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this video is brought to you by sportlin quality integrity and tradition well the customer is complaining that all of their walk-ins the walk-in freezer the walk-in cooler and the beer walk-in are not working uh this is our first real big heat wave like consistent heat wave this week and this customer doesn't do routine maintenance so how much you want to bet we're just off on uh high head pressure and as we uh kind of pan over here can't help but ignore the ac plugged solid and yeah nice and dirty metal mesh filters completely plugged up happy sunday i uh never would have thought i'd be thankful to have a neck gator in my van i thought we were done with those things but i'm uh moving all these leaves and this dust and i'm using it to keep the crap out of my mouth you can see this stuff is just horrible so i'm trying to get this all away from the acs and then i'll tell the customer to get someone up here and clean it all up i'm going to get this away and then we're gonna rinse everything off i could've thought i'd be doing gardening at a restaurant on a sunday right i don't want to be here on a sunday and i'm frustrated but i don't express that to the customer because the customer can very easily call someone else so i feel that it's okay for me to be frustrated as long as i keep it to myself i can vent it to you because you all are watching this and you can understand that there is frustrations you know this customer doesn't do routine maintenance i'm out here on a sunday on my day off cleaning it but i'm also thankful that i have the work okay in fact i got a little bit too much work right now um what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by pre-rinsing getting the bulk of the big stuff off okay once we get the big stuff off of all the coils then i'll get the coil cleaner out and we'll start cleaning now this is a tube and fin condenser that is a micro channel condenser we can't wash the micro channel with the blue cleaner but we can watch the tube and thin ones with the blue cleaner so just going to pre-rinse get it broken down get the coil nice and wet and then we'll get the cleaner plied for the micro channel condenser we're going to use the yellow venom pack from refrigeration technology so i'm just pre-rinsing right now there we go and then now the cleaner is being applied now this is completely micro channel safe so you just let the cleaner sit there make sure it penetrates and then just let it sit for a few minutes and then we'll give it a rinse all right you can't use the blue cleaners on the micro channel condensers because they will etch the coil eat away at it and cause massive problems so just going to let this stuff we're doing this one first so that way i can use the blue cleaner for everything else even the acs i'm going gonna do a quick rinse on all the acs too since i'm here because i'm so busy right now i don't have time to come back unless it's absolutely necessary so while it sucks that i'm here on a sunday might as well just get it done and suck it up because i'm short staffed and i'd be the person to come back anyways so for everything else we're going to use the blue brightener cleaner this is the strongest cleaner they have that will deteriorate the coils if you leave it on though so you don't want to leave this stuff sitting on you want to mix it right if you use that container you can get eight gallons out of it so using their foam gun set on a which is the least concentration we're going to apply it to all the other ones now the micro channel safe cleaner the yellow stuff you can leave it on it's just a proprietary mix of soap excuse me that dust is getting to me um but the blue cleaner you want to rinse off immediately now i'm not going to go too crazy like taking the fan motors out and stuff on these because i believe that more or less it was just surface uh you know lint and pollen from all these trees is what it is so uh this guy i'm thinking was off on high head pressure because it wasn't running so it has a manual reset pressure control so once i rinse this out really good and we'll turn this guy back on funny when i pulled up they had a sign on the door saying no draft beer because the beer cooler was down and then the walk-in cooler was at 60 degrees too and then the walk-in freezer was at like 25 degrees and then they don't even know it but they got multiple acs because they have multiple circuits they all have high pressure codes and stuff so we're gonna rinse everything we'll do a quick one from the inside make sure it's oh it looks like condensed family is locked up too on this guy look at that so yeah we will be taking that out but make sure it's clean from here looks good so i don't see any problems there i always like to when you can rinse out the condenser fan motor area too you know it's possible but you always want to watch out because uh like the walk-in freezer compressor is missing the terminal cover so you don't want to rinse it off with the terminal cover missing so i'm just going to keep on going down the line get this guy rinsed out these guys you got to be really careful because it goes right through the micro channel condenser so you can get the motors really really wet so you just want to kind of go at a downward angle and then only go straight through where the motors are not at it's like that's a good spot to go straight through so yeah you can see like the pile of leaves there and then the pile of leaves there they got tons of leaves everywhere they got to get these cleaned up or these are all just going to suck back up on this condenser what a day so i shut off the ac and we're doing the same thing we're just going and rinsing the big chunks off and then once we get the big chunks off we'll do it on the inside and the outside you can see the stuff all coming out we'll uh put some cleaner on it now i'm not going to rip this ac apart we're not going to do you know cleaning from the inside outside all that stuff because don't really have time to do that today but i'm going to at least get them cleaned where they're not going off on high pressure anymore and then i'll talk to the customer they i've asked them you know they they've asked i've been at location several of their locations and i brought up the fact that a lot of the condensers are dirty and they have a filter changing company that cleans their coils for them too and they were like yeah well they're coming well i keep getting calls you know so it's like i'm not playing these games anymore we're just cleaning it you know because the filter changing guys i mean i'm not even gonna do like a crazy good job today and the filter changing guys don't even do half the job that i'm gonna do today so again this is gonna save me some service calls this upcoming week it's just crazy right now we get the big stuff off once you get the big stuff off then penetrate the coil with the water once we do that then we'll apply some cleaner and then we'll rinse the inside too some muddiness that's coming out of here just nasty goo kind of like the other ones though it's more surface stuff than really deep penetration so we'll just make sure we rinse off all the cleaner and then i already got cleaner on the inside too so i'm doing one ac at a time i'm gonna go down in a minute turn the walk-in cooler back on i just wanted it to uh um dry off for a minute and then i'll get a condenser fan motor for the beer walking and we'll get that swapped out and then they also have a bad evaporator fan motor for the walk-in freezer talk about waiting till the last minute right so i'll get that taken care of today too so i simply just spun this one and i can tell that the motor is locked up it's got bad bearings in it so i've got a 9721 we're going to put on that that's a universal motor i have one last 11 26 which is a 208 that's the perfect motor but i actually need that for the evaporator on the walk-in freezer i don't ever like using these 9721s for evaporator motors because they're too big they got too many extra wires i can clean them up and make them look halfway decent up on the roof but it's almost impossible down in the evaporator so i always use the 1126s for the evaporators so uh this little guy i think i've shown this before it's just a thumb driver you can get them from harbor freight i think i got mine from sears or something like that i don't know yeah it's a craftsman one i don't even know lowe's now i guess yeah that's where you get craftsman tools um i just dated myself by talking about sears right the younger guys are like what sears um so this is perfect for getting down in here i put a little quarter inch ratchet on it and then you can just if you need the ratchet for leverage if not just go to town so we're gonna pull that motor out and get it swapped out so i've had a lot of people say that they've had a lot of problems with their client multi driver i love mine people have said they've lost the magnet out of theirs knock on wood i haven't lost my magnet yet i love it because like for instance i needed a 3 8 to pull that off and this needs 11 30 seconds to put these on and you have it all on this multi driver i personally got mine from if you want to check it out you can use my offer code big picture you'll get a 8 discount on checkout but i really dig this thing i like this version because they sell just an impact version that doesn't have the the handle but i like to be able to go interchange between the two and the cool thing is is the actual you could just drop it out and it's impact rated you could just snap it in your impact like that and then use it for whatever you need to too so like i said some people have told me that they keep losing the magnet out of it i've i've had pretty good luck with mine so all right got the fan motor wired in uh i think let me double check i wired the purple and white yep and then orange and black got wire knitted together yellow got isolated yeah we're good to go so let's turn this guy on all right there's that and let's hit the high pressure control and hope that it starts there we go now question is is it going in the right direction i got to double check that i'm pretty sure it is so the high pressure control trips at about 410 410 psi yeah that's going in the right direction so we're good to go i'm gonna go ahead and let this guy run the walk-in cooler has been running for about 20 minutes um i need to go downstairs i'm going to let them both keep running we'll check on them in a few minutes check the sight glasses i'm going to go change an evaporative fan motor on that walk-in freezer in the walk-in freezer this thing may not have a bad motor because i just found a burnt connector that connector is just completely burnt off so let me replace that connector and uh see if this motor will start up and if it'll work it looks like a fairly new motor walk-in freezer's running it's got a clear side glass no issues there we're going to go down and make sure that fan motor is working right now walk-in coolers running it's got a clear sight glass and beer walking is running and it also has a clear sight glass and it's almost down to temperature so let's go down and see if that evaporator fan motor started back up for the walk-in freezer yep started back up so no need to change it um you know it's funny the customer wasn't like as concerned about the walk-in freezer but i told them you know there's a problem look at this ice cream it's probably been going on and off for high head pressure for the last couple days we've had this little heat wave come through we were hitting like 100 and 203 for the last five four days and we've just been getting calls everywhere because people that aren't maintaining their equipment just overheating all right everything is put back together everything is still running it's a little hard away and pulling down to temp but again we all have clear sight glasses i don't see the need to apply service gauges to anything i'm not seeing any abnormal icing no weird oil or you know flashing side glasses so more than likely just dirty condensers i rinsed all the ac's off too i did not go like super crazy on the acs again more of it was just surface um acs are all running just kind of walk the roof make sure nothing else crazy is going on i recommend to the customer i went and brought it to their attention that we should probably come out and go through all the acs because i'm not gonna go too crazy but i'm sure they've got belt issues drain issues that kind of stuff but that's up to them i'm gonna go ahead and take all my stuff down i've got a bunch downstairs too still got to load it all back in my van pretty much had to bring everything up here so uh we'll rope it all down and we'll catch you on the next one so this video to start was actually filmed all the way back i believe in may of 2022 maybe early june but that's why as you were going through i kept saying yeah we're having our first heat we're having our first heat wave that we're now into august and we've had plenty of those heat waves so just to clarify that um you know it it i say this all the time but it happens more and more where we're getting called out to these restaurants to clean things on the weekends you know and it seems kind of silly but i again even though i i vent frustrations i am thankful that they call me right i mean it's really easy they can call me or they can call someone else they have a choice and they choose to call me so yeah i get frustrated but you know i just suck it up and be thankful that i have the work right um and i'll be thankful for this kind of work come the winter time too when it slows down right because we don't have a very big heating season out here in california so you know um just try you know to not freak out on the customers you know leave that to management at your company let your service manager know let the business owner know like hey these are some frustrating things and let them deal with those problems so um i wanted to address the cleaning of other equipment on the roof when it came to this equipment you know i was just literally called out for their beer walking but then when i got there i walked around and i'm like dude you're walking freezers down you're walking coolers down you've got ac issues i just started going to town now the customer didn't ask me to go through all that stuff but i knew that they were going to call me back for that stuff so it's like i'm just going to take care of this i had them create other work orders for each individual item because i like to invoice things separately i don't like to bundle up invoices so i had separate invoices for each item that was down i did a quick rinse on the acs i did not go super thorough but i did we did end up going back and going through those acs we gave them a list of problems and they had us go back and go through everything now when it comes to the sight glasses i get a lot of questions about this okay what do i mean by the sight glasses clear all right first and foremost understand that the basic refrigeration cycle with an expansion valve i've got a cutaway of an expansion valve right here okay the basic refrigeration cycle with an expansion valve when you use an expansion valve you have to have a clear sight glass or a solid column of liquid going to the expansion valve for it to work properly you do not want to be feeding vapor to your expansion valve you want liquid going to it now understand something that a sight glass is only a window into the system where it is installed so in this situation the sight glass was up at the liquid line receiver now that's not the most ideal location for a sight glass but you know in these situations it's pretty practical to put it there the best place for a sight glass would be literally at the inlet of the expansion valve right here so that way you can be a hundred percent sure that you have liquid going into that valve okay um but i i make that reference a lot all the side glass is clear oh the side glass is clear understand something i am not just simply looking at the sight glass and saying the refrigerant charge is good what you guys don't see is that i'm listening i'm looking i'm feeling as i'm working on that system and i'm noticing when i turn the condensing unit on the sight glass flashes for a second then i can see it fill up with liquid okay sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish between an empty sight glass and a full sight glass because a completely empty sight glass oftentimes will have no bubbles no anything in it and it could be very misleading okay so in this situation i was gauging how fast the box was coming down to temp the cold suction line coming back the fact that the sight glass looked to be clear okay and then i started noticing the temperature dropping fast and then while i'm downstairs i look at the expansion valves because if an expansion valve typically is getting vapor refrigerant you can see a funky frost pattern at the expansion valve oftentimes and so again i'm looking at multiple things but to you guys it may just seem like hey he's just looking at the sight glass and moving on that's not necessarily the case okay um you can also judge by how equipment sounds right i already kind of covered that but you can listen to the expansion valve feeding once you start working on enough equipment you start to recognize things and i can walk into a walk-in cooler that's not tempting right and you can hear the hissing of the expansion bob and more than likely it's going to be a low refrigerant charge issue now sometimes it could be other things but okay so understand that i'm not just looking at the side glass and saying it's good now the next thing do you use a sight glass right when you have an expansion valve system with the receiver do you use a sight glass do you use superheat and sub cooling to adjust the charge what do you do to check the refrigerant charge on a refrigeration system with a receiver that has an expansion valve you do not use super heat and sub cooling okay unless there's some weird oem requirement to get sub cooling to uh like what people think they should have right there's some rules of thumbs you know you want 10 degrees sub coin if you were to try to get a receiver system all the way up to 10 degrees subcoin you would massively massively overcharge that system okay you will find some measurable sub cooling on most systems now on newer refrigeration systems that are awef compliant oftentimes they will have an added sub cooler so the refrigeration circuit will go through the system come out of the condenser go into the receiver and then it'll come out of the receiver go back into the condenser for an added sub cooling loop loop now on those systems you tend to see a higher than normal sub coin they do that to get added sub cooling trying to make the system more efficient that is pretty common so on those new awef compliance systems i have seen as much as 10 degrees sub cooling measurable coming out of the sub cooler but that's not very common especially on older systems so you need to use the skills that you have in your head and it's not just a one stop you know this is this is good this is bad whatever but be very cautious about everybody that says you charge every system with superheat and sub cooling because that's not always accurate okay on a refrigeration system with an expansion valve super heat is an afterthought okay superheat is an adjustment to how this valve is feeding the evaporator and you typically do that after your system is pretty much completely charged okay then after the box is almost down to temperature you would dial in the superheat on the expansion valve little increment turns getting it to dial in but you shouldn't be having to like make huge adjustments okay always be careful too when you're trying to adjust superheat always check the strainers before you do you know adjust a valve or something like that but i just need to make sure that people understand like it's not always just a clear sight glass that i'm looking for i'm looking at a lot of different things but sometimes again when i'm making these videos i'm not really going out there with a mission like i'm gonna make a video today i just happen to turn a camera on and you're hearing my thought process okay so there is more going on sometimes in my head that maybe i'm not verbalizing but for the most part you do need a clear sight glass okay uh you know going to your expansion valve for the system to work right when you are working on a refrigeration system again that has a receiver and an expansion valve okay so be very cautious about people that say you just charged a sub cooling that's not 100 accurate okay you need to be very careful about that kind of stuff there's other things other elements in the system that it's maybe not just simply a clear sight glass like for instance if you have a head pressure control valve this is an lac valve okay if you have a head pressure control valve on the system this requires extra refrigerant beyond just a clear sight glass so often times there's a calculation if it's a tube and fin condenser you can use the spoilin 90-30-1 method to calculate the internal volume of the condenser therefore you would know how much extra refrigerant you need to add for this head pressure control valve to properly work if you don't have that if you have a micro channel condenser then you need to lean on the manufacturer because there's not a very valid accurate way to calculate the internal volume of that condenser that i have found yet so oftentimes you'll just lean on the manufacturer and they'll say the maximum charge for this system is 14 pounds or whatever it may be and then you just charge the system to that maximum charge and you know that you would have enough refrigerant in the system if this head pressure control valve was to ever bypass okay now i'm pulling up these cutaways that i have right here guys i did these myself um i just had a couple expansion valves that were flare and i started cutting they're not perfect but they do the trick to where you can actually visualize the inside head pressure control valve same thing take the components out cut it in a band saw and then then that way you have a better understanding of how these things work now i do these because i show them to my employees i take them to training classes different things like that i show them in videos but yeah i encourage everybody out there start taking apart things start cutting them open safely that way you can understand the operation and how they work better it's really important okay so i really appreciate you guys making it to the end of this video as usual your support is so awesome if you haven't already please consider checking out my website we have merchandise available on there shirts hats beanies sweaters got the fall coming up i know we're still in the smack dab of summer but got plenty of sweaters and beanies so check them out order one if you're interested we'll get them shipped out ahead of time before the the craziness starts for the winter time um a couple other ways to support the channel if you're interested in doing so paypal patreon youtube channel memberships there's links in the show notes uh the easiest way to support the channel is literally watch the videos from beginning to end without skipping through anything youtube throws commercials in there youtube pays me that's the easiest way okay but your support is awesome remember uh if you're interested in purchasing any tools i have an affiliate link big picture one word get an eight percent discount on most items and i get a small commission from that so now that i've done all the business side of things i do really appreciate you and we will catch you on the next one

2022-08-08 19:35

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