️ Урановый рычаг Путина: пора ОСТАНОВИТЬ АЭС на Западе? ️

️ Урановый рычаг Путина: пора ОСТАНОВИТЬ АЭС на Западе? ️

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[music] Russian President Vladimir Putin not long ago suggested that our government think about the possibility of stopping the supply of strategic metals Uranium, titanium and nickel to unfriendly countries, and think about it so as not to follow the path of the collective West, which, with the help of restrictions in relation to Russia, such measures are applied to the economy of its own country it is necessary to be guided by the medical principle: Do no harm when leaving this or that market, think about what you can come to. My personal opinion, however, is extremely simple, these markets need our own internal market and this is the most optimal option. But in the coming decades, unfortunately, this, as they say, does not shine for us the capacity of the domestic market is many times lower, that is, the demand for these strategic metals is many times less than possible in our mining industry. The only exception to this bad rule is Uranium, let's talk about it. Especially taking into account everything that various commentators have already managed to say in numerous comments, as a result, they say simply unimaginable nonsense in such quantity that it is simply necessary to understand it in order to separate the wheat from the chaff; I’m not going to criticize anyone in particular. I’ll

just try to break down the EU civil war. Keeping in mind not the most complex idea Uranium is not only a primary resource used in nuclear energy, but also a metal which is necessary for the creation of atomic nuclear weapons, just in case, let me remind you that the School classic, so to speak, A neutron hit the nucleus of Uranus, it fell into pieces with the formation of two free neutrons that already hit two nuclei of Uranus, it concerns only the isotope of Uranium 235 235 - This is the number of nucleons in the nucleus the total number of neutrons and protons in this particular case T 92 protons and 143 neutrons the main flood of Uranus Uranus 238 92 protons and 146 Neutrons the basic rule with an odd number of nucleons and the flood of Ur is involved in the separation reaction in school with an even number of neutrons The fission chain reaction is impossible why is it better don’t even ask about the properties of elementary particles, they make it possible to have a chain fission reaction for odd isotopes of Uranium and impossible for even ones in natural ore, the content of the isotope of Uranium 235 is only 0.71 about Uranium 238 99 and that’s why it’s basic and not with arithmetic, I’m still fine 0% falls on even rarer isotopes, their volume and gives a full 100% Given nuclear energy requires the content of Uranium 235 of fissile material was at least 36% Uranium with a content of 235 from But 90% and higher is weapons grade to fulfill obligations under the treaty, also known as Megaton in Mega it is also the mining and black agreement in Rosatom. And specifically at the Siberian Chemical Plant, the realities of Russia and Rosatom were developed in other countries and are still used today.

But more on this a little later in order to obtain nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants from natural uranium ore five stages of redistribution are required, and after the first, the fourth and fifth stages of redistribution, a product is obtained that can be sold on the world market; the economic pattern is obvious; the product of the fifth stage of redistribution costs much more than the product of the third stage of redistribution; the product of the third stage of redistribution is much more expensive; the product of the first stage of redistribution I apologize for mode of the captain of evidence But this is so often forgotten that I am simply forced to talk in detail, and now we can go over these stages of redistribution in order to gradually immerse ourselves in the world market of Uranium, which is surprising in that it has very little in common with the markets of any other goods, the reason why this is precisely so it is also quite obvious that Uranium in any of its forms is radioactive and it doesn’t matter whether it is highly active or low active, in any case, to conduct trading operations with it, a separate license is required, at a minimum from the state regulator, at a maximum from the gat license for production for storage for transportation, the second feature is the same Energy uranium and weapons-grade uranium differ from each other only in the content of the fissile isotope Uranium 235; if the appropriate technologies are available, it is quite possible to convert one type of Uranium into another. Therefore, to work in the uranium market, a license from the Magat is required for the right to handle uranium, that is, the selection of buyers is also extremely strict general conclusion The world market of Uranium is extremely limited; it can only be called free; it can only be called with a deep hangover; a company of those who want to get involved with all these licenses, external control and other delights cannot be much, by definition, consequence number one: companies that have the entire set of licenses prefer to work with each other on the basis of long-term contracts and no more than 10% falls directly through the stst , and even then only by the goodwill of real producers and buyers. They just need a price indicator to correctly regulate the price formula in long-term contracts. There is no other product with such a set of characteristics. With so many restrictions and such closedness of contract prices. It is generally accepted that the prices of long-term contracts are not

lower and higher than the spot prices. We see in all kinds of stock exchange reports that there are no reasons that this is exactly so and not otherwise. Today we will talk, but first about the five stages of processing uranium ore and about the products from it that are generally purchased and sold by rich uranium deposits, currently it is considered to be those in which the content of Uranium itself exceeds 1% Key at the present time since there were such happy times when there were deposits containing Uranium, today there are absolutely fantastic displays of 60% in Uranium ore content which, as a result of rather random circumstances in 1942 it ended up on the territory of the United States, and that’s exactly what happened in the skies over Hiroshima Nagasaki, Japan owes not only to the democrats from the United States but also to the Belgian slaves who worked in the Mines in the sultry Congo, a separate story is not about it now if after recovery from the Mine or mine you get Something in the World Cup Where 99% of the contents are waste rock, it is impossible to sell such a pseudo product, just as from an economic point of view it is completely impractical to transport such production anywhere in 100 cases and 100 mining and processing plants and combines are built directly on the deposits task such enterprises - to remove waste rock came out to remove Uranium itself from it, for brevity, to enrich ore, please do not confuse it with the concept of enriching Uranium. This is a fundamentally different process, technologies for enriching uranium ore are not very simple, expensive scientific and engineering searches. I personally share the opinion of many industry experts who are confident without the strict demand from the military, it is unlikely that such technologies would have appeared at all; it is unlikely that power engineers would have become interested in such a resource as Uranium. This is not who we are, this is how life is. If you want peace, prepare for war. If you want war, prepare for war, always prepare for war, what many many technologies in the world let's talk about philosophy let's better return to the uranium mines here everything is much clearer at the exit from the enterprise for the enrichment of uranium ore oxide Oxide of Uranium a combination of three atoms of this metal with eight atoms of oxygen This is what I'm talking to you in the language of Chemists, the chemists specially invented it so that for all the uninitiated in their teaching, the mind went beyond the mind Don’t blame the physicists, everything is simpler They see yellow powder in front of them They see me running past on my business Chemists and give the mountain the name yellow cake no in this case the cake is not a reference to the expression ll a Quite yourself a chemical term Do not consider me a good-natured person, I will now take and explain this term so that you print out this transcript in capital letters and put it on the buffet, guaranteeing that after this children will stop stealing candy cake is an insoluble residue obtained after leaching valuable components from ore, the technology for extracting cake involves Autonomous alkaline opening of concentrates with their subsequent sulfate decomposition for those who shuddered lity cake yellow powder which is full of uranium oxide and this is already a very worthy product with an unworthy tradition, its quantity is measured in US dollars per pound and it is in such units that we We see a tradition at all possible stock exchange trading and in the information messages accompanying them. Of course, wild people brought brains,

of which even today there are not enough to master the system Yano CH will disappear. This tradition or not I don’t know, so I have to accept the yellow cake is traded in dollars per pound or in other currencies after recalculation of rates but about the price level a little later For now For purely technological reasons questions about the second stage of processing uranium ore, it’s also all based on pure logic, which every person has, here in front of you is a piece of ore in which the substance you need is only 0.7, and you need it to be 5% per molecule, tear it correctly into one vessel, incorrectly into another the atom of Uranium 238 is slightly heavier than the atoms of Uranium 235 and this is the only clue since the chemical properties of isotopes of one chemical element are absolutely the same with a solid substance there are no methods of separation but with a gas You can try a way to turn a solid substance into a gas is known to everyone, we remember how this happens with a piece of ice we get Howl to heat water is life to heat That's a celebration of life and here chemists gave the most valuable hint. Uranus has a chemical compound, heating which makes it possible to do without the liquid phrase and the problems associated with it. We heat the powder and after it reaches a certain temperature we immediately get gas

beautifully beautiful but this a remarkable compound of Uranium is one of its atoms for six atoms of the second , or in the prosecco language of the Chemists of Uranium, the physicists have actually checked it, and so it gets to 57.6, it goes into a gaseous state, and with this gas you can confidently work with increasing the content of the fissile 235 isotope Uranium using the diffusion method for this or through the use of gas centrifuges, what remains is a mere trifle from yellow cake, that is, uranium oxide, to obtain Uranium hexafluoride, poisonous sec and radioactive Uranium. It seems to me that there is no need to even explain how dangerous such production is in industry slang, which in this case has taken root well there is such a chemical procedure called the conversion of Uranium, if you see and hear this stable idea, then remember that this is a purely chemical procedure for replacing the compound of Uranium with oxygen with the compound of Uranium with fluorine, not the simplest technology, not all countries have mastered it, its use costs money and, of course, increases the cost of uranium products by a new higher level about this later we continue to study the stage of processing uranium ore the third stage - this is the very enrichment of Uranium, a term familiar to many, the physical essence of increasing the amount of fissionable from the floods of that same Uranium 235 in the formative years of the uranium industry, diffusion technology was used, but created in the Soviet Union in For the legendary Red Mash, gas centrifuge technology turned out to be so much more economically profitable that it simply killed all other methods completely and even the political intrigues for which the United States is generous do not help since the American industry has been unable to master centrifuge technology for more than 70 years as a result of this country’s lack of enrichment technology Uranium in its entirety, the diffusion plants they had are closed forever, the cost of manufactured products enriched to energy levels of 5% of Uranium is higher than the cost when using centrifuges of 10-15. Revenge of the products is a stump, the separation work cannot be free, we simply fix and move on, the uranium ore has been enriched, Uranium hexafluoride has been received They drove it through gas centrifuges and let it cool. In appearance, it is still the same gray hexafluoride powder, but

there is already seven times more fissile material in it than in natural ore, everything seems to be fine, but there is a nuance, such products are not in demand as a product, no one is such a man-made miracle does not buy or sell, the reason is that what is required in the reactor core is not the sofrin boom at all, but its oxide. The fourth stage of Uranium processing is the conversion of Uranium hexafluoride enriched in the 235 isotope into Uranium oxide. The working industry term is the reconversion of Uranium without chemical language problems since it is simply a reverse combination of chemical procedures again I can repeat everything already all the words already said chemical and radiation hazardous production has not been mastered by everyone again costs money in the vast majority of cases all production capacities for conversion, enrichment of uranium 235 and for reconversion are concentrated on one site this is economically feasible this eliminates the need for additional headache organizing the transportation of such disgusting stuff as Uranium hexafluoride, in which there is also a radiation hazard and a chemical Uranium reconversion at the exit from the site, an enriched uranium product, idle journalists and pseudo-exfoliation what causes confusion in the minds of one and the same name for fundamentally completely different goods natural uranium yellow cake uranium ore purified from waste rock enriched uranium product oop natural ore that has gone through three more stages of processing the difference is colossal both in terms of the physical component And of course in terms of economics the difference in the cost of two orders of magnitude is not two times, but two orders of magnitude, two additional zeros, that is, 100 times 200 times the reasons. We have just discussed inside the cost of the unit the cost of converting Uranium, the cost of its enrichment in terms of the content of Uranium 235 and the cost of reconverting Uranium is my personal impression when I see that in the next information OS there is no difference between natural uranium and a product enriched with uranium is not subject to censorship description, I propose to consider that all the necessary words were said for me by Sergei Lavrov for the last century, we supply OU to the foreign market, but never under any circumstances have we exported natural Uranium Therefore, if you hear or read about the import of Russian Uranium about the export of Russian Uranium, you know that you are being lied to, either intentionally or out of ignorance, you can only import from Russia the OU since Russia is only the OU and they export because I’m a good person, I suggest that we assume that the distortion of information in the media is only connected and solely with ignorance and therefore all journalists should be forgiven in bulk because it is a sin to be angry At sick people but in no case do we forget Russia does not export natural Uranium ore only and exclusively enriched uranium product in the unit the labor of mining has now changed the name to a new one which I has not yet had time to learn, the fuel division puts in a huge amount of work, and the fuel division also puts in a lot of work, which includes conversion and reconversion, along with enrichment for isotope 235, export of an enriched wound product, so this is not only maximizing profits, but also thousands of highly qualified jobs, this also needs to be kept in head if we undertake to think about limiting or increasing export volumes and yes, to the fourth stage of processing of natural uranium ore We will definitely come back to there are many nuances and they are important Well, the fifth final stage of processing is the fabrication of the nuclear fuel itself, the powder of the enriched wound product is formed due to either sintering or vibration Thin-walled and long fuel elements of TL are stuffed into fuel pellets with pellets . These TL are collected into bundles in fuel assemblies in fuel assemblies. The last operation is the delivery of ready-to-use nuclear fuel to the sites of nuclear power plants . the need to use Tuk transport packaging complexes for transportation in which a considerable number of scientific design and engineering efforts are hidden, without them there is no requirement for Tuk the highest Tuk is obliged to guarantee the safety of nuclear fuel in any external conditions when falling from a height during a fire during explosions during shooting during drowning during impacts from a running start against a wall and any combination of everything, the operator is obliged to guarantee that during transportation there will be no emissions of radiation from the inside to the outside. Even if five percent uranium does not emit very much radiation, but the guarantees must be exactly one hundred percent

, and this is not all about nuclear fuel from its five-year lifespan. in reactor pools, spent fuel must be transported either to plants for its reprocessing in the case of Russian and French fuel, or to places of temporary storage, and then we are talking about any other fuel; transportation of fuel recovery is an additional requirement for Tuka, which are also, in general, quite obviously, even after 5 years of excretion in the cooling pools, the radioactive decay of fission fragments does not stop completely. And this is not only radiation, but also a gradual increase in temperature and the requirement is also no chance of nasty things from inside getting outside. So such transport containers are far from simple and not at all cheap, there is a place for the creativity of scientists, materials scientists, design engineers and those lucky ones who get to test samples of materials at testing sites, raise them higher, accelerate them, throw a grenade, set it on fire and at the same time drop it to the bottom of the pool and see what happens five stages briefly: first, mining and enrichment of ore to produce yellow cake, which is already an excellent product for export; second, conversion of Uranium; third, enrichment of Uranium hexafluoride based on the content of Uranium 235; fourth, reconversion of Obon hexafluoride, producing an enriched uranium product that is hundreds of times more expensive as a commodity for export; fifth, nuclear fabrication fuel and obtaining the maximum possible profit with a final payment after delivery of this nuclear fuel to the customer’s nuclear plant site feature of Rosatom zero export of natural Uranium supply to foreign markets of only enriched uranium product and finished nuclear fuel yuan in his speech by the President of Russia test on restrictions on the supply of Uranium to unfriendly countries and didn’t say a word about the same measures for nuclear fuel by accident Personally, it seems to me that there is no reason again, purely technological, this is what fuel assemblies for fuel-generating power plants of Western design look like. And here is fuel assemblies for nuclear power plants of Soviet and Russian design, cross-section in the form of a square Western design, cross-section in the form hexagon honeycomb Our domestic one can, of course, go to the quarry from this place How exactly the geometry of the placement of fuel pellets affects the nature of the fission chain reaction but they offer dessert sometime later Let’s dwell on the fact that square and hexagonal fuel assemblies have different fastening systems, different configurations of everything inside reactor equipment, which does not provide any possibility of interchangeability of different types of fuel, everything is strictly hexagons only for Russian design, squares for Western design, the fact that for 20 years now an American company has been through changes in its owners, bankruptcy and other difficulties is rushing into the hexagon market is often remembered lately the process is going on, to put it mildly, with difficulties, but it’s still going on, you can write a novel about all these intrigues, but the fact that Rosatom in the fuel division has a division with the characteristic name TC is remembered much less often if, in short, the process of interpenetration is mutual in nature and the great success of the American company is due to not by any new technologies from their side, but by political pressure. Well, what I’m actually talking about is that Vladimir Putin suggested that the government think about restrictions on the supply of Uranium, namely Uranium and not nuclear fuel.

Today, Rosatom’s share in the global nuclear fuel supply market is only 17% and the attack is leading this small segment has recently brought significant results for attackers. Of course, the attack is covered up by demagoguery, all those who refuse Russian fuel call it diversification of suppliers. To the outside ear, it seems like a euphonious thing, but only for a completely outsider, those in the know know for sure that companies capable of producing nuclear hexagons on the planet there are only two fuel divisions of Rosatom Holding and the European plants of the American Company in this case, their own as states ordered us to provide people with Westinghouse orders, we are forced to do what we said and we will do. Now after we went over the technological details Let's talk about the economic component in recent years volume world production of uranium ore is stable, about 50,000 tons of natural uranium ore yellow cake are mined per year, so far everything is fine, approximately the same words can be said about any other primary energy resource, but the next phrase in the description of the world yellow cake market sounds like the world demand for natural Uranium in recent years time has stabilized at the level of 60,000 tons once again, 50,000 tons are being produced steadily, 60,000 tons are being consumed steadily, I can only repeat the Uranium market is unique and inimitable, no other raw material has come close in many, many comments to our programs on the topic of peaceful and not so nuclear, I have to read criticism of the contract city ​​of Chernomyrdin, aka WOW No, highly enriched Uranium is wrong, we are weapons-grade Uranium dilution is heated up, the purpose of the heaters is quite obvious in the leadership of Russia Rosatom, it turns out that traitors have settled in, and therefore it’s time to take up the axes And as anon, I will be a highly classified facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, workers are converting old nuclear ones warheads into fuel that will power cities, a recipe for creating an advanced reactor fuel involves smelting weapons-grade Uranium with low-enriched uranium in a crucible, a massive metal cauldron heated to approximately 2,500 Fahrenheit after the furnace, a glowing orange casting filled with hot liquid uranium is slowly lowered into a cooling chamber, a solidified finished product similar to black coal can be safely taken into the hands of the states and are now forced melt down highly enriched Uranium for the needs of their nuclear power plants, exactly the same as during the time of the treaty, they voluntarily, without any agreements with Russia [music] Or are you much more shouting only against Russia? I didn’t just remember this story, the trick with the fact that Uranium is consumed in quantities exceeding production volumes, it is in such processes that the reserves from the Cold War era come into play, a copy of storing weapons-grade Uranium for decades is technologically difficult and therefore a costly process, and the owners of nuclear power plants are willing to pay good money, that’s actually the whole T motive, the money is so good that the state and access to any country is only available government agencies are investing in the creation of technology for processing weapons-grade Uranium, and since we have already more or less figured out the technologies and stages of processing uranium ore, let’s take a look at where the profit sources are hiding, according to the asso Semir Nuclear Association, the annual demand of the states for EU uranium is recalculated to natural hundred ore since the beginning of this year, having assessed the increase in the cost of cake on world markets, American companies have begun a rapid restoration of production on their own territory, this news is also Rayat to rub in the nose about another successful success, production in this year 2024 has really skyrocketed based on the results of the first two quarters in the States before 7 Ur just 70 tons with your permission Dear viewers and listeners, I will not recalculate the percentage of production and the volume of demand so as not to get confused in the zeros after the decimal point Yes, and I will carry out other calculations approximately, the order of the numbers is important, which is quite enough for understanding what is happening, I suggest not specifying spot quotes on the world market to the last American cent we take for 2023 80 dollars per pound Or 200 dollars per kilogram It’s a pity that then the annual US demand for uranium ore is 4 billion dollars But the data for 2023 Rosatom supplied 702 tons to American nuclear power plants enriched uranium product worth $1.2 billion, converted into dollars per kilogram, it turns out to be $1,709

per kilo, strange, but the calculator never lies, all calculations are correct, yellowcake at $200 per kilo, enriched uranium product at $1,700 per kilo, 8 times higher the results of the current year will be more expensive, I am sure that the ratio will be even higher. At the moment, the cost of Uranium conversion is 60 dollars per kilogram. But as we see, this is not the largest addition to the final price; the main added cost is, of course, in the enrichment of Uranium in terms of the content of the fissile isotope 235 in order to calculate correctly the efforts required to separate two isotopes of one chemical substance into two fractions there is a very convenient unit of measurement unit of separation work for separating isotopes for brevity the separation of isotopes is omitted to specialists quite sufficient unit of separation work abbreviation p the convenience is that err does not depend on the separation technology used for the same separating a mixture of isotopes requires the same amount of err in order to enrich Uranium in the content of flood 235 BC, what we need is a certain amount of Creed of Uranium and a certain number of units of separation work, both depend on exactly how much Uranium 235 remains in the tails of the enrichment cascades Or in other words, how much It’s completely possible to squeeze out Uranium 235 from natural ore in natural ore I remind you 0.71 about isotope 25, that’s where the European triu in the combined uranium 0.3 of Uranium 235 are behind it, Russian centrifuges seem to be 0.2 sort of like because because Rosatom doesn’t like to talk about all their records in this direction and there are unverified rumors that generation 9 PS gas centrifuges pull out 0.61 about Uranium

235, leaving 0.1 in the United tails, three times less than what the Europeans achieve in terms of technology Renko company, in order to understand why these tenths of a percent are important, I will give numbers: if 0.3 Uranium 235 remains in the dumps, then to obtain 1 kilogram of Uranium with an enrichment of 3.6 pro, 8.2 kg of natural Uranium and 4.5 units of separation work are required If 0.2 remains in the tailings, then to obtain the same kilogram with an enrichment of 36%, 6 natural Uranium and 57 units of separation work are required; savings on natural uranium according to Kig; overconsumption on units of separation work 1.2. Now you can estimate what happens in terms of economics with taking into account the fact that in August 2024 the cost of units of separation work on the world market increased to $174, the European technology of Uranium SBO is 1640 dollars for natural uranium and another 783 dollars for the cost of 4 C5 units of separation work. Total is 2423 dollars per kilogram of

Uranium enriched to the energy level Using Russian technologies we get 1340 dollars for natural uranium and the cost of 5.7 units of separation work is 992 dollars Total 2 dollars or a hundred dollars cheaper than with European technologies the competitive advantage is noticeable Even at world spot prices, but there is a nuance that we are talking about truly free competition would have an additional effect on the closure of all its Uranium enrichment plants, the Renka company would save a lot of money, the cost per unit of separation work at Rosatom enrichment plants is 50 kW hours per unit, it’s already clear, I’m not lazy, I know how to use a calculator from the generosity of my heart I I propose to consider that Rosatom pays 7 rubles per kilowatt per hour, it’s not a pity then those same 5.7 units of separation work per kilogram of Uranium with an enrichment of 3.6 pro costs a gigantic 40 rubles, compared with the selling price of 992

dollars at world prices, we will be more modest than 50 American cents and 992 dollars reaped thanks to the technologies we have, even at world commercial prices we beat the Europeans by under 100 dollars per kilogram of Uranium enriched to the energy level, while having a reserve of another 990 dollars so that Rosatom does not roll out all competitors into a thin pancake and a policy is going into battle that has nothing to do with the notorious free market until the summer of this year, the legislative restriction on the import of this product from Russia was 20%; there is no other way to keep the Renka company and its plant alive in the United States under the original name Ren USA Now the Biden administration has completely banned the import of enriched uranium product from Russia, which None of the owners of nuclear power plants there and the nuclear power plant in the States is private for some reason have ever been happy about. They will fight for exceptions, look for loopholes in the ban. They love money, such is their weakness, will lawmaking work? In the near future, an exception is possible until the end of 2027. It is before this period that the US Department of Energy may give permission for the import of Russian enriched uranium product, citing the lack of a similar product on the international market and given threats to US energy security, there will be enough remaining time to build new uranium enrichment plants correct the answer is no Find an opportunity to invest in an agreement with someone who has not yet mastered the technology of an American dropout who has not yet mastered the technology of gas centrifuges, find a site for the construction of a nuclear facility, obtain licenses from the state regulator and actually build the latest construction of a new Uranium enrichment plant, Yurenko Plant company on the territory of France it took 7 years. Therefore, even in the most optimistic scenarios, without a Russian enriched wound product, the states need to hold out for 7-8 years, provided that the share of nuclear generation of eut is about 20 It would seem that there is not so much Russian enriched wound product on their market 20% nuclear generation is also 20%, that is, we are talking about some 4% In the overall energy balance, which can easily be covered up by solar centuries. But there is a nuance. Where without a nuance, not a day without a nuance, is the volume of supplies of Uranium to the States from

Kazakhstan, what is said if you forget about that n USA works with Canadian Ore and the processing plant capacity provides no more than 15% of the total demand comes from Central Asia what goes to the USA is not natural Uranium, but an enriched uranium product. Although neither in Kazakhstan nor in Uzbekistan there are simply no Uranium enrichment plants, there is a 20% limit according to US law on Russian Uranium and Uzbek Uranium, even after enrichment with uranium 235, still remains Uzbek like this customs and write down the paper suffers, but the real share of the Russian enriched uranium product in the American market is at least 30%. So, not only the supply of the enriched uranium product may be limited, but also the work on its enrichment if the end customer is companies from unfriendly countries, of course this is only my personal opinion decision In any case, our government will have to accept the moment that Vladimir Vladimirovich chose for his proposal in the part that concerns Uranium, the UNO agreement was chosen exclusively, ended in 2013, contracts for the supply of enriched uranium product company tech Snap export tenex on the international market with private companies owners American nuclear power plants signed mainly in 2014 for a period of 10 years, if restrictions are introduced from 2025, then Rosatom will not violate any contractual obligations, but simply will not sign new agreements. From this side, there is no danger in the form of penalties. Will damage be caused to Rosatom In connection with the fact

that he will not be able to make money from American consumers last year in money deliveries amounted to 1 RD 200 million dollars nuance Of course there is Last year’s amount was the maximum since 2014 because American companies are aware of the thoughtless plans of their government to scavenge all the balances not selected in the previous 9 years the average amount for the year was $300 million less, this is two worth taking a closer look at Rosatom’s foreign activity next year, for example, the first power unit of our Ako nuclear power plant in Turkey and the first power unit of the Puru nuclear power plant in Bangladesh will be put into operation. The first reactor load is 130 tons of fresh nuclear fuel, that is, already in 2025, 260 tons of enriched uranium product as part of fuel pellets will be loaded into the active zone. Of course, it is necessary to compensate for 700 tons last year were supplied to the States, that is, the arithmetic is extremely simple, five new power units will compensate for the average US supplies, we completely remember More than a WVR 1200 unit is currently under construction in India, China, Egypt, two in Iran and Hungary, a continuation will clearly follow. Yes, you will have to work in a warehouse for some time, but there is nothing terribly

bad about it. Rosatom is deploying to us and a large nuclear power plant at SPO Shta will cope with this the problem is to hold out for ten years until joint efforts manage to build new centrifuge plants. Maybe I’ve already told you exactly how they can do this to continue dilution. I would advise these thinkers to read the text of the latest changes to the nuclear doctrine of the Russian Federation a couple more times. Vladimir Vladimirovich is quite a follower

at first advised the government to think about the embargo of Uranus and only then announced updates to this doctrine; however, for those who are especially stupid, it may not be possible. For greater persuasiveness, they can tear up something pleasant and useful on Novaya Zemlya, otherwise we have a training ground there ready for anything for so many years without use idle And on to the track about another direction in the global nuclear energy industry and how its development could potentially be affected by the thinking of our government in response to the president’s proposal: a low-power nuclear plant, and a modular one, where Low power up to 300 MW is a completely constructive idea; do not try to overcome the construction of gigawatts blocks instead in the factory, which reduces the cost and shortens the production time, create blocks that can be transported and then all that remains to be done at the sites is to carry out installation work and all the regulatory pre-meetings. Energy systems are small. In general, the ideal option is to introduce one block from a low- power nuclear power plant, substyle the capacity of the energy system you see, the second and third are needed now in the world, companies from different countries are working on more than n50 projects of small nuclear power units, exactly one floating nuclear power plant has been implemented Lomonosov Academy in the port of Pevek, this is on the shore of the same Chukotka where a low-power nuclear power plant is already operating on half a century ahead of the current activity in this Belinsky nuclear power plant, consisting of one Czech block, although it has now already been stopped at 12 MT, a low-power nuclear plant is already being built on the basis of the Rhythm 200 reactor in Chukotka, with a power of 55 MW, a Chinese project is approaching, but there is not much information about it yet open sources all other projects today are paper sketches that have not undergone licensing procedures with government regulators in the countries where the company is registered about these petitions and today today about nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants there is little power if fuel with standard enrichment within 5% is put into the core of small reactors then there will simply be physically little fissile material ; that the above are already Steps towards the creation of atomic nuclear weapons That is why the fuel for our latest generation atomic fishing has an enrichment of 19.5 uranium 235 maximum in economics but within the limits of the standards for such an enriched uranium product, such enrichment on an industrial scale has been mastered by exactly one company on the third in a row from the sun on the planet Of course Rosatom is political The leader of the greatest democracy on the planet Joe Biden at the beginning of the year boasted that the Centrum company had mastered the production of as much as 90 kg of per cent of the enriched wound product and now they plan to reach 1000 kg per year plans who argues only to what year they are planning is unknown, however Hurray for the floor Let’s somehow this season they won’t go for it Otherwise, the workers of weapons-grade plutonium under an agreement with Russia have stopped their own Uranium enrichment technologies for 235 simply do not exist and in such conditions the States are definitely not capable of voluntarily and spontaneously unloading to Russia, that’s why let's be sober, so if our government introduces the back secret of low-power nuclear power plants for 10 years, the signing of a memorandum of low- power stations on American technologies from the cities of Warsaw and Kiev, my ardent greetings, I did not consider the dependence on the Russian enriched product of two more large consumers, France and South Korea but only for one reason for one program and the States is quite enough South Korea confidently joined all the anti-Russian ones on order for Artie sp2 it’s not good to behave like that and therefore Personally, it seems to me to put them in the nuclear fuel corner num pedagogically justified method with France is more difficult since France - this is the company’s turbine for our nuclear power plants abroad at home , we will endure until the power machine products accumulate the required number of trouble-free hours from simply carrying the truth there is a NS Where without n the second largest reactor builder after Rosatom, a pool of Chinese nuclear corporations in the amount of x pieces with their own turbines, everything is in chocolate for this very reason, the French company has exactly one customer per gigawatt of Rosatom turbine, such a symbiosis, I’m not yet in the same piggy bank at the end of the last century, when our Minatom received a contract for the construction of two power units at a nuclear power plant The Tianwan agreement was a package deal. We in China also

built a Uranium enrichment plant with a capacity of 7,500 tons of separation work units. Of course, with so many nuclear construction projects now underway in China, there was no talk of exporting Chinese enriched uranium product. But with the advent of the American law on ban on the import of Russian enriched uranium product, the Chinese enriched uranium product has already been born, it happens, you know, China asked Rosatom for more enriched uranium product for money, Rosatom did not refuse who and how Now it shares profits with American entrepreneurs, the suckers almost said, but the EU stopped us in time Skat that out of grief, I don’t think that the Russian and Chinese nuclear scientists offended each other; rather, they forgot how to speak two languages.

I think it’s quite enough for today, I tried to tell at least part of what exactly the government has to think about after the president’s proposal, what conclusions and when the government will do time will tell [music]

2024-10-10 05:22

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