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opportunity [Music] not for each one of us [Music] i am me [Music] i am i am [Music] each other [Music] [Music] yes [Music] worldwide [Music] so [Music] [Music] so hi jorme what wakes you up every day [Music] and secret in your stay strong and energized coffee energizes me about four or five cups a day [Music] is there someone who keeps you going despite a tiring day educati amazing coffee mix partners alkaline amazing [Music] sega let's pick up style [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what does it take to be unstoppable what makes triumph memorable what defines incredible indestructible faith [Music] relentless hope limitless love because we believed and put our hearts into it we made history thriving through three successful years moving faster than ever a feat no one has ever done an achievement we are grateful for [Music] let's continue to live inspire and move and be unstoppable [Music] [Music] so so so so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um practical practical lessons and these are some stuffs very long term telegraph questions [Music] right now it's [Music] worldwide no so i'm 18 years old the honorable start so currently um four years so i'm currently 22 years old so at a point first and um last night in a network marketing company next generations in six months time when i started when i was 18 years old [Music] before i was a student so technically capital [Music] uh [Music] tips for a long term network marketing business all right thank you so much basic tips for a long term network marketing business so i hope knowing uh this is from the heartland okay add more on experience [Music] again it in training 10 basic tips for a long-term network marketing business it regardless if bob um um me seven times a week at least four to five times a week foreign so while you are training why you are learning um um at least four hours extra time in a day four hours four hours looking at eight hours but we're gonna eat our 16 guy spend time with your family um do it with your hobby and all those stuff metal catalogue for ours you foreign [Music] so what i'm gonna do with this four hours time is i am worldwide after school from 5 p.m to 7 p.m in consistent nasa two hours four hours focus [Music] what will you do with that four hours extra time make it or break it all right i hope i'm gonna learn number two nathan again number one attend um monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday personal one-on-one mentoring mentoring personal um daily method of operation closing so padding in a pattern if you like balance balance three to four months or five months max four months time one thousand distributors four hundred [Music] um [Music] for my leaders very important and then my time schedule 15 appointments duplication is caught foreign i [Music] do money making activities daily all right so choose your mentors guides they are priceless not privileged and blessed hindi potayo dependent distributors we are independent distributors okay so pakistan you need to stand on your own asap foreign [Music] copy what works model what works and improve it okay model what works and improve it change five number five develop and upgrade always when it comes to seeing the success of other people you must be happy for them celebrate others [Music] promising sacrifice [Music] clear april no i ain't number five number six apotheo i am always the prospecting lifeblood business prospecting upper online always be prospecting next number seven be in the right environment again so number number seven be in the right environment um very important to before [Music] [Music] you are doing it full time i do suggest and i highly recommend you mentors ggs so be in the right environment because once you are in the right environment when you feel that you are ready okay and the only time that you are ready is when you have results when you have tim again for yourself we have the right culture and i'm very proud of that company [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] talaga [Music] [Music] in everything you do in everything that we do now put god first god first design believing in god's time or god first meaning i hope now i'm going to learn tips for a long-term network marketing business much i am thank you so much puno so for my mentors um i'll spend the last i know i'll spend the last 15 minutes at 15 delegate 10 minutes over time um [Laughter] um [Music] now for the longest time wallana successful family nino hindi a new environment for foster successful young environment hindi grow successful foreign thank you mentor elise use something external it's a internal problem because of the internal problem so for example my negative situation back negative for you because it is something nahindi mupana handled thank you so much everyone have a good day and thank you for being in young thank you so much and god bless bye bye uh yeah and thank you for god [Music] [Music] so so so you

2021-11-04 08:16

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