《Military Technology》China Biomimetic and Bionic Drones: Technologies and Applications

《Military Technology》China Biomimetic and Bionic Drones: Technologies and Applications

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hello viewers welcome to military technology I am your host Lang how before we dive in we need a small favor from you please take a moment to hit the Subscribe thumbs up and notification buttons below so you can stay updated on all our latest videos throughout the long course of history animals have always played a unique role in the military from ancient war horses to Modern swarm combat systems human have always found inspiration from animals and applied it to various military Fields this is collectively known as military bionics creatures in nature through long Evolution have acquired many astonishing characteristics which are their unique survival skills drawing inspiration from the creatures in nature applying their marvelous structures unique functions and intricate Behavior patterns to the military field has become a major Revelation in weapon and Equipment development among these mimickry was one of the earliest aspects to be noticed by people from ancient times to the present whether it was ancient Chinese people imitating animals to create bows Spears swords and other 18 types of weapons or ancient Egyptians designing the famous capes sickle sword based on the shape of a cow's leg it all started with the mechanical imitation of the appearance or intuitive structure of living beings in the research of modern military equipment countless bionic devices have emerged among them by imitating the ability of fish to adjust adust the gas content in their swim bladders to control their buoyancy in water efficient submarine navigation has been achieved by mimicking the ability of bats to fly in the dark and accurately capture prey radar and other technologies have been developed it can be said that almost all weapons and equipment have been directly or indirectly inspired by biological functions during their development ionics in fact involves different stages and levels of biological research initially people might have focused more on principles of movement and structure from these perspectives this discovery resulting from long-term evolutionary selection has led to some scientific designs however since the new century people have increasingly considered aspects such as artificial intelligence and deeper principles of movement what valuable methods have animals and plants accumulated through long-term Evolution that can serve as references therefore we now say that bionics has increasingly started to include aspects like social behavior in groups and Fields related to artificial intelligence the definition of bionics has expanded significantly from the initial combination of electronics and biology to now include mechanics materials and even areas related to philosophy and sociology in the movie a mechanical dog slowly walks in its back mounted machine gun aimed at the building and starts shooting wildly Flames erupt and countless terrorists inside the building are killed or injured thrilling the audience if you think this is just a figment of the movie's imagination you are greatly mistaken in the Golden Dragon 2024 joint exercise held this year between China and Cambodia a mechanical dog similar to the one in the movie appeared on the exercise field during the assault training phase the mechanical dog acted as the Vanguard quickly aiming at Targets and striking them after confirming safety the participating teams from China and Cambodia entered one after another swiftly completing the subsequent clearing tasks such a movie like scene appeared on the exercise field making people Marvel that movies will eventually become reality uh domestically now in some exercises we have seen that quadruped robots have already started to undertake combat tasks serving as platforms for weapon systems they are equipped with remote weapon stations capable of carrying weapons for close combat additionally these quadruped robots are excellent platforms for reconnaissance and Patrol equipment furthermore during long marches they can replace ordinary soldiers in carrying supplies which is a traditional use of animals like horses and dogs in the military dogs as one of the earliest domesticated animals have always been used for hunting guarding and attacking enemies due to their loyalty and Agility during World War I countries like Germany France and the UK used tens of thousands of military dogs and in World War II military dogs played a significant role during the Battle of Stalin in 1942 Marshall zuka used bomb carrying dogs to form an anti-tank canine unit which fought desperately against enemy tanks destroying over 300 German tanks this became the most tragic use of military dogs in history the training of these Soviet anti-tank dogs was extremely challenging imagine you have to teach the dogs through interaction with handlers to recognize a tank and understand which part of the tank to Target to ensure the explosives they carry are triggered effectively for maximum damage additionally on the battlefield the dogs cannot follow Soviet Personnel to find Targets these tasks are difficult to communicate directly to the dogs this is because their intelligence is not sufficient to understand such complex commands this is why we are increasingly using quadruped robots or robotic dogs to replace military dogs for these quadruped robots the defensive measures and combat capabilities studied in military dogs can also be applied Additionally the development of artificial intelligence technology makes it much easier for quadruped robots to understand combat tasks and specific aspects like rout planning compared to military dogs a mechanical dog typically refers to a quadruped robot that has a doglike appearance and movement capabilities as ground-based bionic robots they are considered the origin of bionic robots being the earliest to emerge in currently the most developed in recent years as countries have placed increasing import import on this technology various Mechanical Animals with flexible and agile forms such as bionic fish bionic butterflies and bionic birds have been developed Mechanical Animals have endless possibilities for the long future at the current stage due to limitations such as material costs bionic robots cannot fully replicate the efficient mechanisms of some natural organisms however as a development Direction the stealth capabilities of bionic organisms are unmatched by other types of and Equipment bionic combat equipment indeed has its own advantages on one hand bionics itself transfers excellent designs accumulated through long-term natural selection from animals and plants to these bionic weapons and equipment these designs are scientifically validated and tested secondly from the perspective of combat equipment many animals we are familiar with or the bionic models we study have developed their sizes stealth during hunting and formation patterns through long-term survival in nature these aspects have been tested in harsh environments therefore their designs and tactical logic are more scientific than many human conceived designs in this context their survival ability stealth and the likelihood of completing related tasks on the battlefield are often better than human design equipment this is one of the original reasons for bionics in recent years the concept of unman combat has become increasingly popular and Military Bionic technology has further improved major military powers are tirelessly improving and developing military bionic technology as an emerging technological product bionic animals have a broad development path in the future on future unmanned battlefields more Mechanical Animals will join making the battlefield situation more complex and diverse the imitation of biological forms has laid the foundation for military equipment and shaped most of today's weapon designs the appearance of Mechanical Animals has made this imitation more intuitive besides imitation humans have also formed a series of combat methods by mimicking the predatory and offensive behaviors of animals this is known as mimicry mimicry involves imitating the interactive adaptability of organisms to their environment forming tactical military bionics and creating many realistic bionic tactics among them the Sea Wolf Pack tactic pioneered by German Navy Commander Donuts caused significant damage to Allied Merchant ships in the Atlantic during World War II as the name suggests the inspiration for the Wolfpack tactic comes from the hunting behavior of wolves just like a wolf pack attacking prey multiple submarines form a squad and take turns attacking the enemy underwater typically five or six submarines cooperate in such tactics when one submarine spots a Target it immediately tracks it it then notifies its teammates to come for support if there are Air Forces nearby they will also be deployed to provide corresponding air support giving the wolf pack firsthand accurate intelligence the combat orders are usually issued by the lead wolf once the teammates arrive and take their shooting positions intelligence is gathered and the praise movements are fully grasped by the wolf pack the hunt then begins followed by a round of torpedo bombardment after completing the mission the wolf pack quickly leaves the battlefield although the Wolfpack tactics suffered devastating blows in subsequent Wars its early successes cannot be ignored besides the Wolfpack tactic many other tactics like the sparrow tactic and Lea frog tactic have had a profound impact on later generations from a battlefield perspective these methods are ways to preserve oneself while maximizing one's advantages for animals which do not have a concept of tactics these methods are their basic survival and hunting instincts if these instincts were not scientific enough to ensure their safety and successful hunting they would have been eliminated in the course of history therefore when people study these related tactics they can certainly summarize relevant Battlefield combat and military action logic from them of course this learning process must involve a summarization process it is not scientific to Simply mimic the movements of wolves instead one must learn the specific principles from them with the widespread application and popularization of drones for delivery filming and food delivery a new tactic has emerged the Drone swarm tactic just like the birth of drones it originated from military needs on the battlefield the concept of drone swarms also began with theoretical research and practical verification in the defense field interestingly in some early science fiction movies the concept and style of drone combat swarms were often depicted leaving a deep impression on people now with the widespread application of this techn ology people often see light shows composed of various drone swarms at major events but is the military drone swarm tactic as simple as a drone light show nowadays in many Urban light displays we see aial light shows composed of drones the experience and equipment used in these shows are of course somewhat related to Battlefield drones you need to ensure the positions of different drones their aerial formations and their positional relationships these requirements are certainly ALS o present for drone swarms on the battlefield however we know that on the battlefield drone swarms do not always need to maintain a particularly tight and orderly formation instead they need to exhibit Dynamic changes similar to a swarm of locusts or bees during an attack the trajectory of each drone is difficult to predict in advance but it is a collective rolling process this maximizes the trouble for the opponent's weapons and equipment by intercepting and striking them the concept of drone swarms as the name suggests originated from swarms of bees scientists have found that although individual bees and insects have limited capabilities they can compensate for this through cooperation within the Swarm through organization and coordination they can accomplish more difficult tasks that individuals cannot complete similar swarm intelligence is the technical principle behind drone swarm combat where drone swarms mimic the autonomous flying capabilities of be swarms to achieve the goal of winning by numbers and using small forces to achieve big results they have good stealth capabilities and are difficult to detect drone swarm formations usually consist of small or micro drones which are small in size have lowf flight noise and are often difficult to detect by radar acoustic Optical and infrared detectors the lightweight micro drones in the Swarm typically use modular designs and can carry electronic Jammers and various Warheads they can also be modified into reconnaissance drones or attack drones for various purposes appearing densely in the air even if detected since drones do not emit electromagnetic waves ground air defense systems cannot accurately identify the nature of the targets based on their appearance thus affecting the allocation of anti-drone forces and strike order decisions therefore when a drone swarm suddenly initiates an action it can easily overwhelm the enemy's detection tracking and interception capabilities causing them to become paralyzed what is the greatest advantage of a drone swarm firstly the cost of each individual drone in this large swarm is very low how do you intercept it it is massive a large formation consisting of dozens or even more drones cannot be neutralized by intercepting just one you need to destroy most of the formation to achieve significant results to avoid any casualties and Achieve 100% interception you would need to use precise methods like missiles however each missile costs more than the drone it intercepts leading to financial ruin you might not even have enough missiles to intercept them all secondly intercepting such a large swarm is difficult even if a few drones get through they can still cause damage to your high value targets moreover their flight paths are not predictable they constantly change and maneuver targeting and destroying a single drone is challenging let alone intercepting an entire swarm from the current Battlefield perspective exist methods like anti-aircraft guns and missiles find it very difficult to deal with a truly unmanned swarm 100% in recent years our country has also been developing swarm weapon systems at the 14th China international Aviation and Aerospace exhibition our lightweight High Mobility vehicle mounted swarm weapon system was showcased and received widespread attention additionally various countries are actively researching swarm weapon systems and Military bionics is about to enter a new stage the development of bionics in the military field is full of exploration and breakthroughs initially it was just simple imitation of biological forms and habits now it goes beyond superficial similarities to deeply explore the internal mechanisms and characteristics of organisms this resemblance means truly understanding the mysteries of biology and cleverly integrating them into military technology significantly enhancing the performance and combat effectiveness of military equipment and opening up a new era in military development in recent years our country has also been developing swarm weapon systems at the 14th China international Aviation and Aerospace exhibition our lightweight High Mobility vehicle mounted swarm weapon system was showcased and received widespread attention additionally various countries are actively researching swarm Weapons Systems and Military bionics is about to enter a new stage the development of bionics in the military field is full of exploration and breakthroughs initially it was just simple imitation of biological forms and habits now it goes beyond superficial similarities to deeply explore the internal mechanisms and characteristics of organisms this resemblance means truly understanding the mysteries of biology and cleverly integrating them into military technology significantly enhancing the performance and combat effectiveness of military equipment and opening up a new era in military development as the program progresses many viewers have been thinking deeply about the topic of animals and the military let's take a look together one viewer commented what is the future direction of military bionics how can we advance from the current resemblance to a higher level another viewer followed up besides mimicry and mimicry of behavior are there other directions in current military bionics it seems that everyone is quite interested in military bionics let's continue watching perhaps the next part of the progam R will provide some answers the world is constantly progressing and technology is continually developing since the Advent of artificial intelligence all Industries have faced new challenges and opportunities and the field of military bionics is no exception research has found that relatively large groups of animals such as frogs and ants in organizational tasks they exhibit strong collective intelligence and mimicking this biological swarm intelligence through artificial intelligence for simple thinking and judgment is the latest Topic in bionics we all know that when ants forage there are many paths between the nest and the food initially different ants choose different paths but in the end almost all ants find the same shortest path why is that this is because ants release a pheromone on the ground as they move and they can sense the presence and intensity of this pheromone moving towards higher concentrations these pheromones increase with the number of ants passing by in dis ipate over time forming a positive feedback mechanism eventually the entire ant colony finds the optimal path this ability saves ants a lot of unnecessary effort this swarm intelligence also has applications in the military in the previously mentioned drone swarm tactics the core content is also imitation drone swarms will no longer rely entirely on preset programs to mechanically execute tasks instead they only need a few key pie pces of information to autonomously control track allocate targets and return simply put you only need to set the starting point in the attack Target and the drones will autonomously handle all other issues encountered during the flight in combat we often emphasize formations different layers of the formation have different tasks the outer layer often handles reconnaissance situational awareness and initial engagement with the target to increase exposure while the main force in the inner layer maintains formation and reaches the battlefield of course for an artificial intelligence platform it must also consider itself during combat for example some vehicles in the Outer Circle with better reconnaissance capabilities can be responsible for overall situational awareness while the main combat vehicles have stronger defense and Firepower there might also be a need for repositioning if the Outer Circle vehicles are damaged which inner circle vehicles are suitable for repositioning to maintain the Dynam damic Integrity of the formation this requires comprehensive research on animal groups such as wolf packs and migrating animal groups and even groups composed of different animals bionic pattern recognition is a new type of bionic technology recently put into application this technology mimics the human process of recognizing objects using digital methods to enable machines to recognize and distinguish different objects in the military field ionic pattern recognition can help the military find Targets and identify strike objects in crowds these algorithms Mark the entry of military bionics into an advanced stage whether it is the currently proposed bionic Mechanical Animals or the latest intelligent bionic military bionics they act as a bridge connecting nature and the military they show us the endless wisdom and potential of Nature and how inspiration from nature Guided by technology can create remarkable results nowadays with the development of unman combat equipment more and more unmanned bionic concepts are being proposed what new bionic technologies will be applied on the battlefield in the future let's wait and see well dear viewers thank you for continuously following the National Defense military Channel's military Technology Program see you at the same time next week

2024-09-11 17:12

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