The 1 Bitcoin Show- Bprivate, Ethereum, the future Coinbase of Lightning Network, India

The 1 Bitcoin Show- Bprivate, Ethereum, the future Coinbase of Lightning Network, India

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Hello. Everyone. This, is, adam. Meister the, bitcoinmeister. The. Disrupt meister. Welcome. To. The one. Bitcoin. Show. Today. Is, January. The, 29th. 2018. Strong, hand. Value. Your wealth in Bitcoin. Buy. An old Bitcoin be patient. Alright check out the links section below and get a cryptography. T t-shirt crypto. A chihuahua comm ledger nano Trez or stores, devices, galore I gotta, jump right into this in a big rush. I'm. Going, to read basically. My notes because, I haven't even reviewed, them since I you know jotted, them down for the last few hours here. But. Again the Taipei Meetup I'm in Taipei, Thursday. At 7 p.m. that link is below okay, see classic, let's talk about there, that people talk about be private, Z classic, out there and in the Twitter world and, they're. Implying that. Z. Classic, is a tricky, player and all of this and I've. Said it before and I'm gonna say it again, the. Z classic, price. Should. Drop, incredibly. In theory. After the, fork. Once. It Forks in to be private in this. Irrational, world, though. 80. Percenters. May keep it up in some way but. It will have you, know I'll have like no developers, or very few developers, this. Fork is a way of morphing. Z classic. Into. Something, Bitcoin. II so. All Z classic, holders, are getting. This for free. You're. Ending up, with, something, more valuable. It's. Nothing to complain about and let. Unless, you keep it an exchange and then. The exchange doesn't. You. Know I'm hoping these exchanges. Do, credit, people with, the be private, if they're holding Z classic. You. Know it'll be a very good PR, move if they do so so if they don't and it'll. Be a bad a bad PR mood for the exchanges, it won't be good for be private, it'll, be another lesson why you have to control your private key but there are a lot of people. Who have gotten into Z classic, they have no idea how to hold their Z, classic on what wall it's what's safe so. They're just keeping it on exchanges, now and, yeah. Hopefully we're. Gonna put pressure on the two main exchanges, the credit people be private. That. Have. Z classic, now on there, but. Anyway it's, it's no secret that. You. Know what's, going to happen the Z classic, after the fork I mean no. One's trying to. Make. It seem like Z classic, is gonna be the Z incredible, valuable incredibly. Valuable commodity. After. It Forks, into, be, private and. Again. And people, are saying yo it's it's it's don't, buy a. $150. Z. Classic, now in order to get be private, yeah. I mean. Who. 20, percenters, first of all they don't go buying. $150. All coins that. Were like worth, 10.

Bucks Four weeks ago, okay, buy. And hold Bitcoin, this, channel, is about buying. Bitcoin. So. I, don't, I don't see the problem out, there of, Z of you know people are complaining about Z classic, but. I think it's it's a bunch of fun it's. You, know the the truth is out there you. Um you. You. Know if you feel like here. It is the bottom line if you think be private, is going, to be worth more, than the current price of Z classic, then. Buying Z classic, is not the worst is, not the worst thing in the world I'm, not saying you do that I'm never saying to do that I'm just, saying there is logic behind all this it's it's not some there's, not sinister, intentions. But. 80 percenters, are gonna get confused no matter what. If your need percenter don't even mess with this just hold, on to your Bitcoin you're going to get your crypto, dividend eventually. Again. Speaking of be, private. Crypto, Jake who is like a marketing, dude over there. He, says and I linked to this tweet below and. This is something people are wondering, about I mentioned, it a little bit yesterday we. Do not have plans to implement segments, at this time however. We, have implemented, a workaround. To allow, individuals. With Bitcoin, and sequitur, dresses, to, obtain their be private. Okay. That clears it up. He, also says that it's. Not going to be a right away thing or you're gonna have to wait if you've, got it in a, segment address. And, by. The way in the end of the day. This. Delay to reward. Segment, address holders, is going. To create a second. Mini round of distribution. That could, add more, to the hype of a be private. It. It, no doubt is another, factor. In the future, price and by, the way people who ask me Adam, what do you think the price is going to be I don't know what the praises god I mean yeah, I was just hoping hoping, as, a. Bitcoin holder that it's it's more, than. More. Than the be gold I mean I originally, I thought you know it would be 1% all. These are ending up 1%, of the price of Bitcoin. I'll, be happy with 1% I mean already the. Z classic, price has gone up to, 1% so one has to assume that. The be private, price is going to be over. 1%. Alright. Let. Us let us move on to other topics, remember. You can follow me on twitter, at tech Balt, te, CH, p. Alt, if you're in the chat you want to do a super chat I'll answer your question, and of, course its steam it I am bitcoinmeister. So. We talked a little bit about visa, aetherium. Flipping. Thawed. And I've. Called it I called it myth. And for, so far it has been just, the myth in. Terms of the market. Cap of aetherium. Going. Above the market cap of Bitcoin, and that's what a flipping is. But. Also the past I did, say that you know it could, happen and it could, happen if Ripple. Eclipsed. Aetherium, in terms of market. Cap and, surely. Aetherium. Could. Eclipse Bitcoin, in, market, cap but. The point is why, does that matter, and. That. You should not let something, like that distract. You from holding your Bitcoin, long-term again. Because in the long term, Bitcoin, wins and that's. The bottom line and it never changes, this. Is a buy-and-hold. Channel. For Bitcoin a channel. Based on valuing. Your wealth in Bitcoin. Etherium. Is not a golden hold investment. But. Pumpers, frame, it in that way, in a. Lot and a lot of the noise that will. Make people weak. And it is coming from those type of people and if, you listen too much. You're. Gonna make a mistake and it gets some of this people, who, are pumping. Aetherium, now we're. Pumping ripple, a few weeks ago this. Is this is not an IC o channel, if you want to get into IC O's, and. I think it's a horrible idea again these icy OS then, you're gonna need an ER C 20 token, so good luck you know you know I guess get, get aetherium then but. We, have been through all of this, before is another. Point I'm, trying, to make here and I. Would say that 24 some of the people talking, aetherium, understand. What it is supposed, to do and they. Don't care about the market cap and the flipping while, the other 80%, would. Be very willing to replace, the word aetherium, with any op going flavor of the month so. Bitcoin. Holders, that's, what this channel caters, to okay have a strong hand, don't. Don't, get caught up in all of that. Craziness. I mean, if you want to learn about a theory I've learned it from the people who. Use it and, who. Aren't like who. Just aren't in it because. It's the latest aucoin flavor the month it's the latest way to threaten, Bitcoin. Because. That's not what aetherium is if cerium, is not a golden, hole type of thing it is not a direct competitor, with. Bitcoin, but, some. People, use, it in a way to. Scare people out, of their Bitcoin as a way. To weaken. Your Bitcoin strong hands so don't let that happen, and. Google I mean again good luck to the etherion, people I hope.

It. Goes up in price I mean. I have a theory of because I was, I, got, lucky back in the crowd sale days of, 2014. I ended up with 20 I paid $6, for 20 of them or whatever so. But. Again this channel, is about Bitcoin holding and with all that being said here's. A tip for all the ico pumpers, out there. Here. You go I see o people if you have, an IC o---- and you, want to pump it up you. Should give it away for. Free you should give your token away for free as a crypto. Isn't a theory of crypto dividend, to, all the etherium addresses, with over one Bitcoin. I. Think. That it might cost like $100,000 would do that I don't know I used to know how much that cost I don't know any more has probably changed uh. Anyway. I know most, of these ICO people, are broke but, if they happen, to have, you. Know a legitimate, business skills and have saved some money over time it will, very much be worth, it for them to spend, some wealth to, give away a. Their. Token, and. Heavily, market, it over, social media and, promote. Their token, it, will differentiate, their. Coin their token, from, the pack which. I mean I see first hand at this conference in San Francisco, how everyone, and their mother is trying, to sell. You, a pointless, token. And, 80. Percenters, will eventually, pay for, what others, get for free so, if you've got a night if, you've got a token give it away for free make, it a crypto dividend this, will differentiate, you the, people who move on this and a few people have done that you, know the Xenon people, are there's. Some other people out there that dumbness. But. If you really heavily market, it you give it away. It's. Been shown time and time again that. The 80 percenters, who didn't get it for free are gonna, buy it and pump, up the price and you're gonna get you're gonna you. Know it's better than just trying to sell your you're. Crazy, i co @ i co token, at some. You. Know with. Banner ads and at some san, francisco event. Again, that's enough marketing, of ice for, adam meister that's, enough free, crypto advice from, adam meister email. Me and Adam at resort help calm if. You if you want a crypto consultation. Pertaining in this subject or if, you want a crypto consultation, on other subjects, or whatever but you know there, are IC o---- people who try to make me buy their you know they talk, about my I co-taught, yeah buy my IC o---- know, but I know they're willing to talk about you. Know ways. For you to. Innovatively. Give away your, IC o---- for your token for free cuz I'm a crypto dividend guy and, I I'm. A confident, guy anyway. I'm. Way going back to the flippin. The. Possible, aetherium, flipping. Thud. Be. Be, aware that you know be cash people will use that awesome they will, they will talk, about the ethereal flip inning and use it as an opportunity to pump me cash you. Know to weaken, Bitcoin and weaken. Bitcoins momentum, because of this aetherium, flipping that might happen one day and you, know what you should get into B cash. I mean. Yet encrypt, the etherium crypto noise is a great way to lay, the groundwork for a be cash pump keep, an eye out for that, fun people and they, couldn't know what B cash could easily hit now that we're talking about D cash d cash could easily hit two thousand dollars again, when, bitcoin is still you. Know what it is right now so, it can approach point to BTC, again which. Again value your wealth in Bitcoin so, they'll try. To, expect. Anything it's, all cyclical, everything, that I talked, about in this video is all, cyclical we've had a theory of flipping talk we've, had people make aetherium the flavor of the month we've, had be cast beautiful, aim and we're. Gonna see it all again. The. Lesson that you derive from all this is have, your, strong hand because. Bitcoin wins. In the long run don't. Don't you will regret Brett selling your Bitcoin for any off, point, flavor of the month pal, Matt like button. Alright. What. Else do we have here, for, Texas, show on vortexes. World. Crypto, Network, show, on. Sunday. He. Mentioned, the Lightning, Network and. It. Was, mostly, about Lightning Network innovations. And he, talked about how there is a race, to, become the, coinbase, of, the, Lightning Network to, be the blockchain not. Info, of the Lightning, Network in other words there are all these, companies. And individual, individuals, who, are taking risks to play around with the Lightning Network so, they become huge, players, in, the, Lightning Network ecosystem. And where, they're gonna be the name to know on the, Lightning Network just like big I, mean like them or hate them coin, base is a huge player in Bitcoin, they've done very well, and their, main stream when it comes to Bitcoin okay same with blockchain, Don info love them or hate them so.

This Is why people are willing to to. Do all. Sorts of experiments on, this untested, Lightning Network which I do not recommend that you do right now you know who you. Know but, again. Compare. This to people, you, know we supposedly, have all these all coins out there that, have incredible, technology. How. Many companies and. Individuals. You see rushing, on to. Experiment. With, these alt coins that, become the coin base of these, coins none. Not, at all but, you see I mean do, you want to be the next, the coinbase of, me oh no you don't see people all. These companies, individuals, willing. To take such huge risk to play. Around with me you know you see it with, the Lightning, Network I'm just pulling neo out of my backside, there you know there's you can name your off point flavor of the month from Asia or from, wherever and, so, anyway I linked to vortexes, awesome show below. And. Also something else that was mentioned by Francois, on there are Frances, excuse me he's been on this show before vortex, has been on my show before they're great guys. Well they've been on this week in Bitcoin before but, the. When. Is this the, 3iq. Corporation. Announces. Global. Crypto, asset, fund to, invest in multiple. Crypto, assets, this. Is a Canadian. Crypto. Mutual, fund basically, so, that's that's news it's news good job you know Canada. There's. Some progress there in Canada, in. Terms of mainstream. Financial, adoption. In terms of, traditional. Financial markets. Treating. Bitcoin in a similar way you, know making a mutual fund out of it or whatever, so, so good for them and, good Thank, You Francis for that ruse and again, I link to that show below on the, world crypto Network very. Good my. Buddies my partners. On the world crypto Network and again my international show will be on there soon enough and if, you, just listen to this on podcast, you already know yeah, Adam, shows on the the girl crypto Network podcast, tone show vortexes. Show it's, all on the podcast that you can listen to and hey I always tell people listen to these shows speaking, of Cohn again he will be in the DC area in, February, and I. Again. I forgot. One of it base he'll, be there from the 14th, to the 17th, I believe. Which is traditionally, when it snows in the. Baltimore. Washington area. All. Right we'll talk about that power right okay India let's talk about India real quick a fan. Of mine from India, sent. Out he's. The banks, are sending out emails, warning, people about. Cryptocurrency. Okay he, has, an email from his bank that he sent me that. Saying. Hey we know you bought bitcoin already, be, careful. So. Let's keep track of their people in India very nicely over there but the banks I think, the government's are making the bank's try to scare people about, Bitcoin, and probably. The bank's want people to be scared about Bitcoin in a way also, alright, so thank you for that information. What. Else do we have here Oh another Robin, Hood of incredible, tweet, i link, to below from. I. Cant. Pretty his a kumar, this guy is re over. 1 million people signed, up to the Robin Hood crypto. App in the. First four days my. Lord that is amazing. Alright. That. Is it for the Bitcoin part of the show pound that like button everyone, here, is the help health tip of the day I found. Out about this guy named Andrew, Pirlo. And. I do not agree with this guy on. He's. A raw vegan, guy, I'm. Not a raw vegan guy I eat meat I think. Humans, should have eat animals, but. Even though I don't agree with him and everything he has some very interesting points. He brings up fasting, a little bit he, I mean eating. Fruit is it's. Fine it's it you, know some, people have criminalized. Fruit, almost, so. Andrew, experiments. On his body we on his body with different eating, techniques. You. Eat a lot of he'll be way too much fruit one day and. Try. Different things out he experiments, and he's. An interesting person, so I linked, to this Andrew Pirlo guy below, he's, some of the check out that is is a healthy, person, he, does it differently than I do it but there are some things that I have learned from him and. I was intrigued I was watching a lot of his videos and again, I am not I I, you. Gotta have that I believe, you gotta have that you diet he is not, on he's I mean. I you can overdo it on carbs, and I don't think he thinks that all right now, that like when I'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember. To subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below. Bitcoin, I'll see you later bye.

2018-02-03 22:02

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avocado is fat.

Buzz Coin (BUZZ) Awesome coin and project I love! Research it has a ton of potential & it helps save bees!!!:)

Fruit, vegetables, fish and eggs. Lots and lots of fatty fish. Lots of Avocado. Very little meat. Once in a while I'll have some chicken or duck or a steak. Lots of green tea

How will bitcoin win in the long run. It could crash to an unrecoverable position. Just checked bitcoins transaction volume and it’s very low. So no ones using bitcoin or even speculating on it, hence the low transactions. People are getting into crypto via other altcoins avoiding bitcoin because the transactions fees were to high in the past. With no co-ordinated marketing effort no one will find out about lightening network. If no one knows, no one will buy. Also, I’m afraid that the Lightening network is coming online too late. People are already moving on, leaving bitcoin behind. I sincerely hope the complacency of the bitcoin community (not marketing bitcoin and pushing for lightening network or better block sizes) hasn’t sent bitcoin to the bin of superior but obsolete tech abit like Betamax and others. The reality is that it’s the 80%ers will be the ones who ultimately drive adoption. I know I’m cynical but Unfortunately their ignorance could kill bitcoin. Bitcoins momentum is down I’m afraid. I’m thinking maybe sell my bitcoin and wait till it’s $500 before I buy back my 1 bitcoin.

Pisces Traits- 373 Blockchain yeah I’m holding. Forgive my FUK rant. (Frustration Understanding and Knowlege)!

MrDoyley35 - If Bitcoin and Ethereum drops to $500 - Damn I'm in

I’m thinking maybe get out my Trezor and go through the inordinately complicated and anxious process of transferring my bitcoin to an exchange and cashing out. Come to think of it, it’s so inordinately complex dealing with my bitcoin it’s not surprising it’s transactions are down. I thought it was supposed to be easy. Remember those bitcoin events when u just used your phone to effortlessly make a transfer to someone else? Now it’s anxiety ridden, “don’t hack me” paranoia! You cant trust exchanges, hackers are all over it like Indians around waggon trains. This is what happens when geeks invent a currency. Only geeks get it and expect the majority to adopt their highly complex techno masturbation. Bag of shite. Sorry about my rant..... Ahh fxxkit Buy and hold! I no longer have any choice on the matter.

Adam, you need to quit giving health tips until you have experienced being a true vegan. Please watch " What the Health". It is a doc from last year explaining how meat is the cause of many diseases, including diabetes. I have been vegan for over 5 years and have cured many ailments I have experienced my entire life. Meat is disgusting and not meant for our digestive systems. Thanks for your work on Bitcoin.

Thanks Adam, for making it clear to everyone about *** NOT *** SELLING BITCOIN to buy ZClassic. :)

I missed the whole Zclassic thing but how on earth was that good advice ? It went from less than $1 to $200. That's x200. You are thanking people for having helped you to miss out on a x200 return of investment, lol. Of course, now you shouldn't buy Zclassis anymore. If you buy it now, you will probably get burned later on.

Lol. There is no Ethereum FUD. That's just created in your own head. ETH is just going up and your fear is that it wil overtake BTC. The FUD is created by yourself. If you prefer Bitcoin ... great then hold it. Nobody is trying to convince BTC holders to dumb their coin to buy ETH. Some people like Adidas, others like Nike. But in all honesty, I don't know how you can be so positive about the lightning network. It just gives raise to centralized hubs. I even doubt the 21 million hard cap can be guaranteed by it. Satoshi Nakamoto ensured the hard cap and double spending via a system based around a blockchain that was verified by decentralized miners. That was his great invention. But now transactions are going to be offchain. So Satoshi Nakamoto's invention is going to be bypassed. This means that his invention that ensured valid transactions that couldn't be hacked and avoid double spending is going to be bypassed also. I had a talk with very knowledgeable Bitcoin maximalists and they weren't so confidence about the lightning network. There must be a reason for that. I also subscribed to the dollar vigilante and his informants are very negative about the lightning network. They actually adviced to sell a portion of their Bitcoin and invest in some other options.

Yes, but only a little. Adam has way more bitcoins than ether. In my own case, it's about 50/50.

Did you know that he owns Ethereum ?

Exactly. And as for ethereum not being a "gold and hold" coin -- yeah, it's not, because it's a SILVER and hold coin. Whenever bitcoin goes up, ethereum will also move up, only more sharply. Its relationship to bitcoin is similar to silver's relationship to gold. And calling ethereum "just another alt-coin flavor of the month" is unfairly derogatory and really an attempt to FUD ethereum. Which is unfortunate because I like Adam's content and I also love bitcoin -- and ethereum. The future of money is big enough for BOTH coins.

I guess robinhood is runing to start up on the alts like coinbase sort of and I expect more will follow?

Wonder if Robinhood has lightning?

Pound that like button Pound that like button Pound that like button

Nothing wrong with eating meat, but one should be responsible omnivores and make sure not to support meat from horrendous factory farms where animals are tortured in crowded unsanitary conditions and pumped with antibiotics and hormones. This is mass scale animal abuse and the tortured antibiotic laden meat is bad for health as well. Even when buying from humane farms i think it behooves us to not "pig out" on meat but eat as much as is ideal for our health. Most people's health would improve if they ate more vegetables/fruit and less meat/dairy.

Have you got your #BRhodium?

I haven't got mine, either. I still have my @Trezor. 2032

Nope. I am waiting until it is listed on an exchange before I proceed.

After the fork why don’t they just give the zclassic brand/chain to an established American company that wants to get into the crypto space to “do something”?

Anyone can step up and take it over. That option is out there. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

And that is a big mistake of him because it is a no brainer that Ethereum will overtake Bitcoin in the future. This is Richard Heart's take on things: "I used to be [a Bitcoin maximalist]. I'm not any longer." "With Bitcoin you buy it or you don't. It goes up or it doesn't. But in Ethereum ... your play is on the success of all the projects on top of it. " "There aren't really any projects that use Bitcoin as a substrate ... If you care about eco system plays, a substrate which you can layer other stuff and if that other stuff succeeds the other thing becomes valuable, Ethereum has that. If cryptokitties takes off, Ethereum is going to go up in value. If one of the one hundred or two hundred projects in Ethereum takes off, Ethereum is going to go up in value. "

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