africa is toys r us closed her too

better than more video

Matthias you are the cool man

Love that beard

Matthias Reyes

Dat Moostash Doh...Just.WOW

The mip robot looks like that one robot in Pheniase and Ferb where doctor doofinshmerts makes a smoothie-making robot.

The mini game, so want to redo with other nintendo games, but use a newer microprocessor to hold them with an SD card. And I so can do the Can-Am slider, use a truss to extend the body weight. BTW,the laser guns, who shot first fame? What blows if you don't have a smartphone,or want to lose one..... game over.

3:15 Am I the only person who notices that he pretends that he is typing? Lmaooo

Cut toys r us some slack they went out of business

Kill the beard

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