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Hey what's going on everyone crypto austin here today, we're gonna talk a little bit about trading. And a. Strategy. That i use to trade, with and we're gonna discuss, a little bit about it and just go through some of the steps i've had some folks ask me recently, you. Know, what my strategy, was and, what. The reason was behind, it and i just want to explain and break it down for everyone it's it's it's fairly simple, it could get pretty complicated. But we're, gonna do that right when we come right back. Alright well let's jump right in so the, first thing I want to discuss, with you guys is I have my kids back here so if you hear any noise please disregard. Second. Thing is whatever. We're discussing today it's. Just merely my experience, that I'm sharing with you please do not take it as financial, advice I'm not your financial adviser please. Consult with your financial advisor before you make any trades, or invest into Kryptos or anything like that okay so, once we've got that out of the way let's talk a little bit about this so the, first thing before getting in the trading is a few fundamentals, right, one, of which is dealing with fear and greed and in here I found an article that was pretty interesting, I'm. Going to talk a little bit about that and you could actually google this our article, yourself but. It just says that fear. And greed are commonly known as the two general forces that guide financial, markets you're definitely, aware, of. That Warren, Buffett saying, or some. Variation of it be fearful when others are greedy and, greedy when, others are fearful. Right. So just remember that as we're talking about trading, and things of that nature with. Trading, comes a lot of emotions. Right you're. You. Have fear, of missing out you have fear of losing money and things of that nature and one of the biggest obstacles out, of trading. That I found is just being. Accepting. The fact that you're not going to have constant, winning, trades, all the, time right. As a matter, of fact if we go through and see and. I'll Google this here see. Draw. Down. Google. Draw down here. And. It's. Gonna invest hope yes one of my favorites. And. One of the reasons why you want to be okay with losing, sometimes. Is because there's, this thing called drawdown. Right and drawdown, is the peak - through decline, during, a specific recorded. Period of investment, fund or commodity, and what, this means is that for. A certain amount that you put in and here it gives you a little bit of an example but let's say for example you, invest a hundred percent right and let's say out of the hundred percent seventy, percent of your trades are actually, good and make, you a profit, and out of those seventy percent you have 30%. That weren't that good right or 30. Trees that weren't that good and maybe lost you a little bit of money well the 70% can generally make up for that 30% well, you have to be okay with that 30%, what, it can't what can't happen is your draw draw, down is is, so far down that, your. You. Know you lose 30 trades in the beginning, and most, people won't feel like continuing, they're like men I just lost 30 trades I don't know what I'm doing and they just stopped doing it right or you lose a hundred, percent of your trades because whatever. Reason, and you could see this, article here it's invest, Opia calm, have, a look at it talks a little bit about that. Draw down percentages, and it goes into the numbers all, right so those. Are some things that we have to think about as we're going through and we're trading you know what's your drawdown you can't really.

Get Too excited. Or unmotivated. If, you lose a trade if any, point you lose a trade and you get this courage I recommend, just take, a step back right, well you don't want to do is lose a trade, and try to make up the amount that you lost because, that way you're getting into. Kind. Of like a revenge, trading, right where you're trying to revenge, and make up what your you've. Lost which is normal, human, behavior we, have that we want to make up things that we've lost and don't. Want to feel less, than what we are right so, those. Are very very very common things so those are the things in the beginning you'll have to master losing, trades right. Mastering. Your emotions, just just getting that. Out of the way right make sure that your trades aren't motivated by, excitement, and the, trades, aren't motivated, by fear or greed. And those, are really hard to track especially the, greed part right it's. Really hard to track those things so, I'm. Not gonna read these. Articles too much one, thing I do want to add that today. Wall. Street so or yesterday, Wall Street have put out an. Article. That the, futures, contract they're, now going long on Bitcoin which, is a very, great sign that. You know the markets gonna rebound, here and it should rebound pretty hard so that's, really good news and I encourage, you guys to look up that that article is through. The Wall Street Journal. The. Other part, before going into trading, right so we have the emotional, piece of it right we have things that we can try. To manage. Up front the other part is trying. To figure out or identify, what, type of trader are you are you, the trader, that. Will. Trade by the minute, by the hours, are you the trader that's gonna trade. By. The days or by, the weeks are you you, know or are you just gonna hold for three to six months or three to five years right and that's, really important, and what, I do. Myself, is I do a little bit of both right I do holding, I hold for, a Sinnett, period time and then, I also, trade, on a daily basis and it. Doesn't have to be long extensive. Trading, it doesn't have to be. Something. That you do all day long I know there's traders out there that do it all day long but just investing, about an hour and hour and a half maybe two hours and getting, some small trades in there and we're gonna talk a little bit about small trades and why they're so important, right and I, want I want to go back once we get into that piece and you start thinking about the greed aspect, you start thinking about the fear aspect, and why, doing small trades every day are so critical, to the success, of crypto. Trading, if that's what you're gonna do now, I am NOT a traitor. By Nature I don't necessarily like, to trade a hundred percent of the time, trading. For me mostly, not only helps me grow my reserve, but, it also allows, me to see into, things that, maybe I'm missing, the boat on and so it, gives me a better perspective in, the market at times so, let's, get into that now the terms that I use here in terms of what type of trader you are a swing trader they trade hour-long trader or even a hablar. These. Are just ones that I kind of messed, you, know I just put it put them together and put some things there but. To. Get a better detail, of different, types of traders out there look look up at FX, see M calm. And this. Article is the different, types forex. Trading, strategies, right and you, could see here and it talks a little bit about, each, strategy. Fundamental. Analysis, technical analysis, tree trend, trading, range trading, momentum, trading swing trading breakout. Training retracement. And all of these give, you examples, of what those look like or, like for example our breakout entry trading a breakout.

Breakout Strategy is a method where traders will try to identify a trade entry point at a breakout, from a previous defined trading, range right if the, price breaks, higher from a previous defined level of resistance or a chart the trader may buy with, the expectation, that the currency will continue to move higher and so, all of these will give you a little bit of an example and I encourage you to just read this article take, some time to study it and the reason for that is because it's gonna give you an insight of what kind of trader you should or could be because, not everyone, is trading, on all of these they're not doing they choose one pattern, usually and they stick with that it has to do with the discipline, and you know if you're doing trading that, being disciplined, and that is very very important, now. The. Other part, is talking, about what. Do you want out of your trading, how much do you want every day how much do you want at the end of the week how much do you one in a month and what. Those goals look like right I'm gonna tell you for example my, goal is merely, to make 1%, a day and that. Might include fees and it might not include fees it just depends it depends, how the markets, look looking. And depends, how I am feeling about, the market myself right because. That will determine a lot of it like for example if I'm okay, being. In a trade for a few days then, I might make 2 to 3% right or it, may be a higher risk if I do that where. If I feel like you know what the market, is trending down like it's currently trending down I might, just want to get in and out of trades right and so those, strategies, are part, of what you should be thinking about when you're getting into trades you never just want to go into a trade because, it, just, looks good well if you're doing indicators, and you really think, if it looks good it might be a good idea but. If you're feeling a little bit too hyped right I'm Way, excited to, get in and start trading that's. A real easy way to make some mistakes, so always. Take a step back look, at the market, be. Objective. And go you know what's the likelihood of this happening so, what we're gonna do today is discuss a little bit about that the first thing to do however is I'm. Gonna I have two different things that I use I use tradingview. And I also use finance, okay the reason why I use buy Nance and I'm gonna go over this with you the, reason I use - because - has about. The. Best rates, that you could get out there currently now there are some other exchanges. That will come out with, free. Trading and things like that and I'm not into those yet because I have. A good system going now, but with. Finance, for example you're, paying 0.1%. Trading. Fee and that's on your trading feet whether, you're you're.

Selling, Or buying right so it's zero point one trading fees so zero point one remember, that if. You have BnB. Which is there by Nance token, or coin, you, can choose B and B to deduct. 50%. Off your trading fee okay and in. My account I have that turned on because I do have some finance, tokens as well and, so I recommend, when you sign up for buy Nance which I have a link down below that you can use to sign. Up they, do give me a, little. Something for doing that so you essentially. Buy me a cup of coffee or something but. The, the, once. You create that account go in and activate, that 50%, trading. Feed it will require you to hold, some, finance, token so keep that in mind so, we talked about - now let's go and look at bit tricks it'll see what they they charge so--but ryx is an American trading company and I've used them for a, while now and, you'll, see here they're all trades have a, 0.25. Commission, right, so, it's more. Than double, or by Nancy's charging now let's go to Polonia acts so, in Polonia actually it gets pretty interesting because here, in. Polonia axis states that the makers, will. Actually pay 0.15. Percent, and the, takers will pay. 0.25. Percent in terms, of fees right so you'll see here that anyone. Under, six hundred BTC will. Pay the higher rates right and if you have over a hundred and twenty thousand, BTC, you're paying the lower rates or no rates at all you see that here or twenty four thousand b2c now if you guys have twenty four thousand beat CCS and, you're. On my channel you're. You're you're. Awesome but. Either way if you don't have twenty four thousand beat disease where most people don't, you're still awesome, alright in in, it's, funny that they put the, different. Percentages. Here, and reduce. The amount they're charging you if you have more, BTC. To chain to trade with right so the market makers I think is what they consider so. Either way so if, you look at the fees here you compare these fees here and, versus. Finance. So if you're getting into a trade a point, to is what, you're usually paying for the fee meaning you're buying and you're, you're you're getting out of that trade and so that's buying. And selling you're paying point to right total, if, you do it with bit, tricks here you're gonna pay point, forty, okay. If you, do it with I'm, sorry if you do what Polonia access point forty if you do it with bit tricks is point two five so, you can see the numbers there right it's a little, bit higher in terms of what they charge and they, also would, finance you have that fifty percent so you could be saving even more and if you sign up with my link down below I believe they'll also give you an additional discount, of some kind alright. So let's get into, the. Trade, let's. Go first and talk a little bit about why. I'm choosing, to do the trades that I do. Here's. The deal we talked in the beginning about greed, right and we talked about, fear. And those type of things well I'm just gonna focus on the greed portion, here so, on. The greed part okay it's real easy and, I'm. Gonna go back to Albert Einstein here, Albert's. Said. Compound, interest, is the eighth wonder of the world he. Who understands, it earns it and he, who doesn't pays, it okay and what he's merely saying is that if, you're compounding, interest every. Single day you're. Probably gonna, make out, much. Better right, and, I'll, give you an example for example if I have a trading account with five thousand, dollars in it and let's. Say the daily interest is one point five actually I'm gonna trade it change, to what it actually what I normally. Use about. 1.0%. It, might be a little bit more depending on how I'm calculating the fee so if I do one, point one that would be a good guess as well I'm loading the length, of term 365.

Days Daily. Reinvest, rate I'm gonna do a hundred percent so I'm every day that I'm making that one point one percent profit, off of, trading, I'm also gonna reinvest, it and I'll. Also include weekends. As well okay, I'm just gonna include that because it takes such little time to, go in and put. A trade in and, I'm gonna calculate it so we could see what the outcome, will be in the course of one year from $5,000, okay, and, I'm just gonna shrink it here because I don't think we need to see what you I'll, show you so basically here it just shows, you how the compound, works right so every single day so. Here you'll, see in the bottom here that if you started, with an investment of $5,000. Okay today your, principal, would grow to 271. Thousand dollars and that's by the end, of this. Year starting, this year right and, so. Essentially, you grew that by two hundred sixty six thousand, dollars simply. By making one point, one percent off, of your trades on a five, thousand. Dollar amount. Okay that's not to say you're grabbing all five thousand, dollars and putting it into one trade it, just means that you're grabbing five thousand dollars and maybe you're using you. Know getting one percent with one thousand dollars another percent, with another thousand dollars and so on and so forth and spreading, that out if you feel like reducing. Your risk even, further by spreading out your trades that does become difficult because now you're having to track that number of trades right so keep that in the back of your head so I, know. You what you're thinking Wow one percent is nothing that's that's not much, because some markets will move from 10 percent to 20. Percent of, times right but this is all about consistency. This is all about you just getting 1%, and imagine, what that's gonna do if you're able to get 1% later. On down the road you may be able to get 5 10, 15. Percent and read the market even more because what you're doing is, conditioning. Yourself you're training yourself to be able to read the things and you have to start small right, don't go and start big right away cuz that's how you could lose big, or you could waste a ton of time and not, get to where you're trying to go all right so enough of that we, all understand, that portion of it now let's dig into the chart so I told you I use finance, and I, use training, view if you look at my Nance first we'll go through bye Nance here you're, gonna see that I have a chart pulled up here I believe. This chart is cos, okay so this is us and, you'll. See here and I'll show you just a minute but, you'll, see that yo s here I'm, using the bullying Bollinger, Band okay and RSI. At the bottom here okay. Essentially. And I'm gonna show you how this works on trading. View as well and trading view you could have a free account that you're working with you don't need a complex, account, you, don't need to sign up for their pro account I've really unless you really want to do that okay and I encourage you do some trades first get, that under your belt and then go in and start investing. Or spending money on other, tools to help you trade but, here you'll see that for, example you'll see the Bollinger Band up here and then at the bottom you see the RSI. The. Settings, that I have for this and I'll show you it's 24, - okay and you could adjust that setting here and this, is through the binding site and if, you do the higher side you can also adjust the settings, right down here okay as you, look at the bottom here you'll see that the RSI. Hasn't, crossed the 30 mark at the bottom here in the 70, mark right and it, looks like for some time so you may have to adjust that, here. Right. Here and let's, bring it down like let's, say, 20. See. If that doesn't in the all right let's say. 18. Whoa. 18. Whoa is it gonna let me do 18. 20. All right let's, just keep it at 20 here. So. If you do it at 20 here you're gonna see that you know it gets closer to that 30 mark if you know a little, bit about our site once, it crosses the 30 mark here. That's, just essentially, saying that it's actually oversold, and it's gonna bounce back up if it crosses the 70 line it's usually overbought, and it's gonna come back down right so. One thing to do is when you're looking at the hour sigh here and you're comparing it to the Bollinger Band because what happens is if, you're just simply going based on the Bollinger Band here any time it crosses this bottom, line down here most people are recommending you to buy, unfortunately. Let's say it, crosses, that that line here, right, and you've. Gotta wait awhile to sell it you see that there's nothing else over here so let's say you it crosses here and you buy there you got a way to out so, what.

The IR sigh is gonna help you do is here is if it's getting close to that 30 mark at the bottom let's say crosses, that 30 mark here and it, crosses the Bollinger Band then it's to, me a better. Indicator, to tell you hey I should really, look into doing, a position, that that way so. That way you're not just relying, on one. Chart. Or one, indicator, to tell you hey this is how it's gonna work so this. Is the basis of it you can literally do it with finance I have done it with finance you could even do it on Finance, and your cell phone as well you could do it both ways now, when. You're using that your cell phone however they're, not you using. The Bollinger Band or their RSI, you're, using Ashley EMA. And SMA, lines and you'll. Have to look, at those a little bit different now I'll have a different series to talk to you guys about that and we'll get into that as well if you're looking to do those type of trades but essentially. It works the same way and what you should do is buy low sell high right, easier, said than done, I tell. You easier said than done buy low sell high ok in a, market that's continually. Going up that's very easy everyone, becomes a professional trader but, in a market, that slides down all. Of, a sudden, they're. Like whoa I need to go back and check my strategy, it's not working as well right so the. Goal is to make that amount, every. Day right, and so, because if you're making it every three days let's say you're making it every three days then you're gonna have to make 3%, because remember the goal that I set up for myself is at, least one point one percent the, point one to cover my fees is I'm getting in and out and maybe I'm gonna come out of it with a point nine okay sometimes I'll do a one point two if I'm trying to cover all the fees it just depends how the markets, moving right so, let's get into one so here's. The OS this is the one that I just got into and I'm gonna explain why I got in I literally, got into it about. I want, to say about an hour ago sir okay and. I'm. Going to show you why I got into it so you have the Bollinger Band up here that's the green lines that you see here and then you also have this at the bottom here which is the RSI, and then at the bottom I also have a MACD, and the MACD is just gonna tell me how fast this thing is moving it's gonna tell me a little bit about what. The volume looks like and basically. With, the MACD the way it works is that any time it crosses and, it. Crosses this one this is the MACD verse in the Bollinger Band it, wants it cross to that bottom line there it's telling, me that it's going to a downtrend. It's going to a bear, market right and once, it bounces, above. The. Top Bollinger, Band here it's going into, a bull, market okay and so. That's. Key to know but. That's one indicator, right then, you have the RSI, now look at this for example if you look at this chart here you're, gonna see that it crossed, the bottom.

Band. Of the Bollinger Band which was telling me hey listen we're going into a bear market but, then I look at the RSI, up here and I noticed that the RSI didn't cross the. Number that I put it at which was tapped at 27, see that usually. They said it you said it at 30 however I did it at 27, to do the safest, trade I could possibly, do in a day all, right so, what, happens, is that any time it crosses, down. Past. That, 27. I'm gonna have a look at it I'm, gonna have a look at it and see how it's doing here and then, see how it's doing on the Bollinger Band if it, doesn't cross the Bollinger, Band up here if it doesn't pierced that bottom line at the top here but, it does here, and it, also. Pierce's. The bottom, line. Down, here at the bottom hopefully, you can see that then. That indicates, to me that, I, need. To look at getting a trade in okay, if. It pierces, the Bollinger Band top it pierces, the, RSI, and the bottom then that's a for-sure signal, for me i'ma, get in I'm gonna get in this, one makes a loss. Cents okay and so, if you're asking, you. Know well why did I get into a trade an hour ago well I got into this trade right here because, it, pierced, the the, 27, line that I set it at and it. Appears, that down here and it, pierced it right here as well so to me that was an indicator get, in and. Where we're shooting for that, one percent and we might have already hit that let's see here so, one, twenty five six seven seven one twenty. Four five five four. One. Twenty four five five four. One. Twenty, five. Six. Seven, seven. There. You go there's, your 1% from here, to here perfect. Indicator, boom. You're. Out you, made your one percent for the day you can walk away you, could literally, sit, here and make more trades if you wanted to I've got wife I've got a kids I've got two dogs I've got the in-laws in town I'm actually recording, this video right now while they're at the grocery, store buying pizza and, lord, knows what right so I'm trying to fit these things in as I can so I don't have a whole lot of time to sit here and trade all I do is I enter. The position here. I enter the position and I, set my cell or dur 1% above that which was here and that's, it and I didn't set it to 1.1, I literally, set it to 1%. And I'm. Gonna wait, to see if it goes back down to reenter a lot, of times what happens you buy it at the bottom here it goes, up and you sell and it keeps going up that's okay I'm only looking to make that 1%, that I've talked to you guys about okay because I'm more interested in the compounding, effect of what, I'm doing verses that, quick let's go ramp it up and I'm gonna tell you I also use, a number, of strategies I use a strategy, of holding where, I hold for three to six months I use another strategy of holding where I'm holding for three to five years and I'm also using a strategy where I'm trading daily, right and also doing weekly, and monthly trades. If I feel that a markets gonna move like for example liske Liske, has a relaunch, happening, in February, 20th. Right so I'm holding a little bit of list to wait till that point to see what the market does usually.

When There's a relaunch, even, when there's a fork, a lot of times those tend to make the price go up and, I'll take a bet on that but. Hopefully. I'm making some sense with this chart I know it's a lot of colors going on here I'm, sorry if, some. Of this colors a little intense but I wanted to make it as clear as I possibly can, now if. You, ask well how come you're using all of that right how come you're using the, Bollinger Band the RSI, and the MACD the reason for that is for example let's. Say you follow just, the Bollinger Band right and let's, say, let's. Say you're following the Bollinger Band and you have a pretty good strategy and let me see if you oh s actually hasn't so let's say you. Followed the Bollinger Band and you have a pretty good strategy you feel comfortable with it but you're like you know the Bollinger Band is the one that's gonna tell me everything what generally happens is, that this right here where, it'll, pierce the Bollinger Band down here it'll, pierce, the Bollinger Band down here and then. It won't pierce, the RSI, you see that right here it won't pierce the the, 27. That I use down here usually. They use around 25, to 30 I use around 27. To keep it at a safe margin and, so. If it doesn't pierce that bottom, line here but it pierced here and here, I'm, not gonna trade I'm not I'm not gonna take that trade mainly. Because if let's say it pierces. The the. Bollinger. Band here and it shows here that it's below that Bollinger, Band and I. Buy here, now what now, I have to wait what. Is that I have, to wait one two, almost, two, hours or, so before, I make a trade now that's, not a very long time but I could go through and pick out a ton, of examples, here where, sometimes you would have to wait days, you, would have to wait days before, you make a trade now remember, the goal is to make one, or, a little bit above 1%, and if you're doing that, right if you're doing that 1 or above 1% you, can't have your, money tied, up into, a, trade, for. A number, of days ok now, I'm not gonna get into the technical, analysis, and talking about these different. Indicators. Here but, this is a really easy one, to start, with and follow and. What. It does require, out. Of everything, it does require, a, ton. Of discipline. Right for. Example, let's let's look at this thing here so. This one here at the top you'll see that it. Pierced the Bollinger Band right here you see that right. Here. Normally. If it does that if Pierce. Is one candle, and it crosses the RSI, and. It's. On an, uptrend right, here I'm not going to trade that because, it's not following, the rules that, I set out that it has to happen it, has to pierce the bottom it has to pierce the RSI and it has to pierce the Bollinger Band and usually. It would have to look a little bit where.

A Bunch of candles, and this is on a 5-minute, chart right a bunch of candles where they have to pierce now keep in mind if you do it on a 1-minute, chart that's gonna look different if you're doing it on a 15-minute, chart it's gonna look different, let's click fifteen minutes you'll see something, different there if you like doing fifteen minutes that's a you know that's a really, easy way, to. Make. Trades as well because 15, minutes a little bit longer and your trades will stay in there longer you, sometimes can make more but. At this point we're trying what I'm trying to do is get to that 1% that we're talking about and so, if you go through here and you look at for example this. One here this is a theorem currently, so aetherium right here you see how it's doing. It squeeze here it's about to squeeze. RSI. Is in the middle it did. Not pierce. The Bollinger Band even though it did, down here it did not pierce the RSI so we're gonna move on to the next one let's look at neo and this, is how a scalping, this is how I'm looking for it right so, you go through here it did pierce the Bollinger Band it's in the middle of the RSI boom not. A good one for me right now go, to the next one and this. Is XRP and you see it's on a downtrend, here so it may pierce here and if it does then it Pierce's here and it shows me that it's piercing this one that may be a good, trade to get into if you, go to litecoin, you'll. See, that it's actually on an uptrend and you, go to I guess this is a theorem again anyways so, I have all ten of, them. Saved and I'll go through here I have, all ten of them saved here into, my by Nance account, I'm. Sorry into my trading view under, the by Nance account here and these are the tens that, I focus, on any, more, than ten I generally, start losing, track, and intimacy with those coins you want to get a little intimate, with the coin so you could kind of predict, or, have a predictive, measure of how you're doing okay now, if you are looking to make two hundred three hundred thousand. This will be a very easy way, to just try. To test it out know, this start with a very small, amount and build, up from that point I'm not recommending starting, with five thousand dollars that's not what I started with I started out with a few hundred bucks and I grew it to a certain point okay I'm not gonna take exactly what point but I did grow it to do it to a certain point. And. So there are many other indicators, that you can use with trade of you like for example if you go here you could pick a ton of indicators. You could pick whatever indicators. You want one. Of which that I use all the time the hiking Asha candles, you. Could use the holo candles, or the straight candles, as well and if you do that you'll get also another different, type of reading as well here and those, all will give you a better idea of how you're doing you'll just have to learn how to read those as you're going along but. As. You can see here with the hiking I should candle. Way, is this the straight candle no this is the ayakashi okay. Let's. Go to regular. Candles if you look at the rather regular, candles you'll see that the readings are slightly, different because, the hike annachi has a momentum. Effect. There that causes it to look a little bit different and report differently so if you look at the candles look at the candles how it looks here and once I click I cannot see you can see the difference is there there's more red candles, and. Which. Is indicating, a Down trend right. And so, you. Choose, those positions, now let's say the trade that I got into earlier today. Doesn't. Actually do, what, I think, it's gonna do right it was on a five minute candle and let's, say it doesn't do what what what is what would it actually was, supposed to do here then, in that case I would, just hold out and see, what happens, right or, you, could close out the position, now here's. The deal there's a trade, trailing. Cell, where trails, up and there's, a trailing stop right so the trading I'm, sorry trailing by in a trail a trailing stop the.

Problem, With using a trailing stop like, for example this, isn't a good position I'm just gonna use this as an example let's. Say you buy it right here and you put your stop okay, I'm gonna put my stop I bought it at 126. And I'm gonna pull my stopped at 124. 125. And, you. Set it up right and then this candle, right here closes, you out you just lost money immediately, so when you're setting up those stops if you're gonna use a stop loss you, have to set, them up a little. Bit aggressive you. Would have to set them up a pretty aggressive right you, want to go down a number, of percentages, and maybe 10 and maybe 15, and maybe 20%, same. Thing with a trailing by the. Reason for a trailing buys for example, let's say it's, a coin like Bitcoin, where it's shooting up and it's, gonna go through a point, of no return meaning. You're. Trading, it and, you're thinking okay well I'm gonna go ahead and sell like, for example a Bitcoin. Hit 20,000, in December let's say everyone's, sold at 20,000. If you put a trailing, by at. 21,000. Or 22,000. That would be a pretty effective, way to do things and the reason for that is, because if, you. Sell at 20,000, it continues, going up and it goes up to 21,000. You, don't want to miss that opportunity I can't tell you how many opportunities, I've missed before, I started, using a trailing buy that way okay so it just depends on what you believe in terms of your coins. Alright. So hopefully, we discussed a little bit about trading, I'm hoping that most folks that had some questions, I actually answered, that, for them please. Thumbs, up subscribe. Share. This with folks if you actually share my video on your, YouTube channel, just click share and you, put it in your channel that helps me out quite a bit I am trying to grow our community and, get, us to, a different number and so. Thank, you for visiting with me today I'm hoping you're having a great weekend and I will to you soon bye-bye.

2018-02-03 22:28

Show Video


There's an airdrop coming up, MoneroV is the new coin (hard-forked split from Monero XMR) which is supposed to be airdropped soon. Hodl Monero for now. Thank me later.

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Im using coinigy and it only has macd, not macd BB like you have. Is there any settings on the reg macd I can set to its follows the bolinger bands like yours?

+fetconnect Cool!

I can just use it on trading view as I have that also, thanks

+fetconnect it would be to cumbersome to explain on comments senction. I will do a video at some point and explain for folks who don't use Tradingview.

wow thanks for getting back so soon. Yes I have bb open on the chart also. just not sure what lines to look for that cross like you are outlining in the macd

+fetconnect I would have to look at it. I haven't used my Coinigy sub in months after transitioning into tradingview. You could use bb seperate from macd but it would give you same look but in essence same results...if that makes sense.

New Crypto trader here, very good video... Thank You for your work for very good detail of explaining how to get set up! Clipped my 1.1% plus some on my first three trades! Thanks Again!

Bill Dailey Thanks Bill. Great to hear about your trade success.

Austin, you really explain things well, I was wondering if you offered a video on how to use level two on binance? I cant seem to find any videos on you tube that do explain it well for binance users, and I was wondering if you would offer it in the near future? Thank You!!

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