A Day in the Life of the Family with Six Blind Kids

A Day in the Life of the Family with Six Blind Kids

Show Video

No I'm gonna go in and wake up at up and. You. Never know what you could find it they're. All. Bed is 13. And. He's. The cutest little guy you ever. Met it's. Minty fresh. It's. Minty, fresh she like dress. Him we. Feed. Him we, bathe him. Everything. It's. Got a lot going on but, he's a very happy boy for you. Know just kind of takes everything he's, very chill fix, everything is dry. I'm. Good to go there. Come. On everybody I'm gonna wake my sister, in hell go morning. Okay. Who. Kicked. Their. Roommates, and, Abby. Although Abby can do most things herself, she does need a lot of prompting, and, you, know encouragement. Or every, step of the way first I put light on. My. Brother David taught me how to tie. Shoes and. It's, really easy now hi, I'm David and I'm the son who's away at college, what's it like to be at college um, it's pretty fun she, counts on me to do it and. I've. Been doing it for a while now who. Helps you in the morning. Um. Hey. Anna. Plus, I love her and she's my roommate. Mornings. Could. Be crazy at our house because, we're trying to. Get. Ready for school, and work. Bethany. Is 19. Years old and. She's. From Thailand, and originally, I. Get. Dressed independently. And. Brush. My teeth and, comb, my hair. Now, we're, gonna go get Jessie. Maile, that's, a good sign I. See. You smile on her face. Are. You in there. Go. Yes, II just. Turned 18. I don't get favorites but she's my baby I have to basically do everything for her also I have to get her dressed. She. She. Has it eating disorder, so she's capable of evil that she doesn't really like. To eat and. Somebody, sits down and watches this, video of a day in your family's, life what's the most important, thing for them to keep in mind - is. Someone. Of a disability but at the same time just. Look. At us as a normal, family and look, at all the things we do and. Just you. Know kind of realize, that we, do the. Same things. Just. A little differently you know hot coffee coming through, hot. Tub hot. Tub they kind of announce where they are and, what they're doing to. Each other partly, it's. The only thing it sounds polite when. They're asking, you, know that hey I'm gonna go get napkins and, you know you, can sit here or whatever, but. I think a lot of it is how they let.

Everyone Else in the house know where they are. Don't, touch, don't, move my muscles it's hot it's, hot, three. Two. One. Bingo. Delicious. We. Have the same kind, of coffee cups and the coffee cups are in the same place and the same dishes, are, stacked. Up in the same cabinet, all the time. They. Know everything about the house they know you know every room and where, the TVs are and, where the you know where everything that they need I mean just like anybody anybody. Would. Everything. Needs, to be where it belongs so, that the, kids can find it easily what, they need, do. You enjoy breakfast, together in the morning yes of course yeah. It's. Very relaxing. Actually, we. Make each other laugh all the time. What. Do you think about. Don't. You're on camera okay. He. Makes me laugh so hard that I start, now. My eyes start watering. We. All wish we could be as young as Hannah. She's. She's. 24, she. Acts younger. A lot. Younger. She. Has a spirit, and a spunk, in her and an. Energy, and a zest for life that. You. Know it's. It's it's like a teenager, and. A. Preteen, or like. Preteen, I know I'm, getting carried away. But. Come. Yes. 45. And. Time. Bus, Tom, this is your backpack okay. All. Right, dish. Came. Make. Sure you get the right one, oh I'm, quite, funny yes that is okay. Door. All. Right let's go okay. All, right. In the morning in morning. Are you excited or do you want to go back to bed Oh. Shade. It. What. Are you doing. Waiting. There. Wait. Here. Noise. Oh I. Hear. So. After everybody, gets up and eats, they go off to school and work. Oh---but. Isn't a small self-contained, class. With. Other students. Who have different. Disabilities are. You ready obeyed. What. Season is it is it summer or is it winter. Yeah. Good. Job. You found Richard Bunn, David mr. Robeson and I'm uncle, bed teacher. You. Have to work with you according to. Disability. Of. What you have to work with we, can't order from this, okay. You. Understand. What's. Going on in, the classroom, and. He's he's a very smart kid. Flammable. Our. Fire distinguisher what, did we talk about right now. Very. Good. Good. Job just, because someone's, blind they can't talk that's destined that's not that's. Not saying that they are. Stupid, they done no they are very intelligent, you. Just have to know how to deal, with it. Communicate. Jesse's. Favorite class is music, therapy and she looks forward to it every single time. Hi my name is Julia, Sullivan. I am the. Board, certified music therapist, working, with Jesse. Today. What. Is music therapy, music. Therapy, is the use of music, to, work on non, music goals, so. Music. Activities you might see in music therapy can be working on different things with. Communication. Or motor. Happy. Jessie your. Turn to drop the guitars or, reach reach. Good. I, have, seen Jessie progressed quite a bit and I know that the, previous music, therapists, working with her saw her progressed. By leaps and bounds going. From. Lying. On the floor and unwilling. To engage she's. Sitting up straight, engaging. In a full 45-minute, session. Again. See hey. Abby hey. Is. It okay if I ask a few questions on, camera yeah, yeah, um. Yeah. Do. You like making friends. Yes. Abby. Was actually, found in a trash can. She. Was screaming, her full head off, thankfully. And. The police officer, took her to the orphanage, she had. She. It's, hard for me to talk about this you know. Do, you like to be alone or do you like friends, Oh. I, mean. Like. But. The. Earth came from there are times that, a, bee will just start, wailing. And, crying. In. A very, very loud way. Doesn't. Happen very often, maybe once or twice a year even, it's not even that often, not anymore but, you know if, it wasn't for that whale, and, that scream, she. Wouldn't be alive today. When. You're around people are you happy or sad oh happy. When. You're alone are you happy or sad. She's lucky to be alive I, mean she really when I say Abby's a miracle, I mean. You. Know to to, have the, condition, that she has the. Genetic condition, that she has and to have survived that and thrived in spite, of it to. Have been left, the way she was to, be found and to. And to live, through that and and thrive, in spite. Of it and. Find. Her way home. Halfway. Across the world she's. A miracle, I'm. Mr. Rodriguez and I'm Abby's teacher what's it like to be Abby's teacher is one, of the most amazing things in the world she was. Actually the, firt, we have you, know case managers, for a special education students and when, I first started teaching she was my first, student.

That I case manager I was in charge of her and making, sure she was all taken care of and I think Abby will always have a special place in my heart for that I. Like. Coffee. Period. I like. Period. Her Braille is more sight-word based I. Like. Hot. Tea. With. Sugar. Peter. You do you saw me working up for when she was reading in the book those are a list of words and pages, that she's able to read together so. She is able to read and she is able to comprehend, what. She is able to read I. Found. To music while you work, yes. Oh. Wrecking, ball oh oh. Yeah. We, day, every, day all right stay, focused work hard okay there, we day. If. We can coach you don't. Lean back your, name when. The co okay. No. Thank, you cliff Jimmy. Come when he away oh hey. Hey. Hey. So. We teach her how. To fold we teach her money skills we teach her, how. To cook sometimes, so hopefully those skills would be beneficial. For her down in the future every, day, if, we can't coach you don't lean fat in it when, they toasted, nothing. Like you, with Jimmy. Conway hey. Hey. Hey, hey hey, nothing. Like you when using me come what hey wait hey. Are. You done yes, thank. You you're. Welcome, how has the idea, of being adopted, changed. As you've gotten older, um. Uh. I, think when you're like a, little. Kid, it's. Just a thing it's like oh okay well now you're my parents so you know that's, that's. Awesome right cuz you get a home and everything, and you you know you get I think, that's. All you you, know people want is like, security. And safety but then you know as you grow older and. You. Know for me, I've. You. Know in the back of my mind I kind of you know wonder why my parents. Of course you know gave me up Bethany's a senior, in high school and, she's taking ring, reading, and English and comprehension, and. Also she's preparing to go to a, vocational Center next year I miss Kay and I, am Bethany's English, teacher the. Camel, said I am. Tall. So. It is easy. What. Is Braille. Braille. Is. Raised. Dots. The. Pig said, and I'll. And I, am, so, sure, that. Sure. I am right. Are. You happy with everything at school yes what, are you happy about. Friends. And teachers, and all the. Materials. That my. Teacher by. Me, with Anna has, a job she works five days a week in a, bakery. And coffee shop the most important, thing, is. To. Remember. Where. Everything is, in, relation, to, where. Everything, is like. Where. The, cell. And instance, this the, tool chest is right, directly. Behind me. And I can hear people, washing their dishes and. The. Sink. The. Sink Bay. It's kind, of behind, me and right. I can hear the stove in the oven. It's. My life. She. Started. At. Cameron's. Coffee and chocolates, which. Is very special place. About. A year and a half ago we're making a. Strawberry. And then I'm, using my talking scale here. Got. It Kells my. Name is Kelsey Sohail. I'm. Hanna's a job coach how do you make sure you don't they did anybody when you're walking around, so, I just, tell everybody that I'm, coming up either behind them, or next to them or. Or, in front of them he's learned so much I mean since you. Know when she first started she tried. To figure out the place and, um but, now she's able to to, do. Pretty. Much everything. I mean she just needs the verbal, prompts, really just, trail with the back of my hand like I do at home. It's. Like using. The back. Of the hand or something and. It. Like, if you're touching like, surfaces. Like other. Surfaces. It's. It doesn't get, anything dirty. Yeah. It, is David, is 19. He's. Now a, freshman. At. George, Mason University and. He. Is living on campus, this is his second semester what's, it like to be in the small little dorm room with roommates um it, can be fun, honestly. We mostly, keep to ourselves a lot of the time but, you know you, know what's great is if I ever need like help with like my. Computer, or something I can just call Matt or Eric over and they're really helpful yes to sighted. Roommates. So. He, is living the college dorm experience. As. A, as. A freshman, David, with the first person that like I've had to have like contact, with in terms of having being with a blind person's before so I mean this, was quite an interesting experience at with them what.

Have You learned living in the small little room with David um I. Guess, it's just like I always affected that I'd have to help him with a lot of things but David's, only done a lot of things on his own so, I was like he sometimes, lets go out, for likes outside lines over with Brian, and then, like, he. Says we helped him a lot but I mean I don't help him like too often he manages that do it I don't know very frequently so David gets around campus, with a variety of different kinds of technologies, he course, law he uses his white cane. Gives. Us another application, called, nearby, Explorer which is designed, for blind people he, actually can point it in the direction that, he's going the app will tell him which direction to go. Mostly. I'm just sliding it to make to, make sure there's like a shoreline. Or. Make, sure there's no obstacles, you know I basically know we're all you know math stuff is we're all Eric stuff is and I just know where, my stuff is and I try to keep my. A, little, corner of the room contained you know so, like on the, on. D hooks where we keep all our clothing and stuff. I'm. The first, one near the door and then you know it's everyone else's and then four, drawers mine is just like right beneath, my bed so it's. Pretty easy to tell where everything is. As. The only college student, of the adopted children do you feel like an outsider, in. My family yes um no, I would say um I, get along with my siblings very well I always, try to help them out as much as I can and you, know, I'm. Like not, musically, talented at all so you know sometimes I'll ask, Hannah, for, you know defer. To Hannah on like musical, things. Somebody. To. They. Do come home from school one. By one. Oh. Dang. It thank. God. They. Come in and get their snack and, just. Gonna chill out. Do. You ever wish, you could see. It's. Not my best, wish I I, live like this way yeah meet you no. Matter what problems, I'm going through I can, just, stay. Happy. Most. Of the time. What. Are Jesse's, diagnosis. Jesse. Well, of course she has a retinopathy, of prematurity and. She. Jesse. Has autism spectrum, disorder. She, has intellectual, disabilities. He. Has a musical. Repertoire that's, unbelievable. She probably knows, 50. Songs maybe, 80 songs that. Will. Just come out of her out. Of the clear blue sky. And. A doctor this year a neurologist, was talking, about that. She has some savant. You know characteristics.

And Tendencies, because, she's got her, musical, therapy which is really important, to her, can, draw you. Know into some of her, you. Know mental, capacities, that we can't, understand. How the connections, are made but the, music therapy has really helped to bring that out and. Abby. Travel independently within, the house she can yeah. All. Of our kids on except, for Obed. Hi. Chris. Hey. Abby hey. Dan. She's. Downstairs. Yeah. Since. All your siblings are blind does that mean they need help getting around the house um, no, they pretty much just, like me they've basically we've, memorized. How. To get around our house and. How. To navigate and, things like that so. At. This point we. Can basically all just, go. Wherever we want. More. Stairs. At. Dinnertime it's, kind, of it's, it's almost like an orchestra because the kids the. Kids come in they know that. You. Know there's there's, a lot of pieces and parts of. Feeding. This, number of people so Obon does not eat independently. So. There, are times that, we, get to work with him and. He'll. Try to use a fork or spoon, so. He. Kind of knows what to do but he's. Not in control of all of his muscle, reactions. Because of his cerebral palsy right, so he has spastic, motions, but, he kind of knows what to do let's try, let's. Try Obed okay, watch. Us okay, I'll. Try. Try. Okay. Go ahead see. He knows what to do good, good. Way. I. Get. My food independently, is. By. The. Format. Of where, everything is imagining. Again. O'clock, so. The. Meatloaf is between. Eleven, and twelve which, is kind. Of left. And straight up above. Then. The peas and some, at six -, but. The peas are it. But. Four. And five. And the. Mashed potatoes, I ate them all. They. Used to be in between, one. Two. And three. And. Maybe. Even four. But. I ate them all. After. Dinner everybody, heads upstairs one, by one. Big. Time comes pretty early in our house normally, on a school night you know by 7:30, you, know these kids are up and they're ready to ready, to go to bed I. Yeah. I love, you too. Good. Night I would just say I. Love. You. And I. Just finally, you, know I would start leaving off you. I. Love. And, I, would just wait and wait and I'd say it again and then I might have to finish it again and start, over and say it again and then all of a sudden one day she, said you know. Walk. In. Your. Safe bed. What. Inspired, you to adopt six children that are blind we certainly, never saw, after, adopting, a child who's blind. That, just happened, it, just happened each time it just happened, coincidentally each, time, good. Night good, night all right I'll see in the morning yeah all right. Do. You need another kiss. Ended. Up in our home you, know because, of. You. Know what our two prospective stances. Circumstances. And they, found their forever home and they, found their sort of their siblings and. You. Know they became a family they, they needed their brothers and sisters just, as much as the kids became, a family they can do together and, we, were assigned to be their parents, it. Was a long day 5:00, p.m. number, 5 a.m. to, 7:30. P.m. that's a very long day. So. We kind of drift off to sleep. What's, the last thing you think about before bed, um. The. Last thing I think about is, my. Next day and how well it's gonna go do you think the world's a good place of course yes it is why, because. In, my. World everything. Sounds, so happy. You.

2019-02-14 17:43

Show Video


This is the first episode of “A Day in the Life” in 2019! If you would like to see more “Day in the Life” episodes let me know by liking and leaving a comment with your opinions. I am happy to do these and hope everyone is as excited as I am! I am already planning to film another this month. Also, after watching this take a moment to check out the Bartling’s channel at https://www.youtube.com/sixblindkids.

I would love to see a day in the life with the Spring family ❤

Blessings love and happiness always to everyone

It would be supergreat to watch the same video about the family that adopted the kids with Down syndrom.

Love the longer video! Hopefully you make more of these!

Definitely enjoyed the day in a life episode! Thank you.

My best friend has autism

Beautiful! Would love to see one about the family with the kids with down syndrome

Sure! Please!

This. Is. Beautiful.

Special Books by Special Kids I would pay to watch this again. Thank you for all your hard work on this project. And to the Bartling family for sharing their life with us.

Yes, I would like to see more o "Day in the life"

yes more!

I LOVED this

I would LOVE to see a Day In The Life SBSK video for Squirmy & Grubs!

Please do Avery!!


Yes, please yes! I love it!

The family that adopted children with Down Syndrome :)

You guys are Awesome

Chris it would be great to see more day in the life episodes. Avery would be great as well as any of the other kids, its so special because these kids are just kids, this shows the world this.

Special Books by Special Kids I want a day in the life of Michelle

Yes, please! This is a wonderful format and it would be great to see more! Also, I just subscribed to the Bartling's channel. :)

Special Books by Special Kids Yes indeed! You've opened up a whole new world for all of us. I love learning about special needs people & their families. As a teacher, it had helped me greatly, to know how to better communicate with students.

I would love to see a day in the life of ryan! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XudWvmnDwW4 his video was the first one I watched on your channel and I've been subscribed ever since

+That Random Stranger Bella just had another surgery yesterday. Please pray for her.

Special Books by Special Kids You know....I would live to see an update video for Bella

Yes, please do more.

Yes, please.. I want to see Ruby's and another episode of SixBlindKids. Btw I'm watching from Jakarta - Indonesia, at 10am (Friday), in the middle of the work

Yes more!!

Love this! Also love that Abi is a Buddy Holly fan & Hannah knows Queen! New technology that so many of us sighted folks take for granted like Siri or Alexa has got to be a great benefit to the blind.

I remember this family from another time. It was great to see what life is like for them. Really happy you did this, Chris.

yes yes ! more day in the life ! it’s my favorite thing on your channel! i can only imagine how much work it is for you to record and edit such a long video but your time and effort is so beyond appreciated ! keep up the amazing work you do chris you’re changing the world !

Just blown away by the parents. It's one thing to love and accept your child with disabilities, but to adopt, and take on the extra responsibilities and really completely change your live to accommodate another human in need; then multiply that by 6! These are the angels that walk among us. These are the type of people we should try to emulate. They inspire me to want to be better than I am. Bless them all.

Special Books by Special Kids I’m actually in tears or laughter and sadness

I love these. Also, Hannah's smile is contagious

I liked a day in the life. More would be great. A beautiful bunch. What lovely parents.

Yes! Love it!

We loooooovveeeeee this!

Maysam Sharifi what?

Special Books by Special Kids I really enjoyed this:) there are sooo many DITL videos that are just ridiculous This is educational and enlightening Thank you

U do an amazing thing. My mom is a special ed paraeducatoparaeducator and has been for 26 years of my 29. Thank u chris and thank you family for making me smile everyday

Amazing story.... More please. What a loving family, and those amazing parents ❤️❤️❤️❤️

I want to see how zoe and her boyfriend are doing!

Chris, I have learned so much from you over the past year by watching your videos. I have worked with special needs children in the past and currently still am doing so. I love my job, and I thank you for making it even better.

Yes please keep doing these!!

I'm sorry i didn't mean it I was angry sorry

you should do merchandise and have the profits go to charity

Chris, I have a second cousin on my Mom's side who is blind. He's all grown up now. I love my second cousin very much

Bravo — huge production. Great to see home, work and school. Thanks

Special Books by Special Kids I love these videos and totally wish to see more!

keep doing what you’re doing☺️

I love the day in a life videos!

Please do Rubys friend Avery! I love to see how her day goes :)

I want to see day in the life of Christian

Thank you for sharing this! I love this family so much!

Special Books by Special Kids yes more day in the life! Please

Ummm ppl best be starting to sit w her at lunch

Wonderful parents

Hannah is TOO precious. I love her

It's amazing seeing how they can just simply memorize where to go in the house. And they're incredibly smart!

Their happiness makes me so happy

Didn’t see that coming

They are.. AWESOME I wanna be like them

I never noticed how extreme blindness could be. I thought u was blind and that was it...u would need help...but i never thought this

Love everything you do

The sisters are so cute love there bond

I couldn’t stop smiling, this warmed my heart. ❤️ When Hannah was asked if “the world is a good place”? Her response brought tears to my eyes, you can tell their (adoptive) parents have truly raised them in love. Amazing story!

Okay I teared yo when Hanna sang somebody to love

why didn't anyone sit with Abi during lunch? it broke my heart.

Imagine John cena said “u can’t see me” to one of those kids

What happens when the parents pass away?... Whos gonna help them all?!?

at 4:55 i was laughing the whole time when abby did the suction cup

There laughing just makes my heart warm oh my gosh

I love how jolly Hannah is

Wow, whenever we have a bad day we must reflect on the hardships other face that we do not and how they are still full of love and happiness. This was a very special short film.



Hannah started singing Queen and I just fricking DiEd. "yEs aNoThEr FaN!?!!!??"

God bless them all!

3:09 But what if we are blind and can’t look at you?

I wish i could sit by Abi and all of them

I cried so much espicially when Abby’s mom said she was found in a trash can I lost it seeing her alone at lunch broke my heart

This was amazing to watch❤

This just cured me oh my god.

why does their blindness cause them to want to move much more, i guess unpredictably is one way to put it. Not trying to sound rude just very curious, if someone can please explain to me that would be great :)

It sad that she is sitting alone at school I would sit with her because I’m kind to everyone and I would help anyone

hearing Hannah sing my favorite Queen song made me so happy!

My heart hurts watching this

I love this video so much. Hannah has a really nice voice

I like Jesse's hair.

Hannah made me laugh every time she talked

I was so happy when Hannah started singing Queen.

Abi was alone at lunch :(

I wish i had such parents

Hey I'm abigaël

God bless this family

All I learned is.........they could survive birdbox

Thank you for uploading!!! What a wonderful family!!! More people like their parents! I was waiting for this video.

Abby's story left me in tears

Damn why does she brush his teeth so hard OUCH!! Shes going to give him /them gum recession.

Omg I love Hannah. First off she has a great personality (all of them do) and her singing voice is beautiful

people with disabilities are the strongest of us all.

I love Hannah's attitude to everything! She is just so charming.

awhh hannah is so fun and kind to her siblings. bless all those kids, they're lucky they found each other.

I could actually cry ;(

This is so beautiful ♥️

It's minty fresh!!

Hannah is so cute!!!!!!! They way she helps her siblings and is so independent just makes my heart melt

This is so sweet!my heart melts at this

Wow! Hanna is an amazing singer! It shows that just because you have a disability it doesn't mean that you are dumb or talent less.

"Because in my world everything sounds so happy" Really made my day

I am uncofrtable to look them, can they where some glasses. I am not a hater i admire them because i could not live blind idk it is hard to imagine how their life look

Chris you are a very special and good man❤️

'and the mashed potatoes,,, but i ate them all'

Big mood

Huge respect for the parents! Keep going!

If I saw abi by herself I would sit with her

Obed has the most beautiful smile

13:46 me too, Abi

It broke my heart when Abi sat alone to eat lunch


When Hannah began singing I genuinely got shivers down my spine. She is such an amazing singer!!!

Abi sitting alone made me cry so hard

Hannah's voice is sooo beautiful!

this is so fricking cuteee

You are the best guy i have ever know about

If there is ANYONE who goes to Abi's school, please sit with her.

8:02 when the beat drops

When I wake up in the morning...0:59❤

This is the most beautiful and moving documentry I have ever seen!

I want to hug Abi

this is so sweet and touching im legit crying sksjs

This guys really sweet they made me cry ❤❤

23:33 she did him dirty

These people are amazing

What wonderful parents. These kids are blessed to ha e you.

I love the parents

Abi isn’t trash, she’s treasure!

i think you mistyped your comment

I love Obed. He’s so sweet.

Imagine , how hard it is for them to live blind like that , i'm just happy i can live a ordinary life .

I want to be Abi’s friend so bad

and i get an advert on glasses first thing..

I sure hope Abi was just sitting alone due to filming and not because of her and people being mean! Gimme the address, I’ll come sit with her!

This made me smile.

I was laughing so hard when Hannah started laughing so hard. Her laugh is contagious asf.

I felt sad seeing Abi all alone at the table. Wish to be there and sit with her!

I like these "A Day In The Life" videos Chris! What about one with Rubys friend Avery?

Hannah laugh is golden

liked this for hannah's singing

amazing people best attitudes ever good luck ⭐️⭐️⭐️

This is no way making fun of him but I love when obed does that back and forth arm thing it's adorable I'm serious it's so cute!

It’s so sad Abby sits alone.. they are all people and they are beautiful like everyone else. They should be treated like a normal human should be treated.

I cried so hard at 12:32 oh my god

Thank God for these parents! They love these children with all of their heart.. Great people

You, Chris, and everyone involved in supporting these peoples lives are the best kinds of humans. Thank you. I love your videos.

dude can I be Abi's friend ? I would love that all of them are so cute!!

Loved this video!!! As a special educator is great to see their every day lives with their families

Special Books by Special Kids Obed breaks my heart. So sad. This family who brought him in are saints.

More day in the life please!

Jesse in the back at 23:55, I love her hair so much

Im in tears. This is amazing how big someones heart can be. This one girls laughter is so contagious that I laughed with her every time she laughed. She cracked me up (ofc in a positive way). Glad they are all a big happy family (:

What incredibly calming spirits the parents have

Give Mr. Rodriguez my number.

God bless you wonderful parents, God bless you both.

Your video's always make me think about how I've squandered my health and continued a downward spiral into drug abuse and alcoholism as form of prolonged suicide when i was born able bodied and relatively privileged... and these individuals whom were born with a physical handicap or developed mental disorder are more alive, vibrant, and happy than i'll ever be. =\

This is adorable ❤️

Their such a lovely family :)

"In my world everything sounds so happy" she taught me an important lesson just in one sentence. Thank you

I wanted to sit with that girl that while she ate her lunch, so she'd have someone to talk to.

I love these kids so much. Got bless their souls❤️

Hannah’s singing

I wish one day I can be as happy as Hannah I love her

they're all very beautiful and happy!



Gosh I love Hannah so much

"I basically know where all of Matt's stuff is, where all of Eric's stuff is..." *glances over nervously*

asians smart af even blind

This video was so inspiring and very eye opening. It made me realize that i have so much that I take for granted. This video made me smile and at times almost cry. I’m so happy and grateful for watching this video and I’m happy for the family to accomplish everything that they did and the parents are amazing!

This Family is beautiful!❤️

Abi sings better than me

This is so wholesome. These parents are the most understanding and kind people that these kids need.

Thank you for such a beautiful video.

In my world everything sounds HAPPY.. it's was my favorite part!! Hannah she has a beautiful soul!!

00:09 when my mum turns on the lights and opens the curtains In the morning

why are they all like this?

god I wouldn’t have sat at her table

Wait why would they need to know where the TVs are, not trying to be mean , just wondering

Love this

They look cockeyed

Why would they need to know we’re the tv is? I’m sorry I just had too

They seem so happy I love them

What an awesome couple


0:58 omg I love abi so muuuuch!

"and they became a family" ...love

Poor Abi, she said that she likes friend and feel sad when she's alone but she sat alone in the cafeteria. I would go sit with her.

Valeska Labelle I would too.

Hannah's laugh is contagious!

I've been following sbsk for a few years and sub / comment on six blind kids channel, I always try to stay positive (here and in my work life as a RN) but I'm crying watching Abi sit by herself that day at lunch - she has such a kind heart, I believe others would gain so much by having her as a friend.

Aby 14:23 min she's very lucky with handsome teacher

I love how fluffy Jesse’s hair is!

7:32 Work it boi!

*my heart..*

I love this video it gave me a big smile to see a family a little different is the same as every other family

Such a cute family.

They are so cute I love them

الحمدلله الذي عافانا اللهم صل على محمد وال محمد

I feel so bad

Tbh, I probably wouldn't notice that they were blind if i didn't read the title.

If Abi were to sing a lot and make songs, I could imagine her to sing country songs. She is so cute!

Truly a touching family my God bless these parents and each one of their wonderful children. “Everything in my world sounds so happy” that will bless your heart. Sending love and light!

Thank you for this video, it really helps people understand differences better

all of them are soooo cute !

21:11 “you going through my stuff boy?”

Maybe they should allow Jesse to try and play the piano, or at least practice it. Seems like she’s really fond of music and would be really good at it if given the chance :)

What an amazing family!

This touched my heart ❤️

23:34 that was so cute


They are capable of living better than me.

How cool obed is my age

Hannah can

It broke my heart when abi was sitting alone at lunch I’m crying these people are so amazing for excepting these kids as they are my brother is blind and people make fun of him and he comes home crying

A couple weeks ago I had a dream I met these people and they were super nice!

I want to take some time out to say thank you SBSK for making me see i’m not the only special needs kid out there. Thank you

Love them


This is what journalism is supposed to look like. Documentaries without bias.

_I love them so much!_

Hannah is amazing what a lovely beautiful girl - this makes me sad and happy at the same time! the parents amazing

hannah's laugh is so cute and heartwarming

Hot cup hot cup coming through don't move a muscle it's HOT

14:20 I thought she meant Everyday by Ariana Grande lol

Hannah I love her she is always Happ and can sing I love the others to but she is my favorite an I love Abi ❤️ and David

I forget that blind people have diffrent phisical eyes.

I do ppl very these special ed kids, just being honest but I could not take care of them

This mad me cry

Wow what a beautiful family❤

2:57 - 3:22 is so sweet and true

they seem so fun, i actually wanna meet them and have fun with them, they all look like great, amazing people. you guys are a bless family!!!

Hannah is an awesome singer

Hannah is amazing at singing

Obed hella cute tho

This is one of the purest things i've ever seen. So happy for them. I especially loved her saying "...in my world everything sounds happy...". We have a lot to learn from them

I love this family. God bless them.

I'm Hannah too!!

I’m so happy they are happy

Lmfaoooo when Hannah slammed the door on the camera mans face

God bless you and your family

ill say it now if anyone has ever raped a blind person deffiantly 100% certian isnt making it through the gates how much they repent

im actually so touched by this i love all of them! hannah seems like such a good soul and a good positive person to be around

Oh my all are so talented!!! I love this!!

they're so sweet

Hannah and abi sing great

Mr. Robinson is such a good teacher to Obed. You can tell he values him and respects his ABILITIES just as he would anyone else and that makes my heart so happy.

they're all so cute! and so lucky that they have someone to take care of them. god bless.

I cant be the only one that notices they are not just... blind? Lol

when she was singing it was so good!! wow

And I just realized I didn't even answer your question,

This is such a beautiful family, inside and out. Thank you for another video! Truly a selfless and giving couple; the love is just visceral. The entire family is so positive that it's contagious!. And I'm SO happy for David off at college and in the typical dorm experience especially (a challenging thing to adjust to for everyone!). His roommate is great too! He's so right- every family is different, and we've all got our own unique dynamics. I just wanted to sincerely thank you, Chris, for this channel. There can be so much ugliness on the internet and in the world, but this channel has been incredibly important in educating people and removing stigma. Sending some love your way from Philadelphia. You're doing something mighty special.

Does this video reminds you about birdbox? Anyone?

Ooops atualy 4:30

4:38 why they need to there blind

Love this video!

Hannah sings so well better than me omlll plus their so funny and some of them doing things in a way ,are so cute XD.

They are such a beautiful family I can’t

Abi teacher tho.. fine af!!!

Wow.. Amazing. God bless you guys xx

Not all heroes wear capes.

They’re seriously so cute, I love their interactions with each other so much

I wonder if they can dream and I'm serious.

This couple is amazing..the love and support they give their children is truly beautiful.. because of them this 6 young adults have a beautiful life full of love..God Bless all of them..they are the true meaning of love..xx

All this kids seemed to have a nither disability than just being blind


was that a fart at 0:41????

I love how much joy they have naturally

why do they need the tv when they're blind?

The parents really are angels taking care of other angels.

I love them all

The parents are wonderful people and are a blessing. The wife is also a beautiful woman.

Can someone explain to me, why Abi is always shaking her head?


Hanna has such a beautiful voice! But what are Abi's diagnoses? (If it's private y'all don't have to tell me)

God bless those old rich white people.

I adore this family. They have affirmed a lot of things I’ve thought about life and family and existence

This has to me one of my favourite families! I love this family! All the best to you!

no body commenting on how amazing the parents are..

I love this video!!!

This is amazing ❤

They Need A Tv Show...

5:00 Her laugh made me smile it's so adorable

but what happened to them were they born blind? was it from cataracts or glaucoma or???? what main reasons are kids blind for ?

Those girls laughter is so infectious! Love it !! Such sweet kids

Other blind people should see this

Hanna is amazing she sings perfect i hope god blesses her snd her siblings they are good people and they are just like anyone else

Imagine suction cupping in public

did anyone else wanna just walk through the screen and sit with abi at lunch?

the person who was interviewing the kids was so sweet, really patient and didn't treat them any different then he would with people without disabilities, kudos to you

Did she just slam the door in the camera man's face

God bless this couple I wish there were more people I world like this

This makes me feel fortunate for my eye sight and will to live

I’m sorry but obed is my mood

That’s cute

Omg guys! I miss you so much! I can’t believe how long I haven’t watched you for! Trying my best to squish in the time to watch y’all. And beautiful singing Abi and great inspiration

Hannah is amazing!!

I love Jesses hair

just saying people call them cute but if they werent blind and they were normal u would call them unattractive

Abi singing holly buddy is everything

Is Hannah still single?

God bless their souls

who else would sit with abi at lunch?

Are their parents siblings?

I love Hannah’s energy

They all can sing so well !!

It’s kinda embarrassing to say ur baby was found in a trash can but that’s sad


OKAY so I’m casually watching this video and SUDDENLY Mr. Rodriguez comes on screen and before he even says his name, I’m like, “HEY THATS MY OLD FRIEND FROM GRADE SCHOOL!” What. In. The. World.

Hannah has a beautiful singing voice, I'd love to hear her sing more Queen.

These are extraordinary kids.

I love this video so much, made me smile from ear to ear

These children are so very special and amazing

wow this is such a beautiful family

Mr.Rodriguez be looking cute

Their mom is so beautiful may the universe and God bless them all beautiful family

Obed. LOL. Also, why cant he get glasses.

i had no idea how old these kids are. i had no idea hannah was 24?

God bless your family

Mr. Rodriguez can hmu tbh

this is so precious and pure! i love this talented family and i love their positivity

Hannah’s obviously gonna find somebody who will love her very strongly

Hannah is so clever like omgggg, even I ain’t as clever as she is

The most relatable thing is Jesse just saying "Go" to her mom when she wakes her up

God bless all of them!

24:08 Abi looked so done with her

I literally just watched the movie Bohemian Rhapsody the Queen documentary and now in about 3- 3 1/2 hours I’ve seen/heard SOOOOOO MANY things related to Queen!!!!!!!

i want to be abi's friend so badly

It hurt me when ever she said abi was found in a thrash can and when ever Chris said do u like being alone or have friends and she sat by herself and she also said that it makes her sad

Guys Abi has friends she sits with! I saw in a reply because of the lunch and filming schedule she couldn't sit with them.

This made me so happy

Hannah is so smart! And she can sing, I wanna be her friend

I would love to be friends with Hannah

I really hope for them to see one day

This made me cry I just love this family so much❤️

This is one of the purest videos on YouTube

I love this video like actually they act normal and they should they are they just do things a little differently but theyre so funny and happy and I love it!! keep being happy, everyone! everyone is different! I love their personalities as well

What a beautiful family! We all can learn a lot from these people.

I see many comments about how amazing the children are.. And while they are.. I cannot even begin to express how inspired I am by their parents. What absolutely selfless and amazing people!

her laugh is so contagious it's literally pure happiness i found myself giggling along with her

Damn... didn't know your channel before this video.. but man did I watch it all ❤

31:26 love her

The look on the parents face when they talk about their children is so loving and beautiful

this makes my cry

make a PART 2!!!!!!!!!

This is absolutely beautiful,, I love this video so much

What a beautiful family ❤️

Hannah is sooooo good at singing !

Wow! What talented, kind and independent kids! Any family would be lucky to have one child so skilled, but all 6 are blossoming into functioning adults who contribute to the world around them and that's amazing! I'm disabled and came from great disadvantages as well, and I love this story because it proves that no matter your circumstances or struggles, we are all capable of greatness. The real limits we face is from society and people's expectations, not our disability. I hope you guys are able to listen to the comment section (I use screen reading and OCR software too) and hear this comment too, because I'm sending you all loads of love from Australia!

Their such kind people. ( the parents)

I love the color of blind people's eyes, their just such a pretty blue

I want meet them

Do more A Day In The Life !

What a beautiful family. I can see the love and how they light up your lives. God bless you all. Keep doing this beautiful thing. We need more like you two in the world.

1 of trillion parents the rarest type in universe

I thought abi said I like tea with sugar PERIODT

My man obed is so energetic, I love it , at 24:11 he was slumped, I love this family so much

I love them

I like hot tea with sugar PERIODT

Mr. Rodriguez can be my teacher any day

God I hope Abi gets a friend.

This touched my heart bless this family ❤️

I definitely cried. This video taught me so many things.

Hannah has the cutest laugh ever

this couple that adopted these kids are blessed and they should be proud of themselves that are giving their love and parent figure to kids with disabilties that other parent gave them away!

If you ever say you wished you had a diff color eye don't say that other kids don't even have eyes be lucky


Can like someone take me to America or where ever they live so I can be their friend.

When you realize that none of these kids know what their parents or each other look like. There were times when their expressions would just be so open that I had to pause for a second.

I love this family! It’s so beautiful and optimistic. They are a perfectly normal family. They all have skin,hair,and feelings so what’s the difference between them and others? This family should be under the protection of angels...

Aww when I saw abi sitting alone talking about how she’s sad being alone I started crying

Shame on the people who disliked this video.

Lol I don’t know where tha numbers of the clock are and she does she’s probably smarter than me


Nice family. People with disabilities and those who believe in helping them are living as should be. Lots of kindness and they grow.

I love how they are so smart

I cried this is so wholesome

They are soooo happy

I’m amazed, truly inspired. Always keep in mind to be grateful and appreciate everything in life no matter how hard it gets don’t give up! ♥️


Why do blind people's eyes sometimes go up into there heads?

Wow, what a great way to look at that. "If it wasn't for that wail or cry, she wouldn't be alive today."

The parents are so strong and so awesome! I‘ve so much respect for them❤️

When Abby was sitting alone on the table I couldn’t stop crying

I’m from thailand

im so glad their happy :) their so funny and cute >.

I love love love this family!

Great people

*Ahh delicious*

Abi couldn’t even say “friends” plural, all she wants is one friend. Just one.

abi has great music taste!!!!! love her energy

hannah is SO hilarious!

They are so intelligent! More than some kids at my school... Oof

All of these children, are very, very, very special. God bless them indeed, and God bless these wonderful parents. Amen.

This makes my heart up

Holy Storms !

I want to be besties with abi

Abi suction cupping is so funny but I think what really made me laugh is Hannah laughing so hard

i love them all so much

Dude they’re amazing

These people should've been in that netflix movie "bird box".

This is so sweet!

10:52 seeing abi sitting by herself breaks my heart

There all so cute

What a great family. I wish them all the luck in the future!

"Because... In my world, everything sounds happy." ;)

Hannah is so funny and cheerful I wish I could be her friend

God bless this beautiful children

I went to the high school that she goes to and graduated in 2017. All the special ed kids generally sat together. I think it’s probably due to the filming that she’s sitting alone.

Heart broke seeing abi sitting alone

She likes Buddy Holly, so, clearly she’s a smart girl. I would’ve sat with her, and sung along too. “Love like yours will, surely come my way.”

This family warms my heart !!!

When I saw Abi sitting alone at lunch, I just wanted to go through the screen and sit right next to her and hug her.. that hurt me to see, especially saying she doesn't like to be alone.

I just had to love Hannah when she was singing!! She sang much better than I ever will and I continue to applaud her without a doubt!!

Incredible. Parents with so much compassion.

4:30 they know where the TVs are, how do they watch TV

It is not just that they are all blind but that they are have developmental challenges as well. Damn that must be difficult.

Do they all have mental disabilities?

Hannah has such a beautiful voice

They have heart

I wanna Hannah to become a singer because that was AMAZING


this is the sweetest thing ever

Amazing!!! Thank you all for aharinf your life with me.

Awe wow this is amazing❤️

I cried when Abi was alone eating and when the mom said she was found in a TrashCAN??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is so cute

what an adorable family ❤️❤️❤️

It was so hard to look at it its soo sad Ughhhhhh SO HARDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

i literally wanna hug all of them

those parents are so beautiful inside and out oml.

I think Hannah carries a coffee cup better than me

In conclusion, blind people seem to be the kindest most normalest people on earth. Us seeing people are wack. I wanna be their friends so bad lol

I started crying when I saw abi sitting alone at lunch

I want to be friends with Abi so bad. She seems like the funniest person ever. And she’s so sweet.

Abi is so cuteeeee

This honestly made me sad to see abi eating alone, I would try my very best to speak to her. At our school we have a girl who is also blind but she has many friends, I don’t have any classes with her so sometimes it’s hard for me to speak to her.

They’re almost to 10,000 subscribers!! @sixblindkids subscribe!!

0:58----1:06 SO CUTE XDDDDD

I kind of thought that everyone’s house had a place for each item in the kitchen like the plates. I don’t think that’s a special thing for people who are blind. Hannah is pretty vocal. I am visually impaired and I kind of think I would’ve just told her to just find her chair. We all got the point you have a hot cup.

23:34 What I do to my brother lol

Cool. That’s a lot of work to have a lot of kids with more than just blindness but some of them.

What school is oed In cuz it looks like mine pfft

Zuli Dude I can tell Abi’s is James Madison high school in Fairfax County. So probably another school in FCPS

These are beautiful wonder kids I ever seen

Hannah is my favorite

Am I the only one that loves Hannah’s laugh

Parents gifted by god to take care them ❤

Wow Chris thank u so much for bring us this beautiful ppl throght ur channel. U are amazing and pure like all this kids and grown ups

Oh my gosh im in love with Musical Hannah i would listen to all her songs

They love to life

I am so thankful to God for making without disabilities And I am sorry if this comment seems rude

they are cuter than me

more please!

*down syndrom

can u do "A day in the life" from the autism family?


I saw your videos today, oh boy. About some lovely people that made the grade. And though their conditions were rather sad, well I just had to laugh. I saw their happy smiles.

why is noone talking about how good of an employer are those who hired hannah

awwww got blessed this people I´m pray for them now

2:07 old man: bethany is 19 years old old lady: good (you finally remembers the script)

This is soo depressing

I need moreee

What an amazing couple

A which the parents were a bit younger to stay with these guys for a little longer.

The parents are too aggressive

How heart warming

Hannah’s laugh is something to be protected

So cute , they all have their own personalities and get along

I was into it that I didn't even realize that the video was 32 mints I have a sister who have some mental problem and sometimes i feel that it's too much coz my mom Have to go through lots and we went many places in regard to cure her but it's all the same and I ask God why why why But now I just gotto say thank you God and nothing more than that God bless all those who spared their time to read this God bless us all

Woah Hannah is actually really good at singing. If she had a little more practice not much though I think she could go to a singing competition or something. Maybe even AGT.

I love this family so much they're all so pure and I want to meet them

What is suction cupping?

So the dude David is asian. Hannah asian asian etc abi Indian and the obed is black there parents gave them up yet the white parents Adopted them regardless of race and taking care and raising them.. blessings to the adoptive parents

Hannah is a jem

Jesus that communicate thingy speaks really dang fast

I almost cried when she said "she likes friends" but she was sitting by her self

They are inspiration to show people even with a disability you can still do things in life never give up.....wish with technology they could get the chance to all see. Wow she can sing too. And very nice to the parent good heart's being there for the children look like some are Adopted really nice of the parents..

I wanna visit this family. I already love them

Hannah is so funny

I think ive been taking my sight for granted

I would love to give abi a hug she’s so beautiful and adorable :((

So beautiful, that is one amazing family. I wish I could meet them, they could offer us all some great lessons.

Respect ✊

When I heard Mr.Rodriguez I was like “heyyy,that’s my cousin(he’s not actually)” my last name is Rodriguez so

Omg, I love the girls. They are so adorable and funny

Beautiful journalism. Beautiful family.

Bless them

Who decides to adopt 6 blind kids...

normal life hot coffee coming through hot coffee hot coffee

This makes me happy that I have colored fully opened and functional eyes how much I neglected my eyes

We take everything for granted

Us Hannah's are the BEST ❤❤

God Bless them

This is so wholesome and the kids are so sweet!

It’s admirable, sometimes life can turn tough or heavy, but these dudes are so brave! They can shut whatever mouth because they are a great example of “don’t give up.”

23:33 the door

hannah is so utterly precious... awesome personality

very big heart peaple they do care for others children, very roar,god bless them. they are like angel on earth.

Oh my goodness! Hannah is such a good singer omg

23:33 lmao

It's hilarious how Abi gets Hannah dying from laughter with the suction cup noises! Hannah's laugh is awesome and got me laughing too! What an incredible family!

Just casually watching the video and when abi was getting on the bus I realized ITS THE SAME SCHOOL COUNTY I GO TO and I was thoroughly shocked

Such a beautiful and amazing family.

I wanna cry this is the most sweetest family I've seen this year

Hannah and Abi make me Soooooo happy!!!!!

Poor children I cried

Y'all are saints. May you be blessed in every aspect of your life.

Omg I love all of them already

Obed knows how to move. Like damn boy you got them MOVEEEEESS

God bless these people for helping them out ...

8:02 lmao Obed raising the roof

I love that laugh

They're all so cute awwww

if anyone knows those two amazing parents or the positive children who do have obstacles makes me realize how lucky i am and i want to become parents like them someday. So if any of you guys know them please tell them how inspiring they are and to keep being happy and being amazing people.

Abi is the type of girl that I would be best friends with. She seems so much fun but when she likes to have friends and when no one sat next to her during lunch it broke my heart.

I love this!!

Jessie is so cute but someone needs to braid her hair out of her face.

A blind kid made it into college and I can’t even keep good grades smh

I loved to the kids at school having fun with the teachers a lot of teachers don’t know how to teach disabled kids that well

This just melts my heart ❤️ obed is so cute

Bless the parents I give it to them taking care of 6 blind children bless them

Abi Has 569K People Who Now Sit At That Table With Her and Her and Her Siblings Happiness Means The World To Them If There's Nothing Else To Give

These People Deserve To Go To Heaven And Its So Touching Since I Used To Have a Blind Classmate (Lulu is What we Called her) and There's a Blind Person in My School

Hannah and abi make me laugh so much

Precious children ❤️

Ik this is the wrong times and place but Abis teacher is hot asf

IF ANYONE LEFT A COMMENT BEING RUDE .. u have no good heart they r the same as us

Who else reply likes obed

This is the kind of family that is normal they don’t fight they talk to each other’s and all theme happy

Well done YouTube! I actually enjoyed this recommendation!! It definitely make me re think what I complain about in life.

I’m so jealous of Abi’s eyes!!

My name is bethany to :)

The clock thing with the dinner plate is really creative.

Lot of respect for this couple for their compassions, selfless love , and faith for the kids with special needs!

I love this!! Hannah I absolutely love you!

so cool

They’re all so precious

I swear I couldn’t stop crying

Could anybody tell me what to look up for the reason why there eyes are different colors? Like why Abi’s eyes are white/gray

"I like coffee *PERIOD* " GG Abbie--abby(idk)

Hannah’s singing was beautiful she should do more Queen covers

When Hannah started singing I was like yessss queen

I wonder what made them all blind. This interesting. I like it.

ima need you to look at the camera ma’am

I gotta say this I'm lucky to be alive happy and just be me these blind lovely people are just so kind and though they are blind they are so happy it makes my heart flutter

I so badly wanted to sit across from Abi while she was at lunch. She seems so sweet.

I wanna be their friends!!!

What an amazing couple, it's so amazing to see them adopting all these amazing kids!!

My name is Jessi but my nickname that my family members call me is abi, spelled the same way...

It makes me happy to see them being so happy

I wanna cry seeing abi sit alone at lunch

God bless them. Much love and peace to the family.

i heard Hannah sing and lost all my confidence in my own singing

That girls laugh is so hilarious xD

Special Books by Special Kids yes I’d love to watch more and see how they progress will be sharing

We should be thankful for what we are ....... Oh my

I absolutely love there positivaty and how well they get on as siblings

This is the side of the american story I like and I would want to see more

Much love and respect all I can say ❤

GOD made some parent amazing!

Damn poor kids is gonna hurt themselves in that garage!!! I would hurt myself in there!! Lol!! Great parents though and they have wonderfully hearts!

4:28 they know where the TVs are i don’t think they need to know

such a lovely story and i'm so grateful to watch a wonderful happy family. I love the quote everything is my world is happy.

Buddy Holiday-Everyday is the song Abbey was singing ❤

What a beautiful, loving family! This couple is just wonderful... they found their calling!

Everyone saying they want to sit with Abi can form a club and go make it happen.

Abi is so funny in a good way tho :)

Wow Hannah is such a great singer!!! ❤️

They really are the people who make heaven on earth... God bless you all

OH GOD ! Pls take care of these kids.

What’s the point in them knowing where the tvs are?

They’re like the happiest people on earth

I’m crying


aww they are all so sweet and adorable good bless the family ❤️

I would love to be friends with Abi... it hurts to see her sitting alone at lunch... and oh my gosh Bethany’s sings so well

So glad a wonderful family adopt talented and beautiful kids

God bless these parents

I'm was about to cry with the girl abi.she lobes friends but I don't think she knows that she sit alone at lunch.she had to think about it she like to sit by friends.

I mean loves

I'd love to hang out with Abi

Such love and devotion

Did anyone else start crying when Abi started singing that song?

I love this

Y'all know you wouldn't really sit with Abi. You would sit with your petty friends and at best say Hi in the hallway.

Most of us don’t have to deal with adversity and the kinds of problems these guys deal with on a daily basis. Yet, they make the best of their day and life with a happy spirit while many of us complain about temporary problems that are much more insignificant. We can learn a lot from this family about serving others and approaching life with a good attitude and determination. Another great video Chris, keep up the good work.

Wow, these 2 people are amazing. Bless them and their babies.

this warms my cold heart. what an amazing group of people. beautiful souls.

Don’t press read more if you get offended easily just warning you. They look like they have byakugan lol.

I really really really loved this. I wasn’t going to watch the whole thing because it’s late but oh well. I did and I do not regret it one bit.

It’s amazing to see so many teachers who actually enjoy their job !! I’m so full of love rn ❤️

I am happy the world has plenty of loving parents like this willing to take on a challenge and adopt these kids!

I am so grateful for this channel. It has taught me to be more accepting and try to make friends with those who are alone or different.

I have rp, retinitis pigmentosa and early cataracts

God bless you...

Everyone is disabled wow. That's a bunch of hardwork for the parents but it's good to watch because they are all so happy!

I love them so much. The parents are so caring and loving, and the kids are so positive and tight-nit.

This is so beautiful. I love that they’re able to laugh with each other

They all have such great personalities and I want to give all of them the biggest hug I could

God bless you guys, beautiful souls, so beautiful I cried

Everytime she says friend or friends it hurts my heart when they show her sitting alone. If I was there with her I would sit down and talk with her.

Some schools/districts. Won't allow or separate students with disabilities from other students for safety or assign a specific table just for them but seeing abi alone hit my heart in a really sad way because you can tell she's a gentle soul and loving. So glad this video was recommend to me. Because it show how much we are blessed in life.

This is hard to “seeee”

much love towards these kids and there wonderful parents

yea sure circumstances , coincidences my... when they found out that the government pays the parent a monthly check for an adopted child , obviously these people went on a shopping spree of children.

Ok i elf wit abi....but jesse is me on a normal day lol

It made me cry to see her at a lunch table by herself

I love them so much. Hannah has really inspired me to have a more positive outlook on life. Thank you Hannah!

when hanna sung queen i was like YES I LOVE THIS GIRL

Not trying to be mean to the family because their amazing but the kids. Look demonitized

i love how happy these kids are


Wow when he asked do you like to be Alone or Friends, and there she sat All alone at lunch. Please, don't forget about the lonely Angels, they are the ones who grow the Widest wings

Out of curiosity I searched the song Abi loves and now I regret it because it’s stuck in my head... I’m warning you don’t search up the song “everyday” because it’s wayyy to catchy lol

Dad needs to clean the garage, lol.

Bless their hearts

God bless you

Am I the only one who started crying when they saw Abi alone at lunch

this family would easily survive in bird box √

I’m always so ungrateful for things I keep hating myself for not being so perfect I always wanted to look as better as those girls we see on Instagram but after watching this video I realized that I’m blissed I have both my hands and both my legs I can run and do many things I can hear and see I shouldn’t be bringing myself down no one should even tho everyone tells me I’m beautiful I keep bringing myself down for not being so perfect but u know how people say no one is perfect no everyone is perfect tbh as long as if u believe in yourself others will believe in you. I should be happy and everyone should people actually lose things or they don’t have things but they are still grateful and happy !

May god bless her !

so a couple middle aged jews adopt some blind kids from a bunch of foreign countries as if there arent actual american kids that need adopting lmao

There not just a normal family there SSSOOO MUCH more than a normal family, they are such a special, unique, talented, beautiful, and blessed family. This is AMAZING♥️♥️♥️

Forgive me if this was answered already or if it comes off as rude. But genuinely do they ever run into eachother?

I just want to say, more power to mum and dad. Even as a person with no disabilities, I know my parents went above and beyond to ensure I was okay. Can't even begin to understand what it feels like with not one, but 6 kids with various disabilities. Blessings to these fantastic parents for all the things they do. They honestly did not have to, but by God, they are doing it like it's the only way they would breathe.

OMG she can really sing she sing way better then me Jajaja they are berry funny jaja I love them I would love to be there friend

When the kids said "I like being this way" at 24:25, I found a new appreciation for vision and everything I have. Wow I take it for granted and these children are happier than I sometimes am. They are so amazing

lol... *Abi, don't move a muscle* Like Hannah just knew that Abi was going to try something. Hannah should be a whole mood. How do you feel today? *Hannah*


commercial: "You see the...." Nice.

Ugh these kids are incredible. I love this family.

Love there positivity jesus christ

Hannah sings so we'll

This Family Is Amazing!☺

5:10 I live for that laugh

I love this family so much

Go to 4:59 and just watch

Good night!

God bless the both of you and your entire family.

“The mashed potatoes...well I ate them all” literally me cause I love mashed potatoes so much

i love Hannah! shes so bubbly and likes to help everyone else. she has an amazing personality. i would love to be her friend! :)

You guys have a wonderful and amazing family! I love that you guys put effort into helping each other on a daily basis and you have wonderful, amazing, bright attitudes! Live life to the fullest guys!

I wonder how their brain projects the rooms and houses in their mind. I almost imagine it as the 3D mapping that AI cars and robots do to get around.

Beautiful family

they know where the tvs are... Come On NOw

Oh my goodness I could so use a friend like Hannah. That laugh is so contagious!

Abi is something else, she is so cute

bruh abi having a major trance out here lmao

These parents have the heart of an angel and this family is beautiful (Lots of Love

wait til the deaf people hear about this.


Why am I reading the subtitles when I understand everything their saying

Abi real parents are buttholes

What causes there mental health problems? (please don't take this as a rude comment I genuinely want to know)

I exists birth defects

God bless the parents of these 6 beautiful human beings!!! ❤️

6:07 That laugh tho

wish you great for the future

Very heartwarming, really makes my life look so boring, i wish I could meet all of them. They are all so positive and I wish we were all like that

You let him say she has a spunk in her

Hannah is so pretty & so inteligent woman she can work i wish all of them will see all the things someday

That was so good Hanna and her laugh is so contagious

This is just beauty’s

i actually think abi is quite pretty

Why don’t the kids have pillows?

God bless this wonderful family

I'll add again here.... i hope and pray with all my being that a friend will have watched this video and seen how often Abi -and the others who are verbal- say "friend" or "friendship " in answer to questions about their priorities. And that that friend/s are sitting with Abi and the others right now. They are of an age where connection with peers is more important than world peace to them. ... my heart is brimming with love and pain and wishes for them to have a chance to acknowledge to themselves that experience of friendship. And mum...a million watt smile containing a million watt heart of love...Dad too of course.

I wanna sit with Abbi

God Bless that family

I was blessed by God for putting this amazing video in my night. Praise the Lord ❤❤❤

6 blind kid and she talks about they known where the tv is?

Awwww some cute I wish they were in my school so I can sit with them


Yass amazing

Wow it broke my heart seeing her sit alone in school. My husband told me when he was in middle school, he saw a girl sitting by herself during lunch time. He knew she couldn't see. When he sat next to her she said to him. Why are you sitting next to me? He said to her because I want too. She said you know I'm blind right. He said yea and....they were talking and she was happy he spoke to her because she wasn't alone eating lunch. My husband has a big heart which explains why I fell in love with him. But these kid's are special, human beings like the rest of us. No one should look low at them.

Love love love this

That mother has to be one the kindest most beautiful souls I have ever seen. She is so patient and supportive of her children and their accomplishments. Bless her x

9:03, my next headbanging style at the next Slayer concert I go to

Damn, there are so many rich and successful people out there with depression, but if you look at some of these people with disabilities, it really warms your heart to see how happy they are despite the things that may seem to hold them back. But unfortunately, most people that dont have any disabilities, arent really as grateful or happy in life.

I don't see how rich people could have depression , or any type of mental illness , they have everything they could of ever wanted .. They have nothing to be depressed about .. Life should be perfect for all rich people

“And the mashed potatoes, I ate them all”

I've been replaying 29:28 until the end... I've watched it at least 10 times already. I CANNOT stop crying at the sheer beauty and love they have. This is one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen. TRULY life-changing what I'm feeling right now.


Obed hair needs some brush

Obed is fricken awesome

George mason university!!!! I was going to go there for the summer. It’s crazy how the world is huge but seems so small at the same time

What a beautiful and blessed family. The love and happiness they feel for one another is so amazing. After watching this video I feel like im ready to take on the world. I feel empowered by how hardworking and loving these people are.

Bless there hearts

Ok... honestly i embaressed of myself... n tk off my hat to thoese two beautifull creatures... cuz they cant b simply humanbings...they got2b some thing better than rest of us.... congrats on what u are n what u do. T h a n k y o u❤

People like them are what keep the world spinning and what give me hope in humanity

I’m so sorry to ask, and in no way do I mean to be disrespectful as I too have a family member who is disabled but what type of disability does Abi have? There’s a girl in my school who behaves in the same manner as her and in many ways Abi reminds me of her. I would like to know so I could just look up on it and learn more about people with this disability to understand them better.

This video is so beautiful. They have such a positive attitude, I almost wanted to cry.

Not to be rude but why do they sway their heads side to side?

That laugh is contagious. I'm really happy for them.

Abi : don’t your on camera XD Hannah : okeh :3 _immediately starts doing it again_

Hannah’s personality is a whole 11/10 and anyone who wouldn’t want to be her friend is insane..... the same with Abi too, it hurt me to see that no one sat with her at all during that lunch scene

They are very lucky to have good people to take care of them and to have home for them

“I just want people to look at us as a normal family” makes a video titled inside look of a family of 6 blind kids

Big boy Blue m&m I think you’re missing the point

I love the way Abi says good morning

they are so inspirational and moving

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ they blessed

Love how Jesse loves singing and swaying her beautiful hair.

That singing voice, got me crying

When abi was sitting alone it made me sad

The sad thing is that 99.9999% of people in this world would want not to be in the shoes of these parents even for a day! My greatest respect for these parents. I have no words to describe their kindness...

I love every one. But Hannah is the best and funny lol I want to know her irl so fast

Ok not to be rude or mean or racist but how do they have different kinds of kids do they like adopt?

Just seeing them laugh and joke around makes me happy

This is amazing, I get to see music therapy in action. I aways wondered how that works more. I use music to teach my brother his own instrument. He picks up what I play for 7 years. I hope the gurl keeps going with music therapy. It ia really helpful art to. Music's an art...

Hannah is so giggly

Your family is blessed and I wish I had a family like this

I love everyday by buddy holly too Abi! You’re an old soul just like me! Love the oldies.

This gives me hope in society

Lord Jesus I’m so sorry if I ever was ungrateful in my life. God bless this family, I’m so sorry God. I can’t continue watching I have to stop cause I’m crying so much

A real Angel

When Hannah was walking in the garage, it's like me walking around..........and I can see

These people are God sent.

Well... @5:50

who is cutting the onions

The way Mr Robinson (Obed's teacher) describes it as their *ability* and not their disability...

How amazing are these children because of their amazing parents??!!!! For every bad person out there, there's a loving couple of them somewhere - loving more people who need it to make the world a better place! LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU AND YOURS!!!!!!!!!!

Omg this makes me so happy there soooooo happy

Loved this documentary I feel so happy and joyful that they are happy. This makes me want to cry tbh and I know now that I shouldn’t be so sad

With practice hannah can really SING SING she has a strong voice it's very beautiful and she should definetly (if she enjoys it) pursue in that career field

They're *adorable*

10:55 That just breaks my heart into a million pieces! Poor Abi

wow. this is beautiful. god bless these people. my heart is full

Abi is so kind and and amazing and her sitting alone at lunch looks so sad I love all these children

Some amazing kids

Abi sitting at that lunch table by herself broke my heart

I cried real tears. This was so beautiful!

When Hannah sang omg it blessed my ears. She is so talented❤️❤️


God bless this couple

Wait how tf is he blind and found winter ? And firestinguisher and monday ( ik i spelled it wrong k )

Why does Abi have a black eye?

I really wish I knew them ALL I would love them ALL and help them and stay with them sometime AND they can stay with us in Jesus name amen


a day in life of the family of six blind kids- special *books* for special kids

at my school we have a club where my friends and i go and talk and hangout with the disabled kids at our school. there is this one dude named Ethan that hangs out with me the whole time. he’s really nice, but he does say to/too a lot, so it’s a little hard to understand him. here’s an example of something he would say, “Megan, you too do like to restaurants. What is your favorite restaurant too?” (he asks me that every day) or when we play simon says he’ll say “spin one times” but that okay he’s a nice kid!

this whole video is just the definition of adorable

They are such a perfect family ♥️❤️

Ngawww beautiful people with a beautiful mindset loving this family a lot even though they have this disability I think they are perfect and the message they send to the world is incredible I'm 15 and never knew such awesome people could bring the world such happiness and love for them just the way they are❤❤❤❤❤

Holy storms! I love Hannah

I am literally crying.

Kids should sit with abi

They have really great parents.

I love how happy they all are it takes a lot of courage

It mak3 me soo happy to know people are like the mom and dad will help the kids and I'm happy I want to help kids and try to get the kids to a rlly good home

This is soo sweet i love this so much

All of these kids have such beautiful hearts. This family is so wonderful. So much love in one family. God bless you all.

so what happens to these kids when these people are too old to take care of them?

When it was bed time, I cried, the way this lady just shows unconditional love for her kids is amazing

Yes more please ! And if you’re ever in the Jacksonville Florida area ( with in 4-5 hours) and need any assistance with filming i would love to volunteer and help ❤️

Natalie or Maya!

Even tho their blind their still funny and they made me laugh when she did the suction cup thing hahaha.

10:50 thats just mean.

God blessed y’all for taking care of those kids

such a lovely and adorable family.

I wanna be friends with abi

Aww Obed is such a sweetheart

“The mashed potatoes... I ate them all”


16:01 Damn.

Deep down inside I know that you all are still my brother's an sisters every person on Earth ya feel me

God I love them ❤️❤️

Hannah is 24? She acts wayyy younger

Not everyone can do this, these are very special people (parents).

FACT: from 19:29 to 21:38 David’s roommate only blinked 6 times.

Okay so if they are blind why do their eyes move so much ???? Not tryna be rude just really curious

These parents and kids are excellent humans! Truly beautiful souls!

Thank you for the parents,teachers,friends and everyone who help them God bless u

Obed touched my heart.

I absolutely adored everyone in this and my favorite part was Hannah singing her voice is so good!


You all are a beautiful family. Hannah has such a wonderfully, positive, happy personality. Her laugh just put a huge smile on my face


Yes, every blind child in the house knows where the tv is

When she was singing "everyday" my heart melted. I sang along lol

this touched my heart .

Lmao Abi new the whole song. Serenity


I don’t really believe hat they didn’t purposely adopt disabled children. It’s a very good deed of them and I think they love their children very much, but statistically, I don’t really think it was coincidence.

so i know they said jesse has autism spectrum disorder, but what about the rest of them? surrely abbi has some kind of intellectual disability as well.. not trying to be rude im just curious. this is such a lovely video :)

Omg I love Hannah her laugh makes me laugh

“eye dont know”

Thank God for parents like this couple.

This so cool I never knew how it felt


omfg this is adorable I love watching these

I need Hannah in my life☺️. She’s so sweet and happy and funny!!!! PLEEEEEASE I want to see her again

I didn't know I needed this in my life

Abi sits alone...I wish I could have sat with her...that part made me cry

It's nice to see a community helping each other :D

5:39 when You want to say F*** but your mum's in your room

My favorite part is the hot coffee announcement!!

This is freaking amazing

Wow they are so beautiful. God bless them .

I love this

I never watch one video without crying,

Jus tell them to open thier eyes snsnsn


It doesn’t seem like there are any students in her class. How do you make friends when you have no one to interact with? I know she may need one-on-one educating but the other students could have one-on-ones, too, right?

What amazing parents



Hannah is so cute! I love her

Jesus bless you all great kids and great parents

i wish to smack the people who disliked because what if it happen to you and you were living like this.

They can't see how bored I am



5:00 was one of my favorite parts of the video. Those two are hilarious together. ... "Don't you're on camera" Lol..

Abi’s eyes are so cool looking

White people are evil

What a beautiful & joyful family!

The real bird box challenge.......

God bless the Bartling family

alabama in a nutshell


Obed is so cute

This is awesome

What a great video. Thanks for sharing and bringing awareness to others.

Stfu that’s why your blind Ching Chong

I agree


There is so much love in this mum's eyes ❤❤

i love this family they are so happy ❤

What an amazing couple these kids would have a terrible life without them

Wait a moment they know where the TV is?

This is depressing

Plot twist the parents are blind

This family and their genuine happiness and love for one another really puts the beauty of life into perspective. We can all stand to learn ALOT from these incredible children.

Holy storms!!

God bless these beautiful human beings

I've never felt such a short 30-minutes

Hannah's voice is BEAUTIFULLLL

How old is Abi’s teacher? He looks 17!

Poor Abi sitting by herself at lunch. That was sad.

This is such a wonderful loving family!!

Special Books by Special Kids I hope they can see again 1 day may got cure them thus made my cry and made me sad that they are like this

I have autism


4:58 it's so cute when Abi and Hannah are together

I’m jealous of their personality, I don’t have any of those disorders and they’re able to find a happier life than me. God bless them all :)

There will be a special place for this couple in the heaven.

cool I guess

I’m so happy these kids have siblings so they don’t feel alone. They have people around them who are like them too. They are a team. A family!

That laugh is so contagious

Ok i love abbi she takes everything nice and slow and really thinks about what she wants to say . I wish more people were like abbi. Also her smile just worms your heart. Omg her singing literally melted my heart.

Jesus I feel bad, she was found in a trash can

Omg! When abbi started suction cupping and the other sister laughed and laughed! That was THE best!!

Wonderfull parents❤️❤️

Abi's eyes are really pretty❤

Beautiful family Beautiful hearts

23:43 he is so adorable

This is a fantastic video, but that music in the background is driving me nuts.

David be SLAYINNN them stairs

Okay... I support the channel's good will and all but let's not act as if these kids are in any way « normal ». « Normal » don't have mental disabilities and aren't supposed to be blind


I love Hannah! I live her personality, she's so out there and outgoing! I love them all! But Hannah is so happy and outgoing all the time!

I worked at Applebee’s from 2007-2009 and met this family a few times. They’d come in for lunch once or twice a week. Really cool family. A lot of love there.

Anyone that has something wrong with them I feel so bad i sometimes wanna cry.


Top 9 bird box survivors

This breaks my heart and makes my heart so full at the same time.

Seeing Abi alone in the cafeteria makes me so sad!

I feel so bad they can't see a thing

Such a special and beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your stories.

This is such an amazing video. Also, I think we need to appreciate how perfect Mr. Rodriguez is.

love the music you chose for this the whole thing was so amazing. awesome family.

what a woman with a truly kind heart.

God bless this family

in their minds they probably don’t realize they are of different races right? unless their parents have told them but if not, i think it’s pretty beautiful they all are just true siblings who don’t see differences

Every single one of you are an inspiration!

This is so amazing

I’m a negative person I’m a 24 year old Mexican American man lost my faith in a god years ago. Being raised catholic worked opposite for me. Watching this video angers me knowing a higher being would let these kids live like this... maybe that means I still believe. I support this channel and understand how uplifting it is

David sounds like planrock 124

They aren’t only blind..

22:10 can we talk about sis’ singing??


The first kid got some real white teeth

Wait,abi was found in a trash can?

I love this they are so lovely I pray that they live a good life

no such word as "disability" only "ability" in this family and others with special abilitys

I love this family

Awe this is so nice of them for adopting them and taking care of them!

great vid i learnd so much thank you happy days fam

I really love these parents!

this was so heartwarming!

Omg I love Hannah

“Holy storms!”

God bless this family, and keep them happy, strong and safe, always. Ameen.

God bless those parents.

I like abi!! And her sisters. They seem so sweet!

25:15 after a long test

25:15 tuff

24:15 me everyday

So brave!

i lost it when she started singing somebody to love - queen

God bless this, god bless that. 6 blind children, and at least 3 of them with servere mental disorders. Good job, thy almighty.

Those parents look like they give the best hugs ever!

Blind people or not we are all the same in some way but we are all different and the same

i want to eat lunch with abi !

22:08 can we just appreciate those singing skills

God bless all the educators! These loving people do not get paid enough.

i love Hannah omg

whoever disliked this........i just wanna talk

Why do they know where the tv is

They love to watch TV..

God Bless you all

Well I guess the agency knew you were so loving to your disabled new children and decided you would be a good person to adopt these kids to. That makes sense. Nevermind and I’m sorry if that was rude.

Kate, I promise...it was. We did not set out to adopt special needs kids. They came to us. After Hannah and Jesse we received phone calls about the other kids. All we did was say yes. It is pretty miraculous, tbh...❤

Really excited please post more episodes

o m g i have fallen in love with this family

God bless the family and for everything they do For this kids you old going to heaven and a better life

No one's gonna acknowledge how cool the camera guy seems?

Hannah’s laugh is the most contagious laugh it’s radiating through my screen, I want a hannah

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a family this legitimately really happy and so full of love and support consistently. I don’t recall hearing one negative thing once.

I had no idea how old they were! I watch their channel , I thought they were all teenagers just really mature !

I want to be friends with abi! I would cherish her friendship so dearly :( she is so special and so cute! I'd be her best friend and make her so happy no matter what :( basically what I'm saying is send me abi and I'll love her with my whole heart, I take that back actual, send me all of them and I'll love all of them with my whole heart :) they are so pure I love them

Omg they're all amazing, I love them

OMG when Abby was sitting alone I cried

Beautiful family

I wish I had as much joy in my heart as Hannah does

This is so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes. The last thing Hannah said was just overwhelming almost to hear. Definitely an important lesson.

I LOVE when Abi starts to sing "Everyday....going faster than a rollercoaster" Its so sweet!

I feel such a strong connection to Abi, even from afar. I'm disabled and I was always that kid who sat alone because nobody would give me a chance. I'd have happily sat with Abi if we went to the same school. We'd listen to some jams, too!

I feel so sad see abi alone in lunch time why people don’t seats with her I wish I was in that school with her and be her friend

this is beautiful, i fell in love with these kids just off this youtube video. and watching this really made me double think about the actions i make in this world

It breaks my heart seeing Abi sit alone. I wish high school students realized the power in engaging with those who are different.

4:05 I friggin' love her laugh. I busted a big fat uwu

I just love how they care and help each other!

They so cute

“Oh lord ah!” So cute omg

I can't stop looking at the mom and thinking how beautiful she is, but its not just that, you can see her radiance and how much joy she has and how proud she is of her family. It's just so beautiful, the world needs more kind souls like this couple:))

5:34 to 5:40

I pray to god those people at Abi’s school don’t mock or make fun of her. I know how teenagers act towards those who don’t have the same abilities in high school. These kids are all amazing and special in every way. These parents are angels sent from heaven above.

I love Hanna's attitude she makes me laugh I love her

Hanna is a good singer make her famous

This is amazing ♥️♥️♥️

I like there braces

Please make a part 2

I see Abi at school all of the time! She is so polite and kind. Actually, I was just scrolling through my YouTube and saw Abi and I was like, wow!

I don't know if you guys know this- but from my standing point in the music industry- Hannah has a fantastic voice. Already opening her mouth wide to vocalize more- she may have been a little tense in the high pitches but that's probably because she hasn't had training or is more of a alto than soprano.

How are they all blind

Jesse is a whole mood!!

I would love to meet them

their all pretty cool! i would be friends w/ these peeps

God will continue guide and protect...They are a great, cute and happy family Look so nice together. May the grace of God continue to go with you guys your family is awesome....

It just says that people with any disorder can do the same as us and are the same on the inside

Why Abi is there eating alone(((((( so sad(((((((((((((((( I would like to be there, so much, just to speak and hold her hand...

This video reminded me of the good and love in this world. What caring angels they have for parents! My heart is melting. May they all have the best life imaginable. :) god bless them

abi drop your location i’m coming to sit next to you u are the loveliest girl on the planet

Abi: “breathes” Hannah: “AAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH” (Me with my sister lol)

Amazing family amazing kids and amazing parents

Okay I see Hannah breaking out Queen.... you go girl!

Abi is like helen keller when she was reading

What a beautiful family❤️ So much love under one roof, amazing ❤️

They all wonderfull

It's sad they will never have the opportunity too drive:(

Bethany has the most beautiful hair, i love them all i hope they find happiness threw out their lives

I was waiting for another uh

With the first kid.. Is he blind and mentally challenged? Not tryna be rude


Amazing. That’s all I can say it’s just... Amazing!

0:32 Someone put a guitar in that kid's hands!

White altruism is going to be the death of us.

Aww So Sad.

Aww so sad

Omg I love your videos!

Okay youtube i watched it

Hannah and Bethany both went to the high school I graduated from. So did David. I didn’t realize that till just now.

I would love to sit next to Abi and eat and chat with her, watching her alone is so heartbreaking...

I want to try one of the wraps the family made for Abi, she seems to be enjoying it alot.


hannah is such a good singer

I dont understand children these days. When I was a child I played with everyone. I remember thats when they had the special ed class separated and I couldn't understand why.

Hannah's singing is so amazing and her laugh is contagious, bless her

What is normal for the spider is chaos to the fly

+Alvinator Jehosephat Awww...so nice! We have our own channel! Come hang out!

Makes my heart happy to see how well you have all been. And how much the kids have grown lol!

This is so cool!!! I know who you are, I think...sometimes the whole family went, but other times it was just us parents!

God bless you

Abby looks like a possessed witch I mean it's not like she can see this lol

What a joy to see this family live their life...they are very special and unique in their own ways!

Best video... I not see before.. So love in people heart.

I loved seeing how Abi’s brain works, ‘we wait for the noise’ when waiting for the bus, etc.

I can’t believe I watched the entire thing. So happy these parents gave these kids a new life. Just fantastic.

Is it messed up to watch the scene at 4:55 and be really, like REALLY, freaked out?

What a happy house. I'm loving Abi singing my favourite Buddy Holly song

This is the most haret warming video ever bless theses thankful kids they are all adorable kids even tho they are teens and adults but eh

23:48 Lol Jesse partying at the fridge!

I see the comments have been disabled for alot of videos, why?

8:00 - 8:06 is the best part

Tears. Ahhhhh

I absolutely love this video those kids are so inspiring

I'm a somewhat religious person. But I'm also a very scientific person. I'm a bit of a skeptic, and I don't always trust everything that I can't see with my own eyes, no pun intended! I don't know if there is a heaven. I'm not sure if I believe in one. But there is one thing I know for certain: if there IS a heaven, every single person in this video is going straight there!

Aww.. I want to be their friend

I would try to be blind for a day

God has a special place for those parents in heaven ❤️

Abi sitting all alone makes me upset who wouldn’t sit with her it hurts my heart

I love the fact that even though they can’t see each other they still love each other

Hannah and Abi are my favorites ❤️

23:51 me when my firend says a really funny joke

This is truely amazing.

omg these people are saints ...just lovely doc to watch

Hannah has a beautiful voice omg

I think Abi is absolutely beautiful, I promise you that wasn't sarcasm


These be going to bed at 7 I’ll be going to bed at 2 in the morning

Thank you for making this. The ending left me tearing up. So beautiful.

The suction cup part... Oh this is a wholesome video

What a beautiful family - this is a dream

Love this whole family!!!!

I do not care of weard people


such a cute and wonderful family ♡ this made me so happy

This makes me happy.

Omfg ima run away now

I wish I could be Abi's friend :(

I absolutely adore Obed!! And everyone else! It makes me so happy to see all these wonderful people, I'm in tears!


if you notice you can kinda see abis lil white eyes. did anyone notice that?

Hannah seems so nice and happy all the time! She’s definitely someone I would be friends with!

I just wanted to know what this video was about and ended up watching the whole video

I love Jesse's hair and Hannah's laugh and voice

Why is the music so loud ?

Why you disliked this video why? Just give me a reason?

Happy Jessie I can't stop singing

I love your videos

Aw the end is so good

It made me think that maybe all human need to be blind to find hapiness

That seems like nurture

How do you tie shoes if your blind ?

Hats off to these parents.

My heart hurts, but I'm so happy that they are happy because they have each other

Abi sitting alone but saying she wants to be with friends, heartbreaking

Awwww Abi if I were in your school I'd sit with you and be your friend :(

We should all be as close together as possible. Surviving in this world is a continuous struggle, and for many people, a harder fight than for others.

i loved when hannah started singing somebody to love

*There all so sweet,I love them!!* *-♡-*

I love their eye colors

*O....my bed broke*

hannah’s laugh is absolutely contagious!!

My life is all of a sudden not as bad as I thought

All of the girls we heard sang sing so well and I love them.

I would absolutely love to see more!

The mother is a timeless beauty.

Dang Hannah sings WAYYYYYY better than me

What an amazing family and couple. And the kids really have some amazing teachers, really warms the heart.

Hey i know them Abi still goes to my school and David use to last year

Is the kid in the green shirt able to see out of one eye or partial sight or is he completely blind?

This is the most beautiful video I’ve seen in my entire life .

24:13 Mood everyday

“Because in my world, everything seems so happy”. I’m crying

Aww so nice ❤️ but... why did you adopt only blind kids?

Suction cuping

What a wonderful couple. I would love to help them out...

22:08 that is my favorite Queen song, she actually sings really well

Hannah can sing, she is amazing!!!!

When you get cheated on and your ex tries to calm you down so you turn into Super Saiyan 8:27

yo am I the only one who thinks letting these kids live is unhuman? Look, I respect that they keep them alive and I'm happy for them. God bless every single one of them and I hope that they continue to be the best that they are, but If I was blind I wouldn't want to live. How can you call that life? They cant do anything alone, forcing them to be alive is awful. They should at least be told that they can end there own life. That's my opinion and its probably not a liked one but eh what can you do.


Jesse's hair is absolutely gorgeous with all that volume too

If I went to abi's school I would sit with her shes so cool

These people are amazing and boy can they sing they are down to earth

I love how the parents don’t care about how they look like or how hard it is to take care of them, the parents love them for who they are.

They all have such distinct personalities and i love hannah's especially, she's the type of person you want to be around and have as a friend (not that the others are any different theyre great kids to have too)

They are sooooo adorableeeee

I love this family they are just like normal people it was funny when she closed the door on camera

Touched my soul...thank u so much

Y is abi always moving her head around a lot

at 28:29 where they listening to thank u, next?

hanna’s singing voice is AMAZING

i feel so blessed to born healthy i thank god and i sent my prayers to this beautiful family on their amazing journey

Beautiful family

Wow it was hard to keep a grip on this one yikes.


So much I wish I could spend time with this whole family

hannah’s voice is soo good

This is a nice Family. all of them are so amazing and im very happy for them im glad there in a good home.

They make me laugh cause her laughing

Part 2?

Omg when they filmed abi at the table all alone and said she was found in a trash can my tears came like a waterfall

I love blind people. They don't judge. Loads of love to the Family.

Everything sounds so happy She needs a trip to Compton

those six kids are special angels

Where the TVs are

Lowkey crush on David...

Are we just going to ignore the fact that obed is blind and not only knows what they talked about, day or season it is but he knew which hand she was holding it in!!!! Kids got some serious senses!

I’m keep crying

Jesse dancing to the woman playing the guitar made me cry tears of joy . She just looks so happy I wish I felt that feeling of happiness.

I love this beautiful family

I know he’s happy & life is good for him. I just feel so bad for Obed. He’s so cute & I hope one day there is a cure for all mental brain issues. But this family is so adorable. I love these parents. They’re saints.


I just know they keeping their eyes closed til GOD comes back! They are beautiful ❤

They’re all so happy, and LOVED. Hannah’s laugh puts a smile on my face every time. Such strong bonding.

Abi’s eyes are so beautiful

this family is amazing and adorable!! I love it!!!

Her eyes start watering

My heart melted when abi was singing, IT WAS SO CUTE

Mr. Rodriguez

We need more people like Mr& Mrs Bartling in the world. You can literally see the love bursting out for their children . So beautiful ❤️

I want to be as happy as Hannah

Incredible. Your family is absolutely inspirational. Edit: everyone in this community is amazing. What an incredible family and community. Those teachers are outstanding!!!!

I’m 31, and worked my way through college as a Choral Music Ed. Major, until I decided to drop out 20 credits short of what would’ve been my Graduation. After watching this video, I feel more empowered than ever to go back to School, pursue Music Therapy instead and finish what I started..a path I feel I should’ve chosen at the very start of my collegiate journey. Thank you so much for bringing positivity back into my life through this families story.

So Sad they blind

When I’m not pooping I’m looping- a DJ with chronic diarrhea

someone find hannah a record company

Thank you for taking care of them. It warms my heart!

their laughs bring so much joy. God bless them!

Hannah is an incredible singer wow

Abi is really inspirational honestly


I would like Hannah to be MY roommate!!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

14:26 SING IT ABI!!

Wow I am enlightened , I have teared up and have now understood a lot more since watching this video I am so glad I did ...❤️Such amazing parents and their children

Very beautiful family!

She looks like an ai robot

Their laughs are so contagious!


Lol I love them all!

First off....Hannah!!! You go girl! And singing queen! ❤️ what a beautiful family. My son was born at 27 weeks and also had retinopathy of prematurity. We were lucky that his cleared up on its own. He’s now almost 7 and thriving! We watch your videos together.....I just want them to be the type of kids that will go sit down next to someone eating by themselves. ❤️

I love this family

it makes me laugh when they start laughing a bunch

Im so upset no one sat with Abi. If I were in her school, of course I'd sit with her. More people need to be supportive.

they’re all so precious

@4:55 and on .... omg her laughing had me laughing so hard !

There are some absolutely amazing, loving people in this world!

Why is no one talking about Hannah’s singing? MY FAVOURITE SONG AND MY FAVOURITE YOUTUBER

This warmed my heart. Not only did I have my soft side, but I learned a whole side of life that I didn't know existed. It is beautiful and these children are so pure and intelligent. So much love and respect for this channel and the family !

You guys are such a beautiful family, I fell in love with all the kids, I just wanted to reach in and hug them all. As someone who plans to adopt, this video just made me all the more excited for when that day comes.

22:04 yass girl

I'm from Thailand to

I wanna be abby's friend

Me too

Amazing parents and beautiful family .

Peace and Blessings to you all. ❤

like they need a tv

I love you guys

Such an amazing video. So heartwarming. Abi made me so happy, especially when she was singing. Bless those parents and her teachers, their hearts are so big! It broke my heart to hear Abi's story and to hear how it makes her happy to be with friends but shows how she sits alone in the cafeteria. So sad.

i can see that they maybe have some eye sight problems

Wow simply beautiful, bless the Lord God Almighty.

You can memorize the order without necessarily seeing the shoe-laces.

sit with her at lunch

Bird box brought me here

They have 2 VIP tickets 2 heaven

My heart melts

God bless you two

They act like me when I’m off 4 tabs of acid

God bless these kids ❤

When they said Abi was found in a trash bin I started bawling.

No wonder they're so happy; they all go to bed so early. Just joking, it's not just that; it's obvious their parents took really great care of them.

The parents are angels. These kids are so lucky to have them.


Poor ability alone at lunch. Darn kids could include her.

I literally want to be Hannah

God bless these parents!

They are all so pretty (and handsome) there so cool I wish I was one of there sisters

If your wondering Odin has autism and he is my favorite

Abi singing made my heart flutter so much this whole video made me beyond happy

I just want to feel Hannah's happiness for one moment. They are all so wonderful. This was so enriching!

Does anyone have a crush on one of them?

im not crying you are!

I love hannahs personality

They seem like a loving family

My favorite is Hanna /-\, It's so cute

Ummm unmmm HANNAH

Watching abi all alone at lunch made me so emotional..bless her..and the parents are one in a million..so much love here..lessons to be learnt from this family

My dads auntie is blind and now is in a care home and several times she fell down the stairs of her old house and is now a bit lonely because her son (my 3rd cousin) lives in London and we live around Manchester so it’s hard. But we do try to visit often

I love Hannah's personality sm. She's so happy, she's like one of those happy and bright characters in a Disney movie that everyone loves.

الحمدلله الف الحمد لله ع تمام الخلقه ربي يعينهم

The end....I feel like I was hit by a truck

this warmed my heart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys cep the coments nice

Um why would they need to know where the TVs are

So they can watch their shows..

Bless them

I loved this so much! Especially just that proud sweet smile the parents wear and all the happy moments we witnessed. This family must have found true happiness ❤

Can I be Abi’s friend? Please


I like how blind people's senses are so strong

That old lady is so pretty

Thanks...I think.

So beautiful I’m in tears

I just realized don’t know how much I’m blessed! It hard that ppl living with eyes and awww but that such a great family

Abi, I will be your friend.

Love this, Courtney!! Thank you. We need music therapy and therefore, music therapists!

this inspired me. im so ungrateful and take everything for granted and look at these kids and their happiness

Hannah singing was everything. I would definitely love to hear her sing the entire song

What a beautiful woman I hope she is blessed forever with what she does for others

Abi and Hannah are so funny! XD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!

“i like hot tea.” me too abi. ur a beautiful girl xoxo

If I saw Abi sitting alone it the lunch table I would sit beside her and talk to her and be her friend

i'm not crying.....you are

Am I the only one that feels guilty that this happened to them?

Listen tha girl in tha red jacket is cute I don’t care if she blind she cute and I think she has high confidence I’d like to meet her

Does the one girl with a black eye thingy have diamond teeth

They are a regular loving family and their children are so amazing for a blind kid

Who places their babies in trashcans?!

I love seeing how happy they are even though they have soo many challenges ❤️

they are so happy it puts on me really great energy!

I love Hannah, she seems so fun to be around!

It is soo sweet

:,)♥️ they are so cute, I am so happy that they have a beautiful parents that give them love and believe in them.. So cute

Que asco.,,

These loving couple will have a gift

That music therapist.. Oh god, i can't hear her.

Beautiful people

I love them all, but Hannah is definitely my favourite


never thought I'd want to be born blind into a blind family. :,)

Count your blessings

I absolutely love abi always acknowledges you when you speak to her

I'm jealous that they can fall asleep at 7:30 every night. Here it is 1:30 in the morning and I got school tomorrow.

Hannah’s voice is beautiful! She should do something with that amazing talent

All I can say is I love this so much

11:20 made me sad to see nobody sitting by her☹️ I want to be there with her

Amazing family ❤️

Such sweet people❤️

U know I kind of like Hanna she makes me laugh with her sense of humor

this family is so precious, full of love. even better than most average families to be honest! they’re all so helpful and appreciative of everyone else there.


What a great family.

I love the girl with the coffee! She seems like a lot of fun!

Aww bless there heart Hannah laugh is so cute

Wait ain’t Hannah 24

Hannah has a really good personality-

Omg they said she was found in a trashcan that makes me feel horrible for her

They are so talented and so natural. I would love to be friends with any of them and especially Hannah(she is just so fun) because they are such natural people. They didn't get corrupted by the people of this world

God Bless their family!

That "teacher" dude looks more like he's 15!

The way she laughed tho

The best video I’ve ever seen

Chris you are a very special person... Truly something lacking now days...

Why I feel like Abi was adopted from India???just my opinion

I love David & Hannah

I would like to be Abi's friend

Yes, please!

Man there awesome

they seem so funny and sweet, it must be so fun to talk with them :D

God bless the hearts of every soul in this video ❤️

I see.

i just cried for a solid 30 minutes i-

Yeah but if one of them gets dressed on their own, how they bow which way is front and backwards. Edit: nah but for real tho, they seem rad.

it's wonderful to see that these kids have such a great support system to help them cope with these issues. Bless the parents and the teachers.

I think it was pretty cute the way Hannah described where her potatoes were. "My potatoes (I ate them all),"

This is a fine thing

I feel a little bad cuz I laughed a little when David ran into the cones and when Hannah ran into the car.

I dont know why, but i almost bauled at the clips of Abi singing everyday. So amazing!! Beautiful.

Wow.. that's some nice people.

WOW What a strong courageous family!!!

Yo Hannah got vocals

Those girls make me laugh way to hard

The kids are very beautiful and handsome

I am sorry, I feel bad for them but at 0:58 that one good morning sounded so strange it made me laugh.

I'm confused is this the same genics all related? Not in a mean way but they are not just blind they all have other stuff as well.

The suction cup thing made me smile

They are all so wonderful

Is there a way we could donate to this families.. I know they might not have any financal problems but I would really like to give them some of my money because they are really people who deserve it.

If u see somone sitting by then self or lonly be friends with them

Chris you are truelly an inspiration

They are so happy

So wonderful

I love u dad and mom u r great people u should get a medal from your government ( i m using my girl account

I love you so much Dave ❤️ I wish I can be your girlfriend ❤️

It makes me sad when i saw her alone in the cafeteria

abi sitting alone made my heart ache

The parents of these 6 children are blessed and a blessing to each of you.

Looks like a normal family to me.

So we're just going to ignore that Hannah has an angels voice? It must be really interesting living with 6 blind kids. They all have amazing personalities and I can't believe that they can really do all these things! It's beyond me how they live such amazing lives when I'm a seeing person and I can't even keep myself together half of the time!

These parents must be loaded.

I would love to be friends with hannah shes so funny

What an incredible family.

Thank you so much for making this content Chris. You really don't know the impact you're making. I The parents in this video seem so full of love and all the kids so different. They aren't just a list of disabilities. I really enjoyed watching this

I'm I wrong for laughing

this is really cute and all but,,,why does the old lady look like the old lady from brandon rogers videos

Even if you can’t hear or see you can still be your self by doing what you like. I can’t talk really that well so I go somewhere to go and learn how to talk with people and learn how to read too.

Abi sitting alone at lunch literally broke my heart

I love this family, the parents are just wonderful people❤

I want more with theeem

Hannah's laugh

hannah’s laugh could cure the world i swear

wow i can't help but notice that they have a beautiful home. i'm so curious on how their able to pay for it and financially take care of 6 kids, including themselves. incredible.

15:03 warms my heart hearing her sing and be so happy!

Respekt to the mother and the daher!!

it made me so sad to see Abi enjoying her meal alone at her table but she seemed to enjoy this moment a lot even if all the students are gathered together :((

What really made me smile from ear to ear is Jesse and her music therapy teacher ❤️ how sweet . Even swing Obed interact with his teacher is beautiful ❤️❤️ they ALL are so amazing !!!

I'm so glad to seeing a little bit of their lives. I couldnt stop crying and learning so much with all of them. I'm in love !

This couple are the best! They’re angels

This is soo sweet.. I love this family ❤️

Aww! The first little guy!

her voice is so much better than mine and the song she was singing is my bop right now

This is irrelevant, but Abi's teacher was kinda cute lollll

Bird box for life challenge

‘Holy Storms’ is now my favourite saying ever,


Hide n Seek must be wild.

*_lol how can u be blind just turn up ur brightness tf_*

Hannah is a really good singer

Simon cowl: what’s your name Hannah: Hanna Simon cowl: alright Hannah , give it all you’ve got Hannah: thanks Hannah: Can anybody find meeeeee, somebody to lovvveeeeee Simon cowl: wow your extremely, extraordinarily talented Simon cowl: it’s a yes from me David Williams: yes from me Other people: it’s a yes from uss Simon cowl: your through to the finals Crowd:

8:03 when my jam comes on

What state do they live in

I'd marry hannah, she's so cute.

It broke my heart to see Abi sitting by herself at lunch


Hannah's laugh makes me so happy, it's so contagious

im sad why abby alone in the school ?

The most sweetest children and kindest parents I’ve seen

this warmed my heart so much

I love all the positive comments

When Hannah started singing, I got the chills!!

I love this❤️❤️

I wanna hug abi!!!

Imagine they remember the whole house and you just move your furniture after 6 years of trying to remember it

They must live pretty close to me or something since I’m going to George Mason one day.

this restores my faith in humanity

When they laugh it makes me laugh and smile becuase they are happy and they have a good relationship with eachother

Awwww Abi and how she said she was excited was so adorable and amazing. You can tell that others, if they didnt know them, would underestimate them and might even treat them horribly. But these children are actually quite smart and are so inspirational and amazing. They deserve the world.

"in my world everything sounds so happy"

This is hilarious and SO true, lol!!!

Is that just me or does she look like one of those demonds from a movie 6:16


If they ever do an update on this family let me know! They seem so wholesome and happy.

This video was posted on my birthday!!!

Hannah is me laughing when I’m not supposed to be laughing

What a beautiful family ❤️ and what outstanding parents. Bless them all. The all stole my heart

I love this Family. It makes me glad that they are happy. They are all so funny and have such personality.

If I saw Abi sitting by herself I would 100% go and sit with her

Mother- *You never know what your gonna find in there* Me- *You mean my room??*

Love u Hannah

You guy are such a good familly

You can watch their channel if you wanted to know them more

+Kashi Thanks Kashi! ❤

SixBlindKids I subscribed

They arent they talk about their troube's theu have had on their own channel

You can learn about them more by going on their yt channel with david hes just blind but all the other kids have other things with hannah probably being one of the highest functional

This video was so cute they are all so happy

Thanks for sharing. I love this family!

5:35 r/contagiouslaughter

I started crying when Abi said she is sad when she's alone, and then it cut to the clip of her being alone at the lunch table!!!

I’m not blind but, can y’all adopt me too? Orrr....

I love this!

Abi is by far my favorite

I think they are a happy family what makes a family special is family and you don’t have to be blood related but that’s family is always going to be there for each other and help out that’s good thing of family

There’s an autistic kid in my school he nice everyone is nice to him but he does the same thing as obed with his hands why is this?

House full of Love. ❤️

You can find updates on our channel..❤

So what else does Abi have? (Not trying to be insulting or anything) cause everyone else seems able to talk normally but she seems more... Slow?

God bless them

hannah got me weak af

Hannah's laugh is so contagious, I love it!!

Good god the miracles of inbreeding on display ha ha ha

they all look like really smart children which is impossible if you are blind

Wait, what?! Blindness has absolutely nothing to do with being smart.

Can they adopt me?

I want to be Abi’s friend

this mad me cry

Is it just me or me looking at Jesse's hair was just so cool

Somebody get that girl a record deal!

These guys are cool. :D

Amazing ❤️

The thai girl is so fantastic, I fell in love with her personality.

5:33 omg, in the pink shirt... she is so me. I'm always the loudest laughing and fun person in the room. I laughed so hard cause i see so much of her in me. Never lose your spunk girl. Keep laughing and being the sunshine that you are. Such a lovely and bright spirit

Ohmygosh another sweet family xx

This is called stimming, and it is a known trait in autism. It also can occur in people with other neurological or neurodevelopmental disorders and anxiety disorders. It is the person’s response to over-stimulation, and it is often calming for them.

Love this family...They are so bless to have each other

What a beautiful couple to raise and love these beautiful kids


Seeing abi eat alone at lunch breaks my heart

Is is just me or does Abby look like wraith from apex legends

My favorite part is the sucction cup part

Hellen Keller would call these kids amateurs.

Ok...? Did you watch the whole video and all you could think was to come up with a joke?

At this time I almost cried :'( 31:24

All of the people who disliked this video are garbage.

I don’t understand why their eyes move so much if they’re just blind.. Edit: Someone explain to me please...

1 like = 1 prayer for these kids. God Bless Them :)

2:04 Take 94 Dad: Bethany is 19. Mom: good you finally remembered

I am in absolute tears omg. Regardless of what they have going on kids and teens deserve to feel supported, validated and human. These people are amazing for being their advocates and giving them the opportunity to experience a loving and supported lifestyle as they grow and develop. NO YOURE CRYING.

They are funny.

Abi was found in a trashcan?? Danggggg

I love this channel please carry on with this. Thank you Chris for your hard work and everyone that helps to produce these :)

This is wonderful

omg hannah is such a wonderful singer!!!!

The parents are the best

I feel so bad for them.. but im glad they found the perfect family

Wonderful parents making these children indenpendant! God Bless

I wonder if you could make eye drops thatyou can drop in eyes and have genes are dna that can multipy cells in eyes and grow like tumor but not and grow eyes

10:48 omg I feel so bad for abi

"In my world everything sounds so happy" made me cry

I am just inquisitive, not trying to be rude, but do they have other mental disabilities?

Yes. Three are on the autism spectrum and there are intellectual disabilities as well. ❤

This made my heart so happy. The love that the parents have for their kids and the love that the siblings have for each other is beautiful

for real tho. Abi is the coolest one.

Living life to the full and enjoying every moment. A wonderful family, great example to all, sighted or not.

Beautiful family. I'm sure when they grow up, they'll find love, and surely live a happy life.

Omg Hannah is an amazing singer!! And singing queen is definitely hard and she pulls it off!!! AMAZING GORGEOUS!!

+SixBlindKids oh, thank you for letting me know thank you ^_^ ♥️

Abi has intellectual disabilities related to the same genetic disease that caused her to be blind. ❤

I got a Nescafe ad just before abi said "I like coffee"

And here I am playing PUBG Mobile

I wonder what it’s like to have a guaranteed seats in heaven bruh..

The parents are angels

Just beautiful

the interviewers dont have any manners

tbh david is actually pretty smart

i really hope abi doesnt get bullied

I mean, you can tell blindness isn't all they are effected by. There's something else going on.

i feel bad for Abi

*Abi singing* Chris- are you done? Abi-yes. Chris-thank you Abi- you’re welcome :3 That was freaking adorable

Suction cup lol

Omg Hanna is such a beautiful singer

aww obed is so cute lol

Oh my God I love hannah

Pure definition of unvaccinated

Dad: Bethy is 19 years old Mom: that's good you did good.

Hannah is my spirit animal

22:15 ummm American Idol

A day in the life would be a great TV show

Aww i just love there family

When I saw the lunch scene, my heart dropped

4:57 why is she laughing so hard it’s not funny lol

Bless these children and parents

That sucks they can’t play fortnite

abi has such beautiful eyes wow

I love these people

Maybe I should adopt so many kids need a mom this is really speaking to me like I love seeing ppl who need help have the ppl around them they deserve to show them how to enjoy life

All this happy stimming in this video makes me happy stim as well ^-^

In the same way that you move your eyes around when you're thinking. Their eye movements are just more pronounced because they don't have any visual input to make them aware of how much they're moving their eyes.

Im just thankful for their parents, because they take care of them even they're different than other kids, Im just really thankful godbless ane take care!

Hannah is beautiful

I really love this channel and this was a great video :)

This is a great video, you can really tell how proud the mom is of her children just by her expressions.

WHY ARE VIDEOS LIKE THESE NOT MONETIZED !!!!! Youtube, fix yourself.

Im abi at lunch i have no friends because when im around people i get sad

Awe abi so sweet abi is lovley ❤❤❤❤❤❤

i like that cris probly told abi his name once and she remembered his voice, step pattern because without him speaking she just said "hey, Chris" thats really cool

i love that they might not have known they were blind at first but they still knew they had some kind of disability and they were willing to rise them and even past the age were most kids move out, this is a lifetime commitment, really and i respect them for that

I feel sorry for people who blind because they can't see ❤❤

If i was blind i would be sad everyday because i can't see

Hannah is so good at singing omg

This video shows that everyone can do anything

Oml that’s a tough job for the parents

how did they get blind? im just really curious

I wonder what they will do when the pass away

Hannah Bartling has a song named "Brother" available on iTunes, Amazon and Apple Music. It's very well done. I liked it a lot.

I wish everyone can be blind so no one can judge off appearance. The most would be voice but even that is effected by who they truly are.

Your are a blessing to these wonderful smart kids

Hannah is so good at singing

Love Hanna's laugh!

Your so lucky

The parents are so loving !

Abi is already a better singer than me

Hannah should go on Americas got talent ;0

whoever disliked this rethink your life

Hannah can really sing

May God bless their lives

First clip of Abi is a mood

I am half blind

Dang!! Nice vid

Am I the only one who laughed at 23:34

I dont think I have ever heard anyone so genuinely say that the world is a happy place. that was really beautiful and lovely what a wonderful group of people

I love Hannah, she seems like such a fun person to be around! I love them all though. ♥️

Abi has such beautiful eyes! I love them.

There good people.

Abi is such a good singer! No for serious, she is!

Is it bad that I thought she was going to say every day bro

All of those kids are amazing

I look at this family as a normal family

They are so cute

I just don't get how people want to unlike this

Wow. these are the real heroes.

9:48 I'm laughing because of a girl.

This is a W onderful I ntelligent R are D ifferent E xciting Family


Seeing abi sing made me happy

you people are very inspiring and I just love you so much nice job you guys are going far.

10:48 broke my heart im here sobbing and crying that is so sad if someone who was sitting by themselves alone i wouls 100% go sit with him no matter what disorder, disability, race no matter what

Me to my mom || 0:58 || “good morning”

these kids are what you call smart and I feel bad if they get picked on I just hope they dont

Hannah is better than me at singing, even with 4 senses. Like if you can relate.

its incredible how it looks like they know what their doing

such good people may God bless you

I a,ways wanted to know what they do on the weekends

their laughs make me laugh :')))) so precious

this is so sad

and im here tripping over ladybugs and air while i can see...

Omg Hannah singing was amazing! She's so beautiful.

I hope they get better

He is So cuteeeee


This is such a cool family

"Are you hungry boy?"

Screw the 5 blind mice.. Lets do the six blind kids. (bless their hearts)

Idk something seems off with the dad/uncle. Is it just me?! Okay

tv? for what 4:30

I want that kind of life about 15-20 years later. If I would be alive

The world needs more families and people like this

im from thialand origionally

My uncle is gonna be a doc to help people and kids with disabilties

Wow! That’s a lot. I love how they have each other and I wish them the best! ❤️

If i ever have to sit in the cafeteria by myself like abi, I'd genuinely cut myself

This touched my soul. This family can teach us all about love, happiness and being grateful for life

I have the same backpack as Hannah :V

Ok this is cute! You guys are adorable!

This video made me cry because Abi was sitting alone

This made me cry for like 10 mins straight. So many Inspirational people . God bless them❤️

Hannah’s singing was so good

0:24 looks like child abuse

Please my beautiful people any time you see someone who's blind and your eyes is normally please thank to GOD

If I went to Abi school I would want to sit by her and ask her do she want to be friends

this is amazing an like actually touching. i cant say enough this is just, amazing.

Every child deserves to be special

I'm just happy that they are happy

This made my heart hurt but feel good at the same time

Yay I love these DITL

The family is so cute ❤❤❤

*My heart just melted*

If I was in her class and school I would sit next to her everyday n be her friend

i hope some how you guys can see

Hannah is amazing! :D

I can't wait until I have my own home and enough income to where I can foster and adopt. My sister has adopted one girl and is awaiting for the system to find her second child for her!

Please more day in the life videos!!!! This is eye opening .... oops no pun intended!


Estas Pessoas Definitivamente Não São deste Planeta. A União da Essência e Consciência em seu mais Pura Forma.

I feel so freaking bad for this family

Their all so cute!

I feel so bad I was crying so Mach

I feel so bad I was crying so much

Where’d y’all put my tooth brush?

Abi can have my heart omg.. She's just so fricking adorable, also everytime "Chris" showed up I couldn't help but just laugh by her saying "Hi Chris" it's just so cute. They're all adorable and I love all of them, can please be friends with all of them ❤❤

You guys wow I can't believe you guys are strong alott of support

I felt so bad to see abi sitting all alone if i was there i would leave my friends to go sit by her. and it was so sad when they said she was found in a trash can, whoever put her in there deserves to be in jail for life.

6 beautiful blessings that are so full of joy

I'm obsessed.

What a cute family. :")

Hannah, Bethany, Chris and Abi all seem like amazing and funny people. Even though Obed and Jesse have trouble creating words, they're probably amazing and funny as well.

I've seen this family around/went to school with some of the kids, and they're so nice! I'm glad they were featured on this channel!

I have a brother is like the little boy but he can't walk at all. We are still very greatfull for how far he's come

I think you guys are a normal family

It beautiful because there so many of them

So many unintended puns. "Blindness is somewhat of a disability but at the same time, just *look* at us as a normal family" "Encouragement for *every step* of the way"

jeez hannah its not that funny

What an adorable family. So happy and cool. This is even better than a “normal family” to be honest. I wish my family was as happy and determined....

This teaches a strong lesson everyone should be like this

Adorable Video, would love to see a Part 2


They’re all so sweet ❤️

1:10 and they were roommates

I love Obed's teacher! he really opened my mind

Why do they not have pillows???

*My sister is blind. She was born blind and she is the happiest person I have met. She does everything we do like she can see.*

This family is so kind and. Good

Did anyone’s else heart break when Abi was sitting alone. Bro I want to meet her❣️

GOD BLESS YALL for helping the kids who need your help and your one of the BEST PEOPLE OUT THERE!

11:23 is sad because she’s needs to sit all by herself. If I met her I would be her friend and sit with her

That lady is so legend and kind

I swear if someone judges these people they obviously have no idea what this feels like

Hannah can sing really good

this is too sad for me too watch guys like if you agree

*John Cena* : "goes up to a blind person". *John Cena* : You can't see me. *Blind person* :

I feel soo sad the way she sits in lunch with nobody beside her

Thank God for these people who adopted them

This is so cute!

For me to sum it all up, beautiful family

These kids are so beautiful. I hope they have successful futures! :)

It hurt to know Abi was in a bin when they found her,but she will always have a huge voice and that is amazing. This is a rad family. 100%. All the way. Every single one of them.

this is such a cute family omgggg

Abi's teacher is hot (sorry for that)

I really wanna be Abi's friend

abi reminds me of jaidenanimations

Please can I get likes

i blame the solar eclipse

Aww there family is so cute just because they have a disability it doesn’t mean to treat them different we’re all human.

can we just talk about how passionate and bright the teachers are towards them all??? you can tell they all have something good to say about them and they’re proud to be their educators. truly blessings!

Abi is my favorite

When she started singing my heart was filled up with joy I would be her friend 100%

Such beautiful people

I was born normal but the water go into my lungs so I was all blue the nurse who treated me didn't give me oxygen mask so my mum pray Jesus answer her pray the nurse finally give me oxygen mask if not for Jesus I am dead by now. Now I have brain damaged just why my balance, speech, muscles & my control is not so good.

I’m from Thailand too

Awww Hannahs so kind to her roommate!!

Did they adopt them

I love all of them

this made sad because i can go blind to if i want use drops :(( but i happy to see the mum and dad still happy that they have children i think they adopt them this what i love about her they have beautiful heart inside. if world was like that the world would be happier but now i see sadness in this world racism killing and more...

Abi's teacher is a snac

Can you please do more videos with this family because they’re awesome!!!

They have you tube chanel sixblindkids

woah, abi's getting sassy, *I Like hot tea with sugar PERIOD*

you can diss on them all you want because they will never be able to read what you type

I feel so sorry for Obed he just looks so helpless at the beginning but I know that he’s ok Edit: I wish no one was blind man I mean imagine how much u would wanna see your friends and your mom and dad

they have youtube channel subscribe to their channel!!

Thanks, Lara!

4:26 - 4:29 Why would they want to know where the tv is?

Omg when I saw abi say I like having friends around me than it cuts to a scene abi sitting by herself I feel so bad

Best parents ive ever seen

they watched too much tv

Hannah makes me feel happy

i love your story and they r all special and each way

OMG Hannah is such a character, just love her!!!

I’m super excited because my grandparents live in Fairfax, VA and that’s where Hannah’s job is and I definitely want to go visit!

This channel makes me want to be a better person

abi’s singing was the cutest thing ever

23:49 it made me laugh how Jesse in the background was just doing her own thing. They're all beautiful people!

they need to teach them to be independent??

This family is incredible! The parents seem so kind and the kids seem to reflect an incredible upbringing!



Now make them all play hide and seek

21:09 his face when he says that he Knows were all there stuff is

Abi’s teacher is cute af


awww i love this video

23.56 is the funniest thing with Jesse in the back. this is heart warming and is so inspiring.


I wonder if people born blind have a special kind of echolocation.

Wow! Ok Hannah also has amazing musical talent!!

Abi has some amazing musical talent!

I Love This ❤️

poor people shame on those who see this videos and use drugs and mess up their healty life

Obed has got sick moves tho!

It was so sad when he asked abi do you like being alone or friends it took so long to agree people need to know that’s people are all the same on are own way

i really like them

Wow Hannah can sing that’s amazing

why do they need to know where the TVs are?

So they can watch their shows...!

This is the cutest family ever if I could I would love to gift them their eyesite back asap

Hannah can sing

Hannah is hilarious

God bless these parent they are amazing n raising wonderful children

I thought it said six bird box

godamn is hannah a good singer. abi seems so kind and happy i just wish her school friends wernet such dicks. david seems so mature and kind with alot of independence. alot of respect goes out for the parents and collegues for helping them and riasing them to be mature and resectfull adults.

I usually can’t watch things like this cause they make me cry but this made me so happy

This is the most wholesome family I've ever seen. We sighted folks can learn a lot about life and happiness from these guys.

the parents of these kids are the true definition of great people

Amazing family.

this is so adorable.

It made me sad to see Abi sitting all alone at lunch... She seems like such a love!! All of the kids do :)

So inspirational.

Very courageous people

S-Rank Pashakuzu love you too❤️⭐️- me Thank you for being nice, also r u a boi or girl-mushemellows friend

+MusheMellow i will, love ya!

S-Rank Pashakuzu that was my friend but thanks for being sorry ❤️⭐️:)

S-Rank Pashakuzu it is ok just be nice and put your self in their position

+MusheMellow ok I'm sorry :(

S-Rank Pashakuzu shut up child

youre obsessed and they look possessed

The parents are some special people!! :)

Can he talk.

Obeds smile literally brightened my whole day, and Hannah's voice is absolutely amazing!!!

Abi : *puts hand on mouth* Hannah: HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHA OH MY GOD!!!

im so heartbroken watching abi eat alone

Is there any info about what the parents do/did for a living? I’m just interested since they can provide so comfortably and are obviously well off!

Why didn’t anyone sit with her??! During testing season at school, the lunch schedule is different and there was this one autistic girl (who was SO smart) that was sitting at a table alone so my friends and I went to go sit with her. It’s not hard people, just do it

@ 4:26 why would they need to know where the TVs are???

I'm not blind and i can't eat yogurt without spilling it on myself lol

Lul Im john cena (you can't see me hahahahahahahahahahahahah stoopid

These kids are so determined


Theyre so lucky to have these careful parents and loving one and these parents are lucky to have super Nice kids

I just love Hannah she is so bright and seems like such a sweet girl she is very inspiring 100% hands down would be her friend

Amazing documentary, love this programme

Amazing beautiful people


It makes me smile when they all laugh together

God, bless the world with more such wonderful humans for parents ♥️

Abi singing "Everyday" makes me the happiest. There aren't enough good things to say about this family, this channel and this host! Thanks for making and sharing these videos, you beautiful people!

they're so sweet :>

what happens when one of the girls are on their period? just asking..... does their mother help them?....... if so, how? and no, im not trying to be rude, please excuse me

I wish my family got along this well together

everytim they say hannah im like hUH, cause my name is hannah xD but im not 24 im much younger

People who adopt are awesome people; those that adopt those with special needs have earned a place in Heaven.

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