Теневой Рим: Секретная технология | Shadow Rome: Secret Technology | Aewar

Теневой Рим: Секретная технология | Shadow Rome: Secret Technology | Aewar

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ryden are you receiving we're still here how's  that possible the a.i was destroyed only gw   who are you to begin with we're not what  you'd call human over the past 200 years   a kind of consciousness formed layer by  layer in the crucible of the white house   it's not unlike the way life started  in the oceans four billion years ago   the white house was our primordial  soup a base of evolution   we are formless we are the very discipline  and morality that americans invoke so often   how can anyone hope to eliminate us as long  as this nation exists so will we cut the   crap if you're immortal why would you take  away individual freedoms and censor the net   jack don't be silly don't you know that our plans  have your interests not ours in mind what jack   listen carefully like a good boy the mapping of  the human genome was completed early this century   as a result the evolutionary log of the human race  lay open to us we started with genetic engineering   and in the end we succeeded in digitizing life  itself but there are things not covered by genetic   information what do you mean human memories ideas  culture history genes don't contain any record of   human history is it something that should not  be passed on should that information be left   at the mercy of nature we've always kept records  of our lives through words pictures symbols from   tablets to books but not all the information was  inherited by later generations a small percentage   of the whole was selected and processed then  passed on not unlike jeans really that's what   history is jack but in the current digitized world  trivial information is accumulating every second   preserved in all its triteness never fading  always accessible rumors about petty issues   misinterpretation slander all this junk data  preserved in an unfiltered state growing at   an alarming rate it will only slow down social  progress reduce the rate of evolution right you   seem to think that our plan is one of censorship  are you telling me it's not you're being silly   what we propose to do is not to control content  but to create context create context the digital   society furthers human flaws and selectively  rewards development of convenient half truths   just look at the strange juxtapositions of  morality around you billions spent on new weapons   in order to humanely murder other humans rights of  criminals are given more respect than the privacy   of their victims although there are people  suffering in poverty huge donations are made   to protect endangered species everyone grows up  being told the same thing be nice to other people   but beat out the competition you're special  believe in yourself and you will succeed but it's   obvious from the start that only a few can succeed  you exercise your right to freedom and this   is the result all rhetoric to avoid conflict and  protect each other from hurt the untested truths   spun by different interests continue to churn and  accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness   and value systems everyone withdraws into their  own small gated community afraid of a larger forum   they stay inside their little ponds  leaking whatever truth suits them   into the growing cesspool of society at large the  different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh   no one is invalidated but nobody is right not  even natural selection can take place here the   world is being engulfed in truth and this is the  way the world ends not with a bang but a whimper metal gear solid 2 was released in 2001 and  prophesized our current era in which we find   ourselves on the brink of another industrial  revolution and in the fog and haze of information   warfare the word truth has become an economy  unto itself it has lost its sovereignty and we   are flooded day in day out 24 hours a day with  seemingly contradictory truths the next genius   move of the entity to completely destabilize  our perception of reality but a question remains   how did a video game in 2001 predict our current  era of social media and digitized information   warfare so accurately before google youtube  twitter instagram were invented the most sensible   answer is that the technology of the digital  world was developed in secret many years before   it was unleashed onto the public but is that a  reasonable hypothesis could technology really be   developed in secret and subsequently given to  the public later under the guise of invention   innovation and business and if so has technology  always been developed secretly behind the scenes   the ruins of revo abbey the medieval monasteries  of britain suffer from a kind of cliche   misrepresentation a distorted preconditioned  image perpetrated by the entity we think of monks   dressed in wall living in quiet solitude toiling  in their fields and attending structured prayer   this could not be further from the truth and  it doesn't help that they are all in ruin revo was a massive site including more than 70  outbuildings and covering a hundred square miles   of yorkshire now only the abbey remains in ruins  but there were many factories in its jurisdiction   and in 1997 archaeologists and geophysicists found  something remarkable they set out to investigate   13th century iron making techniques using  extremely sophisticated magnetometers   and fluxgate grandiometers what they found as  william rosen states caused quite a stir in   the world of technological history they found an  abundance of residual magnetism around the site   it suggested that the furnaces in use during  the 13th century at just one of the abbey's   iron smelters were producing iron at a level  of technical sophistication equivalent to that   of 18th century britain the newspapers at the  time declared that king henry viii's dissolution   and destruction of the monasteries in the 1500s  delayed the industrial revolution by two centuries   but they were producing this level  of iron in the 1200s and revo is just   one site it's not the largest fountain's  abbey and furnace abbey were much bigger   interesting name that furnace there were  over 800 monastic sites in britain alone   perhaps it was the black death in the 1300s  that truly delayed the industrial revolution   it certainly would have slowed progress  there is an abundance of evidence that   suggests these were christian sites but revo is  also evidence that these monasteries were much   more and that the industrial revolution was on  track to happen much earlier in the historical   timeline but a question remains where did all  that technological knowledge and infrastructure go   the monasteries are in ruin their contents  are missing either stolen buried or reused   it would not surprise you if i told you that the  internet in its pre-form was invented at darpa   the u.s department of defense advanced research  projects agency it was developed in secret   before being launched to the world but would it  surprise you if i told you that the steam engine   shared a similar story in 1639 the government-run  royal office of ordnance have been expanded to   include part of an ancient estate voxel  voxel was a place of resort for artists   mechanics and where experiments and trials  of profitable inventions should be carried on   or as rosin states it was a sort of 17th century  equivalent of darpa the steam engine in question   was invented by a military engineer here and  developed for the sole purpose of pumping water   a new invention for raising any quantity of  water to any height by the help of fire alone   this is in the mid 1600s a steam engine  being developed by the military in secret   way before the industrial revolution this is  direct evidence that significant technologies   have been developed in their pre-forms by military  engineers for centuries before our modern era   and given the extremely high levels of magnetism  discovered at revo it begs the question is there a   connection between the technology lost at the end  of the middle ages and the military where did the   engineering infrastructure that was once present  at these monastic sites go is there a relationship   between these sites and steam was technology one  of the real reasons they were destroyed by henry   under the guise of politics and a divorce were  their content secretly absorbed into the military   finding evidence of secret military involvement  in repurposing technology of the middle ages   is not going to be easy documents would have  likely been hand written archived under top secret   or destroyed but in my search for evidence i found  something quite different but more startling they   say the devil's in the detail there is a slight  misconception that architecture canals bridges and   so on are the sole product of civil engineering  of innovative architects hard-working citizens   and slaves that's just one part of the story there  is another side to the story that's been greatly   overlooked and in many cases buried since the  beginning of the age of transition construction   technology and engineering methods were one of the  best kept secrets of the european military in his   article on british military engineers in 19th  century india john wireless states surprisingly   this significant historical phenomenon has  been barely explored by scholars and i'm not   surprised because as i have come to learn military  engineering from the 1400s to the 1700s operated   through the tacit transfer of technological  knowledge tacit means silent unspoken it means   secret and one of the greatest secrets of the  military during the age of transition was cement   and concrete it was treated like precious gold  formal and technical documentation on hydraulic   cement doesn't really appear until the 1750s but  as scholar chandra mukherjee explains in 1670   the entrepreneur for the canal du midi imported  porcelain from italy to make hydraulic mortar   porcelain is the key ingredient in roman concrete  he did so under the recommendation of the french   military engineer louis nicholas de clerville  and mukherjee asked a series of vital questions   how was hydraulic mortar remembered and used  before its rediscovery how did they know where   to acquire the ingredients how did they mix their  cement none of this is documented it was developed   in secret the technique for using it was not  formally recorded so it was preserved tacitly   not in texts but in practice as mukherjee explains  secrecy was a key virtue in soldiers military   engineers had vast libraries of manuscript maps  that they kept concealed rather than published   clerville protected secrets in his engineering  in his devises for the canal and other structures   clerville's successor military engineer sebastian  vauban started to have concerns because soldiers   live short lives there was a risk of losing  expertise when soldiers died so he began recording   a little of this tacit secret technological  knowledge one record details a recipe for and men   lime sand and porcelain or pulverized brick pass  through a baker's basket two-fifths of lime with   three-fifths of sand and so on what is striking  is that this formula differs from others that   scarcely appear in the historical record it is  a novel formula it was passed on and developed   purely in secret and this practice of secret  and advanced military methods of construction   did not cease once formal documentation on cement  arose during the 1700s as john wheeler explains   the 19th century british military engineers were  well ahead of their civil engineer countrymen   in establishing a significant presence in foreign  territories british engineers moved into foreign   lands from the late 1830s carrying with them the  influences of advanced technology engineers were   active in india from the mid-18th century as a  separate branch of the army in the service of the   east india company british military engineers  were well underway in the caribbean in 1700s   in india canada in western australia during the  period 1851 to 1856 royal engineers undertook a   variety of experiments in india experimentation  with limes cements and concrete led the way   they developed magnesia cement more accurately  described as natural hydraulic cement made from   magnesium limestone they were also setting  up a whole range of pre-fabricated structures   in another article todd charlotte informs us that  america's oldest and largest construction agency   was a core of engineers they built massively and  with great precision and part of their knowledge   also relied on the person to person word of  mouth transfer of technological knowledge   from industrial europe again the transfer of  tacit or secret military engineering knowledge   why is this important firstly this demonstrates  that there was a military-industrial complex of   engineers dealing in secret with undisclosed  and experimental technologies during the age   of transition there is enough evidence to classify  this as a theory the military has always been at   the forefront of technological innovation it goes  back to the republic of venice at the end of the   middle ages where in this department all types  of instruments and machines are constantly being   constructed but the highly secretive manner when  it comes to concrete is startling they were not   this careful when it came to the steam engine that  is documented so why was something like concrete   guarded so carefully and to what extent did  they develop and use it wouldn't share in this   knowledge benefit all societies immensely you  could argue it was to stop other nation-state   militaries from stealing techniques and gaining  advantage but let's hypothesize a bit more what if   all militaries were unknowingly controlled  and under the rule and might of the entity   do you know what you can do with cement  and concrete especially cast concrete it's   common knowledge that the ancient romans  built with brick and concrete the pantheon   coliseum temple of saturn are all concrete when  the empire fell concrete largely disappeared until   the renaissance a very peculiar and abrupt period  of discontinuity a thousand years great pyramid k   2019 provides ample evidence that the great  pyramid and sphinx are concrete this has also   been verified from other sources what if the  entity for its military-industrial complex   began using secret tacit engineering technology  during the age of transition to construct   and modify many structures what if some were  assigned to earlier dates in the timeline what if   the real history of rome was deliberately buried  and shadow rome took its place and influenced   by egyptian methods of construction began  fabricating these ruins out of artificial stone   could many ruins be artificial have you noticed  how many classical sites also feature obelisks   have you ever heard of the renaissance book  hunters of poggio bracelini in particular was the   history of the imperial roman empire rewritten in  order for shadow rome to assert itself politically   to cultivate fashions among citizens so they  blindly began replacing their medieval heritage   in the classical style and to what extent  has undocumented artificial stone technology   being used to erase change and replace structures  that came before but then there is a problem of   storing and developing these technologies in  secret especially during the early periods of   the age of transition where would they do that  and with what workforce what is a fortification a defensive measure in times of warfare  yes but also an impenetrable stronghold   perhaps a place to develop technology in secret  a sanctuary to store the hidden perhaps even a   prison to keep slaves a formidable fortress  that is not easy to enter or escape from   where did the technological infrastructure  of revo go a star light who worships a   light and could some of these be connected to  pre-renaissance dumbs deep underground tunnels metal gear solid 2 a prophetic warning i'm  sure this entity is reveling in the curious   entertaining the idea that the people of  the past could not build these structures perhaps it doesn't want us looking  too closely and seeing the facades   the cement the stucco the scagliola  the codestone the terracotta the artificial stone that's everywhere  and how easy they could do it perhaps it wants us to think that this all  belonged to an advanced civilization and not look   into the archives to not find the stone-cutting  machines the concrete formulas to not question   the tacit secrecies of its military force metal  gear solid told us in advance the next genius move   of this entity it is used in digital information  warfare to encourage the organism of society to   participate in an act of propagating contradictory  truths enticing them into believing everything is   a lie to select what truths are worthy and what  are not is tricking you into erasing the past   we are in a transitory phase where the book is  slowly dying and the automated digitalized realm   of information technology reigns supreme the book  is its rival and the book is losing why consult   the library when you can ask google why read  and try to discern what's true and what's not   when you can just say it's all fake a first  this entity collected the book in its arms   in its digitalized archives and libraries i'll  keep you safe it said but it now overwhelms   the individual with contradictory truths these  stabilize in their received notions of reality   and perhaps eventually it will begin to slowly  change the information in its digitalized archives   this will be the moment it slays its rival for  good and a rewriting of mankind's history will   begin and i think it's done it before  before the book was a primary chronicle   there existed another great script of mankind's  history a script written in stone let me try and   show you how it was potentially rewritten from  now on things are about to become quite worrying

2022-08-07 01:01

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