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so hello i'm Bob Anglin this is Phil and this is  Jess and we are going to talk about Arro Social   today we're going to talk about uh web3 and a lot  of other little topics surrounding cryptocurrency   and other things so uh let's get started uh  let's start with what's going on right now   with uh Arro Social and where we're at what's  gonna update on where Arro Social is right now   and uh where we're heading cool  so i'll take the lid on that so   we got a lot of exciting things happening  we're going to be going to the south by   southwest festival and going to the startup  crawl on this friday so that's uh march 11th and   so we're going to be introducing some things  and if you're in austin texas make sure you   go sign up for the south by southwest uh crawl  and we're going to be um introducing basically   what we're calling it is the uh station  it's the Arroverse it's the error version   so we're we're introducing the Arroverse it's  earning on the Arro Social and then basically   using it anywhere in the world um the Arro Social  app is out and working um and we've got updates   coming and then basically we're building the XPOS  network out as fast as we can to companies that   want to use the XPOS to be able to utilize the  aero token let's talk about what this Arro Social   token we're talking about that a little bit  what's what can Arro Social token already do   and um you talked about pundi x does people do  people really know like what that means that it   that can work on a pundi x system so the nice  thing about pundi x is it it is worldwide right   it came out of singapore the us is holding folks  accountable europe is holding folks accountable   and so is singapore so it's like the third  or fourth recognized uh crypto entity that is   being recognized for not just signing a piece of  paper saying everything's hunky-dory so arrow is   um being recognized along with some  of the other top 10 cryptos as being   held on the pundi x machine as being able to be  traded on the XPOS so that's pretty exciting news   that we're being uh ranked with some of the top 10  crypto yeah i don't know if it's called you would   call it legal tender but it's definitely been  approved according to the legally approved in   singapore as a payment token ability of something  that you can pay make payments with um and that's   why it's on the XPOS system that's why it's  one of the few bitcoin ethereum usd tether   yeah a few other uh the die a few others and Arro  Social token and that means that you can literally   go they uh pontiacs also their big thing now is  pushing these um exchange kiosks around the world   um and they're opening new ones all the  time so literally you can if you have a   bunch of aero social tokens and you're in  istanbul uh you can go over to the pundi x   thing and you can get istanbul money with  you in turkey and yeah um south america   and africa now too yeah and not not to mention  also any place that um accepts it at the shop   itself where you can go and get a cup of coffee  or whatever um which of course that's it's bigger   thing in singapore but it's central america  and south america that's growing really quickly   the acceptance of um through point of sale devices  of of cryptocurrency and we're one of the few   cryptocurrencies that actually can do that which  is awesome yep and we've also recently signed   uh contact that we are the sole representative in  the us and puerto rico that we are the distributor   for the XPOS machines here in the us um you  know and this is something we brought up i   think yesterday or day before yesterday um we  were talking about this and this is something   that most people don't realize that um verifone  both verifoam and i think the other one's called   the pax machine these are point-of-sale devices  that you'll find in every walmart uh you know   hebs krogers they're they're all over the world  um already right what people don't realize is   that the software for pundi x is actually embedded  in the new machines already um it's just a matter   of these um entities these stores chains walmart  whatever to literally say i'm gonna turn that on   and accept it um so it's already there in place  and able to be accepted it's just a matter of us   creating that saturation level that makes them  realize that they can make money doing that way   soon as they see that there's money in  it they'll of course switch over to that   um so that's cool yeah it's uh very exciting  we're in a real good position and and basically   right now it's about awareness right we've been  doing a lot of efforts and you know trying to   get some more um marketing done for the company um  we realize that this is requiring a big push that   you don't necessarily see a lot going on within  the social media space i mean so which is why   we're gonna talk about web3 today and hopefully  get everybody to understand a little bit more   about what that entails um as far as you know  decentralization and so forth yeah um it's really   interesting um if you look at if you follow any  of these uh influencers on tick tock instagram   um and there's some of them that are there like  watch out for this this is the wise way or the   smart way to um invest in crypto nfts whatever  um and the big thing that they're saying now is   go research the social media of a company um and  this is how you look at them to see that they're   they didn't just invent that because that hasn't  been a big thing lately is there have been some   notable scams especially in the nft thing um  where some an entity comes in they literally   buy a hundred thousand followers they fake  they steal a bunch of pictures from somebody   else's accounts they put it on their accounts they  make their accounts look like they're big things   they push push push and they make them look like  tons of people follow and then they put out uh for   you know a thousand to ten thousand crazy ape  nfts and then they walked away with the money   closed all their accounts and nope they're nowhere  to be found so um because of that you have an   increasing amount of people being like uh this  is how you look at it so even more than ever um   crypto and its value um is is hype driven you  know it should be community driven where it's   people working together to do something but it's  largely um driven by can i hire this influencer   to say they like my token because it's gonna  go to the moon um more than it's about people   coming together and creating something together  um and that's that's something that we we need to   address also and but when we start talking about  this web three stuff i think that'll that'll be   part of what we talk about um there are some big  influencers in the crypto space on on instagram to   talk what what not and um i thought it was really  really important to look at what they're saying   um and because they kind of typify the mentality  of social media in a web 3 world and social media   as what they're asking for is a decentralized  social media and that's what they think of when   they think of crypto and whatnot so i'm going  to just play the each of these are pretty short   i'm waiting for the centralized platforms to  crumble and i'm waiting for that new it's very   hard to launch a social media platform that's  decentralized and get a user base a big user base   so i'm i'm waiting for that that one that's going  to do that and i do think web 2 companies it's   over it's always game over we're here we're gonna  run stuff i don't own my followers on tick tock   tick tock owns those followers if tick tock  goes away it's gone like that right now i'm   just going with it it's happened so fast right  i'm just trying to build a big crypto audience   and help people get into space okay so that's  the first one and that's just the the feeling   of what people are asking for the crypto world  and the social media world coming together   what they're asking for so just quickly reactions  what do you guys think so he's talking about   bringing down big tech and the key point he talked  about was ownership right and so he is absolutely   correct about ownership right um not paying for  your creation of content and not paying enough for   that content is the key issue here right if you  don't have ownership of what you're creating then   you'll never be able to um bring back any of the  control any other direction um that's literally   what people are complaining about and upset  about and um all that power and control will just   um be continued to direct the value and the money  um in that one central location so the the key   thing that we are actually focusing on in uh at  Arro Social is that ownership um it actually um   does bring that value and that um that  control back to whoever creates it   and and that um is our main focus and  what we want to do to make sure that you   you get your earning and and your content  creation good jess what you think um   i kind of want to highlight what he said about  how difficult it is to bring that user base onto   a decentralized platform um i think a lot of  people who have followed us um for as long as   we've been working on creating this movement  has realized that we've been a little slow and   stagnant in some areas um yes we can highlight  that in a many different ways by saying it's   difficult to try to get somebody who has never  heard isn't familiar has only briefly heard it   in passing to really understand the concepts that  we're trying to push for their benefit it's not   just like oh we're going to benefit out of  this more so than everybody else that's not   true the whole point of decentralization is that  there's nobody that's in control of this one   specific entity entity being the social media  platform entity being uber it could be anything   that could be decentralized it's just difficult  in general to get somebody to understand those   concepts um so yeah it's gonna take a a few tries  to figure out how to better explain this to people   in a way that's really consumable um immediately  people hear web3 what is that it's a very simple   you know understanding what you kind of get the  bits and pieces of it but at the end of the day   if you're not willing to put in some of the  effort and really learning about what it is   that's where you're affected that's where  onboarding people can be very difficult   which is what we've run into it's kind of hard  to explain people the benefit whenever it's too   complicated or whatever else they kind of say  it it is so that's kind of where we've been also   on that note as well so i'm glad he kind of spoke  about it because it's not easy yeah i like that i   like that he addressed that right he addressed  that there there's a difficulty but i this is   something i was just thinking about um while you  guys were talking is um and i want your thoughts   on it is um by very nature if we say decentralized  right and if my mindset is hard distinction it'll   keep things decentralized then by by my very  nature i'm not amassing a lot of people together   right um the very nature of being social is people  coming together at one place right um so it seems   like if i'm saying i'm it seems like there's like  a con there's a conflict in thought right i mean   yeah we could have our own little groups all over  the place that's technically decentralized right   um but as soon as we start wanting to reach where  you can be a place that can reach a billion people   um like instagram does right um or  3.7 billion people 4 billion people   like um facebook does um the question is can we be  decentralized and still reaching masses of people   and therefore uh having of course we got what  we have to deal with is the monetary part   right i mean we could all buy our own we could  all buy or buy into some social network that we   all own and we could talk to our friends on the  social media media network um you can literally   have that just made for you on online and somebody  will give you your own social media network right   um but can you can you really rival what's being  done in social media right now in a decentralized   world what do you guys think yeah that becomes  part of the problem right some folks that i've   talked to says is there so when you mask this  all together and then i'm only going to get   217 dollars right and so it's this part of the  equation that i'm going to work all this hard   and then am i really only going to get 217 dollars  right um and so it's convincing people that   the understanding that facebook isn't giving  you anything right the understanding that   you are giving everything that you're creating  you're spending time your efforts you're giving   everything away to facebook for free right that  is your efforts your content your story your value   it's you right whether you make two  dollars and fifty cents whether you make   a million dollars whether you're the best  person in the world right you give that away   for free um and so that's that's part of  the conversation right um now if you're just   for my wife for instance right um she doesn't  care and that's fine she has a great time   she shares with our daughters and she shares  with the family she has no interest it's fine   she's not wanting to make a profit for our  daughters who do want to make a profit for   those who do want to make a living off  of that and obviously for the influencers   who have made a living from that their  value and for those who they want to   earn that value from and for companies that want  to reach those influencers then there's value in   that in that market and those are the people  that should be should have some interest in it   and try to build from that that's that's the the  folks that should have some interest and that's   who we need to build this for and that  we need to take that that control back to   and give that control back to them so  they have the ability to do it instead of   giving all that power control uh ownership  away um that's the reality behind   um in my opinion why we're doing what we're doing  before it's gone so far down the road that it's   impossible to get back that control jess what you  think got anything on that one the question was   the question was um whether we think current  social media platforms could go decentralized   or do you think that um that that decentralized  platforms could really go toe-to-toe   with the big tech platforms that are already there  to put it into those perspectives you kind of have   to look at what we are dealing with now and what  the potential of what could be in its similarities   i guess so for example we talk about like facebook  and you know them having one central head of power   you know it's either it's mark or  you know the vcs that back them   their whole whatever their leadership and what  they have done so far and what they continue to do   to take advantage of everybody's content  their data i mean i'm getting really tired of   well actually this doesn't happen i deleted  facebook so but i used to get super tired of   scrolling and seeing something i thought about and  was like that's just getting on my nerves because   why am i thinking about those things and it's  popping up on facebook um to the ability of web   3 and having it being decentralized um you know  if everybody has a bit and pieces of the central   um decentralized model for social media then i  think that would give a little bit more equality   back to the people however i don't actually  believe fully that that could fully happen until   everybody has a piece and equal share of that  um we can kind of take a look at the current   blockchains now and see that some people  have a little bit more power than the others   and it's kind of finding a balance between that  as well i mean you can think of you know bitcoin   and know that they're still the creator of  bitcoin who probably has as many coins and   could create a different influence if he  wanted to you know same thing goes with   um the creator of ethereum so those are kind  of things to take a consideration of of where   we're trying to go and how much more we still  have to go as far as being fully decentralized   within the social media realm hopefully  there's something out there that can help us   um you know be a part of that because that would  be pretty cool but very difficult yeah um i'm   just gonna touch on two things real quick um one  thing would be i think that we're starting to come   to like an understanding what people really are  thinking right they're thinking that i get a say   in what you know people the people using the  networks get some kind of say in how that   network works and they're getting some kind of  mod they're getting part of the value of how that   network works and i think now we're starting  to like if you start breaking it down to that   that starts being more doable right when you  start breaking like how do we bring value   to the individuals and how do we um how do and  how do we make give people some kind of say   in what's happening um the other thing  is i'm gonna be just zuckerberg's   zuckerberg's advocate for a second okay  um someone would say that you do not   get every that they're not just getting your  content for free that they're providing a service   to you and it's an exchange your content for  the service of being able to reach your friends   so just like i use a phone somebody i i pay to  use my phone right and the service that they're   providing in exchange for the money i give  them is which is way more than i think it's 28   it actually breaks down to about 28 a year per  user is actually how much they made say in 2020   too about 28 per user um then um i pay way more  than 28 dollars a year to use my phone i think   i use way more than that in in you know for one a  month right um so someone could argue that right   but um but if we go back to but you have no say  in how they deal with your data to you with your   content um i just threw out a thing instagram  did this to me i mixed music on garageband   all right i made a mix myself i took that  mix and i put it on a little video i made   and i put it out there the algorithm or whatever  they're using now i decided my music was somebody   else's music and put it on their account  as some of their music under their sound   and i listened to their sound and it was very  similar because it was a basic the basic rhythm   was a middle eastern standard rhythm loop right  that this guy was also using the algorithm   couldn't tell the difference between mine  this guy's and therefore credited him with it   even though i had made it myself right um  and i think there's a there's a problem right   ownership becomes a big problem right um and  and who gets to say if it's really ownership   and there's also absolutely no way for  me to tell facebook that they're wrong   they give you no way all i can do is delete all  right if i don't want this guy to get credit   for my thing i can simply delete my video it's  the only choice i have wow that sounds so wrong   yeah um like in my opinion that sounds all wrong  right um but that's becoming a problem right   um and it should be a question of who put it  on there first who owns what and there should   be some type of questioning mechanism that and  some determination process that who owns what   and then the the reality becomes it becomes a  value proposition right um and yes it becomes   about ownership and and control um and some type  of of operation um um that's that's what we're   coming down to um i want to show one more  i was going to like break them up because   they'd probably be better for me if you don't  understand web3 this might help you tik tok was   made for the world of web 2. so right now we have  tik tok right here all tick tock's information   is right here so if this server goes down for any  reason tick tock just stops working on everybody's   phones now imagine if this server was dispersed  and everybody had a piece of it imagine if tick   tock headquarters was on everybody's phone in  everybody's pocket so in order to take down   tick tock you would essentially have to take down  everybody's phone which is nearly impossible so in   this decentralized world who would be in charge of  tick-tock if there's no central power well imagine   tick-tock issued a cryptocurrency the individuals  that hold the most tick-tock coin or whatever it   would be called would have the most say in changes  to the tick tock platform the theory is is that   if you have the most monetary stake in a platform  then you have less incentive to ruin it now apply   that principle to everything uber google youtube  that my friends is what we call a decentralized   autonomous organization that my friends is the  future and it's coming faster than you think   okay so there's two very different things that  happen there the first kid is talking about like   this is what i'm looking for this is what i  want the second one is uh imagine this right   yep this is an it's an imaginary version of  what he thinks would be this decentralized   world or what how web 3 would work uh web 3 is not  an easy solution like now it's about memory right   it's about memory and use of  web 3 for a storage mechanism um   my personal belief is if you want  to make it social make it social   if you want to make it private make it  private right um now it becomes about secrecy   and storage capacity and and all these things  and so facebook has huge storage farms that cost   a lot of money to run not saying that it's not  expensive for storage and if you want to keep your   private data private then there becomes a lot of  storage capacity issues if you want to share your   product and make money off of it we  um can help you share and be social   but we also don't want to be a storage farm for  your private secret information right how are   you going to be a social network and then have  lots of secret information that you don't want   to share with anybody that doesn't make sense  either um and so being social is about sharing   and then earning money is about sharing  and growing your network and so you need   you as an individual need to determine what you  want to share and grow your your network about   and so all these decisions play together  in a sharing growing community and network   and and so um web 3 is about those decisions  of what you want to share and what you want to   grow and how you want to earn um and those are  all tough decisions um that then web 3 is about   what nodes are going to be storing this  information for usability and earning power   um i kind of just wanted to re-highlight  something i had said in an earlier episode   as far as decentralization especially  with the current climate that's going on   overseas there was a story that was stated  that there were lines and lines and lines of   fellow ukrainians who had to wait outside atms  and were limited to only a certain amount and   this is what banks were doing in order  to you know make sure that they weren't   emptying out i guess the banks in a sense but with  decentralization that would never be a problem   because you're constantly having it with  you at all times um something that we have   here at arrow is that we focus on having  a mobile wallet we utilize the x wallet   because it partners well with our pos device  the pundi x XPOS so having things like this   and talking about what web3 could do for you  and just highlighting something as simple as   this isn't going to be stifled in any way this is  you know the ability for you to access at any time   whenever situations like these arise and  of course you don't want this to constantly   have to be a problem or a reason for you  to go out and do something like that but   it doesn't hurt to know that you  are constantly going to be prepared   regardless of whatever happens um which is also  something that i think is really important for   us to kind of speak about um as we go throughout  this podcast yeah you know the saying um you don't   put all your eggs in one basket what's even better  is a basket that other people can't get to exactly   that you can that you can put somewhere that is  literally impossible to get to um um you you talk   about the ukrainian thing that you know if you  go back a few weeks to whenever the um canadian   government put started to attack attach the bank  accounts of people who were protesting and the   people who supported them um and their crypto  wallets within the exchanges um the canadian   exchanges um this exchanges are centralized right  this is why people are trying to say if you're   not if you're not exchanging pull your money pull  your tokens out of the exchange don't leave them   in those wallets because that's literally where  almost all of the theft and fraud has happened   in the entire crypto world over all these years  and all the massive losses have almost all been   because people left used exchanges as their wallet  and then the exchange gets hacked somehow right   the central places is where it gets attacked  or the way in and out of these central places   so there was actually a bank runs that people  know you don't hear that in the main move but   there was actually whenever they started  attaching that people were running on the   banks and trying to get all their money out  because and and the canadian bank and actually   every bank only holds about 10 percent of the  actual currency in cash that they say they have   none of them can hand you more than 10 right um  my sister my sister the other day was just like   uh i have to go put in a write a written form  to get cash out of my own savings account   to go buy something for my business  right well and then like you hear   that jp chase morgan and like all the other banks  are starting to accept and you know have crypto or   like the ability to buy and sell crypto from them  and it's well that's convenient that literally   defeats the purpose of what it was created for it  wasn't for me to go to the bank and buy a crypto   why would i want to do that i could just change it  between friends yeah the only time it needs to go   to the bank is whenever you want to turn it into  cash which it would be later taxed which now is yeah the only time it i mean that was that was  um if you go back three four years ago that   was the big complaint is that yeah i get i i can  accept um whatever your token is um how do i turn   it into something i can actually turn around and  buy something with right we're actually trying to   solve that by creating the os devices that do that  um and it's just a matter of merchants businesses   entrepreneurs starting to get together and say  okay i'm going to accept this other other form   of payment right that is of value um let me get  into other things with that you can now in texas   do it in texas but it's a whole other episode that  we'd have to get into to talk about those issues   um but um on the whole web 3 thing yeah that's  uh that's uh i think it's really comes down to   owner like who where is the ultimate  value where is my value where am i   getting my value and where is my say um  go back to what jess had hit on earlier   when she's saying you know i'm scrolling through  my facebook and suddenly there's something that   i was thinking about well they're using social  engineering techniques to drive um consumerism   right they're actually hinting at things to you  in your feed whether you know it or not that are   catching your mind and they're actually making  you think about things and then they hit you   with the you know then they hit you with the  cell right they've actually enticed entice entice   all your friends talking about that and then i  hit you with an ad from a tent on top of a truck   which of always is something that i'm interested  in but yeah that but there's actually a book that   i'm going to try to dig up i just um saw something  about it it's actually foundational things that   the google engineers used in how you search  on google and it's based on social engineering   let's touch a little bit more on some of the other  things that this kid said the second kid right i i   don't have his name right now i'll put it up on  uh like so everybody sees it right i'll mention   his name his name is this uh because he has a huge  following he's like 800 and some thousand dollars   followers on on tick tock um but he kind of was  more like imagine right so let's break down a few   things like we don't have a lot of time only like  20 minutes left but let's break down a few things   that he imagined right um some of which are really  cool and some of which are like how viable is that   especially for something that needs to move at  the speed of social media yep okay so first of all   all of my social media content is on my phone  and you would have to take down everybody's phone   to take down all the content so in a nutshell  that sounds like from what he's saying   every phone is a node and therefore  it contains an entire social media in every phone recorder so   here's what some companies are trying to do right  pundi x is trying to do that with a node to track   pundi x's token right just a token not like videos  and pictures and all that right so if they're   just trying to basically track their token that  doesn't sound very viable for the size of a video   um and so if it is just tracking yours  maybe right but then how are you going to   share that or download it or or access it when  somebody else is trying to watch your own video   and upload it so in the near future that doesn't  sound extraordinarily viable and kind of like how   i hinted at with like facebook has whole entire  um storage farms um i don't see how that can be   store the entire video content of even if you're  breaking down a region on a phone i just don't see   like storing the southwest on somebody's phone  and then feeding that southwest region off of   a phone network in the near future right  for a split second to press a like right   um and so if you're tracking a pointer so like  fill view this and then you get a view and uh   and a token for that i can see yes you can track  a token for that or you can get an arrow for that   because you viewed it i can see how you  can track a view for that but i don't see   how you can play it or i don't see how you  can actually store it store that particular   piece of content on that phone does that make  sense yeah what do you think jess you're the   programmer in here so what do you think um i mean  the basis of it is if you're gonna have a lot   of data you're gonna need a server to hold that  data yeah um all the computer space in the world   with that you could probably upload like  three videos if anything um and that's it so   i mean to imagine something like that yeah that  looks like some pretty powerful technology but   at the end of the day that's not something  that's currently viable at the moment um we don't have it yet but i mean nobody thought  that we would have web 3 as early as we did now   and look where it's at now so who knows like  somebody's out there probably building it   as we're speaking about figuring out figure out  the technology behind what exactly i i mean i   one hour of this podcast is about five  gigabytes of you know memory space yeah   so i can only have so many of those on my  computer before i have to translate that   yet but i think it's hurting yeah yeah yeah and  that's that's what i'm kind of saying it's like   you only get so much before it kind of shuts down  so as a powerful technology as that could be yeah   that would be nice to know that no matter  how often my phone dies the power of it is   still there but currently we're still needing  those servers currently that's where you always   hear about those farms no they're not talking  about cows they're talking about server farms   you know places to hold your data and that's where  they're living at right now they're huge yeah   um and i would argue that there are cows they're  data cows and they're milking them constantly um um no i mean yeah i um i was just thinking my  phone i have to dump my whole phone and this is   just my phone's pictures my photos in my phone  about every two months and i hold mine holds   like 20 gigs i think in the cloud storage but i  usually max out my cloud service every couple of   months and that's just on what i use my phone for  this video we're doing right now will be 28 gigs   at least for this hour um now that's 4k and that's  high quality right um it always gets pressed   it gets compressed and probably ends up by the  time it gets on on the web it ends up being   probably 720p or something like that or maybe  1080 top it compresses it down to probably five   gigs before it gets it'll get out there to to  um to say youtube but still that's one person's   podcast going on youtube so if we decentralize  something like youtube which the kid mentioned   um that's a ton of data and try to make a phone  call in the middle of that yeah and and the other   thing is it makes it so that my social media then  has to be accessible by everybody in the outside   in order to be the point to get my thing right  so yes servers um i want to throw this out there   possibility uh i think this is actually wise  the decentralization of servers yeah i mean   that's really the key i think that i think that  is the key right um and that is the focus of of   the sharing right um that everything's not focused  on these gigantic farms is that then the value can   certainly be just decentralized the control can be  decentralized the storage maybe may not be but the   control the value the tracking all that should be  decentralized and the decisions should certainly   be decentralized i mean you can imagine i'm  since this is that was that was talking to   completely about imagining yeah imagine that you  um decentralize um servers right imagine 10 20 000   servers that could hold everything they don't have  to hold all of it in one server but they could all   a bunch of them could hold parts yeah that  could accessible they talk about sharding   all the time and that makes a lot  of sense right uh if you only lose   five percent of your network that makes a  lot more sense than losing it all then losing   40 of your network right yeah well and and it also  in the idea behind the centralization crypto the   whole mentality behind where crypto comes from  um it also makes a pos makes things impossible   like um the server and this person these people  getting together colluding to shut somebody down   or kick somebody out yeah right to shut down a  whole company that has you know 600 million people   following it right correct um just because they  want to because they're they think that company   is a threat to them on a political level  which actually happened a few years ago   um literally major people major tech companies  colluded to shut someone down and shut them off   um and that would make it a decentralization  where these servers are not owned by the central   thing but are owned by a lot of people spread out  and they could keep it going if this person says   i don't want this it's all right because there's  still another thousand out there that are still   holding that data and protecting that data now  i think that's extremely important right which   which goes back to the control right command and  control is basically what then you're talking   about right and that's then decision making and  all these other things that that aren't just con   storage right it then is falls back to decision  making and all the other things that that lie into   big business and and all the other things that you  start hearing about with these large corporations   right okay cool well we're running to kind of  the end any last thoughts that we want to hit   on before we go on i mean do we definitely these  are all things that could probably easily be   broken down into whole episodes talking about  each of these things um but any last thoughts   uh i i think lying through all this i i think the  most important thing that i've heard through all   these crypto conversations i believe is trust  right who you trust where your control lies   i i believe that trust just the trust thread  runs through all these things if you don't trust   people then uh what that's what we're trying to  build into all this right uh you trust computers   over individuals that try to collude right  and so i think that's that's the important   thing that we're trying to build into everything  we're looking at right that's what's important to   me yes anything less less thoughts um i think  just to kind of highlight how um how just new   this technology is guys you hear it everywhere but  you don't really know what it is in reality it's   something that was created to make all of  our lives a little bit easier um allows us   to have more control of what we say and do when it  comes to you know these applications um it's your   content guys it's your data where this isn't web 2  where you can go ahead and just post something and   we're at the whim of whatever site we're using to  share our thoughts um we definitely shouldn't be   continuing to utilize technology that prevents  us from earning um what we deserve we're all   creatives we all want to do things that um you  know earn us the potential that we deserve and i   hope that as web 3 develops there's ways  for everybody to really understand that um   and can connect with it in a way that it's not  going to be so difficult to expand um you know   decentralization it should be simple as like yeah  i want to be a part of something like that where   it's not owned by one you know one entity  it's it's everybody's it's an open source   everybody deserves a piece to contribute um  and also you know determine whether or not that   is going to work for them um the power belongs to  the people and always has awesome and i'm going   to just wrap it up um because we only have a few  minutes left but and i just my last thing is and   is this is just the step the first step to um  this decentralized monetization of social media   is just the first step once you have that in place  then you can uh decentralize the monetization of   entrepreneurship which is already happening  with people buying their own coins but   but getting your own coin is a big process and  an expensive process if if people are able to use   the same coin and that coin's not you know raking  you over the coals every time you're using it um   if you're able to um expand that into the  marketplace and you're expanding into other   um other ventures other new technologies  going on in the web you're able to expect   expand that into gaming and entertainment  and different things and that one token or a   token can simply be moved around and there without  these huge fees until it leaves that system   um that definitely is i think one of our  goals am i right absolutely the Arroverse   wants to use um the arrow token within one entity  and one basically um basically the Arroverse right   to be utilized free um maybe not freely but  be able to be used easily within that network   and it's not until you leave the network  that you know ethereum's going to come in   right and kill you with a gas that's the goal  is to have the api utilized um inexpensively   right yeah and save gas fees everywhere yes well  awesome so we only that puts us down to about five   minutes which means we have to get out of here  anyway um and uh so that's it for this podcast um   we're definitely going to come up with some we'll  hope to see everybody in episode two um i think we   have a pretty good crew here we'll bring in some  other people and some guests and guests on here   that can help us explain some other things and  that'll be awesome um so until next time see ya

2022-03-19 05:11

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